
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Sep 12, 2001


This story contains consenting sex between men. If that offends you; or if to read such material is illegal for you, where you live; or if you are under the age of consent - then surf on elsewhere. Otherwise I hope you enjoy.

The Countrymen 3.

Resume:- The narrator is Phil, a retired man in his sixties, who met Colin a farmer in his early forties, while walking in the north of England. Colin invited Phil back to his house. Sex between them took place. A week later Phil went and stayed the night with Colin, who began to tell Phil his story. Colin also told Phil about a group of gay men to which he belonged, who called themselves The Countrymen. Phil also very briefly met Kevin, the youngest member of the group.

Part Three.

My next visit to Colin was some two weeks later. In the week between I had gone down south to stay with one of my kids, and to see the grandchildren.

My thoughts kept returning to Colin, and the two sessions we had had. I was wanting more; and I know he was too. I wondered what would be involved in becoming one of the Countrymen. I had had that brief encounter with Kevin. He seemed so young. Would he be wanting to have fun with an older guy like me? I had gathered that Tom was about the same age as myself, at least, we were in the same decade, and Kevin and Tom were in the group together. I had heard about young men who did not mind, even liked, sex with older men, but to my regret none of them ever seemed to come my way. Then there was the fourth member of the Countrymen, there seemed to be something of a mystery about him. Colin never spoke as freely about him as he did about Kevin and Tom. I supposed that I would find out about him in due course.

I arranged things rather differently for the next visit. I set off soon after breakfast and did a good sixteen mile walk. I find walking good for thinking. I looked back over my life, and examined the new turn it seemed to be taking. I had almost reconciled myself to being 'past it' when it came to sexual activity; and here I was looking forward to sex and a night in bed with another man. The weather was not so good as the day those three weeks before when I had first met Colin, as he was hedging in one of his fields. It was colder, and there was a strong wind. It seemed to delight in harassing the odd left over leaves of autumn. It was almost too windy for it to rain. The clouds were heavy, and chasing each other across the sky. Spring seemed further away than it had done on my walk three weeks before. I sat and had my lunch in the shelter of a derelict barn. During the afternoon I thought the wind was beginning to slacken, and veer round to the west. The first few drops of rain began as I hurried towards the car. When I got into the car and sat in it for a while and began to relax. I just hoped that I would not be too tired for any fun later.

So it was that about 5.00 o'clock I drove my car round to the back of Colin's farmhouse. He was just walking across the yard.

"Have you had a good walk? Its alright for you retired folk!" We gave each other a quick kiss.

"Yes. Sixteen miles today; and I am in need of a shower."

"So am I. So we can have one together. I hope you've not got yourself too tired to do anything later!"

"So do I. But I am sure the sight of your stiff cock, and the feel of your hairy legs, and the softness of your lips will have a rejuvinating effect and soon take away any tiredness."

I unloaded my car and placed things in his porch, before sitting down to take off my dirty footwear. In our stocking feet we went into the house and were promptly in each other's arms.

"I'm in need of that, - and more," I said.

"Haven't you had any fun since last time?" asked Colin.

"No. Have you?"

"All of us Countrymen got together last Monday. And Kevin came round on Friday."

"You're lucky!"

"Well, the solution is in your hands. You'll have to become one of us."

"It sound very attractive."

"We talked a bit about you. Kevin is very keen for you to become a part of the group -."

"But he's only met me for a couple of moments." I interrupted.

"So? He liked what he saw, and would like to see more."

I laughed, and went upstairs for a shower, while Colin put some already prepared part of the meal into the microwave. The hot water soon cleaned and refreshed me. Then Colin came in and began to wash and scrub his hands.

"Old habits die hard! My mother always was very insistent that Dad and my hands were thoroughly clean. 'Don't want any of that farm muck in here.' she would say. As a lad I had to hold my hand up for inspection before every meal. When she were ill she used to ask if I'd washed my hands properly before preparing the meal."

Colin began to strip off, and I got out of the shower and began to dry myself.

"Do just four of you make up the countrymen?" I asked.

"Yea, just four of us, at least until you join" said Colin as he pulled off his shirt.

"I've met Kevin; you've mentioned Tom. Whose the fourth?"

"A guy we call Vic."

"You call him Vic. That's not his real name? Why?"

"It's simpler than his real name," said Colin taking off his shirt.

We were now both naked. We looked at each other and grinned. There seemed to be an unspoken understanding between us to save ourselves completely until later. Colin went into the shower and I began to get dressed.

"How often do the Countrymen meet?" I asked when Colin got out of the shower and began to dry himself.

"Varies. All four of us probably once a month, but two, and sometimes three of us will meet at least once a week."

"Cor! Do you always meet here?"

"Usually. It is out of the question for any meeting at Tom's. He's married, and his wife always seems to be at home. Kevin lives with his parents still, but there are times when they are both away. They reckon to take a couple of holidays a year, and there is sometimes the odd weekend, so sometimes we can go there. Occasionally there has been some fun at Vic's; but not very often. Quite often a couple of them will meet here when I am not around. I have a regular farmer's meeting on a Wednesday, that is difficult to get out of. They all know where the key is hidden, so they can come in any time if they want to use the room. I have returned home to find a notice on the table - 'room in use'- and I just let them get on with it. And that's fine by me, they can use the room without me any time."

By this time Colin was dressed, and we made our way down stairs. The next quarter of an hour was busy getting the meal ready. Colin had prepared the first course, and I had made a gooseberry pie as a pudding. Or as some of the older locals would have called it a goosegob pie

Then we sat down to eat. When we had taken the edge off our appetites, and that was well into the pie and custard, I began to ask Colin about his college days. "You told me about Paul last time. Did knowing him make much of difference for you?"

"Yea! He introduced me to Gay Soc. There were not many of us. Ten to fifteen members and possibly another half a dozen who would come along to some of the meetings. That was good. Heard each other's stories. Sometimes a speaker, often a discussion or purely social meeting."

"Did you have sex with some of the other guys?"

"Oh yea. But some were in an exclusive relationship."

"But you and Paul weren't."

"No, said he didn't want another exclusive relationship after Carl. At least, not so soon after Carl's death. We saw a lot of each other. Frequently had sex together. But both had fun with other guys."

"Things stopped with Paul when you left college?"

"Not straight away. He went to live down in St Albans. Had a flat. I spent a couple of weekends with him. We also went on holiday together, to Spain. Ten days together. I think that was the most concentrated time of sex that I've ever had. Slept together, so it was always last and first thing, and often in the middle of the night. Then there was siesta time. I think I came seven or eight times most days. I were young then. Came home shattered."

"You're parents didn't question you about going on holiday with Paul."

"No. Why should they? There would have been more questions if I'd been going with a lass. Mum's last words to me when I went off were, 'I hope you meet a nice girl while you are away. It's time you were settling down.'

Last thing I wanted to meet was a lass. I was happy with the guy I was going with. One of Mum's first questions when I got back was 'Did you meet anybody? A nice girl?' I am afraid I had to disappoint her"

By this time we had finished the meal. I needed to go to the loo, so I left Colin to start clearing away. The loo in Colin's house is upstairs, so I was away for several minutes.

When I came back into the room it was find that Kevin there. He and Colin were standing in a close embrace. Kevin was grinding his crotch into Colin,

and they were deep kissing each other. I do not know who was the most surprised Kevin or myself. I just stood there, feeling a bit out of it. Kevin turned when he heard me come in, his mouth dropped open, and he pulled away from Colin. He almost looked guilty.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking from one to other of us. "I didn't realise you had company," he said to Colin.

"Well, you met Phil last time he was here. I don't have to keep you informed of all my doings," replied Colin with a laugh.

"And good to see you again," said Kevin to me. He took a couple of steps towards me. I somehow expected that we would shake hands. But Kevin pulled me to him and gave me a warm affection hug.

"Would you two like a cup of coffee?" asked Colin.

When we both said, 'Yes', Kevin and I went through to the greater comfort of the sitting room while Colin made some coffee.

We sat together on the settee. "Its good to see you," said Kevin again. He then rubbed my thigh. "When are you going to join the Countrymen?"

"I don't know. Don't know if you'll have me."

"Well I want you," said Kevin emphatically. "And I know that Colin does. Says you're good at it, and fun in action."

"I don't know about that. Aren't I too old?"

"Rubbish. If the essential parts work, you're certainly not too old. You're a fit man. Keen walker I'm told. Your figure is trim."

"But I'm well into my sixties."

"So what! So's Tom. He's great. Have you met him yet?"

"No. You and Colin are the only Countrymen I've met."

"We'll have to do something about it. Won't we?" he said to Colin as he entered the room with a tray with three steaming mugs of coffee on it.

"Won't we, what?" asked Colin.

"Make this wonderful sexy guy a member of the group."

My ego mounted at being called a wonderful sexy guy.

"Yes, we'll have to arrange a complete get together. Takes some arranging what with meetings, work, and Tom's wife."

I lent over and whispered into Kevin's ear, just loud enough for Colin to overhear, "And how do you know I'm such a sexy guy?"

"I can tell," said Kevin, sticking his head up proudly. "I just know. I can't wait to find out if you as good as Colin says. I want to find out what is up here." He lightly ran his hand over my crotch. Much more and he would have found something hard.

Colin was laughing aloud. "Kevin, you're a shocker. All you can think about is sex, sex with men. You're not joining us tonight, though. Phil is mine tonight. Next time maybe, after I have talked about it with Phil. He's my guest."

"Oh dear. What a disastrous evening. I come round hoping for a session with Colin. I was just getting him roused when Phil walks in. When I see who it is, my hopes, and my dick, begin to rise hoping for a threesome, but no. Poor young Kevin is going to be frustrated and thrown out sex starved and sex hungry into the wet and windy night."

Colin was still laughing. He came over and knelt in front of Kevin. He put both hands on Kevin's knees and looked at him straight in the face. "You poor young thing. But tell me how many times have you cum today?"

Kevin was suddenly serious, and slowly began to count on the fingers of his hand. "Just four," he said sadly. "Once in bed when I woke up in the early hours. Then in the shower. Once in the toilet at work in the afternoon, and then again when I got home."

"And you call yourself sex starved, said Colin.

"Yes, they were all with Mr Thumb and his four sons."

"I though it was Mrs Thumb and her four daughters," I blurted out. I had not heard that old expression for years.

"It is Mrs and daughters for straights. I'll have nothing to do with them. I go to see Mr Thumb. But his family are poor substitutes for the real thing." With that he pulled Colin to him and gave him a full kiss on the mouth. Then he turned to me, and putting his arms round me pulled me to him. He kissed me. "And I can't wait to get inside your pants. I'm sure you've got some good tackle down there." Again he felt my crotch. This time he felt something. He looked my in the eye, and we exchanged broad grins.

Kevin then stood up. "I must be going. I'll leave you two to your night of passion. Do every I would do, and a bit more."

We all stood up. Kevin gave me a long hug. He whispered in my ear, "I hope that next time we can get down to some real getting to know each other." With that he ground his crotch into me, and I could feel him hardening, and I knew he could feel me. Then he gave Colin a long passionate hug. He turned at the door and gave us a little wave. "Bye my dears. Have fun." With that he was gone.

Colin and I sat on the settee, and we laughed.

"Is he always like that?" I asked.

"Usually. Full of energy, full of fun, and always wanting sex."

We sat close together for several minutes in silence.

"There is one thing that surprises me." I said.

"What's that?"

"I am still surprised how a young man like Kev, with the whole field to play, should be happy and wanting to have sex with an old guy like me, and I suppose Tom, as well."

"It happens. Some guys seem to prefer older guys. Whether it is a father figure, or an uncle figure I don't know. It would be interesting to do some research. But Kevin comes from a secure middle class family. His father is around, so i don't think he's looking for a substitute father figure. Though I don't think they're particularly close, perhaps the gay thing is the reason for that."

"But there are so many years between us."

"So what? Stop playing yourself down. Look at you. All that walking you do makes sure that you've got a good figure. I've seen men in their twenties with great pendulous beer bellies, who must only be able to see their dicks when they look in the mirror. The only way you can tell your age, is the colour of your hair..."

"Or lack of it!"

"True and your face and neck. From the neck down your body is as good as mine."

"Nice of you to say so." I lent over and gave him a kiss. We sat close with our arms round each other.

"But what about next time?" asked Colin. "What do you say to having young Kevin along for a meal, so you can get to know him a bit better; and then some action together?"

"Its been a long long time since I was involved in a threesome."

"So what? Would you like to give it a try?"

"I might be a disappointment to him, when he came to see me in the nuddy."

"You're not a disappointment to me. And I'm sure you'll not be to him. Stop playing yourself down! So what about it then?"

"Yea. Why not? If you say so"

"Fine then. I'll try to fix it a.s.a.p."

"Tell me some more about these Countrymen, are you just four fuck buddies?"

"No, we are more than that. As you know Tom and I go back a long, long way.

I met Kevin about eighteen months ago. I soon introduced him to Tom. We knew he was involved with someone else fairly local. But for a long time he was very cagey about who it was. Eventually after about six months he brought Vic along. It was very soon after that I set up the room for us, and we drew up some rules. But no. We're not just four fuck buddies. We're four friends, real friends. I'd do anything for Tom, and he'd do anything for me. Now I feel same way with Kevin and Vic. We share much more than our bodies in sex. We talk a lot. Disagree and argue quite a bit, especially when Vic or Kevin are around. One of the rules is that we tell each other what has happened. Kevin and I had a couple of hours together last week. We told Vic and Tom as soon as we could. When we next saw them. Kevin told me this evening that he had been with Vic as well, and has probably had some time with Tom as well. We have become close friends.

There is a real concern for each other. I suppose you could say it ... a real love for each other. I hope that doesn't sound too wet."

"No, not at all. Why shouldn't men feel for each other in a deep way."

"That means that if you are to join the Countrymen, all of us must be happy about it and positively want you, as well as you wanting to be a part of the group."

We gave each other some more kisses.

"I don't know about you," said Colin, "but I am wanting something more."

"Me too."

We stood up and he took me by the hand and led me upstairs.

We went into his bedroom and began to undress. Now we both had a different sequence when it came to undressing. We both began with our shoes, but the Colin worked upwards, socks, trousers, in his case jeans, pants, and finally whatever on top, and that evening it was a pullover and a shirt. My sequence went from shoes to pullover and shirt, then trousers, then pants and finally socks. It so happened that evening I was down to my pants and socks when he was just in his shirt. I looked across and saw his hairy thighs disappearing under the bottom of his shirt. I walked across, and put my hand underneath so that his flaccid cock lay in the palm of my hand. With my other hand I gently cupped his balls. He undid the front of his shirt so it was open the whole way, revealing most of his hairy chest and belly.

I looked down at his cock as it lay on my hand. In its limp state it was not very long. Its skin was slightly darker than the rest of his body. The main part of it was smooth, but there were several creases in the long foreskin that covered the head. We looked at each other and grinned.

Almost immediately his wonderful pleasure rod began to get heavier on my hand. It began to swell, and I could see the head beginning to push along through the foreskin. I kept his cock in the palm of my hand, while with my other hand gently felt his balls, and then as though I was stroking a small animal, I stroked his cock.

Colin drew in a deep breath, and then relaxed in pleasure. When his cock was almost fully erect I knelt down and put it against my cheek. Colin's hands began to stroke my head. I nibbled with my lips and licked his cock. Then, when I saw a glistening drop of aperitif cum appear, I licked it off. It tasted good. I sucked for some more. Colin's fingers began to feel gently into my ears, and I was surprised at what a turn on that action was.

So we continued for some time. Each giving pleasure to the other. Then Colin took me by the shoulders and pulled me to my feet. We hugged each other and kissed. I felt his hands go down my back and under the waist band of my boxers. He fondled my bum, and we pushed into each other. There were moans of appreciation and pleasure from us both.

As if by mutual consent we broke apart. Colin shrugged off his shirt and stood naked with his rampant cock proudly sticking our at right angles to his body, shinning in the light from the results of my sucking, and beginning to drool a thin streak of precum towards the carpet. I quickly scooped up with my finger what was in danger of being lost. I sucked my finger, and grinned at Colin. Then I slipped off my boxers and socks and we stood again facing each other. But only for a moment, Colin sprang onto the bed and lay on his back with his arms wide open welcoming me.

I joined him, legs to legs, cocks to cocks, chest to chest, mouth to mouth,

and lips exploring each the other one. We rolled around on the bed, enjoying the fullness of bodily contact. For several minutes we just enjoyed the proximity of each other.

"Tonight, I want you to fuck me," I eventually said.

"Great! And how d you want it"

"Just stay there on your back."

I crawled over the bed, so that I could reach into the bedside drawer, where I knew he kept his supply of condoms. As I did so, Colin wriggled down the bed beneath me, and began to suck my cock. With a condom and some lube in one hand I swung round so I could get my mouth on his cock. I was kneeling on all fours over him sucking his upward point cock; while he was beneath me sucking my down hanging dick. I was the first to break away as I did not want to reach the pitch of no return at that stage.

Colin got himself back into the middle of the bed, and lay on his back. I knelt astride him with my bum just over his knees. I got out a condom and began to put it on his tool. He murmured with pleasure. Then with some of the lube I began to prepare myself. Then I put the rest of the lube on him. While still astride him I worked my way forward until I was in the right position. I reached round behind me and held his dick, manoeuvring myself so it was on target. As the head of his cock touched me a sensation of thrilled anticipation ran through me. This was what I was wanting. I wanted to be impaled on Colin's strong dick. I began to sit back, all the time looking at Colin face. Slowly his cock made its way into me. Through the barrier of pain into the realm of pleasure. He filled with me with his warmth and strength. Fully in, we both relaxed, and smiled at each other.

"That was great," said Colin. "My cock feels as though it has found its home."

"It certainly feels at home for me."

We remained fairly still for some time, just enjoying each other. Then he began to move slightly, pushing up as if to force his cock further into me. With one hand I reached round and fondled his balls, while with the other hand I ran my finger through the thick jungle on his chest. His hands stroked my thighs and began to play with my cock and balls. I began to move up and down on his cock, and he began to thrust upwards more strongly. We grinned at each other, both knowing where we were going. Our movements became more rapid. We both began to cry out for more. It felt as though his cock was growing even bigger inside me, and then he gave a convulsive cry and I felt his cock spasm inside me. That triggered me off. My cock jerked and three successive jets of cum shot out about four or five inches onto Colin's stomach. For a couple of minutes we looked into each others eyes, both taking deep breaths of air. Again we smiled at each other.

"That were good, real good," said Colin.

I lent forward to give him a kiss and felt his much diminished cock slip sadly from me. I laid on top of him, kissing gently for a few moments. Then before we were too stuck together we broke apart, and cleaned ourselves up.

"You know something?" said Colin, as we settled back into bed with our arms round each other. "I'm enjoying these times together. You are beginning to mean a lot to me."

"Same here."

We lay there together for some time, occasionally kissing or touching each other. Totally relaxed and enjoying the proximity of the other.

I broke the silence. " I suppose things became easier for you when your Mum died."

"Yes, and no. Things were easier in that I had this place to myself. I could have Tom round here whenever we wanted. We did not need to be in the barn. It was often bloody cold in the winter. Could come and go as I wanted. Didn't have to tell Mum where I was going, or give a report when I got back. Things were easier in that respect, but in another they were a lot more difficult."

"How's that."

"The trouble was my aunt. Mum's sister. A couple of years older than Mum. She lives about five miles away. My mother was a school teacher; but the aunt was a headmistress, She was even more bossy and doctrinaire than my Mum, and that is saying something. She was always playing the older sister and headmistress with Mum. Rather looked down on Mum for never becoming a head, and also for marrying a mere farmer."

"Was she unmarried?"

"No she married. Fairly late in life. In her forties I think. Her husband was some years older than her and died after about five years of marriage. Hen pecked to death, if you ask me. When Mum died the aunt decided she would take Mum's place. She thought I needed sorting out, and especially I needed a woman, a wife. So she set about getting one for me. She knows everything and everybody for miles around here. Taught a whole generation in the school where she was head. Still regards ex pupils as though they were still kids. Well, she knew very well one of the Macmillan nurses that used to come in to look after Mum. She were called Heather. A week or so after the funeral Heather calls round to see how I was getting on, and brings a nice cake. She starts calling in regular, and always brought something with her. She's a nice lass. I like her. I didn't want to be rude or hurt her in any way. But I didn't want to go out with her or anything. I knew exactly what I wanted, and where I could get it. The aunt also kept popping round to see if I were okay. Kept on at me about girls, and the need of a wife. 'Can't have a farmer without a farmer's wife,' or 'This house needs a woman,' she would say. I wanted to say, 'Balls' to her, but I knew if I did I'd never hear the end of it. 'Don't you ever meet any nice girls?' 'You won't meet a nice girl if you ever go to places where you might meet one.' So she'd go on. Nag, nag nag. It drove me crazy. Then eventually after about six months, she asked, 'What about Heather, she a suitable girl. Why don't you take her out?' Then the penny dropped. I don't why I'd not realised it before. She and Heather were in it together. So I asked her. 'Have you been putting Heather up to coming round here with cakes and things?' I were real angry, and she knew it. She even blushed guiltily. I shouted at her, 'I don't want you interfering, or trying to run my life any more. You're nothing but an interfering old busy body!' She shouted back at me, 'You're an ungrateful, inconsiderate lout. Your mother spoilt you, that's the trouble. I always said so. You broke your poor mother's heart by not getting married. I sometimes wonder if you are one of them!' I knew then we were getting onto dangerous ground. If she found out, or realised, it would be round the place in double quick time. Gossip was a part of her life. 'Aunt,' I said,

'What I do with my life is my business and not yours. If I marry it will be when and to whom I please. I would thank you for not trying to order my life anymore. There's the door. Goodbye.' She walked out and slammed the door, and I have hardly seen her since."

"Did she put two and two together?"

"I don't know. It has never got out that I'm gay round here."

"Would it getting out make much of a difference for you."

"I should say. It would be very difficult for me to stay here."

"Why's that? Some of my neighbours know I'm gay."

"Yes. That's the difference between town and country." Colin paused for a moment thinking. "I think I know everybody who lives within two and a half miles of here. And nearly every one who lives within five miles. How many houses are there in your road?"

"Sixty. Thirty each side." I replied.

"Do you know everybody in your street?"

"I know my next door neighbours, and they do know I'm gay. I know a few others, about three or four, by name. I recognise most of the rest. At least those who have lived there for some time. But there are always people moving out, and new folk moving in."

"Exactly. In the country it is quite important to know everybody, and about everybody. Just up the road there are two farmers, the Spicers and the Radmores. You must never invite both to the same thing. It is important to know that. And useful to know why."

"Why, then?"

"The Spicers and the Radmores are related. Have a common great grandfather.

He died about 1870 and left a contentious will, something to do with a small field. Ever since then those two families have avoided each other like the plague. The Spicers are Church. Geraldine Spicer enrolling member of the Mother's Union. The Radmore's, when they go anywhere, go to some chapel four or five miles away. Sylvia Radmore is big in the Women's Institute. Most women around here belong to both, but not those two. If it were known that I'm gay I'd be sent to Coventry. Life would be extremely difficult. This is a very conservative part of the world. The County set still have a lot of influence. Homosexuality is condemned as unnatural, and vile. For most folk around here the very thought of what we've just done is thoroughly revolting."

"Is it really as bad as that?"

"Yea. You ask Vic, when you meet him. Or ask Kevin, he had to put up with a lot when he was younger. They'll tell you all about homophobia. I remember Vic telling us of a meeting he had been at where Colonel Hiron had been. Hiron is a farmer and likes to think of himself as the local squire. He isn't, but he has a lot of influence. Somehow the talk was one the subject of the repeal of Section 28. Hiron held forth, 'I regard Section 28 as one of the best bits of Maggie's legislation. To repeal it would be to license buggery, and make instruction in buggery mandatory in our schools.' Everybody at the meeting had nodded and muttered works of agreement. Vic thinks old Hiron was probably buggered at his snooty public school."

"Things are very different in town. I know a couple of gay men who have lived together for several years. They live just a couple of roads away from me. Their neighbours know the score. They have them round for drinks at Christmas, and have a midsummer party; and they are invited round to other peoples houses. For the vast majority of folk being gay is no hassle.

Except, of course, if you are next to some religious freak."

"Yea, Vic is the expert on that."

There was a break in our discussion while we hugged each other, and kissed deeply. The probing of Colin's tongue began to arouse me. He immediately felt my hardening cock pressing into his thigh.

"I can feel some new life down below," he said.

"Yes, and I can feel a renewed interest," as my hand played with his hardening cock.

We continued showing what we meant to each other. Then our conversation continued.

"When you stopped seeing Paul, did you only have fun with Tom?"

"Oh, no. I had several short affairs. One with a barber."

"How did that come about?"

"Well, one day I'd gone into Hull for various things, bank and some shopping. I'd meant to have a haircut. I was going back to the car, when I saw one of those striped barbers poles, don't see many of them now, and suddenly remembered I'd meant to have my haircut. I didn't have the time or want to go back to my usual hairdressers, so I looked into this one. There was just one guy having his haircut, and no one waiting. So I decided to have it done there. I'm not particular about getting a special cut. Just like to keep it short and tidy. I'm a short back and sides man. I didn't have to wait long. The barber was a guy in his mid to late twenties, just a couple of years older than I was, I suppose. I sat in the chair. He got me ready. Put the sheet thing, whatever they call it, round my neck and so on, and started cutting my hair. We got talking, he'd just bought the business from an old guy who had had it for years, and he was hoping to build up trade. It was a good cut so I decided that I'd go there again. So I went there the next time I needed a haircut. As you do, we talked a lot. On the third visit I noticed that this time he was tending to lean against the arm of the chair. I thought about it when I got home. Realised the arm of the chair was at about the height of his crotch. He hadn't done it at the other times when I been there. Next time I went to him, as usual late in the afternoon. I had to wait while he did a couple of guys. When I came in he'd greeted me very much as a regular. When my turn came I sat in the chair. Now I usually sit with my arms along the arms of the chair. I did so again. And again I noticed how his crotch was pressed up against the arm of the chair with my arm on it. When he shifted round to cut the other side of my head I moved my position, so that my elbows stuck out a little over the arm of the chair. Do you know what happened?"

"I can guess, but go on."

"He positioned himself so my elbow was into his groin. As he cut my hair I could feel him moving. I decided to try something. I gently wriggled my elbow that was against him. He just pressed some more, and I responded more strongly. I was watching him in the mirror, and caught a glimpse of a slight smile on his face. Then we both caught each others eyes in the mirror, and a knowing smile appeared on both our faces. Our movements together became slightly more pronounced. He was obviously enjoying what was going on."

"Weren't you as well?"

"Yea. I thought, 'this is interesting I wonder where it'll lead.' When he had finished cutting my hair, he got a smaller mirror, and held it at the back of my head so I could see the reflection in the mirror in front of me.

'Will that be all, Sir?' he asked, with a great smile on his face. 'It depends what else is on offer?' I asked with an as innocent expression on face as I could muster. He looked at his watch, 'Well, Sir, it is nearly closing time, would you like a cup of tea or coffee, before you go home?'

I thought that both a good idea with my journey home before me, and an interesting suggestion. So I accepted. He went over and locked the door, and reversed the 'Open' sign. He then led the way into a back room. I followed. It was a mixture of a store room, and a rest room. There were several boxes, some open, with the various things that are sold in such shops. There was an electric kettle, and an easy chair with various magazines on a low table. I thought I could just see the cover of a copy of the current issue of Gay Times peeping out from under the pile. He shut the door. We looked at each other and grinned. He filled the kettle and put it on. Then he rubbed his hand over his crotch as though making some adjustment to his landing gear. It might well have been a necessary move. My eyes watched his hand. His eyes watched mine. I lightly rubbed my crotch. He then took a couple of steps towards me, and placed his hand where mine had been. 'Is this what you would like, Sir?' he asked. 'Do stop calling me Sir. My name is Colin.' 'Okay then Colin, my name is Bernie'. He rubbed my hardening cock some more, its hardness must have been obvious to him. I reached across and did the same to him. 'That's nice, Sir.... Colin. I like that.' I could feel a hard but not very large cock. I put my other hand round him, and we came closer together. Slowly our heads moved towards each other, each watching the eyes of the other. Then we kissed. First a gentle peck, but quickly a full kiss, tongue wrestling together, and passion beginning to mount. It was then that the kettle began to boil."

"Something like that always seems to happen at the inappropriate moment."

"He turned away, and poured the boiling water into a tea pot. Then he turned back to me. His hand was quickly to my trouser fly, and unzipped me. His hand went in. I was wearing tight pants in those days, so it was difficult for him to get his fingers fully on to me, so he just rubbed my cock. I let him rub away for short while. I then unzipped him, and put my hand in. To my surprise, he was not wearing anything underneath. Immediately I could feel his cock. I felt around, cupped his balls for a moment, before pulling his cock out. It was not very long. But it was circumcised. In my limited experience, I'd never come in close contact with a cut cock before. I think he must have sensed my surprise at the novelty. 'Haven't you handled a cut one before, Colin?' I had seen the odd one in the showers at school, and seen pictures, obviously. This was the first one I'd touched.' 'Haven't you been with many men?' 'Not very many.' 'Then its all yours.' I played with his cock and balls for a while, and began putting my fingers behind his balls towards his crack. He obviously enjoyed this, so I did it all the more. 'I want you to screw me,' he said. He pulled down his trousers, and took off his shirt, so he stood naked before me. I did the same. He body was something of a surprise. He had a full head of black hair. But his body and legs were almost hairless, except of a thick patch of black hair round his cock. It seemed to stand out almost the more against the whiteness of his skin. I had never encountered a man with so little hair on the rest of his body. So there we were both in our shoes and socks, and with nothing else on."

"It is strange how often socks and sometimes shoes are left on, especially in porno films," I said.

"Bernie reached over, and took a condom out of a box with hundreds of them in. These were for sale in the shop. He undid it, and placed the condom on my cock. Then he got some lube and prepared both of us. He turned towards the wash basin in the room, and put his hands on the side, and adjusted his body so his smooth white bum was towards me. I rubbed my hands over his back and bum cheeks, and placed my cock in position. I didn't have to push much. I was quickly and easily fully in. I reckoned I was certainly not among the first to penetrate Bernie. But it felt good. As I pushed in, he pushed back. 'That's what I like. A good hard cock up me. You can do that for as long as you like.' My hands wandered all over him, surprised and delighting in the smoothness of his body. It felt so warm and soft over the firm structure of his bones. As he was a rather thin guy his bones were in evidence. I kept my cock in him, delighting in the groans of appreciation from him. Gradually we began to move. I ground my cock into him, and he kept thrusting back. My hand went down to his cock, and as I tossed him off he soon came. I felt the pulse of his cock as his cum shot some five or six times onto the side of the wash basin and on to the floor. I was a minute or so after him. He could sense that I was approaching my climax. He kept asking for more, and deeper. Then I felt myself cuming deep inside him. I lent against his back. He stood still feeling my cock go limp inside him. 'That was good. Really good,' he said. I pulled out of him. He handed me a small towel, and I cleaned myself up, and got dressed. The pot of tea that he had made was not fit to drink, so he made another. We stood talking as we drnk the tea, and he told me more about himself. I asked him how he knew I was gay. He gave the usual, 'Takes one, to know one,' answer. 'Are you likely to be a regular customer?' he asked. 'I think so after that,' I replied. 'Well, if you come just before I close, I'd like a repeat performance too.'

"Did you go again?"

"I should say," Colin said in firm agreement. "But when I got home I remembered I hadn't paid him. Fortunately I remembered his full name from the shop board. So I sent him a cheque. Also when I got home there was an inquisition from my mother. 'You're late! Where have you been?' When I told her I'd been getting my hair cut, she replied, 'Not until this late?'

Then she asked hopefully, 'Have you been seeing a girl.' I wanted to reply, 'No I've been fucking a man!'"

"Do you still see Bernie?"

"No. It were rather strange I went regular for about eighteen months. Always worked it so that I was the last customer. In the end I always tried to ring him saying that I would be along about 5.00. I had some good times with Bernie. Never very long, but always enjoyable. He used to tell me about some of things that had happened to him as a hairdresser. Then one time I went and found the shop closed and up for sale. I told Tom about it.

It were some time later that Tom spotted a bit in the local press about an inquest on a hairdresser who had been mugged on his way back from work, and had died as a result of his injuries."

"How sad!"

"Yea. I wondered if he had read the signs once too often and that there was one occasion when it had taken one and didn't know the other one and had got it wrong."

"Maybe. That sort of this does happen."

"Poor Bernie. He were a nice guy, sort of innocent, guileless. We gave each other some pleasure."

Colin was thoughtful for several minutes. He was lying on his back, and one hand of mine was fondling his cock. He turn on his side towards me. "And you, my friend give me pleasure, great pleasure."

"Good. You do to me," I replied.

"But you, what about you?" asked Colin. "I've told you quite a bit about myself what about you. You had a lot of experience in your earlier days. Your turn now."

I thought for a moment. "I suppose the best place to begin is at the beginning. Want to hear of my first sexual activity?"

"Yes, tell me about the early life of this old soldier," he said giving my cock a squeeze.

"I must have been thirteen. I'm a southerner you know."

"Yea, I realise that. You were not fortunate enough to be born a Yorkshireman."

"We lived in one of those London suburbs. It was one hot day in the summer holidays. My parents were out, and I was sitting in the garden. I'd just discovered the delights of solitary sex. I had just began to toss myself off, usually at night in bed. Well, I was sitting out in the garden, reading a book, but my mind kept wandering to my prick, and its demands. I sat there, not reading, but playing with my hardening cock. I was tempted to get it out, and have a wank there and then. I thought nobody could see. I was just about to undo my trouser buttons. We had button up flies in those dim and distant days. Zip flies came later. I may even have undone the top buttons. When I heard movement in the bushes towards the next door garden. I took my hand away, and looked towards the fence. The face of the ginger haired boy next door appeared over the fence. 'Hello,' he said. He was three years older than me. We hadn't had much to do with each other up till then. 'I've got a new tent, want to see it?' 'Yea, I'll come round.' I was soon round into his garden. He was standing waiting for me by his new tent which was pitched on a small lawn near the end of his garden. 'My folk are out,' he said. 'So are mine,' I replied. I admired his tent. 'Well get inside,' he said. I crawled in, and he followed me. It was a small tent with just room for the two of us. 'I saw what you were doing in your garden,' he said. 'What do you mean?' 'Playing with yourself.' I felt bad that he'd seen me, and I probably went a bright red. At least, I felt I did. 'Its okay. I play with myself. Quite a lot.

Can you get spunk yet?' he asked. I nodded. 'Have been able to since just after Easter.' 'Its great isn't it?' I nodded again. He then put his hand on my knee. I looked him in the eye, and then down at his hand. Slowly and lightly he ran it up my thigh. 'Like that?' he asked. I nodded. I began to feel my dick harden. 'Got a stiffie?' 'Yea.' 'Good.' He now had reached the bottom of my shorts. He began to push his hand in and feel towards my dick. He kept this eyes, on my face. When I looked at him he smiled, and I smiled back at him. His fingers began to feel my cock and balls. 'Would you like to see mine?' he asked. Again I nodded. I seemed to be tongue tied, at the surprise at what was happening, and the enjoyment at what he was doing. Very quickly he pulled off his top, and was out of his shorts. His prick was hard, circumcised like mine, and seemed to me to be huge. It was also surrounded by a large patch of red hair. I was just beginning to acquire a small forest down there, it was still a copse, not even a wood. 'Now let me see you,' he asked. I followed him in stripping off top and bottom. We were both in his tent with just our sock and shoes on. He reached over again and began to play with me. 'You can touch me, if you want.' I hesitatingly reached out my and and touched his prick. 'Go on, get hold of it properly. It won't bite.' So we lay there, pulling at each others cocks. To my amazement he lent over and licked the top of my dick, and then put into his mouth and began to suck. 'Do you like that?' he asked looking up at me. 'I should say. It feels great.' He continued for a while. 'Would you like to suck me?' he asked, looking up at me. I shook my head. 'Sure?' 'Yea, sure. I've never done anything like this before.' 'I see, its good isn't it. I do it regularly with some of my friends. Can I just lie on top of you?' 'Yes.'

He gave my cock a very wet suck so his saliver was dripping down on to my stomach. He then got on top of me, so our two cocks lay between us side by side. 'Like that?' 'Yea, that's great.' He began to thrust up and down, so that our cocks rubbed together. His sucking had done its work, very soon I felt my whole body stiffen, and in three or four spurts I felt my spunk gush from me. He smiled down at me, 'You spunked?' I nodded. His cock now slipped easily between us, and then it was his turn to shoot his spunk. I felt his hot jets come on to my stomach. And that, my friend, was my first time."

"Thank you for telling me that. You were younger than me your first time. It's always special, remains clear in our memories. Like me and Tom."

We talked on together for a little while longer, but sleep was getting the better of us. So we kissed and settled down to sleep, our arms round each other and our bodies close.

I am not sure what woke me. It may have been the striking of the Church clock, or perhaps the beating on the rain on the window pane. Or perhaps most likely, the presence of Colin beside me in the bed. We were like two spoons, with my chest to his back, my flaccid cock against his buttocks. My hand was over his side, and resting gently on his chest. I began to think of the change that the casual meeting on my walk just four weeks before had made to my life. Then I had thought sexual activity was over for me. But here I was in bed with a wonderful man twenty years my junior, and being pursued by another young man nearly forty years my junior. I could not have imagined so great a change in my circumstances. I enjoyed the sex with Colin, but something deeper was happening to me. It was not just the sex, we had become friends. We enjoyed being together, talking together. There was a growing affection between us. These thoughts must have been having a physical effect on me. My cock began to come to life. I then felt Colin's hand hold my own.

I have mentioned his hands before. They were big northern hands. Very big compared with my smaller southern hands. They were farmers hands, hardened and roughened by his daily work. Frequently they bore knocks and scratches, the marks of his days work.

"You awake?" he whispered.

"Yes, have been for some time," I replied.

He turned slightly and with his free hand reached down to my hardening cock.

He felt around it, and round my balls. There was always something about Colin's hands. They were rough and gentle. The roughness of the skin added that additional erotic feel, and the gentleness gave them the lightest of touches. I remembered that so many guys could be tough in their handling, so that sometimes it really hurts. Colin seemed to know exactly when to be be rough, but most of the time he was gentle.

"I rather like this sleeping together. I could get quite addicted," he said.

"Don't you sleep with the others?" I asked.

"Very rarely. Never with Tom, because of his wife. I think twice with Kevin, and he has to give a good reason to his parents for being away. Vic, I have slept with once. That is over all the time we have known each other. And here we are twice in as many weeks. Its good."

"I'm glad you like it too." I gave him a kiss on the back of his neck.

"You know what I would like."


"Your cock to get back home."

"Sounds great be me." I again reached over to the bedside drawer, and got out another condom, and some lube. Colin just lay there, so I put the condom on, and lubed him and myself. He then stuck his bum out, and rised his leg slightly. I snuggled up to him and placed my cock in position. It took a bit of mutual shifting around until I could penetrate.

"That's great," said Tom. "That's where it should be, not 'wandering around like a spare prick at a wedding.'"

"Its ages since I heard that expression."

"I'm afraid it's a rather straight expression in the circumstances."

"It does feel good."

"You can keep it there until the alarm goes."

We lay there, totally relaxed. Whenever I felt my prick begin to slacken, I moved until it stiffened up again. Always there were appreciative murmers from Colin.

When the alarm went, Colin was able to reached out and turned it off. I held him tight, and kept thrusting into him. Very quickly I felt the consumation coming, I kept thrusting hard until the last moment, when I held myself as far into Colin as I could get. I felt my penis harden and then pulsate, as the cum shot out of me.

We lay together for a few minutes. "That was a good beginning to the day. The best in fact." He pulled away from me, and turned and kissed me. "Thank you. I've got to be up. Same as last time. See you before you go."


Comment to readers. [If there are any still with me at this stage] First, thank you to those who have sent comments. Secondly. It is an interesting experience writing a story in episodes that are publshed. It is not like writing a book, where you can go back and change details that occur in earlier chapters with ease. It makes you feel something like authors like Dickens, who had a deadline to meet. Fortunately I do not have that. But I am conscious that I am giving facts about my characters, that restrict what I can write about them in the future, in case I contradict myself. Thirdly, I would like some help. It is my intention to tell the stories of all the Countrymen. They have had very different experiences. I am wondering in what form to tell them. So far I have narrated them largely as dialogue. {I had been told I need to work on dialogue, so I hope I am getting better at it] This has meant that Colin has told Phil about his early life and experiences, and with the one episode that Phil has told Colin about his past. Is this working? Or should I try to tell the others stories in a different form. ie diary entries? third person? Contact me on

Next: Chapter 4

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