Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 22, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 10

While, Kyle, I mean Boy and I were crawling to the bedroom Eric decided to sit on Boys' back for a horsey ride. He was sitting backwards facing Boy's ass. Eric reached between Boy's legs and got the rope which was tied around Boy's nuts. While riding Boy, Eric was pulling on the rope and spanking Boy's ass. The was laughing his ass off. He kept tugging the rope causing Boy to yelp each time and smacking his ass good too. Eric was having a blast with his new toy. He reached over and grabbed Boy's hard cock pulling it back. I thought that Boy would be humiliated by this but I saw Boy's face and he was smiling. He liked submitting to Eric. Eric rode Boy going to the bedroom.

Eric decided we should go into my, his office. He wanted to show Boy something. He rode Boy into the office slapping his redden ass and pulling on his nuts. In the office Eric told us that he found something on line he wanted to show us. He pulled up the site and printed something out. He said that he found this last night. It's about being a volunteer slave. He said that with the new slave law people could choose to volunteer to be a slave. The only differance between a court order slave and an volunteer slave is that a volunteer slave maintains some rights such as they can still go to school, drive a car, vote, own personal property but he gives ownership of his body over to another person who has complete control over it. The volunteer must totally submit to their Master in regard what the Master wants to do to their body. Eric printed up the contract and told Boy "Sign it." I saw someconfusion in Boy's face. Eric told him that he still owns me and I have no rights what so ever but once he signs the contract he owns his body, no limits. Boy hesitated so Eric said "Either you want to be my slave for real or your a fake. Which is it Boy?" He handed Boy a pen. He took it and slowly signed his body over to Eric. Eric smiled and said "Good choice Boy. I now own your ass. There's no backing out now." Eric than got up and pulled Boy by his balls to the bedroom.

When in the bedroom Eric ordered Boy to stand. Boy stood up and got in position. I could tell Boy was into being Eric's slave. Eric said he wanted some good pics of Boy. He took one of Boy standing there like that with his raging hard on. Than he took one of Boy pinching his nipples. One with Boy holding his cock and one with him rubbing his pubes and armpits. He asked Boy if he liked his pubes. Boy said "Yeah, it makes me look hot." He had Boy put one leg on the bed saying he wanted a good shot of his low hanging nuts. Boy was beaming the whole time. Than he had Boy turn around and spread his cheeks. Eric got a picture of Eric's perfect cherry pussy with his nuts hanging below. He had some light hair in his crack. I loved his ass and rimming him was awesome. I was just enjoying the show. Boy was hot. I loved serving his body.

While Boy was still spreading his cheeks Eric was rubbing his finger along Boy's crack and asked "Boy, you want your Master to take your cherry?" Boy looked back at him smiling and said "Yes, Master, please take my cherry. I want you to fuck me and make me your bitch Sir." Eric told him that he was a good boy.

After the pics were taken Eric had Boy lay on the bed and told me to tie Boy's hands to the headboard. Eric pulled Boy's legs apart and kneeled between them slapping Boy's cock and pulling on his balls. He had an evil grin. He had a new slave and he was going to have fun breaking him. Eric had me set up the cam and I was standing next to the bed in my position watching Eric do his thing. Boy was smiling and he would have been hard even if he wasn't forced to take the Viagara. He was leaking alot of precum but with his nuts and cock tied up so tight he couldn't cum.

Eric was rubbing his hand through Boy's pubes and armpits telling Boy how nice it is. Boy has a very nice and big hairy bush. I loved burying my nose in it. Eric asked Boy if he liked his bush and pit hair. Boy said "Yeah, I like having hair, makes me look like a stud." Eric smiled and said "But your just a faggot slave now like Fag, do you think you deserve to have hair?" Boy was no longer smiling he didn't want to lose his hair. He told Eric "But Fag only has one nut so he's not a man anyhow and shouldn't have hair." Eric smiled while continuing rubbing Boy's bush and told him that the state shaves all slaves and your my slave now so your not a real man now either are you boy. Eric didn't like where this was going and told Eric "I am your slave but I want to keep my hair. If I don't the guys in the locker room will see me and laugh and know I'm a faggot. Please don't shave me. You can do anything else you want, OK?"

Eric asked me "Do you think a slave should have hair Fag?" I told him that before I just took being hairy for granted. But since I was shaved smooth I really miss having hair. Now when I see a guy's bush it really looks good to me. But being hairless is a constant reminded to me that I'm not a man, just a lowly slave." Eric smiled at me. I guess he liked my answer. Than he asked me if Boy should be hairless too. I told him I really love seeing Boy's bush and hairy pits but he's your slave now and it's your right to do whatever you want with him including shaving his pubes and pits." Eric said "That's right Fag, it is my choice." He looked at Boy and asked him "Do you want to please your Master?" Boy said yes but. Eric told him there are no buts. Eric told him "If you really want to be my slave and be treated like a real slave beg me to shave you now."

Boy, had to make his committment now. It was now or never and he really wanted to be a slave. He knew Eric wouldn't let him be a slave with limits so with tears in his eyes he said "Master, I want to be your slave and to please you. So please shave all my hair off so that I will look like a slave should look." I know Boy didn't want to be shaved but he knows he has to be otherwise Eric would walk. I'm sure Boy thought he was losing his manhood. In a way he was right, he won't look like a real man anymore.

Eric told me to get the shaving equipment. While he was waiting he was playing with Boy's cock and rubbing Boy's pits and pubes for the last time. Boy couldn't move his hands were still tie to the headboard. I gave Eric the scirrors, trimer, shaver, shaving cream, towel and had a bowl of hot water. Eric took the scirrors. He grabbed a handful of Boy's pubes. He had a huge grin. Boy closed his eyes. Eric cut the pubes and held them up for Boy to see. Eric told him "Boy, you loved your pubes so I'm going to let you eat them." He pushed the pubes to Boy's mouth. Boy didn't want to eat them but was forced to open his mouth and ate his own pubes. Eric loved humiliating me now he's doing it to Boy. I felt sorry for him but he made the choice to be Eric's slave, I didn't have a choice.

Eric clearly was having fun at Boy's expense. He took the trimer and went thru the rest of Boy's pubes and cut his pit hair too. He lathered up Boy and shaved his pits and pubes making Boy totally smooth. He rubbed his hands all over Boy telling him how smooth he was and that he now looked like how a faggot bitch like him should look. Eric stroked Boy's cock a little. It was still Viagara induced but Boy was moaning and needed and wanted to cum so bad. His balls and cock were still tied up tight so there was no way he would be able to cum. Boy and Eric both knew that the hornier a faggot is the more submissive he is and more willing to do whatever his Master wants.

I told Boy that he looks really good being smooth and it makes his cock look even bigger. I was trying to make him feel a little better. Eric said that it was time to shave Boy's pussy. He told me to tie Boy's legs over his head and tie them to the headboard. Once I did that Boy's ass was up in the air with his legs spread wide and his pussy totally exposed. Eric played with Boy's balls and stroked his cock some. He knew that would make Boy happy and eagar to pleasse him.

Eric had me spread Boy's cheeks further apart while he shaved his crack. Boy did have a nice looking hole. While shaving Boy Eric was telling Boy how much fun it was going to be to take his cherry. Boy was saying "Please Master take my cherry. I want you to fuck me so bad." Eric laughed at him and called him pathetic. He said "Your a big college jock and you want a 14 y/o kid to fuck you. Beg me faggot." Boy was so fucking horny he would have said anything. I would to. I asked Eric to fuck me. He just laughed at me and told me "It's not your turn, yet." Boy looked at Eric and said "Master, please I need my cherry taken and your more of a man than I am. You have such a great cock. I need to feel you inside me and fill my pussy with your boy cum, please. I want you to fuck me so bad. I'll do anything you say, please. Rape me, please Master."

Eric was stroking Boy's cock, just playing with him and asked him "You want Justin and Ben to fuck your pussy too?" Boy was going crazy, he needed to cum so bad. He replied "Yes, I want them to fuck me and cum in me. They have big cocks. I love their cocks." Eric smiled and continued stroking Boy and asked "How about your team buddies, you want their cocks too?" Boy couldn't control himself and blurted out "Oh fuck yeah. I want all their cocks in me. I want them to fuck my pussy and my mouth and make me their bitch." Than Eric added "You want all my friends to fuck you too?" Boy said "Master, you can all your friends fuck me. I love to have boys fuck me." Eric told him not to worry that he was going to get fucked alot.

Eric got up and told me to eat Boy's ass out before he fucked him. I jumped at the chance. I buried my nose in Boy's ass and tongue fucked him as deep and hard as I could. Boy was moaning and saying "Oh god, please fuck me, please." Eric was smiling and had me continue to licking Boy's pussy for a few more minutes before he pushed me out of the way. Eric was hard as a rock and ready. Boy was lucky, Eric's cock was really nice but it was only 6".

Eric lubed up his cock and pointed the head at the entrence of Boy's pussy. He asked Boy "You want it hard and fast or you want it slow and easy?" Boy said "I don't care just fuck me now, please." Eric had that evil grin again and he push with all his might and buried his cock balls deep in a second. Boy, screamed in pain. He was yelling how much it hurt and to take it out. Eric said "You begged me and everyone else to fuck you now your going to getting fucked." Eric left his cock in place to let Boy get his composure. He told me to get on Boy's chest and shove my dick in Boy's mouth to shut the bitch up.

It was hard to get in position with his legs tied over his head but I straddled his chest with my knees in his pits. I had my boner on Boy's lips. He was still breathing hard so I waited a minute but Eric told me to get my cock in the faggots mouth. I pushed my dick in but only about 4". Boy immediately closed his lips around it and was sucking it. That felt so fucking good. I havn't had a blow job in years and I was horny as hell also. I wanted to cum as much as Boy did but with my nut and cock tied up also it wasn't going to happen. Boy's mouth was so hot and moist and he was sucking hard. I think he was doing it to get his mind off of Eric who started to fuck his pussy on. I was pushing my cock all the way in Boy's mouth until he was gagging and choking than I pull out than go back in. I loved fucking his throat. I just wish I could cum in his mouth.

Boy was moaning from Eric fucking him, I was moaning from Boy sucking my cock. Eric was grunting as he pounded Boy's ass. We were all into it and were feeling great. We were sweating like pigs. Eric was going to town on Boy's ass and slapping his already redden ass as he just drilled Boy's pussy. After about ten minutes Eric was ready to cum. He plowed his cock deep into Boy's ass and held it. I could feel him buck with each burst of cum he was unloading in his new slaves ass. He must have shot about ten times. At least it seemed that way.

Boy and I wanted and still needed to cum but we knew that was Eric's call and I doubted he would let us. He wanted us to be always horny and giving us Viagara didn't help us at all.

When Eric got his breathe back he pulled his cock out and told me to get off the bed. I got off and Eric got this stern look on his face. He reached up to Boy's face and slapped it hard saying "Faggot, don't you ever tell me not to fuck you and to pull my cock out. I'm your Master and I own your ass and body and will do whatever the fuck I want to do with it. Now thank your Master for fucking you like the little bitch you are." Boy was really sore and his face was burning now and he had tears in his eyes but managed to say "I'm sorry Master, it won't happen again Sir. It's just that it hurt so much but I'm happy you took my cherry Sir." Eric told him that he will be punished later for it.

Eric got off the bed and ordered me to lick his cock clean for him. I got to my knees licking his prick of cum, blood, sweat and ass juice. Boy was still tied up and just laid there sweating and breathing hard. While I was cleaning Eric off he asked Boy if he liked his pussy riped open by a kid. Boy responded with "Sir, You may be only 14 but you have a man size cock and you did rip me open. You made me your bitch and slave. Thank you for letting me finally out of the closet."

I finshed licking Eric's cock but was sucking on it. I really liked his cock alot, but he pushed me off. He ordered me to go pull his cum of of Boy's ass and feed it to him. I got up on the bed between Boy's legs and scooped up the cum that had leaked out of Boy's ass and put it to Boy's mouth. He started to lick my fingers but I told him to suck it off. He obeyed and took my two fingers in his mouth and sucked on them. I went back and put two fingers in his pussy. It was still wide open and looked inviting. I pulled out some more of Eric's cum and had Boy suck it off my fingrs again. I returned to his pussy 5 more times before I got most of Eric's cum out and fed it to him. That was an aweful alot of cum I thought. Boy was licking his lips and Eric told me to lick Boy's ass out. I got down and dug my tongue in his hole. He tasted so good. Boy was moaning and Eric was laughing saying "Look at you fags, your unbelieveable."

Eric untied Boy's legs and told me to kiss Boy so he could taste his cum on me. I leaned forward over Boy's stomach and chest and pressed my mouth to his. We both still had boners and they were rubbing against each other. I opened my mouth a little to kiss Boy. He wasn't sure about kissing me but he knew he had no choice. I took advantage of the opportunity to kiss this hot looking stud. I gave him a long passionate kiss while grinding my cock against his. After the initial shock of kissing it seemed Boy was enjoying kissing a guy. I know I was. Eric Told me lick Boy's sweaty pits. I leaned into is right pit and it smelled powerful and was dripping in sweat. I dug my tongue in and lapped it all up. I than moved to his left pit and did the same. He smelled and tasted really good to me.

Eric told me to untie Boy's hands and than I got back on the floor on my knees like a good slave. Boy was stretching his arms and legs. I'm sure they were sore. I know his ass was. Eric grabbed one of Boy's arms and threw him to the floor. He grabbed the rope that was tied around his nuts and started to pull him. Boy had to scramble to his knees but Eric was really pulling his nuts hard. I followed Eric and Boy into the office.

When we got to the office Eric yanked on Boy's balls so hard that he fell to the floor grabbing his nuts in pain. Eric kicked his ass and told him to get his faggot ass by the desk. I helped Boy to his knees and he slowly crawled over to where Eric was downloading the video's he took today. I knew what Eric was doing. He was showing Boy that he was the Master and in charge and had no problem punishing Boy or me or any reason at all. It made Boy even more submissive and obedient.

Eric told Boy since I licked the sweat off of him that he should lick the sweat off of me starting with my pits to my feet. He said that he wanted us to get to now every inch of each others bodys. We both got to our knees and I put my hands behind my head. Boy put his nose into my pit and started to lick. He already licked Eric's pits so it wasn't to bad this time for him. I was enjoying the hell out of it. I could get use to have a boy of my own, if I was a free man. After Eric downloaded the videos to the site Boy set up he started to send out e-mails to everyone informing them that Kyle was now his slave and asked them to check out the videos.

Eric was really enjoying himself telling Justin and Ben how much Boy wanted to suck their cock and have them fuck him. But the best was telling all of his teammates that their captain was a faggot and wants to be their bitch and slut in the locker room. He wanted to make sure that Boy could never go back and be a man and be respected as such ever again. He was just a slave now. Boy wished for this and now he's got it but I'm sure it's not exactly the way he wanted it.

Boy had licked my pits, my dick and ball and my feet so Eric told him to lick my asshole. I turned around and put my head on the floor and spread my cheeks. I have never been rimmed before. I could feel Boy's tongue bearly lick my crack when Eric pushed his head into my ass and ordered him to start licking. I could tell he wasn't into it but it felt awesome to me. I couldn't believe how great it felt. Now I know why Boy wanted me to eat out his ass all the time. After a minute I was moaning like a little whore in heat.

Eric was back on line I guess he found a site with gay stuff that he wanted to buy. He told Boy to go get my credit card. Boy crawled to the bedroom and brought it back to Eric, He entered the information and had a huge grin on his face. I can't imagine what he just bought.

Eric got a couple of e-mails from some of the guys that saw the new videos. Justin and Ben wanted to come use Boy. One of his team members, Lance said he couldn't fucking believe Kyle was a fag. Eric told them to watch the web cam. He made Boy stand up in the position and pointed the cam at him. He was so embarrassed and turned bright red. He knew his big secret was out and now he was being put on display. Eric was laughing as were the guys on line watching. Eric rubbed Boy where he use to have pubes and told everyone how smooth he was now. He pulled Boy's cock all the way down so that it bounced off of his stomach. He made Boy turn around, bend over and spread his cheeks. Eric told everyone that he took Boy's cherry and showed that his hole was still open. Eric was really into humiliating the shit out of Boy.

Lance said he had no idea that Boy wanted to suck off his team mates. Eric pointed the cam at Boy's face which was still red with shame and ordered him to tell Lance that he wanted them to fuck him and suck their cocks. I could see tears in his eyes but while standing there with his hands behind his head showing his hairless pits he said "Guys, I'm sorry. I really didn't want to tell anyone that I was a faggot. But Eric found out and made me tell him everything including how I fantasized about being gang raped by you guys and being your bitch. I dreamt of dropping to my knees in the shower room and sucking all of your cocks. After practice I would go to my dorm room and jerk off remembering how your cocks looked and how much I wanted them." Everyone laughed at poor Boy.

Lance said that if he had known he would have loved to have Boy as his slave. Eric told him that Boy is really into boys his age and younger. He said that after Boy saw him dominate me he confessed that he wanted him to dominant him too and be his slave. Boy begged me to be his Master. He was on his knees, kissing my feet saying he wanted to suck my cock and for me to take his cherry. He also wanted to suck and be fucked by my friends who are younger than me. He's a real pervert. Fag is a court order slave so he has to do whatever he's told but Boy is a voluteer slave. He signed a slave contract with me giving me his body do use anyway I want. I now own his body 24/7, he has no rights anymore. But as a voluteer slave he can go to school, drive and vote but only with my permission. I literally got him by the balls. Than he grabbed Boy's balls and gave them a hard tug to prove his point. He told the guys to come over tomorrow evening and have some fun with Boy. He also told them that if they had any younger brothers to bring them too. Eric signed off.

He looked at Boy and told him "Tomorrow your dreams will come true. You'll get to be a slave to your friends and suck their cocks and have them fuck you." Boy knew that's what he wanted but now that it was happening he was nervous and scare. Eric said we all smelled like cum. Time for a shower. He grabbed Boy's balls and pulled him to the bathroom. I followed. I knew I was sweaty and smelled bad but I liked the smell on Boy and Eric.

Eric had the both of us kneel in the tub. I knew what was coming. He pointed his cock at Boy and let loose a hard stream of hot boy piss right on Boy's face. He opened his mouth trying to catch it. Eric laughed at him. He covered us both in his piss. We both enjoyed it alot. Eric turned the shower on and when it got hot he got in. He had me start washing his feet while he had Boy shampoo his hair. He really liked being pampered by his two slaves. We got him all cleaned up and than we washed each other. After we dried off Eric we dried each other and got down on our hands and knees. Eric patted both of our heads saying we were good boys. He said we earned a treat.

We followed Eric to the living room where he sat in the chair and we kneeled at his side. He told me to go three beers. When I returned I saw Eric rubbing his fingers through Boys hair. He told Boy "I could shave your head like Fag's is but I like your hair. It makes you look sexy, but if you piss me off I will shave your head, understand?" Boy said he did and appreciated that he was allowed to keep his hair, at least the hair on his head.

Eric let us have a cigarette too along with him. He sat there looking proud to be the owner of two slaves. He asked Boy if he liked his first day as a slave. Boy said "I never really thought about being a slave before. I knew I was bi but after seeing how you and the other guys got to used Fag it turned me on. I was jealous of Fag and wanted to be your slave. I just thought it would be fun but kept between us." Eric told him "Boy, you can't be a part time slave. Either your a slave or not. So now your my slave and will be for the rest of your life. I own you so either accept the fact that you are a slave or it's going to be really hard on you. I'll beat you into submission if I have too. If I were you I just enjoy my new status like Fag has."

It was bedtime and Eric asked us if we needed to piss. Boy and I both said yes. He smiled at us OK fags. You can piss but you piss in each others mouths. Boy and I looked at each other but Boy stood up facing me. He was smiling. He liked pissing my in mouth. I opened up and swallowed all of his piss. Than it was my turn and I stood and put my hands on Boy's shoulders pushing him down to his knees. He didn't fight me but perferred being the one doing the pissing. He did swallow my piss and licked his lips afterwards. Eric said we were both pigs.

Eric said it was bedtime so we crawled behind him to the bedroom. Eric laid spread eagle on the bed. He told me to give him a massage and Boy to lick out his ass. I kneeled at Eric's side and started to rub his shoulders. He felt so good. He had his legs spread wide so Boy could get between his legs and lick him out. At least his hole was freshly cleaned. Boy got his nose in Eric's crack and started to lick him. Eric was moaning. He was enjoying himself having two slaves please him. I rubbed his shoulders and back and arms for about half an hour. I thought Boys jaws and tongue must really be tired and sore.

Eric decided to get up on all fours. He had Boy laid underneath him and suck his cock while he had me kneel behind him and continue licking his hole. I guess he really liked having a tongue in his ass. Both Boy and I were enjoying oursleves serving our Master. I was getting into eating out his ass. I was grinding his hole and swirling my tongue at the entrance and tongue fucking him. He loved it. Boy was going at it on his cock. It only took about five minutes and Eric was really to bust. He pulled his cock out of Boy's mouth and stroked it and plastered Boys face with his teen cum. He climbed off the bed and made me clean his prick off for him while Boy laid on the bed with cum and a smile on is face. Eric was smiling and told me to go lick his cum off of Boy's face. I jumped up on the bed in a flash and started to lick. The cum was great but licking Boy's face was awesome especially while I licked the cum out of his dimples. When I finished I kissed Boy so he could taste Eric's cum too. Eric laughed at us saying "Look at you fags go."

Eric said it was bedtime and made me and Boy lay on the floor in the 69 position. We were laying side by side. He told me to put Boy's cock in my mouth. I gladly did that. Than he got the rope and tied it around my neck and Boys waist. He tied it tight and I couldn't get Boy's cock out of my mouth. He did the same to Boy. He said "Since you fags like sucking cock you can suck each other all night." We couldn't say anything, our mouths were full. I didn't want to stay like this all night but we didn't have a choice. Eric laid on the bed and told us to have a good night.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

Next: Chapter 11

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