Cousins Payback

By Unfinished Business

Published on Jun 6, 2001


Greetings, you may call me Unfinished Business. The story I am about to unleash up on you will be nothing like you have ever seen on Nifty before. It is a story that will take you back in time of a completed series. I am asking Nifty to post it in the Boy Bands Archives. In time you will realize what stories past I am diving into. And you will understand why I'm called Unfinished Business.

Disclaimer: The Characters portrayed in this fiction are strictly the figment of my imagination. I do not pretend to know the Backstreet Boys or Nsync and therefore do not know their true sexual orientation. This is a work of fiction. One to entertain you. If you are underage I request that you leave now. Come back when you are old enough.

Still confused? Well read on and I will have a few more clues for you. Nothing too big but it should help.

Any questions you have or suggestions you have you can e-mail me at

A Cousin's Payback

Chapter 5

"NO!" shouted Johnny. Jason took a couple of steps back startled that his son would yell at him.

"What did you say?" Jason demanded of his son.

"I said no!" Johnny shouted again. "I invited dad to dinner and he is staying."

"Like hell he is!" Jason shouted back at Johnny. "Get out!" He screamed at Kevin. Kevin stood his ground and glared at Jason. After a few minutes he picked up the phone and dialed 911.

"If you call the cops than Dad and Me will leave together," Johnny said. Jason continued to hold the phone to his ear. "I mean it dad." Jason sighed and put the phone down.

"Why?" asked Jason. "Why did you bring him into our home."

"I love him dad," Johnny replied going towards his dad. "I know you do too." Johnny looked over at Kevin and held out his hand and Kevin took it. Johnny gently pulled Kevin so that he was standing next to him. Johnny than took Jason's hand and placed it in Kevin's hand. "You two are married and you belong together."

"He cheated on me," Jason sobbed as he tried to retrieve his hand but Johnny held it in place.

"He loves you," Johnny said as a tear fell down his face. "Come on Dad I know you love him too."

"You don't understand," Jason started.

"I want us to be a family!" Johnny shouted. "We were a family once before! Why can't we be a family again?"

"Johnny?" asked Kevin softly. Johnny looked up at Kevin. "Can you give your father and me some time alone."

"Are you sure?" Johnny asked. Kevin nodded and Johnny grabbed Scrappy by the collar and led him out on the back deck. Kevin walked into the living room and sat down in the chair. Jason sat down on the sofa.

"I have nothing to say to you!" Jason hurled at Kevin.

"Good, because I have plenty to say to you!" Kevin hurled right back at Jason.

"I'm not listening to anything you have to say!" Jason retorted.

"Oh you will listen to what I have to say," Kevin retorted back. "Our son's happiness depends on us working together to save our marriage!"

"And whose fault is it that our marriage has fallen apart?" Jason hurled at Kevin. "You cheated on me remember?"

"Ok so I'm the guilty party here," Kevin replied. "But you have to share some of the blame here."

"What?" yelped Jason. "Just how the hell do you expect me to share the blame. I didn't cheat on you!"

"Yea but where were you the last year and a half?" shouted Kevin. "I'll tell you where you were! You were in that fucking study on that fucking computer pounding out another one of your screen plays! Johnny and I were lucky if we got an hour of your time once a week!"

"That is not an excuse for what you did!" Jason shouted back at Kevin as he tried to leave the room but Kevin grabbed him and shoved him back into the chair.

"You are going to listen to what I have to say!" Kevin hurled at him. "Yes I cheated on you. But you are guilty too!" Jason face soften a little as he thought about what Kevin said.

"Ok," he sighed. "I will admit that maybe, just maybe I spent a little to much time writing. But I have a son to support and a living to make!"

"We all do!" Kevin replied. "But not at the expense of your family. I can't begin to tell you how many nights I went to bed alone. You would craw under the covers in the wee hours of the morning. Hell it's been over a year since we've made love!"

"I was in the hospital!" Jason deffended himself.

"For six months!" Kevin reminded Jason. "What about the other six months?" He knew he had Jason there.

"That still didn't give you an excuse to cheat on me," Jason mumbled looking down.

"I have needs Jas," Kevin whispered. "And dammit I didn't want to cheat on you but every time I would go to you, you would push me away!" Jason got up and walked to the sliding glass door that led to the deck. He looked at Johnny who was sitting in a lounge chair and Scrappy was sitting beside him basking in the attention that Johnny was giving him. He shuddered when he felt Kevin's presence behind him. He jerked when Kevin laid his head on his shoulder. "I still love you Jas," he whispered into his ear. "I've never stopped loving you. When you were in the hospital I was scared to death that I had lost you forever. I was terrified of losing Johnny too because he was so angry at me for what I had done."

"I'm surprised that you didn't leave when you had the chance," Jason grumbled. Kevin took him by the shoulder and forced him around so that he was staring at Kevin's chest. Kevin than took his finger and placed it under his chin and gently forced Jason to look up at him.

"I didn't want to leave," Kevin replied with tears in his eyes. "You and Johnny are my home. I have no where else to go." As angry at Kevin as Jason was he couldn't resist pulling him into his arms. "Please come back to me," Kevin pleaded as his hot tears fell on Jason's shoulder.

"I don't know if I can," Jason sobbed. "I want to come home to you and go back to the way things are!"

"You can go back," Kevin exclaimed hopefully.

"No Kevin we can't," Jason said sadly. "There has been so much hurt thrown around that I don't think we can ever go back to what we had."

"You're not even going to try are you?" Kevin asked his eyes flashing with anger. "You are going to just give up and quit!" Kevin shouted as tears of anger ran down his cheeks. "Fucking Coward!"

"I'm tired Kevin," Jason sobbed. "I don't think I have the strength to go through it."

"What about Johnny?" Kevin hissed at him.

"That is not fair Kevin," Jason hissed back at him as he tried to walk away but Kevin stepped in his way. "Move aside Kevin," Jason ordered. Kevin reluctantly stepped aside. "Don't use Johnny as a leverage! He is just a boy!"

"No I'm not!" shouted Johnny as he walked into the front door. "Last I heard I was part of this family too!"

"Johnny--," Jason started.

"No Dad!" Johnny shouted at his father. "I'm a part of this family and Kevin is too! I love the both of you and I don't want to loose either of you! Now I want you two to work this out!"

"It's not that easy son," Jason interjected.

"Ohhh please Dad, don't give me that crap!" Johnny sneered at his father. "They have had marriage counseling for years now!" Ok so the kid has a point Jason thought. "Can Dad stay for Dinner?" Jason sighed and nodded and sat down heavily on the sofa. Kevin sat down beside him and took his hand.

"I don't have to stay you know," Kevin said as he brushed the side of Jason's face with the back of his hand. "I mean if you are really uncomfortable with me being here I could leave."

"No Kev," Jason said with a small smile. "It would mean a lot to Johnny if you stayed and maybe we could talk after dinner and after Johnny turns in for night." Kevin eyes brightened at the prospects of more conversation with his sweetie. "I'm not making any promises Kevin."

"I know Jas," Kevin said with a small smile.

Chapter Four.

1500 miles away in a mansion.

"Dr.!" she shouted. "What the hell are you doing now?"

Dr. Jones sighed and looked up from his patient. "I'm giving him a physical. I have to make sure that he is not suffering any side affects before you set him loose." He looked down at the half naked youth on the examination table. He had to admit he was a very good looking guy. What surprised him is how well he was doing. His appetite was almost normal. He was working out every day and he had regained some of his memory. But he also noticed something else. A dark hatred smoldering in his eyes.

"Are you about done?" demanded the Patient. "I want to eat!"

"Your appetite is almost normal," Dr. Jones commented. "Have you had any heart palpitations or anything?"

"No," answered the youth.

"Well let me know the instant that you do," Dr. Jones said as he nodded for him to put on his shirt. Turning to her, "He is as fit as he can get for now. Just try not to kill him."

"Thank you Doctor," She replied. "You will find the funds for your services in a Swiss Bank Account." Dr. Jones breathed a sigh of relief and left the house in a hurry. Turning to the youth. "Now Samuel Gibson, let's talk about your cousin. I believe his name is Jason," she smiled as she put her arms around his shoulder. "You do remember he is your cousin don't you?" Sam nodded but he was confused as to what his cousin whom he really didn't like all that much had to do with this.

"Umm why are you so interested in Jason?" he asked.

"Because he is married to Kevin Richardson!" she spat out. "I hate him and everything he touches. And you my young friend are going to bring them down!"

"Why?" he asked.

"Yours is not to ask why!" she screamed at him. "Yours is to do. Remember I own you! If not for me you wouldn't be alive at this very moment!" She was quiet for a few minutes and than she smiled at him. "Do you remember Pam?" His eyes lit up with pleasure. "I see I have struck a chord. You love her don't you?"

"Very much," he said with his eyes downcast. "I wish I could see her."

"Would you like to see her?" she asked with a honey sweet voice. "I can take you to her if you like."

"Please?" he pleaded. She laughed as she picked up the phone.

"I will need my jet fueled and ready for flight in an hour," she ordered into the phone. "Come on Sammy Boy, let's go see your precious Pamela."

Later that evening at Jason's house.

Kevin helped Jason put the dishes away in the dishwasher and Johnny was feeding Scrappy. "Thank you for delicious meal," Kevin said in a soft voice.

"Justin cooked tonight," Jason said as he touched Kevin's arm. "He has turned into quite the cook. JC is very lucky to have him."

"Why isn't he with JC right now?" Kevin asked.

"Because he wants to be with me right now. You know how he is with his friends. He cares deeply for them. He saw me hurting and he came running to help," Jason said. "I tried to tell that I would be all right. You want to go out on the back deck?"

"It is a nice night out," Kevin commented as he held the sliding glass door open for Jason. Jason smiled and slid out on the deck. Kevin inhaled deeply of Jason's scent as he brushed by him.

"Johnny!" Jason hollered into the house. "Shower and bed!"

"Yes Dad," Johnny replied.

"It is so clear out tonight," Kevin sighed as he sat down in one of the chairs.

"I forgotten how peaceful it was up here," Jason sighed as he inhaled the honey suckle scent. "The honey suckle is out." He noticed that Kevin was staring at the sliding glass door. "Penny for you thoughts?"

"I was just going back in time is all," Kevin said wiping a tear from his eyes. "I was just remembering our party before the wedding and how Brian came back into our lives."

"Yea that was a real soap opera moment," Jason smiled.

"I want us to get through this," Kevin blurted out. "I love you and I don't want to loose you."

"I don't think that is going to happen Kevin," Jason smiled. "I do love you too and I have no intentions of letting you go either. But we do need some time apart to sort things out."

"I miss holding you," Kevin sobbed out. "I miss the way you sleep against me, the way you moan out my name in your sleep."

"We will have that again, I promise," Jason said getting teary eyed himself. "But it will take time. Please don't push me into anything that I am not ready for." Kevin nodded.

"Umm I guess I should umm get going," he said as he got up and headed for the door. "I had a wonderful night."

"We have the extra guest room," Jason suggested. "I really think that Johnny would love to wake up to see you here in the morning."

"Thank you," Kevin smiled. "I would love it too." Jason stood up and walked over to Kevin and took his arm.

"In the mean time why don't we sit in front of the fire place and talk for a while?" Kevin smiled again and nodded. "I miss moments like those."

"I do too Jas," Kevin replied. Together they walked back into the house hand in hand.

Next morning.

"Why are we stopping here?" asked Sam.

"You said you wanted to see Pam didn't you?" she asked. He nodded, "Well there she is," she pointed to a grave stone.

"Oh my God no!" Sam sobbed out falling to his knees.



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Next: Chapter 5: Cousins Payback 7 8

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