Covert Forces

By Ben Chen

Published on Aug 19, 2015


Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real-life events or people is entirely coincidental.

Please do not copy or distribute this story without the author's prior consent.

If you have anything against gay men with powers, sexual content, violence, gore, or swearing, then this story won't be for you.

A/N: This is a pretty exposition-heavy chapter, since it sort of establishes the story's actual premise. You'll want to read on to the end, though. Let's say there's some action that happens.

Covert Forces

Chapter 3 - set to The Time is Now by Moloko

Vulcan tossed away his coffee cup and strode into Grand Central Station, his body language confident but his mind less so. It was the first time anyone in the Group had dealt with this situation first-hand, and he wasn't sure what he felt about it. On one hand, there was a new opportunity that could be exploited, and if he played his cards right, the Group would end up with a significant advantage in their hands. The background checks had turned out very good, and Vulcan's strategy of playing a longer game seemed promising. He had an idea about the pitch he would use, which he'd quickly cobbled together late last night. The evidence he possessed would also provide an extra argument in his favour.

On the other hand... Well, Vulcan never liked plans with such a possible margin of failure. He'd have to make the case that somehow, what the Group could offer was better than what these men were capable of. He knew that the duo would be weighing their options, despite having met only moments before the incident, and he needed to be careful in dealing with them. After looking through their records, and actually seeing them in person, Vulcan was starting to wonder if he'd bitten off more than he could chew. It wasn't just that his stubborn determination to stay in the closet was challenged by this pair of hunks, but they were also no slouches mentally. They'd even tried to call him via a fresh Skype account and an array of Internet proxies, although he'd already known almost everything about them. He'd have to make sure not to be outplayed, should their intentions be nefarious.

It was annoying that he got the call at 11pm yesterday, and he was still a little sleepy, but at least he was now vindicated in his actions. Cygnus hadn't chewed him out for his approach towards this case, which was already a win in his books. "You're a professional, Vulcan. Keep it together," he muttered to himself, peering about to find Vic and Alex.

Of course, there they were by the central clock, looking amazing again. "Damnit!" Vulcan cursed. He could tell from the pair's body language, being all jokey and casual with each other, that they had established a rapport. He was considering how he'd approach them when Vic looked in his direction and their eyes met. Vulcan gave him a nod and headed their way, maintaining a calm attitude even as Vic and Alex turned silent and were sizing him up. He wondered what exactly was on their minds - assessing how trustworthy he was? Checking out how he looked in his suit? It was obvious which way they swung, given the venue where they were at, and Vulcan wasn't above using his sex appeal to do the job. Besides, the attention from two hot dudes was very flattering as well.

"Stop it," a voice in his subconscious yelled. "Don't you dare get off on this. You're walking a very thin line here." Then again, which part of this case wasn't treading dangerous ground? "It's good to see you again," he smiled at the men, genuine but professional.

"I'd say the same to you mate, but last time we met, things were awfully crap." Vic, to Vulcan's lack of surprise, first spoke for the duo. "You'd better have the answers we want."

Vulcan shrugged, having anticipated this manoeuvre already. "Of course I do. In fact, why don't we talk in my office? Some of the things I will tell you, they should not be overheard by casual passers-by."

"No," Alex stated, his voice gentler but still firm. "How about Byrant Park? We'll find a corner that's just the right degree of crowded."

Of course, they wanted to do this on their own terms. Well, that was fine with him. "Certainly. And you can leave anytime you want to." He didn't mention the group of undercover agents that presently surrounded them.

Vic's eyebrow twitched. "No dirty tricks."

"I wouldn't dare to," Vulcan smirked. "Especially if my guesses about your abilities are correct. Shall we go, gentlemen?" He gestured for the duo to follow, and they exchanged suspicious glances before doing so, unknowingly followed by Vulcan's group as well. Alex reached for Vic's hand and clasped it tightly, as if he was comforting the latter, who definitely appeared edgier about the proceedings. The way the men's touches were tender and longing did not escape Vulcan, even as he was walking ahead of them. "God," he thought with a tinge of annoyance, "Don't tell me these two studs are shacking up already?"

They settled themselves on a quiet bench, with Alex placing himself between Vulcan and Vic. "You know, I don't think we've even acquainted ourselves," Alex quipped. "And I don't suppose you'll tell us your real name?"

Vulcan shook his head. "You're right, so I'm not even going to pretend. I go by the code name 'Vulcan'."

"Vulcan, eh?" Alex pondered. "You must be a Roman mythology buff."

"Really? I'd have put my money on Star Trek," Vic argued. "He even reminds me of Spock."

Vulcan smiled, letting both comments slide. He'd let the men presume whatever they thought was true. "Well, Vulcan, I don't think we're comfortable sharing our names, but I suppose you'd have found them anyway," Vic continued. "Whatever it is that you freaks do."

Vulcan simply nodded in affirmation. "That is correct, Victor Akinbode Balogun."

"I knew it!" Vic yelled. "God, aren't you full of surprises. OK, major creep factor aside, you should just call me Vic."

"And since it'd be awkward if you recited my name," Alex drawled, "Guess I'll just have to do it for you. Alexander Samuel Langley here, but call me Alex."

"Right," Vulcan cleared his throat. "Thanks, Alex. Sorry about the awkward intro. I'll cut straight to the point, and I apologise if this might sound ridiculous, but I'm sure you've already experienced your fair share of oddities. Let me ask both of you fellows - do you believe in the supernatural? In greater powers beyond us?"

"Religion? The supernatural?" Vic shrugged. "Not really. Although I watch a bit of the CW show."

"I've never seen or felt anything extraordinary until now," Alex admitted, after rolling his eyes at Vic's reply. "But I keep an open mind towards it."

This next part was always eyebrow-raising, and Vulcan guessed this time wouldn't be any different, even with how special this duo was. "Let's say that the cosmos, and Earth in particular, is a long-term experiment. Generally, it is run with minimal interference, and the planet is allowed to choose its own course of action. But what if every once in a while, you introduce elements that can shift the path of human history? Shape their psyches and behaviours towards a different equilibrium."

"Divine intervention?" Alex frowned. "Is this what you're suggesting?"

"Well, sort of. No one really knows who's up there or what they are. The only thing we do understand is that these creators, they are unsure what the optimal balance for human motivations is. Beyond certain behavioural extremes, what is the ideal ratio between, say, individual ambition or collectivist balance? What would the best path forward in securing mankind's survival and development? They cannot intervene directly across our entire species, but what they can do is plant seeds. Ordained recipients of their power, beyond our regular understanding of science and human ability. Individuals who can then wield that ability to influence the world, should they play their cards right. To inspire, to conquer, sometimes to simply cause chaos. You might've known some of them, from stories or supposed myths that are passed down." He didn't mention the fact that he'd almost lost hope before encountering them on that fateful night.

"Mate, I love a good tale from time to time, but you're just nuts." Whatever the expression on Vic's face was, he clearly wasn't amused. "Next you'll tell us we're on Just for Laughs."

"Maybe you should give me more time to explain myself fully," Vulcan smiled politely. "This is where I come in. I work for a faction that's existed in one form or the other, since the first founding of Jericho. Throughout the ages, we've documented and supported the intervention of empowered individuals for purposes of order and stability. During instances when no one of the right profile appears, we aim to uphold societal peace until the next chosen few are discovered. We then try and guide these individuals to fulfill their destiny. If they're good, they exist for centuries or have a widespread influence, like the Indo-Greek pantheon or Jesus Christ. If they're not, or if the other faction gets their way instead, you end up with another Crusades or World War II on your hands - mind you, mankind is more than capable of wreaking havoc by themselves, but sometimes it takes a nudge here or there to get things rolling."

"Sounds serious," Alex mused. "But I keep circling back to this one idea - how can we trust you? Why not this other faction you speak of? You can't expect us to just take your word that you're 'good'. Not to mention that the idea of 'good' is a relative concept."

"No, that's a great question." In fact, Vulcan would've thought them stupid for not enquiring along those lines. "The first iteration of Jericho was destroyed by strife, when two groups were formed with different opinions on how the first superhuman should use their abilities. I do think, relative to the other group that exists, we have a stronger emphasis on compassion and restraint. Remember the shooting two nights ago?"

"Uh, yes," Vic muttered. "What the fuck were you doing there, by the way?" His big eyes bore straight into Vulcan's, angry and confused.

"Give me a moment." It took a while for Vulcan to activate his tablet, including a thumbprint identification program and double password encryption. He was secretly amused by Vic and Alex's incredulous looks at the amount of security needed to use the device. "We've actually been tracking these 2 for a while," he said, pointing towards photos of the couple's assailants. "Nasty creatures. Spent a lot of time on Occidental Reform and the Free Republic, too. They talked a lot of crap about wishing minorities and liberals were gone, and how well-trained they were. Impressive stats, to be fair, but these men were bloodthirsty psychos. In a crowd of sovereign citizens and white nationalists, they were among the most likely to act out - and that's saying something. So they've been on a peripheral watchlist of ours, but they disappeared from Arkansas 1 week ago. We were only able to pick up their trail on and off, headed towards the northeastern seaboard, but there's a limit to what we can trace. Almost like someone's been helping to cover their tracks. A lot of fake vehicle plates, car switching and suspiciously tampered video footage - tricks that are familiar to us."

"Maybe you could've just tipped off the FBI?" Alex offered, scratching his chin in confusion. "I'm sure you already know this, but they kind of have offices dedicated to tracking hate groups."

"Here's the thing, though. We know some of these tech and intel tricks better than the FBI, CIA or DoD ever would. If we're having issues piecing the case together ourselves, there's no way we could persuade the FBI, subtly or otherwise, to open a case based on evidence they could reasonably find. There's no manifesto or usual smoking gun that these egomaniacs tend to love." Vulcan took a swig from a Perrier bottle in his bag before continuing. His throat was dry from all the talking so far, but there was so much he needed to fill the duo on. "We'd do it ourselves, but we simply don't have the numbers to go into every case with a 100% focus. Technically, nobody even knows we exist, and having tens of thousands of employees running about isn't the best way of keeping that secret intact. So it was only on that night itself that we heard news they'd shown up in Manhattan, which is never good news. Their car was literally packed with enough weapons to massacre a town. I was the first responder - too late, as you now know, but I didn't have enough time to cobble my usual team together."

"OK then." Vulcan could tell that although Vic had a low tolerance for bullshit, he was starting to believe in the circumstances. "But I suppose there's more to the story than just that?"

"Indeed," Vulcan nodded, as he proceeded to load his next set of documents. "In fact, we just might've stolen the corpses for research purposes. See here? These men's brains were tampered with. There's severe degradation of neural functions over a prolonged period. Also, traces of foreign chemicals have been detected. We have no idea what exactly happened, but this isn't the first time it did. It is however the most high-profile case of its kind we've faced so far." He scrolled through a set of articles, detailing various gruesome murders that had occurred. These were scattered all over the country - California, South Carolina, Vermont, and even Montana and West Virginia. In all the cases, the murderers had died shortly after, of 'unnatural causes' apparently.

"Of course, what they don't tell you is that the same chemicals and neural degradation was found in each of these cases. We have a number of contacts in the FBI, and they tell us that there's pressure to just treat this last case as a hate crime. Nobody seems concerned that there's more to this, as long as they've found motives that seem plausible at the superficial level. But we do have other ideas. Namely, given the amount of interference in covering these attackers' tracks, that the other faction is behind this."

"You keep referring to these guys as 'the other faction'," Alex pointed out, "But wouldn't you at least know them by name? Especially if you've been going against them for millennia? All this sounds so vague."

"See, we have a good handle on their methods and intent, but not their identity. Throughout the centuries, when one faction gets exposed and destroyed, its surviving remnants regroup as another unknown entity. It's what we do on both sides. It's not exactly the same organisations surviving through the years, but a historical continuity is still there. The thing though is that they don't know who we are in our present form either. In fact, I can't tell you what exactly we are as well, unless you agree to join us."

Vic cocked his head in disbelief. "You're counting on us to do that? I have to admit, this is sounding less fantastical the more you've explained, but still. We still barely know what you do."

Vulcan decided it was time to go into the crux of the matter. At the same time, he was relieved that Vic and Alex were being genuinely cooperative, and gave him the benefit of the doubt. "No, Vic, you're right. This will have to be collaborative. I'm sorry we didn't talk about this faster, but I had to lay the groundwork. Proof that I'm not some delirious or manipulative loony pulling a fast one in you. So the deal is this: I can tell you more about your powers to get you started. You can then have some time to decide if you want to hone them further with our guidance. I know it's important you come into all this with a clear head, and you should take all the time you can with this."

"I'm also trying to reduce the time you'll be spending in this fucked-up battle," He thought bitterly to himself. "Maybe they'll cope with this better than I have. After all, I'm not the one with powers."

Vic and Alex merely nodded with passive interest. "Go ahead," Alex gestured, his face pleasant but tense.

"Alright. During the course of history, there have been many different types and even numbers of powers which have been imbued by higher forces. We call individuals like yourselves the Empowered. So there could be anything from 1 to over 100 Empowered with active abilities at any one time, and long periods in between when no supernatural activity is detected. In fact, you two are the first Empowered to appear since the last century."

"You'd think it'd be easier, if they just told everyone how many people and what type of powers there'd be each time," Vic mused. "Like Sailor Moon or Avatar."

Alex frowned. "I know there were a lot of natural landscapes and body switching in that movie, but no superpowers otherwise."

"Silly," Vic chuckled. "I meant The Last Airbender."

"Oh, the M. Night movie?" Alex was bemused. "Of all the examples you could use? That was a horrid piece of film-making."

Vic winced in mock agony. "Remind me to show you the source material M. Night massacred, Alex."

Vulcan coughed lightly, which drew their attention back to him. "Our theory is that whoever is behind this, they've been experimenting with different numbers and configurations of abilities which will help push mankind along an ideal onward trajectory. Which is exciting, but absolutely a pain to keep track of. However, there are still some broad similarities. For example, all Empowered so far have had their powers triggered in violent and life-threatening circumstances. We call these events Awakenings."

"The shooting, in this case," Alex noted.

"Correct. Your first trigger starts as a burst which shows some extent of what you can do, but after that you have to actively train yourself to stretch your abilities to that limit. You may be capable of even more, though the extent of it differs from person to person, and you'll just have to cross that bridge when it comes along." Vulcan's expression was calm, although he was praying fervently that his conjectures about Vic and Alex's abilities were correct, and he wouldn't make a fool of himself or get killed. "So, shall we get started?"

Although he looked cocky and assertive, Alex knew that Vic was as uncertain and nervous about the whole affair as he did. Nevertheless, it as the sort of natural personality trait Vic possessed, which he used to maintain some leverage over the situation. As if by instinct, they looked to each other for mutual reassurance, and for a split second he could see the gentle concern in Vic's eyes. Alex couldn't help but swoon a little; he was falling hard for this man and it was gratifying that Vic felt the same way too. A little smile curled up on his face, and he sensed the subtle but appreciative shift in Vic's face.

Vulcan loaded some photos on his tablet and showed them to the men. It was the assailant Alex had killed, his face grotesquely distended in horror. The sight of it caused Alex to involuntarily tighten in panic. Upon seeing his lover's response, Vic patted him heavily on the back, powerful yet soothing gesture. Even Vulcan awkwardly tried to squeeze him on the shoulder in reassurance, which Alex thought was bizarrely endearing from this otherwise collected individual.

"You're behind this, Alex? The autopsy results weren't pretty. We weren't sure if this fellow got some disease or poison at first, but I think you'll find some of this familiar. He died within seconds of pulmonary enema. A range of chemicals were detected in his system: carbon monoxide, nitrogen compounds, hydrogen cyanide-"

And then it hit Alex like a ton of bricks. "Of course," he whispered, voice trembling. "That smell of bitter almonds. All those gases are the result of methyl isocyanate degradation."

Vulcan nodded ruefully. "That would be correct. You basically gassed his lungs, turned most of the air in it into toxic vapours. How did you even know to do that?"

"It was a while back, actually. We learned about the Bhopal disaster and methyl isocyanate in process safety management," a bewildered Alex continued, "But that chemical formula was deep in my head. There was no way I thought of that amidst all the chaos."

"When you were Awakened, your abilities were triggered violently, but you'll need to train if you want to consciously activate that amount of power. Let's try something less dangerous though." Vulcan reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved a lighter. "If my conjecture is correct, then you can manipulate and create gases, with methyl isocyanate being one of the more lethal ones you made in desperation."

"So, transmutation perhaps?" Alex queried, to which Vulcan simply nodded. "Is this one of the ways these things can work?"

"Possibly. Maybe you could only create highly toxic chemicals and nothing else, but then this test wouldn't work." He held the lighter up to Alex's face and ignited it. "Focus on delving deep into your thoughts, and unlock that subconscious barrier you're putting up. You're probably worried that you'll go out of control, but fortunately that's not how these things work. At the start, you really need to deliberately activate your powers, if you want to get anything done. Tap into the instinctive ability you felt on that night, and use that to smother this flame."

"You can do it, Alex," Vic smiled. "Don't pressure yourself."

"Thanks," Alex smiled back, and then focused his mind. It didn't come easy at first, with his thoughts wracked by anxiety and uncertainty, but he pushed himself to go deep into his consciousness. He stared intently at the lighter's flame, using it as a focal point he concentrated his vision on, synchronising his efforts with his breathing rhythm.

And then he got it, while searching his mind's recesses for that instinct he'd buried. Now, instead of the kneejerk reaction he'd had when conjuring the toxic gas, he felt what he could do. He could sense the elements in the air around him, base gases and trace pollutants, assaulting his mind with knowledge. Previously invisible gases, from farts to perfumes to water vapour and exhalation, suddenly made their presence felt. It felt like seeing on another spectrum, but he quickly adjusted to it by only focusing on the immediate area he wanted to work on. It also helped that with his chemical engineering background, his mind was tuned into the atomic structures that seemed to surround him. He was concentrating so hard that he'd tuned out Vulcan and Vic staring watchfully at him, with an equal mix of fascination and trepidation.

This was trickier then he'd expected, since he'd need to form more carbon than was present in the air, by tearing apart some of the nitrogen and oxygen molecules and using their components to create a new element. Otherwise, he'd just need to rejig the bonds between the atoms. Still, this was a good first test of his abilities, and he felt himself shaping carbon atoms out of the air and combining them with oxygen molecules. His forehead sweating and hands clenching from the exertion, he then focused on creating a smothering zone of carbon dioxide around the flame, turning all its oxygen into the ubiquitous fire retardant instead. The flame started flickering with greater frequency as Alex could see the carbon dioxide gas surround the lighter, growing steadily weaker before finally disappearing anticlimactically when completely choked of oxygen.

Vic gave Alex, who was now slumped in exhaustion, a firm pat on his muscular thighs. "Wow, dude! That was badass!" He was ecstatic at what he'd seen, even if just appeared to be an extinguished flame to another bystander.

"Well done!" Vulcan was clearly proud of what Alex had accomplished as well. "You showed surprising control over what you can do, and you seemed to settle into it easily. Was it carbon dioxide?"

Alex's cheeks were flushed with both pride and embarrassment. "Yeah, it was," he grinned. "Thanks, guys. I wouldn't have thought I could do that, but it was actually really cool."

"Now I'm scared," Vic laughed semi-nervously. "Next to an elemental, most things are going to fall short."

"I'm not an elemental per se," Alex corrected him gently. "I can only affect gases so far. But maybe I'll be able to work with other forms of matter next time. Anyway, I doubt your powers are shabby, since it seems to have helped us survive the day."

Vulcan gave Alex, and then Vic, a quizzical look. "Interesting. Would you mind sharing what you know, if you don't mind?"

"Alex and I were actually talking about this," Vic explained. "See, the things that happened around me, they were improbable. Not impossible, but improbable. It could be some luck thing. Or maybe I'm Jean Grey, and I can move things around with my brain. Which is cool, as long as I don't turn into the Phoenix."

Alex snickered. "Jean Grey? I remember watching the FOX cartoon, and all she did was scream and faint a lot."

"That would stink," Vic narrowed his eyes with disgust. "But you'll just have to catch me when I faint regularly. Although that would be a fairly pleasant experience."

"There's only one way to find out," a beaming Vulcan interjected. "You need to tap into your power, and then you can better understand its nature."

"Try to focus your attention on a singular object, like something you're trying to manipulate," Alex suggested, still relieved and happy from using his ability successfully. "It was hard to delve in because I was trying not to think about that night at first. You'll know when you snag onto that feeling in your head." He reached out to Vic and grasped his arm gently, causing Vic to smile in reciprocation. "Don't worry about losing control, because as Vulcan said, it starts off weak. It's almost like we're designed to grasp the curve slowly."

Vic nodded calmly; Alex's touch had a therapeutic effect on him, and he'd put in a cheeky request later for more contact time with his lover. "Alright, I'll try a focal totem." He opened his wallet to take out a coin, which he placed in Vulcan's left hand. "I want you to flip the coin when I tell you to. I want to see what sort of effect I can achieve with it."

"Sure," Vulcan agreed. He positioned the coin between his fingertips, ready to flip it into the air. "You ready?"

"Give me a minute," Vic replied, now focusing on the silver coin with its 'head' facing upwards, as he tried to clear his thoughts and reach into his power. "Geez, Alex makes it looks so easy," he wondered, as his mind was similarly laced with traces of doubt. To clear his brain, he thought about the way Alex looked when he had activated his skills, those blue eyes straining with a fierce intensity. He attempted to emulate that mindset, fuzzing out his surroundings and reaching into his conscious.

It didn't feel like he was headed anywhere when he felt that clicking noise in his head as well. A compendium of untold possibilities and probabilities now weighed in his brain, as he saw the numbers and data that governed everything around him. It appeared like an endless nexus of complicated, interconnected linkages with infinite outcomes; he concentrated on the most visible connections, reaching out with his abilities to feel them, and even change them. It confirmed his initial instinct: that the probabilities of things were now his to manipulate.

"I'm ready!" he gasped to Vulcan, struggling to multitask beyond focusing on his power. He could see Vulcan's thumb preparing to flick the coin. If he was stronger, he could outright alter which side the coin landed on, but he'd have to settle with altering the actions that would affect its landing. So he focused on the coin's launch and trajectory as it spun in the air, simultaneously working to affect Vulcan's reaction time. With Vulcan propelling the coin slower than usual, it gave him time to adjust for the right moment when Vulcan would slap his left hand onto the coin, pressing it against his right palm.

"Heads," Vic weakly whispered, the effort of manipulating the coin's probability causing a strain on him. Vulcan uncovered his hand to reveal the coin lying heads-up on his palm.

"Holy shit," Alex murmured, his eyes wide open in surprise. "I might just become a betting man."

"What can I say, baby? I'm a probability manipulator," Vic flashed a weak grin. "We should go to Vegas."

"Impressive, gentlemen." Vulcan's face clearly displayed his pleasure. "Your abilities might seem simple now, but they have a great range of potential applications. You could try to do develop them yourselves, but I would like to suggest that you join my organisation."

"You're wasting no time to rope us in, eh?" Vic panted, still worn out from his feat.

"Slight but important difference, actually - I'm just tabling the offer. Again, you will have the time to think things through, but I can outline my case to you. You'll receive access to high-quality training facilities and what historical records we have, which will help you unlock your abilities faster and more effectively. It would be a shame to waste these powers, especially with their capacity to do good."

Alex quirked his brow in scepticism. "I'm sensing a catch somewhere..."

"Well, your working life as it is will be completely over," Vulcan offered serenely, as if he wasn't asking for much. "As will most of your personal life." It was the latest statement to catch both men off-guard yet again.

"What!" Vic sputtered. "What the fuck. And I'm sure you have some smartass and totally justified reason for us to do so."

"Easy, Vic," Vulcan pointed out calmly. "You will need intensive training to go onto the field. Even with your abilities, you still need a level of physical and logistical preparation, especially if you intend to do good and find yourself in some very dangerous situations. This is especially the case when you're starting off and your powers aren't fully developed, or when you need to get out of a situation and using your abilities might be too obvious. This training is going to take a while; it's is not some after school special, and it's not a job you can just tell your acquaintances. Understand that you lead your lives with a huge secret from this day forth, but you'll have to give up more if you're committed to making this world a better place."

"At least let us know what exactly happens if we join, then," Alex sighed. He knew that all this talk, all the friendly offers and disclaimers, was leading up to this. "We're not stupid. Just be direct about this."

"I'd like to invite you two into the covert squad I lead, which is based here in New York. Our focus will be to act against the instigations of our enemies, through the stealthy use of force. Generally, the preferred modus operandi is to act behind the scenes, but there are times when we just have to be on the field to physically intervene. In these cases, we leave as few casualties and as little trace of our presence as possible. And both of you just happen to have nice powers that can be used stealthily. Well, you have to quit your current jobs and do this full-time, but I think you'd be a great fit, and I promise we'll slowly acclimatise you into the swing of things."

"That's it?" Vic queried. "Isn't there some HR person we should be meeting for an interview? And what about the perks?"

"I have final say over my squad selections, although I'll still need to argue the case, which should be straightforward here. I must warn you though, we train a lot every day to be prepared on the field, and you won't be exempt from this just because you have powers. On the plus side," Vulcan paused for a bit before emphasising the next part, "the pay's very good. And I think you'll love the gym."

Vic and Alex gave each other knowing glances. There was a decision to be made, but both of them knew this wasn't the right place or time. "Your proposal is interesting," Alex smiled, "But you have to give us time to think about this. I'm sure you know that we still have concerns."

"Certainly," Vulcan appeared to be understanding, at least. "And it would be horrid of me to force you into an outcome. This is absolutely something you should consider seriously. Maybe I'll give you guys some more time to think about it?"

"Thanks. That would be great, especially if you're asking us to join your group of death squad operatives," Vic noted semi-sarcastically. "We'll talk again."

The meeting ended as cordially as it could've, after Alex reminded Vic that Vulcan did help them figure out their powers.

"Let's go back to talk this through, shall we?" Alex turned to Vic when he was sure they were alone. "Of course," Vic grinned in agreement, and they held hands as they began their return journey.

Walking through the city after their meeting was a strange experience; it was like both men had their worldviews shifted by their new knowledge and powers. On one hand, it felt slightly depressing seeing people going about their lives on the streets, utterly ignorant of the sinister undercurrents that threatened to strike. However, a short stroll also became considerably more complicated, as both men better understood the subtleties of their environment; the precariousness that guided road traffic became more evident, and the aroma of hot dogs was now a complex puzzle. It was a bittersweet sensation, tempered by the happiness that they felt just by being next to each other. They could sense heads turning in their presence; just the fact that these 2 handsome men stood next to each other already drew attention, but it was that indescribable glow they possessed which went beyond the usual intrigue.

When they were back in his apartment, Alex wrapped his arms around Vic and pulled him onto bed. They lay against the sheets, hugging each other in a warm embrace and enjoying each other's presence.

"That went better than expected," Alex admitted, running his fingers along Vic's shaved scalp and enjoying its smooth sensation.

"Yeah, I'm kind of excited now actually," Vic grinned, his right fingers now stroking Alex's neck. "Turns out this lad I'm really attracted to is a superpowered badass."

Alex was flushing visibly again. "It's nothing compared to what you can do. Well, at least I know my powers have non-lethal uses."

"Yeah, remind me not to piss you off. What did you think of Vulcan, by the way?"

"Besides him looking good, you mean?" Alex teased. "And the silly codename?"

"Oh, you're paying attention to other fit guys besides me?" tutted Vic. "This might be a problem."

"Hey!" Alex protested defensively. "I'm sure we can mutually appreciate objective beauty... and then share that appreciation with each other."

"Yeah, he may be real cute, but you're strictly mine Mr. Langley. Anyway," Vic pondered, while scooting closer to Alex and resting his head against the other man's right shoulder, "I'm surprised that he's leading a squad - he's about our age! He must either be very competent, or this organisation has crap recruitment and promotion practices."

"I'm thinking more of the first," Alex guessed. "He seems professional and smart. And I know this is a dangerous type of thing to say, with this whole shady conspiracy we're in, but I do trust him on a working level. I'm prepared to kick his ass if he turns on us, though."

"I agree," Vic nodded. "It's just... he unsettles me a little. Of course, we barely have a handle on the guy, but he's just super chill throughout all this, and it's slightly unnerving."

"Right, and I get that. It's just hard to pass judgment without knowing the full picture. Maybe, to put it into perspective, he could surprise you positively. You might be focusing too much on the negative uncertainties instead, for now."

"True," Vic noted. "And what about his proposal?"

"Actually, Vic, I should be asking you that." Alex was scrutinising Vic with a serious look. "I am tempted to accept it, for the record. I won't be naive, and think that whatever 'organisation' we're working for doesn't have skeletons in its closets. Besides, this would be infinitely more meaningful than the dreary work I do now. I've just had 1 day off work today, and I feel better already!"

Vic stuck his tongue out. "That's just because of me hanging around."

"Maybe," Alex grinned. "Still, I'm saying that it's an appealing idea to me, but it'll be a much bigger move for you. You'll most likely have to move over here, and leave your friends and family life behind. I'll understand if you want to say no, although I hope that regardless, we'll still be working on a relationship together."

Vic said nothing for a while; his gaze was seemingly fixated far away, although he continued to touch and caress Alex's firm body, and the smile on his face seemed to widen slowly. When he finally spoke, his hands were feeling Alex's angular jaw, brushing against the thin stubble that gave his lover an even more masculine appeal. "Alex... If I could, I'd wish we could just return to leading normal lives. Straightforward lives, even. But I can't. I can't turn my back, knowing what we do now, and it's not going to reduce the risks we face. Or the danger to our family and friends, for that matter. If I want life to go on as it has, I - no, we - need to become stronger, and protect our loved ones. That's the best way I can honour the love they've shown, not pretend that everything's all good. Then when all this is over, maybe I'll return to underwriting," he chuckled.

"You sure about this, Vic?" Alex whispered. He asked the question they both were afraid to vocalise. Selfishly, a part of him ached for Vic to stay the course, although he was generally more concerned that his lover might do something he regretted.

Vic paused for just a little before he nodded and smiled. "Yes. Let's say I'm feeling good about the odds, Alex. You're the only thing that's anchoring me in this, but it's a calculated gamble I'm willing to take. I can't guarantee that everything will be right as rain, but promise me that we'll work through any issue we might face, okay?"

Alex wore a boyish grin on his face, which Vic absolutely loved. "You have my gentleman's agreement, Vic."

"Good," Vic murmured. "Now I gotta get that bloody smile off your face, it's too much." He leaned in to kiss Alex, feeling his lover's firm lips twist against his, their stubbles rubbing. He'd only intended for a brief kiss, but God - it felt too good, it was too little relief for their bottled tension. Then it was Alex's turn to move in for the kill, a lengthier, wetter kiss; but it still wasn't enough, and their third kiss was a sloppy affair as their tongues flicked and played, aching to show the other party how much they cared. It felt hurried and incomplete, despite actually lasting a while, and on the fourth Alex was squeezing Vic's pecs, feeling for the firm nipples under the other man's T-shirt. He could hear Vic's moans trapped against his mouth, and then hands were forcing themselves into his own T-shirt, brushing against his skin, reaching for his nipples.

"I can make this easier for you," he gasped as they broke their kiss, reaching for his T-shirt. "No, allow me the honour," Vic insisted, his hands already around the clothing to pull it off. Alex let him do that, and then rubbed his hands against Vic's skin as he peeled his lover's top off as well, making sure to pass his hands against the nipples. "Aw, shit!" Vic groaned. It was a magnificent sight, with both men possessing similarly muscular builds, looking strong but not oversized. Alex had a light dusting of body hair with cute pink nipples on the tip of his pecs, while Vic had a smooth body and larger, dark brown nipples. After planting a kiss squarely on Vic's lips, Alex ran his tongue slowly down Vic's neck and then his body, pausing at the pecs to give Vic a firm tweak on each of his nipples with a teeth. "Motherfucker!" Vic yelled, startled at the aggression Alex displayed so far, each bite on his tits sending jolts of electricity into his body. He ran his right hand in Alex's gorgeous hair, while his left hand reached for the pert nipples and twisted them; it was then Alex's turn to exclaim. "Mmmph!" he slobbered as he licked at Vic's abs, swirling his tongue in the navel and reaching for a bulging crotch with his right hand, while his left hand continued to roam Vic's glorious body. There was a whole load of cursing and moaning in the room as Vic sat up and reciprocated the licking, working his tongue along Alex's sides instead and paying extra care to his right armpit. The men seemed to work with a natural chemistry, adjusting their bodies to let the other get into position and share their pleasure.

Alex had fun palming Vic's sizeable erection but quickly wanted more; with a deft action, he unhooked Vic's pants and yanked it down with his briefs. "Fuck!" he exclaimed when Vic's dick sprang up and caught him in surprise; it was fully erect and uncut, 9 inches of thick glory that almost slapped him in the face. This magnificent man was bringing out a sexual frenzy in him, a side that he didn't even know existed, and he wasted no time slurping his tongue along the length of Vic's penis. "Uuuhhh!" Vic croaked in between gasps and fits of laughter. "It's like you're eating a bloody cob of corn!"

"That's the idea," Alex grinned deviously, briefly interrupting his ministrations before quickly engulfing Vic's cockhead, which was actually even wider than the rest of his already sizeable dick. God, he wanted this man in all the ways he could; clothed, naked, fucking him, being fucked by him, dominant, submissive, playfully, lovingly... never mind that they weren't have the experience in some of these areas, they could always pick up new ideas and go crazy.

Vic's breathing was ragged as Alex worked that scrumptious dick into his mouth, making the process of shedding his jeans considerably more complicated. He was desperate to tear Alex's tight jeans off as well. "Move your legs, mate. I need that cock of yours so bad." Alex looked him straight in the eye lustfully, his mouth still stuffed; it was an image that seared itself into Vic's head. He instinctively understood what Vic meant, manoeuvring his body deftly so that he now lay on top of Vic in the classic sixty-nine. Vic reached for the jeans's waistbands, his hands pulling it along Alex's amazing glutes as his lover's penis slowly revealed itself, with his mouth more than ready to welcome it as it popped out. Alex himself was a 9-incher as well, and although his dick was cut and thus looked slightly leaner, it appeared to be more evenly-proportioned along his length. He wrapped his lips hard around that fine specimen, a warm suction-like effort that Alex reciprocated in his sucking. When he'd fully taken in Alex's boner and helped the other man out of his jeans, they then devoured each other with the same needy pace, greedy for the light and salty-sweet precum they leaked for each other, high on their reciprocal lust.

Between the hunger and the anticipation, it wasn't going to last. They could have more gentle love-making sessions in the future; right now, it was about fulfilling the raw urges they had been too polite to articulate. As they started thrusting more quickly and uncontrollably, they knew what was to come next, and each man devised their own trick; Vic fondled and tickled Alex's sizeable balls, while Alex crooked his finger against Vic's tight asshole. Both actions achieved their intended effects, and they flooded each others' mouths with warm, voluminous loads, in spasms that didn't feel like they'd stop. Alex struggled to gobble up the cum that was leaking from his mouth, and Vic almost choked at how much Alex had released. It took a good quarter of a minute before they were sure it was over, and Alex flipped his body so that his head was now directly above Vic's again, before lowering himself to kiss the other guy.

Vic could feel Alex release something into his mouth when their lips met; however, he also had his own surprise for Alex. Alex's eyes crinkled as he felt his own load being returned to him as well, and he slurped the mixture with enthusiasm. This last kiss was slow but gentle, their comedown from a sexually-charged session. They looked a damn mess, their bodies sticky with sweat and cum dribbling from their chins, but both men thought their partner looked hotter than ever in this used, dishevelled state.

"Well, well..." Vic wheezed, his strength totally spent. "I didn't know there was this side of you, but I like it a lot."

"Glad you did," Alex murmured breathily. "But I wouldn't have gone this loco without you. This is what you do to me, Victor Balogun."

"And you, Alex Langley - you've worked me so hard, it's made up for my lack of exercise these few days."

"Well," Alex bit his lip, "Would you rather spend time exercising or with me?"

"That's difficult," Vic gasped. "Almost like those 2 things can't be done at the same time."

"I suppose we could do both, but I need some rest before that. I came so hard, my balls feel like they'll drop off."

"Yeah, I'll settle for some cuddle time now." Vic wrapped his huge arms around Alex, spooning against his sexy partner as they sunk into each other's presence, two very different-looking specimens of male beauty complimenting each other perfectly. They knew that tougher times were still to come, but it would be moments like these that would keep them sane.

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Next: Chapter 4

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