Chapter Eleven
He dresses me in gym shorts and a t-shirt and the goddamn flip-flops. "We're stopping at my buddy's office first. He's the doctor who's gonna examine you and check you out." On the way there he speaks to me about other rules I have to obey from now on.
He starts off with things I'm forbidden to do under any circumstances: Normal "guy stuff at first:" farting; touching my balls. Then heavier stuff, or at least stuff I think is on the heavy side, especially this one: I'm forbidden to ever touch any part of my body that a Sir has just hit.
Then even heavier things because now I'm being forbidden to do things that are very ordinary things: Looking around a room when a Master is present instead of having both eyes focused on the Master at all times. Daydreaming when I'm doing a task (this is very hard). Not keeping my hands behind my back when they're idle. The worst is no scratching. I kid you not. I can be hit if I'm caught scratching myself anywhere at all.
Right away I realize how pernicious these new rules can be, because essentially they going to make me start acting like a sneak. I'm going to have to be hiding ordinary behaviors because I'll be punished if a Superior sees me doing any of them. I find myself wondering if all Masters will know these rules, especially the one forbidding ordinary behavior. Right away I decide I'm going to assume that all Doms know the restrictions he's laying on me because it will just be that much safer that way.
It's on my mind that he hasn't punished me much yet other than those spankings I've gotten from that freshmen and a couple other guys, but I get a sense that "punishment" is going to be a lot worse than being spanked, and those hurt an awful lot already. I can't imagine what could be worse, although I'm not stupid. Whips and canes must hurt a hell of a lot more than the spankings I've gotten lately.
OMG. I am a boy who gets spanked a lot. And apparently, Gabriel wants it to be that way. He considers it a regular part of the life of his slave. Fuck my life.
So we end up at the Doctor's office. Dr. Jake is every bit as hot as Gabriel although a lot darker with black hair and beard and, like my Master, he also has piercing eyes.
Gabriel and Dr. Jake hug each other and engage in some small talk. Gabriel explains about when my hand got whipped and that it still hurts. I quicky get the message that I'm not allowed to speak for myself. I wonder how that will all play out.
So then he turns to me: "Strip for us, boy. Let the good Doctor find out what you look like naked."
It's not a complicated process. I'm only wearing two garments and I strip out of them quickly. I stand with my legs spread (glad I haven't forgotten) and keep my hands at my side. That earns me a sharp slap across the face. "Hands," he says, and I realize I've already broken a rule: hands behind my back at all times.
Dr. Jack looks me over and he is a very hands-on physician. I stay limp and allow him to move me around and manipulate me however he wants. He slaps me in a couple places, explaining to Gabriel that he likes to check out my "resilience to heavy impact," whatever that is. It sounds ominous whatever it is.
He asks Gabriel to remove the cage but my Master didn't bring the keys with him. He promises to bring me back to have my dick examined in the near future. I'm fucking disappointed that I'm missing out on a chance to have my dick free of this fucking cage. Bummer.
I'm bent over and the doctor plunders my butthole with a lubed finger and I almost cum when he presses into my prostate and deliberately strokes it quite a bit. I make an embarrassing noise, and to make matters worse, I fart when he pulls his finger out of my ass. They both laugh and I'm ready to shrink away in case I get slapped again for breaking the "no farting" rule.
Then we get to the hand. He examines it gently and asks me to point out exactly where I feel sore. He says that there doesn't appear to be any bone damage, but will make arrangements for x-rays done on campus. They can do this in the athletic office where they frequently need to have x-rays taken quickly. Of course I'll have to tell them why my hand needs to be x-rayed. Bummer. Maybe I can ask Justin to take me there to have it done.
The Doc draws blood himself, quite a bit of it, and he'll have various tests run. The rest is just a routine physical simply made more embarrassing because I'm in the nude—which doesn't happen to ordinary patients. He spends a lot of time examining my balls, my butthole and my nipples and even checks them for pain tolerance---and that's a quick test because, to tell the truth they're still sore from what got done to them recently. He suggests to Gabriel that I appear to have a slow recovery time, and that has to be taken into consideration for heavy impact.
And then—FUCK!!! GET THIS----he advises Gabriel to get a "short cane" and to use it almost anywhere on my body for quick corrections rather than formal punishments. That will also get me exposed to the special pain of the cane and make me better able to take more and more of it as time goes by. Ulp! Fuck my life again.
Once he's finished with me, he and Master have along chat with each other about recent gossip. Much to my delightful surprise, it turns out that a few of the men associated with Anderson have been charged with over a dozen instances of assault from boys who were victimized by them. He tells Gabriel that an undercover agent was able to give them officers the identity of over a dozen of their victims. Of course, the problem is going to be to get them to give testimony. Nonetheless, the Hunt is also implicated because that was where most of the abuse cases took place. It's been shut down, probably for good.
On the way back from there Gabriel lets me know that I will be giving testimony myself as soon as he can find the time for me to make a formal complaint about how I was treated. Shit. I hope it escapes his mind eventually, but then again, I have no idea how good his memory is about these kinds of things.
I am fucking starving, by the way. I had the bowl of coffee and four loads of cum today—well, five, actually, because in addition to Master's three friends and his load as well after they left, I also had to swallow down the good doctor's as a way of expressing my appreciation for him caring for me. I keep thinking about how hungry I am, hoping that Gabriel the mind-reader will pick up on it.
It works! On the way back to campus he pulls into a diner parking lot. Yes!!!! But before we get out of the car, Gabriel has more instructions to give me about how I'm to behave in the diner. "This is a hell of a lot easier than last night. As usual, I order for you. I'll tell you what to do. Whenever the server gives you anything you say "thank you." Other than that, conversation is pretty free unless I instruct you to remain silent for some reason, usually I have something else I want to teach you. Follow me in and out."
As soon as we get seated Gabriel offers coffee for himself and "a vanilla milkshake for the boy." Shit. "Vanilla milkshake is symbolic in case you haven't figured it out. You'll be drinking a lot of them, boy." I blush. "Yes, Sir. I did make the connection."
"When we're in a restaurant always call me Gabriel. Now I realize that the only things you've had to eat today is cum. I was waiting to see how long it would be before you gut up the guts to let me know you were starving. It's not my intention to ever starve you, boy. I don't play those games. I like to determine everything you eat and drink for the most part, but I'd never starve you. From now on let me know if you've gone five hours or more without eating. All you need do is say the word `hungry.' As a general rule, sport, if anything has you so uncomfortable that it is demanding most of your attention, I want to know. The only time I want you uncomfortable is when you're being punished, or I've decided to make you that way for some reason. Any reason, in fact. I don't need a reason other than wanting to watch how you bear it. Your reactions fascinate me, boy, and always will. And by the way, I have the video from that spanking you got the other night. Sound included. That's a specially equipped room. You'll end up there often if you don't quickly learn how to behave like a good slaveboy."
Of course, I know this says a lot about who I am. A boy who must do what he can to avoid punishment. And yet, at the same time, I kind of hope that twink will get to thrash me again sometime. I'd like to drink some more of his milkshake, if you know what I mean.
He orders us cheeseburgers, fries for him and mashed for me. I'm trying to figure out the symbolism. He winks at me. "Closest thing to baby food I can give you right now," he says with a chuckle.
"May I put butter on it, S. Gabriel?"
The waitress overhears that and kind of does a double take. "He's on a very strict diet for medical reasons. I'm the one who is trying to keep him on it," he says to the waitress, and then to me, "yes, you may, sport." I whisper "thank you" after she walks away.
"You are always allowed seasoning or other things that go with the food I feed you," he says, and just the way he says that makes me feel like right now I'm on my knees at his side waiting to eat from his fingers again. But wait! Mashed potatoes would never be a good choice, unless he made me eat them right from his mouth, but that's getting far too gross. I end up chuckling to myself.
"Share," he orders. "What's got you chuckling like a naughty little boy?"
"I was just feeling like I'm on my knees eating from your fingers, but then I realized that wouldn't work with mashed potatoes unless I had to suck them from your mouth but that was getting far too gross."
"I agree. And yet, there might be some things I can make you suck from my mouth. I'll have to give it some thought. And I'm glad you feel that way. it's appropriate. it's who you are. You should be on your knees getting fed by a superior man."
He asked me to start telling him about my earlier life and especially wanted me to tell him how it came about that the first cock I ever sucked belonged to my friend Danny.
"I had a crush on him since about third grade. We were always in the same classes right until junior high—what is called middle school now. I was always watching him long before I ever thought anything sexy. I just liked seeing him, the way he joked around with his pals, even how cool he was with me. Even though we were the same age, I always felt—again, without having the words for the concepts—I always felt the younger and he was the older, the big brother, and even a little later, the Daddy. Weird, huh?"
"There's nothing weird about it. A lot of guys have crushes on other guys without realizing it or sexualizing it. It's part of being a guy. Right from the beginning there are the tops and the bottoms, the Doms and the subs. Were you in an all-boys' school?"
"yes I was. And you're right. In fact, I even thought a couple of the guys were the "girls" in the class. Of course, that turned me off. I drooled over the Alphas, and Danny was the Alpha of Alphas as far as I was concerned. In fact, one time I got to sniff Danny's underpants when he went off into the shower before me. Just a quick sniff and it wasn't anything I remember, just that I did it."
Gabriel smiles at me and then his look gets severe. "I'm glad to know you did that. I just want to point out the fact that, as we say, subs always need to be punished. By their very nature, subs think and do things they deserve to be punished for. All their lives. Just pointing that out, sport, just pointing that out."
He gestures for me to keep telling the story. "None of those crushes had anything sexual about them because it was still too early for all that stuff. BUT I started becoming more and more aware of him growing and filling out and maturing, especially when we were 13 or so and he grew very faint hair where his mustache would grow and I'd jerk off at night remembering what it looked like."
"Didn't you guys get to see each other in the gym showers?" he asked me.
"We didn't have showers until we moved over the high school for grade 9," I explained.
The food arrives. We fix our burgers. I put two pats of butter on my potatoes, making a lake of it with my fork. "Stop playing with your food, boy. You look like a little boy at the beach."
"Making a lake for the butter, Gabriel. See?" He takes a look. Then he takes his own fork and mashes my potatoes down ruining the crater and the butter quickly mixes in everywhere.
"Now eat. Stop playing with your food!" I felt like I'd been slapped on the wrist like a bad 10 year old. Dammit, I really feel like pouting and being a grinch for the rest of the night, but I'm well aware that if I did I'd be in for another session over his knees and I don't think I could handle another spanking right now. I'm raw enough. Besides, to be honest, it turned me on that sometimes he acts like my parent; after all, he's made it perfectly clear to me that he is always in charge and he's responsible for teaching me how to behave out of bed as well as in bed. And then he'd wink at me and I'd start blushing like a damn fool.
"You know," he told me, "I've been thinking of getting some handcuffs."
I tensed up right away, trying to remember if I'd ever told him about Rusty locking me into his. Of course, Gabriel being Gabriel, he picked up right away on my reaction.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot," he says. So I did tell him after all. I thought about it for a while.
"It would be different if it was you locking me up, Gabriel."
"You know I'd take good care of you, boy," he says. "Drink more of your milkshake."
I had to wonder if it got mixed in with all the semen I'd swallowed earlier today. Leave it to Gabriel to lock onto the idea of feeding me vanilla milkshakes to remind me of . . . . other things I get to drink. At least he isn't feeding me lemonade, I thought to myself and then shuddered.
"What?" he says.
Shit! I can't hide anything from him. Either he's reading my mind or my body, but I guess that's an ability a good Dom has to have.
I decide to change the subject. "I was just thinking of how easily you read me and how that's an important ability for a good Dom to have."
"Outside of the dungeon as well as inside it, sport."
"But of course, a lot of subs never get to be with their Doms out in the real world like you do with me," I mused. "You've got a point there. Real life is a lot different from scenes, isn't it?"
"It's better this way, Gabriel," I answer him, really wanting to call him Sir at that moment.
"Now back to my earlier question, boy? What made you shudder before when I told you to suck down some of your milkshake."
Nice choice of words: "suck down." Hmmmm. I guess I'm not going to get out of this any.
"I thought of something really gross," I said, hoping to get out of it this way.
"I can handle gross, sport. Answer my question."
"Well, I was thinking of how sexy it is that you decided to make me drink vanilla milkshakes because of what it would remind me of."
He smiles at me, that golden smile which makes me want to crawl under the table and lick his boots.
"And? there's more, boy . . . and the fact that you're trying not to tell me is just making me want to know even more what you'd been thinking back then. Gross or not. Out with it, boy!"
This is not a subject I really want to open up right now, but I guess I have no choice. "The thought crossed my mind that when you start ordering lemonade for me to drink I'll have to start worrying."
He stares at me blankly for a moment. Then his eyes open wider. "Oh. So it's on your mind. Otherwise you would never have thought of something like that. Besides, you've been tasting a lot of lemonade lately, especially this morning."
"Yes, I have, you're right, Sir." I had to say Sir—considering what we're talking about.
"Listen, sport, I'm not gonna try to push you into anything you're not ready for. You know that."
"yes and I'm grateful for that, especially after what I'd been through before, I was lucky enough to be given to you."
"Yup. Someone was looking out for you, boy. So when the time comes for me to want to train you that way, you'll be ready. And, while we're on the subject, let me tell you that I'll be pretty particular about whose lemonade you ever get to swallow." Then he looks around to make sure our waitress isn't nearby. He speaks a lot more quietly. "Just so you know, I really don't think it's safe or sane to turn a sub into a public toilet. I know that some men don't care about those things, but you know how I feel about safety in general."
"And thank you for that, S.. Gabriel." I almost slipped. Good thing I didn't because the waitress comes by to ask if he wants more coffee. He says no, but then adds, "would you mind bringing over a cup of decaf for my friend here?" And his kindness brings a tear to my eye. He's so fucking good to me. How did I ever get to be so lucky?
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