Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on May 11, 2002


Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved.

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Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

{This latest installment as well as other remaining parts, are dedicated to, he knows that time places no limitations upon love and desire between men, be it yesterday, today or the future - whatever it might bring! Thanks for your friendship Bobby!}

Cowboy Tail (Part VIII)

...Smokey continued to "work on" Sheriff Tipton's weakening defenses with well trained and able hands.

In the meantime, Roger Mangum appeared to be oblivious to the lustful endeavors of the two men as their adventurous sexual explorations were being played out. His heart rending sobs continued and his nasal passages filled with the clogging accumulations that copious weeping can bring. He reached for the shirt, which, by now, was a crumpled and tear soaked mess. Lifting it away from his limp crotch, Mangum held it against his runny nose and blew sharply. The trumpeting noise filling the air and the sickening sound reached Smokey's ears. Rolling his eyes with disbelief, he turned his head around to give the shopkeeper a disparaging look, "That wuz meh favoright shirt goddam it! Smokey thought as he continued to maul at the lump in Tipton's trousers.

The resulting effect of a good 'blow', brought the blood rushing to his brain and Mangum felt a bit less abandoned to the conditions of self pity. Feeling a bit better, he swiped the cloth of the shirt against his bushy black moustache, making sure that it was presentable. He glanced up at Smokey momentarily before casting his eye's downward again and then when the image of what he had just seen, registered itself upon his brain, his glance shot hotly upward! Mangum's eyes had widened like two saucers and he could scarcely believe what he was seeing! Wondering if he was dreaming, Mangum watching his old war buddy Sheriff Samuel F. Tipton, lost in the throes of ecstacy as the long thick bulge running down his left thigh was being pulled, stroked and deliciously rubbed through the confinements of his well tailored trousers. As his eyes contnued to lock onto the hot scene played out before him, he observed how the stately thighs of his buddy Sam, were straining and the muscles thereof, bulged and curved erotically, revealing a great strength that Mangum found himself lusting after! All the while, Tipton pumped his pistoning hips forward, rocking them 'to and fro,' desperately humping the seeking hand of Smokey Joe and acquiring and allowing himself to receive, a greater degree of pleasure from the stranger's pawing claw! "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh," Tipton deeply groaned. Uuummm..., Mmmmmmmmmmm..., he continued with his lustful outbursts!

Tipton felt the growing tingle of sexual arousal as his body took control of his lesser senses! Suddenly he became aware of a rough tugging sensation at his waist and the Sheriff looked quickly down to discover that his belt was hanging loose and the fly of his trouser had been skillfully unbuttoned, with the last few inches of Smokey's disappearing hand, gaining entrance therein! "Ooooooh...," Tipton groaned as the gripping entrapments of Smokey's warm callused hand met with the arcing stock of the man's swollen penis, where it bent gently down and shyly burrowed itself away from view.

Smokey grasped the sweat moistened flesh of Tipton's mighty sausage meat, milking it's heated length and taking pleasure in the soft texture of the delicate skin as it glided smoothly over the blood thickened veins mapping it's length. "What a fahn piece 'o work! Smokey thought as he carefully tugged the opening of Tipton's trousers wider in order to get a better look and so he tugged and lifted and slowly withdrew the mighty weapon from it's confines.

Once free, the Sheriff's penis bobbed and swayed about in the open air, the swollen head still tightly hooded in a sheath of loosely overhanging foreskin! The musky smell of crotch sweat hit Smokey's nostrils like the finest perfume and he watched as clear eruptions of pre-cum slowly made themselves evident. The fluid oozed from the pouting enclosure of flesh that hooded the throbbing 'kidney-cracker' and the thick clear accumulations domed the overhanging vestibule before dripping down and dangling in mid-air like a thick drizzle of corn syrup. The ropy strand clinging persistently to the ragged lips of the Sheriff's pouting foreskin, finally broke free and spattered the floor. Thrusting his hips forward, Tipton groaned out his aching needs, for what, he did not yet know, as another bubble of 'goo' worked it's way out and followed the same path. Smokey reached up to draw the foreskin back and found himself admiring the pure symmetry, the lavender hue and the mouthwatering dimensions of the deeply cleft bloated crown. He marveled at how the rampant prod, pointed it's way heavenward, resembled an iron stanchion! Another crystalline droplet of pre-cum spewed forth and Smokey, opening his mouth as widely as it could possibly stretch, caught the clear strand as it broke loose and land neatly upon his protruding tongue. The flavor and taste filled his hungering mouth and gripping Tipton's nearly foot-long throbber more tightly, aimed it carefully towards the center of his gapping bearded maw and swallowed the pulsing gristle whole and right down to his 'adam's apple!'

Taking full advantage of the moment and with great haste, Smokey unbuttoned the last vestiges of modesty available to Tipton. Before the Sheriff even knew what was happening, Smokey had swiftly worked the man's trousers down along the inward slopings of each narrow hip and exposing the taut curving mounds of his firm fuzzy butt-cheeks. Tipton's only available move was to lean back against the countertop display and allow Smokey to continue his actions by pulling at his pant legs, first the right one and finally the left, freeing them up from each respective boot. The Sheriff now stood, naked from the waist down, allowing for the exception that his holster remained clasped around his masculine bare hips and his large feet were still securely planted in his well shined boots! Smokey tossed the trousers aside and moved in once again, taking the Sheriff's pecker deep inside of his warm sucking mouth. Tipton grabbed Smokey's ears and began a slow screwing motion, driving his pecker nearly balls deep within the moist depths of Smokey's massaging throat without a gag or a cough to be heard from his husky bearded lips!

Mangum had crawled his way around the two men and settled himself down behind his buddy Sam. He sat upon his haunches and watched as Tipton's hair peppered buttocks flexed with each inward thrust against the stranger's tonsils. He noticed how closely they came to making contact with his face, as Tipton pulled out before driving his meaty prong forward again and again! Mangum took in every dimple, hair, smell and curve and found himself admiring the tight creases that presented themselves just at the point where the back of the Sheriff's strong thighs and rounded butt-cheeks met. This was a rare treat indeed and one that Mangum thought that he would never bear witness to! He had lusted after Samuel for years and yet had always kept his feelings in check, that is, until this eventful day came to pass! Mangum could hold back no longer and he reached up to caress the prior forbidden territories of Tipton's manly ass. A sudden sharp intake of breath from the Sheriff could be heard and this led Mangum to know that his actions had definitely been felt! "Wups...," Tipton flinched and turning his still be-hatted head around, he could seeing is friend Mangum now kneeling behind him. He chuckled nervously but there was no immediate cause for alarm, it wasn't every day that an unannounced hand had made contact with his naked backside and it was the pure 'brazeness' of the gesture that gave Tipton reason to pause but he allowed himself to relax and enjoy whatever pleasures came next. Mangum waited for further signs of disapproval from Sam but when none came, he continued with his lustful ministrations. Gently pinching at the dimpling globes, Mangum pulled Tipton's buns slowly apart just like he was splitting the segments of a peeled orange! Tipton could feel the sudden rush of air as it entered within the moist crevasse of his exposed nether regions! The thought of giving in to the explorations of another man, allowing him to see his tight puckering anus, thrilled him completely! This was being nasty, this was being real nasty and he found himself giving in to the forbidden games that he was now being initiated into! He could feel the expelling breathes of air, puffing against the hairs in his ass crack as Mangum's nose came closer and closer, finally nestling itself against the twitching portal of his rectum. Mangum was smelling his asshole!! "Oh lawd 'o mercy, wat sublime depravity is this!" He thought as he spread his legs wider and thrust his buttocks back against his buddy's olfactory explorations, letting him sniff him out like a slobbering dog. The sudden sensation of a warm tongue lapping out at his shithole brought deep bellows of approval from Tipton's dry gapping lips as Mangum began feasting voraciously upon his squirming anus! This was definitely a day of 'firsts' but for a moment he found himself caught up in the reverie of lingering thoughts:

He was the Sheriff of this little town and the townsfolk relied upon him to be their executor of the law and the preserver of order, he was the force by which 'normalcy' was maintained. And was it not he whom all the single women of the community swooned over and vied for his attentions? They all took great pains to obtain his interest and in the most overt and obvious manners! And yes, he'd also gained favor with the men of Hellbend. Sheriff Tipton was the envy of every young man in town. His skill with a gun was legendary and his successes at capturing and bringing to justice the felonious individuals who terrorized the general locality and surrounding regions, were just too numerous to mention! He also worked hard at maintaining the respect and confidence of the older men of the township and he basked in the adulation of all whom he was called upon to serve and protect. Yet here he was, naked from the waist down, his ass being expertly eaten by his buddy and his pecker filling the sucking the mouth of a mysterious, bearded stranger! And it was, that the sin of pride filled his brain as he realized that he must be pretty damn attractive for these two men to be making such a fuss over him!

The Sheriff's thoughts melted away as quickly as they had come, as Smokey brought his hands once more, under his shirt and vest, the talented fingers racked through the thick hair sprouting there and began to flick and tug upon his lust hardened nipples! He never had a woman play with his tits before, let alone another MAN but the pleasurable sensations evoked were too great to be denied and he grunted and groaned out his approvals. "Oooh man..., milk mah goddam titties..., ah cun feel the heat of yuh tugs right down inta muh 'ol nutty sack..., uhhh..., don't stop!" Tipton pleadingly instructed the handsome kneeling man. The Sheriff hadn't thought of it before but yes, this man who called himself "Smokey" was indeed handsome, "a real catch for some young filly for sure", Tipton thought. And so it was, for some unknown reason, that by placing the stranger in the realm of such 'familiar' thoughts, made it easier for him to give in to those remarkable oral talents. "Suck muh fat bone off, ya randy stud, take it all down yuh goddam throat!" He demanded and with that said, he twisted around slightly, placing his trusty Colt upon the solid wooden countertop behind him. Once done, he focused his attentions again upon the bearded stranger. Gripped the man's head tightly within the confines of his huge hands, he ground his muscular hips forward, driving his manhood even deeper, if that could be said, within the warm depths of Smokey's sucking pie-hole!

Breaking himself free of the two attentive men, Tipton tore himself out of his suit and vest and just as swiftly, disengaged himself from the confinements of shirt and tie. He was now completely naked before the heated glances of the kneeling pair and both Mangum and Smokey found themselves staring up at a god, the massive build of his pectorals and rippling abdominal musculature, were entirely smothered with a rich coating of fur, contrasted only by the rubbery pink nipples that Smokey had 'toyed' with before. The rich, sweat moistened tangles at his chest, tapered down similarly to Smokey's own blessings of body hair and met with and generously surrounded Tipton's throbbing prod, now shiny with the copious layerings of Smokey's spit!

What a sight he was for the poor sore eyes of Smokey Joe, and the whole situation brought back fond memories too! It was just last year, 1871 to be exact, in Abilene, Kansas that Smokey had met up with his old friend, Marshal James Butler. Smokey had learned, that Jimmy had recently taken on the name of "Wild Bill Hickok" and was 'currently' touring the eastern states with the "Wild West Show" headed by William F. Cody, better known as "Buffalo Bill!" Smokey and Jimmy went 'way back' as friends and Smokey knew Jimmy even in the days when he was a stage coach driver on the 'Santa Fe Trail' many years previously. But it was that particular day in Abilene that Smokey reminisced about most. Jimmy was one hot hombre, tall and lanky, just the way Smokey liked em and with those icy blue eyes, that thick droopy moustache growing out of his staunch upper lip and all of that long dusky hair that hung down to his shoulders. The man had a fair way of setting Smokey's crotch all afire and every time he laid eyes upon him! The two men had secured a table at the local saloon and it was there that they shared a bottle of good rye whiskey while they talked and laughed, sharing the memories of days long past but as the evening drew neigh, it was soon becoming apparent that Smokey having a stronger constitution than Jimmy, was very nearly drinking the poor man under the table. "Wuz wrong theyah pard, cat got yuh tongue?" Smokey inquired, trying not to notice that Jimmy had fallen asleep in his chair and in mid sentence. Jimmy suddenly roused himself up from his stupor, and smiled warmly at Smokey, "heh, heh..., I think I've jes bout hit muh limit Joe, yuh alwaz wuz a bettah drinker than meh" and with a quick wink directed at his dear old friend, he retrieved his burning stogie from the cigar tray near the end of the table; taking a long puff, he blew a long jetting trail of smoke out of the corner of his lips. Smokey smiled back at him "Wanna cum up ta muh hotel room 'n sleep it off Jimmy, ony one bed but I ain't one ta hog the sheets?" Smokey offered with a sly grin. The Marshal considered the invitation with worldly acknowledgment. Looking around with cautious observances, he took in the crowd, watching to see what the general reaction was towards his current state of inebriation and the company that he was keeping. Then leaning forward and gazing deeply within Smokey's amber eyes he whispered, "I'm all yers pard, lead the way!" So the two men tossed a couple of silver dollars upon the table, Smokey sneakily tipped the piano player who nodded his head with acknowledgment as they passed and both men slowly negotiated their unsteady ways out of the saloon and towards the hotel across the street.

Once in the hotel room, Smokey leapt upon the rickety brass bed still fully clothed. A big smile splitting the darkness of his bearded face, his buddy Jimmy, following closely behind, did the same and both men laid side by side for a time before Jimmy decided to take matters into his own hands. Rolling over on top of his friend, Jimmy stretched his tall body fully over Smokey's equally long frame and kneeing the old cowpoke's long legs apart, he settled himself in between and lay belly to belly with his loving friend. Tenderly stroking Smokey's thinning strands of hair, Jimmy peered deeply within Smokey's auburn eyes and his moustache suddenly spread itself out in a broad grin that melted Smokey's old cowboy heart. As quickly as the moment had begun, Smokey and Jimmy found themselves kissing each other passionately, their probing tongues wrestling together in heated abandon and the small room filled with the unmistakable sounds of two men, attempting to breathe while their lips remained firmly locked together, smacking and slurping away! Smokey lifted his knees and wrapped his long, bowed legs around Jimmy's narrow pumping hips. Jimmy could feel Smokey reaching around behind him with arms strong enough to kill a bear, gripping at and clutch upon his tight flexing buttocks, drawing him further down and pressing his weight more fully upon the body of his friend. Reaching down between the two of them, Smokey unclasped "Wild Bill's" belt and unbuttoned the man's fly freeing the Marshal's thick twelve inch penis. The thick veiny shaft sprang free and the plum-sized head flared as it dripped copious amount of pre-cum upon Smokey's shirt. Unfastening his own britches, Smokey worked them down below his hips and with his legs still tightly wrapped around "Wild Bill's" waist was still able to present the hairy split of his bare backside to the rampant cork waiting to plug his steamy depths. "Wild Bill" positioned the head of his fat gristle against mouth of the hungering, twitching hole that Smokey thrust upward at him and he drove his throbbing dick well into Smokey moist anal orifice, feeling Smokey's hands on his ass, urging him on, "Wild Bill" shattered the silence of the hotel room with a husky, drawn out groan that escaped from his lust slackened, thickly moustached lips. Deftly and skillfully Jimmy sent Smokey to the moon, long-dicking his buddy like there was no tomorrow, the buckle of his belt jingled out a joyful tune as his firm hairy ass flexed and twisted, rose and fell against Smokey's upturned butt. Each deep thrust that "Wild Bill" made within the gripping red hole of the seasoned cowpoke, brought grunts and moans of ardent approval from the thickly furred lips of the man he was plowing. Wild Bill's long tresses fell about Smokey's face but through the strands of hair he could still see his friends droopy moustache, those wonderful blue eyes burned deeply into his own amber pools and looking down further, he saw that Jimmy's shirt was unbuttoned, exposing a pair of nicely developed pecs and a flat fuzzy belly as well. Oh he wanted this man's babies and he wanted them now! To an unannounced observer, watching Smokey pulling his legs free of the nagging constraints of his calf-highs and denims without missing a stroke form his pal Jimmy, was quite a sight to behold and he did this all with masterful expertise! Resting his now bare hairy calves upon "Wild Bill's" hunching shoulders, Smokey locked his ankles behind his buddy's thick neck and reaching around once again, gripped the man's squirming ass-cheeks, pulling him in deeper as the purple knobbed poker, thick and richly veined , filled Smokey's tender anus. "Wild Bill's" throbbing pecker, traversed with ease, being slickened with Smokey's copious anal juices and the exposed cock shaft of the Marshal, now streaked with Smokey's shit, looked more liked a giant earthworm working it's way through the slime of the hungrily sucking lips of Smokey's swollen rectal opening. Smokey's eyes rolled back inside of his head as his anal needs were being fulfilled, his flexible butthole being stretched beyond measure as both men strove to reach the final crest of sexual release. With one final jab Jimmy threw his head back and groaned deeply, filling Smokey's eagerly accepting butt with voluminous amounts of his creamy pleasure piss, all the while, twisting and turning, plying and straining, enthralled in vain attempts to impale the man's butt further onto his mighty weapon! And Smokey in turn, feeling the burning eruptions of sperm filling his guts, moaned out his joyous exaltations as he bespattered his own hairy heaving belly with pooling beads of milky white spunk! Meanwhile the bed springs squawked out a lusty din as hotel guests within earshot of the sounds being provided, winked at their fellow eavesdroppers, imagining the scene of some lucky cowpoke, having a romantic interlude with one of the saloon girls..."

End Part VIII

Next: Chapter 9

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