Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Aug 1, 1999


Legal formalities: This is a complete work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of the BSB. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to read stuff like this in your area (like Zimbabwe. But if you lived in Zimbabwe you would not have a computer) do not continue on. After all you do not want to break any laws.

Authors note: This is the second installment of Crash with fame. Read the first part and it will help you understand this part much better. I know that these are short chapters but they will get longer as the story progresses right now I am just trying to get the plot and stuff explained. All comments will be greatly appreciated good or bad. E-mail me at (I use instant messenger at that one too) or ICQ me at 33110864 or YAHOO PAGE me at Matrix3311.

Crash with Fame

Part two

Written by


I awoke the next morning to find that Howie had fallen asleep next to me. I loved feeling his body against mine and the warmth from him noticed that it was remarkably cold in the room. I had to get up to go to the bathroom anyway so I got up and turned the air conditioner off. Then I went and did my business. I came out of the bathroom and started to get into bed when I realized that Howie was shivering. I walked over to his bed and grabbed his blanket off of it. I went back to my bed and threw the blanket over him. I walked to the other side and climbed under only the top covers so that I could be close to Howie. I pressed my body up to him into a spoon position. I was beginning to fall back asleep when Howie adjusted himself so that his crotch was pressing against my ass. I finally fell back asleep about 5:00 am.

"Chris, wake up," Howie said to me.

"Huh?" I said looking up at Howie.

"It is time to wake up," he said smiling down at me.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked him.

"The best I ever have," he said.

"Look, I can't stand this anymore. Are you gay?" I asked him.

"Yes, I am," he said, "I am presuming that Nick or AJ told you," he stated.

"Kevin actually," I said.

"Damn, you can read me like a book, can't you Kevin?" he said under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Chris, I want you to be mine," Howie sputtered out. I was taken totally by shock. I just stared at him. "Aren't you going to answer me?" he demanded starting to cry.

"Yes," I replied.

"Yes what, yes you are going to answer me or yes you will be mine?" he asked.

"Both," I said smugly. I did not know what to think. My mind drifted back to everything that had happened since Nick wrecked his car. I was still staring up at him when he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the nose. "You missed," I said grinning.

Why don't you try it?" he said cockily.

Fine I will, I pushed him back down onto the bed and climbed on top of him. I planted a deep passionate kiss on his lips. Howie's hands started to roam around my back. I felt him pull my "wife beater" up and start to pull my boxer-briefs down. I rolled off of him.

What is it?" he asked, He looked dejected.

We can't it is too soon," I said.

I know, I am sorry, I was just so caught up in the moment," Howie said sounding a little happier. I saw a twinkle in his eyes and leaned in for another kiss. Our lips had just met when we heard a banging on the door,

Howie, Chris. Get you lazy asses out of bed. It is 12:30 already," Kevin yelled from the hall.

Shit, it is that late?" Howie asked.

Yeah, I guess it is," I replied. "Do you think that we should tell them about us?" I asked getting right to the point.

Not today. Let is figure out what we are going to say to them." He replied.

How did they take Nick and Brian?" I asked.

Not good, it nearly broke up the band, but everyone has gotten used t it. They all except it now. But I do not want to try and start another interband war." He replied.

I don't care if we tell them or not. I just want to be with you," I said lovingly. We kissed one last time before we got out of bed.

Shower now or Jacuzzi later?" He asked me.

Jacuzzi," I replied. "But remember it is too early." I said.

I know," he replied letting out a fake sigh.

We better get dressed before they come in to find us," I said jokingly. We got our clothes on and headed for the door. Howie was just reaching for the door handle when I stopped him. I held both of his hands and leaned down to give him one last kiss.

I think I love you," Howie said.

Same here," I said. We finally parted and walked into the living area.

Finally, what the hell were you two doing in there? Fucking?" Nick exclaimed. Howie just looked at me. He blushed. Luckily no one noticed.

So what is for breakfast?" Howie asked.

Lunch," Kevin corrected.

Okay, lunch. How many people were up for breakfast?" Howie joked. Everyone looked at the floor.

Thought so," he replied with a grin. We found our way to the couch. I sat down in the middle and Howie sat right next to me.

Think you are a little close?" I asked him.

Shit, sorry," he replied.

So what is the plan for today?" I asked.

Well today Kevin Nick and I were going to go see a movie," AJ answered. "You guys want to come?"

Sure," Howie answered.

Yeah," I said.

Where is Brian?" Nick asked.

He still is not out of bed?" Kevin asked.

Looks like it is ice water time," AJ said eagerly.

He knows the rule, he is as good as cold," Nick said.

I am missing something here," I said.

We have a rule that if you do not get up when someone comes banging on your door, you get ice water poured all over you," Howie explained to me.

Yeah, it started because little Nicky over there would not get up when we were touring," AJ added.

Hey, the first week and I was done sleeping in," Nick said in his defense.

Yeah, now Nick is usually the first one up," Kevin laughed.

Well I am going to get the water, someone grab the ice," AJ said as he was walking towards the mini-kitchenette thing. Nick was in close pursuit to grab the ice. Kevin was already heading down the short hallway to unlock Nick and Brian's room.

You guys are cruel, ya know that?" I asked.

Hell yeah," AJ yelled from the kitchen.

Come on, lets go watch the fireworks," Howie said to me.

Okay, but I am not taking any of the blame," I said to him.

You watch, Brian is the funniest one when he gets a rude awakening," Howie said to me.

Here, you do the honors," AJ said handing me the pitcher of ice water. I looked at the other guys. Their expressions told me to do t. I took the pitcher and slowly opened the door. The room was a lot like Howie's and mine. I started to walk over to the bed when suddenly a blast of water came at me.

What the fuck?" I screamed. I looked back and saw that the guys were rolling on the ground laughing. Then I looked to where the water was coming from and saw Brian holding an empty bucket. I regained my composure and walked over to the rest of the guys. They had calmed down enough to give me an explanation.

Every time we get a new PR guy or something like that we do that to them. It's like our way to say welcome and a warning that you have to watch out for us," AJ said.

And I am betting that you started it." I said to him.

Yeah actually he was," Kevin said. AJ turned his head to look at Kevin and I took that as my chance. I remembered that I still had the pitcher of ice water in my hands. I reached out with my free hand and grabbed the waistband of AJ's warm up pants. I stretched it out as far as I could and before AJ had said anything I dumped the whole pitcher of ice water down his pants. I let the waistband snap back then gave him a smug look right in the eyes. This caused the guys to laugh even more. gotten.... AJ.... back," Nick managed to sputter out between laughs. AJ just stood there with an all right, I'll get you expression on his face. I finally had to laugh.

I'm sorry they made me go along with it," Howie pleaded to me. I gave him the same look that AJ gave me.

Someone give me a towel," AJ said. I walked into Nick and Brian's room to grab a towel. I started to hand it to AJ but pulled back at the last minute and used it on myself.

What the hell am I getting myself into?" I asked.

Hey, you are living with us now, you are one of us now," Kevin interjected. I dried myself off and went into my room to grab a change of clothes.

Shit," I yelled.

What is it, baby?" Howie asked running in the room.

I do not have a change of clothes," I said.

I'll get a pair of AJ's jeans for you and you should fit into one f my shirts," he said to me before planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

Thanks, you are so great," I said to him. He walked out of the room and headed to AJ's. I looked in the drawers and found a white shirt and a long sleeved blue silk shirt in the closet. They looked like they were going to fit. I put them on and while waiting for Howie to comeback looked for a pair of boxers. I opened the first drawer and found a pair of silver CK boxer-briefs. "Cool," I thought to myself. When I picked them up there was a bottle of lube and a box of condoms under it. This made me wonder. "I'll talk to him later about it," I decided. I was just taking of my wet boxer-briefs when Howie walked into the room. He let out a loud whistle when he saw me standing there in only a shirt. I quickly put the underwear on then he tossed me the pants. They were pretty baggy but they ere almost too short. "I am going to have to go home and get my own clothes today," I said to Howie.

Okay, yeah, my clothes are a little to tight in the shoulders and chest for you," he said.

I still love you though," I said to him. "Even if you are tiny." Then I grabbed him around the waist and leaned down for a kiss. We kissed for a minute then left the room. We went back into the living area and told the guys what our plans were.

...We'll meet you in the lobby at 7:00 then," Howie said.

Yeah we will go to a movie then go clubbing," AJ answered.

"What about Chris?" Howie asked AJ looking at me.

He can come, I am sure that he will get in," AJ said in a cocky tone.

Nah, I think that I will just stay here, try to catch up on some sleep," I told the guys.

Are you sure?" Kevin asked me.

Yeah, I'll be fine." I told him. We argued about it for a couple of more minutes until I finally won.

Well. Brian, Nick and I are going to go shopping," AJ said eagerly. With that we all went out and piled into the elevator. We made small talk on the way down. When we got into the parking garage we could see that there were screaming fans trying to make their way in.

Shit," Kevin said under his breath.

Security will keep them out of the way," Nick said.

I hope," AJ said. We all split up. AJ, Nick, Kevin, and Brian got into one car. I started to walk over to my car when it suddenly hit me.

Which car am I going to drive?" I asked out loud.

You are probably the only guy to ever have that problem." Howie asked walking up behind me.

You're right, I am going to take the Durango. I love that car," I said out loud.

I will follow you in your other car if you want," Howie said.

No, what I want is to be with you," I said happily.

Cool," he said with a smile on his face. We made our way over to the Durango. I walked around to the driver side and Howie got in the passenger side. We slowly made our way past the screaming fans. I was surprised how many guys were out there. I felt extremely lucky to have what I had. We finally made it our. The line of fans seemed to go on forever.

You guys do this a lot?" I asked.

Every time it is found out what hotel we are staying in." Howie said. He sounded depressed.

What's wrong?" I asked him.

Nothing, it is just that all that has been going on. We have been going out for less than a day and I am already meeting your parents," He said jokingly.

Oh my god, I forgot all about my mom." I said.

Is she going to be home?" Howie asked me.

Normally she wouldn't but she probably is going to be today. She knows that I am going to need my stuff. She will try to talk me out of leaving, then we will have another big fight," I told him.

Sounds like you have gone through this before," he said.

Twice, once on the day after she outed me and one other day when she found out that I had a new boyfriend," I told him.

Man, that has to suck," he said to me.

It does, but this time I am not going to let her get to me," I said. We had been talking so long that I had not even realized that we were about a block away from my house. "One more block," I said.

It's going to be okay," Howie said reassuringly. I continued to drive and turned onto my road. Little pieces of Nick's car could still be seen as I pulled up into the driveway. "Man you really live out there," Howie said.

There are only three houses on this road. Each house has about 5-6 acres. We have 7." I told him. I parked my car around back by the garage. My mom did not recognize the car and I saw her open the door. I opened my door and got out of the car. The instant she saw me she turned and walked back into the house. I heard Howie's door shut. He was soon standing right behind me.

Do you want me to wait here?" he asked me. I shook my head no. I walked to the back door and was just reaching for the handle when suddenly it flew open.

Here are you suitcases," my mother said dropping three suitcases at my feet.

Thank-you, I would like to get some other stuff out of my room," I told her.

Go right ahead." She said with a mischievous grin.

headed for my room; Howie was still behind me. When I went in I was pissed. Everything in my room had been trashed. My posters and all the stuff on my walls were ripped up and thrown into a garbage bag in the corner. The drawers in my desk and dresser were dumped out in the center of the floor.

Shit, she never went this far before," I told Howie. I went to the center of my room and started to shift through everything. I found my cologne and deodorant leave it to mom to forget them. I went over to my bed and lifted up the box spring and reached for my savings account book. I was glad that she did not know where that was. I pulled it out and opened it up to see how much I had left. When I did a note fell out. I read it once then again. I was in another one of my dazes.

Chris what's wrong?" Howie asked snapping me back into reality.

Oh, it is nothing, just a note my dad left me," I said.

Oh," Howie replied,

He is the best," I told him then read the note to him.

Chris-I know that your mom kicked you out. I am so sorry, I tried to talk her out of it but you know her. I am pretty sure that you have a place to stay. If you don't call me and I will get you one. I know that you have quite a bit saved up but that is your money. I will put $300 a week in your account. I will try to get your mom to come to her senses. But until then I love you and please is careful. -Dad.

"Wow, your dad really is cool," Howie said to me. I turned to face him and kissed him on the cheek. He just blushed.

"Well I have everything that I need. Let's go." I said to Howie. I walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen. My mom was in there cooking dinner.

"Leaving now?" she asked flatly.

"Yes I am." I told her.

"Have fun." She said sarcastically.

"I will," I said grinning at Howie. I picked up two of my suitcases and tried to get the third.

"I'll get that one," Howie said to me. I set it back down and started to walk out the door. I turned back and saw Howie picking up my bag. I turned back and walked out the door. I had just gotten to the back steps when I heard my mom say something to Howie. I turned around one last time to see him stand straight up. I walked back into the house.

'You and all your little faggot friends are going to pay," mom said to Howie.

"Shut the hell up, mother," I said to her.

"Don' tell me to shut up you little..." she started. Then it happened again. I felt her hand make contact with my face. I went down to my knees expecting to get hit again. Instead I felt a hand come down and pull me up. I looked up and saw Howie smiling down at me. I took his hand I got to my feet. Mom was sitting on a breakfast stool crying. Without a word I headed to the door still holding Howie's hand.

"Chris. Wait..." mom sobbed. I did not even look back. I kept walking. I got out the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw my mom trying to stop me.

"Mother, I am not staying," I told her bluntly.

"Please, Chris, I am so sorry," she said to me.

"Mother, you say that every time something like this happens," I said to her.

"No, you can't go, I love you," she pleaded.

"No, I do not think you do," I said and with that I walked down the steps and threw my bags in the back of the car. Howie did the same. I walked back to the driver's side and got in. I waited for Howie to get in and get situated. I started the car and backed out of the driveway.

"Are you okay?" Howie asked me.

"No," I said and started to cry.

"Stop," Howie said to me. I did as I was told. I stopped in the middle of the driveway. Howie undid his seatbelt and jumped out. He opened my door and helped me out. I walked around to the passenger side and got in. I was bawling my eyes out. I was expecting Howie to get in but he did not, instead he ran to the front door of the house and slammed it open. I saw him go in and heard him yelling at someone. I was about to get out and go in when he came out again. He marched to the driver's side of the door in a huff.

"Honey?" I asked calmly.

"It's okay," he said reassuringly.

'What did you say to her?" I asked him.

"I just told her what she was doing to you," he said peacefully.

"What did she say?" I asked him.

'Nothing," he said quickly. I had a pretty good idea what she said to him. I could tell by the hurt look in his eyes.

"I am sorry, I should not have brought you," I said to him.

"No, I am glad you did, after your nightmare last night I wanted to come and say something to your mom." He said.

"Thank you," I said to him. He just looked over and gave me a short but loving kiss on the lips. He started the car and we were off. I was in a solemn mood on the way home, but I loved being there with him.

"Hey, it's 5:30, wanna get something some thing to eat?" Howie asked cheerfully.

"Sure," I replied. I was starting to feel much better. I had a great guy that I knew loved me and cared for me. We drove a little longer and found a little whole in the wall caf‚'. We got out of the car and went into the restaurant. We found a seat away from the window in a back corner and sat down. I looked at the menu but was staring at Howie. I quickly decided what I wanted and just stared at Howie. "How did I get so lucky?" I thought to myself. The waitress came and we placed our orders. As soon as I placed mine I escaped to the restroom. I looked in the mirror. I was really disheveled and still had a red mark on my face from when my mother hit me. I splashed some water on my face and smoothed out my hair. I looked again. I was looking much better but the clothes I was wearing did not look right. "Oh well," I thought to myself. I was really feeling much better. I dried myself off and walked back to our table.

'You okay?" Howie asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said to him. "Look, I'm sorry about what my mom said to you, she did not mean any of it."

"I know. That is not what got me mad. What got me mad is what she was doing to you," he said to me. I looked at him and mouthed 'I love you'. He smiled and squeezed my leg under the table. The waitress came with our food and we ate or meal. I finished my sandwich and waited for Howie to finish his. Just as he finished the waitress came back with our check. I picked it up and Howie snatched it out of my hands.

'Oh no you don't," I told him as he was standing up and grabbed it back from him. He tried to get it back from me but he failed. Then he darted off towards the counter. I jumped up after him but it was too late. He was already handing the cashier the money. I got up there just as she was handing him his change.

"Damn you Howie..." I started. Suddenly the cashier screamed.

"It is you, you're... you're... Howie Dorough." She screamed.

"Yes, and if you will stop screaming I will give you an autograph," he said sighing. The cashier immediately shut up. Howie grabbed a marker from his pocket and the cashier grabbed a piece of paper from under the counter.

"Tha...thank...thank-you." She stuttered. We walked out of the caf‚ and headed for my car.

"Thank you very much," Howie said sarcastically.

"No problem, I guess I got you back," I said smugly.

"Man, you are worse than AJ," he said jokingly. I took a mock bow before I got into the driver seat. I looked at my watch and it was half past six.

"Should we go back to the hotel now?" I asked him.

"Yeah, if you want." He said to me. I really didn't but I also did not feel like driving around all day. We headed back to the hotel. All of the fans were gone so we got into the garage with no problem. I parked the car and we headed to the elevator. It was already down so the doors opened immediately. Howie got in first and pulled me in behind him. The instant the door shut he had his arms around my neck and was kissing my lips deeply and passionately. I can not say that I minded it. We were going up when the elevator stopped on the third floor. I heard the doors start to open and I pulled away from Howie. A man in a business suit walked in just as Howie and I separated. The guy pressed the button for the next floor. We went up to the next floor and the elevator stopped and the guy got out. The minute the doors were shut Howie was all over me again.

"I love you too," I said when he came up for air.

'I love you even more," he said grinning.

"Don't even try it," I said kissing him again. All too soon we made it to the guys floor and the elevator opened. We broke our kiss and walked to the door. Howie unlocked it and I stepped in first. I felt his hand squeeze my ass cheek. When we got into the room no one was there. I looked at Howie.

"Why did we come up here? Weren't we supposed to meet the guys in the lobby?" I asked Howie.

"Yeah, but we still have 15 minutes and the elevator ride down," he replied grinning and directing me over to the couch. We sat down and instantly he pushed me down and was once again all over me.

"Slow down will ya?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, I just have wanted to do this all day," he said to me. We lay on the couch exploring each other's mouths when my watch beeped.

"Howie, it is seven," I told him.

'Yeah, so?" he asked.

"So get your ass off of me, we have to meet the guys," I said to him.

"Fine, I see how you are, seeing my friends behind my back," he said jokingly.

"Never, you are the only one for me," I told him. He reluctantly got off of me and we made our way to the door. I opened the door and walked out, Howie was right behind me. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. It was still on our floor so the doors opened immediately. I got in and it was my turn to pull Howie in. I grabbed his arm and yanked him into the elevator. It took him by surprise. I got him into the elevator then pinned him against the wall. I slowly put my mouth to his and teased him with small fast kisses. I pressed my entire body up against his and put our lips together. I buried my tongue deep in his throat and grabbed his ass cheeks. Almost instantly he got an erection and so did I for that matter. The elevator stopped on the floor that we dropped that guy off on 15 minutes earlier and the same guy got back on. "Can't he ever use the stairs?" I asked myself. He pressed the button for the floor that he got on last time. The elevator quickly went down and he got off. Almost as if Howie was reading my mind he asked.

"What's his problem?" Howie asked.

"I don't know, maybe he has a thing for you and wanted to see you alone?" I kidded.

"Well then he has quite a contest," Howie said seriously. With that remark I pinned him against the wall and kissed him again. I started to knead his ass when he turned and pushed me against the other wall. He then took over what I was doing and put my arms to my sides. We made it down to the lobby with no other disturbances. We finally reached the lobby and the doors opened. We quickly saw the guys standing in one corner wearing ball caps and dark glasses inside the building.

"Very inconspicuous." I joked.

"We try our best," AJ joked.

"What movie are we going to see?" I asked.

"Well we decided on The Haunting, if no one objects," Kevin said.

"Yeah, but what is with you people and scary movies?" I asked.

"Nick and Brian usually choose them so that they can snuggle..." Howie joked then looked at me.

'Shut-up," Brian yelled.

"Are we taking the Limo?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, it is parked out front, we were waiting for you two," Kevin told us.

"Then lets go," Howie told everyone. We walked out front and like they said the limo was waiting right there. We all piled in. Nick and Brian sat nearly on top of each other, Kevin and AJ sat next to Nick and Brian and Howie and I sat across from them. The instant the door closed Nick and Brian were making out.

"So you two seemed to hit it off pretty well," AJ said motioning towards Howie and me.

"Yeah, I don't know why but I can talk to this guy," Howie joked.

'Chris, you should feel special, Howie hardly ever opens up," Kevin said to me. The theater was only about 3 blocks away so we got there pretty fast. We all got out and stayed in a corner. We went in to get our tickets. Kevin went up and got everybody's ticket. Then he went over to the snack counter and talked with the guy there. He walked back towards us when we heard a scream.

"Shit,' AJ yelled. The rest of the guys went running towards the theaters. I was taken by surprise and fell back. I realized what had happened, the guys were noticed, and took off after them. I was just passing the guy who takes the tickets when he stopped me.

"I'm sorry, you are going to have to wait for a minute," the guy told me.

"But, I am with them," I said motioning towards the guys.

"I am sorry, but you are going to have to wait or have proof that you are with them," the guy said to me.

"But..." I started.

"I am sorry, you are going to have to leave or I will have to call security,' the ticket guy told me. I turned and walked off. I found a bench by the window and sat down. I did not know what to do. I obviously was not getting into this movie. I walked out to the limo the doors were locked so I knocked on the driver side window and knocked.

"Yes" the driver, asked putting the window down.

"I need to get in, I got left behind and now they will not let me in the movie," I told the driver.

"I am sorry sir, but this is a private limo," he told me.

'Yes, I know, I just came here in it." I exclaimed.

"I will need proof of that sir," the driver said. Dejected, I walked back into the theater and sat down on a bench. I did not know what to do. I looked out the window and saw that it had started to rain. I got up and went to the ticket taker.

"Has anyone come looking for me?" I asked him.

"No!" he yelled at me.

"Okay, but if anyone does I will be waiting right over there," I said pointing to the bench. I walked back over to my bench and sat down. I waited for about 10 minutes when a guy came up to me.

"Excuse me son." The guy said. I looked at him and saw that he had a manager pin on.

"Is Howie looking for me?" I asked excitedly.

"No, I am sorry he is not," he started. My excitement immediately deflated. "But you are going to have to buy a ticket or leave." He continued.

"But, I am waiting for Howie, with the Backstreet Boys!" I screamed.

'Yeah, and so are a bunch of other people," he said gesturing towards the street.

"Leave now or I will have to call the police," the manager growled. I stared at him for a minute then got up and walked out the door. By the time that I got out there it was pouring down rain. I did not know what I was going to do. I decided that I would just walk back to the hotel. I was about half way there when I heard someone screaming my name.

"Chris!" I heard someone scream. I turned and saw Howie, dripping wet, running towards me.

'Howie," I screamed. I wanted to grab him in a hug and kiss him right there but we were in public. "They would not let me in," I told him.

"I know, that is why I came to find you," he said to me.

Let's go back to the theater," I said to him.

Okay," he said smiling at me.

What?" I asked.

You are so cute when you are wet," he said to me.

So are you," I said to him. We headed back to the movies and when we walked in the manager and ticket guy were apologizing profusely. I ignored them and asked for a towel or something. The manager jumped and ran behind the snack counter and grabbed a pile of counter towels. Howie and I both took a couple thens headed into the theater. By the time that we got back the movie was just about ending.

Damn, I really wanted to see this," I said to Howie.

Me too," Howie said to me. We quickly found a seat in the back of the theater to finish the movie. I noticed that there was no one else in here.

You guys often get the theater to yourselves?" I asked.

Pretty cool isn't it?" Howie asked.

Yeah, no one with big hair to sit in front of you." I joked. We got settled into our seats. I noticed that Brian and Nick were laying on each other so I rested my head on Howie's shoulder. The instant the movie ended I jerked it up so that no one would see me.

Chris, there you are," Kevin said to me.

Yeah, had a little trouble with the manager," I told him.

Why what happened?" Brian asked. I told them the whole story. They laughed at the part about the limo. We walked out of the dark theater into the bright lobby. It was a shock. The whole lobby was empty but people were trying to break the doors down.

So how do we get out?" I asked.

We make a break for it," AJ said.

Hope you have a change of clothes," Nick joked as we were stepping to the door.

Why?" I asked just as they opened the door. We were met by screaming fans. The security did the best that they could to stop them but it did not work too well. We got about half way out when all hell broke loose. We were pushed and pulled. Our clothes got torn to threads. Even me. I guess that they did not care who I was as long I was with the Backstreet Boys. We finally made it to the open door of the limo and literally jumped in. When everyone was in and everything had settled down we stated to look at each other. I looked at all the guys and started to laugh. They looked so funny. None of them had all their clothes. Nick had lost his shirt entirely.

Now you see why?" AJ asked me.

Yeah, thanks for the warning. I would have rather walked back to the hotel alone." I joked.

So what are we going to do now?" Nick asked.

Clubbing," AJ yelled.

You can just drop me off at the hotel," I said.

Yeah, me too." Nick added in.

Nick, you do not want to go clubbing?" Kevin asked.

No, I am just going to get some sleep," he replied. The guys shrugged and dropped me and Nick off at the hotel. They ran up with us to get a change of clothes.

Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Howie asked me.

I'm a big boy, Howie," I said to him.

Here, take my key, that way if you want to go to the pool or something you won't be locked out," he said shoving his key in my hand.

Okay, but I am just going to go to bed." I shot back.

he guys ran off and Nick and I ran in the front door.

I'm gonna watch some TV." Nick said to me.

No prob, I am just going to go to bed," I told him.

I went into the bedroom and took of all Howie's and AJ's clothes except for the T-shirt and the CK boxer-briefs. I went to get in bed and thought about Howie and his question about the Jacques. "Oh well, there is always tomorrow night," I said grinning. I lay down in bed and lay there staring at the ceiling before I fell asleep.

Chris," I heard my mother say.

"Yes mom?" I asked her.

"What the hell are these?" she asked me.

"What are what?" I asked but I already knew what she was talking about.

"These love letters from a GUY named Scott." She screamed at me. I knew that I was in for it.

"What the hell are you doing with this things?" She screamed at me," is my youngest son a little cock-sucking fagot?"

"Yes mother, I am." I said bluntly. The next thing I knew my mothers hand was making contact with my face. I went down to my knees and my mother continued to hit me. I tried to get her to stop but she would not. Then everything went black.

Stoooooooooooooooooooooop!!!" I screamed waking up in a cold sweat. I knew that I was going to have the dream again.

"Chris, are you okay?" Nick asked running in the room.

Yeah, I just had a nightmare," I told him.

Come on out and watch TV with me," he said.

Yeah, I think that I will," I told him. I stood up to walk out to the living area when I realized that I had my boxer-briefs on. Shit, my suitcases are still in my car," I said out loud.

Don't worry about it," Nick said reassuringly. I didn't. I walked out to the living room and lay down on the couch. Nick was right behind me.

Got anything to drink?" I asked.

Yeah," he said getting up and grabbing a coke from the mini-fridge. He tossed it to me.

Thanks," I said catching it.

Hey, speaking of thanks, I never properly thanked you for what you did for me," Nick said sitting down on the foot of the couch.

Don't worry about it," I told him.

No, I wand to thank you for what you did," he insisted.

What, the car was not enough?" I asked.

No, but." he started lying down on top of me.

Nick, what are you doing?" I asked him.

Thanking you," he told me. I was going to object but he was leaning in for a kiss.

Nick, stop it," I told him.

But I want to thank you," he said seductively.

Nick, no!" I screamed as he reached down and grabbed my crotch.

Come on, what's wrong?" he asked me.

I do not want to do this." I yelled at him. By now he had started to pull my underwear down.

Why?" he asked.

Nick, NO!" I screamed at him.

Come on," he said to me. I was starting to cry.

Nick, No!" I screamed again. By now he had my boxer-briefs down to me knees and was playing with my cock.

You know you want it," he said to me. He started to lick my head.

Nick, no, I am seeing Howie," I screamed at him. He instantly jumped off of me. I got up, looked at him. And ran to Howie's room and mine. I still had my boxer-briefs down when I shut the door. I immediately locked it and fell back against it. I slid down the door and started to bawl. Nick came to the door trying to apologize.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at him. He left and I continued to cry. I felt dirty and cheap. I was still crying when someone came knocking on the door.

"Chris? Are you okay in there?" someone asked. I heard some muffled voices and then heard Howie's voice.

"Chris, it's me, Howie, let me in." he pleaded. I sat there for a minute before I reached up and unlocked the door. Instantly Howie was in there looking down at me. "What's wrong, baby?"

"" I stuttered.

"Calm down, what did Nick do?" Howie asked sitting down next to me and holding me. I started to calm down enough to talk to him.

"We were sitting on the couch, he forced himself on me, I told him no," I cried. Howie jumped up.

"That little..." Howie yelled.

"Didn't you talk to him?" I sobbed.

"He was asleep in his room," Howie told me.

"Please do not say anything to him," I begged.

"But..." Howie started.

"Please, I think I made him feel bad enough," I said.

"It is up to you," he told me.

"Let's just go to bed," I said.

"Okay, but..." Howie started.

"Please," I said. Howie got undressed as I was getting dressed again. Howie climbed into his bed by the door. I climbed in next to him.

"What?" he asked.

"I need you to hold me," I told him.

"Okay," he said wrapping his arms around me. I loved just being there and fell fast asleep.

"Chris?" someone asked.

"Howie?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on, wake up," he said to me.

I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked me.

"Once I was with you," I told him.

"I love you," he said to me.

"I love you too," I said back.

"Are you okay after last night?" he asked me.

"He knows about us," I whispered.

"I don't care, just as long as you are okay," he said to me.

"Please do not say anything to him." I asked again.

"I won't." he reassured me.

"Thanks," I said pushing him down on the bed kissing him passionately. We kissed for a little while longer before I finally broke it.

"Still up for the Jacquzzi?" I asked.

"Hell yeah," he said to me jumping up and starting to tug at my shirt.

"You guys awake in there yet?" AJ asked.

"Damnit!" Howie and I said in unison.

"Yeah, we'll be right out," Howie yelled. Howie finished taking my shirt of.

"Babe, my clothes are still in my car," I told him.

"Shit, I guess I'll have to go down and get them," he said lovingly.

"Then go already, it is freezing in here," I yelled at him. With that he threw some pants on and walked out the door. "Damn you have a fine ass," I said to him. He just shook it then continued on.

"Chris?" Nick said poking his head in the door.

"What?" I snapped.

"I am so sorry, please do not tell anyone," he begged me.

"I have already told Howie. He will not say anything." I said flatly.

"Thank you so much," he said.

"It will take a while for me to forgive you," I told him.

"I know, it is just that well I think that you are fine," he said bluntly.

"I am with Howie, I am not available," I told him.

"I know that now, I will not say another word to you," he said.

"Nick, it is okay, I just want you to know that I am not available," I told him.

"Thank-you," he said walking out of the room.

I walked over to the dresser to see if I could clear any room for my stuff. All the drawers were crammed with clothes.

"Here are you suitcases," Howie said.

"Damn, you have a lot of clothes," I said to him. "Where is all my stuff going to go?" I asked him.

"Keep it in the suitcase," he said to me.

"Gonna have to." I shot back. I grabbed one of my suitcases and set it up on the dresser. I started to sort through it when Howie came up and wrapped his arms around my waist looking at my clothes.

"You have good taste," he said to me.

"I try," I said back. I found what I was looking for. I pulled a baby blue button-shirt and a baby blue sweater vest out. I grabbed another one of my suitcases looking for my pants. That one only had shirts in it too. I grabbed the last suitcase. I was afraid that my mother had not given me any pants. I opened that one and found my pants. I grabbed a pair of light gray cargo pants. I also grabbed a fresh pair of boxer-briefs. "Do you mind?" I asked looking at Howie.

"Not at all, go right ahead," he said grinning at me.

"Okay then," I said walking over to the bathroom.

"Where you going?" he asked.

"To get changed." I told him then jumped in the bathroom and locked the door. I quickly got changed and ran a comb through my hair. I walked out of the bathroom only to find that Howie was gone. I walked out into the living area and saw everyone sitting around eating.

"Hey Chris, where are you going to stay when we leave?" Kevin asked me.

"I don't know, I guess that I will have to find some place." I told him. I looked over at Howie but he was off in space.

"Howie, you there?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah, just thinking," he said coming back to us.

"About what?" Nick asked him.

"Nothing," he replied. Kevin's question had me worried. I had just found such a great guy and in three days he was leaving me.

"So what is the plan?" Kevin asked.

"I was going to head down to the pool," AJ said.

"Good idea, mind if I join you?" I asked him.

"No, the more the merrier," AJ said grinning.

"Yeah, me too," Howie agreed.

"I guess I will too," Kevin said.

"What are you two going to do?" Kevin asked Nick and Brian.

"Probably just watch TV." Nick said quickly.

"Cool, I'll call the desk and tell them, you guys go get changed," AJ said. We all went to our rooms.

"Do you have a suit?" Howie asked me when we got in our room.

"Yeah, I saw it here somewhere," I told him. I started to rummage through my suitcases. "This would be so much easier if I had some drawers..." I hinted.

"Yeah, but what can you do?" he asked.

"This," I said and smacked him on the ass.

"Owwwwww," he screamed.

"Sorry," I said sarcastically.

"That hurt..." he whined.

"Eh, quit your complaining and get dressed," I told him. With that he took his shirt and pants off. Then he went over to his drawers and pulled a baby blue Speedo out.

"Blue, my favorite color," I joked.

"Something told me that," he said gesturing to my clothes.

I had just started to take my shirt off when Howie was taking off his boxer-briefs. I stopped and stared at his ass. It was red from where I had smacked it. It was also very muscular and tight.

"Nice ass..." I started.

"Thank-you," he said turning his head. I quickly finished taking off my clothes and put my shorts on before Howie could see me.

"There is a robe in the bathroom," he told me while he was grabbing his from the closet. I went into the bathroom and grabbed the robe. I put it on and tied it loosely in front. When I got back out Howie was standing there in just his Speedo.

"You look good," I said to him. I loved his muscular body and darkened skin.

"Hey, quit drooling all over the carpeting." He joked.

"Sorry, but DAMN!" I told him. He quickly threw his robe on and tied it tightly then ran out of the room. I followed right behind him.

"You guys ready?" Kevin asked us.

"Yeah, how long we have it for?" Howie asked.

"As long as we want," Kevin said happily.

"Cool, then I am hitting the sauna first," I said as we were walking out the door. The elevator opened the minute AJ pressed the button and we all piled in. Howie and I stood in the back and Kevin and AJ were in the front. I wanted to kiss Howie right there but knew that he did not want the others to know about us yet. The elevator went up to the roof and we got out. "The pool is up here?" I asked.

"Actually it is down one floor but they locked that off so that we would have it to ourselves. The only way to get to it now is from the roof." Kevin answered me.

"Cool," I said to them. We walked down a short flight of stairs a found an Olympic size swimming pool with three doors off to one side. The first door was the sauna. I stopped long enough to set the temperature. Then jumped in. I lay out on the middle bench and shut my eyes. I heard the door open and then a set of hands massaging my chest. My eyes popped open to see Howie standing over me. He bent down and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Roll over," he told me. I did as I was told. I heard him walk over and pour some water on the rocks. Then he came back and sat down on my legs.

"Howie?" I asked.

"Shh, just relax," he told me. I once again did as I was told. I soon felt his hands rubbing all over my back.

"Ahh," I moaned.

"You like this?" he asked. I could just nod my head. I felt great. I soon felt his hands working my lower back and him kissing my neck.

"Uhhh..." I moaned again. Suddenly I felt Howie jump up and sit on the top bench. I soon found out that Kevin was opening the door.

"Hey," he said cheerfully.

'Hey, we were just going to cool down," Howie said to Kevin.

"No prob, I will be alright," Kevin said to us. We both jumped up and ran out.

"Shower or pool?" Howie asked standing by the pool.

"This answer your question?" I asked shoving him in.

"Yeah, it does, now help me out of here," he yelled at me. I reached my hand down and grabbed his. The next think that I knew I too was in the water.

"You got me...I fell for it." I admitted.

"Yes I did," Howie stated.

"Where is AJ?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said leaning in for a kiss. I accepted. We kissed for about a minute then decided to hit the hot tub. We walked into one of the rooms and found an indoor cabana.

"Wrong room." I said.

"Really. What gave it away?" he asked.

"I love you," I said sneaking in a kiss.

"Me too," he said returning the kiss. We walked out of the cabana and found the hot tub with AJ sitting in it.

"There he is." I said.

"Hi, jump on in. Water is great," AJ said. We did; literally, we splashed AJ in the face. "Hey, watch the hair or I am going to have to drown you," AJ said.

"Yeah. Try it," Howie said. With that AJ leaped at him and shoved his head under water. It somehow ended up on my crotch. I immediately got a hard on. Howie noticed and I felt him rub it for a second before AJ let him up for air. "Hey, you tried drowning me," Howie yelled at AJ.

"You dared me to," AJ shot back.

"So I did, next time I won't," he laughed. This caused AJ and I to laugh too.

"God, you people really are crazy," I said under my breath.

"What was that?" AJ asked.

"YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY," I yelled at him.

"So you are calling us crazy?" Howie asked gesturing towards me.

"Yea..." I started but then got a mouthful of water. I had someone's crotch right in my face. I could not see the swimsuit good enough, but I was pretty sure it was Howie.

"So are we still crazy?" AJ asked.

"More now than ever," I coughed. Once again they lunged for me but this time I knew it was coming and ducked out of the way. They ended up colliding and landing on top of me. Sending me face first into the water, again. I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me up.

"You okay?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, you guys just knocked the wind out of me." I said.

"Sorry, about that," Howie said looking in my eyes.

:"No prob, lets just take this into the pool, it is too hot in here." I said and gave a light squeeze to Howie's crotch. AJ jumped out of the hot tub first and ran out of the room. Howie and I slowly got out. Before he could open the door I gave him another kiss. I quickly broke before he could respond and jumped out of the room. He followed after me he nearly caught me but I jumped into the pool.

"Damn you," he yelled at me.

"I know," I laughed at him. We swam around for a couple of hours. Sometime Kevin AHD come out and was swimming with us. I was too busy admiring Howie to answer. Finally AJ piped up.

"Anyone ready to go get some lunch?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am, damn it is that late?" I said to him.

"YEAH, now lets go get something to eat," he yelled at us. We got out of the pool and Kevin ran in the cabana and grabbed us each a towel. We dried off and wrapped the towels around our shoulders. We ran up the stairs and across the roof. It looked like it was going to rain again. We hopped into the elevator and Howie and I took the back wall again. This time I did not care I reached over and grabbed his ass. He looked surprised and took my hand off his ass. I felt dejected. I think he sensed his for he quickly took it in his own hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked at him. Damn I wanted to kiss those lips forever when suddenly this morning's conversation came back to me. Was I really going to loose this in 3 more days? The elevator reached our floor and I came back to reality. I quickly let go of Howie's hand walked out of the elevator. Kevin had the door opened by the time we had gotten there and we walked right in. We headed for the living room when Kevin suddenly stopped. We kept walking until we ran into him.

"Why'd ya stop?" AJ asked. "Shh, look," he said motioning towards the living room. We looked and saw Brian's upper half and Nick's hair sticking out from the top of the couch. We immediately knew what they were doing. Kevin ran into his room and came back out with a bucket of water. We crept up on them, they still AHD not noticed us. We were just behind the couch when Kevin dumped the bucket all over them. Nick jumped up knocking Brian over. I saw Nick standing there naked and remembered last night. I turned and ran to my bedroom and I shut the door. I jumped on the bed and scrambled under the covers and buried my head in the pillow,

"Chris?" Howie asked.

"I just saw him, and then remembered last night and how dirty I felt," I cried.

"I'm sorry," he said. He had his arm around me and was holding me against him. I felt warm and loved. I quickly forgot about Nick and started to get up. "You okay now?"

"Yeah, thanks," I said giving him a passionate kiss.

"No problem, I think that the food is here. Why don't we get something to eat," Howie suggested.

"Okay," I replied. I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face, I then went back into the room and Howie and I walked out. I was worried that they were going to want to know what had happened. But as I stepped out in the hall I heard Brian yelling at Nick.

"How could you do that Nick?" Brian screamed.

"Hey," Howie yelled. Brian shut-up and I knew what they were arguing about. I felt much better now that I knew that it was out in the open. Howie was right. The food was there so we all sat around and ate. Nick kept eyeing everyone worriedly. Lunch was finally over and we were deciding what to do next.

"Why not let Chris decide. He has been going along with everything we say." Kevin suggested.

"Well I wanted to go shopping but you guys just did that yesterday." I said.

"Hell, I would go shopping everyday if I could," AJ interjected.

"Then shopping it is." Kevin decided. This idea seemed to make everyone happy.

"I'll call the limo," AJ said.

"No, let's take my car," I said.

"You are taking every excuse to drive that thing. Aren't you?" Howie asked.

"What can I say. I love it," I said to everyone.

"Chris's car it is then." They all agreed. We once again piled out and got into the elevator. We rode down to the garage but this time Nick and Brian were not all over each other. I felt really guilty about it. We got down to the garage and everyone had iled into my car. I was walked to the driver side and got in. We were soon off to the mall. I found a spot near the door and parked. Everyone jumped out. We entered it and decided that everyone wanted to go off their own ways. Nick and AJ went for shoes. Kevin and AJ went for and Howie and I went to look around. We were walking around talking when Howie suddenly ran into a store. I started to follow but he told me to stay there. I went to sit down on a bench but suddenly stopped. I saw in a window the perfect thing for Howie. I immediately ran in the store and grabbed it out of the window. I went up to the checkout and paid for it. I also had it gift wrapped so that he could not peak. I would give it to him our last night I decided. I walked back out of the store and sat down on a bench waiting for Howie to come out. When I saw him come out he had a receipt but no bag.

"What'ya get?" I asked him.

"You will find out soon enough," he said to me.

"Be that way, then you are not my surprise for you," I said.

"Aww, but..." he started.

"Too late..." I said.

Howie hung his head and pouted. I wanted to push him down and kiss him right there. We walked around for a little while longer. I bought a new shirt and a pair of Nike's. Howie bought a new pair of white pants and a pair of sandals.

"You know, I love seeing you in white," I whispered to him. He giggled then his hand brushed his hand across my ass to make it look accidental. We walked around and met up with Nick and AJ in the sports authority.

"So where is Kevin and Brian?" AJ asked.

"I dunno, knowing them they are in Ambercomle," Howie said. We walked to Ambercomle and as Howie had predicted Brian and Kevin were in there. They were just checking out and had seven or eight bags each.

"You know the sad part?" AJ asked.

"No," I answered.

"They have probably been here the whole time," AJ laughed.

"As a matter of fact we have," Kevin said. He was struggling with his bags so I went over to help him. "Thanks," he said handing me half his bags. I took them then walked over to Howie. I gave half of them to him.

"How did I get into this?" Howie asked.

"Cause I am not going to carry all of these," I told him. We left the mall and headed out to my car. Just as we had reached my car when they sky started to fall down on us.

"Damn," I yelled as I scrambled for the driver side door.

"Okay, now that we are all soaked," Kevin kidded.

"Yeah, just because you gave me the car you think that you can drip all over it?" I asked jokingly.

"Yeah, we do." AJ chimed in. The sky was totally dark and I could barley see my headlights in front of me. I drove slowly and carefully. Everyone in the backseat was extremely quiet. The storm was just letting up as I pulled up in the parking garage. We all got out and this time everyone grabbed some bags. We piled into the elevator. We all barely fit with all the bags. We got up to the guy's floor and hopped out. We lugged all the bags into the suite and set them all down in the living room. I looked for my bag with Howie's present and quickly found it. I snatched it up and ran to my room with it. I quickly hid it behind the television stand. I walked over to my suitcases and changed my clothes. I felt better once I got dry again. I walked back into the living area and sat down next to AJ. I wanted to sit next to Howie but he sat in a chair. Kevin was on the phone ordering dinner. The rest of the guys and I were talking.

"Pizza okay with everyone?" Kevin asked sitting down. He got a scattered yeah from the rest of the guys.

"Anyone want anything to drink?" AJ asked standing.

"What have you got?" I asked.

"Well we have beer, pop, and a fully stocked bar," he smiled.

"Then I will take a rum and coke," I said to him.

"Me too," Brian added.

The rest of the guys all wanted a beer.

"I thought that you did not drink." Kevin asked.

"Not beer, and not usually, but every now and then," I explained. AJ handed everyone his drinks. I took a drink of mine and nearly choked. " I said a rum and COKE. Not just rum." I exclaimed.

"Too strong for you?" AJ asked.

"No, I like the feeling of my throat being on fire," I yelled at him.

"Sorry," he said laughing.

"Sure you are," I joked. I took another sip of it. It tasted better with a smaller sip but it was still strong. I got up and poured half of it in another glass and added more coke. Then put the other glass in the fridge.

"Any better?" Nick asked. I was stunned. That was the first time Nick had really said anything to me since he apologized this morning.

"Yeah, much," I said laughing. We talked for a few more minutes before the food came. I went to the door and helped the guy get the food in. We wheeled it over to the main area where everyone was sitting and I gave the bill to Kevin to sign. The guy left and we all sat down to eat. Once again we finished off all the food. "Man, I feel sorry for your parents when they have to feed you." I joked. They all laughed.

"Hey, it is 11:00 already," Kevin said.

"Shit, if we are going sight seeing then we best get some sleep," AJ said. We all agreed and separated to go to our own rooms. The minute Howie's and mine door shut we jumped on the bed and were all over each other. When we broke for air I decided to ask him the question that had been on my mind all day.

"Howie?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"What, love?" he responded.

"Howie, what is going to happen when you go back to Florida?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about that," he said to me.

"But..." I started. Howie stopped me by putting his finger on my lips. He then reached in and gave me a deep loving passionate kiss.

"I love you, and I have everything worked out. Nothing will come between us," he reassured me.

"I love you too," I said to him. We laid there kissing for a while then Howie snuggled up against me with his head on my chest and fell asleep. I felt good to finally be the one who held him instead of him always having to be there for me. I rested my head on his and was soon asleep. I suddenly awoke at 5:30 in the morning and could no fall asleep. Something just did not seem right. I looked down and saw that Howie was not there. I started to panic. I looked at the other bed and he was not there either. The door to the bathroom was open and he was not in there either. I jumped out of bed, I realized that I was still fully clothed, and ran out to the living area. Howie was not there either. I was really worried. I went into Kevin's room.

"Kevin, wake up," I said while shaking him.

"Chris. What is it?" he asked bolting straight up in bed.

"It's Howie, he's gone," I told him.

"What do you mean gone?" he asked.

"I just woke up and noticed that Howie was not in his bed, the bathroom, or the living area." I explained.

"Shit," Kevin said jumping out of bed; he quickly pulled a pair of jeans on and a T-shirt.

"Has he ever done this before?" I asked.

"Once, it took us all night to find him," he told me.

"Do you know why?" I asked.

"No, he only said that he had to think about something," Kevin replied.

"Where was he last time?" I asked.

"That was in Florida, we found him walking up and down the street," Kevin answered.

"I'll go check the other guys rooms, should I wake them up?" I asked.

"Yeah, we need all the help finding him that we can get," Kevin answered. I left the room and walked into AJ's room. Howie was not in there so I woke AJ up. I told him the whole story. We both went back into the hallway. I walked to Nick and Brian's room. They were sleeping together. I just prayed that they were dressed. Howie was not in there either. I woke them up too and told them what was going on. We all met up in the hall.

"Chris, you take the top ten floors. AJ you take the middle. I'll take the first and Nick and Brian, you guys check the street. But stays on this street only, if you find him call the others on their cell phones. Nick give Chris yours." Kevin instructed. Nick tossed me his phone and we all spit up. I ran to the stairs and down 8 flights of stirs. I looked down the first hallway; he was not there. I ran back up to the next floor, he was not there either. This continued until I got back to our floor I looked down the hall then ran up to the pool. I burst into the pool but no one was in there. I checked the cabana, sauna, and hot tub. I headed back out the door when I realized I had not checked the roof. I turned around and ran up the short flight of stairs. I flung open the door and saw the back of Howie sitting on a bench looking out over New York. I walked back into the pool area and called Kevin.

"Did you find him?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, he is on the roof," I told him.

"Thank god, I will call the rest of the guys, thanks Chris," he said to me. I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket of my sweatshirt. I opened the door to the roof and walked out. I sneaked up behind Howie and put my arms around his neck. He jumped.

"It's only me, baby," I whispered in his ear. He was still tense but settled back down.

"Hi," he said to me.

"You gave us quite a scare, we searched the whole hotel for you," I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry, I just had some stuff to think about," he told me.

"Care to share?" I asked him.

"Well I was trying to figure out how to tell the guys about us," he said to me.

"You don't have to tell them if you do not want to," I reassured him.

"Yes I do, I can't go on like this forever," he told me.

"You are going to get wrinkles from worrying," I said giving him a kiss.

"I have to worry about this," he told me.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked him.

"Well tomorrow night, after we are done sight seeing I was going to suggest that we go back to that restaurant on 5th avenue, treat them to a nice night then when we get back to the hotel tell them about us." he said.

"That sounds like a good idea, and don't forget, I will be with you every minute," I reassured him.

"Thanks," he said.

"Look," I said to him pointing to he horizon.

"Wha..." he started but stopped as soon as he saw the beautiful sunset over the New York skyline. Our eyes met and we locked in a deep passionate kiss. We broke not a moment too soon. Just as we did the guys came bursting out on the roof.

"Howie," Kevin screamed.

"I'm sorry guys, I just had to think." He told them.

"Are you going to tell us this time?" Brian asked.

"Soon enough," I answered for Howie. Howie got up and headed down to the poolroom. We all followed close behind. Howie walked back to the room and went strait into the bedroom. I followed right behind him. He took of his clothes and fell onto the bed; I crawled up right next to him and hugged him tightly. He was soon asleep in my arms. I was already awake and was not going to fall back asleep. I just lay there and stared down at him. I was so happy at what I had and how hi knew that he was going to look out for me I started to cry. I just kept staring at him until Kevin came knocking on the door.

"Guy's time to wake up," Kevin said.

"Okay, we'll be right there," I said.

"Howie, wake up," I said lifting his head off my chest.

"Huh? What time is it?" he asked. I looked at my watch.

"It is 10:30," I told him. Howie and I got up. We leaned in for a kiss then separated. I pulled a silk shirt and khaki pants, and a fresh pair of boxer-briefs out I did not even bother to hide myself from Howie. I knew how serious we were. I got dressed and so did Howie. He was in a real solemn mood.

"Let's go," he said to me.

"You do not have to tell them you know," I said kissing him.

"Yes I do, it is important," he said to me returning the kiss.

We walked out of the room and went into the main area. No one said anything about last night.

"Guys, eat," Kevin said.

"I'm not really that hungry," Howie said to him. The rest of the guys dug in. I got myself a small portion and sat back and ate it.

"So what are we going to see?" AJ asked.

"Statue of liberty," Nick said.

"That will take all day," Brian added.

"Well we can see New York as we drive through it." I joked.

"Then the statue it is," Kevin decided. I really got the feeling that he was the 'father' of the group, and he was the one Howie was worried about. We went out and down to the parking garage. The limo was waiting. Everyone piled in and I sat next to Howie. Nick sat next to Brian and AJ at next to Kevin. We drove out and headed for the statue. Everybody seemed to be pretty tired from lack of sleep. Howie was falling asleep against the window, .no one was saying anything and I was falling asleep to. I made sure that I was not going to end up laying on Howie and maybe giving us away. We reached the ferry pretty soon and Kevin woke us all up. AJ, Nick, and Brian had fallen asleep too. Everyone piled out and Kevin went up and got our tickets to the ferry. We climbed aboard and found an empty bench on the top level. The ferry soon started its trip to the statue. The ferry finally docked and we all got out.

"Holy shit!" Nick yelled. When he saw the size of the statue.

"Were climbing that?" AJ asked.

"Nick's idea," Kevin stated. We walked to the door and entered. There was a small standing area before the stairs began. Nick was the first one on. We climbed and climbed and climbed for about 2 1/2 hours. We got to shoulder and asked about getting in the arm. The lady said that there was a 5-year waiting list.

"Damn," Howie said. It was really one of the first things that he was saying all day.

"Wait, aren't you, you are...oh my god," the lady said.

"Don't scream," Kevin said,

"I won't you guys can go right in," she said and opened the gate for us. Kevin fell behind and pulled an autographed picture from his coat. He quickly caught up with us. We climbed the last couple of stairs to the torch. We got up and the view we saw was amazing. We could see the whole New York skyline. It was great. We stayed and looked for a few minutes before we headed back down.

"The trip down I always easier," the lady at the arm said as we started our descent. It only took us about two hours this time. We got to the bottom and headed out to the ferry. We got on and got our same seats again. Everyone seemed to be more awake after our trip. The ferry docked and we got off. There were a lot of people so we had to squeeze through in one line. Kevin was in the front, then Nick, Brian, Howie, me, then AJ. We were walking through when some guy turned in the opposite line and smacked into me with is arm.

"Hey, watch it," I said to him and kept walking.

"What did you say?" the guy said. I turned around but saw that he was talking to AJ.

"I did not say anything," AJ said grinning.

"I think that you did," the guy growled. I was bout to say something when he punched AJ in the stomach. AJ quickly got up and retaliated by punching the guy in the jaw. This went on for a while longer. Kevin, Brian, Howie, and I were all trying to stop the fight. Suddenly we heard sirens pulling up right behind us. Four armed policemen came running up and stopped the fight. AJ was not beaten that badly but he would be bruised and sore for a while. The other guy was a mess. Both of them were handcuffed and put into the police car. Two of the officers stayed back to ask questions. Once we were asked we quickly jumped in the limo and went to the police station.

"We came to get out friend out," Kevin told the desk sergeant.

"What is his name?" the guy growled. You could tell that he did not like his job.

"AJ McLean," Kevin told him.

"Oh yeah, the fighter," the guy chuckled.

"Can we see him?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, go right back there," the guy said pressing a buzzer under the desk. We all went back there and saw AJ lying on a bed in one of the cells.

"You really did it this time, AJ," Kevin tsk-tsked.

"Hey, the other guy started it," he complained.

"Actually I said something to him and he thought it was you, I tried to say something but well it was too late," I said looking at the floor.

"Hey man don't worry about it. The cops said that I just have to stay here over night and they will let me out in the morning," AJ said.

"Thanks," I said felling better.

"No prob, just don't do it again," AJ said.

"Sorry, but visiting time is over the officer told us. He shuttled us out of there. Kevin, Nick, and Brian went outside. Howie and I fell back to talk to the desk sergeant.

"Yes, he just has to stay here tonight. He will be released after noon tomorrow." The sergeant told us. We thanked him and walked out the door. Brian and Kevin were having a heated argument. No one even noticed us come out.

"The guy is a walking bad luck charm. He is just a tag-along that did one good deed and feels that we owe him forever for it. I mean look he gets AJ thrown in jail, he caused us all to panic last nigh about Howie, he obviously seduced Nick." Brian yelled. His words cut through me like a knife. I felt like my insides were being torn out. I stood there gawking at him. He finally took notice of me. He turned red and started to stumble over everything he said.

"Brian, shut your fucking mouth," Howie growled. "Chris is my boyfriend." Then I saw Brian double over on the ground. I did not stay after that. I had to get out of there. I took of and ran. To be continued...

Note: that was chapter four. I know it was long but I needed to get some of that stuff explained before you people came beating down my door for an explanation. I appreciate all the feedback...but I crave more.... Send it to, or you can use instant messenger for AOL or yahoo pager for those too. Or ICQ me at 33110864. Tell me what you think....

Next: Chapter 4

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