Craving Mattys Feet

By Jordan Tales

Published on Nov 25, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email,

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will include a few kinks and fetishes, particularly fetishes linked with feet, socks and trainers. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

Everyone in the world has their own little kinks and fetishes that they like to enjoy on top of the typical vanilla fun that you can have. That being said, I had no idea what I was into until one night in the middle of October. I had no fucking clue that different parts of a guy's body, other than his dick or bum, could be something that you wanted or lusted after. Every fantasy that I'd had up until that night had been strictly vanilla - hell, half of them had been relatively PG and just involved kissing and touching. You might think that that is pretty innocent and, to be honest, you're probably right but, at 17, I still hadn't had my first experience with a guy. I'd realised that I was gay at 13 but I'd struggled to accept it for a while. "Liam," I kept telling myself, "You can't be gay. It's not who you are." or "If you don't want to be gay then just don't think about it and it'll go away." If I'm being honest here, I don't know why I felt like that as it's not like I'm from some backwards town: I live in Leeds in England - a pretty forward-thinking city in quite an accepting country. We were always seeing gay people represented on TV and in the media and the message coming from school was very much that being gay was absolutely normal. But, for some reason, I just couldn't accept that for myself and it wasn't until I was 16 that I really began to realise that this was a genuine part of me that wasn't going to just disappear. I guess that it didn't help that I didn't know any other gay people - I went to an all-boys school and none of the other lads had come out or even shown a hint of being gay so, even once I'd accepted it, I was still pretty isolated. The only community I'd found for myself was an online gay youth forum but the vast majority of the people on there lived quite far away. Even if they had been close, I don't think I'd have been able to bring myself to meet them anyway. You see, I'm quite a shy boy. I don't present that way to people that know me - I have a decent sized group of mates with a few really good friends and I play for the school footy team so I'm pretty well known - but inside I get nervous just talking to people I don't know. I don't even like speaking to people working in shops or even the teachers at school. I couldn't imagine meeting up with stranger from the internet whether or not that was the only way I was going to find other gay people. The youth forum was anonymous too. You had to sign up using an email but, once you'd done that, no real names were displayed or given. In fact, giving out too much personal information was something that could get you banned from the site by the moderators: you weren't even allowed to talk about what you looked like or post a picture! I'd have never posted a picture of myself as I was too afraid of someone else finding out that I'm gay but I'd have described how I looked - I'm pretty proud of how I'd developed my body through sport. I stand at 5ft11 now, just slightly above average height, but I'm not sure if I'm going to grow anymore. I'm slim but not skinny: the football has taken care of that and enabled me to develop quite a tight body with a decent amount of muscle tone, which is always nice. I'm not terribly stylish - and having a strict uniform code at my school means that I don't have to be - but I try to keep my dark hair neat and tidy, although the fringe always seems to end up falling over my green eyes after a couple of weeks of growth. There was one boy on the site that I'd become tempted to share some more details about me with but I didn't want to get kicked off. After all, talking with the people on there was the only think allowing me to come to terms with my sexuality so, in the end, I'd decided not to risk it. I really wanted to know what he looked like too and I'd begun to imagine different looks for him in my head during my nightly wanking sessions. I was starting to develop full-blown crushes on other boys in real life as well. There were a few within my circle of friends and others who I just knew from afar. One of the boys on the footy team was one of them: Matty. I didn't really know him overly well as he'd just joined the school for sixth form and had only been around for about a month but he'd quickly impressed the coaches and earnt a place on the school team as a striker. I'm a midfielder and usually play centre-mid. For those of you unfamiliar with football, that means that I'm the guy in the middle that always has to push that little bit harder and do a little more work than the others. At times, I have to fall back into defence in order to support the guys back there and then, within ten seconds, everything changes and I need to push up into attack in order to set up the strikers or score myself. Fulfilling this role has helped me build up great stamina and kept me in shape, which I'm grateful for. The game has clearly done the same for Matty as well as he is sexy as fuck. His body is better than mine with more definition, at least it looks that way from the glances I've stolen in the changing rooms, and he has the cutest face. He's blond, which helps, with very dark blue eyes. I've wanted him from the moment I saw him but, so far, I've barely said two words to the guy outside of our games and training. Even within those, I could probably count the times I've spoken with him on two hands. I just don't know what to say and, whenever I think about going up to him, I get so nervous that I feel like I almost go into a blind-panic and just have to leave it. That's not true for every guy that I fancy. With the ones in my friendship group, I have no issues but I guess that's because I've grown up with them. We've always spent a lot of time with each other and regularly go to each other's houses, have parties, stop over, etc. We've built that over years so, even though I'd gladly kiss and touch them, I don't have the same level of nerves that I have with Matty. That brings me back to that night in the middle of October. My friend James, for whom I've had a decent amount of lust over the last year or so, was having a few guys over to hang out. There was nothing unusual about that - we spent most Saturday nights that way - but tonight I was going to be staying over at James'. My parents were going out of town and, whilst they were more than happy to trust me to be home alone, I actually didn't want to be in my house all by myself. Yeah, I know that's pretty chicken for a 17-year-old but, hey, it meant I got to spend more time with a guy I really fancied too. We played around on the PlayStation for most of the evening and, one by one, the various different members of our social group disappeared, leaving just me and James alone. We continued to play for a bit but, by midnight, we were both pretty tired and decided to go to bed. Normally, when I've slept over at James' before, I've always used a blow-up airbed. It's not the comfiest of nights but I don't usually have issues getting to sleep. So, I got out the airbed from his wardrobe and used the plug-in pump to start blowing it up. Whilst it was filling up, James and I continued to chat and it wasn't until a few minutes had passed that I realised that none of the air that was supposed to be filling up the bed was actually remaining inside it. There was a leak and, when James and I looked it over, we found quite a large tear running through part of the underneath. There was no way that we could fix it. "Don't worry about it. You can have to bed, Liam," James said to me, running his fingers through his soft brown hair. "Nah mate, I can't do that; it's your bed." I was pretty insistent. James has been one of my best mates for a very long time and there was no way I was going to let him sleep on the floor while I took his bed. We argued the point back and forth for a little while until James offered another solution. "We can share then. It's a 3/4 bed so there's plenty of space so we'll just top and tail it." Immediately, my heart stopped. He was suggesting that I crawl into bed next to the guy that I've been lusting after. I was terrified and I tried to think of a reason why that wasn't a good idea but nothing came out. James just accepted my silence as acceptance and started to strip down ready for bed. Now, I usually sleep naked as I like the way it feels but, when I'm stopping over at a friend's place or they are stopping at mine, I don't. James did the same thing, as far as I know, so only removed his socks and jeans, leaving a t-shirt and his boxers on. That might have been how he slept anyway; it does get pretty cold over here during October time. Just looking at him, I could feel the nerves rising in my stomach. He had the sexiest hairy legs, covered in a dark fuzz which led up to what looked like a pretty impressive package underneath those tight boxers. I'd seen him like this before but never more and I'd always imagined that his dick was really meaty and thick. I didn't really have much time to look him over as he crawled into bed pretty quickly and then motioned for me to do the same. Removing just my joggers and socks, I climbed in. For those of you who don't know what topping and tailing is, basically it means that you sleep in the opposite way around to each other. One of you, in this case James, sleeps in the normal way on the bed and the other, me, sleeps rotated around the opposite way. What this meant was that my pillows were down the bottom of the bed with James' feet next to them. I've wondered whether I would have discovered this particular kink of mine if it wasn't for that night. As soon as I settled down and placed my head on the pillow, I was confronted with James' soles sticking out from underneath the bedcovers. That, in itself, wasn't unusual. After all, I always stick one of my feet out during the night. I'm not sure why: it's just something I do. What was strange though was how much I felt drawn to his feet. I couldn't look away from them. The lamp in the room was still on as James was doing something on his phone and, for the entire time, I was just staring at those soles that were being presented to me. Even when he flicked the light off and I couldn't quite make them out anymore, I found myself imagining the look of them and filling in the details that my eyes couldn't see: the wide soles, the big toes, the way the little toe bent in at the side of them and the much paler skin of the arches. It took me a while to notice, given that all my attention was going into visualising the feet that I could no longer clearly see, but I'd become as hard as rock in my boxers. I mean, my 7-inch dick was really straining against the material and I only realised because it was starting to hurt in the way in which it was trapped. That was when my mind, which had been silent until now, began to whirr. I convinced myself that I was only so turned on because I was in bed with the guy I had a crush on but there was a little voice inside of me that started to whisper to me. It kept bringing me back to his feet - to the way they looked, their shape and size and even the slightly different tones of skin which showed how much he was using each part of his soles when he walked. James had fallen asleep pretty quickly - his steady and slow breathing told me that - but I couldn't. I felt more wide awake than I had in a very long time. I needed more. I needed to confirm whether what this little voice was saying was true: I had to see them again. Being careful not to disturb the sleeping boy next to me, I reached down and picked up my phone, lifting it from the pockets of my discarded joggers and I quickly turned on the screen. I have a torch app but I was too afraid to use it: the burst of light may have caused James to wake. Instead, I used the glow of the screen and I knew as soon as the light hit the soles of his feet, that little voice had been right. Right here, right now, the thing that had be so turned on wasn't that James was sleeping next to me, nor was it the fact that his cute bum or impressive package were only centimetres away from me. No, it was the fact that his soles were so close to my face that they filled my vision. My cock was so hard; I couldn't ignore it any longer. Slowly and carefully, I moved my hand down into the top of my boxers, shifting my weight slightly so that I was on my back to give me more room, and took hold of my now throbbing dick. I began to slide the foreskin over the head of dick and could feel the precum leaking out and down my shaft. I'd barely touched it but I already knew that I was close. In fact, I bet I'd have even shot my load without touching it if I'd stared at James' smooth, sexy soles for much longer. I wanted more. I wanted to get closer - to feel them against my skin, maybe to smell them, hell, maybe even to taste them. But I was scared, far too scared of being found out or of losing my friend. Maybe a little scared of what it meant for me if I did taste his soles and liked it. Instead, I lay there and slowly teased my cock as I continued to stare at one of my closest friend's feet as he slept. The more I looked, the more I realised how much I loved them. The sensation that came with working my foreskin over my sensitive cockhead was building and I was having to bite down on my lower lip in order to stop myself from moaning out. The movement, I could mask, but if I made a sound then I'd surely wake James and he'd catch me working my cock and staring at his soles. I could feel the pleasure building more and more. My balls were tightening and I knew they were getting ready. Too late, I realised that I didn't have my usual cumrag to clean up: I was going to shoot my load, inside my boxers, whilst being laid in my friend's bed. Even knowing this, I couldn't stop myself. The feeling of doing this here and now whilst looking at the beautiful feet in front of me was just too much and I had to use my other hand to cover my mouth while my cock spurted its thick load of teen cum into my boxers. As I always do after shooting, I started to get sleepy and it didn't take long for me to start drifting off while continuing to look at James' sexy feet. The last thought I can remember having before I fell into a deep sleep was wondering what Matty's feet looked like and if they were as sexy as the rest of him.

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 2

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