Craving Mattys Feet

By Jordan Tales

Published on Dec 3, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email,

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will include a few kinks and fetishes, particularly fetishes linked with feet, socks and trainers. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

For the entire walk home, all I could think about was Ant sliding his foot into that beaten-up trainer after I'd sprayed the bottom of it with my hot fresh spunk. In fact, it was made even hotter by the fact that he'd be sliding those socks on over his feet and I knew that they would have likely soaked up a load of the cum so he'd be spreading it all over his feet. In my head, the image of him doing that was so unbelievably sexy. I mean, it was Ant's foot so there was a limit to how sexy it could be given the fact that I didn't like the shape of his feet but it was still hot nevertheless. I wondered if he'd notice. Maybe he'd feel it against his skin. It would probably still be warm after all. If he did, would he know? Could he know? I mean, sure, if there were still globs of white liquid spattered along the inside of his shoe then he might be able to work it out but if most of it had already been absorbed by the sock then he'd never know - right? Even if he did work it all out, how could he know it was me? He'd just have some unknown stranger's load all over his toes and sole... oh fuck, that idea was so amazingly hot that, for a second, I kind of wished that he could work it out. So, it appeared that I was in the clear. Still, it'd been risky for me. If the guys had come back just slightly sooner or if I'd not heard them then I'd have been caught and everyone in the team, including Matty, would have seen me with Ant's socks in my face and wanking into his dirty Nikes. I needed to be more careful in future. Even as I said that to myself, I knew that I wouldn't follow it. I hadn't when I'd spent time staring at one of my best mate's soles, I hadn't when I shot my load into Ant's beaten-up trainers and I knew I wouldn't the next time I had the opportunity to do anything connected with feet. They were my kryptonite! I just lusted after them so much that it was hard to believe that I'd not noticed my attraction to them before. By the time I got home, my head was spinning with thoughts of feet and cum, trainers and socks, Ant and James. I needed to talk to someone about this and the best place I could think of to do that was on the gay youth forum that I was a part of. Settling down onto my bed, I booted up my laptop and logged in. I had a few messages from guys who I'd been chatting to using the site's direct messaging facility. There was nothing of importance really but I enjoyed talking with them anyway. There was one lad in particular, who I've mentioned before, who I really like conversing with: his onscreen username is references the fact that he's a fan of footy and that was what got us talking in the first place. We speak most days which is odd when you consider that I don't really know anything about him: his name, where he comes from, what he looks like. In fact, I only know that he and I are the same age because user's ages are clearly displayed on their profile. I guess the moderators let that piece of information out so that people know they aren't talking to some old guy pretending to be someone else. I mean, they obviously couldn't guarantee that but, well, I guess every little helps. Recently, we'd been talking about the fact that neither of us was out as being gay. The message I came back to from him was him saying that he just felt like he was carrying around a huge secret and couldn't let it go. He said that he loved that he could talk to me about this because he just felt like we had such a connection. He's such a sweet boy and, when I decided that I wanted to talk to someone about what I'd discovered about myself, I knew it needed to be him. 'Hey,' I wrote, 'I totally agree. I think we get on really well and I'm so happy that you feel like you can trust me. Speaking of which though, I have a new secret that I've discovered about myself and I really need to share it with someone. I'm a little worried that you might dislike me once I tell you though.' I sent the message to him - it's true, I was worried that he might think it was disgusting or made me a perv but I just had to tell someone. The little green light was on which told me that he was online so I wasn't too surprised when he messaged me back pretty quickly. 'Hi, you can trust me with anything. I don't dislike you, no matter what. But, please don't have murdered anyone - that'd be a step too far for me' He'd followed up his message with a winking face. 'Well,' I typed, 'A couple of nights ago, I was sleeping over at a mate's place. We ended up having to share the bed (not like that!) but we slept top to tail, you know what that is right?' The binging sound to show I had a message played seconds after I'd sent mine: 'Of course, duh. Go on.' 'It meant that I was sleeping next to his feet and... I think I'm into feet now. I mean, I know I'm into feet now. I got so turned on just looking at his soles. Please don't hate me!' And upon sending that, the boy's online green light went out. Fucking hell! I knew I shouldn't have said anything; he'll be thinking I'm some dirty perv now and never want to talk to me again. At least, that's what I thought for a few minutes until I noticed that my message hadn't actually been opened. I shifted away from the site using a new window, waiting for him to get back online and reply, but I was disturbed after only a few minutes. "Liam!" my mum yelled up from downstairs, "Your friend is here." Friend? I wasn't expecting anyone but it wasn't unusual for me and my mates to drop in on each other. I'd have normally messaged first but it wasn't like seeing one of my mates was a bad thing. Quickly, I closed the windows to anything suspicious, like the gay youth forum or the feet porn I'd just opened up, and shut my laptop. Luckily, I was still dressed as it was only seconds later that I heard footstep approaching my door. It swung open and in walked Rhys. Rhys is one of those friends that I feel like I've known forever. We'd been in the same class in primary school and, although we'd been separated into different forms by the secondary school, we'd ended up in most of the same sets from Year 8 onwards. He also played on the footy team which helped us keep a really strong friendship going. Of course, it wasn't just the shared interests that kept me wanting to continue to have Rhys in my life. No, it was also the fact that he was sexy as fuck! I honestly hadn't realised how attracted to him I was until about a year ago. Sure, I'd always thought that he was dead-cute, with his short blond hair and soft blue eyes, but he'd always sort of faded in the background. That changed at the start of the last academic year. I have no idea what he'd done to himself over the summer but, when he returned, he seemed confident and self-assured. Gone was the shy and quiet boy and in his stead stood a sexy cocky fucker who seemed to know exactly what he wanted and felt comfortable enough in himself to ask for it. The footy team was the perfect example of that: Rhys hadn't been playing before the start of last year. Then, suddenly, he appeared at try-outs and was put straight into the team. I'd always known that he could play but he'd never wanted to be involved before. "Alright mate," his scally accent showing as he approached me with a hand outstretched. I took it, not in a shaking hands kind of way but in a totally manly pull into a bro-hug kind of way. It's always made me laugh that the guys I go to school with are actually really physically affectionate with each other but it's all done until this guise of bromance. I guess that was another reason why I wasn't out: I didn't want them to change their behaviour around me once they knew. I had no reason to assume they would but a part of me was convinced that they wouldn't want to be so tactile with a gay lad. "Yeah man, I'm good ta. Wasn't expecting to see you?" I left the ending open like a question. I didn't mind, although part of me desperately wanted to wank off to some more foot porn, but I did wonder why he had shown up, especially after we had just had practice together. "You rushed off after training - thought I'd come check on ya. You dint look well Liam." There was genuine concern in his voice which wasn't surprising given how long we've known each other. "Yeah - Coach sent me home. I'm alright mate; just need to relax." "Tell ya what - fancy playing some PS4?" I'm a pretty lucky lad in that I have a decent sized bedroom with my own TV and PS4 set-up. We'd both have to sit on my bed but that wasn't a problem. We both settled down, sitting side by side with a small gap between us, and started playing a few rounds of Fortnite. We chatted about a load of teenage boy crap whilst playing and spent most of it making fun of each other and how shit we were being. That's when it happened. Rhys was in the middle of a match when he started shifting on the bed. "Fucking hell mate, I can't get comfy. My legs are aching after training - need to stretch them out. Do me a favour, yeah?" He didn't look at me whilst saying all of this: his attention completely focused on the screen. "Sure," I replied without a second thought. I wonder: if I'd known what was coming, would I have been more or less eager? Rhys stood up and then sat further back, turning to the side. He stretched his long legs out over my bed towards me and then landed his trainers right in my lap: "Take me shoes off for me mate, I don't wanna get your bed filthy." To say that I was surprised would be a complete understatement. Here, right in my lap, were the shoe-covered feet of one of my close mates and, more, a mate that I really fancied. My sexual desires quickly overpowered any other part of my brain: I wasn't going to waste this opportunity. With slightly trembling hands, I reached down and took hold of one of his black trainers. Without pulling the laces apart, I pulled and it slid straight off with minimal resistance. To make it even hotter, Rhys hadn't bothered to put any socks on - it was straight to his bare feet! Taking the second trainer off was a little harder, especially as I was getting so turned on that my cock was like steel inside of my own clothes. I was really grateful for the position I was in because, even if Rhys looked, he'd see his feet instead the significant bulge in my pants. Besides, he was still concentrating on the game. At least, I think he was - to be honest, I couldn't take my eyes off the bare feet that were now sitting directly in my lap. Rhys had showered after footy practice so there wasn't a huge smell. However, he'd been wearing his trainers without any socks on so that had caused them to sweat more than usual. There was hint in the air; I'd need to get closer to say for definite but I wasn't feeling brave enough to risk that. His feet were, in a word, sexy - as sexy as the rest of him. They were about a size 9 to 10 with high arches and nicely shaped toes. They looked soft and smooth, so much so that I just wanted to get into them. Trying to resist was so hard and I believe that's why I didn't think twice before brushing off a bit of the inner lining of his trainers that had seemed to have stuck to the sole of his right foot. "Aw man, that felt nice. Need a massage - they're proper aching," he said, without looking away from the screen. Oh fuck - dare I? A huge part of me screamed to stop there and just enjoy the sight of them in front of you but I knew that I would kick myself if I wasted this chance. I didn't ask - I couldn't for fear that my voice would crack and give away how nervous I was. Instead, I just moved my fingers towards his soles. That first contact was so exhilarating that I nearly spunked off inside my boxers. Feeling his soft soles under my fingertips was amazing. As soon as contact had been made, I moved quickly; I couldn't risk him changing his mind after all. Taking his right foot into both my hands, I began to massage his soft size 9s. I had no idea what I was doing so I just tried to mimic what I'd seen lads do in foot porn. I mean, I wasn't about to risk it all and start licking his toes like they did but I seemed to be doing a good job: Rhys was softly moaning and flexing his toes. This lasted for his current match and then two more after. I reckoned that I'd had about 10 minutes playing with his feet in total but it'd felt like it had been over in seconds. They vanished from my hands and my lap as he shifted position again. "Thanks mate - needed that," was all he said about it and neither of us mentioned it again for the remaining hour that he spent at mine. As you can imagine, as soon as he was gone, my cock came out and I spent the rest of the evening wanking myself to death. The first load saw me holding my hands up to my nose to try to get as much of the foot smell as I could. The second had me remembering exactly what they had felt like and looked like. The third was the best though: that's when I imagined all the fun and nasty things that could have happened with Rhys. Fucking hell, I needed to find a way to do this again!

Thank you so much for reading the third chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at - all emails are appreciated!

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 4

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