Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Oct 16, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright:

  1. This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment. This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your thoughts. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Hi Guys! I want to thank everyone for particapating in my poll. A total of 9 people voted. Not bad for a beginning. So here are the results!

A. Nick Carter 6 votes Winner B. Orlando Bloom 1 vote C. Brandy 1 vote D. Whitney Houston 1 vote

So as promised Nick will make a GUEST APPEARANCE in this chapter. That means that he will not be a returning character as Justin, Gale, or Alec. Maybe somewhere down the line we may have a vote to bring him back.

Also I have learned my lesson Max Hughey, Jr., I will never again post another story with out my beloved beta Mattv18. Speaking of my Batman I want to wish him a Happy Belated birthday. I love you a lot Batman and you are always in my thoughts. To my boyfriend, thank you for the support and always making me smile. Even when I sometimes get frustrating and want to just say to hell with it you always make me see the bigger picture.

Again I want to thank you guys for reading my story and always supporting me. When you email me I always respond quickly and then save your email address so if you have emailed me before then you will notice that you got an email letting you know that the new chapter has been posted. Just thought I would make it easier then you having to go back and forth to the site to see when it was posted.

I do have two new websites getting ready to come out within the month. One is a story site that is gonna become the home of Crazy Cajun and some other storys as well as photo's of me. Also for others who want to be able to post there story and not thave to worry about the content being to much.(rape) My other website will be a paysite. A porn site for those who don't understand. It will include some photo's of me. A little more risque but not all showing. I do have a career, LOL. But it will include real teens and real teens having sex. Hrmm. Sooo with that put out there I want to say one more thank you to blazing_eagle for voting for me on the Nifty Awards boyband stories. Please guys go vote. Even if not for me at least be heard.

Last time on Crazy Cajun:

Justin tells Alec that he broke up with Britney because he thinks that he is in love with him. Alec being his usual cranky self then curse Justin to the high heavens before Ryan comes in and tells Alec that Justin contacted his father. That seems to shut Alec up. When both are asked to leave Justin then confronts Ryan about his true intentions. Ryan quickly puts Justin in his place letting him know that just because he thinks he knows Alec not to step on his toes. There are things that he has no idea about and protecting Alec will always come first before anything else.

Alec calls his dad and after some questioning concerning a blue eyed boyband member is told that he has 2 days to come home. Alec is released from the hospital and goes to Ryan's to ask him to come with him and then goes to Justin's house. He then tells Justin of the abuse that his dad subjected him to (physical, mental, and sexual.) Just about to share there first real kiss Justin notices a scar on Alec's head. The story comes out of how it got there and Justin leaves to get dinner, with out the kiss. And this is where we start off. Enjoy the chapter!



Good, the plane was just about to land. Sweet home Alabama. Or in my case Texas. To me it had been my hell. One of the most homophobic places in the world. And I was dreading the welcome I would get. As soon as the funeral was over I would be right back on the next flight home. That was a promise.


"J.C. I really don't know what to do. He has been really hurt before. I'm afraid I wont be able to be the strong enough for him. That I wont be enough. And now we have to go to his father's home. The same man that used to rape him. I might kill him Josh." I said seriously.

"Justin you want kill him. You were raised better than that. And ofcourse you can be strong enough for him. You love him. And he loves you doesn't he?"

"You're right Josh. I do love him, and I think he really does love me. But I think I may have hurt his feelings when I left." I said.

"How so?"

"Before I left we were joking around and I was about to kiss him. Our first real kiss. Right before I kiss him, I see this scar by his eyebrow. It was from his dad. He use to be afraid to go hime at night night Josh. Did you know he use to be afraid to go to sleep in his own bed because he might wake up to find his father on top of him. Raping him while he slept. What kind of life is that to live? So after he tells me this, I freak inside because I can't believe it. I mean it's just too much. Well I didn't kiss him. I looked at it as wanting to to wait to make our first kiss special. We haven't even started dating yet. But....."

"He might think that you were rejecting him." Josh finished.

"Exactly. And that is not it at all. I have an idea tho." I said.

"Which is?" J.C. asked.

"Why don't you and Ian come with us? I mean it would be good to go in numbers. I need you with me man." I said being serious with Josh. Wanting him to know how important this was to me.

"Well...... I mean it might be good for Alec to have someone who can relate to him. I mean Ian was abused as a child. I mean only physically, not sexually. And not to Alec's extent. How about we just let them meet? We all know how umm cranky he can get." Josh said laughing.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh it up while you still can. Just go inside and get Ian so we can get back to the house." I said laughing.

I waited inside my jeep flipping from radio station to radio station. God I was really stumped. Just from what Alec told me I was full of hate for Alec's dad. Suddenly the familiar ring from my nokia cellphone rang.


"Justin this is Ryan. Do you know where....."

"Ryan? How did you get my number?" I asked cutting him off.

"Does it matter? Listen do you know where...."

"Wait! It does matter." I started.

"Justin shut the fuck up and listen to me! Do you know where Alec is? He isn't answering his cell and he told me he would answer." Ryan said winded.

"Ryan calm down. He is at my place. What's the big idea?" I asked as J.C. and Ian came out with backpacks and clothes.

"Justin you really don't know who we are up against here. I wouldn't be surprised if he came here looking for Alec. Okay I want you to go to Alec's apartment. The key is in the third flower pot from the first stairway. Go into the spare bedroom and look in the closet. You will find a suitcase still filled with clothes from when he came from his photo shoot in Brazil.Take them with you to your house. He can wash them there. Tell him that I don't think it is safe to go there until he gets back." Ryan said talking.

I listened to Ryan as Josh and Ian got into the car. I placed my phone on the holder activating the speakerphone and sat back listening to Ryan.

"Do me a favor Timberlake and listen to me carefully. If his lights are on, just go home. If you pull up and something feels wierd, just drive away..."

"Wait a second. Do you really think his dad would go through such lengths." I asked.

"Do I think? Do I think? Check this out. This is the third time that I have moved. Sixth time that I have changed my number. It seems that although me and Alec have broken up his dad still goes through lengths as you say to find out what I am doing. Just remember what I have told you and take someone with you. For all of our sakes I hope I am just being over protective because I really don't need him having you followed to your house." Ryan said.

"You really care about Alec huh?" I asked.

"Glad you finally see that." he said seemingly drained.

"Then why did you leave him?"I asked starting my car and driving it.

'No Justin. I never left him. We broke up. But whether or not we are together I am always in his life. Like it or not. Remember what I siad okay?" he said as he disconnected the call.

"Wow." J.C. said after Ryan was gone.

"Exactly." I said turning off of the main street to the freeway. "Makes you wonder huh?"

"I'm surprised this kid isn't fucked up in the head." Josh said.

"So how have you been Ian?" I asked.

"Good Justin. What about you? I hear your boyfriend is having some problems?" Ian asked.

"Yeah... I guess you can say that." I said slowing down the car.

"That's kinda wierd to hear, I mean you and Britney...."

"Shhh.... didn't Ryan say that the lights shouldn't be on? And Alec's at my place." I said as I saw both lights on in both rooms.

"Go home man. Just hurry and go home." Josh said hurridly.

*****************************************(15 min later)

"Alec?" I called. "Hey Cajun?"

I walked into the dark loving room flipping on lights.

"Where is he?" Josh asked.

"When I left he was in the bedroom." I said.

We all walked back into the bedroom. It looked exactly how it was before I left.

"Cajun!" I hollered.

"Yeah?" he asked showing up behind us in nothing but a bath towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

"I....I didn't know where you were." I said dumbly. "Um this is Josh and Ian, Josh's boyfriend."

"Hi!" Alec said shaking their hand while holding onto the towel.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked Alec.

"Sure." Alec said a little taken back. "I'll wait in the bathromm. Do you mind bringing me something to wear?"

"Yea yea. Stop stalling for time Cajun and hit that bathroom. Stop trying to give everyone a free peak." I joked with him to lighten the mood.

Alec smiled and turned and walked back into the bathroom.

"Wow, he is hot!" Ian wisperd.

"Hey!" me and J.C. both said at the same time.

"Well? It's true." Ian said laughing.

"Do I have competition for you now?" Josh asked laughing.

"I don't think so." Ian said giving Josh a deep kiss.

"Okay guys take it to the living room. I have a cajun to go catch." I said smiling and walking into the bathroom.

"I picked out a big shirt and a pair of my boxers. That okay?" I asked as I came in and saw him leaning against the sink.

"Sure. Although I guess it's kinda weird to slid my ass into a pair of boxers that yours were in." Alec said jokingly.

"So can I cash in on my kisses now." I asked.

"I thought you didn't want to kiss me?" Alec asked as the doubt started to show on his face.

"That's kinda true. I don't want to kiss you." I said as Alec tried to turn away. " I don't want to kiss you until I ask you, Alec will you go out with me?"

"Justin don't play with my head you asshole!" he said his head whipping around to shoot accusing eyes at me.

"Cajun, Alec I'm serious. Very serious." I said pulling his body into mine and staring into his eyes.

"If you are so serious then what about Britney?" he asked.

"Cajun we are talking about us. No Britney." I said.

"Justin... I would love to go out with you." Alec started as I started to smile. "But I can't."

"What?" I asked is disbelief. It felt as if I was kicked in the balls.

"Don't get me wrong, I would love dating you. I love you. But I love you too much to pull you into my fucked up life. I almost ruined Ryan's life and I can't do that, I wont do that to you." he said his hands on my upper arms and tried to push me away.

"But...But I love you." I said shaking my arm around his waist. "Please Cajun. Make me happy. We have only known each other for the past week. But I know my love for you is true and face it or not I am already in this."


"No Alec. Please. Think about it. I love you..... just love me back." I pleaded.

"Justin if you will shut up and listen to me. If you really mean it and you really want to be with me then yes. Yes I will go out with you." he said smiling and then he leaned in and kissed me.


"Our first real kiss." Justin said pulling away.

"Hopefully not our last." I whispered, eyes still closed.

It had been great. Justin was a natural kisser. The way he securely wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"No definitely, not our last. I love you silly cajun." Justin said softly.

"I love you too Justin." I said kissing his cheek.

"Cajun, Alec, when I went by your apartment your lights were on." Justin said slowly.

"Figures. You didn't go in did you?" I asked.

"No... Ryan said that if the lights were on then to just come home." he said.

"Good ole Ryan. I suppose it's, my father's people. But I suspected that which is why I asked to stay here." I said.

"So Ryan really does know what's he's talkin about." Justin asked.

'Yes. He can't help help but know what he is talking about. We've been through a lot together. Which now you'll go throught too." I said sadly.

"And glad to be." Justin said steadfast.

"Becareful what you ask for. At this second my father is going through all his resourses to get your number." I said.

"Oh you think so do you?" Justin said with a smile. "My number is unlisted."

"Justin if only you could stay this innocent." I said as his phone rang.

"It's probally my mom. Or Britney." he said as we heard J.C. answer.

"Hey Justin." J.C. called. "There's a man named Carlton Castil on the phone for you."

"My father." I said.

"Let's go." Justin said calmly.

He grabbed my hand and walked into the living room where J.C. and Ian sat.

"Hello?" Justin asked answering the phone. "You're son."

"Give it to me." I said now pissed.

"One second." he said to my father. "He sounds pissed."

"Hello?" I asked holding the phone.

*************************************(END OF CHAPTER)

Yes guys I know this was a short chapter. Don't send me hate mail! LOL My Beta has already rimmed me out very well. OH YEA!! Any way the next chapter will be out on SUNDAY. That is a promise. And yes Nick will be included in that chapter.

Next: Chapter 8

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