Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Nov 15, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opioion. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

I am so sorry guys. My computer crashed and I lost all of the chapters that I was writing. It combined 3 chapters together. This is all I had from when I first started and as you can see it is not much. But I just wanted to add this to show you that I am still here and still going to be dedicated to CRAZY CAJUN. I hope you understand.

Also to my lovely beta. I love you as much as a reader and a beta can love each other. And then some. Thank you for making this Cajun see that fame wont go to my head. And also that although I can be a stuffy prick who is too emotional, you will still be there. Thank you Mattvt18.

There will not be a summary on this one. Sorry.


"Took awhile to get the number. You weren't home." My father said.

"Listen cut the shit. I told you I would be there. Why do you have to drag him into this?" I asked hotly.

"I had to show you that even though you are there, you will still listen to me." he said just as hotly.

"I will be there tommorrow. But you listen to me. Don't you dare contact me again before that."

"I think you are getting a little ahead of yourself." he said.

"You heard what I said. And if you want to push me on this, I will go to the press and let everyone know what kind of sick father you really are." I said pissed. "You crossed the line when you brought Justin into this. Again, if you contact me in anyway...."

"Excuse me? What makes you think you can talk to me this way. I am your father!" he screamed outraged.

"Because, you had me afraid of you when I was younger. But I am not that little boy anymore. And we you start to mess with what's mine then I bite back. And Justin is mine! 2 days." I hissed into the phone before I hung the phone up.

"Wow. So I am yours now huh?" Justin asked with a grin.

"Bet your ass. But that wont stop him. He's not afraid of me going to the press because he knows I wont. I don't want everyone knowing what he did to me." I said not able to pretend to be strong anymore.

"But why don't you? It would get him right off your back." Josh said.

"Would you go public that your dad fucked you while you were asleep?" I asked.

"Sweetie he's right." I heard Ian say.

Picking up the phone I dialed Ryan's private line.

"Who are you calling?" Justin asked.

"Ryan, I said as he picked up the phone on his end.


"Ryan it's me. Al."

"Alec are you okay?"

"Yes. I just talked to my dad. Listen to cut throught all the shit he said, are you going to buy the plane tickets?"

"Yes I was just going to do that. How many we need?" Ryan asked.

"Three. Me, Justin, and you." I said.

"Going? Josh and Ian are going also." Justin said.

"Hold on a sec Ryan." I said placing a hand over the phone piece. "Excuse me?"

"They are coming along." Justin said looking at me as if I was the one missing a few screws.

"Justin this isn't a fucking vacation. Being at my father's house will not be a fucking pleasure trip and if I can barely hold up for myslef how do you think they will. I know you think you know what is right for me, but you do not know what my father can do. The damage he can cause." I said.


"This is dangerous. And I am not going to lie like it isn't. If you walk into this it's on you. Not me. I am warning you now. I can barely cover my own ass." I said angrly.

"We're in!" They both said at once.

"Ryan," I said turning away from them, "Add two more."


"Josh Chaze and Ian...."

"McRaney." Ian spoke up.

"McRaney." I said.

"Do they know what they are getting into?" Ryan asked.

"Hell no. They just ambushed me with this now. I say we just go alone. Me and you." I said keeping my back towards them.

"No..." Justin said as he attempted to put his arms around my waiste as I pulled away.

"Justin is already in this. Listen kiddo, I'll figure this out and get the tickets. Meet me tommorw at our Starbucks at 8:00 am have your luggage....."

"I didn't get any clothes." I said softly.

"You have a few clothes here. Ill bring those." Ryan said.

"Thanks Ry." I said into the phone.

"Get some sleep Alec okay?" he asked talking to me as he had when we would share a bed together.

"I will."

"And Alec... I love you." he said so soft I almost didn't hear him.

"I love you too Ryan." I said hanging up.

Waiting for a second to get my emotions in tack, I turned around holding my head.

"Wake up is at 6:30. Have your luggage packed. I am going to bed. I will take the couch." I said quickly.

"Cajun we need to talk." Justin said.

"So talk. Talk right here." I said as I continued to sit on the couch. Tired from today.

"Fine. What is going on with you? Why are you acting this way?" He asked.

"What way? You ambushed me with these people. This is not a vactaion. And I don't apprecate you bringing these people in my life. This is not something that I wish to go around letting the world know." I spat.

"They are not the world. They are my friends." he said angrily.

"Fine. Keep your friends in your business. Not mine. I don't want them going and you don't make rukes for me or say something and that is how it it will be. That is not the way it works. They don't know what they are getting themselves into. They think they are helping. But believe me they will regret helping."

"How do you figure that I will regret helping?" Ian asked stepping up.

"Are you really this stupid? Look at you. You are good looking. You are just a lamb trying to wear a wolf's clothing. I lived with my dad for 17 years. And every other night since I was 15 he fucked me. If he can do that to his own son how do you think he will treat someone he doesn't even know? To you? Or Justin. Jc? What happens if he gets you alone? What are you gonna do then? It is like you think I just have to go home and make an appearance and then leave. That is not how this works. He has a reason. Especially after he went through so much trouble making sure I was coming." I said.

"If Ryan can do it so can I." Justin said stubbornly.

"Don't you dare compare your self to Ryan. You don't know anything about him or what he has done to help me. Let me tell you. After Ryan moved me here, got me away from my father I stayed at his house. I had nothing to do but get situated. So one day I am cleaning the house. Ryan is a mess. Clothes will be everywhere. A straight guy if I have ever known one. Anyway I am in the closet and a box falls. Inside the box are letters. All letters addressed to me. From my father. Ryan had hid them from me so I wouldn't know that my dad knew where I live. He was trying to protect me. But it was inside the letters that made me realized how much Ryan loved me. My father wrote about how he had had Ryan. In order for Ryan to take me away from my father, he had to give himself to him for a night. He let my father rape him. So you could never go through what Ryan went through. So stop trying to compare dicks and use your head." I said tears coming from my eyes.

"If it makes you feel better, or worry less, I have been beaten as a child also." Ian said.

"How is that suppose to make me feel better? That is a very stupid thing to say." I said angrily that he would think that gave him the right to assume he knew what I was going through. "Do you still have scars and marks on your body?"

"Well... um no." he said. "Mine healed. The physical ones atleast."

"That's good for you. That they healed I mean. I said also standing. "Because some of our scars don't." I said as I stood up and turned around lifting my shirt and pulling down my boxers a little.

"Shit Alec, what happened?" Justin asked.

""Some scars are not meant to go away." I said pulling up my boxer and realeasing my shirt. "I think tonight I will sleep in Justin's bed. See you guys in the morning. I said wiped out and leaving the room.

***************************************(End of this chapter) I am so sorry guys. My computer crashed and I lost all of the chapters that I was writing. It combined 3 chapters together. This is all I had from when I first started and as you can see it is not much. But I just wanted to add this to show you that I am still here and still going to be dedicated to CRAZY CAJUN. I hope you understand.

Next: Chapter 9

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