Crazy Game of Poker

By Mark Back

Published on Jun 12, 2004


This is homoerotic fiction, if this offends you or is illegal in your country or state please leave now. The characters in this story are all over 18 and almost everywhere to read this you legally should be too (some places 21). All of the characters are products of my imagination. Enjoy, and please do be careful. It was a Crazy Game of Poker

Sean was watching TV. It was a Friday night and he had finished his last midterm just a few hours ago. Jack, one of his roommates walked out from the bedroom.

"hey, we're going to see a movie. Want to come." Jack asked.

"No thanks, Tony and a couple of his friends are coming over to play poker."

Jack grabbed his jacket as Mike and Eric, two more of his roommates, emerged from one of the other bedrooms. "The movie starts in twenty minutes lets go," said Eric. "See you Sean, good luck." Mike called as he and the others walked out the door.

Sean was not alone for very long. A few minutes later Tony and three of his roommates Brad, John, and Steve arrived. The poker game was really just an excuse to get drunk. They were all juniors and seniors in college, and Sean had bought two cases of Sam Adams Beer and a bottle of Parrot Bay Rum for the evening. He had turned 21 just a few weeks before which made him the youngest except for Steve who would turn 21 in another month.

They sat down and started playing. About a half an hour went by with the usual small talk. Each of them was finishing their third beer. Tony and John had won most of the hands though Steve and Brad had won a couple. Sean fancied himself a fairly good poker player but in truth he was more interested in the beer. He was running a couple of beers ahead of the other guys and he had already helped himself to a couple shots of Parrot Bay. Sean had yet to win a hand but was feeling pretty good.

A few minutes later after John had won another hand and another round of beers were being passed around Steve looked around and said "How about raising the stakes a little guys."

"What do you have in mind" Brad asked.

"How about strip poker" asked Steve?

Brad laughed. "That's a great idea" It was quickly agreed that they would change the game to strip poker. The ante would be one piece of clothing; this would become the currency of the game. If you wanted to bet you would have to toss a piece of clothing into the pot. It was also agreed that to add a little more currency to the competition that each person would get an extra three pairs of socks (courtesy of Sean who had done laundry that day). This would give everybody an extra six pieces of clothing. The game would end when somebody ended up, well naked.

Everyone threw in one of the socks that Sean had provided and the game got started. Within fifteen minutes it was looking more and more likely that Sean was going to be the loser. He had lost every hand and was now down to just his tee shirt jeans and boxers. Steve and Brad on the other hand were doing pretty well. They were both still fully clothed and had a pile of socks and lost garments. John and Tony were not doing as well but for the most part were still fully clothed and had some of the extra socks sitting on the table.

Another hand, Sean lost his tee shirt and jeans. John who, after Sean, had been in the most trouble won the hand, Tony watched most closely as Sean stood up to remove his shirt and jeans. Of the group Sean was easily the shortest he was five seven with red hair and blue eyes. He was a swimmer and his body had the beautiful well proportioned look that most swimmers have. During season he kept most of his body shaved except for his pubes, but meets would not begin for another two weeks. Once the hand ended he stood up and laughingly pulled off his tee shirt and jeans, this left him standing in just a pair of tight boxers. Sean was a little nervous at this point, even through the drunkenness he knew he was in trouble. He knew that these guys played hard, if he lost the next hand they would force him to strip off the boxers, not of course that any of the guys at the table were gay, but rather they would do it to have a good laugh at his expense.

It was Tony's deal as soon as Sean sat back down he threw in a sock for his ante and began to shuffle the cards. Two more socks were tossed into the middle then Steve tossed in the jeans that had just moments before been on Sean's body. He grinned at Sean; Tony looked at Sean also grinning "Your ante pal."

Sean looked round the table "Ya guys, would you mind if I wore my ante this time."

Brad laughed "I think we need to insect the quality of the ante before we allow it." The others laughed at this.Tony added "Stand up Sean and turn around so we can judge whether or not to let you keep your shorts."Sean stood up and began to turn around "Stop" commanded John when he was completely turned away from them "What do you guys think"

"They're a little tight, look how they display his ass" said Brad. This drew laughter from the others. "You can finish turning around now Sean." Sean completed his turn. He was now bright red in embarrassment. "All right I think he can wear them until he loses." The others agreed.

Five cards were dealt out to everyone. Sean had the Jack of hearts the Ten of hearts and the Eight of diamonds. Tony had a pair of sixes. John had three clubs. Steve didn't have anything. Brad had the best hand with three kings an ace and a five.

Brad began the betting with a sock, everyone threw in another piece of clothing until it came to Sean. "I don't have anything to bet with, but I want to stay in."

Tony looked at Brad who said "All right but you have to do something. How about instead of a piece of clothing you agreed to be our servant for the rest of the night. You'll get us drinks and stuff when we ask you."

"Ya and you have to call us master for the rest of the night too," added John with a grin. The other two agreed.

Sean looked around the table. He was debating what to do. "Or you can fold and drop the shorts now," said Steve.

That convinced Sean. "All right" he said.

"Good" said Brad. He picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Sean "write that down, and put it in the middle it will be a sort of IOU in case you lose."

Tony then began the next round "Who wants cards?" John threw in his two non clubs only to get another two non clubs. Steve put in three this time ending up with a pair of twos and fours. Tony also threw in three and still only had a pair of sixes. Sean also threw in two and got a nine of clubs and a seven of diamonds. He had a straight. Brad threw in his five and ended up with a nine.

Brad started the betting by adding another two socks. Tony folded, John and Steve both matched Brad's bet, all of them stared at Sean. "So what do you have to offer this time?" Steve asked with a grin.

Sean looked at them. He knew that whatever they were going to demand would be more embarrassing then serving them for the rest of the evening. But at the same time he had a straight. "What do you want?" he finally asked.

Everyone now looked at Brad. He smiled "Well this is strip poker right?" everyone nodded. Sean grimaced he knew that this was definitely not going to be good. "So" Brad continued "How about if you lose you have to stay naked for the rest of the night."

This drew some chuckles from Steve, John, and Tony. Sean looked at them it was true that he had a straight, but if he lost he would be serving them naked for the rest of the night. But at the same time if he folded now he would have to drop his shorts for a least a few seconds and he would still have to serve them for the rest of the night, and he did have a straight which was a pretty good hand. Plus Sean had drunk a fair amount that night and he always felt more adventurous after having several drinks. Finally he nodded.

Brad pushed another piece of paper towards him and said "It's about 9:30 right now Sean, if you lose you have to stay out here and serve us in your birthday suit until we say the night is over. You're not going to bed five minutes after this game is over, understand." This brought another nod from Sean.

Tony picked up the cards again. "How many do you want John?" He went round the table again. John again dropped his two non-clubs and came up with a club and a heart. Steve dropped one and still had two pair. Brad dropped nine and ended up with a six. Sean didn't drop any.

Two more socks were again tossed in by Brad. Steve and John both matched Brad's. All four of them smiled and looked at Sean. John chimed in first "I think that if he loses in addition to everything else he has to do he should lose all the hair on his body, nothing from the neck down." The other three nodded.

Sean looked at them, well he thought I've gone this far if I had wanted to stop I should have done so much earlier. If he quit now he was still going to have to play servant for the rest of the the nude. He picked up another piece of paper wrote it down and added it to the pot.

"Last time round for cards" said Tony. John dropped the heart, and came up with another heart. He had nothing. Steve dropped one and still had got another and still had two pair. Sean passed. Brad dropped the six he had gotten last time and pulled an ace. He caught his breath, he was holding a full house kings over aces.

Brad began the betting by tossing in two more socks. John folded. Sean came next "What do you guys want this time?"

"If you lose we get to spank your ass anytime we want for the rest of the night" said Brad.

"Plus," chimed Steve "each of us gets to give you an immediate spanking of 20 swats as a punishment for losing."

Sean looked at them he knew that they were serious. But two things pushed him on. First he suspected that they were bluffing, they had been doing it all night. Secondly and far more importantly if he folded now not only would he be serving them naked all night, he would be serving them naked all night while they sniggered about how young he looked after they shaved him, and that said nothing about the abuse he would receive from the team for losing his pubes, "fine" he said. He wrote this down on a piece of paper and tossed it into the pot.

Maybe it was the liquor, maybe nerves but as he reached for a pen to write out his next punishment his hand that was holding the cards slipped down a little bit. It was enough that Brad, Steve and John saw what he was holding. While Sean was writing Brad smiled at Steve. Steve got the message Brad had a better hand than Sean did. Steve smiled back. It was time to have a little fun with Sean.

Once Sean had placed the note into the pot Steve threw two socks in and then raised Brad by a sock. Brad tossed in a sock and raised Steve by another one, looked at Sean and said "if you lose we decide what you wear for a week."

"Also" said Steve "we get to make random checks to insure that you are following are fashion dictates.

"Fine," said Sean. He wrote it down.

This process went around two more times. During which Sean agreed to allow the entirety of tonight's proceedings to be videotaped, that all of the things that he had agreed to do just for tonight would go into effect for an entire week, and could be enforced by any one of them or his roommates. The only exception to this was that he did not have to be naked when he was outside. But when he was in the room anyone of them could force him to become naked and slap his ass whenever they wanted, though they could slap his ass whenever they wanted to as a reminder that he was their property.

Finally as it came round a third time when Brad and Steve's pile of clothing that they had collected was beginning to wane, Brad said to Sean "if you lose you have to be our slave for an entire week. You listen to our orders completely whether that is fetching us a drink and getting your butt slapped as a tip or blowing us." Brad was feeling kind of horny since he had dumped his girlfriend the week before and had been to busy with School and practice to get a chick for a quick one, plus while he would never have called himself gay he had always thought that Sean was sort of cute.

Steve, John, and Tony sat up at this. Frankly none of them would mind getting a blow job from Sean either, especially Tony who wasn't exactly gay, but wasn't really straight either. He had always enjoyed looking at Sean's cute little body, though the only time that he had ever seen Sean this naked was when he went to one of his swim meets. He had never really given the idea of Sean giving him a Blow Job much thought. But he certainly would not turn his nose up to one, and for that matter neither would Steve or John.

Sean looked at them. He knew that he was trapped. His only hope was that both Steve and Brad were bluffing. He knew that if he folded that he would lose nearly as much. He hung his head. "Fine" he said.

Brad called, and dropped his full house. Sean just stared at it and dropped his head. Steve just tossed his cards in, he had been in it to help keep the betting going and see how far Sean would go. He had never really thought about taking this thing sexual, but what the hell he wouldn't mind getting blown.

Sean dropped his cards. Brad looked at them and smiled "looks like I win." He pulled the clothes and notes over to his side of the table. He picked up the IOU's that Sean had signed, and he read them off one by one. Brad had to admit to himself that he had never really realized how much they had forced Sean to agree to, but that didn't really matter at this point. "There is just one piece of clothing that I have not collected and that's Slave Sean's boxers. It's time to fork them over Sean. Its not that I particularly want them but you won't be needing them for a long time."

Sean looked around the table. He let out a nervous laugh. "Guys this isn't really fair, I mean you were only betting a couple of socks and." He trailed off. Looking at their unsympathetic faces Sean knew that he wasn't going to win.

"Are you trying to wriggle out of your obligations Sean" asked Tony with a grin "because losers who try to get out of their bets definitely get their ass spanked red." The others nodded agreement.

"Strip them off slave." Brad demanded with an evil grin.

A second later John shouted with a smug grin "wait, we have to videotape it."

"Ya" said Steve, how could we forget, after all we have to commemorate the first time that our new slave stripped for us." John went to get the digital video camera which one of Sean's roommates had.

"All right Sean its time." Brad commanded.

Sean looked around the table; at 5 foot 7 he was easily the shortest of the group. The others were all rugby and ranged between 6 foot 1 and 6 three. He sighed, stood up and turning away from them, hooked his thumbs on the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down, revealing a cute little butt that was creamy white.

Damn thought Tony as Sean pulled the shorts over his firm little bottom, he wondered how Sean's team-mates managed to see that ass without exploding in their Speedos. His dick was rock solid in his jockeys and got even harder, if possible, when the cotton passed over the bottom part of Sean's butt and the two perfectly round mounds jiggled ever so slightly back into place.

The others were each having similar thoughts. Brad found the way that Sean took off his boxers to be downright erotic. He wondered if Sean knew the effect he had on people. John had to admit to himself that it was one beautiful bottom, in his opinion that was the only way to describe it. He decided right there that Sean had a bottom or a tush or something, but it wasn't an ass. Men had asses they were muscled and sometimes had hair on them. Sean's bottom wasn't so much muscular as it was cute, and it certainly didn't have a hair on it. Steve was simply floored he had never gone hard seeing a guys butt and as a member of the college rugby team he had seen plenty of other guys naked. At the same time he wouldn't have called Sean's butt feminine but it definitely wasn't like the guys on the rugby team. While he had never thought about fucking a guy before but at that moment he wanted to fuck Sean more than any girl he had ever met.

Sean's boxers fell to his ankles. He really didn't want to turn around and face them nude. While he had gotten naked in front of guys on several different occasions they had always been getting naked as well. It was somehow very different to be stripping down when no one else was doing so, especially since they were all considerably bigger than he was. God he couldn't believe that he had let them talk him into agreeing to do all this stuff if he lost. Suddenly as Sean was reflecting on this he felt a sharp pain on his left butt cheek.

Brad had slapped him on his now naked bottom.very hard. This drew laughter from the other three.

"Goddamnit Brad that Fucking kills." Sean shouted. He turned his face to look at them, still not ready to turn around and show himself off to them.

Brad slapped him on the butt again. "That's not what I want to hear when I or one of your other masters gives you a spank. I want you to say `Thank you Master may I have another.'" Brad said with an evil grin. This caused the others to burst out laughing.

Tony added between giggles "It would also be nice if you shook your butt a little; to show us how much you wanted to get spanked."

"Now turn around Slave, so that we can see your tackle." John commanded.

Sean knew that he didn't have a choice. He slowly turned around. His skin was milk white, covered by patches of red hair, on his chest, under is arms, down is lithe legs, and around his cock and balls. As he turned around he place his hands squarely over his cock, in an effort to hide his manhood from them. He felt very vulnerable at this point. Here he was standing in front of a group of oversexed rugby players who were covered in muscle and were a lot bigger than he was in just about every way, especially Sean was willing to bet where it concerned cock size. He wasn't as well endowed as most of his team mates in that department; fully erect he was only a little over five inches.

However the worst part about the whole thing he thought was that he was getting turned on by the vulnerability, and though he had never thought that getting slapped on the ass would arose him sexually he found himself beginning to get hard. As he was standing there naked facing them he could feel his dick stirring to attention. God he thought what in the hell are they going to say when they see that I have a stiffie. All of a sudden he felt another slap on his very exposed butt.

"Hands" Steve barked at him. Steve had never really slapped another guys butt before, but he found the entire experience a turn on. The feel of his hand against the firm soft white flesh that made up Sean's backside, the sound, the power, and the way that it left Sean's butt just a little red were all enormously erotic for the 20 year old junior.

Sean looked at him slightly dumbfounded, before he realized that Steve wanted him to move his hands off of his cock. The last slap, to Sean's horror, had done it his cock had come to almost complete attention. He reluctantly moved his hands, exposing his fully erect cock for all four of them to see.

This led to hoots from each one of them. John zoomed the camera in on Sean's hard member that was standing at a 45 degree angle from Sean's body.

"I'm glad you enjoy getting your butt slapped Sean, cause its going to happen a lot this next week." Tony added, punctuating his words with another spank on Sean's rear. Like Steve he found it immensely erotic to be able to slap Sean's bottom. Indeed while the four of them laughed about Sean getting hard each one of them was straining in his boxers. "I think we need some rules for our new slave boy." Brad added, apart from the dictates that we set down during our game."

Tony jumped in first. "No hands covering his dick or other privates, that way we will know if he is doing anything naughty below deck. Your hands Sean must be kept at your sides or behind your back so that we can see our slave boy's tackle and be able to slap his butt whenever we want."

John added "No underwear you're free balling until we decide otherwise."

"Ya" said Steve "Your balls and dick flopping between your legs while you're walking to class and pressed right up against your jeans while you're sitting on those hard wooden chairs will be a perfect reminder that you belong to us."

Sean interrupted at this point. "Oh come on guys this is going to far. Plus if I'm free balling people will probably be able to basically see the outline of my cock against my pants. It will be super embarrassing." This was getting worse and worse he thought, with his dick and balls flopping around in his pants while he walked it was likely that the very motion would keep him hard most of the time. "Well you shouldn't have lost." Brad replied, "and while we are talking about rules I don't want to hear you use words like dick or cock or ass, or any bad language at all. You're our slave boy now so from now on you can refer to your dick as your wee-wee or pee-pee, and your ass as your bottom, tush, or bot-bot. Any other rules guys?"

"I think that he should be naked when he is either in our apartment or here, unless we permit him to wear clothes." Tony said. The others agreed.

"Anything else." John asked. "Alright slave boy into the bathroom so we can shave you down..."

End of Part 1

I hope to have the next chapter out before next week but, I would love to hear what people think and any suggestions you might have. So please send me an e-mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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