
By Gaco

Published on Mar 14, 2007


This story is fictional, I'm sorry if it resembles your life in any way shape or form. Constructive criticism is welcome. If gay relationships offend you, then "How did I manage to start reading this story?" is a good question to be asking yourself.

This story is owned solely by Gaco and may not be copied by any means by any unlicensed individuals, groups, or organizations.

Copyright 2007 Gaco. All Rights Reserved.

I woke up feeling extremely groggy. I moaned aloud wondering what train had hit me and where it was going.

"First?" I questioned. No response. "Uh... FIRST!?" I repeated.

I opened my eyes to see that the lights were all out and it was dark outside. I rolled out of bed trying to get to the light switch only to notice my legs weren't working as expected.

"What the fuck?" I moaned to myself.

I saw my glowing cell so I grabbed it and noticed I had ten new missed calls and twenty two new text messages. I cleared them all out and checked the date. I had been asleep for 4 days! Using my cell phone as a flashlight I crawled to the laundry room where the circuit breakers are in the house. I pointed my phone trying to light the area up but I couldn't see much of anything. I managed to pull myself to standing height by using the washing machine and door handle. I leaned back against the washer and pointed my phone towards the circuit breakers again. Three area breakers were tripped and the main as well.

"What the hell happened?" I wondered.

I looked around for anything I might have been able to use to push the switches up with. Finally I spotted a coat hangar on top of the dryer and picked it up with my free hand and after the third try I managed to get the main breaker switched on. The lights in the kitchen turned on. Seeing that everything was OK I turned on the three tripped breakers and thought I might hear beeping back towards my room. I tried to slowly lower myself from the washer only to fall down on my butt hard. After getting over the pain of smashing my tailbone into the tile I drug myself back to my room. By the time I got there First was just beginning to complete his load.

"Oh my god Braxton!" he screamed.

"You noticed eh?" I said sarcastically.

"The repairs to your body weren't complete yet when power was lost." First said. "I guess between the stresses on power you have on this side of the house and the thunderstorm coming through the area we had a power failure somehow..."

"Oh you're perceptive today!" I said testily.

Ignoring my comment First continued. "It looks like I got all the servers and computers shut down before power loss caused any data loss or corruption. The battery backups lasted just long enough to save us."

"Get in the bed and I'll have the nanobots fix your leg problem immediately. I'll also have them stimulate your nerve centers and remove the pain." He said after seeing my glare in his camera's general direction.

"How long was the power out?" I asked.

"I experienced the issue approximately seventeen hours ago." First answered promptly.

"Grah!" I yelled out in frustration. "How long has this set us back?" I asked angrily.

"I will not know until I have the nanobots give me a scan of your body... That will take about twenty more minutes." First said.

I waited patiently as my earlier pains started to fade away and I began to relax.

"Braxton." First called me. "I'm going to complete the repairs to your body so that we may begin work on getting me inside you. We will then be able to control the nanobots without the use of this bulky machinery and you will have a little more mobility."

"All right." I said in a half sleep state.

I woke again and it was sunny outside. I find my cell phone under my pillow and check the time. It read 1:13 PM. I got up and began walking around.

"Doesn't really feel different." I said to myself. I looked around my room, lifted things, tried to smell things. "Well this sucks." I thought aloud.

"The changes I made didn't make anything significantly better. They merely prepared you for the process of transferring me to your brain. Right now we are not at the point to interface significantly with each other so we need to do some work." First answered.

"I thought everything was supposed to be completed already!" I said appalled.

"Not even close, Braxton." First replied. "We have barely even begun. We need to create a quantum processor. Make it so that it will fit in your head. Make it so that it is undetectable by X-ray or MRI, and also make it so that it doesn't kill you! Lucky for you according to the quantum mechanics websites I've been viewing lately, theoretically a quantum processor should be able to hold an infinite amount of data, which would be me and what I teach you. I'm currently running simulations on all machines possible to figure out which one may work."

"Great." Was my only remark.

"When we get done simulating simulations let me know so we can continue." I said. "I'm going out to spend the little bit of cash you DIDN'T use."

"If you need more money we could always get more very easily." First said matter of factly.

"NO!" I said quickly. "I'm sure the crazy shit you've been buying up has made enough people suspicious already. I need to vent and what better way to lower peoples suspicions than to act my age? I'm gonna go buy a car or something I'll be back later."

I walked out the door without looking back. I took a shower and got ready, ignoring anything First said to me while doing so. I drove my crappy 2002 Toyota Tacoma to the Ford dealership and looked around. There was an extremely sporty looking convertible Mustang in front of the building, surrounded by cones.

"Mmmmm" I thought to myself. "Now THAT is what I had in mind when I won the lottery." I said aloud.

"Nice one isn't it?" A sales person I hadn't noticed before asked me.

"Oh yeah! Definitely!" I responded. "Is that a Cobra?" I asked while looking at the racing stripes, vent scoops, and the little cobra emblem.

"Yup! It's definitely our favorite car to test drive, though we don't get to often." He said. "They don't allow test drives without a credit check first. As well as a check on insurance." He continued, while looking me up and down, no doubt trying to judge my age.

"I have no doubt the credit check will go through fine, as for my insurance, I could probably self-insure the car if I had to." I said assuredly.

"You want to?" He asked no doubt seeing dollar signs. "The credit check and insurance check, or available cash, check in your case maybe, should only take a few moments."

"Ok let's begin." I said.

We went inside the store and he made copies of my driver's license, insurance card, and made a call to someone to check my credit. Meanwhile I called home to get First to transfer some cash to my checking account. The entire process took about twenty minutes and we were on the road. After driving my truck for several years I had to adjust a bit to the shifting times on the mustang. Before long though I felt like a pro. I was cruising around town with the hood down, finally actually feeling like I had won the lottery. After about fifteen minutes of cruising around town the salesman began nudging me back towards the dealership and finally I had the car in park again.

"You seemed to really enjoy it." He commented.

"Yeah it was definitely the most fun I've ever had driving a car." I said happily.

"Well, since it is the only one we have it is only available in this color, blue with white racing stripes." He said. "I the MSRP is 60,000 dollars but I can shave off a few hundred to make it 59,500."

"I don't know..." I said pretending that I hadn't planned on spending so much.

"Well, I tell you what, since you're such a great young guy I'll give it to you for 58,000, but don't tell my boss!" He whispered so convincingly I almost believed him.

"Ok, cool! I'll take it!" I said grinning.

After all the paper work was completed I managed to trade in my truck for another 3,000 dollars off the final price. I drove off grinning in my 2007 Mustang Cobra convertible. Luckily I didn't have to worry about getting a new tag for my car. They took the car tag off of my truck and put it onto the car for me, telling me that they would get the paperwork in to have it changed for me. I drove around town for about an hour just enjoying the feeling of having such an amazing car. It had all of the expected features such as power windows, power seats, and self defrosting windshields. It also had heated seats, a premium sound system, a 5 disk changer, tons of safety features and more GPS and toys than I could have ever imagined.

I decided to go to the mall and buy some new clothes. I went to the larger mall in town to shop at Hollister and Abercrombie. About the time I got inside the mall my phone rang. It was James!

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh my god Braxton, are you ok!? Where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you for five days now." James said quickly.

"I'm so sorry babe I've been very busy lately but I promise it's all good for us. You'll see!" I said trying to calm him down.

"It better be! You haven't talked to me in so long I thought you had found someone else and was going to dump me or something." He said sadly.

"No babe. Don't think that! I love you! You know I do! I promise I will make it up to you. You have no idea how much I'm going to make it up to you!" I said pleadingly.

"It better be good." He said trying to be mean even though I could hear his smile.

"You know it will be babe." Was all I could think of to say.

"Well I just wanted to call and check on you. I gotta get back to school, we just had a short lunch break today. I love you!" He said.

"I love you too babe! Talk to you later." I said.

"Bye." We said at the same time.

I walked into Hollister first and looked for some good sexy clothes. I found a few pair of pants I liked that were my size then found a few t-shirts with cool sayings on them that I thought were funny. I then got a couple of collared shirts that looked sexy. I paid and went to Abercrombie and did pretty much the same except I picked up some boxer briefs along the way, as well as some cologne. After buying a few tech toys at the mall I decided to head home. My new car rolled into the driveway purring like a panther.

I walked into the door and went to my room.

"Honey, I'm home!" I called out jokingly.

"Welcome back, Braxton." First said. "I believe I have the proper specifications for the quantum processor. I am running simulations now to try and figure out what could go wrong and ways to fix what does go wrong."

"Tell me again why we need this quantum thingy so bad?" I asked First feeling stupid.

"Well, A: it will allow me to control the nanobots more efficiently. B: It allows us to do any calculation, thought, or process INSTANTLY. There really is no difference in one or one billion trillion, they ALL finish at the same time." First said insistently.

"Ok." I said thinking. "Well, I have a list of things to do as soon as you move yourself into me. I want to be able to interface with any wireless or satellite connection regardless of security so we can have an internet connection. I want to know how to fight like a ninja, use an assortment of weapons, as well as drive any vehicle flawlessly. I also would like to never have facial hair again."

"Those are all within the bonds of our technology." First confirmed. "The wireless antenna will take a little bit of time to construct and also you will need to eat a few extra... objects prior to the process. All of the knowledge things aren't a problem and might I add cooking?" First grinned. "Finally, the facial hair bit will NOT be an issue at all."

"You're a real smartass with the cooking part, but I suppose I could use some skills there." I said while actually thinking it was a really good idea. "Will the antenna be detected by X-Ray or MRI, First?" I asked thinking about future problems.

"No, I am making all devices inside your body VERY tiny, and beyond that I make them to the same density and magnetic composition of your body in the location they are at." First said.

"Fun." I replied.

"How long until you are ready to begin?" I asked First anxiously

"Approximately twenty four hours." He replied.

"And then you're stuck inside my head forever?" I asked wondering if I could stand him that long.

"Yes, more or less. You will be able to turn up and down my 'volume' if you will. Controlling how much feedback you receive from me on things such as games, driving, and other random things. However, in life or death situations I may take full control of your body and do things you normally wouldn't have been able to do. You know, normal super human things." I could hear his smile.

"So when I'm playing chess or checkers I need to tell you to shut the fuck up so I can play without knowing every move until endgame instantly? Great." I said while grinning.

"I like you Braxton, you're a cool guy. Too bad I'm not real flesh and blood like you." First said sadly. It was the first time I had ever heard him actually speak of wanting to be 'alive.'

"Maybe one day buddy... maybe one day." I said thoughtfully.

After a pause I began to speak again. "So uh First... Question..." I said while thinking. "How is the quantum processor in my head going to get power?"

"Its part of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics of course!" he said as if it were plain as day. "A quantum processor would pull its power, memory and speed from quantum mechanics. For example, the molecules that make up EVERYTHING in the world have atoms. Atoms are built of electrons neutrons and protons. These electrons neutrons and protons have energy, HUGE amounts of energy. An example of this is new age nuclear and neutron bombs. There are particles even smaller than these. These are where the true power of the quantum processor comes from. All I have to do is build one inside of you that has generally the same properties of the human body so that you don't set off any alarms or metal detectors. I'll be able to make it very small so don't worry about any scans or X-Rays. No one will know I exist unless you tell them."

"Right... Ok..." I said while barely understanding anything he said. "How long will it take?"

"Approximately twenty four hours." First said.

"Fun stuff." I said still trying to grasp what he had told me about quantum mechanics. "And how long after that will it take for you to become part of me?"

"The data transfer should only take another few hours. All of our servers are interconnected via fiber optics. While creating the quantum processor I will also create a fiber optic receiver in the canal of your ear that will be used to download all of the information stored on the servers. This includes me and anything I might need for the time being for any 'projects' we decide to do on your body." First concluded.

"So from human to superhuman in 24 hours? Great!" I said nervously.

"More or less." First said plainly. "I need you to go to the jewelry store and buy these things. Three gold rings, three silver rings, and one platinum ring; I then need you to buy a small mercury thermometer and a pound of plastic BBs.

I drove to the jewelry shop and picked out some solid gold rings solid silver rings and a platinum ring. I got the smoothest rings I could find as I was sure I would be swallowing them later, after all I didn't want any diamonds cutting me on the way down! When I told the salesperson what I wanted he almost fainted.

"Why do you need so much!?" He wondered aloud.

"I have A LOT of girlfriends." I said jokingly while smiling.

He apparently believed me though and looked at me like I was one lucky guy.

"You must make commission?" I asked.

"Luckily, YES!" He grinned.

I paid with a credit card and drove to Wal-Mart. I grabbed my items and went to check out. While the cashier was ringing up my items she looked at me like I was insane. I'm sure a thermometer and plastic BBs is an odd combination to anyone. I drove home and walked into my bedroom with the items I purchased.

"OK First. I got the stuff. Now what?" I asked.

"Swallow it all, you may want a little water." First directed me.

I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge in the kitchen and downed the BBs first. They felt weird going down my throat. Almost like tons of little bugs crawling down my throat. It reminded me of the nanobots inside me, squirming through my veins. I was back to my room by the time I had them all done.

"You may want to do the mercury last." First told me. "Your tongue will feel a bit funny afterwards and may make it hard for you to swallow the other things."

I nodded and took the platinum ring out of its case and looked at it. I put it on my tongue feeling how cold it was. I poured some water into my mouth and started swallowing. It didn't want to go down at first, almost like a horse pill. I swallowed a couple more times and it finally went down. I washed it down with water. On its way down I could feel it splash in my stomach. It was a very odd feeling indeed. The rest of the rings followed much the same pattern and I could almost hear them hit each other a few times in my stomach.

"Grab a penny out of that jar of change you have lying on the other side of the room." First told me.

I grabbed the penny and swallowed it without a problem.

"Go ahead and do the mercury now." First said.

I broke the thermometer very carefully on my counter in my bathroom and poured it into my mouth making sure not to cut myself with the glass. I swallowed the mercury down with some water and threw the bottle and broken thermometer into the trashcan. I walked back into my room and sat on my bed.

"That was definitely a weird feeling. So that's it huh?" I said while lying back on my pillows.

"Yup that's it." First said.

"I can't wait to see what we're gonna be able to do together!" I said while thinking about all the changes for my body I have in store.

"Let's get started then." First said.

With merely that much warning I passed out again.

I awoke again feeling like no time at all had passed. I felt like nothing at all had happened. There was no pain, no aches, and no grogginess.

"First?" I called out while sitting up.

"Welcome back, Braxton." First said to me.

"I feel like I just went to sleep." I said wondering if anything had actually happened.

"You were unconscious for approximately twenty five and a half hours. I had some problems breaking down some of the metals I had you consume. However, everything turned out fine and the processor is now running properly. Until I move myself into you, however, I will not know for sure if any more adjustments need to be made." First said.

"Alright." I said just following along.

"If you will be so kind to go into the other room and bring the long, unattached fiber optic cable into here and lie down, then plug in the cable we can begin the data transfer." First said.

I went into the bedroom across the hall and grabbed the cable coiled next to the door that had one end plugged into a router and strung it across the hall to my bed. I then laid down and looked to my screen for what to do.

"Take the tip of the cable and connect it into the canal of your ear as so." First said, while images appeared on the screen of a cable plugging into the ear canal, what would happen once it got inside. "Twist the tip into place like it shows on the screen once at the end of the canal. Once complete, the data transfer should begin. The initial process may be a little... surprising."

I slowly pulled the connector end of the fiber optic cable and pushed it into my ear. I felt it go in as far as it could go then I twisted it. Suddenly I felt it lock into place and I was jarred back into the pillow. Suddenly a bright light filled my vision and it was so bright it was blinding.

"Ahhh turn off the bright light! Make it stop!" I screamed.

"Hehehe, oops!" First laughed. "Apparently I had some problems with the discernment of laser light through your ear and vision through your eyes. I'll have the nanobots fix it while the data transfer continues."

The light dulled down to a fine pinpoint and then went away completely. "Finally!" I said while keeping my eyes closed.

"It still feels like I'm straining and its not stopping." I said.

"That is your mind trying to comprehend and contain all the data being pushed through it. As soon as I have myself fully integrated with you and I am running on the quantum processor I will make sure that stops." First assured me.

After a few moments the problem stopped and the data transfer continued.

"We'll be done in a few hours. Go ahead and watch TV." First told me.

I watched a couple of episodes of Galactica while the data transfer finished. I had no idea how long went by but at some point I heard someone calling my name.

"Hello Braxton." I thought. After a few seconds however, I realized the thought wasn't in a voice I knew as my own. It was another voice inside my head. At that very moment everything went black.

PLEASE send feedback to me at! Feedback is the only ways I know if you like the story. Please include the title of the story in the subject, so that I don't delete it as spam. This story still has a LONG ways to go... Thanks to Vince and Leland for editing this chapter.

Next: Chapter 3

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