Cross Town Loves

By moc.loa@2891ioBbeW

Published on Feb 26, 2000



Legal Disclaimer: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading and send ANY comments to Enjoy!! This is my first attempt at writing this type of story. I hope you enjoy it.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Town Loves Chapter 1 By: Taylor

"I don't want to go." I shouted at my mother, who was at that time trying to make me go to some boring party. As, I walked into my room, closing the door, trying to block out the thoughts of that awful party. I have been there one time before, and I did not enjoy myself. What makes her think I will enjoy myself this time? These thoughts ran through my head as my mother was pounding on my door to get ready. Of course I knew there was no winning, like there is ever winning with parents.

So, I gathered my things and walked into my bathroom. I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it. Once my mother heard the water, she had known she'd one. As if there was any doubt, but alas I was going. I grabbed the soap, and leisurely soaped up my tight body. Perhaps I should introduce my self. My names Taylor. I stand about 6 feet, with blond hair, and a lean body. Very skinny, but muscular I also work out a lot to keep my body in shape. I have sparkling green eyes that shine and shimmer in the daylight. I have always been complimented on my eyes, ever since I can remember. I am 17 years old, and have known I was gay for about 3 years now. I am an only child and live with my mother, my father died when I was 5 months old.

As I finished my shower, I quickly dried off, and through on some boxers, and socks. I debated on what to wear and finally decided on my black dress pants, and a light blue silk shirt, with matching tie and a soft leather vest. I fixed my hair, and walked out of the bathroom. I began to check my e-mail.

When I found nothing, I decided to quit and head out to the living room, when I opened the door my mother was standing there and had hit me in the eye while attempting to knock. As I was opening the door. I had immediately fell back onto the floor, as my mother had rushed down to see if I were all right.

"Oh honey I am so sorry, are you all right?" She asked while leaning down to me.

"DAMM, you have some punch there. I think you're in the wrong business." I said as I started to stand. "I'm ok mom, I think some ice will help." I said as I started to walk towards the kitchen. I opened the freezer, and grabbed an ice pack, and applied it to my eye. "I'll have a shiner there in the morning, ya know." I said casually to my mother.

"Yes, but you are still going to the party tonight. I need you there. It is for a very important client." She said while taking a closer look at my eye. "Well, you look good enough to go." She said with a smile on her face. Nothing short of being put in the hospital is going to get me out of this party I thought to myself.

My mother and I got our jackets, and quickly went to my car. Since I was being forced to go, there was no two ways about it, I wanted to drive. I hopped in my 99 Cougar, and unlocked the door, for my mother. I am so grateful, that my mother gave me this car for my 17th birthday last year. I started the car, and backed out of the driveway, as I put it in drive my mother told me it was being held at the Anderson Mansion.

Since I had been there before, I had no trouble finding the place. Traffic was horrible on this Friday night, everyone with a place to go, and all deciding to leave at the same time. I got on the expressway and was there in about 10 minuets. As I pulled up, the valet opened my door, and I gave him the car. As we walked in my mother handed our invitation to the doorman, who looked at me smugly. I eye had started to heal nicely my mother said, as I continued to the bathroom to check out the damage. I walked up to the mirror, and looked at my right eye. It was going to be a shiner in the morning.

"Hey looks like your getting a shiner." a kid said as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

"I'm Taylor Thomas." I said as I extended my arm. He through away the paper towel, and accepted my hand.

"I'm Jason Harrison, nice to meet you. So how'd you get that?" I assumed he was referring to my bruised right eye.

"My mother hit me while I was opening the door, she was trying to knock, and hit me in the eye." I said looking at him.

He started laughing, "I'm sorry for laughing, but that is so funny, I have heard of that happening, but I have never actually met anyone that had that happen to them. I'm sorry again man." He said as he calmed down.

"It's all right, I suppose I'll get a much bigger response on Monday when I go to school." I said laughing a little myself.

"Yeah, I guess, but it still is a little funny." He said as we walked out of the bathroom.

"What grade are you in?" He asked as we went to get a drink.

"I'm a senior, how about you?" I replied grabbing a glass of champagne.

"I'm a senior too, what school do you go to?" He said also picking up a glass of champagne.

"I go to Hamburg High School. You?"

"I can't believe this, I go to Frontier High. Your cross town rivals." He says

"Of course it figures." I say looking him up and down. He's about my height, with dark brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He's got a nice build, and great looks. His eyes are that blue, almost as if you were looking directly into the sky on a sunny afternoon.

"Yeah we beat you in the homecoming game." He says smiling.

"Yeah, but we'll get you next season." I say trying to play off my statement.

Soon enough my mother comes up and I introduce Jason to her. Jason extends his hand to shake hers.

"My mom here is the Chief Executive Officer of operations at Adelphia.

"That's cool." He says.

We continue to talk for a while, as the party starts to die down. We agree to go out to a club tomorrow. We exchange phone numbers, and it turns out he doesn't live to far from me. My mom comes to me, and says we have to leave. So I say goodbye to him. And head out to the valet. He quickly gets my car, as I start to drive home on the express way. I hardly speak a word as I reflect on the night I just experienced. Once we get home I strip down to my boxers and get into bed, and fall fast asleep.

To Be Continued...

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