Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Jul 31, 2022


I felt his hard toned body on top of me. Too much muscle to shift. His thick hairy thighs, trapping my arms, closing in around my ears. His crotch swallowing my face.

His pulse raced through me, his cock throbbed and thrust over me. He was sweating, his bodyheat punishing me, his stench forcing me into a state of deep arousal.

His stare, his deep penetrating look, straight into my eyes, reaching my deepest place. Handsome, youthful, vigorous. More than anything proud. A look of intense pride and satisfaction. Like a victorious wrestler studying his prize.

There was no time limit on it. Trapping me there, under him was satisfaction in itself. Why rush when you can burn through you're preys eyes, make him shudder in the grasp of you're power, make him him slowly suffer under you, make him watch you taste his defeat?

Tim stared so deep, I couldn't even blink, the sight was too erotic to ignore even a second of him.

He didn't have to utter a word. No demand for submission, we both knew that would come. This was a time for me to submit at a deeper level, not to some pain he could inflict, but to the mastery of his his body over mine. For me to accept that Tim's 5ft 11 physique, was highly superior to mine.

His eyes directed mine to his bouldered shoulders, muscle packed pecs, bulging vascular arms, and we both relished the sweat stream through his stone like abs.

Tim witnessed me groan at the power of his thick thighs and weaken at the sight of his impressive cock and balls.

He never broke his stare, he almost controlled my mind now. Like some extreme sexual hypnosis, teaching me what it meant to really lust and go so hard it almost consumed me.

It felt like he had fucked me mentally and was in my head. I really felt he was inside me.

Even before he had really started to physically dominate me, he had mentally submitted me.

The physical was as always like a brutal session. Tim taking me, dominating me, showing no mercy.

I was shut down under his powerful body, my feet pushed up beside me ears. He sat on me, breathing heavily, stretching my hamstrings to execute painful submission.

He deprived me of all but his foul crotch air. My face buried under him, almost inside him, covered in his sweat. I gasped for air and tasted his jock smell, all leathery and masculine.

I'd lost control, I was exhausted and over stimulated, he worked me over, grinning, studying his mastery over me.

It was hot and slippery under Tim, he watched me lick the sweat off his inner thighs and crotch.

I tried to lick his cock. He covered my mouth with his hand and plugged my nose 'get you're tongue off my cock'.

Breathless I obeyed, already desperate for another union with his manhood. He couldn't hide the pleasure I'd caused him, precum leaking down, his cock head red and raw, calling out for another tongue lashing.

That was unacceptable for alpha Tim, thigh master God that he was, powerful 20 year old rugby champ.

I had to watch him, slowly caress and stroke his cock, as he sat on me. His strong hands wrestled with it, holding it's impressive volume, almost afraid to set it off. His arms thickened with vascularity, his eyes fixated on its beauty. His face filled with pride, the joy of witnessing his own perfection.

He glanced at me and in that exchange we both felt a physical jolt of orgasm a deep longing for his cum, the scent of it now filling the room.

Tim reached breaking point, he couldn't hold the damn anymore. His eyes watered, he shuddered, causing me to as well. His abs contorted and his body writhed with pleasure. I felt his balls vibrate and felt his ass jump on my chest with excitement.

Tim's whole body shook, I could almost feel his cum ejaculate through his thick towering cock. It jetted out of him, like a fountain of pleasure, it flew in heavy lumps everywhere, sticking to his hair, eyebrow, over me hitting the wall, thump thump.

Finally a shot right down on me landing right on my face. I quickly glanced up at him. Tim was so engrossed in his own pleasure he hadn't seen my prize. I soaked it in, anywhere it would pour into me, so I could have some of him before he denied me that pleasure. The warm creamy flood was worth every second of longing and suffering at his pleasure. His cum, savoury, nutty, intensely scented, leathery and peppery, so strong, overpowering. It felt like a ripple of ecstacy through me.

Trapped under Tim, forced to watch his sexual domination over me, denied the chance to unload, to touch my own cock, to respond to the level of sexual excitement he had subjected me. Now his cum had set me free!, so deep its potency, it caused me to spew a pent up superload.

The pleasure so intense, wave after wave, a feeling of emptying, releasing a flurry of energy filled orgasm. It hit his broad muscular back, jetted over his thick shoulders and hit the side of his face.

For a second he was stunned, he figured it was his, but he knew from that smell, I had marked him now.

He stared down at me. His stare was different now. The look was of a gladiator ready to pounce. He reached for his white trainer sock on the floor, wiped my cum off his face, wiped his body sweat with it, plugged my nose until he forced my mouth open and stuffed me with his sock.

The feel of it in me, the taste of his sweaty sock, my cum, his body sweat, the way he was staring through me..I couldn't hold it in, it jetted out again. He wasn't going to let me away with that.

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Next: Chapter 24

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