Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Oct 31, 2022


Tim glared down at me, pointing at his crotch, 'your'e slobbering all over me, clean up you're mess'. My face was right in it, a wet mess of sweat spit and

cum droplets. I had his white ankle socks in my hand. 'dont kneel there looking at it, use it to clean up you're spit, I want it off my balls'.

His sock was already soaked in his own gym sweat, it felt wet in my hand. The smell of it set me off again, I couldn't help sweating and drooling on him. It was seriously hot between his thighs, his cock before me, was like a giant mouth watering, treat.

I tried my best, but it's hard when you're on you're knees. 'Your'e only making it worse now, you're fucking craving my cock aren't you?. Give me the sock and grab the other one off the floor'.

The only answer Tim wanted to hear was 'yes'. He didn't tolerate whining. I obeyed, handed him his second white Adidas ankle sock, wet too like the first. '

Open you're mouth'...'Tim I aaah'..' He powered his headscissors, his thighs peaked and bulged, surrounding me, burying me, choking me. 'submit'... 'yes' ...'open'...'yes'. He plugged my nose shut and forced the first sock into my mouth.

My eyes shut and his smell and taste totalled my senses. I felt completely submerged in his essence, owned by him. It thrilled me, I was almost disappointed when he unplugged my nose.

I opened my eyes. He was staring down with that sexy dominant expression he has, saved for those moments, of deep submission. It's an expression that affirms his authority and acknowledges my subservience.

I love the smell and taste of him, toffee like, nutty, sweaty, pungent, distinct. He didn't know it but my cock started to squirt cum. It wasint like a gush after jerking, more like in a wet dream when the build up is so great it just flows, almost smoothly. It's like a stream of smooth pleasure, it's warm and wet and intense.

He might not have noticed me shiver, but I did, it was orgasm, like when you cum straight into a gentle shower head.

Tim was busy using his second sock to clean under his armpits. I've been there before, he headlocked me into his armpit, so I would smother and submit in his sweat. He loved that so much, he repeated it.

That's a part of him too with special powers. The juice in there, the heat in there, the intimacy, makes me weak and intensely aroused.

I watched in awe as he soaked his sock in pit juice. 'fuck there's some wack off that'.Even Tim was stunned by its potency.

He plugged my nose again, I opened my mouth, I couldn't take another crushing from his thighs. He stuffed his second sock in.

My eyes closed again. It took a few seconds and my head raced with serotonin. It was so powerful, the taste of his sweat. Exactly like you would expect a twenty year old rugby jock to taste: lively, sharp, bitter, strong.

My taste buds went into over drive, I swallowed a constant stream of our spit and sweat mix. I felt his juice work its way, right through me.

My cock started to pump again, a warm thick flow now, delivering tingling pleasure from my balls through my shaft out into my grey joggers.

Tim must have known he'd caused me to saturate myself, the smell of my cum was undeniable. Maybe that was part of his thrill, he could cause my body to react like that?

I wondered how long he would keep me there. It had been a lengthy session of domination already. I'd long since adapted to find ways, to survive in his headscissors.

The sight of me, stuck there, like his personal footstool, gagged with his socks, turned him on. I felt his cock thicken again, it's veins swelled, I felt it throb. Tim stared down at it with admiration. I couldn't blame him, it was a piece of perfection. Size does matter when you're claiming the kind of dominant status Tim claims. He could back up his alpha arrogance though.

He picked up his phone and shot a photo, from his angle, above me, my head trapped between his legs, my face planted on his balls. It was was a masterfulwork. A giant vigorous cock, strong, erect, spiked pubic hair sprouting from its base, round heavy healthy testicles and my face smothered under them. My eyes transfixed as if in awe of the thick, towering red masterpiece before me.

That image oozed power and masculinity, it was a statement of his supremacy.

It excited Tim even more. I felt it through his balls, he was fuelling up again.

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