Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Mar 23, 2023


I can't honestly say what made Ciaran cum? Maybe it was just the sheer intimacy he experienced face down on Tim's crotch? Tim had him locked hard between his legs. The sensation of being exposed to the core of Tim's testosterone might have aroused him or maybe it was Tim's athleticism and dominant display of authority.

Aroused he was though. I could tell by his expression. His mouth and nose were deep into Tim's shorts but his eyes were free to roam. I caught him staring up at Tim with a look of submissiveness and a squint when his master flexed in on him.

Tim was so much in control he almost forgot about Ciaran at times choosing instead to crack open cans of beer and chat with me about his plans for a holiday. It was only when Ciaran groaned that Tim paid attention in the form of another tight squeeze into submission.

At one stage Tim started feeding Ciaran beer as though he were a baby. 'want a sup Ciaran..there you go...say thanks!' Ciaran welcomed the alcohol and finished the whole can but there was something intense about having to drink between Tim's legs and rely on his mercy!

We all joked and referenced it as a mess fight between two 20-year-old drunk lads. At the same time, there was a complex sexual element driving the whole event. To begin with, I was wildly attracted to Tim. I only had to hear his voice and I was excited. His physical beauty and musculature excited me and his desire to dominate me was deeply sexual. For entirely different reasons I was turned on by Ciaran. He too was athletic but not in as masterful a way as Tim.

In some ways, I was torn. I shouldn't enjoy Tim scissoring and submitting the lad I wanted to kiss but I did. Ciaran enjoyed his humiliation too! I was jealous though. As much as I feared the very real power of Tim's head scissors I wanted to smell his crotch in that way.

To make matters worse the moon shot its illumination straight at Tim serving to enhance his stunning bulges and peaks of muscle. There was no denying his physical superiority over both of us.

For much of the time, Ciaran was just lying there willingly. Tim's bulge said it all. If I wasn't there Ciaran would have had his cock deep inside Tim's throat sucking not only the cream and substance but the dregs of Tim's cum too!

As daylight set in Tim became more aggressive. All the beer was gone and I'm pretty certain he didn't want to be seen with a lad on his crotch by some early-morning jogger. Ciaran was on the receiving end. He must have fallen asleep in the head scissors. Tim pulled him up by his ears and growled at him 'fucking slobbering all over my shorts!' He had a point his shorts were wet from Ciaran's sweat. Ciaran groaned and yelped when Tim powered in. His face reddened such was the power delivered by Tim's thighs. He submitted and begged and I almost thought Tim would put him to sleep.

Before I could react Tim was up, he nodded at me 'see you later' and he jogged off down the beach. Even Ciaran fixed his exhausted eyes on Tim's bulging thighs as he sped off into the distance. As soon as he was out of sight Ciaran was flat out on the sand again.

It had been a heavy night. Ciaran was in that head scissors for a few hours. Much of the time Tim just kept him there but there were times he punished him too. ' you ok there Ciaran?' ...' Im wrecked fuck his legs are strong, I can still feel him on me now. There was no way I was getting out of that. Did you see the size of his thighs they were like fucking steel around my neck! You probably think I'm like some bitch submitting to him like that but honestly, he would have destroyed me if I resisted more'.

It was time to leave the beach we went back to Ciaran's. We had been up all night Ciaran opened the door, kicked off his trainers, stripped off his t-shirt and his jeans, and lay down on the sofa opposite me. His legs crossed mine and his feet were at my chest. I was happy he hadn't chosen the chair or gone to his bedroom. He wanted to be with me and me with him.

Straight away I noticed his blonde armpit and leg hair. It was darkish in places but not thick. His body was slightly tanned and amazingly toned. His abs pecs and biceps were defined even in a relaxed state. Almost a sleeper build more muscle than you would expect.

He smelled amazing too. His feet had that worn trainer scent of canvas-drenched sweat. His white socks were wet and delicious. He was perfumed from deodorant but Tim had made him sweat that and I was treated to his natural pit aroma. A shap pungent almost winey scent.

Ciaran's jocks were CK blue and smudged by his cum. My guess was correct he had unloaded while Tim had him. His was powerful strong classic smelling cum! He didn't even notice he was so tired.

We chatted for a while and at some stage fell into a deep sleep. I woke with his foot in my face and the sound of him jerking. I'm certain he thought I was still asleep. My urge was to tongue his foot but was afraid I would disturb the moment. I managed to glimpse his face all screwed up and sweaty while he wrestled his cock. His foot pushed deeper into my face almost as though he enjoyed dominating me. His breath became heavier and his heart thumped with excitement. 'Fuck ...aah ... Fuck..' A massive lump of his cum hit my eye and exploded. I peered through the creamy liquid soaking my face and watched his cock pump more and more all over his jocks.

What the fuck was this? Ciaran all pumped up and showering me as though I was his cum rag. This wasn't the innocent lad I had kissed briefly one night. It turned me on though. My eyes shut to avoid the pelt of his man seed. Instead, I soaked up as much as I could with my tongue. It tasted thick sweet and almost oaty. I could have eaten a bowl of it!

For now I was under his spell in a place where he prevailed. I saw his authoritive side in that moment. He was prepared to use me as his foot wipe and to cum all over me. I had discovered Ciaran liked things rough. No more thoughts of kissing or cuddling him! Tomorrow I would show him rough and leave him gagging for more!

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