Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Apr 10, 2023


I woke at Ciaran's feet. He was still snoring at the other end of the sofa and had his feet resting against my face. Instead of recoiling I felt drawn to the physical beauty before me. There was no denying his ankles were thick and strong and just above his calf muscles were undeniably those of a fit rugby lad. There was something too about the way his blondish hair spiked from his legs that accentuated their aesthetic beauty. His feet were equally impressive; strong, athletic, perfectly formed with sturdy arches.

Ciaran's white ankle socks were right beside my face too. At some stage during the night either he or I had removed them. If it was me it would have been to inhale more of his foot smell. Hard as it was to admit Ciaran's sweat turned me on. He had that classic locker room smell but with almost a hint of complex spice or something. His feet had an even stronger dirty jock aroma though and it made me high.

I was hesitant to move least I woke the sleeping jock before me and ruin my morning wood. He was still wearing his blue cum stained CK jocks and though dry now I could still smell his seed too.

His sock was too irresistible, I had to taste it. Unlike his jocks, it was still damp with his sweat. I felt animalistic sucking on his sweat-stained sock but after all, he had cum that night. Even if it was in his sleep or while he was drunk he still splattered me with it.

Just when I had decided to grab his other sock and jerk into it he pushed his foot into my face and came to. It took him a few minutes to come around. I remember noting how beautiful he looked with his Germanic blond cropped hair and blue eyes aesthetic.

Ciaran stretched out a bit and laughed when he saw me at his feet. 'Looks like you got the wrong end last night, how the fuck did you end up there? I reminded Ciaran we had crashed out on the sofa after drinking and wresting at the beach. 'maybe not wrestling though let's be honest it was you Ciaran stuck in Tim's head scissors for three hours or so!'...' fuck it still hurts you know, like his thighs are still choking me, he's a fucking strong lad'.

Ciaran stretched out a bit more on the sofa and had both feet pressing into my face. 'You want to get off me Ciaran?'...' No way man I'm too comfortable here, ha!' I could see more of him now, his wide muscular thighs, his navy blue bulging CKs, and his impressive abs. He was more flexing than stretching and it was impressive.

I was shocked when he put his hands in my shorts and grabbed my cock. 'Man you're so hard, do you always wake up like this?'...' I'm not the only one, look at you and all that mess on your jocks!'. He was shocked, he honestly hadn't noticed or remembered cuming that night. 'you fucking hosed me with it Ciaran!'...'You didn't stop me though, right!'?

For maybe ten minutes we both stared lustfully at each other in silence. I made the first move. He watched while I jerked into his white ankle sock and it made him harder still. I thought he might try to jerk too but instead, he flexed his biceps playfully and kissed them. The sight of his perfectly formed muscular arms popping and swelling as they were lashed by his tongue generated a pulse of orgasmic energy deep in my scrotum. I felt a well of pleasure seed swell from my balls to fill my cock and deliver extreme shots of joy as they flooded through me. My head buzzed as my body shook in orgasm. I didn't want it to end but when when it did, his sock was bursting with it.

Ciaran was so excited he sat up to see more and when he did I broke free of his foot and sat on his chest to pin him. He stared up at me and willingly opened his mouth to receive his cum filled ankle sock. 'It's your turn now Ciaran to taste some sweat and cum, suck on that while I find your cock!'

He wasted no time savoring the juicy cum filled treat in his mouth. His eyes filled with bright deep pleasure and when I reached back and found his cock he cried ecstatic tears. I was shocked by the size and vascularity of his cock, it felt warm and impressive. I only had to touch it and he erupted. Warm creamy cum saturated my hand and he shook uncontrollably. The oaty glue-like smell was back. I had to taste his seed! Drawing a handful from his jocks and licking it like honey was incredible. Sitting there on his chest watching him orgasm beneath me each time I reached back into his jocks made me feel so powerful. Ciaran was mine!

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