Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Jul 30, 2023


Crushed by Tim: Ch 37 My rugby teammate Tim (20) punishes me with his thighs:

Exhausted wet with his sweat and cum, on my hands and knees, crushed between his thighs and buried into his crotch I cant help but admire the sheer power of his headscissors. I've lost track of how long he has me here but I feel utterly drained.

Watching Tim sitting above me (on my fucking chair!), casually drinking an energy drink, looking like the 'King of Cockiness' I'm deeply impressed. I would give anything to have a physique like that. Every inch of Tim is muscle packed and built to excel. From my vantage point, I'm buried between his mountainous thighs and before me, his menacing cock and balls bulge inside his rugby shorts. Above that a strong armor of six-pack abs, v shape torso, broad shoulders, hard bouncing pecs, a thick wrestler's neck, and Tim's youthful dimpled cocky grin.

Tim beams down at me every bit the victor. His body tells me to 'submit!' and I obey. His eyes tell me I'm his. I stare back as if we were facing off in a ring about to fight. The fight is over though and I'm defeated, this was no stare down it was a visual penetration by a master and so intense it made me leak precum. Tim notices and flexes in on me until I beg for mercy. His eyes light up, he relishes the thrill of his domination.

Like an out-of-body experience, I feel ecstatic kneeling there. I shouldn't Tim is brutalising me! I mean working that scissors hard! He has me so deep into his crotch I almost smother under the stench of his sweaty cum filled odour. If I grab his legs to attempt an escape he orders me 'Get your fucking hands off my legs' and almost puts me to sleep. Tim won't tolerate any attempt to escape and the truth is he's in charge.

My fate will be determined by Tim. I must accept that this 20-year-old teammate is currently my master and he demonstrates an insatiable appetite to dominate me. I can only guess how long I will be his prisoner or what it might take for him to release me.

Survival for me is about endurance. The buzz I get is from the intense physical contact. Despite all the pain, there's pleasure too. For him the joy of winning, for me the joy of competition.

For long periods I just 'hang on' suffering his constant thigh strangulation and obeying his every order to submit. I'm tortured by a relentless hard-on caused by his domination of me. Tim loves this and works me into a frenzy of excited submission so much so that my cock explodes. Just at that exact moment, he powers into me until my sexual release is overwhelmed by his force.

My eyes dim from the pressure of his hairy thighs. My body weakens from the pressure of his headscissors and the rush of thrilling tingly cum through my balls and cock. I'm almost breathless I see him grinning and smell his cum!

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