Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Aug 13, 2023


It takes a particular type of person to not only physically force his teammate onto his knees and submit him but also to relish the experience. Tim was cocky beyond words the sheer audacity of him sitting on a chair forcing me to play the part of his footstool. He looked so fucking sexy up there too his mountainous thighs powering into my neck, his impressive cock and balls at eye level ready to explode with youthful seed, his hard-toned upper body stocky meaty, and unassailable. Maybe worst of all his handsome expression that of a 20-year-old jock all fresh and confident.

His headscissors were perfectly locked and executed to maximize his control over me. Any resistance met with immediate and aggressive force sending me into a dizzying spiral of submission. There was plenty of taunting too, forcing his sock into my mouth, spitting and making me swallow, forcing me to verbalize his mastery, plugging my nose and mouth to drain my energy.

Face play was a favorite punishment of Tims. He enjoyed working over my nose and mouth intimately with his cock or hands. This time just after weakening me with his scissors he pulled me deeper into his crotch and started rubbing his cock into my face. It was almost like he was exploring ways to cock pound me. At first hands-free I felt it push my nose flat it had some strength! He said nothing but there was something deeply erotic and humiliating about been almost cock gouged. Next, it was leaking trails of precum over my eyes and then my lips. I tried to tongue it but he powered into me with his thighs submitted me and shouted 'Don't fucking even try to touch it'.

It was devastating watching his precum drip from my eyes when I was so thirsty for his seed. Fortunately, he looked away to study his bicep as he often did allowing me a moment to catch a sample of his seed with my tongue. Just like a junkie, I felt a hit from his creamy nutty liquid and my cock went into a state of heightened erection. He had his hands behind his head and was stretching back on the chair admiring his biceps and six-pack.

Tim never knew that about himself the extent to which he admired his physique. It seemed to turn him on his flexing made him even harder. He was sweaty it was hot anyway but he had been working his head scissors on me all afternoon. His sweat intoxicated me, from the moment he head-locked me into his armpit in a previous fight I was hooked on it. Just the smallest taste makes me melt into uncontrolled sleepy orgasm. A bitter salty tast that smells exactly as you would expect a young jocks sweat to smell but it has a unique intense essence of Tim all nutty and musky.

I was long past fighting him, he had me too deeply locked and had drained every bit of my energy. We were at the point now where he was the victor enjoying his spoils. It's hard to know what thrilled him more the pain, punishment and humiliation he inflicted or his sense of perfection and mastery.

During those long submission holds I sometimes felt like an extension of his body, I could feel his pulse throb through me, feel his most intimate movements, and was overwhelmed by his physicality.

Tim's mastery was well-planned. He subjected me to an ongoing stress punishment by keeping me on my hands and knees. It was enough to have me sweating and uncomfortable. That was the first level of his punishment using me as a footrest. The second level was the actual headscissors brutal, deep, and punishing. Then came foot and hand play, ownership in the most intimate way of my face. The fourth and highest level was sexual domination.

Tim excelled at all four levels but it was at level four he took total ownership of me. When someone else controls your sexual urges and pleasure and when that person can turn you on even as they punish you that's when they own you!

To all our teammates Tim and I were just normal lads hanging out. None could have guessed the power he had over me or how much we both loved our intense struggle.

By now my cock was so loaded and hard it craved relief. Tim delighted in that the more sexually stressed he caused me to be the greater his control. I feared the worst this time he wasn't going to let me cum, instead he was going to force me to watch his pleasure. That's why he was painting my face with his precum!

The torture of watching his thick cock ready itself to spill, of feeling his meaty balls roll and buzz with anticipation, of smelling his fresh cum brew! 'You look so fucking sad down there not just your desperate beaten face but that bright red cock is about to break ha ha! If you even think of touching it I'll scissors you asleep!'

The next thirty minutes were filled with desperate desire for me. Tim only had to tug once and his cock performed with the same degree of athleticism the rest of his physique did. His Cum jetted high in a straight line pounding his face, and the wall behind him then splashing back down on his thighs and my face in thick creamy droplets. He shivered with delight and with that volume and flow his orgasm was intense. He warned me not to touch a drop instead he smudged what fell on me into my face. He did that so I would be encased in his seed but denied the pleasure of tasting it. The more he shook with pleasure the greater he tightened his headscisdors on me. While I begged for submission he grunted in orgasm!

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