Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Nov 19, 2023


There was something structurally perfect about Tim's standing headlock. His neatly muscle-packed tank-like torso presented a solid frame to lock his opponent's neck tight. The number of lads I saw humbled and wedged deep into his lats and he would drag them, parade them so all who watched could witness his power. Helpless they would peer out from under him humiliated to be reduced to the fate of a dog on a leash. For that's what it was and each time his veined arms thickened and his bicep bulged into their necks it was subdue, submit, and dominate them.

I saw bigger lads, taller lads trapped under his armpit, pitifully regretting their decision to challenge him. Most often it happened in the changing room and one or either of them were in some state of undress. The time Tim head-locked Stephen was a typical example. Tim left his muddy rugby socks on Stephens kit bag, in jest Stephen threw them at Tim who was about to shower. Naked, Tim grinned and I swear his cock rose in excitement as he wrestled Stephen off the bench and into a standing side headlock. ed

There wasn't much height difference between them. Stephen had a beautiful lean muscle build. He was dark-haired handsome and kind of Italian-looking. Tim was pale by comparison, typically Irish and his build was heavier and thick with muscularity.

Stephen faded and submitted fast to Tims choke hold. I'm sure he hoped for a quick release but Tim wanted to parade him and do some victory laps. David looked at me and gulped when Stephens white towel fell from his waist. He didn't vocalize it but he was saying 'fuck man look at that cock'. What a sight it was! Stephen suffering an uncontrollable erection. It was easily 7 inches cut and hungry-looking. His balls were deep and sturdy I'm sure he could have shot multiple loads.

The way Tim had him headlocked was intentional Stephen was displayed in his most vulnerable state. His reputation as the team's 'pin-up boy' was dead. Stephen had bragged and boasted about all the women he fucked and now there he was Tims bitch and excited by it!

Tim was so strong he could have choked Stephen out in seconds but why do that when you can humiliate a rival alpha? Instead, he demanded a second submission and a visibly weakened Stephen obeyed. Even as Stephen's face dulled with the force of Tims stranglehold the veins on his cock rippled with excitement.

Tim was unphased. Not a drop of sweat on his face or a hint of exhaustion. Stephen was soaked in sweat and desperate. The onlookers in the locker room chuckled nervously and one by one left, except me. Like Stephen, I was stuck with one of the biggest hard ons I've experienced. It was the sight of two incredible 20-year-old jocks wrestling naked for sure but it was also the intense smell of that room. I remember thinking I'm saturated in Tim Stephen's and all the lads sweat here and yet Tim's is so distinct and like a drug to me.

I was jealous of Stephen too I wanted to be the one wrestling Tim and yet Stephen was so beautiful he also turned me on. The more Tim humiliated him the more excited it made me.

With the audience gone Tim finally lost interest in Stephen. He ordered a final submission and left Stephen in no doubt who had won. Tim didn't bother showering he just threw on his shorts and trainers and jumped on his bike to go home. I guessed he too needed a good wank but no way could the master admit his excitement!

Stephen was weakened and he headed into the shower. He barely made it in and his cock erupted. I could see everything I don't think he even cared they were open-plan showers he needed release so badly he couldn't help himself. To this day I still think that moment was like a perfect sex scene Stephen was every bit the Adonis perfectly lit with water flowing down off his muscled chest through the ridges of his abs and met by the counterforce of thick creamy cum erupting from his cock.

Stephens balls appeared to expand as his load ejected up and out there was something rhythmic about his motion. He was deep in orgasm his whole body was shaking, and his eyes even watered with joy. I couldn't resist him and he welcomed me in mid-orgasm.

There's a first time for everything and this was cock sucking an already stimulated wet jock. I swallowed him with vigor there was no foreplay I couldn't let him lose that state of arousal. With my tongue on him, he went wild with excitement. Stephen the alpha jock was mine now and that tasted so fucking good!

I didn't expect him to cum so fast and hard into my mouth and when he did he pulled me aggressively by the ears to make sure I took it all in. Just when I thought I owned him came a reminder of his dominance. His cum was thick, buttery, and plentiful. At first, it felt like a creamy desert, I started to cum all over his wet hairy shins, it was blissful like pins and needles of sexual energy flooding my cock. There was so much and it was so thick I couldn't gulp it fast enough. I struggled and he went harder to make it clear he was face fucking me. What started as me cock sucking him was now him using my mouth! It just turned me on even more!

On my hands and knees in that shower taking everything he loaded into me all I could smell was our cum and sweat now airborne in the steam. Stephen had been going at it for some time now at first solo and then using me. Maybe he did deserve his reputation as a lady killer and sexual master?

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