Cry Wolf

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Oct 20, 2017


CRY WOLF-8 New Moon

Written by Eugene Marvin aka NPHILLYDOGG _______________________


Pensacola Hospital, Maine

The family of 15yr old Michael O'Conner sat in the surgical waiting room [along with several members of the county police AND search/rescuers] as Michael lay on the operating table, while doctors fought to repair the extensive damage done to his young body after being mauled [and raped] by a huge angry WOLF!

A volunteer handed the McCray's [Gene and his wife Pat] hot coffee while they waited to hear word from the doctors! Everyone's thoughts and prayers were with the family, with Mike's attack being the number one most talked about topic in town!

MEANWHILE: Sheriff Morison was standing in a nearby alleyway, watching as the body of Mercer Atwood [the town's recluse] was bagged and placed into an awaiting ambulance to be driven to the town's morgue! Merce had been mistaken for a WOLF, and shot by deputies and volunteers in a dark alleyway while searching for the animal that mauled Michael O'Conner in the woods!

Morison regretted having to tell 16yr old Cory Atwood [Merce's son] that his father had been killed [mistaken for the WOLF] it was the SECOND time one of Cory's parents had been mistaken for wolves and killed by hunters! Cory's mother [Anna] had also been mistaken after a wolf killed a townsperson 2yrs ago! Now Cory was an orphan, with NO parents whatsoever! HOW was Morison going to break the news to the boy...?

`Sheriff...?' called one of the deputies over the walkie-talkie! "This's the sheriff..." responded Jeffery, pulling the walkie from his hip! "...what's up, Greg...?"

`Michael O'Conner's awake!' said the deputy, as a SHOCKED Morison RAN from the crime-scene to his patrol car, making a bee-line to the hospital to see for himself!

Indeed everyone was surprised to see Michael O'Conner already awakened and responsive [so soon after such a horrific attack and major surgery]! The doctors couldn't explain it! They checked his vitals, his wounds, then re-read his charts..., unable to explain HOW he wasn't still suffering in pain...?

Pat and Gene McCray cried over him, just so HAPPY that he was alive and well! They promised to take him OUT of Maine, somewhere `special', where there weren't any wild animals to attack him! But Mike refused to go, saying he LIKED it here now!

Sheriff Morison walked into the room, doubly surprised to see the boy already on the mend! He paused in the doorway before taking off his HAT as a show of respect! He asked Mike how he was feeling...?...then asked if he remembered `anything' about his attack...?

"Really Sheriff..." intervened Patricia McCray [the godmother], " we really have to do this NOW...? soon...?"

"I...I don't mine, aunt Pat..." said Mike [his voice barely a whisper after having major surgery to repair his bite marks and torn flesh]!

Pat and Gene stepped back..., as the sheriff stepped closer...!

"Do you remember ANYTHING...?" asked Morison [hoping for a description of the wolf]!

Mike thought...

"I...I remember being CHASED through the woods..." he recalled [his memories cloudy at best], picturing himself running from something! "...and then...falling down an embankment..." he remembered! "...I saw an old BARN in the distance, and ran towards it! I found a way inside, and..." he paused, gasping for breath! "...and...that's all I can remember until I woke up HERE in my hospital bed!"

"That's it...?" asked the sheriff! "Did you SEE what was chasing you...?" he asked!

Mike thought...

"No...!" he answered, drawing a blank!

"Good..." said Morison, knowing it was probably for the best that the boy didn't remember the horrors of being torn to shreds! "...that's good...!" he repeated, gently touching the top of the boy's head [affectionately]!

"Get some rest, okay...?" he insisted, before turning to the godparents...!

"He doesn't seem to remember anything..." informed the officer, "...that's a good thing..." he assured, " the most traumatic part of his ordeal seems well buried in his subconscious!"

" that a good thing...?" asked Gene McCray, curiously!

"It'll give his mind and body TIME to heal and recoup..." explained the sheriff, " the memories of his attack may be too painful for him to relive right now...!

"Maybe we should let him REST...?...and see how he feels in the morning...?"

The McCray's said their goodbyes to their godson...then took the sheriff's advice [now that it appeared that Michael was out of danger] and drove home to their home in The Heights!

The sheriff called one of his deputies over, then informed him that he wanted someone sitting outside Mike's room "at all times", wanting to make certain that the boy had nothing to fear [after all, the WOLF that attacked him was still at large]!


The Morgue

The body of Mercer Atwood was taken to the county coroner's office for an autopsy [hours later]! The coroner was called in from home, requested to do an `emergency' autopsy on an accidental shooting victim!

The Coroner was none too happy about being pulled away from his family to do a `rush job' on a body that COULD have waited until morning...! He got out of his car [grumbling all the way], using his ID badge to swipe the electronic locks on the back door before walking in! As soon as he entered the examine room he found the black body bag resting on one of the tables, waiting for him to slice open! The Coroner walked over to the sinks, where he thoroughly washed his hands [before drying and putting on rubber gloves], then grabbed his sterilized instruments and unzipped the bag to find the dead body of a perfectly muscular human specimen in his late 30's! The Coroner did body measurements [height, weight, etc.], then described what he found in a tape-recording after pulling out his scalpel and slicing through the dearly departed!

Sheriff Morrison walked into the coroner's office later that morning..., looking for results from the autopsy!

"Doctor..." greeted the officer, as he walked in to find most of Mercer's internal organs bagged on a table, each labeled and dated [like freezer foods]! "...find anything interesting...?" he asked!

"Yes..." answered the Coroner [taking his first break since starting the autopsy]! "...whoever this young man was HE was in the PEAK of health..." informed the doctor, enthusiastically! "...not a broken bone, or scar, nor a hangnail anywhere on his body! There wasn't a single ounce of FAT on him anywhere! He must have worked out regularly to be in such peak condition!

"But not only that..., his blood showed an unusually high amount of white blood cells..., which means his body fought off disease and infections at a rapid rate! Most men have something WRONG with them by this age..., rather its arthritis, acid-reflux, STD's, diabetes, smoking too much, drinking, drugs, -something...! But this man was unusually FIT for a man his age, without a single ailment...! It's almost as if he miraculously discovered The Fountain Of Youth!

"I'd like to do MORE tests on him, to find out what OTHER secrets his body was hiding...!"

"His cause of death...?" asked the sheriff, wanting it for his official records!

"It appears he died from a single bullet through the heart..." said the Coroner, picking up the bag containing the shredded heart! "...but that's not all..." he added [much to the sheriff's surprise]! "...his anus was distorted and irritated, indicating that he recently had anal sex with someone...or was raped! I found a large amount of semen present in his colon! It appears he was raped by an ANIMAL..., quite possibly a large WOLF!"

"A WOLF...?" asked the sheriff, flabbergasted! "Are you SURE, Doctor...?"

"Yes, quite sure..." assured the physician, "...the semen found inside him wasn't human..., although...there were traits of human DNA present as well!"

"So you're saying Merce had SEX with someone..., -a MAN..., then got raped by a wild WOLF in the very alley he was shot dead in...?" questioned the sheriff, shaking his head, unable to believe it all!

"I'm only telling you what the EVIDENCE says..." reasoned the coroner! "...piecing everything together is YOUR job!" he concluded, before getting back to work!


35yr old Sheriff Jeffery Morison drove out to The Atwood House [in the middle of the forest] in his official police jeep...! He HATED this part of his job the most, having to tell unsuspecting folk that their loved ones had been killed!

16yr old Cornelius Atwood had been taught by his parents [his father in particular] to live as a recluse in the woods, away from human interaction! Morison believed him to be a `good boy' however, despite his dad's crazy influence and quarks!

Sheriff Morison got out of his jeep...then reached in to retrieve his official HAT before heading up The Atwood front steps to knock on the wooden door to talk to Cory!

"Hello...?" he called, when no one answered! Peering through the window, he noticed no one was home. Morison took a look around the property, wondering where the boy could be...? Then he remembered that Cory mentioned that he and Mike sometimes hung out by at The North Ridge, near Indian Cove!

Morison got back into his jeep and headed up the trail towards north! Once he couldn't drive any further, he got out of the jeep and started hiking on foot! He walked about a mile or more before he found the area the boys liked to venture! It was a grand landscape, the mountain overlooking the valley below! It was a spectacular view! Morison found himself taking it all in. Having lived in Pensacola all of his life, he'd nearly forgotten how beautiful the forest could be! It was easy to take the surroundings for granted while traveling back and forth [to and from] WORK every day! Morison walked over towards a large tree, and noticed someone's clothes lying scattered about the grass! Picking them up, he took a quick sniff and determined they were recently put there [the scent in them was still strong]! Looking over the edge of the cliff, he looked down to find Cory Atwood swimming in the lake! Morison took the clothes and climbed down the steep hill towards the riverbank, where he stood until the boy noticed him...!

"Sheriff..." called Cory, climbing out of the water [naked]!

"You know its dangerous swimming up here by yourself..." said the law officer!

"I LIVE here, remember...?" said Cory, climbing up along the banks!

"It's still dangerous!" debated Morison! "You don't live THIS far north..., there's a lot of WILD animals out here...!...AND we still haven't found that WOLF that attacked your friend yet!"

"I'm not afraid!" said Cory, facing off with the officer [unashamed of his nudity]!

Morison tried not to stare at the boy's slim muscular body...but couldn't help stealing glimpses [it's only human]!

"Even so..." said Morison [handing him his clothes], "...its NOT safe!

"Besides..." he added somberly, "...I have some BAD news to tell you..."

"About my DAD...?" asked Cory [putting on his pants]!

"How did you KNOW it was about your father...?" asked the officer, curiously!

"He didn't come HOME last night...!" reasoned the boy!

Morison sighed [wishing HE wasn't the barer of bad news]...!

"I'm afraid your dad is dead!" he said, bluntly [pulling no punches]! "He was SHOT..." he explained, "...mistaken for The WOLF...!

"I...I know `I'm sorry' doesn't even BEGIN to console how it feels to lose a parent..."

"TWO parents!" reminded Cory [reminding the Sheriff that his MOTHER was also gunned down `accidentally' by wolf-hunters]!

"I am really SORRY, Cory...!" apologized Morison [wholeheartedly]!

"Can you THINK of a reason why your dad would have been in TOWN that night...? In a dark alley? Was he WITH the searchers that were looking for the wolf...?"

"I dunno..." said Cory [taking his shirt], "...He might've been there looking for ME..." he theorized! "...after he noticed I wasn't HOME anymore...!"

"I'm TRULY sorry about your dad, Cory..." said Morison [reaching out to touch the boy sympathetically on the shoulder]...! "...but...I'm gonna HAVE to call Child Services and report this through the proper channels...!"

Cory's mouth dropped...

"Whadda you have to DO that for...?" he asked, getting visibly upset! "They're gonna wanna take me FROM my home!"

"You CAN'T live out here all by yourself, Cory...!...its too dangerous!" reasoned the Sheriff!

"I'm almost 17!" argued the boy!

"What if something HAPPENS to you out here...?" reasoned Morison! "What if you get sick...? NO ONE would know! There's no one here to watch over you...OR take care of you if you can't!"

"I don't get sick!" stated Cory, confidently! "I don't NEED nobody! I've been essentially taking care of MYSELF since my mom died 2yrs ago!"

"Be that as it may..." countered Morison [unwaveringly], "...I still have to report it by LAW! You're a juvenile! You CAN'T take care of yourself!"

"Then I'll just RUNAWAY until I'm 18...!" challenged Cory, heading up the hill [surprisingly FAST (as far as the sheriff was concerned)...]! "I'm not going to some foster home..., or WORSE, an orphanage!" he yelled from the TOP of the hill, before disappearing from sight!

By the time Morison got to the top of the hill, the boy was GONE!


The Hospital

Sheriff Morison hiked back to his police jeep, then drove back into town with both boys [Cory and Mike] weighing heavily on his mind! Somewhere there HAD to be justice for them! He couldn't imagine what they were going through, both losing their parents and one nearly losing his LIFE in a viscous attack!

He parked outside the hospital entrance and walked in...wanting to visit 15yr old Michael O'Conner again, to get a prognosis on his condition! He was SHOCKED to find Michael not only up and alert...but walking around un-phased by his attack and operation!

"Sheriff..." called Patricia McCray [the godmother], upon seeing the law official appear in the doorway...! "'s a miracle!" she beamed! "The lord has answered our prayers!"

"Hi Sheriff!" greeted Mike, as bouncy as bright as any healthy teenager his age!

"uh...hi..." thrilled the sheriff, " are you feeling, Michael...?"

"Great!" answered the boy [playing a handheld videogame]! The sheriff walked over and examined the boy...! His wounds were completely healed! There wasn't even a surgical scar! "HOW is this possible...?" he asked the doctor present!

The doctor motioned Morison out into the hallway...

"I'm amiss to explain it myself..." admitted the physician, talking to the sheriff in confidence! "...other than to say his white blood cells are unusually high in content, allowing him to fight off infections faster than others!

"But he also MUST have an unusually high healing factor as well...! I've READ about it, but I've never seen it to THIS degree! This young man's blood may well HOLD the key to eternal life!"

"The `fountain of youth'..." repeated Morison, recalling the coroner saying the same about Mercer Atwood earlier!

"Exactly!" glee the doctor! "Imagine what we could DO with his blood if we could bottle it and turn it into a vaccine...? Hell...we could possibly live FOREVER!"


Eastern Heights

Mike O'Conner was cleared to go HOME with his godparents early that afternoon! Local media was outside, reporters eager to get the first looks at the boy many believed wouldn't make it through the night! The McCray's asked that they be left alone with their godson...?...thanking everyone for their concern who helped during the search for him the day before!

Once home Mike was happy to be in his own room! He looked around at his personal things, never having appreciated them more!

"We're going to LEAVE you to your privacy, Michael..." said Gene [his godfather], "...but you be SURE to call us if you need anything...! And I mean: ANYTHING!" insisted the older man!

"Thanks uncle Gene!" said Mike, as the older man closed the door behind him!

Mike flopped back in his own bed..., loving the feel of his superhero' sheets under him! Sitting up, he suddenly found himself listening to the silence...! to hear sounds and voices he'd never noticed before! He could actually HEAR his aunt' and uncle' talking about him downstairs..., their voices amplified as if speaking just outside his door! They voiced concerns about his well-being, asking if he was REALLY okay or was this some sort of pre-condition that happens to people of attack before befalling a serious illness...? How could he have recovered so quickly from those injuries...?' asked Pat [a nurse herself], `You don't just get up and leave the hospital after the kind of TRAUMAS he suffered! He was near DEATH last night..., now he's sitting upstairs in his room as if nothing happened!'

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Patricia...' warned her husband, ...just be grateful that he pulled through! Be grateful for the miracle!'

Michael got up and looked at himself in the mirror! There wasn't much he remembered about his ordeal..., the wounds they say he sustained no longer existed!

He undressed and made his way to the bathroom, taking a fresh shower, allowing the warm water to cascade all over his naked body...his soapy hands rubbing all over! Once he got to his cock and balls, he soaped them thoroughly...stroking his cock to erection before reaching behind with his other hand to finger his soapy anus! Liking the way the 2 sensations felt, he explored himself more...adding fingers and stroking faster! He recalled having sexual relations with his best friends; Cory...and Max [the gray wolf he befriended in the woods]! He recalled both entering his body...their cocks splitting his ass in two before sawing through him like a knife!

He came all over the shower wall...shooting more sperm than he'd ever shot in his life!

After his shower he dried himself off and returned to his room! He got on the internet where he looked up reports of his incident, reading about his disappearance and search of how he was found naked, bloody, and half-dead somewhere in a barn! He also read how Mercer Atwood was killed that same night in town, mistaken for the WOLF!

The report went on to mention how Anna Atwood [Mercer's wife] had been killed similarly 2yrs prior..., shot to death after hunters mistook HER for a wolf also! Mike knew Cory HAD to be devastated!

"Michael...dinner!" called Gene from downstairs!

Mike shut off his computer, then threw on some sweat clothes and jotted downstairs to eat!

"Dinner smells amazing, aunt Pat!" he smiled, taking a seat at the table with his uncle!

"I made some of your favorites, Mikey..." beamed the older woman, bringing in their plates, revealing her masterpieces! "...I thought we'd celebrate you returning home!"

"Thank you!" said Mike, digging in!

But while the food tasted fantastic, it didn't fill the HUNGER inside him, no matter how much he ate! Even after second helpings and a gigantic piece of homemade apple pie for dessert! He returned to his room upstairs feeling no less hungry...! if missing something!

A few hours later he went to bed...but he wasn't sleepy. He lay wide-awake listening to his aunt' and uncle' sleep down the hall! Getting up out of bed [naked]..., he walked over to the window, looking out into the wooded area behind his house!

In the darkness he could HEAR all the calls of the wild [birds, insects, animal], all wrestling about in the dark! He could hear them all CALLING to him! He opened the window, feeling the brisk chill of night against his skin! He climbed out onto the windowsill...then JUMPED down to the ground from the second floor, landing swiftly on his feet as easily as stepping off a curb!

Feeling the grass between his toes, he rushed off into the night, feeling the call of nature! It wasn't until several houses down that he came across a neighbor's cat in their backyard! The cat spotted him leaping [silently] over their 6' fence and hissed at him fiercely! Michael stopped to greet and pet the cat [whose name was: `Lady'], but the cat ran away! Mike quickly found himself in pursuit...catching the cat a few yards away..., killing it accidentally with his bare hands!


The McCray's were sitting downstairs having morning coffee...when Mike came down fully dressed for school!

"Michael..." called Pat, getting up from the kitchen table! "...why're you dressed...? You KNOW you don't have to go into SCHOOL today! You can stay HOME `sick' for a few days...!"

"But I WANT to go to school, aunt Pat..." insisted Mike, grabbing a small 6oz. carton of orange juice from the fridge for breakfast! "...I'll go CRAZY if I sit upstairs in my room all day! I need to get out and get back to normal! Okay...?"

"Okay, son...!" said Gene [knowing it might be best]!

"I would've made you a decent breakfast and packed your LUNCH had I known you wanted to go to school today...!" said the godmother [knowing she didn't have time for either now]!

"Thanks auntie...! I gotta GO, guys..." he said, hearing the bus coming down the street [even before it was within hearing distance]! "...see yous later!" he added, heading for the door, just as the bus started to come down the street!

The driver hadn't been expecting to see him [having heard (on the news) about his ordeal]! He stopped when he saw the boy standing at the corner with his book bag draped over his shoulder! Michael climbed onto the bus, with all the other students on board staring at him in disbelief..., most of them having heard he was near death experience! Mike walked down the aisle towards the back of the bus...taking his usual seat [Cory was nowhere in sight]!

"Hey dude..." said one of the boys seated closest to him [as the driver continued on! "...I heard you were near death...! How'r you walking around right now if they JUST found your bloody body yesterday...?" he asked [saying what others were thinking]!

Mike smirked...

"Obviously the news of my injuries were greatly exaggerated!" he amused [plainly], as the boy went back about his business!


Students and teachers stopped and stared at Michael [bewildered] as the boy made it into each of his classes! Some teachers had speeches prepared, wanting students to PRAY for `Michael's speedy recover' in the hospital..., only to find him sitting in class! The principal had to cancel a special rally scheduled later in the day, honoring the new student and having grievance counselors called in for those needing to cope with Michael's situation!

Michael had never felt more popular!

After school he purposely missed his bus to walk home through the woods! He was spotted by school bullies: Wyatt, Dylan, and Jesse! The trio had been sitting in the back of the school [smoking cigarettes] when they noticed Mike crossing the street into the woods! "Yo...check it out!" said Dylan (17), motioning his head towards Mike!

"Fuckin' FAG..." snarled Wyatt (also 17), tossing his cigarette bud aside! "...I bet the whole story about him being MAULED by an animal was a LIE..." he said [having developed a deep dislike for the city-boy]! "...probably something HE concocted to get some FAG sympathy or something!"

"You think?" laughed Dylan [in agreement]!

Wyatt reached down between his legs and groped his crotch...!

"Who's up for a blowjob...?" he asked, as Dylan and Jesse nodded their heads in unison, all getting quickly aroused!

"Let's go FIND the fag!" incited Wyatt, as the 3 boys got up to follow Mike into the woods!

Mike was walking through the forest trail that connects The East Ridge [where he lives] to town...! He was thrilling at all the wonderful things about nature that he never noticed before, seeing things in a new light, things he'd never paid much attention to before [the trees, the insects, the birds, the fresh air, etc.]!

It was THEN that he `sensed' someone following him! He turned around and looked back down the trail..., he didn't see anyone, but he could tell they were coming! Moving from the main trail, he cut through the density of the forest just as the boys came into view!

"What happened to him...? Where'd he go?" asked one of them, having lost sight of him! "He was right in front of us!"

"Over there!" pointed one of the boys, spotting him off path!

The boys took chase, cutting through the woods in pursuit! Over here!' they ran, pushing through the heavy vines and thorns! Mike ran as fast as he could, leaping 40feet across a creek to the other side! The boys came through a few moments later, stopping at the creek's edge! Where'd he go?' one asked, as the boys all looked around!

Over there!' one said, pointing across the creek! How'd he get over there...?'

"He must've went through!" said Wyatt, crossing through the water! "C'mon!"

"All this for a blowjob...?" asked Jesse (16), standing at the edge!

"It ain't about the blowjob..." said Wyatt, treading through cool waist-high water! "'s about RIGHTS! He's the NEW guy here...if he's gonna live in OUR town, he's gonna have to live by OUR rules!" Jesse started wading through the water...wanting to be on the side of his brothers! Once they got to the other side of the creek, they continued forward, splitting up in different directions to cover more ground!

Jesse thought he saw something, as he ran a few more yards until he lost direction! "Wyatt...? Dylan...?" he called into the air, listening for their voices! "Wyatt...?" he called again [getting panicky], realizing he might be lost! He HEARD something behind him, and spun around to see what it was...? "Mike...?" he called, hoping it wasn't something scary and viscous!

Just then something jumped down from the tree behind him...!...grabbing him and SLAMMING him back into the bark before LIFTING him with one hand into the air by his neck...! Jesse looked into the creature's eyes! It looked like Mike, except its face was fuzzy, its face all snarled, and its eyes had an evil glare!

<"Stay away from me!"> it said in a husky hiss...its voice sending chills directly up Jesse's spine!

"AHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he screamed out loud, so frightened that he peed himself! His friends came running in his direction, finding him crouching on the ground, shivering from fright!


North Ridge

Mike never felt more at peace than when he was at The North Ridge, overlooking Indian Cove Bay! The tranquility calmed him, making the rest of the world melt away! Up here he didn't have to worry about losing his with The McCray', bullies, grades, -or a future!

He took off his clothes [in the isolated wilderness], feeling the cool mountainous air breeze over his naked body! Standing on the edge of the cliff, he looked down at the water below and took a leap..., cannonballing into the water! For 30 minutes he frolicked in the lake, feeling lose and carefree! He finally climbed out after a while, climbing back up the banks to the grassy hillside! He laid down in the greenery, letting nature nurture him! He fell asleep for a while...awakened only when he felt something licking his face!

"MAX!" he cried, sitting up, giving his wolf-friend a big HUG!

"I've missed you, boy! Where you been, eh...? Where you been hiding? Are you good? Are you hungry?" he asked, petting the wolf all over, letting him lick him in the mouth, even extending his tongue as the 2 started frenching!

Max took to licking Mike's mouth out intently, his thick wet tongue darting in and out, touching every corner of his oral cavity! Mike allowed his hand to roam under the animal's belly, feeling his stiff cock hanging underneath! "I see someone's horny...!" he joked, reaching for it, stroking it! Feeling compelled to suck it, he laid back on the ground and took the cock in his mouth!

Max stood over Mike's face as the boy lifted and lowered his head up and down on stiff standing animal cock..., letting it slip further and further into the back of his throat until his face was pressing up into the wolf's furry balls!

Meanwhile `Max' couldn't help admiring Mike's 7" erection as it stood up over his abdomen! Max started licking over the boy's flat belly and navel, making Mike quiver underneath him! He licked his way down over his stomach towards the cock, lapping at the head and shaft with his long wet briskly tongue! Mike could feel his body reacting quickly, his sensitive woody pulsating and straining with wild excitement long before the boy was ready to cum!

"Ooohh..." he couldn't help moaning, pulling off of Max's erection, concentrating solely on his own pleasure as the wolf licked and lapped at his cock steadily and eagerly, painting the entire cock [particularly the head and underbelly] with his long wet oral muscle! "...OMG I'm gonna...I'm gonna...cum!" he warned, bucking as his cock suddenly started spurting ropes of white creamy cum from the tip like a geyser!

"Urrhhhh...! Urrhhh..! Urrhhh...! Urrhhh..." he groaned and grunted, as Max licked up every spurt, leaving little trace of his orgasm behind!

Once he recovered, Mike rolled over onto his hands and knees, presenting his ass for the animal to fuck! Max started licking Mike's bare ass, working his wet tongue into the boy's ass crack, washing it over his sensitive hole! Once thoroughly moistened, Max climbed onto Mike's back and started humping at his ass until his cock started punching its way through Mike's anus!

"UHG...! URRHH...! URRHHGG...!!" grunted Mike, feeling the cock bore through him!

Max wrapped his front paws around Mike's waist [holding him steady] and started fucking with hound-like humps! Mike kept his ass up high [his head low], giving Max deep access through his body as the wolf pounded him from behind!

For 6mins Mike felt Max's cock ripping at his asshole, as his hands gripped into the grass, trying to find support as his asshole was worked over roughly! He could feel Max's front paws gripping onto him urgently as the fuck thrusts came on furiously! Max didn't stop humping [working on animal instinct] until the final stroke when the semen exploded from his deeply embedded cock!

"RRROOOOOAAAAWWWWWWWW...!!!" he HOWLED as he came, bucking seriously after each injection, his plentiful sperm overflowing the colon it was buried in, backing out around his cock! Mike felt the deluge of animal sperm invade his body, saturating his innards before the cock quickly softened and fell [limply] from his ass...!

Mike thought that was the END of their tryst...when he noticed Max now staning away from him, tail in the air, presenting his own ass [submissively]! Mike's cock had re-hardened while getting fucked..., as he reached behind and scooped up some of the semen leaking from his ravaged hole, then smeared it over his cock before getting into position BEHIND Max and aiming his hard-on up against his anus before slowly pushing in!

"Ohh..." groaned Mike, feeling his cockhead starting to penetrate the tiny ass ring before his cock started to disappear beneath the wolf's tail and up the its backside! Mike grabbed hold of the animal's gray coat, holding him in position as he started fucking as Max stood on four feet, whimpering softly while his anal ring was split wide and fucked deep!

Max watched his cock sliding in and out of Max's tiny tight hole, feeling the muscles retract and squeeze around his digging prick! Despite just coming, he knew he wouldn't be able to last long as he leaned on over Max's back and continued fucking into him while hugging his thick coat cozily! Max turned his head and started licking Mike's face, his long wet tongue slathering from his chin up over his left cheek! Mike tilted his head in Max's direction and allowed the wolf's tongue to enter his mouth as Max continued licking him out!

"ohmygod're gonna make me cum..." groaned the boy, between slavering licks [wolf saliva now drooling from his open mouth]! He felt his cock starting to throb [hard] in Max's ass as he fucked faster! The wolf's anus gripped his cock like a choker! Mike groaned around the tongue darting through his oral cavity, ramming himself into the animal ass deeply before coming!

"...URRHHHHHHHHHHHGG...!!!" he screamed as the cum shot out of him in a heavy series of spurts, filling Max's anus! Mike fell against Max's back [weakly], as the 2 crumbled into the grass [still connected]...his cock still pulsating as it finished pumping its second load into him!

Max laid next to Mike [in spoon-position], as the 2 relaxed after an amazing session! They lost all track of TIME as they both drifted off to sleep! When Mike finally awakened, it was early evening!

"Oh shit..." he gasped, sitting up [realizing the time without looking at his cellphone]! "...Pat and Gene's gonna be worried SICK that I didn't get home from school yet!" he discerned, putting on his clothes as Max got to his feet! "I'm sorry boy, but I gotta get home!" he apologized, petting the wolf about the top of his head before heading home! Max walked Mike back to the main path, following him all the way to the edge of the forest to make sure he made it home safely! Mike jotted across the street to the McCray's house, where his godparents were understandably happy to see him alive and well!

This story is written by EUGENE MARVIN aka If you liked this story and would like to read more, please write me at the address above with your questions, comments, and/or suggestions. Thank you!]

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