Crystal Heart

By NeoMalfoy

Published on Mar 6, 2002


Title: Harry Potter and The Crystal Heart Author: NeoMalfoy Rating: for the story: NC-17 adult for graphic sex between two young boys. This Chapter: PG-13 for language.

Pairings: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley right now. Coming soon: Harry/Draco Malfoy,

Fred Weasley/George Weasley and more!

Spoilers: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, HP CoS.

Disclaimer: Not Mine wish they where but then they wouldn't have been published.

The boys are JK Rowling's and distributed in book form by Raincoast Bloomsbury in Canada and others worldwide. The movie belongs to Warner Bros. I don't make a Cent. Just like to have them as my slaves willing to do anything I wish... Don' worry I'll Put them back nice and clean. Lyrics contained in this chapter are owned by:

Bible Belt-Travis Tritt

If you are under the legal age to read XXX or are easily offended by M/M Slash fiction then Piss Off! Yeh've been warned!

Feedback: OH YEAH! Send comments, questions and HOWLERS to NeoMalfoy

Chapter 6: The Alliance.

"... They better get their heads together, or they gonna slap leather with the lord in the Bible belt.... Yeah there's a lotta good people who've been lead astray..."

Harry was once again descending the stairs to the kitchen, once again Ron had not disturbed the sleeping Harry for fear of evoking the wrath of Molly. Being Saturday the Burrow was once again deserted everyone seemed to have something to do, Molly had taken Ginny out shopping, and the twins had... well who know where the twins had fucked off too... Arthur had taken Percy with him to the Ministry, Bill had left to return to work in Africa. When Harry heard the music coming from the kitchen he smirked, then when he heard Ron singing with along with it he missed a step and went arse over tea kettle down the stairs.

"...That believe what the Good Book says. But I'll tell ya something brother when your dealin' with the devil it though to keep a level head..." Ron's singing came to a sudden halt when he heard the bouncing of boyfriend butt on the stairs. "Harry!!"

Still snickering Harry got up, "I'm ok Ron really... Just... you... singing Muggle songs!!"

"What!?" asked Ron indignantly.

"I just never figured you for a country music fan that's all," replied Harry gaining control.

Looking at his watch he noticed that it was getting late and they had plans... They were heading back to London to that Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Alliance that Rachelle had told them about before Christmas.

"Shouldn't we Floo it to The Leaky Cauldron and find a phone to call Rachelle?" asked Harry.

"Yep, If you're ready let's go,"

"Am I ever ready to travel by Floo?" asked Harry.

Ron just snickered. Grabbing the Floo canister from the shelf over the heath he tossed the powder in to the fire and with that the boys vanished. They went zooming though the Floo network to their destination. Stepping from the fire pit they brushed the soot from their clothes, both dressed in Muggle wear they looked quite out of place standing there in jeans and tee shirts while the rest of the patrons were dressed in multi coloured robes.

"All right there Harry!" waved Tom the Barkeep in the wizards pub.

"Yep! Thanks Tom!" Called Harry back jovially.

They crossed the bar and walked on to the sunny street. Pointing to a phone Harry grabbed Ron and with the other hand fished in his pocket for change for the phone. He then grabbed the card from the other pocket and plugged the correct amount of money into the phone and dialed the number.

He waited for the phone to connect and ring two rings went by and he heard a voice on the other end, "Hello?"

"Hi... c-c-can I-I speak to Rach-Racelle please..." He stumbled suddenly very apprehensive.

"Yeah speaking."

"Hi... you probably don't remember me but we met last weekend at your work and we talked in the food court for a bit... my name's Harry Potter," he said thankful that it was Rachelle who had picked up the phone.

"Yeah... Closet Boy! Hey how's the boyfriend, Ron wasn't it?" she asked obviously pleased to hear Harry's voice.

"He's okay he's standing beside me." Harry smiled. "we were wondering if... I mean you said that if we needed help to get to the meeting that..."

"Sure!" She said, saving Harry from further stuttering. "We're about to leave now... Where abouts are you?"

Harry told her where they were and Rachelle told him Jo and her would be there in about ten minutes. After saying their good-bye's Harry hung up the phone and let Ron know they were coming.

The two boys found a bench to sit on and wait for the young ladies to arrive. Ten minutes passed as they watched the cars go by wondering which car was going to stop and pick them up finally a black Volvo stopped and the front window rolled down and the pink haired head of Rachelle popped up.

"Ready to roll guys!?" She called.

The two jumped from their perch and opening the back door hopped in the car.

"This is Jo my partner," Rachelle introduced the two to the woman driving the car.

She gave a wave of her hand and grunted, then quickly replaced her hand on the wheel.

"Ignore her she hates to be disturbed while driving and plus she hasn't got any caffeine in her system so she's still a goon!" chuckled Rachelle, giving Jo a cheek pinch.

"Get OFF!" Jo screamed and then punched Rachelle in the arm hard.

"Ow!" Cried Rachelle. "Fuck Jo not so hard eh? Christ we have guests in the car and they don't need to know about you S/M fetish!"

"Then don't fucking piss me off," spat Jo from the side of her mouth.

"Quick pit stop... let's get some coffee into her shall we?" Asked Rachelle.


Harry and Ron sat there in stunned silence...

Just then a small Ford cut in front of them, "Arsecunt!!" yelled Jo at the blue car.

"Well that's a hairy subject..." replied Rachelle.

Harry and Ron held their breath waiting for Jo to whack Rachelle again, but incredibly Jo started to giggle, then out right laugh, "Fuck Shell you know I hate when you say that."

"Well stop saying Arsecunt then."

Then ride to the coffee shop after the Arsecunt incident was decidedly less tense. After the coffee Jo even became chatty with the two in the back wanting to know all about how they had me Shell as she called Rachelle. The two told her all about meeting Rachelle at the Virgin Megastore and their later conversation. Filling in what each other missed. Jo Gasped at the point where they explained about Harry's life with the Dursley's. Moments after that the car came to a stop in front of a small red brick building.

"Used to be a fire station..." said Jo as they climbed out of the car and headed towards the entrance.

Following the two women to the rather large room in which the meeting was to take place a few people where gathered there already. "Hi gang!" Called Rachelle.

"Ready to start?"

"Yep," said one of the guys and everyone took a seat.

Introductions were made, they guy that had answered Jo was now standing. "Nicholas Creevy..."

At this Harry and Ron gasped, Nicholas looked at the two for a minute... "Problem?" he asked them.

"Uhh... No," replied Harry. "You wouldn't Happen to have a brother named Collin though."

This time Nicholas gasped, "You know Collin?"

"Yeah he's in our house at school..." replied Ron.

"Hold on You go to ...Collin's school?" replied Nicholas. "Wait... Messy black hair Glasses... and a Lightning scar... Oh my Goddess...! You're Harry Potter!"

Harry groaned inwardly obviously young Collin had told his brother all about him. "yeah that's me..."

The others around the room looked at them.

"Does Collin know your gay?" asked Harry.

"I could ask the same," Replied Nicholas. "Yeah he knows though."

"Well I don't think he knows... yet," replied Harry. "but I don't think it's going to be a secret much longer Ron and I are not hiding it anymore."

At this is a round of applause issued from the others.

"Well," said Rachelle, "me and Jo here know who you are so why don't you introduce yourselves and tell us about you."

Harry started knowing that now Jo and Rachelle where not the only ones who knew him infect Nicholas being brothers with Collin Creevy guaranteed that Nicholas knew about Ron and his secret...

"Harry Potter, ok... Well up until a few years ago I lived with my mothers sister's family... My Parents were killed, My Aunt, Uncle and Cousin all hated me cause they hated my parents and for 10 years I Lived in the closet under the stairs."

At this everyone gasped and looked at Harry.

"... It's true on my Eleventh birthday I found out that I had been accepted into a very prestigious boarding school that my parents had arranged for me to attended when I was born...It was the same school that they had went to and first met. Since then I spend only summers at home with the Dursley's. At school I met the most wonderful friends like Hermione, she's a little hard to take cause she's really into her school work. Most of all I met Ron I fell in love with him on that first ride to school although it took me all this time to figure it out. Since starting school though we've had some pretty awesome and strange adventures..." Harry finished.

"Wow," said Nicholas. "Collin never said anything about that."

"Well said Harry to tell you the truth only Ron and Hermione know that, plus I hat e to say it but your brothers kinda... what's the word..."

"Clingy?" Finished Nicholas.

"Yeah that's it!" laughed Harry.

"Now Ron why don't you say hi?" Asked Jo.

"Right, ok, I'm Ron Weasley, I come from a large family five brothers one sister two of my brothers are twins I just found out that they are gay too. Other than that my life is pretty much the same has Harry's"

"Ok does anyone have a question of the week?" Asked Rachelle.

"I do" said a girl further in the back., "Do you believe in Magic?"

"Interesting question," replied Jo. "Anyone wanna start?"

The girl that asked the question started. "I do, and not just the hocus pocus that illusionists claim to be magic, but actual magic like being able to cast spells and the ability to influence the future. I mean think about it there are times that I think gee I wish this would happen or that would happen and then it does not right away but it usually does happen. It's happened too many times for me to think that it's only just coincidence."

"I think magic is just a bunch of bullshit!" chimed in a beefy looking guy sitting next to Nicholas. "Think about it... you can just whisper a few words and influence anything and think about it physics are all frauds... I mean they tell you to ask them simple questions their answers are usually it'll happen or it won't hey well thanks it's a fifty/fifty shot if it happens they were right and did predict the future or if wrong then hey it was a bad day... the planets were out of alignment... plus these hotlines read the fine print at the bottom... For entertainment Purposes Only... yeah so that if their wrong they can say 'well we told you it was only for entertainment only'... All a bunch of bloody bullocks!"

"No those people who claim that they are psychic and charge four quid a minute are frauds no true Seer would charge that way for their services. But I think that we are all slightly psychic, I mean haven't you ever been somewhere that you know you've never been before yet it feels familiar or you know where things are without being told?"

"No," said the beefy guy who's if Harry remembered right name was Frank. He then turned towards Harry and Ron, "What about you two?"

"Mmmm?" Said Harry thoughtfully. Should he agree with Frank when he knew full well that magic did actually exist.

"Well I think that to a degree magic exists I mean well I've seen some things that science just can't explain... let's just leave it at that." He decided to say.

The group sat around for several more hours talking about different subjects finally Rachelle announced wrap up and let everyone know about next weeks safe-sex speaker. "You will be joining us again Harry, Ron?"

"We can't school starts Monday and it's really far away, sorry. But perhaps we could keep in touch through Nicholas?" asked Harry.


With that Good-bye's were said and they left talking to Nicholas quickly telling him to expect letters the normal way since his brother went to Hogwarts he realized that that meant via Owl Post, and said good-bye.

With that Rachelle and Jo dropped Harry and Ron off near the Leaky Cauldron and they returned by Floo to the Burrow to prepare for the return trip to Hogwarts Sunday evening.

Next: Chapter 7

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