Cubus Contract

By Drake Startrick

Published on Mar 1, 2010


Before this chapter gets started, I wanted to thank all the people who emailed me and provided great feedback on the first chapter. Some of you got really into discussion on the whole cubus thing and got me to define things stronger, even if that doesn't all reflect in this chapter particular. I continue to look forward to feedback on this series. I also apologize for this chapter coming in so late. I had meant for this chapter to be completed in february but I had alot of problems (virus on computer, then virus in me-bad cold, then my grandfather passing away, all wrapped up in a workload from school.)

Sexual content advisory-If your not old enough to read such where you are: Don't read it.

Chapter 2

Sayla looked him up and then drew her gaze to a squint as she looked him back down. Grant was only a couple of inches taller than her-admittedly that didn't necessarily say that his 6'1 frame was short in stature. Smiling she reached out gingerly with her right hand and tussled his sandy blonde hair. Then she cupped her hand and clapped his cheek a couple of times. "Your hair's a mess. I'm not going anywhere with you like that," she announced. "I'll wait in the car. You get back in there before anybody sees you and find a mirror."

Sayla turned around and began to walk back down the steps, then stopped and turned. "Is that a comb by your feet?" she asked.

Grant looked down and sure enough, there it was. "Uuh, yeah. I just dropped it."

"Then pick it up and use it." And with that she turned and continued walking.

Grant picked up the come and closed the door. <You just dropped the comb when you merged?> he asked Rodden in his thoughts. <You were the one in a hurry,> Rodden shot back. Then he asked <you want me to finish your hair?> <No. I can do that myself. And I'm still in a hurry!>

Grant used the oval mirror mounted in the living room to finish combing his hair and ran back out. After meeting with Sayla's approval-"It'll suffice" were her exact words- he climbed into the front passenger seat and they were off.

The movie theatre was dark, as always. Sayla had already bought tickets for an action movie Grant had seen commercials of. It was a 3D IMax re-showing of a movie that had made it big over the middle of summer and Sayla seemed excited about it. It was things like this about her that always threw Grant for a loop. By his knowledge, a date with a girl in which she would choose the movie should usually result in endless boredom through a romantic comedy which said girl would try to use to ignite her own romantic moment. All the shape shifting metal monsters in this movie didn't exactly raise romantic notions. And even the main character's hot girlfriend was more like fan service than emotional character development.

Grant enjoyed the movie none the less. Well, he enjoyed it until one of the IMax 3D monsters jumped out of the screen-or so it appeared- and Sayla grabbed his hand and dug her fingernails into him. Grant yelped at the pain and Sayla turned and flashed him a `your ridiculous' look. He could hear Rodden and Hollick giggling into his thoughts. he heard Hollick whisper. Grant chose to ignore the comment.

Next to Grant, Sayla sat, gazing into the massive screen through her 3D glasses but only vaguely aware of what was happening on it. She was silently cursing herself, careful not to look directly back at Grant again. She hadn't meant to claw into his hand like that. And worse, she had faked ignorance with that expression. What was she doing? Inflicting pain was definitely not a way to win someone's heart. Then again, at least she had taken her reluctant `other' out to an action flick. Romance was too obvious and besides, she couldn't bear to watch another sappy love comedy. No. If she wanted to win Grant's attention she was going to have to find moments in things he was willing to do. She was just thankful he had actually come this time. But she couldn't help wondering if it was something more troublesome that was making him cancel their dates all the time-as opposed to shear reluctance to start a relationship.

The movie was over much too quickly for Grant. Out of the dark theatre and trapped in the passenger seat of Sayla's car again, what was he supposed to say? <Say I'd fuck you, but I have to eat tonight> Rodden cut into his thoughts. Grant conjured a giant metal hand and slapped a mental image of the incubus in his head. <Ouch!> Hollick yelped, <Watch who your slapping!> he complained.

Grant didn't apologize. He was too distracted by the question Sayla was now asking him. "So, you liked the movie?"

thought Grant. "Yeah, it was cool," he replied. he thought to himself miserably. "I mean," he tried again, "it's not something I would think you were into." Now he wanted to ram his face through the windshield.

"Oh, well, my moms have been going through this love-comedy movie marathon phase and it's gotten me to hate the genre with a passion."

"How are your moms doing?" Grant asked, remembering Sayla had two mothers- her biological mother, and her step mother from her father's second marriage after the first divorce and before he'd died. Now the two former wives lived together with their shared daughter. Grant was always weighing whether or not his Cubus situation was more awkward than Sayla's living arrangement.

"They are dramatic as ever. As usual. I was so glad when I finally got this car I could get out of `fem-land'.

"Yeah, I remember your birthday when you got it. You wanted to abandon the party altogether and just drive all day."

"I still do," she smiled. "You know, I was driving back from school this afternoon and I swung by the park-just, you know, for driving's sake. There were a couple of cop cars out by the parking lot and two cops were carrying this guy over their shoulders to the car. He looked pretty beaten up. You think he was mugged or he just had a bad fall?"

Grant sucked in air sharply. He hoped Sayla hadn't noticed. The guy probably wasn't Marlenn, he told himself. He sought assurance but neither Rodden nor Hollick said a word. If the police started investigating the aftermath of the fights there would be a lot more trouble. "I wouldn't know," he told Sayla, "I didn't see him, you did. But I doubt anyone would try mugging someone in that public park."

"Yeah, your right," Sayla agreed, "it was probably just a bad fall. They were bringing him down from that forest trail area. He must have tripped forward into some tree cause his face was messed up."

Grant couldn't be thinking about this now. Not about the fights or what it would mean if there were investigations going around. He couldn't look deathly concerned about some random thing Sayla happened to see while cruising around. He decided to change the subject. "So, were you at the school late again today?"

"Yep, I'm almost done with my new painting. Everyone in the art club wants to see it. They keep going on about how weird it is that I won't show them my progress."

"It is kinda weird," Grant commented, "Don't you usually always show where you're at in a project? I mean, like, constantly?"

"Well, yeah, but this one..." she trailed off. "I dunno, this one just feels different. Like, even I can't see what it really is until I complete it, you know. So I want to be the first to understand what it is."

"That's still kinda weird. But I guess it's an artsy weird thing," Grant tried to console.

"It's like, remember when I was 8 and I started taking lots of pictures of my cat and making a scrap book and I told everyone it was important. And when they asked me why I told them I didn't know, I just knew that it was- Oh here we are." Sayla cut off her own ramblings. She parked on the street in front of the walkway to Grant's front steps.

Grant thanked Sayla for the movie and said goodbye. He walked up to the front steps and into his house. He could hear his mother in the kitchen and stopped in to greet her. "Hi, mom. I'm home."

"Hi, honny," replied his mother. The long red locks of her hair were still tied up in a business-bun. She was still wearing nice clothes. "We just got back too, your father is in our room undressing." She smiled, "Did you get something to eat while you were out?"

"Yeah," Grant lied. "Already ate. Took a shower before I went out too. I think I'm just going to go to my room and crash for the night."

"All right. I'll tell your father he just missed you. I know how you don't like to be bothered when your going to bed. `Night hon'."

And with that, Grant was up the stairs-two by two, but careful to take the stairs this time. He swung his door shut behind him and began to strip. Once he took his shirt off, he stretched his palms out. Hollick and Rodden came swirling out of his skin like two genies sprung from their lamps.

While Grant finished undressing, Hollick and Rodden got their bed ready, unfolding the blankets and fluffing the pillows. Grant waited for one of the two incubi t crawl into bed. "Are we not going to make out this time either?" asked Hollick.

"I'm really tired," replied Grant, "and besides, both my parents are still awake."

"Fine, I'll be the body pillow tonight then," said Hollick, sliding onto the bed.

Grant gave a weak smile, "Thanks Holl'," and positioned himself over Hollick's long, thick member. He slid down along the length as if his soft, yet tight, hole was shaped just for it. Once he was completely impaled, Grant slowly laid his back against Hollick's soft chest and abs. They weren't soft in a flabby way. More like a strong, spongy substance that Grant found more comfortable to lie on than any of his pillows-or his mattress for that matter. And so smooth too.

"How `bout we keep you from making a mess tonight before we go to bed," Rodden suddenly decided, crawling onto Grant so that his mouth was near Grant's stiffening cock. He gently lowered his own shaft towards Grant's face and Grant obliged by opening his mouth and relaxing his throat. Rodden lowered his cock down, down, deep into Grant's throat before picking up Grant's fully erect length and inserting it into his own throat.

Hollick began gyrating his hips up and down, pumping into Grant and forcing Grant's own pelvis upward into Rodden. For Rodden's part, he simply let Grant play with him, sucking and squeezing his throat muscles until Rodden's member started to twitch on its own. Five minutes past and Grant felt both Rodden and Hollick swell inside him and knew what was coming. A few seconds later and he moaned lightly around Rodden as he felt his one source of nutrients fill him from both ends. The feeling of his stomach bulging with satiated satisfaction caused him to reach his own limit. Grant let loose rope after gushing rope into Rodden's throat.

Once Grant's member calmed down Rodden removed his own still-hard organ and adjusted his position until he was facing Grant's face. He moved around a little until he was able to insert his cock into Grant's hole alongside Hollick, then he kissed Grant.

Grant opened his mouth to accept Rodden's gift- his own cum, teasing gobs of it out from the inside of Rodden's cheeks with his tongue. When that was over Grant turned his head and kissed Hollick, still lying beneath him. The night's activities completed, Grant settled back against Hollick's warm front as Rodden brought the blanket over the three of them. In seconds Grant was sound asleep, two cock's nestled in his ass, right where they were every night-<right where they should be. . . right?> Grant thought as he drifted off.

Grant knew he was dreaming- stuff like floating trees gripping their roots to fluffy white clouds was impossible. Yet here he was, walking along a cloud bank, the sun shadowed by the foliage of the wide arching branches above him. Just as he was starting to ask himself why he was so high up in the first place the shadows ended and so did the clouds. The problem was, his feet wouldn't stop. Grant just kept walking like his shoes were possessed and dragging him further until he was completely over the edge. He made a weak grab for the white, wispy cliff but knew it was useless. Wondering what was coming next, he let himself fall through the sky.

He kept spiraling downwards, the wind sending his hair into short upward streaks, whistling in his ears as he plummeted. Suddenly, without any sign of warning, Grant hit the ground hard-his shoulder slamming into the earth first, a loud cracking sound, as the rest of his body followed. In deep agony, gripping his broken left shoulder with his right arm, he got himself into an upright position and then up onto his feet. He was in a dark forest. Grant wasn't sure what forest he was in, these branches and trunks somehow warped in amongst themselves, tangling so thick he couldn't help but wonder how he had penetrated the thick foliage without hitting a single spindly wooden limb.

"Help!"- a voice. The first voice Grant had heard since the dream had started, if it had ever started. Now he wondered if it would ever end.

"Help us!"-another voice. Two voices calling from deeper into the dark crowd of trees. Grant felt compelled to reach out to them. To do as they asked-help. He slowly made his way in the direction the voices were echoing from, shoulder firmly gripped in one hand, not knowing what kind of help his injured being could provide. At some point Grant could see a soft glow from a clearing not far ahead of him and he trudged forward drawn in by the light.

The light was coming from a strange circular pattern etched in the ground, odd symbols and curling vines wrapped around each other to form a large ring within which, two man-sized semi-liquid creatures moaned and pined for freedom. They had no definitive shape, their mercury silver bodies oozed and warped as they moved about their strange prison.

"You must help us!" cried one of them.

"Only you can save us from our death!" The other begged.

"The hunter is mistaken-" one began

"He's mad!" the other interjected.

"The demon hunter believes we are his demons to prey but we are not." The first continued.

"We are not in the least, not that stupid holy propaganda." The other concurred, "This is why we don't make our existence public."

Not sure what the two metallic blobs were arguing about, Grant still felt compelled to aid them. "How do I help you?" he asked, solemnly. Still gripping his shattered shoulder.

The two undescriptively shapeless beings turned to Grant again. "That shoulder looks bad. We can help repair it," said the first.

"How did you get like that?" asked the second.

"I fell," was all Grant said in reply.

"Okay, if you're going to help us there is only one way out of this confounded seal. You need to agree to a contract with us." The first explained

"We're really going to become Contractors?" asked the second.

"Yes, it's the only way. And we'd better do it fast before he comes back," turning to Grant, the first continued, "Do you accept these contracts?"

"I'm not sure what the contracts are but if it will help-" Grant began.

"We don't have time to explain! Decision time, do you want to help us or not?" cried the second.

"Yes, I do," said Grant.

"Then you'll need to extend both your hands through the edge of the circle," the first instructed, "we'll do the rest."

Grant struggled to make his left hand move. It twitched slightly. Not good enough. He focused harder, imagining sending a pulse of energy through his shattered shoulder and into his arm with one instruction in mind-`up'. Finally, quivering, he managed to raise his left arm and stretch it through the circle. He felt a slight tug when he breached the edge, like he had pierced some soft delicate tissue. The same feeling came when he stretched his right arm through the barrier.

"Okay, we have to do this at exactly the same time if we're both to get out of here. One more thing," the first said as they oozed nearer to his hands, "boy, you might at first experience a slight discomfort." And then they were upon him. What Grant presumed to be arms stretched out of the shapeless muck and each creature grabbed one hand at exactly the same time. There was a strange tingly feeling in Grant's hands and then, suddenly, the shimmering mercury creatures were oozing down his arms, bypassing the barrier. But they didn't stop, they continued on up his biceps and shoulders, up his neck until his mouth was forced open wide and a flood of silver liquid gushed down his throat.

Grant gasped as his eyes fluttered open. The dream was gone. He was in his bed again, Hollick's warm body resting against the skin of his back, Rodden's against the skin of his front. Light streamed in from the window above his bed. "It's morning?" he whispered to himself.

"Grant," Rodden asked, "are you alright? We just finished feeding you breakfast when you started moaning and making a gurgling sound."

"We were worried," added Hollick.

<The second speaks, and then the first.> mused Grant in his mind. To the two incubi, he said, "I had a dream."

"What kind of dream had you making those noices?" Rodden asked.

"I dreamt about the first time I met you guys. In the forest, when I agreed to the contracts," Grant elaborated. The incubi said nothing. What could they say to that? Grant let the silence hang for a few seconds and then turned to look at the clock on his bedside stand. 7:00 am-it read. "It's 7:00?" Grant asked, "Oh my god! I have to get ready for school! The bus'll be here in 30 minutes!"

Trying to get free of the bed, he found he was still impaled by the two cocks. Rodden and Hollick dislodged themselves and rushed to help Grant get his school things ready while he sprinted to the bathroom to take a shower. "I can't be late for class!" he yelled before shutting the bathroom door.

To be continued . . .

So this chapter was more about developing some character and elaborating on Grant's background. I decided to hold off on some of the other characters at school until next chapter as I didn't want the sheer number of new characters to eclipse some of the more poignant moments in this chapter-especially Grant's dream. I'm always looking toward feedback and excited to hear from my readers so please don't be shy. Drop me a line (or a paragraph even!) at

And remember, "More fun to cum, The Cubus Contract has just begun!" (That rhymes . . . sorta.)

Next: Chapter 3

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