Cuck Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Jul 1, 2024


Chapter 15

Suddenly from behind me, I felt a hand slap me on the shoulder.

"Alright boys" came Josh's voice. "So looks like you've met the cuck then."

I looked round at him, shocked, and at the confused faces of the other guys. I kind of wanted the ground to open up. I could imagine exactly where this was going to go.

"What do you mean `cuck'?" one of them, the taller, darker haired one, asked.

Josh laughed. "Oh, he's not told you the full story yet then? So he came here on holiday with his boyfriend Harry, but he's basically accepted that he's not good enough to be dating that stud over there, so me and Harry got together and now he just follows us round and does what we tell him.".

I dropped my head. I really didn't want to see the looks on the other guys faces. It felt like it could go one of a couple of ways. Either they just find the whole situation weird and walk off, or...

"Wow, shit" the second guy, shorter and broader with lighter brown hair, chipped in. "So what, are they not boyfriends any more?"

Josh laughed again and got his phone out. "I dunno man, but look at this". He showed them the phone, and I could hear my own voice. I knew straight away what he was showing them.

"I think Harry should choose Josh as his boyfriend. Josh is a real man, and Harry deserves a sexy real man to fuck and enjoy time with. I'd like to be their servant and property if they let me".

The two guys started laughing.

"Fuck man. Was he off his face when you recorded that?"

"No man, 100% sober. Look at him. He just knows his place in the hierarchy. Don't you fag?"

I looked up finally, at the three guys grinning and enjoying the sense of power they all now felt they had over me.

"Yes Sir" I answered, not really seeing any other path I could take from this situation.

"It's pretty pathetic, but this all turns him on" Josh added.

"Serious?" one of the guys asked.

"Yeah man. Not that you could tell, cos we locked his dick in a cage, and I've got the key. Anyways, I'm gonna go catch up with the other guys. See you later".

Having dropped his grenades, Josh headed off, leaving me with the two guys

The two of them just looked at me.

"Yeah, it's kind of all true. Sorry I wasn't straight with you". I thought for a second they might be about to give me some sympathy.

"Man, that's the most pathetic thing I ever heard" the taller guy said. "Not only did you let this guy take your boyfriend off you, but then you also became their bitch". He laughed and downed some of his beer.

The other guy moved round the table next to me. "Let me feel that cage then boy". He reached down and gripped his hand round the plastic cage.

"Fuck man. He's properly punked you. Taken your man and then taken away your dick".

The taller guy moved round and also felt the cage. "Fuck. You just let that dude own you. You are such a little bitch. Now you can't even get hard while those two studs walk round your apartment naked and fuck together"

"No Sirs" I answered. It felt like what they'd want to hear.

They both burst out laughing. "Good boy, showing respect to your superiors"

I saw movement from over on the dance floor and then the group of them started heading back towards our table, Harry included. I really didn't want a bigger crowd right now.

Harry came across and put his arms round me from behind and kissed my neck. He looked amazing, with his top off and the lights from the club flashing across his muscly torso. I felt incredibly jealous of the guys who had been dancing with him. I'm not sure I'd ever been so attracted to my boyfriend as I was right now.

"A few of us are thinking to head back to the flat for some fun. We might come back here a bit later. I'll text you when it's safe to come back, ok?"

When he first started to say it, my heart was racing with the excitement of the prospect and then when he let me know I was going to be staying here, my heart sank a little. My dick strained in the cage. I looked across at the grin on Josh's face, and at the three other sexy shirtless guys, whose sweat I'd be smelling all over the sheets on the bed tomorrow morning. The three other guys were also leaving their two friends behind, so it would just be the three of us left here.

One of the other guys came up next to Harry and put a hand on his chest. Harry slipped his hand down the back of the guys shorts and they started kissing.

As they pulled away, the guy asked Harry "Who's this guy?"

"Sorry man" Harry said, "this is Ste. He's staying at the flat too".

I knew Harry just didn't want to confuse the guy, but it still hurt hearing him describe me like that.

"Oh, hey man. We'll try not to be fucking the whole night so at least you can get some sleep" he said, laughing.

"Ok, catch you later babe" Harry said into my ear, and he turned to head off, with his hand still down the guy's shorts.

Josh leaned across the table after Harry was out of earshot.

"Hey, cuck, for the rest of the evening, you take orders from these guys, understood?"

The two guys smiled.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a bitch for the night" the shorter one said.

"Yes Sir" I answered to Josh. After hearing Harry call me just a guy staying in the flat, I kind of lost any energy to fight back.

"Good boy. We've trained you well". And then Josh followed to catch up with Harry and the other guys, leaving me alone with the two strangers.

"Fuck man. Your boyfriend wouldn't even admit to dating you. That's so humiliating" the taller guy said, smirking.

"Is that like a brutal way of breaking up with you. Sticking his tongue down another guys throat, and then telling the guy you're basically just a lodger?" the other guy added.

"So fucking cringe. It's kind of funny you just sit there and take it"

"Yeah man, zero self respect".

The two guys left their empty bottles and went to get another drink, then went off to the dance floor which had got a lot busier now. I stayed at the table and just let their words sink into me. I didn't think that was Harry breaking up with me, but now they said it I started to fear that's what it was. Seeing how sexy he looked I really didn't feel I deserved him. I could imagine how hot he would look fucking with those other guys and truthfully I knew they were all out of my league.

The two guys came back. From hearing them talk to each other, I picked up that the shorter guy was Craig and the taller, darker haired guy was Mason. They'd obviously had another drink or two pretty quickly because they seemed that bit more tipsy.

"Ok boy, as we're in charge of you, we've decided we want to have some fun" Mason said.

"Yeah, we wanna see how much more pathetic we can make you" Craig added.

"And you'll do everything we tell you, because you're a worthless, dickless bitch whose boyfriend wants to fuck every guy except you.

"Yes Sirs" I answered, almost on autopilot now.

"Go over to that shirtless guy at the bar, tell him you're a pathetic cuck and you'd really like him to spit in your mouth".

I looked across to the ripped stud at the bar. He was in incredible shape. The kind of guy there was zero chance I would approach at the bar in any normal setting.

Mason grabbed the back of my neck and used it to lift me to a standing position. "Do it now faggot, obey your superiors, you know what to do" and he pushed me in the direction.

I found my feet continuing in the trajectory he'd pushed me, gradually moving towards the guy at the bar. My brain felt weirdly empty, the only thing in there were the words they'd given me. I got to the bar next to the guy and leaned in to speak to him, and the words spilled out.

"Hi, I'm a pathetic cuck, and I'd really like you to spit in my mouth Sir"

The guy pulled his face away a bit to see if I was serious. Maybe to see if I looked high as well. I looked at him sincerely and he could see I meant it. A smile crept across his face.

He leaned in towards me. "How about you kneel in front of me and ask me again boy"

I didn't even really hesitate, or stop to look around at the hundreds of people in the club who would see me doing this.

I dropped to my knees and looked up at him.

"I'm a pathetic cuck, and I'd really like you to spit in my mouth please Sir"

"Ok boy, open wide" he said, and I did what he said and stuck my tongue out, as he gathered up the spit in his mouth and slowly let it drop into my mouth and rest on my tongue. I let it sit there a few seconds so he could see it.

"Ok, swallow it bitch" he ordered, and I closed my mouth and let it slide down my throat.

"Thankyou Sir" I said, and he grinned and slapped my cheek then turned back to the bar. Another guy joined him and asked him something. They both looked down at me and laughed then turned back to the bar.

"...dunno, some dumb little loser..." I overheard the guy reply to his mate.

After a few seconds I got up and walked back towards the table. I could see a few of the guys around who had witnessed it laughing and shaking their heads as I went past.

Back at the table Craig and Mason were killing themselves laughing.

"No way did I think he would do that" Craig said.

"So fucking funny" Mason agreed.

They went off to get another drink and dance again. After five minutes I noticed a group of three other guys heading towards the table. I figured they would walk straight past, but they seemed to be looking at me, and as they approached the table, I realised they were coming to speak to me.

"Hey man, are you the spit guy?" one asked, laughing. I could tell from the accent he was North American.

I nodded reluctantly.

"Fuckin A"

"Yeah man, we wanna play too" another said, coming round behind me.

"You ready to get some more tasty phlegm from real men to swallow down that fag throat?"

I nodded.

"Good little bitch"

The one standing behind me, reached his hands round and used his fingers to hold my mouth open.

The guy standing to the side got his phone out and started filming, while the guy in front of me held my chin so I was looking straight at him.

"You ready for my spit fag?"

I tried to nod and answer yes, but was restricted by the guy behind me with his fingers holding my mouth open. All three laughed at the garbled noise I made.

"I think that was a yes man" the third guy said, laughing

The guy in front of me, gathered his spit and leaning in, spat hard in my mouth. I felt it hit the back of my throat.

"Fuck yeah" the guy holding me said.

He did it two more times, and each time the other guys encouraged him.

"Me next" the guy filming said, and switched round with the guy who just spat, who took over filming.

That guy then did exactly the same, three hard spits in my mouth, while the guy behind continued to hold my mouth open as their target.

"What a fuckin loser" the guy behind me said, and stuck the fingers of one hand deeper in my mouth to swirl round the spit loads that the two guys had deposited in there.

"C'mon, lets go upload that shit" the guy holding the camera said, and the three of them disappeared off"

A bit more time passed before Craig and Mason reappeared.

"Good to see you making new friends bitch", Craig said.

"Time to take you to bathroom now though, where you're gonna spend the next part of this evening"

I followed them through the club to the largeish low-lit bathrooms at the back.

Mason pulled out a marker pen. "Luckily for you boy, I know one of the guys behind the bar and managed to borrow this, to help us out".

He stood in front of me and started to write something on my forehead, then I felt him draw a long arrow round to my mouth. He turned me to the mirror and I saw it said `spit here'.

Standing behind me, Mason pulled down my shorts, to reveal the jockstrap underneath, and I stepped out of the shorts. He squatted down and started to write something above my ass and added an arrow to my hole.

Craig was rubbing the bulge in his shorts, getting hard.

"Guess someone has to be the first to make use of the new bathroom service" he said.

He pulled his hard dick out from his shorts and spit several times in his hand, rubbing some around my ass, and some over his dick. I could have a good guess what had been written on my ass, and Craig lined up his dick and slowly but firmly pushed himself inside me. I leaned forward and rested my hands on the sink, while he started sliding in and out.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, seeing the spit here sign and the man behind me fucking my hole. The only thing I could think of was Josh's voice telling me to take orders from these guys, and so I knew that taking Craig's dick right now was obeying Josh. I wasn't attracted to Craig or to Mason, but right now I accepted they were my superiors, and that they had the right to use me how they wanted. Josh had given them that right.

While he carried on fucking me, a couple of guys came into use the bathroom and both gave Craig encouragement, as they passed me on the way to the urinal.

"Nail that bitch good", one of them said, high fiving Craig as he passed by.

"How tight is that pussy man?" the other asked.

Craig laughed. "Right now its pretty good. I reckon in another 30 minutes it might be a lot looser". He started slamming harder in as he said it. It felt like he was getting closer.

The guy finished at the urinal and came across.

"Maybe I should take a turn after you then, if you guys don't mind?"

"Sure man" Mason said. "He's not ours. Just a marked up whore for any guys to use". Mason lifted up my head by my hair, so that the guy could see my reflection in the mirror.

"Spit here" the guy read. "Fuck, ok then". He walked round in front of me as Mason continued to hold me up by my hair. The guy grinned and told me "Open up".

I did what he told me and he shook his head. "Nasty little whore aren't you", and spat hard in my mouth. I think watching that turned Craig on and he slammed hard one final time into me. I could feel his load firing up into me. After a second he pulled out.

"Hole is all yours man" he said, and the new guy went round to the back of me spat on my hole and rubbed it in a little with his fingers, then slid his thick dick inside, stretching me a little wider than Craig's had.

Mason continued to hold my head up by my hair and point me to the mirror, where I could see the marking on my forehead and the next stranger behind me, stretching my hole open with the thrusts of his thick dick.

Mason leaned in so he was speaking right into my ear.

"Look at you. Naked faggot, bent over in a nasty club toilets, marked up as a whore, taking the dicks of any guy that wants to fuck your hole, using your mouth as their spittoon. Knowing your ex boyfriend is in the flat you booked together having the best sex of his life with four sexy-as-fuck men. You know this is what you deserve. No boyfriend, no dick, no self-respect. Just a worthless piece of fuckmeat for random guys to slam their dicks into".

I could feel my hole opening up, accepting my role.

Over the next 45 minutes, so many guys passed through the bathroom. Maybe half of them ignored me, a whole bunch of them commented on me as they passed, usually cheering on whichever guy was fucking me at the time, or complaining about the attention-seeking fag blocking up the bathroom. In amongst them though, there always seemed to be another guy ready to take the place of the last guy fucking my ass. I lost count of the dicks I took, but it must have been double figures. Not all of the nutted in me but most did. Like Craig said, by the end my hole was a lot looser. Guys seemed to just be able to point their dick at me and lean in, and they went straight in to the hilt. Mason and Craig seemed to love the attention they got from all the guys wanting to get in my ass.

When Craig and Mason finally took a break to get a drink, heading out with a couple of hot guys they'd just shared my ass with, I grabbed my shorts and went into a cubicle. I overheard the conversation of the next couple of guys that came in.

"Damn man, looks like that fag hole is gone" one said.

"Shame, I was ready to slam that pussy into next week" the other replied, and they both laughed.

Right now, it felt like a long time since anyone had treated me like a regular human. My dick had been straining in the cage a lot being used like an object to pleasure other men, but I was also tired. On some levels it felt right being treated like this, but I wasn't sure I could take it all the time.

I checked in my pockets for my phone, and saw there was a message on there. I opened it up and saw it was from Harry from about half an hour ago, telling me the guys were still round but they were all just chilling now so I could head back. I thought about the number of dicks that had bred my hole, that I might not have taken if I'd seen the message earlier. I just wanted to get out of there and back to the flat.

I finished up in the toilet, emptying a lot of the jizz out of my ass, then when the bathroom went quiet, I took the opportunity to get out and managed to wipe the words off my forehead as best I could. I slipped out of the bathroom and managed to edge my way round the dark corners of the club, so that Mason and Craig wouldn't see me. I got to the cloakroom, where there was no longer any queue, fetched the coats and headed out.

As I got closer back to our flat I felt quite apprehensive. It was nearly 1am, but I figured they could be up partying still. I didn't want to feel awkward if the other guys didn't want me there, even if it was my place. I reassured myself though that I could rely on Harry to look after me.

I took the lift up and as I got near the door I couldn't hear much inside, so opened it quietly. Harry was sitting up on the sofa, with Josh draped across him, both looking half asleep, but gently caressing each others' naked bodies. The lounge was a mess of drinks and stuff turned on their sides or upside down, as part of what looked like some energetic sex play between the group. There were a bunch of used condoms scattered across the floor.

"Hey babe" Harry said gently, not getting up.

"Hey cuck" Josh said, also sounding sleepy.

"The other guys are in the spare bed, so you're sleeping on the floor in mine and Josh's room" Harry told me.

I nodded slowly, registering how he described the bedroom now.

"Pick up those condoms off the floor cuck" Josh said.

I hoped Harry might intervene to contradict Josh, but he didn't, so I obeyed.

"Now come kneel here" Josh said and clicked his fingers, pointing to the floor in front of the two of them"

Again, I did what he told me, dropping down to my knees.

"How much do you want to swallow down the cum in them and imagine all those hard dicks and sexy fucking bodies that were all over each other in here like an hour ago?" Josh asked.

"Actually, before you answer, I want you to rest all five of those condoms over your face, so you can feel the weight of that seed on your cuck face. Knowing you're that you're the only male out of six guys in this apartment right now, who isn't able to produce that stuff, because your little dick is locked away".

"You're a real sadist aren't you" Harry said to Josh.

"You know how much he loves this shit though" he replied. "Do it cuck. Feel the weight of that alpha cum and imagine all our sweaty bodies rubbing together, or tongues in each others' mouths, and our hard dicks inside each other, while you sat there in the club like our obedient little locked up cuck boy"

I did what he told me. The condoms were sticky and still slightly warm. I lay them side by side across my face until I couldn't even see Harry and Josh any more.

"Fuck, we produced a lot" Harry commented.

I felt Josh's hand rub across my face, pressing the used condoms down and wiping them over me, so I'd be smelling the scent of the men on my face all night.

"Ok, now you can ask us" Josh said.

"Please..." I said, then paused, trying to think what I was asking. "Please can I empty the alpha seed from these condoms down my cuck throat and swallow it all Sirs?".

They both paused.

"Hmm, what do you reckon?" Josh asked Harry.

"Course you can baby. You deserve it after you behaved so well tonight. Go for it".

I started with the one covering my mouth and squeezed the cum down from the end into my mouth, letting the thick goo land on my tongue. I then repeated it with the other four, letting it all gather on my tongue, and gradually I was able to see the two of them again. They looked down at me with the jizz completely coating my tongue and part-filling my mouth.

"Ok, swallow it all down boy" Harry told me. "Then we're going to bed".

I swallowed deep and felt the thick warm gunk of five alpha men slide down inside me.

Harry and Josh got up and wandered through to the bedroom, collapsing on the bed, while I grabbed some pillows to sleep on. When I got in the room I remembered back to what Harry told me this morning.

"Would I be able to take the cage off now Sir?" I asked Harry, "so I can sleep better".

Harry gestured to Josh's half asleep body lying on him.

"I can't really get the key right now babe, we'll have to do it tomorrow"

"If you tell me where it is though..." I suggested.

Josh stirred. "Go to sleep cuck. No-one needs to see your pencil dick now anyway. Its better off locked up.

Harry gestured like there was nothing he could do.

"Yes Sir" I said reluctantly, to answer Josh, and as he was lying his head on Harry's pec, with his eyes still closed, I saw him smile.

"Babe" Harry said, as a one last thing before sleep.

I was really ready for some affirmation from him that I did well and that he was pleased with me.


"I want you to get up early and clean the lounge so it's ready for when us guys all get up, ok?"

"Yes Sir" I answered.

I knew right then that our relationship was changed for good.

Thanks for reading this far. If you liked it, or if you have your own ideas for what you want to happen next, i'd love to hear. My email address is and my twitter is @realsub_bristol

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Next: Chapter 16

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