Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Mar 10, 2001


Hi guys, this is the next chapter of "Curly and Josh" (but you already knew that huh?) Well this one was written by the ever willing Dusty-one! It's a little bit different to the usual chapters, but that's what I like about it. So I gotta say thanks to Dusty (and his new man!) also to Miss Dawn (who is currently writing stories but won't tell me the names, but as soon as she does...) The fantastic Miss Erin (who's story "Secret Emotion" has recently been moved to it's rightful place in the boy band section so read it!) The lovely Gabriella (who has a story called "My surprise romance" which is too cool for words, and she supplied me with something I've been craving for a very long time, so thank-you again you Queen of the gutter) By the way it was Erin's Birthday recently (the big 20) so Happy Birthday Sweetie. Speaking of Birthdays it's mine on the 17th (hint hint) so ...I dunno, just remember me as I get old (23, boo hoo) and decrepit!

Also, I don't usually do ad's for peoples websites, but Nicky Impressed me no end with his constant evasion of my irritating questions so I recommend his site (and no others so don't ask me to) which is devoted to NSYNC.


Hey everybody, this is the almost famous Dusty~one, and I have proudly written the 8th chapter of "Curly and Josh", I hope you all enjoy it. It is a little premature, but this is my first written attempt at anything. And I am currently working on one of my own. Look for it in about a week, it is called "Through My Eyes". So, constructive criticism is accepted and used. I would highly recommend that you send me an e-mail telling me what you think about the whole lot. Either send it to my e-mail address ( or send it to the normal one. Either way, I would love to hear from you.

Other Stuff

"Enya" Only Time, is a really pretty song, I suggest that you download it on Napster, if you have it! Here goes...

You know the usual crap, I don't know NSYNC, if I did I'd be out with a pair of binoculars looking through their bedroom windows and not writing stories about them. I don't know if any of the guys bat for the opposing team, but if any of them did it would be Justin, JC and Lance, I mean just look at them! Good looking, well groomed, good sense of style and they can dance...1+1+1+1= gay for sure! But that's yet to be confirmed, so until then we'll all go along with the charade and pretend they're straight. If this sort of material (men loving men, yummy) is illegal in your state/territory (i.e. Tasmania Australia, I don't get it, inbreeding is allowed but donut punching isn't!) or you are under the legal age to view such material, or you find such material offensive, well there are other things you can be doing with your time, so please leave!

Chapter 8

After Justin had regained consciousness and realized that his entire experience with Josh had been a dream, he was shattered. Not only was Erin still in a serious condition in intensive care, not only had he worried everyone he loved dearly, not only had he messed up with Josh, but it had all been in vain. No happy ending, no "happily ever after" in this story. Justin was miserable. He wanted to scream and cry, but all he could do was sleep. He slept to regain his lost strength, but also as a release, an escape from the world around him. When he did wake up it was only to talk briefly with visitors, his parents, the other guys from NSYNC, and family members. The Doctor had told Lynn that Justin was physically well enough to come home, but due to his depression, sending him home may have had a negative impact on his recovery.

After discussions with the group and Lynn and Paul it was decided that Justin should take a trip away to aid in recovery, the Doctor had warned that any such trip should be relaxing as post traumatic stress could pose a problem. It was decided that JC would accompany Justin on his holiday, as they were closer than any of the others. Justin had been reluctant to agree to such a trip, but the day before they were scheduled to leave the hospital, Erin had managed to release herself from the coma, which had overtaken her.

After spending the entire day with Erin, making sure she was OK (except for bruises and broken bones) and assuring her of how sorry he was for the entire incident, Justin was now looking forward to the trip. He planned to use the time alone with JC to get the older man to admit his feelings. An admission from JC would be a sure sign he wasn't wasting his time, or fooling himself.

"Justin, come on. You have been in that bathroom for days. I HAVE TO PEE!"

"I am sure that there is a restroom down the hall... somewhere. This is a hospital; there are hundreds of restrooms in this place! Besides, my hair has grown its own brain over night, and God has punished me with the task of retraining it!"

"We won't be going anywhere if you make me pee my pants for the sake of your vanity, you narcissistic little weed!" JC laughed

"Ouch, I'm hurt!" Justin cried from the bathroom. "Alright, you win" he stated as he opened the door. "Plus, I don't like to see you suffer! You don't handle it very well. So, the restroom is now open, but hurry up, I want to leave."

"You know that you have to see the doctor first. Then, 7 days in paradise. We are going to have so much fun! Hey, when was the last time that just you and me spent a whole week together? MMC days, I think. I am not sure though."

"Don't talk to me while you are peeing please. Anyway, you're right. It was the MMC, but you know that you don't have to do this. I know how much you hate to leave work, and you have already missed so much because of me. I am just saying that the option is open for you to reconsider."

" We are going because you need the time to recover, and because it should be a laugh, work can wait, your health is more important."

"That is sweet, we are going to have so much fun! So everything is ready? All we have to do is leave?"

"Yeah, I sent Chris, Joey, and Lance to my Aunts house to get all of my stuff packed. Your Mum managed to salvage most of your stuff from the wreck of the car, so..."

"So it's just you and me, baby." Justin responded slyly, hoping for a response of any description.

"Baby?" Oh my God, he just called my baby? What is that supposed to mean. I wish that he would just stop sending me mixed signals. First I think that he is gay, then I think that he is straight and vice-versa. Why can't he just make up his mind? Ugh...' JC thought, as he turned a deep crimson with embarrassment.

"Good Afternoon, Justin. How is my favorite patient today?" Dr. Rosenberg was always one to try and cheer Justin up. He has been Justin's doctor since birth, and after all of these years he could still make Justin smile. He was in his late 40's, although he didn't look it. Justin had been his favorite patient for over 19 years.

"Oh, Dr. Rosenberg... I didn't expect to see you this early. I was just wondering when I was going to leave, see me and JC..."

"I know. JC has already informed me, and I agree, you need some time away. We just have to do some last minute paper work, and a few tests. Then you will be free to go. Oh, and call me Ryan."

"Finally." Said a deranged Justin. His mind had already began to plan out the 7 glorious days he would be spending with JC. "I'm going to get him to tell me, for real this time?" he thought. Just the thought of JC saying the words 'I love you' to him, made Justin drift off into space.

" to curly?"

"Oh, hey what did I miss?"

"Not much, only I bet that you have no idea what you just signed, or committed to. For all you know, you just signed yourself away to be Dr. Rosenberg's sex slave for all time."

"ha ha, very funny. So, what did I really sign?"

"Just some release forms, and prescriptions and stuff. You know, the works."

"I am free to..."

"Go? Yeah, you can finally get out of here, only thing is you have to spend an entire week with me, where would you rather be?" JC asked with sarcasm.

"HMMMM, let me think!" Justin replied coyly, "Nah a week with you all to myself, the real-life JC from NSYNC, on holiday with me for a whole week!" Justin gushed, like a lovesick schoolgirl. "It sounds too good to be true, can I take you to school for "show and tell" once the vacation is over?"

"Yeah, whatever, wiseass!" JC cracked

============================================================================ "Now boarding for flight 415 to the Caribbean Islands, please come to gate 12 for boarding procedures. Thank You"

Justin and JC said their good-byes to everyone, and slowly made their way to the gate. "Hey where's my ticket?" Justin asked

"UM...No need for a ticket Curly, I got us a charter jet." JC said, blushing as he spoke.

Justin thought this over, 'why would he go to all this trouble? I hope it's because he plans to tell me he loves me. Perhaps I should help things along here a bit'

"All this for me? You're way too sweet Joshy." Justin oozed, "Thanks man." He continued, giving JC a hug.

'Wow that felt good' JC thought to himself 'If only it meant what I took it to mean, but why would he be interested in me? I'm fooling myself if I think he wants me' These thoughts got JC depressed and he didn't notice as Justin wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked across the tarmac together.

JC was shaken from his daydream by a passing luggage truck, and he noticed Justin's arm around him. "What's wrong there Curly?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing, just a bit faint." Justin lied, enjoying the look of concern and care in JC's eyes.

As they boarded the plane JC sat in a row of 3 plush seats closest to the window. As an attempt to get JC to admit his feelings, Justin again feigned dizziness and used it as his excuse to lay across the other two seats with his head in JC's lap... ******************************************************************************* ****** The First part of the flight went along really smooth, but as they were approaching the tropical island of Guam, Hurricane Anita took a turn for the worst. They were supposed to have a whole week of clear airtime, but she developed more rapidly than anyone had expected. The plane wasn't even close to the eye, they were only on the outskirts. The plane was shaking violently, and lighting was striking all around them.

"Josh, wake up. We are having an earthquake!" Justin said sleepily. He had just woken up from a dream in terror, and he had no yet put two and two together, so to speak.

"Oh My God, Justin, we can't be having an earthquake in the air. Something is really wrong! I am going up front to see."

"Don't leave me I am scared! I mean..." The power went off on the plane, which ripped terror into the hearts of all who were aboard. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Justin, calm down. Everything is going to be okay. It is just a momentary delay. Nothing major." Or at least he hoped so. JC didn't know what else to do, but to keep Justin calm.

"This is your captain speaking, and we are having some really rough weather out there. Evidently, this hurricane wasn't supposed to come in until next week. We are going to try and fly at a higher altitude, maybe the weather isn't as bad there. But, we will need you to put on your oxygen masks, please. Thank you."

Upon saying this, all of the oxygen masks dropped out of the ceiling, Justin was reluctant to put them on, for fear that if the plane crashed, he would be asleep. JC reassured him otherwise.



Hope that you liked it! Don't forget---I thrive on feedback, so I want to hear what you think. Dusty~one

Thanks again Dusty-one, the next issue will be a collaboration between Miss Dawn and myself, and should be out as soon as I can drag her away from her vast array of fake nude shots of boy band members. Until then, have fun and be careful, Love and Stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 9

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