Cyber Conversations

By galanthus

Published on Aug 6, 2023


Cyber Conversations- Part 4 - Naked out of the Flat

In a series of conversations from the cyber chatroom of a well-known website for gay men.... these are entirely cyber-fictions. No actual living (or now dead) persons or animals were exposed, distressed, whipped or made to do anything that deep down they didn't really want to do anyway.

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This cyber-conversation is between a highly suggestible sub called garden-boi and cyber-master. They have chatted online before but never met in person.

cyber-master: hey boi how r u today? that was so fucking awesome the other day. cant believe u went thru with it and me watching u suck and get fucked for real. u r one good little slut boi aint u?

garden-boi: cant believe it myself Sir. is that wat it make me Sir? a good little slut boi?

cyber-master: yes it sure does boi. luv it. so now. wat we gonna do today boi?

garden-boi: i dunno Sir. have u got any ideas?

cyber-master: hmmm. tell u wat. i want to see more of where u live. is it sunny there? hot? does ur flat have a shared garden or something? describe it to me boi

garden-boi: it sunny and getting hotter Sir. flat... there are 12 flats on each floor. im on third, five floors in total, theres a underground garage and where all the bins are stored and there is a shared garden too. lifts in the middle and stairs either end. thats about it Sir

cyber-master: hmmm ok. i tell u wat i want - is for u to give me a tour of the place. u can give me ur mobile number and we can whatsapp and u can let me see the place. yeah?

garden-boi: fuck. erm. yes. i guess so Sir

cyber-master: good boi. i knew ud agree. u ever sunbathe in the shared garden, boi?

garden-boi: once or twice yes Sir

cyber-master: good. we can start there

garden-boi gives cyber-master his mobile number and they connect on whatsapp. ok - i better get some shorts on then

cyber-master: no

garden-boi: wat?

cyber-master: no shorts boi. ur gonna show me round naked

garden-boi: naked? ur kidding me right?

cyber-master: do i sound as if i am kidding?

garden-boi: no Sir

cyber-master: well then boi. im not kidding. ur gonna do this naked boi. got that? and dont tell me ur not excited about it either

garden-boi: fuck. wat do i say if i get seen tho Sir?

cyber-master: lol. im sure u will be able to make something up. smart boi like u

garden-boi: so like im leaving the flat naked with just my phone and keys?

cyber-master: no keys

garden-boi: wtf! please Sir

cyber-master: hehe yeah no keys - then u can say truthfully that u r locked out. u wanted to sunbathe and in the rush u forgot ur keys and got urself locked out. simple right?

garden-boi: fuck Sir

cyber-master: when ur bf home?

garden-boi: not for a couple of hours Sir

cyber-master: nice one. so ull be locked out for two hours. bet ur cock is rockhard now eh boi?

garden-boi: it is yes Sir

cyber-master: good boi. ok get ready to leave the flat. just the phone in ur hands. nothing else. understand boi?

garden-boi: yes Sir.

garden-boi walks out the flat and lets the door shut behind him. he gulps: what the fuck am i doing?

cyber-master: ur having fun boi. now go down the stairs and into the shared garden.

cyber-master watches as garden-boi goes down the 3 flights of stairs and opens the door into the shared garden. it is sunny and quiet. no one around: ok boi, find urself a nice spot of sunny grass and lie down on ur front, legs spread and lets chat about how tom fucked u hard the other night and got sloppy seconds from the delivery-man

garden-boi blushes at the memory of it. he finds a spot and lies down. they chat for near enuf a half hour before garden-boi turns on hearing the garden door open

cyber-master: who is it?

garden-boi: fuck - its those two chav lads - u know the ones that smacked my ass in the lobby when i got the sofa delivered

cyber-master: shout over to them say hi

garden-boi: fuck no. please Sir

cyber-master: do it boi. now. dont argue with me. and dont hang up. i want to hear what u talk about

garden-boi: hey guys

chav-lad1: well wat do we have here? its our bare-bum neighbour. wtf dude. u naked again?

garden-boi: erm yeah. im a naturist

chav-lad2: ah that explains - so u didnt miss ur towel eh?

garden-boi blushing shakes his head

chav-lad1: cudnt believe it wen we saw u butt naked in the lobby and now ur here again. bit of a habit eh?

garden-boi: ill try not to make it one

chav-lad1: no problem for us. wheres ur kit?

garden-boi: in the flat

chav-lad1: wat so u walked down here naked too? daring cunt aint u?

garden-boi: a bit yeah

chav-lads grin n laff.

chav-lad2: well ur back looking a bit red lad so u better roll over and do the other side

garden-boi cud feel that the sun had already been on his back long enuf and was burning him but he didnt want to turn over as his cock was rockhard with talking with cyber-master

chav-lad1: yeah cunt - turn over - i dare u

the two of them in trakkies n tees watch as garden-boi turn over and sits up, his hard cock between his thighs, knees bent up

chav-lad1: fucking queer boi is boned. u aint a naturist r u?

garden-boi shakes his head no

chav-lad1: u just dared urself to get out here naked. bet u been wanking off out here. aint u?

garden-boi: no. its not like that. honest

chav-lad2: no? u not been wanking? then why u so boned up?

cyber-master chuckles and shouts out - yeah tell them boi. tell them why u all boned up

garden-boi stares in horror at his phone

chav-lad1: fuck - ur having a sex chat on ur phone? gross man

cyber-master: he told me hes been thinking about the time one of u smacked his ass hard in the lobby

chav-lad1: wtf really?

cyber-master: yeah - how he liked it - and wud like it again. def told me hed like it again. wanked off to it even.

chav-lad2: fuck thats fucked up

cyber-master: tell him to spread his legs - show his cock to u - he was wanking to it just before

chav-lad2: no way wat?

cyber-master: yes

chav-lad2: ok - u heard ur wankbud - do it

garden-boi: no please

chav-lad2: do it. fuck man - he is rockhard and leaking - fucking perv

cyber-master: he told me he fancied u both - that he wud like nothing better than to be roasted by the two of u

chav-lad1: roasted? wats that?

cyber-master: when one of u fuck his ass and the other his mouth. u can even swap halfway round lol

chav-lad1: really?

cyber-master: yes. ask him

chav-lad2: that true?

garden-boi freezes unsure if the two chavs standing over him are even gay friendly: ermmmm

cyber-master: he didnt say no - so in his book that means yes

chav-lad1: so like we dont have to touch his dick or anything - i mean we rnt gay

cyber-master: not gay if u just fuck his holes - def

the two chavs look at each other, raising eyebrows, working it out

chav-lad1: well u said u wudnt say no the other day

chav-lad2: fuck off

chav-lad1: u did

chav-lad2: i diddnt mean doing it with u

cyber-master: ur not doing it to each other - just using him - at the same time

chav-lad1: hehe - thats beginning to sound ok

chav-lad2: yeah beats jerking off to ur porn together

chav-lad1: true

cyber-master: take him up to ur place if u dont want to put on a public performance out here

chav-lad1: ok grab ur kit queero and lets go

garden-boi picks up his fone - ready

chav-lad1: wtf - wat? that all u got? no keys even?

cyber-master: no - hes locked himself out of his flat til his bf gets back

chav-lad2: woah - we r not looking after him til then

cyber-master: no thats ok. take him to ur flat. use his holes. then kick him out again. simple

the chav-lads lead garden-boi up to their flat on the fifth floor. the block is quiet and they dont meet anyone

cyber-master: one favour - i get to watch him being used. he likes me to see that

chav-lad1: long as our faces are kept out of it - sure - might even vid it ourselves too

cyber-master: k - u keep ur trakkies n tees on just pull ur cock n balls out enuf to use him

the chav-lads position garden-boi between them. garden-boi takes one cock in his mouth as he feels another pushing against his hole. he cant believe hes being used like this by his chav neighbours. they are gonna know him for the slut he has become. the chavs are soon into it. filming him, fucking his mouth and ass. cheering each other on unashamed slapping garden-bois ass hard. lusting after an explosion of chav cum

cyber-master: u two lads gonna swap ends?

theres a look of disgust on one of the chavs faces but the other grins - yeah sure why the fuck not. they pull out and garden-boi turns round and gets entered again. more forcefully this time. they are soon filling garden-bois throat and ass with their chav seed. then they get their cocks cleaned by garden-bois lips. gardenboi is rockhard and dripping precum onto their laminate floor

chav-lad1: u better lick that up queer boi

garden-boi bends down. open ass in the air. and licks up his own precum off their filthy floor

chav-lad2: fuck that was so hot

chav-lad1: yeah beats a wank anytime. wat flat u in queer boi? so we can call on u to repeat it

cyber-master: - yes the suit boi is up for that anytime. let me give u his mobile number then u can text him. and then he can walk up to u flat bare assed and ready to service u again

garden-boi listens as cyber-master gives them his mobile number - he cant believe he is losing so much control of his life

chav-lad1: ok queer boi - time for u to leave - on all fours tho

chav-lad2: yeah crawl out of the flat queer boi

garden-boi crawls out his hard cock rubbing between his thighs, precum dripping everywhere

chav-lad1: all the way to the stairwell queer boi

chav-lad2: nah - bro - u gonna take the lift queer boi. here let me help since u cant reach the call button on all fours can u

garden-boi has no choice but to crawl along the corridor on all fours, the two chavs either side of him. the lift is called and garden-boi enters. they press the buttons - and the doors close. garden-boi hears the two of them laugh as the lift starts to move

cyber-master: damn it boi. u were good there. so fucking good. and its so good that u now got two chavs that can use ur holes anytime. well done boi

garden-boi: fuck sir - im so horned. i need to shoot my load

cyber-master: no boi. u cant do that. remember. no touching ur cock for u

garden-boi: fuck its the basement Sir.

garden-boi gets up and walks out of the lift looking round. lots of cars parked, row of bins: no one around Sir, phew

cyber-master: hmmm pity. so walk round for me boi. let me see the place - how big it is - where u can hide or not

garden-boi walks round, car park half-full, bike rack just a few of them in

cyber-master: mmm bikes eh? one of those is urs perhaps?

garden-boi: erm yes Sir. woah hang on. no Sir. please no

cyber-master: hey boi calm down. i never said anything did i? just storing it as a piece of information. for later. thats all. so where are the exit points?

garden-boi: lift in the middle and the two stairwells either end plus the car-ramps, one for entrance and other for exit

cyber-master: ok make your way to the exit ramp

garden-boi: wtf. really?

cyber-master: yes really boi. stop arguing and just get on with it

garden-boi: fuck, erm, ok Sir

cyber-master: good boi. the exit ramp comes into view, bright sunlight in the distance. ok, i want to see you in the sun again. walk up the exit ramp

garden-boi: but fuck Sir. thats out onto the street

cyber-master: shhh. if someone sees u then u can run right back down again. its no problem is it?

garden-boi: i dunno Sir. this is a bit extreme

cyber-master: yeah. just a bit. not too extreme tho eh? i bet ur cock is rock hard, isnt it boi? ok so get walking. the sooner i see u in the sun the sooner u can get out of it boi

garden-boi takes in cyber-masters logic nods and walks up the exit ramp into the sunlight looking around for people, whispering to himself: fuck, phew, no one around

cyber-master: ok - so how far is it to the entrance ramp?

garden-boi: wat? the other end of the block of flats. 200 feet or more

cyber-master: mmmm. ok boy. so here is the dare - dare u to head on over to the entrance ramp - streetside

garden-boi: wtf. but wat if i get seen?

cyber-master: u can run to the entrance or exit - whichever is the closer - or u can pretend u didnt see them and act natural

garden-boi: fuck Sir - how come i cant seem to say no to this?

cyber-master: because u fucking luv it thats why. dont u know that already?

garden-boi: i erm

cyber-master: say, yes i luv it Sir

garden-boi: fuck. I luv it Sir

cyber-master: good boi. get going

garden-boi is street side in the sun halfway between entrance and exit when he spots a car on the street coming towards him. the car horn tells garden-boi that he has been seen. the car slows down to a stop and the window is wound down, driver in his 40s

man-in-car: fuck kid - what u doing out on the street buck naked?

garden-boi looks down at his nakedness in fake shock:- naked? oh fuck! i knew i had forgotten something!

man-in-car: lol - good one - not heard that before - well enjoy ur naked walk kid. made my day, that did.

man-in-car toots his horn and drives off and garden-boi legs it to the entrance ramp without anyone else catching sight of his naked body

cyber-master: see, that wasnt so bad was it? now i reckon uv only got another 10 or 15 minutes til ur bf gets home. so time for one last dare, dont u agree?

garden-boi: erm. one more? one more dare? fuck. erm, like wat Sir?

but before cyber-master could answer garden-boi hears a car come down the entrance-ramp and has to duck down and hide

garden-boi: fuck. someones just driven in

cyber-master: haha. ok. so thats u dare

garden-boi: fuck. wat?

cyber-master: make a noise - get caught - get seen

garden-boi: fuck. ur kidding right?

cyber-master: do I kid?

garden-boi: no i guess u dont Sir. shit

cyber-master: good boi. now get on with it

garden-boi scrapes a bin close by along the concrete floor

old-man: who's that? who's there?

garden-boi: its sam, i live on the 3rd floor

old-man: jeez, you gave me a fright there. come over here where i can see you and you give me a hand with my shopping, lad

garden-boi: erm, its kinda awkward, mister

old-man: awkward? how?

garden-boi: erm, i got locked out of my flat and im waiting here for my flatmate to get back

old-man: thats ok. it wont take long before you're back down again

garden-boi: erm, i got locked out naked

old-man: naked eh? ah well. if its any help you aint got anything i've not seen before. you can still help me, lad, cant you?

garden-boi: i guess so yes

old-man: good lad. get yourself over here and grab some bags

garden-boi walks over to the car, old-man watching him as he takes the bags out of the boot, taking in garden-bois nakedness and hardness

old-man: there. that wasnt so bad, was it? ok - im on the second floor. lead the way

garden-boi feels self-conscious as he carries the bags, unable to hide his boner that is slapping against his thighs as he takes the steps and very aware that old-man behind him is more than likely perving over his naked ass. old-man opens the door to his flat and leads garden-boi into his kitchen

old-man: one more favour lad. get up on that step-ladder will you then i can hand you the groceries and you can put them away in the cupboards for me. im a bit unsteady on it, you see

garden-boi hesitates - aware that his hard cock will be near eye level with the old-man if he does this then remembers that cyber-master is still on the call listening in: i guess i can do that for you, sure

old-man: good lad

as the old-man hands each item to garden-boi and he turns to put it away and then round again, old-man gets gradually closer and closer to garden-boi so that his face is only a couple of inches away from garden-bois hard cock when he turns. garden-boi watching as the old-man leers at his throbbing leaking cock

old-man: thats the last item. one more favour to ask, lad

garden-boi: sure - what?

old-man: just stay there for a minute, will you?

garden-boi: ok - why?

old-man doesn't reply with words. he replies with action. old-mans hand moves up and cups garden-bois balls as he leans forward and takes the hard leaking cock into his old-man mouth. garden-boi watches as old-man tugs on his balls and sucks him, taking his whole cock down his old-man throat

garden-boi cant believe that he is getting blown by someone who is probably older than his own grandad: damn - I didn't expect - fuck - that feels good

old-man: yeah? us old uns know a thing or two, lad

garden-boi stands there on the step-ladder getting sucked off and its not long before he whispers: fuck im close

old-man takes garden-bois cock out of his mouth, stroking it slowly: yeah? give it to me - let me drink you up

garden-boi grunts and moans as old-man sucks him with one hand tugging on his balls and the other grasping his butt cheek. he lets out a shout and shoots his load down old-mans throat

old-man: damn, i needed that, lad. havent done that for a long long time. you tasted real good, lad, thats for sure

garden-boi grins: yeah? thanks mister

old-man: my pleasure, lad. question for you tho, cos u seem to be totally at ease being naked... have u ever modelled? as in life drawing modelling?

garden-boi shakes his head: what? no i havent. why?

old-man: well its just that me and a few friends like to draw and we've searching for a new model and I think you could do the job real well

cyber-master whispers into garden-bois earphone: do it boi. thats an order

garden-boi: well. ive never done it before. i dont know if ill be any good. but yeah, why not? i can give it a try

cyber-master : good boi

old-man: hey, you've just made an old man happy - twice in one day - thank you

garden-boi: no problem. but I gotta go now. i just got a text from my bf and he is home - so I can get in now

old-man: ok, see you lad. and thank you again

garden-boi leaves the flat and takes the stairs up to the 3rd floor and knocks on the door to his flat

cyber-master : fuck boi. u get better every time we connect. chat again soon

tom opens the door: wtf sam? ur bollock naked outside the flat

garden-boi grins at tom as he enters: let me tell u all about it as i help u out of that suit of urs

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