Cyber Slave

By jesse

Published on Oct 10, 2023


To the readers: Many of you met Mario in chapters 4 and 5. This neighborhood bud has somehow become my companion in training. When I first met him, I can remember thinking how hot he was, and at the same time feeling sad because I couldn't believe he would ever be interested in man-to-man sex. But events proved me wrong, as you already have learned. Rafe got Mario involved in our sex last weekend with the cell phone and the pool party. This weekend, I am out of action due my injuries. To add to my misery my master has imposed a celibacy order. For those readers who have never experienced the joy of a celibacy order, it is basically an order prohibiting the sub from ejaculating. There are all kinds of variations - mine included a prohibition against being penetrated as well as wearing the same jockstrap for the four-day period of the order. But this does not mean I am not exposed to sex, in fact it proves to be quite the opposite as detailed in this chapter. The Predator does not appear directly in this chapter, but his controlling presence is clearly evident. Here is first an excerpt from my daily report, then Mario's account of what happens to him

Daily Sex Report, 10/4/03

Saturday evening, Mario comes over and we watch football games and baseball playoff games on TV until Rafe arrives. He takes me back into my room and asks me, "Don't you want to thank me for the celibacy order?" I look confused, but he says, "Jesse, I know you are hurting, but you have not forgotten your training." He slips off his shoes and points to his bare feet.

With a lot of pain in my ribs, I get down in a crouch at his feet and kiss them, then start licking one of them. "Thank you, Sir."

Rafe yells, "Mario get in here!" I hear Mario walking in. Rafe spreads his legs, saying, "There is some here for you too, boy," and points down to his other foot. I can feel Mario hesitate. I am thinking, 'Do it Mario, do it bud.' Slowly he lowers himself to the floor next to me and is soon kissing and licking Rafe's other foot.

Rafe snaps his fingers, "Up boys!" We stand up, both with big bulges in our jeans, mine constrained by the jockstrap, but Mario's sticking way out. Rafe pats my head, "Good boy." Then leaves with Mario. I am left at home alone, completely frustrated and my ribs hurting more than they had all day.

Later while I'm watching TV again, the cell phone rings. Rafe says, "Go into your room and lie on your bed with the cell phone at your ear." I hear some scraping noises from the other end, but as soon as I get on the bed, I can hear Rafe and Mario fucking over the cell phone. Mario is moaning and whimpering. Rafe is panting and grunting. My cock is rock hard, but still folded over inside the jockstrap. This goes on and on. I can hear Rafe slapping Mario's ass and his balls slapping against Mario's butt. During the next hour I can hear Mario come three times and Rafe come twice. It is driving me crazy because the celibacy order means I can't even touch myself. My cock is so hard it hurts. The jockstrap is wet with my precum. I have to suffer.

Mario tells me about his night with Rafe, 10/05/03

Jesse tells me not to repeat a lot of stuff that was already covered in the earlier chapters. In chapter 4 you can get an idea of how we were messing around. When Rafe called on the cell phone that night, it blew my mind. I knew he and Jesse had been making it and had met him a couple times at Jesse's place. Man, this dude was a minor league ballplayer, still in peak condition. And now he wants to listen while Jesse and I make it. At first I freaked, but then thought, man, this could be hot. And it was, but I was ready for more, but Jesse got his marching orders, so all I could do was watch that beautiful butt trotting down the street to his place.

The next night I got another chance to dick Jesse's sweet ass at the pool party. Rafe sort of starts the action and invites me in, has Jesse sucking me, then pulls my head on his own dick. I sucked dick before, but never anything as big as Rafe's coal black rod. And he doesn't just stand there and let me suck it -- he shoves it right down into my throat. It feels like my throat is being raped. But my reward is getting into Jesse's hole again. The big surprise came when Rafe slides his cock up into me while I was inside Jesse. Damn, my body was getting it from both ends. Never had anything other than a finger up there before, but I was already so hot it sure felt good, right from the start. Soon it felt almost like Rafe's dick extended through my body and into Jesse's ass. For the first time, the pleasure of being dominated by another man took root in me.

This weekend Rafe has already called and told me he wants to see me again, so I meet him at Jesse's place. Jesse's grandmom is used to Rafe coming and going now, so it is no problem. Jesse has already told me he is under a 'celibacy order,' meaning he cannot cum or even touch his dick for four days, all the time wearing the same jock strap. They go into his bedroom to check for any inflammation under the jock strap, but I hear Rafe calling for me to come in. Just the tone of command in his voice gets me half aroused. When I walk in, there is Jesse, bent over on the floor kissing his foot. Man - this is wild. I am both attracted and repelled. But Rafe is already pointing to his other foot, and my guts clench inside me. Sure, he had his cock in my mouth and up my butt the weekend before, but I'm not sure about kneeling to him. Somehow the sight of Jesse kneeling there with his ribs taped and his head bandaged made me want to share what he was doing. I slipped to my knees and felt a thrill go though me as I leaned forward and kissed Rafe's foot.

On the way over I am wondering what I'm letting myself in for. Jesse's bruises have me both anxious and excited. Rafe excites me. He has an aura of authority that even my coach cannot match. When we get into his house, he surprises me by grabbing me and kissing me hard. His long, fat tongue fills my mouth; his lips crushing mine in a fierce kiss. He pulls back and slowly undresses me. As he takes my shirt off, he cups my pecs, his thumbs playing back and forth over my hardening nips. As he slides off my jeans and boxers, his hands slide down my flanks, then down over my thighs, squeezing them.

Rafe barks, "Put your hands behind your neck!" He turns me around and fastens my wrists together with nylon straps, and fastens them to a collar he buckles around my neck. He runs his hands all over my body, pinching, squeezing, testing the muscle tone. It's just like a housewife testing the ripeness of fruit or the tenderness of meat in the grocery store. I start when he cups my balls. "Easy boy, easy." Rafe's fingernails scrape down the insides of my thighs sending shivers through my body, and making my dick twitch.

Rafe pulls me over to a bench and lays me down across it, my head over one end and my crotch sticking over the other. He runs his hands over my back, squeezing my lats. His fingers dig into my obliques. Next his hands run down over my butt, with the thumbs digging into my crack. He squeezes my glutes very hard. No man has ever touched me like this before. Soon his thumbs are pressing onto my asshole, sort of testing its reflexes. I start to wriggle, to get away from the invasive hands. Suddenly his hands are gone then I feel a hard slap across my butt, burning my ass cheeks. "Don't you move, boy, unless I tell you." His hands grab my butt again, spreading the cheeks, the thumbs again pressing against my hole. Then he moves down, his fingers rubbing under my balls, in the sensitive area between my balls and ass crack. I start moaning and my dick is twitching again. His fingers massage my balls, press on the space behind them, then run down the inside of my thighs. Over and over, he is driving me wild by working these tender areas, while I am lying helpless under him. Next, I feel something cold being spread on my ass ring-lube of some sort. My sphincter clenches tight, fearing an invasion, but a sharp slap of his left hand confuses the nerves back there, allowing a finger of his right hand to slide inside my ring.

At first, pain shoots up into my body and I shake on the bench, breaking out in a light sweat. Rafe runs his hand up my spine, saying, "Easy, boy, easy. It is going in nicely. Just relax, accept the feeling, soon the pain will subside." He slaps my butt some more. Strangely, it does have the effect of making the muscles inside my ass to relax some more. Gradually his finger is feeling better inside me, as he pushes slowly up my rectum. The tip of his finger moves from side to side, like a bloodhound seeking a trail. Suddenly I realize what he was looking for as an intense feeling of pleasure shoots through me, making me moan. My dick is completely rigid, and I can feel precum oozing out of the head. "Oh yeah, Mario. There it is." He pulls his finger out and the sensation dies away. I am left feeling empty and yearning for more.

He is gone for a couple of minutes, so I turn my head to see what is going on. He is walking in from the living room with a cell phone in his hand, talking to someone. "Go into your room and lie on your bed with the cell phone at your ear."

He sees me looking at him. "Jesse is going to listen in." And he set the cell phone down on a table next to the bench.

Soon I forget all about the cell phone, as he pushes two fingers covered with a lot of lube up into my hole. They reach the same spot, and start squeezing and pressing. I am moaning and whimpering; waves of pleasure course through my body. His other hand is slapping my butt cheeks. Soon they are burning, but the pain only adds to the pleasure coming from the inside where his fingers are working my joy spot. "Oh yeah, Mario. Your ass is so good." I am shaking. My body overwhelmed with sensations. My dick so hard it feels like it will explode. "Do it, boy, come for me now." Hearing his voice penetrate deep into my mind, my cock explodes in a huge orgasm. I never would have believed I could have come like that, just from him touching me inside.

Now his hands are all over my body again. I feel his chest rubbing against my back. His dick is rubbing between my legs. His hand reaches around and pinches my nips so hard that jolts of pain shoot through me. Soon his cockhead is pressing on my ring. It feels hot and hard-like something of enormous potency that wants to penetrate inside me and possess me. He grabs my biceps pulling on my tied wrists and with one fierce lunge thrusts all the way inside me. I grunt and moan. Pain wracks my body. My ass muscles clench tightly around his cock. "Yeah, Mario. This is what you want. Your master deep inside you." He slides down a little and bites into my exposed triceps. The pain coming from my arms takes my concentration off the pain in my asshole, allowing it to relax. This is much worse than the previous weekend, when he entered me while I was in the middle of fucking Jesse. Now I am unprepared, receiving the full shock of his penetration directly.

Rafe pulls out a little. I feel his hand on his cock where it goes into my hole. Then suddenly his cockhead is rubbing hard against my joy spot. A flood of pleasure coming from my prostate overwhelms the insertion pain. Rafe fucks me hard and fast. Soon we are both shooting our cum. After holding his cock inside me for a few minutes, he starts again. I am soon shooting my third orgasm within an hour as he blasts into me again. He pulls his cock out of my hole, walks around to the front and slides it into my mouth. "Clean it Mario."

Finally, he releases my arms and removes the collar. He pulls me up from the bench. "Who is your master, Mario?"

"You are sir."

Show me Mario. Show me who is the master and who is the boy. He points to his feet and I get down and start kissing them. He picks up his right foot and I lick the sole and kiss it. "Where does it belong, boy?" I am confused - look up at him. With his hand he is touching the back of his neck.

"You are my master, Rafe." I put my forehead on the floor, pick up his right foot and place it on the back of my neck.

"Good boy, Mario. Good boy."

Smiling, he picks up the cell phone. "Jesse. Do your daily report and go to bed. No touching yourself."

I suddenly realize that Jesse has heard Rafe dominating me, as well as my final submission to him. As he is under a celibacy order, all this must be torture to him, unable even to touch his own cock for relief.

Yes, readers, I heard the entire thing. My cock was as rigid as it could get inside the jockstrap pouch. The mesh was wet with my precum. But it was exquisite torture, because I was unable to give myself relief. The Predator's celibacy order had been fiendishly implemented by Rafe in a way to torture me with denial. And more was to come the next two days.

Next: Chapter 9

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