D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Oct 3, 2015


School was pretty much ok. WE both finished early on our exams. To avoid some of the girls and the molesting I suspected my body would get, I hung back and chatted with Mr. Smythe. He was actually glad to see me and we sat almost like two buds and chatted. I wanted to glimpse at his hot big dick, bigger than mine and I think he enjoyed watching me fidget sitting right in front of him. He smiled and we talked about nothing important other than he was so glad he was coming to work for me. That gave me a boner and I sat unconsciously, stroking it. And admired his nice bodyand his big feet. Mine are still boy feet you could say but his had developed into mens feet. I wanted him to stick his toes in my mouth but instead he rang his boig foot over mine making me smile in appreciation. I told him he actually would work for our dads but I certainly would see him. He shocked me and said he hoped we might get to be buddies and I would come to visit him in his room and spend some time. I almost lost it at that and promised I would. He got up, ending the talk and walked me to the door. Where unconsciously or not, he had his hand on my butt and I felt a finger sliding inside of me. Oh, fuck that felt nice. He actually then turned me around and hugged me making sure our cocks rubbed together. I felt he was now getting hard and of course, I got hard practically all the time. I wanted to kiss him and have him fuck me but as he saw the head master coming near, he just gave me a quick peck and patted my butt and sent me on my way. He said bye boss man to me and smiled.

I met up with J and we jogged home. Only a partial day today as it was finals. He said he wanted us to go home, fuck and then get ready for the dance. He asked me if I would consider shaving my pubes some. He was hairless there due his his dad's requirements and I had a healthy bush. I looked at him asking why and he just said it would make him happy if we looked alike. Our sun bleached hair, long and messy as it was, was to stay with only a slight trim maybe. He looked at me with his soft puppy eyes and of course I said yes. He was about three weeks older than me and his cock was bigger too. I had pretty much agreed to be his bottom a long time ago and for the most part, I was. I was agreeable to be submissive to his whims most of the time, especially where sex was involved. He had been our fist iniator of sex when we were younger- not that I minded and it has stayed that way since. He kind of became more like my dad the top in that relationship and I like his dad in some ways.

We got home and he did fuck me. He was always gentle though and I loved how he could get his cock to rub just the right way on my little peanut, as he called my prostrate and make me shoot loads of cum. It's funny that when we slept, he nestled in my pit hair and sucked on it but he just said that he wanted to show his love back to me for everything I was willing to do for him. (sometimes, not often, he did piss on or in me including my mouth and I had learned to savor his every drop. I wouldn't ever tell other boys I did it but Greg caught us one time and I knew he knew our roles.)

After cumming, J got the clippers and mowed off my pubes. He left just a small circle that he explained he would leave for me. He then shaved me nice and clean. He licked my hole to remove his cum, and then shaved most of the hair in my butt. Or cunt as he called it. I was actually surprised how good it looked. I had this little circle of buzz cut shaved hair and I thought it cool. We showered and hung with Juan and Greg for a bit doing a few dances. Juan said he would dance slow with me if I let him stick his fingers up my cunt. I did and loved it. I was afraid Ellen might try that so I had some fear. I only liked hot guys fingers to molest me and then it was like they say in the southern U.S., "y'all come."

I took my money out of my little sack as Did J. He got more than me but I had enough and we agreed to share. Brushing our teeth and putting on ball caps which we later discarded, we were ready.

On the island one of the few things allowed to wear by boys, were ball caps. Other than that mostly jewelry and if guys worked hard jobs like construction, they could wear shoes while working only.

We saw our dads who asked if we were well lubed. I hadn't done it yet so J did me and I him as our dads watched proudly. We each had gotten a corsage for the girls and off we went.

I was a pretty long walk and I was glad for the breeze lest we get sweaty. I smelled my pits and was glad the deodorant we used still was working. We got to Ellen's house where both girls and their families would be waiting. Our cocks not hard, (thankfully) but just swaying nicely and our gold cock rings firmly around our balls and cock to make them show well, we rang the doorbell and were greeted by Chad who welcomed us in. We gave bro hugs, his hug to us more to allow our cocks to rub, but we went in and were greeted by girls . We gave them their corsages and they placed a ring of leaves and flowers on our heads. I guess that is what boys wore to these things. The immediately wanted pictures so we went outdoors on their lawn where we took pictures, us with and arm around the girls them them rubbing our cocks. Of course we got hard and that only produced more pictures. Even the parents of both girls had photos. Chad took some of the pictures but then his mother suggested some funny pics. J and I looked kind of what would that be.

Ellen's mother explained that as we were so well hung we should get a picture of us getting fucked, first by one another and then by Chad and then by the dads as the girls smiled and touched us . We said we thought maybe we should go on as it was getting to be time but they insisted. Oh what purvey pics they took too, showing off our holes, cocks balls and all exposed with other boys. Chad looked horrified to have to fuck us but his mother said, making him embarrassed that his little dick was cut sticking in my butt. He didn't have a little dick in spite of what she said, It did feel nice but I would rather he just had fucked me somewhere private with no cameras!

WE did laugh some once we got over the shock and Ellen's dad took videos of the mom's jacking us off. They wouldn't stop until we came. My only objection as I was used to getting played with in public, was that we couldn't do any touching ourselves. Only kissing was allowed We did some of that but wished the girls were maybe more our age. Those girls sure knew about French kissing and I had both their tongues deep in my mouth making me horny again. We were surprised when Chad had a date show up too. His girl was older, almost 17 and both J and I wanted some of her but in spite of our dropping cocks, (they didn't allow us to even clean up after cumming) we went off, walking hand in hand , well part way until the girls decided to insert a small hand up our butts to kind of steer us along.

We got to school, somewhat embarrassed. I knew from looking at the other guys, they had experienced much of what we did. I wanted to dump the girls and dance with the other hot guys but, well, that wasn't going to happen.

We danced some and had punch just like an other dance, before dinner was served. Kind of rubbery chicken, ( I wished I had the price of dinner back) but it was ok. We surprised ourselves with how well we danced, even getting a dance with the date Chad had. We both wanted to hold her tight but the music quickly changed to a rock tune. Damn! Juan had taught us pretty well.

Then after dinner, there was more pageantry. The younger boys, mostly middle school and grade 9, made a court. They were all covered with flowers, some even sticking out of their dicks and holes. The flowers wrapped around them. Of course they were exposed. The had to go around and bow to all the girls and then, shock of shocks, bend over and kiss our dicks. None of wanted that but some were pretty cute guys and they had sucked off guys before, often at lunch. They worked real hard to be accepted. I had even sucked one or two myself , but mostly in private. I was surprised to see one boy, a guy who had been on my swim team. I hadn't seen him much but rumor had it that he had now the biggest dick in school. Guys told me he could suck himself and they had made him do it. I frowned hearing that as all boys were subjected to being objects anyway and why would any boy do anything to another boy to make him feel like crap. They said it was just to prove he could do it. I just shrugged and watched as he came in. I had never seen such a huge dick on a boy in my life. I wondered if it was fake. It had to be at least 12 or 13 inches long and his balls made him walk a bit bowlegged. I think my mouth hung open. It was fascinating in a grotesque kind of way. I felt sorry for him. I mean we all want big dicks and good big balls but this? Well there he was

The ceremeony was that each of the court boys had to come up to those who had made the finals. Both J and I had been voted in as princes. There were a number of those and finally, there was a king who got some kind of gold crown. The girls got voted in too and J and I were real pleased to be with two hot girls. Actually, as there were not nearly as many girls in school as boys, many made it. All were juniors or seniors. The ritual was that the boys had to bow down to us, lick us for a few minutes and then we stood, bowed to our girl and stuck our faces up their dresses and kissed their pussies. I think the lesbian women who ran the island planned this. My boy, mr. Big Dick, knelt in front of me and had no trouble at all and just licked my cock. Of course, horny teen boys, we all reacted pretty quick. He had a nice technique though and I decided I wanted to see more of his dick and may suck on it. I knew I could never swallow it. I don't any boy could. Poor kid.

Then, erect and leaking of course, we got on our knees and had to kind of search as we stuck our faces up their dresses and licked and kissed the cunts of the girls. Most of us have never had the honor so it was kind of fun. I kind of by accident, pushed my tongue in a bit and I got slapped for it. We all then came out and had to stand for pictures with our girls and the other guys. Little Ellen and her friend Mary were kind of ticked that we got this treatment.

Afterwards, we danced a bit more and the night was over. We walked them home. J and I were pretty smiley as we had gotten to do something not normally allowed boys, kissing a real cunt. I mean it goes on all the time in private but in a public place? Kissing and licking pussy is about as far as it goes though as no penetration is allowed until a vow of marriage is signed and the ceremony completed. Only lesbian girls and gay guys are allowed to finger and touch and do whatever but in private.

Women do have most of the rights and control on the island. Maybe that is why crime is low. I do recall a few years back, a guy was guilty of raping a woman and his penalty was having a public castration. It was horrible and sent a big message to all boys. Stick with your own breed. We have little crime on the island. Surprisingly, most of it is shoplifting and it is done by women and girls. Surprise,


The police force we have is mostly men, young guys who stay on the island and are allowed to wear very small shorts, all dark blue, with a badge on the side. They only carry night sticks as guns are forbidden. Surprisingly, there is little rape either or other sex crimes. Sex is so easy to come by in the many brothels where guys come over along with sexy women from the mainland. O f course, touching and molesting boys is now considered a crime and we all get used to it. I think as women are hard on boys and young men, many of us turn to casual stuff like blow jobs from other guys. That isn't considered sex as jerking off is not sex, exposing one's body is required and only women wear stuff. Molesting boys is just considered exploration and keeping all males humble.

One good rule for boys is that they can't be touched by anyone except their parents until they are seven. Until then, they wear a bright yellow band on their genitals that alerts all that they can't be touched. I don't know why parents are exempt.

When I grew up, before I came to this island land, my dad and I slept together in the commune. Both naked, I loved to touch him and have him touch me and I learned a lot about making men happy. Even when we first moved here, I was not bothered by the nudity for guys unlike many boys who move here later. I was normal for me I still slept with my dad until J and his dad moved in with us. Today, most boys kind of like being naked. We play sports that way, we all learn to care about one another and it is very freeing. The girls think we hate it but most boys love to show their stuff and couldn't care less. That's a secret we don't share with them - ever. The only drawback, we don't get to play some teams from the mainland as they refuse to get naked with us for play and while on the island. We wish they were more open. Thank goodness, the reports that we do better in school and are more kind and respectuful has caught on and now colonies all over are beginning to experiment. I'm also glad we don't get a lot of real cold weather or snow. In places where this plan is now happening in cold climates, it can be hard on boys being naked. I wonder what it is like. When it gets cold here, we all experience some shrinking but as we all feel it, we don't make fun of one another.

Anyway, we walked the girls home. We gave little kisses and thanked them for inviting us (not) and went on our way home. We talked and laughed and invited Chad to stay with us as his date spent the night. Back home, we played with one another, sucked , told the dads and our buds Greg and Juan all about it.

J fucked me real good and he let Chad fuck me too. I didn't mind. He also said I should eat both of them in the morning. We brushed teeth, pissed and went to sleep. Of course, in the morning, even though hungry, I took turns licking the other boys holes. Chad wasn't as clean as he might be but I didn't mind. AS I ate him, J fucked me real good. I know he needed to fuck me daily as his dad fucked him. It was one of the times he could really feel in charge. I liked it being a bottom mostly and even let Chad fuck me too. I felt he might as well and he loved it. He doesn't get to do that at home for sure.

We cleaned up, J let me wash out the cum, (a few times he didn't and it kind of pissed me off) and relubed one another. After eating, it was off to our last finals before summer started. We went to inspect the additional our dads had built for our new staff. Basically, it was a dorm type room with six beds, on open toilet and shower and of course, no doors. They all had space to store their own stuff that they might bring. I was glad Mr. Smythe was one of them. I was anxious to meet the other guys dad had hired for various jobs. Some would help Greg in the kitchen, some would help Juan with the outdoors, some would clean rooms and be waiters. I didn't care what. J and I would pitch in and help all.

We were off on our last day of class. I didn't know what the summer held but was glad I had my lover/brother with me and all the hot guys who either came from other places for the summer, or even the ones like some of my classmates. They would all be beautiful, naked like me and happy to be at such a great place.

End of now. If you liked this story, please let me know. I have a few more ideas and might add them if response if good. Thanks for reading. rob

Next: Chapter 5

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