
By AP Webb

Published on Dec 17, 2019


This story has been a long time in the making. Part1 consists of 19 chapters, not all of which contain any sexual material. Its main characters are teenage boys. The author has not been a teenage boy for a long time and apologises if the dialogue is not always convincing.

All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at pjalexander1753@gmail.com

D'n'M Part 1

From Chapter 17:

When Milo arrived at his house the toxic atmosphere hit him like a fist. His dad was nowhere to be seen and his mother was banging around in the kitchen, muttering under her breath about a wasted weekend.

"Where have you been all this time? With Dan I suppose. Well, you weren't here to eat dinner with the rest of us and you know what that means."

Milo did. It meant that there would be no dinner for him that evening. At least, not at his own home. He didn't bother to respond to his mother but simply turned around and made his way to Dan's house.

Chapter 18.

A very different welcome greeted him there. Dan's mother was also in the kitchen but her reaction on seeing him walk through the back door couldn't have been a bigger contrast.

"Hello M. How are you?" asked Helen Reed, with a wide and welcoming smile on her face. "We don't seem to have seen much of you in the last week or so. Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm good thanks Mrs. R. Just had a few things to deal with. Things are fine now. Really good," Milo replied.

"Well it's very nice to see you. Are you staying for dinner? We're having chicken."

Milo nodded. "Yes please. If that's ok."

"Of course it's ok. You know you're always welcome here."

And Milo did know that. He'd lost count of the number of times the Reed house had felt more like a home to him than the house where he actually lived. He would have called it his sanctuary, if he'd known the word. What he did know, however, was that the Reed house had always been somewhere incredibly important and special for him. As he thought about the events of the last hour or so, particularly the BSC, he was suddenly almost overwhelmed by a feeling of relief that D's home and family would continue to be a place of safety, especially as he'd been convinced that exactly the opposite would be true if he actually admitted his gayness, not to mention his recent sexual experiences.

"Well, you know where Dan is. Tell him dinner's in ten and to wash his hands before he comes down. You too."

Milo nodded and took off up the stairs. Once he got to Dan's bedroom door he found himself hesitating before going in. Half an hour ago he'd thought he'd never be doing this again; that he'd never be allowed into the house, much less walk into D's bedroom just like he'd done a million times before. He couldn't stop a huge smile spreading across his face as he pushed open the door and walked inside.

"What are you grinning about? Thinking about that hunky backstroker?"

"Ssshhh," hissed Milo. "You promised to keep it a secret."

"Relax M. No-one can hear. Mum's in the kitchen, dad's watching t.v. and Tom's who knows where. Your secret's safe with me. You staying for dinner? You weren't at home for long. Your mum?"

Milo's shoulders slumped as he nodded in response. Then, once he'd delivered Helen Reed's message, they visited the bathroom then stampeded downstairs to demolish roast chicken with potatoes and beans. Within twenty minutes they were back in Dan's room, lying on his bed and swapping details of the extraordinary events of the weekend.

Dan was keen to go first, convinced that his weekend experiences would completely blow M away. As D began his story, Milo sympathised with his wet dream trauma, admitting to having had the same thing happen himself just a couple of months before. He, though, hadn't had the benefit of a sensible and sensitive big brother to help him through it so he'd kept quiet about it, even to D. And he listened, almost disbelievingly, as D explained how he'd been inducted into the finer details of the Tom Reed Wet Dream Prevention Strategy, including the jerk-off demonstration AND the finger up the butt. Milo was left open-mouthed on hearing about that.

"So, how was your weekend away? As boring as you expected?" asked Dan once Milo's avalanche of comments and questions finally subsided. Again Milo found himself in a two minds' situation. The dick head half was desperate to recount, in glowing technicolour, every detail of his sexual baptism. It wanted D to be totally blown away, flabbergasted, dumbstruck even. The just-hold-your-horses' half reminded Milo that D had only just learnt about him being gay and, although he might give every impression of being totally cool with it, too much information might be exactly that. And then he remembered how near-disastrous the keeping of the `gay secret' had been in the first place, so he gradually explained about seeing Zephan in the shower and everything that had happened as a result. He gave a sort of edited highlights version, not wanting to go into too much boy-on-boy detail, but just enough to feel satisfied that D wasn't being misled or cheated.

Dan listened in silence. At the end he looked at his friend with an unreadable expression on his face.

"What?" asked Milo. "What are you thinking? Do you think it's all totally gross? Are you going to change your mind about still wanting to be friends now you know what gay boys actually do together?"

"I always thought you were fantastic but now I know that's not true," Dan began. On hearing these words, all of Milo's worst fears from earlier in the day rushed back towards him like a tsunami. So convinced was he that the worst was genuinely about to happen that what Dan said next came as a complete surprise.

"But you're totally awesome, M. Awesome. You're thirteen years old and you've actually had sex. With another person! Twice!! How cool is that? Wow!"

Milo's face flushed with embarrassment. Re-living his experiences with Zephan meant that another part of his body was flushed too. Had D chosen that moment to suggest they jerk off together, Milo would have needed zero persuasion to have his shorts round his ankles and his swollen dick in his hand. As it was, D came out with a very deflating question.

"This cousin of yours - Zephan. Aren't you afraid he'll tell, like he threatened to?"

Truth be told, Milo had been asking himself that very same question ever since they'd driven away from his aunt's house that morning. Several answers had chased themselves around his head all the way home and now he had the chance to try one out on D.

"Honestly? Yes, I am. And if he does I'm royally ... well, you know."


"Yeah. But then I think, what's in it for him? He's your typical straight, high school jock. How's it gonna look if he has to admit that the reason he knows about me is because he let me jerk him off and suck his dick? No, I reckon he's got too much to lose. At least, I sure hope so."

"And," chipped in Dan, "He also knows he'd be onto a really good thing the next time you meet up. So he's bound to keep quiet. For him it's win-win."

Milo hadn't looked at it like that before, and he wasn't entirely sure how he felt about it - the old half-and-half thing again. He quickly decided he needed to steer the conversation away from Zephan.

"Tell me again about the finger up the butt. Have you tried it?"

"No, but I've thought about it a lot. And looked it up on the net. The lump Tom told me about is called a prostrate, or something like that, and it

makes the fluid that the sperms swim in."

"Jeez! I never knew boys had such complicated plumbing," said Milo, suddenly aware that his dick was on the rise again.

"Me neither. And talking about boys' plumbing ..." D looked suddenly embarrassed, almost evasive.

"Yeah. What about boys' plumbing?"

"Well, all this talk of jerking off and sperm and blowjobs is affecting my pipework. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable, if you know what I mean." D was squirming around on the bed as he spoke.

"Yeah, I hear you."

"So do you wanna?"

"Wanna what?"

"You know," replied D, making the universal finger-to-thumb jerkoff gesture.

In fact, Milo was convinced his balls would explode if he didn't empty them soon, but it was vitally important to him that D should do the asking - that it was the straight guy's idea. He didn't know why it was so important, he just knew it was. He waited for whatever D would say next, with a questioning look on his face.

"Oh fuck it, M. Do you wanna jerkoff?"

"I do if you do."

Dan needed no further encouragement. Seconds later he had his jeans pulled down to his knees, his boxer briefs (one of the pairs Tom had left him) lodged under his ball sack and his fingers wrapped around his turgid dick.

"Last one to cum's a gay boy," he said, grinning like an idiot and jerking like mad.

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Next: Chapter 19

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