Daddy Type

Published on Aug 25, 2023


Daddy Type - Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine – {03-2017 - 08-2017}

"Have a great afternoon," Lucinda said as the meeting ended.

"Thanks! I'll be in at my regular time tomorrow."

She smiled and waved at me as I walked out.

I walked over to the station and just made the early train. I was walking to my truck a few minutes after two. Screw it, I hadn't seen them since Friday morning, and the three extra hours did matter to me! Luke's car was in the driveway, and I parked next to it.

"I'm home!" I bellowed as I came through the front door.

The sound of running feet filled the house.

"You're early!" Cody said. "We were just getting unpacked."

He gave me a big kiss.

"Home, home, and home," Luke said.

As soon as Cody disengaged, Luke gave me a kiss. As that ended, I pulled Cody to us, and we shared a three-way kiss. As the kiss continued, my hands started unbuttoning shirts.

"Nekkid time," Cody said.

"Damn right!" I agreed.

"First one to the bedroom," Luke started. "Fuck it. Run!"

The three of us ran down the hall to the bedroom. By the time we were at the foot of the bed, none of us had shirts on, and our pants were starting to come off. I pulled my boots off and slid my pants down.

"Leave that jock!" Luke commanded.

He shed the last of his clothing and moved in close. Dropping onto his haunches, he started sucking on my jock. Cody walked up and started sucking on one and then the other tit. My dick firmed up quickly and pushed out of my jock. Luke quickly had it buried in his throat. Cody moved his way up my chest and then pulled me into a deep kiss.

When the kiss ended, I said, "Guys, bed, now!"

Luke and Cody disengaged and flopped onto the bed. After shucking my jock, I climbed on with them. We moved into a triangle with Cody sucking my dick, me sucking Luke's, and Luke sucking Cody's. This had become one of my favorite things to do. After a good bit of time, we reversed the pattern, and I was sucking Cody.

"I need fucked now!" Luke said, pulling off my dick.

He got up on all fours and moved his ass to the edge of the bed. I looked at Cody, and he used his head to let me know I was to fuck Luke. I climbed off the bed and spread Luke's hole. I got down and started eating his ass. While working my tongue in and out, I looked up and saw that Luke was sucking Cody's dick.

Once I had Luke's hole prepped, I stood and started rubbing my leaking cock up and down his ass.

"FUCK ME!" he demanded after pulling off Cody's cock for a moment.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" I replied and saluted, causing Cody to laugh.

I pushed the head in and kept sliding in deeper. Once I bottomed out in his ass, I pulled back a few inches and started fucking.

Luke pulled off Cody's dick again and urged, "HARDER!"

With that, I grabbed his hips and started pounding his hole. While I was working my dick in and out as hard as I could, Cody grabbed Luke's head and started fucking his face.

Cody and I used Luke as our personal fuck toy for a good period of time, but inevitably, my balls tightened, and I shot blast after blast of cum into his hole.

Completely spent, I pulled out and was about to eat his hole when Cody bumped me out of the way. I moved around in front of Luke and laid down. My plan was to watch Cody fuck Luke's ass and rest. Instead, Luke started sucking my dick and cleaning the cum off it. My dick was sensitive, which made me squirm.

"Fuck," Cody bellowed as he grabbed Luke's hips and buried his cock deep.

I could tell Luke was really close, so I moved myself under him and took his cock in my mouth. It only took a minute for me to get a taste of his fucking sweet cum.

All of us were spent. We collapsed into a sweaty pile on the bed.

"That was one for the books!" I said.

"Amen," Cody agreed.

"Fifteen minutes till the next round," Luke said with a snicker.

"I don't think so."

It was forty-five minutes before round two started.


"What can we do today while you're at work?" Cody asked. We were having coffee before I headed for the train.

"Whatever you like."

"I meant to help out. Is there any yard work we could do?"

"Oh, well, the bed needs changed, so that and a load of laundry would be good. I think the hamper is pretty empty otherwise. I did a good cleaning over the weekend, so the place should be neat and tidy. There isn't much to do with the yard, yet. The grass won't need cutting until it warms up more. Bulbs are coming up. Beds are mulched."

"You sure?"

"No yard work. If you want to pull stuff out for dinner and prep, that would be great."

Cody smiled.

I headed out for work. When I got to my desk, I realized I hadn't thought about karaoke.

`Not going to make it tonight' I sent to Darryl and Phil.

`Wonder why' I got back from Phil. `Boys home safe?'


`And he's a horny old man!' Darryl added to the conversation.

`Younger than you two!'

`Don't rub it in!' Phil replied.

`Dinner with you & young men' Darryl sent.

`I'll set something up'

`Sounds good, have fun!' Phil replied.

`You too'

When I got home that evening, I found dinner more than prepped. It was nearly ready.

"Thanks, guys," I said.

"We can help out," Luke said. "It's not gourmet. I just hope it's edible."

"Hey," Cody said.

"Sorry, I shouldn't say it that way. Cody did most of this. I just set the table and stirred the pot from time to time."

"I'm sure it'll be delicious. Let me go get changed into something more comfortable."

"Nekkid works," Cody said.

"Only if you two join me."

"Deal!" Luke said.

So, yes, we ate dinner at the table naked that night. The dishes didn't get done until the next morning.


"Uncomfortable or not, my friends really want to get to know you two. You've both met them. I know things have changed."

"How about dinner with Darryl and Phil to start?" Luke suggested.

Cody nodded his head.

"That's what I was thinking," I said with a huge smile. "Tomorrow night?"

"Sure, not like we have big plans," Cody said with a laugh.

I sent a quick text inviting Darryl and Phil for dinner.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" I asked.

"Leftovers are fine. We've got a lot in the fridge to choose from," Cody said.

"Refrigerator surprise it is," I replied.

I started pulling all the containers out of the fridge. Each of us plated what we wanted and took a turn using the microwave. By the time our food was hot, Cody had the TV trays out and things set up in the den.

We'd just about finished when my phone chimed. I looked and saw that Darryl had accepted. We had cleaned up from dinner and were sitting down to watch TV when I received Phil's acceptance message.

"Two for dinner tomorrow night." I let the guys know.


"What's for dinner tonight," Cody asked. We were having coffee while waiting for Luke to get up.

"I have three ideas in mind. We can do a prime rib roast with all the trimmings. We can make an Alsatian sauerkraut and pork dish that my mom used to make. Or we could do meatloaf with mac and cheese."

"Wow, all three sounds good. What's the sauerkraut thing?"

"That's the easiest, but we'd need to start soon. You slow-cook pork in sauerkraut with some herbs and wine. My mom did it with pork butt, pork chops, and knockwurst."

"I thought your mom was Scottish."

"She was. She made this dish each year for Oktoberfest."

"Let's do that then," Cody said.

"We'll need to run to the store and get supplies."

"We could wake Mister Sleepyhead or just run downstairs and change into some gym clothing. I did a load of laundry last night, and there were some track pants, tees, and stuff in it."

"Let's not wake him. We'll just leave a note."

We ran downstairs, changed, left Luke a note, and ran to the store. We grabbed all the ingredients and a few other things that were on our list and headed home.

"Abandoned in my sleep," Luke said as we walked into the kitchen. His tone was all fake drama.

"We chose not to wake you, but in the future, we will ensure you are fully awake if we decide to leave," Cody said with a similar tone.

"Umm... no thanks. Sorry I mentioned it. Let me sleep! What's for breakfast?"

"Either leftover casserole or wait fifteen minutes, and then I can make something," I replied.

"Casserole works," Luke said.

"Grab the dish, put three portions on a pizza screen, and get it in the oven, please."


I grabbed my Dutch oven and put in a pound of sauerkraut. Then I added all the pork except the brats and poured more sauerkraut over it. I added the seasoning and a bit of wine. I slid the oven into the lower oven and set the temperature for two hundred.

"That was easy," Cody said.

"It looks good, whatever it is," Luke replied.

"It is dinner and is an Alsatian pork dish my mom made for Oktoberfest each year. We couldn't get knockwurst, so we did bratwurst instead."

"Cool," Luke replied. "And what the hell is Alsatian?"

"Alsace is a region in eastern France that is next to Germany and Switzerland. It tends to be a bit French and a bit German. Growing up, there was an annual Oktoberfest the last week of September, and my mom would make this pork dish for the pot luck."

"Ummm... why wasn't Oktoberfest held in October?" Luke asked.

"From what I recall, Oktoberfest is actually held from mid- or late-September to the first Sunday in October. As such, having a single Oktoberfest event the last weekend of September is fine," I explained.

"Okay. Did not know that," Luke replied.

"Mr. Trivia over there. He's a bit like Data from Star Trek, but he has emotions and other good things!" Cody interjected.

"Data was anatomically correct," I said. "In one of the early episodes, when they killed off Tasha Yar, he admitted to having intimate relations with her."

"I don't remember that one," Cody admitted.

"I was about ten when The Next Generation launched. Both my parents were Trekkies, so we watched every episode."

"I wasn't born when it aired, so we watched reruns," Cody explained.

"Same," Luke said.

"Where did Mr. Trivia come from?" I asked Cody.

"You always seem to know the answers to things," he explained. "You should try out for Jeopardy."

"I don't think so. I appear to know stuff, but you're just hitting my good topics. I don't know the authors of books or stuff like that."

Both my guys laughed at that.

"What do we have to do to get ready for dinner?" Luke asked.

"Set the table, make sides, make dessert, and get cleaned up."

"I'll set the table," Luke offered.

"What sides do you want?" Cody asked.

"Whatever you think pairs well with pork and sauerkraut. You might want to check out some German sites. And I'll be upfront; we don't have spaetzle."

"What's spaetzle?" Luke asked.

"A type of German noodle. We'd have to go to a specialty shop to get it, I would think."


"What about dessert?" I asked.

"That's your problem," Luke said with a laugh.

"I know, chocolate!" I said, looking at Cody. "German chocolate cake?"

"Yum!" Cody replied.


Sunday morning, I was sitting staring out the back windows, sipping coffee, when Cody joined me.

"That wasn't so bad," he said to me.

"They are nice guys. I think all my friends are good people. You just have to give them a chance."

"Small groups," Cody said.

"Can do, will do."

"What can you and will you do?" Luke asked.

"Introduce you to my friends in small groups, like last night."

"They are nice guys," Luke admitted. "But I'd appreciate the small group thing too. I mean, we met them all on the birthday bus, but that was quick and casual. We spent a lot of time getting to know Casey and Kyle."

"Understandable and not a problem. And I won't try to do them too fast."

"Thanks," they said together.

"You're welcome. Breakfast?" I asked.

"Waffles and bacon," Cody said.



The phone rang on a Tuesday evening as we were cleaning up after dinner. Cody grabbed it.

"Hello? Oh, hey! Dinner? Saturday? Angus will be here?" He put his hand over the mouthpiece. "Guys?"

Luke nodded.

"Ask what we can bring," I said.

"What can we bring?" Cody asked.

"Cool. See you then!" Hanging up the phone, "Kyle said to get there around six and said it would be great if we brought dessert."

"Sounds good. What should we make?" I got two blank stares in response. "Cake, pie, cookies, tart - it has to be something that can travel." Still silence. "Okay, chocolate, nuts, fruit, vanilla?"

"Chocolate!" Cody seemed excited to have provided that much input.

"How about a chocolate tart?" Back to blank stares. "Shortbread crust, dark chocolate ganache filling, chocolate mousse on top of that, with white and milk chocolate shavings on top."

"I'll be responsible for the shavings," Luke said with a laugh.

"I'll make it," I assured him.

"We want to learn, so we can help more," Cody put in.

"I'm willing to show you. I'm not a creative or fancy cook, but I can follow recipes."

"Your cooking is great," Luke said. "I'm glad we work out regularly, or I'd be fat by now!"


`Won't be at Karaoke tonight,' I sent as a group text.

`Aw' I received from Chris.

`Everything okay?' Phil replied a bit later.

`Everything's fine. Just busy.'

I got a few emojis, and the string died.

I finished work and caught the train. It was a bit after five when I got home. Luke's car wasn't in the driveway, and the house was quiet.

I changed into my workout clothing and went downstairs. I'd been at it for about forty-five minutes when Cody's face peaked around the corner.

"We weren't expecting you home," he said.

"I just figured I'd come home and spend time with the two of you."

"If we'd known, we'd have been home earlier. We were just hanging out on campus."

"Let me finish up this last set, get cleaned up, and then I can start dinner."

"Sounds good."

I took a quick shower after finishing up and went upstairs to get started cooking.

"Can I help?" Luke asked.

"Sure. Make the salad, please."


He started pulling things out of the fridge while I got started on making burger patties.

"Why no karaoke?" he asked.

"I wanted to spend time with the two of you."


From the look on his face and his tone, I thought something might be wrong.

"Am I screwing up something? Cramping your groove? Do you two like having a night without me around?"

"What?" His tone was sharp.

"Cody seemed surprised that I was home. You seem a bit upset or something."

"No. No. We're fine with having you home. I think we're both surprised. It's more like, are we screwing things up since we won't go?"

"I did come home because you didn't want to come, not because I'm upset but because I want to be with the two of you. Maybe the three of us should talk."

Luke's face told me this wasn't the best thing to say.

"Nothing bad. Again, it's about establishing how our family unit operates."

His face softened a bit.

"Smile! It's all good. Now help me get dinner ready."

Once we sat down for dinner, I figured it was time to start the discussion.

"I mentioned to Luke while we made dinner that maybe we needed to talk about things. I want us all to be comfortable with how our family fits together."

Cody and Luke's faces were an interesting study.

"Here are my thoughts. We each have things that we want to do that one or both others don't. That's a separate time. There are things all three of us will want to do. That's together time. We just need to make sure that no one feels bad about either."

They both sat quietly. I figured they were processing this.

"So, you going to karaoke is a separate time. It lets you do something with your friends that you enjoy," Cody stated.

"Correct. And if I choose not to go, it isn't a negative thing. It's just that I'd rather spend time with you that week."

"We can have our own things and our things together," Luke said, surprised.

"Of course. You two play lacrosse. If you found a rec league and wanted to play, I wouldn't go to practices, but I might come to games."

They both nodded their heads.

"If at some point you're comfortable with coming to karaoke, speak up. I lost all my friends when I met James because I ignored them. James' friends became my friends, and I guess they sided with me in the breakup, so they are my friends now. I don't want to lose another set of friends. So, I'd like to slowly introduce you to my group of friends. I'd also like to meet your friends, if you're comfortable with that."

Again, they nodded their heads. They'd been eating as I talked, and I stopped so that I could eat.

"That all sounds very reasonable," Luke said.

"I've read a lot since my breakup with James. Every blog, article, or whatever indicates that communication is the key to a good relationship. I want to make sure we communicate needs, wants, desires, problems, whatever."

"That way we keep the relationship going strong," Cody said.

"Exactly. We'll have hurdles we'll have to face. Let's not add any by not communicating."

"Deal," Luke said.


Saturday morning, we did our workout, had breakfast, and cleaned up. The guys worked on their homework while I did some housework.

After lunch, I asked. "So, who wants to help me?"

"Me, me, me, me, me!" Cody was bouncing up and down.

Luke was standing there quietly with his hand up.

I started laughing.

"Okay, we need flour, butter, confectioners' sugar, and baking powder." They grabbed the ingredients and brought them over. "Do you know what it means to cream the butter and sugar?"

Cody started laughing, whispered something in Luke's ear, and he joined in. It didn't take me many seconds to realize why.

"Get your brains out of the gutter, boys," I teased.

"But it's fun!" Cody laughed.

I demonstrated how to properly cream the butter and sugar, added the other ingredients, and then put the crust into the tart pan. I docked it and placed it in the oven.

"That was easy," Luke said.

"Yup. Now to the filling; grab those two bags of dark chocolate chips out of the cabinet," I said to Cody.

"Grab the heavy cream from the fridge," I said to Luke.

"Here's the hard part," I teased. "Put the entire quart of cream in this pan, turn on the heat, and put on the lid."

Luke followed my instructions. When the cream just started to boil, I had him turn the stove off.

"Measure four cups of chips and dump them in," I said to Cody.

He followed my instructions.

"The next hard part is to put the lid back on the pan and wait."

We stood around for about five minutes, and I explained what was going on. I took the lid off, and we found a melted, creamy mess.

"Stir," I said to Cody.

"Wow, that looks good," Luke said.

The timer went off on the oven, and Luke went and pulled the crust out.

"Do we just pour this onto the crust?" Cody asked.

"Not yet. The crust must cool, and the chocolate should too. Just leave the lid off the pan."

Once the crust cooled, we added a good layer of ganache to the bottom and put it all in the fridge to set. I had Cody beat the rest of the ganache in the stand mixer till it came to a lighter consistency. While he was doing that, I had Luke whip another cup of heavy cream until it was stiff. I demonstrated how to fold some of the cream into the chocolate and then incorporate the two until we had a light mousse. Cody spread the mousse over the ganache, and then, as he promised, Luke shaved white chocolate over the top.

"In the fridge till we leave."

"That's going to add calories to my diet," Cody said with a smirk.

"I know how to burn them off," Luke said.

"Gym?" I asked.


Luke grabbed my hand and Cody's hand and pulled us towards the bedroom.

"My turn to get fucked," Luke announced.

"Works for me," Cody said.

We shucked our clothing, and Luke got onto all fours on the bed. Cody got behind him and started eating his ass. I slid under Luke so that we could sixty-nine.

Cody shifted and then slid his cock into Luke's hole, giving me a front-row view. Once he was fully buried, he paused, letting Luke adjust. Then he pulled back slowly until just the tip remained in. He thrust more quickly in and then started a great fuck rhythm.

Luke moaned around my cock as Cody fucked him. In addition, Cody's thrusts were pushing Luke's dick deeper into my throat.

Cody paused after fucking Luke's ass for quite a bit.

"I want you on your back," Cody said.

Cody pulled out of Luke's ass. To get onto his back, Luke broke his connection with me. With his knees against his chest, Luke's hole was exposed, and Cody took advantage of it by plunging back in.

Moving behind Cody, I pushed my cock against his back while working my hands over his chest.

I moved around behind Cody, pushing my cock against his back and working my hands over his chest.

"That feels good," Cody said as I played with his tits.

I humped him as he fucked Luke. Our bodies seemed to merge into a writhing blur as he thrust in and out.

"FUCK YEAH!" Cody bellowed. His body drove forward and convulsed. I held onto him and felt the tremors vibrate through him.

"Oh, damn. Oh, damn. Fuck!" Luke groaned.

I couldn't see all of it, but I could see some splatters of cum shooting to Cody's left and right. I held onto Cody as he started to sag. Finally, Luke seemed to calm down, and I released Cody to lay down on Luke.

It took a few minutes for them both to recover.

"That was fucking epic," Cody said.

I'd stayed hard and was stroking.

"Right here," Luke said. He was pointing to their faces.

I repositioned a bit.

Cody started kissing Luke. That's all it took; I blasted shot after shot at their lips.


Cody drove us in the truck to Justin's, with me holding the tart and Luke in the backseat.

"Justin said to use a visitor's space on the side of the community," I explained.

He did a good job of parallel parking, and the three of us walked over to Justin's townhouse.

"I like that one," Cody said, looking at a sweet little Subaru BRZ in the driveway.

"Kyle drove it over last time," I said. "I'm guessing it's his."

"I wonder if the WRX is Casey's," Luke said.

"Last I heard, Justin drove a Caddy," I said.

We reached the front door, and I rang the doorbell. A few moments later, Kyle opened the door.

"Welcome," he said.

He led us up a short flight of stairs to the main floor of the townhouse. The rest of the family greeted us.

Justin stepped forward a bit and said, "Guys, this is Angus. Angus, this is Coulter, Luke, and Cody."

"Glad to meet the guy that's making Justin so happy!" I said.

"Nice to meet you," he replied in a thick Scottish brogue.

"The pics I've seen don't do you justice," Luke said.


"Drinks?" Casey asked.

"Coke," Luke said.

"Two," Cody agreed.

"Since I'm not driving tonight, how about a rum and diet Coke." I said.

Casey poured two Cokes and a diet Coke, with room for rum in mine. Justin added the rum and handed it to me.


I figured the group would break up along similar lines as it had last time by age, but the conversation groups kept changing.

"Cody, got a minute?" Kyle asked as he entered the lower-level rec room.


"Casey and I are going to show Luke our cars."


Casey followed Kyle out, leaving Angus and I alone.

"Watching the three of you is interesting," Angus admitted.


"The dynamics keep changing. You and Luke, you and Cody, Cody and Luke—the three of you—every possible combination. More importantly, there's a lot of love."

"Honestly, if you'd told me three years ago, I'd be involved with one college guy, let alone two."

That got Angus chuckling.

"Justin tried to explain it to me."

I explained to Angus how I'd met Luke, Cody's appearance and Luke's disappearance, the return of Luke, and the fateful day in December.

"To my knowledge, I don't know any triples; but I can't imagine any of them forming easily."

"Ours didn't. So, how are your plans for moving going?"

"All set. Things got pushed up a bit, and I'm moving here in June. We spent part of the morning house shopping."

"Find anything?"

"Not yet. Justin seems to have something in mind, but he didn't see one he really liked. Things are different here," he explained. "Roads, neighborhoods, architecture - everything is just different, so for me it's all a blur."

Justin walked into the room.

"Talking about this morning?"


"Chris showed us some nice places," Justin said. "I guess I keep comparing them to yours."

"What did you find?"

"A raised ranch in Mantua and one in Great Falls. I'm like you; I don't want a modern box."

"And I don't want a lot of reno," Angus interjected.

"I understand not wanting to do the reno yourself. I laugh when I watch some of those shows and they talk about how hard reno is, but the hosts do all the work. Regardless, if you find something now, you have time to get a good contractor in, get it fixed up, and move by July or August. I'd recommend my contractor if you do."

"We're going to some open houses tomorrow," Justin said. "Maybe, just maybe..."

"Do you want a big house?" I asked.

"Yes and no," Justin explained. "Big enough for four for now, but small enough for two for later."

"Makes sense. When do you think they'll move out?"

"Once they graduate and have jobs," Justin said.

"And Justin will be a wreck for months afterwards," Angus said with a laugh.

"Yup! Anyway, let me go check on dinner."

Justin got up.

"Need help?" Angus asked.

"Probably, plating and serving."

With that, Angus and I followed him into the kitchen.

Dinner was good, and the conversation was great.

We'd just gotten into the truck when Cody and Luke started filling me in on their conversations.

"Justin bought that BRX for Kyle for his eighteenth birthday!" Cody said.

"I heard about that," I explained. "Seems that Kyle really helped Justin get through the grief process when Liam died, and he used the insurance from Liam's car to buy Kyle one."

"Then he bought the WRX for Casey." Cody added.

"Well, he considers Casey his son, and Casey needed a way to get to school."

"He must be rich." Cody continued.

"Justin is a director at a major company, making good money. I understand that he used the settlement from the accident that killed Liam to pay off his mortgage and such. Without major expenses, he's got money to spend."

"Kinda like you?" Luke asked.

"Sorta. I'm guessing he's in a better position overall. Remember, it was him and Liam when they bought the townhome. Then, when Liam was killed, Justin paid off the mortgage and such with the settlement. I did have the money from selling the condo, my inheritance, and my stock options. I don't think they set me up quite as well as Justin. Plus, he made more than me at the last job, but I may be catching up now."

Cody nodded.

"When you two start earning, we'll catch up fast," I explained.

We were all tired when we got home, so it was a quick clean up and then cuddling before falling asleep.


"I heard that you had Darryl and Phil over for dinner," Stephen said.

"That they did," Phil said as he joined us at the table. "It was a very nice night. We got to know Luke and Cody a lot better. They are really nice guys."

"Thanks, I'm glad we did this," I said. "By the way, we'd like to have you and Chris over sometime soon."

"That would be great. Or we could have the three of you over."

"Nothing against you hosting," I said. "I think they want the first time on their turf. They are both still scared shitless."


"Pick an insecurity, and it's probably in their head at some point. Are they smart enough? Are they worldly enough? Are they able to hold an adult conversation? Are they good enough to meet my friends' judgments? I keep talking to them and knocking all the doubts down. They keep coming back with them."

"You love them. They are an important part of your life. We're going to love them," Stephen said.

"Thanks! It all revolves around the age difference," I replied. "I just keep trying."

"You're succeeding," Phil said. "One step at a time."

"True, true."


Friday night, I walked into the house and was greeted by Luke. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. Luke held onto me as the kiss ended. He pushed up on his toes and started another kiss. This one lasted a good bit longer.

I warned him, "If you keep this up, you're going to delay dinner."

"Cody won't be home until after nine because he's doing research at the library, so it's just me and you."


"Just for you."

I released him from my arms but took hold of his wrist, pulling him down the hallway to the bedroom. As we got to our bedroom, I started taking off his shirt.

"I'll get that," he offered, raising his arms slightly.

"I'm getting it," I said.

He let me finish taking his shirt off, and I had his arms up. I let my tongue trace a line from his palm down to his pit. I let my tongue lap up a bit of his musk. I worked under his arm a bit more and then ran my tongue across the muscles in his shoulders and back before working into his other pit. As I finished licking his upper body, I reached down and unbuckled his belt. I undid his jeans and pushed them down. I worked my mouth over Luke's chest and then down to his belly button. I found the treasure trail of black hair that led to his crotch.

I helped Luke step out of his jeans, boxer briefs, and socks. With that, I turned my attention to his already dripping dick. Sticking my tongue out, I licked the first few drops of precum.

"Mmmm, sweet," I said.

I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock and then ran it along the length of his shaft. His cock jerked a bit. Reaching his balls, I teased them with the tip of my tongue before pulling first one and then the other into my mouth. I alternated sucking on them for a while, eliciting a few groans from Luke. I opened wide, and his ball dropped from my mouth. I wrapped a hand around the base of his cock and pulled it into position, wrapping my lips around the head and working my way down.

"FUCK!" he groaned as my lips reached his pubic hair.

I stayed down on his cock as long as I could. Luke placed his hands on my head, not trying to control me but just encouraging me.

"That feels amazing," Luke said.

My tongue worked around the shaft. Finally, my need for air caused me to pull back toward the head of his dick. I took a deep breath and worked down the shaft again.

"Fuck," he moaned again.

I started bobbing my head up and down the entire length of his cock.

"I want to suck you too," he said.

With my free hand, I buried my head in his crotch and pushed back. He got the hint and shuffled his feet back. My mouth never left his cock until he hit the bed. I had to pull out as he sat down on the bed.

"Mmmm..." I moaned around his cock as Luke's lips wrapped around my shaft.

Luke put a hand on my hip and pushed gently, causing me to move over until we were lying side by side. Over the course of the next few minutes, each of us adjusted until we were in a great sixty-nine position.

A lot of spit had accumulated from sucking on Luke's cock for more than five minutes. I let my fingers run up the length of his shaft and used the spit as a lubricant to work a finger into his hole.

"Awww..." he moaned around my cock as my second finger entered.

My two fingers teased and worked to open him up a bit. I shifted positions as best I could until my tongue reached his pucker. I pushed my tongue deep in, my fingers tugging lightly on either side.

"That's what I need," Luke mumbled.

"Ready to get fucked?"

"Damn right. It's been a week and my hole is in need of some filling!" He growled.

As Luke flipped over onto his back, I grabbed the lube from the nightstand and slicked up my cock. He pulled his knees up towards his chest, and I rubbed my slick dick up and down his crack.

"It's trying to pull me in," I teased.

"Push it in."

I let the head slip in and then held still. Luke tried to push up a bit, but I used my hands to keep him in place.

"Patience," I said.

I popped my dick out and then pushed it back in. I kept fucking just the pucker, teasing it.

"Come on, baby. Fuck me!" He pleaded.

I looked down into his eyes, and, oh fuck, how could I resist?

I pushed my dick in slowly until my pubic hair bumped his balls. I leaned forward and gave him a deep kiss. I slid back a bit and pumped back in a bit as I stretched out the kiss.

"Mmmm..." he moaned around my tongue.

I used his legs to get myself more upright as I started fucking in and out more.

"That's it," Luke encouraged as I picked up the pace. "Fuck me!"

Often, our fucking was energetic and a bit rough. This was more leisurely and passion-filled.

Luke reached up and tweaked my tits while I continued to fuck him. I let my hands roam along his chest.

Changing the angle of my fuck, I found his prostate and started rubbing it with my thrusts.

"Oh, man," he groaned.

I looked down and noticed that his cock was leaking precum onto his abs. I started lengthening my strokes and picking up the pace.

Luke hawked up some spit into the palm of his hand and started jacking. As he worked himself towards a climax, his ass started milking my cock.

"Fuck!" he groaned, as cum spurted out of his cock.

As he shot, his ass clamped down tight on my dick. I pumped in and out twice and flooded his hole with my cum.

Luke rolled onto his side and rested his chin on my chest. His stomach growled a few moments later as we lay there enjoying the afterglow.

"Food!" he said, rather loudly.

"Clean up first, then food."

He hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on as I tidied up the bed. The water was perfect as I stepped in with Luke, soaped up my washcloth, and started scrubbing his back. As I worked my way lower, I soaped his furry butt and then reached between his legs to grope his crotch.

"You keep that up, and we'll never get dinner."

"That's a bad thing?"

"Dinner first, then back to bed to work it off," he offered.


We finished our shower, dried off, and walked naked to the kitchen.

We had our food plated when we heard Cody's voice call out, "I'm home!"

"I hope he's alone," Luke said quietly.

"Alone?" I called out.


"We're in the kitchen."

He came in with his backpack slung over his shoulder. "WOOF! Naked men!"

I chuckled at that. "Want something to eat? We're having a late dinner."

"Hmmm... Wonder what delayed dinner?" Cody said with a laugh.

"Sex maniac over there," Luke teased.

"As I recall, it was your idea," I said with mock fury.

"Yeah, yeah... sex maniac drug, dragged, pulled, you get the picture, me down the hall and had his way with me."

"And you look soooo much worse for it," Cody said.

"Back to the original question; do you want anything?"

"No. I ate at the JC before working on my project."

"What class?" I asked.

"Systems Modeling."

"What's the project?"

"We have to build a mathematical model for a system. It can be computer, electrical, economic, or mechanical."

"Complex, but straightforward," I said.

The look I got from Cody told me he didn't quite agree.

"I won't do your homework for you, but you can ask any questions you like. I've been thinking it might be worth auditing some classes to see what's new in the field."

"Go back to school?"

"Why not? They didn't offer a lot of these classes when I was getting my BS or my MS."

"I'd appreciate help if I get stuck," Cody said.


We finished eating, and then Luke and I put our dishes in the machine.

"Time for a certain young man to get naked!" I said, looking at Cody.

"See, sex maniac!"

"And you're not?"

"Never said I wasn't!"

Cody started down the hall towards the bedroom, and Luke followed, goosing his ass.


"Are you willing to do another dinner with friends?" I asked while we ate.

"Who this time?" Luke replied.

"Your choice, Chris and Stephen or Ben and Austin."

"Chris was your real estate agent?" Cody asked.

"Correct. Chris and Stephen are longtime friends. Stephen helped me find a lot of the mid-century modern furniture for the house."

"Ben and Austin are younger, aren't they?" Luke asked.

"Ben's thirty-five, and Austin is a bit younger. Chris is in his early fifties, and Stephen is a bit older."

Cody and Luke looked at each other, then Cody shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. We were communicating. How about Ben and Austin?" Luke replied.

"That's fine with me. I will put this out there; Chris and Stephen offered to host."

I looked at the guys' expressions and knew that was pushing things. They did that silent expression thing again; Luke shrugged this time.

"That's cool," Cody said.

"Would you be comfortable with one here either Friday or Saturday and then Chris and Stephen on Sunday, or is that too much?"

"It's that smother thing again. We're adults and don't have a lot of schoolwork this weekend," Luke said. "We can do both."

"Thanks for being so considerate," Cody said.

"What's with this non-verbal communication?"

"What?" Cody asked.

"You look at each other, you shrug, and then one of you answers."

"We'd already talked about it," Luke admitted. "We were just confirming things."

I just gave them a funny look.

"When are you going to invite them?" Cody asked.

"I'll text them now."

I grabbed my phone and sent an invite to Ben and Austin, then an acceptance to Chris and Stephen for Sunday. I got a quick response from Ben saying that Friday was better. Soon after, I got a message from Chris saying they looked forward to hosting us on Sunday.

"We're on." I let the guys know during a commercial break.


"Welcome," Cody said as he answered the front door.

"Thanks," Ben replied.

"Can I take your jackets?" Luke asked.

I put the finishing touches on the cheese board, carried it to the den, and then turned to greet our guests.

"Welcome," I said.

"Good of the three of you to have us out."

"Overdue," Cody said.

Luke nodded in agreement.

"What would you like to drink?" Luke asked.

"Wine would be nice," Austin replied.

"Same," Ben said.

"White or red?" Luke asked.

"What do you have in white?" Austin asked.

Luke gave me a look.

"We have a Riesling that is a bit sweet. We have a Sauvignon Blanc, a Pinot Blanc, and..." I thought for a moment. "Oh, we have a Chasselas from Switzerland."

"That sounds interesting," Austin replied.


He nodded his head.

I went and grabbed the bottle from the wine fridge, got the glasses, and poured.

"What all have you done to the place since we were here last?" Austin asked.

"Not a lot," I said.

"We put in a closet organizing system," Cody said. "Not decorative, but functional."

"I need to redo our closets," Austin said.

"Would you like to see what we did?" Cody asked.


"Follow me," Cody offered.

They walked down the hallway and disappeared.

"Not into closets?" Luke asked.

"My wardrobe would fit in your coat closet. Austin's takes up two, but I don't complain because he wears everything he owns. No upgrades to the gym?" Ben replied.

"Nope, it's been fully functional," I replied.

A few moments later, Cody and Austin reappeared.

"For a reach-in closet, I'm impressed," Austin said. "I'll have to check out that system."

"It has worked well," Cody replied.

I was impressed with how Cody and Luke participated in the conversation.

"What are the cheeses?" Ben asked.

"We have a goat cheese with cranberry, a smoked Gouda, and a habanero jack," Luke explained. "Coulter said you both liked spicy food."

"Speaking of food, I need to check on dinner," I said.

Cody followed me to the kitchen while Luke entertained the guests. The five of us enjoyed food and friendship. It put me in a happy place.


"That's some house," Luke said.

"They built it about ten years ago," I explained.

"It's huge," Cody said.

"It's something like sixty-five hundred square feet," I explained.

"How does that compare?" Luke asked.

"Our house is twenty-four hundred square feet above grade and eighteen hundred below," I explained.

As we climbed out of the truck, Luke said, "I feel underdressed."

"You're not. The house may be formal, but they said this wasn't."

We got up to the front door, and Cody rang the bell.

"Welcome," Chris said as he allowed us into the house.

"Thanks," Cody said as he stepped in.

"Let me take your jackets," Chris offered.

"It's a lovely house," Luke said.

"Let's get you a drink, and then I can give you a tour if you'd like," Chris said.

Chris got everyone a drink and took Luke and Cody on a tour. I stayed in the kitchen with Stephen.

"I think the guys are awestruck by your house," I explained.

"It's a house," Stephen said.

"It's an amazing house, decorated perfectly with some of the nicest things I've ever seen. I remember my reaction the first time I came here. I was a bit overwhelmed. Growing up on a farm, you never saw anything like this." I paused, and Stephen started to say something, but I raised a hand. "They need to learn that they will walk into all types of homes, but it's the people that live there that matter."

"Thanks, that's a great perspective. We've been friends for over ten years."

"Nope. You've been great friends for over ten years!"

Stephen smiled broadly.

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

"Table is set. Food is about ready. We're doing this buffet style with the food on the peninsula and eating in the sunroom."

We talked a bit more before Chris came back with Cody and Luke.

"It's a great house," Luke said to Stephen.

"Thanks, we love it," he replied. "Ready for dinner?"

We all nodded. We got our food plated and sat down.

"This area is great," Cody said.

"It's part of what we liked about the design," Chris explained. "The kitchen, great room, and sunroom are each defined spaces but open to each other. It gives a good flow."

"The house is open, but not super open. The formal spaces in the front are walled off from this area. Chris' office is completely separate, so I don't have to see the mess or hear all the calls," Stephen explained.

"You work from home a lot?" Luke asked.

"Yes. I don't go to the office for most of my work. I probably do fifty percent at home, forty percent from my car, and ten percent at the office. I'm a top performer, and they give me space to do what I do best, sell homes."

We had a pleasant dinner as Luke and Cody got to know Chris and Stephen, and vice versa.

"That was fun," Cody said as we got into the truck.

"They are nice guys," Luke added.

"We've been friends for years," I said.

"Can't judge a book by its cover," Cody said.

"What?" I asked.

"They don't seem to be as," Cody said and paused. "Stuffy as their house?"

"They aren't," I replied.

"Can I be honest?" Luke asked.

"Always," I replied.

"I was expecting them to treat me like my parents' friends do. I mean, they are both older than my folks," Luke explained.

"I can understand your perspective, but my friends are going to treat you like my partners, not kids."

"I probably shouldn't ask this," Luke started. "How'd they get so wealthy?"

"Chris is a good real estate agent, and in the area where he primarily works, houses are expensive. When he helped me buy the house, he made three percent of the price. On a million-dollar home, that is thirty thousand for one transaction."

"Wow!" Cody exclaimed. "What about Stephen?"

"He was pretty high up in HHS. He left a year ago to go to one of the big government contractors."

"High up?" Luke asked.

"SES," I explained.

"My dad's a GS-13," Luke said.

"My dad's a GS-12," Cody said.

"And remember, no kids."

"Huh?" Luke grunted.

"Like parents, they bought a house. Like parents, they have expenses and stuff for themselves. Unlike parents, they don't have to extend their expenses and stuff to cover kids."

"Oh," Cody said. "What about us?"

"We'll be the same way."

The conversation continued as I drove us home. I was happy the guys liked my friends, and even happier that they were talking about us!


"I'm hitting karaoke tonight unless either of you want to do something."

"I'm going to be on campus for a good part of the evening," Luke explained. "I need to do more work on my paper, and my professor is having an open office time from six to eight. I want to stop by and ask some questions."

"That's nice of him or her," I said.

"She's a great professor, and I've learned a lot from her," he said.

"I'll probably stay on campus and work on my paper as well," Cody said.

"Karaoke it is then. I should be running. Do you want me to drop you off on campus?" I asked Cody.

"I'm heading over so I can get him there in time for class," Luke said.

"Love you both," I said.

I gave them both a kiss, they let me know they loved me, and I hit the road. I thought it was a crap shoot, so I decided to drive in to work so I'd have the truck to get home. Fortunately, traffic wasn't too bad, and I got to work a bit earlier than the train.

"Morning," I said to Greta as I walked by her cubicle.

"Morning. Hey, just the man I wanted to talk to."

"Oh? What's up?"

"There are fifteen front-end tickets for this next release, and I'm getting concerned."

"Five of them are done but tied to a DB update that hasn't been finished, so they can't be retested. Five of them should be done today at the latest, per my team's updates yesterday afternoon. Four of them are low-priority cosmetic fixes that should be done once everything else is completed. The fifteenth ticket is stuck. We're waiting to see how the back-end fixes that priority ticket, then we'll address it quickly."

"I should have known you'd have it all in hand."

"That's why I get my SCRUM updates at the end of the day. I can compile them on the way home, and typically, I'd review them on the way to work. I drove in today, but I still remember what I had last night."

"Thanks; you're putting my mind at ease. All I could see was six days and things not moving on track."

"Hopefully, back-end will have the fix ready to test today, and we can address the front-end changes."

"We shall see."

I went to my desk and got my day started. By the end of the day, my team had things well in hand.

I got to the club and, unable to find anyone to join me, had dinner at the bar. I was sitting there when George walked up.

"Coulter, how are you doing?"

"Great, and yourself?"

"Living the dream! By yourself tonight?"

"For dinner, yes. Some of the gang should be here for the fun."

The bartender walked up and asked George, "need food or drink?"

"Burger, fries, and an unsweet tea," he replied.

"Unsweet? How un-Southern of you," I said with a laugh.

"I have to watch my boyish figure, and it's not good for my diabetes."

"That's why I gave it up," I replied.

"You? Type one or type two?"

"Type two. Found out two years ago. I lost my husband, lost weight, changed jobs, and started over."

"Sounds like a great renovation."

"It has been! Right down to a great new house out west."

"Now we have to find you a man."

"No worries in that area," I replied.

"Understood, divorce will do that to you."

I just laughed and decided not to fill in the details at this point.

Eventually, George was served his dinner. We kept talking until he went off to get things ready. I snagged the usual table and waited for the crew to arrive.

"Gentlemen, glad you could join me," I said as Chris and Stephen walked up.

"How's tricks?" Chris asked.

"Pretty good."

"How are your guys?" Stephen asked.

"Busy tonight with school papers. They really did enjoy themselves on Sunday. Thanks!"

"Pleasure. They are great guys," Stephen said.

"I had a great discussion with Cody while showing them the house. He really got into the differences between mid-century modern and colonial décor," Chris explained.

"Never realized he thought much about the design of the house. I'll have to discuss it with him."

"Guys," Phil said as he joined us at the table.

"How goes?" Chris asked.

"Goes well," he replied. "Who's singing what tonight?"

"Hot n Cold by Katy Perry," Chris said.

Everyone looked at me.

"Surprise, I'm doing country. Bottoms Up by Brantley Gilbert."

"Not familiar with that one," Phil said.

"It's country-rock to me; I love the beat and sound."

"Looking forward to it," Stephen said.

As the evening got going, different folks took the stage. For many, karaoke was a time to have fun. For others, it was like an open mic night where they got to show off. I took the later route.

"Keeping his country charms going, next up is Coulter with Bottoms Up," Georgia announced.

I grabbed my fedora, removed my dress shirt, revealing a scoop-neck tank top under it, and went to the stage. With my scruffy facial hair, I felt like I was paying good homage to Brantley.

"Damn, that was sexy," George said as he came back to the stage. "Next up is Taylor doing This Kiss."

And with that, the next person took the stage.


Luke walked into the kitchen. He'd been in his room most of the morning doing schoolwork. I asked, "How's your paper going?"

"It's getting there. It's a lot to put together," he admitted.

"If you need someone to proof it, review it, and or edit it, I'm available."

"Thanks, I might take you up on it."

I gave him a smile. I'd made the offer before, but I didn't like to push.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah, what's available?"

"Leftovers: meatloaf, baked chicken, or pork kabob. Those can be eaten as is or transformed into a sandwich. Lots of veggies and other sides to choose from."

"Hmmm..." He stopped and thought for a moment or two. "I think I'm going to have the kabob with rice and green beans."

"Sounds good. I'm going to do some chicken with broccoli and cheese."

"Did Cody say when he'd be home?"

"His group was supposed to meet from eleven to two. I figure he'll be home by three if all goes well."

"I hate group projects," Luke said.

"I can understand that. All the pressures of working in a team, without the policing of the team by management."

"What do you mean?"

"If my team isn't working together and someone's slacking, I hear about it and address it as their manager. If the team doesn't agree on something, the team brings the ideas and presents the concepts for both sides, and I, as the manager, decide how to move forward. For most college groups, the professor provides nothing to help. If someone or several members do nothing, there is little recourse."

"Cody mentioned one of their team members wasn't coming, wouldn't meet, and wasn't taking any part in the project."

"Has the team gone to the professor?"

"He said they had and didn't get any help. The professor did say that each individual grade could be different."

"They have to turn in a paper and present?"


"The one that isn't involved?"

"I think that's what they are working out today. How to make it clear she didn't take part."



"I'm going to karaoke after work," I said. "You both have been so busy with schoolwork; I figure it will give you time to get things done."

"We're no fun," Cody said.

"You're two college students trying to finish the semester. That takes priority. Regardless, you are plenty of fun for me!"

He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"What's in my lunch cooler?"

"Frozen smoothie, carnitas sandwich, carrots, some ranch dipping sauce, and a cookie."


"I put a bag out for Luke. Are you riding with me?"

"Yes. He's going in later."

"We should get a move on," I said.

Cody followed me out to the truck. I dropped him off on campus and then drove in to work. I got to the club a little after six and found Phil, Stephen, and Ben waiting for me.

"Coulter, good to see you," Ben said. "How are the guys?"

"The guys are good. Neck deep in projects, but good."

"Couple weeks till exams?"

"Exams start on May tenth, so just under three weeks."

"Start on a Wednesday?" Phil asked.

"Classes end on Saturday. Monday and Tuesday are reading days, and exams run from Wednesday to Wednesday. For seniors, graduation is the following Saturday, which gives the professors two days to get everything finished and submitted."

"That actually makes sense," Ben commented. "When I graduated, exams ended on Friday, and we marched on Saturday. Some of the kids may not actually have passed."

"Same," Stephen said.

The waiter walked up and said, "Gentlemen, are you ready to order?"

We got our orders placed, and the discussion moved to other topics. We had just finished eating when I saw Austin walking up behind Ben. He wrapped his arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sorry, I couldn't make dinner," he said. "Work was a bit intense."

"Glad you could join us at all," Stephen said.

"Who else is singing tonight?"

All eyes turned toward me. With Chris not coming, Austin and I were the only regular singers.

"All the Lovers," I explained.

"KYLIE!" Austin let out a shriek. "I'm doing Chocolate!"

"Ms. Minogue is being represented tonight," Stephen said with a laugh.


"I want to take you up on your offer," Luke said as I started to clean up after dinner.

Cody had disappeared as soon as he'd finished eating to do research at the library for a paper.

"More sex?" I asked with a laugh.

"Well, that would be good, but I meant you reviewing my paper for IT Project Management."


"This is the class that meets Mason's writing intensive course for my major."

"That means it's a huge part of your grade."

"There's no final exam; this is it. Based on my grades, I'm a borderline A or B, and..."

"And if you ace this paper, you're going to get an A. Got it. Is it ready?"

"I think so."

"Put it up on the NAS?"

"Or I can share it from my OneDrive."

"Whichever is easier," I said.

"I'll send you the link in a few minutes."

"That's fine. Do you have more homework?"

"Umm... yeah?"

"Okay, then I'll start the review tonight. With Cody gone and you involved in other homework, it's not cuddle and watch TV time."

"Oh, okay. Thanks!"

I went to my desk, pulled up my e-mail, got Luke's link, and started my review. The document was well thought out and had a good flow. I turned track changes on and started marking a few things, then I realized I needed to check with Luke. I walked down the hallway.

"Oxford comma or not?" I asked.

"Definitely. They review documents for this class like we're English majors. Like I said, it's the writing intensive course, and the teaching assistants are tough."

"Full on grammar police, got it."

He smiled at me, and I returned to my work.

Beyond punctuation, a few word choices, and breaking apart a few run-on sentences, there weren't many places where I put a real comment. Once I was done, I hit save.

"I'm home," Cody called out.

"Welcome home," I said as I cut through the foyer on the way to the bedroom.

"Relaxing night?"

"I reviewed Luke's big paper for his IT Project Management course."

"Cool. How was it?"

"Content-wise, it was great. I did hit a lot of punctuation and some other grammar items. Not a lot of comments on flow or anything like that. Do you have anything you need reviewed?"

"Not this semester. None of my courses make us write much. I hear that next semester will have a lot more."

"Don't forget, I offer a proofing service."

"I won't!"

We found Luke in his room, studying.

"Done?" I asked.

"I should stop," he admitted.

"I finished your paper."

"Cool, I'll go through your edits tomorrow. Thanks!"

He came over and gave me a deep kiss. With his body against me, I started to harden and could feel his cock firming up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Cody standing in the doorway.

"Want to join us?" I asked.

"Yeah, in our bedroom."

The three of us were removing clothing as we walked.


"You two need to lay the ground rules for the next two weeks," I said as we were eating dinner.

"Huh? What?" Cody said.

"It's exam time, and my job is to support you. My job is to feed you. My job is to de-stress you. My job is to help you with whatever you need. You need to communicate your needs."

"Umm, lots of de-stressing sex!" Luke said with a laugh. "Seriously, I don't think it will be much different from any other week. You always give us the space we need to study, and that's what I'll need."

"Yeah. There won't be any cram sessions or all-nighters," Cody added. "I need to review my notes, but mostly, I'll be done when you get home. I'm lucky. I have one each day."

"I'm Lukey, and I have one Wednesday, one Thursday and one Friday. The second week, I have two on Monday."

Both Cody and I laughed when he said Lukey!

"Lucky Lukey!" I said. "Or getting lucky with Lukey!"

"Or I'm lucky I love Lukey!" Cody added.

The three of us continued to laugh as we finished dinner. After cleaning up, I was thinking about going into the den to watch a bit of TV. Luke stopped me.

"Since next week is going to be stressful, can we have a destress session?" he asked.

"Sure! I'll get some mats, put on the meditation music, and we can do some yoga!"

Cody burst into laughter.

"Not quite what I meant!" Luke said.

"Gym, playroom, or bedroom?" I asked.

"How `bout we start in the gym, move to the playroom, and end up in the bedroom? Maybe a shower at some point too," Cody offered.

"My body is willing; I'm not sure if I can keep up with you two through that many destressing sessions!"

"You'll survive, old man," Luke teased.

We went downstairs and stripped to our jocks. I got on the bench and took hold of the bar. The weights were light, so I started doing some presses. Cody straddled me from the front, while Luke spotted me from behind. As I did my workout, Cody worked his ass over my jock. As my cock stretched the fabric, Cody slipped it out of the pouch, letting his ass rub it.

I racked the weights, and Cody moved down between my legs, taking my cock to the hilt. I reached up and pulled Luke's cock out, using it to pull him forward a bit and into my mouth.

Cody slurped on my dick. I used the bar to gain leverage as I worked on Luke's cock. I pulled myself up a bit, letting his cock work into my throat. In between lifts, I would run my tongue along the shaft or over the head. Finally, Luke got a bit impatient and put his hands on my pits, pulling me back and letting my head slip off the end of the bench. This gave my mouth perfect access to his cock.

Cody moved forward with me and continued sucking.

I nursed on Luke's cock. I used the bar to help me as I went up and down his hard shaft. Luke, in turn, took the opportunity to fuck down into my mouth.

I think I was starting to get to Luke as he removed his cock from my mouth. He moved around and kneeled behind Cody.

Using the bar again, I lifted myself a bit and watched Luke eat Cody's ass as Cody continued to do an expert job on my cock.

Finally, Cody pulled his mouth off my dick and said, "I need fucked, and this thing is ready for my ass! Phase two, the fuck bench!"

Luke sat back on his haunches, and Cody stood and offered me his hand. He helped me up, and then we helped Luke stand. The three of us moved into the playroom, and Cody positioned himself on the bench.

I took a few minutes to eat his hole and ensure it was prepped for a good, hard fuck. Luke moved around to Cody's mouth and presented his dick.

Soon, Cody was skewered. I was fucking his ass while Luke fucked his mouth. Having been stimulated for so long, this wasn't going to be a long fuck. I aimed to make it a good fuck, finding Cody's prostate and rubbing it with every stroke.

"Fuck him hard," Luke encouraged me.

Cody just let out some gurgled groans around Luke's cock.

After some time, the stimulation was just too much.

"I'm gonna shoot," I warned.

"Fuck him! Shoot, man," Luke said.

Luke pulled out of Cody's mouth and moved around to watch.

I started flooding Cody's ass.

"That's it, Daddy, fuck me!" Cody urged.

Spent, I collapsed on Cody's back.

"Rest in the sling," Luke said to me. "I need to fuck that hole."

I pulled out and moved over into the sling. Luke spit on his dick and slid in. It didn't take me long to get my energy back. Watching Luke, I had a brilliant idea. I ran out of the room and upstairs. I grabbed my phone and ran back.

"What the fuck?" Luke asked as I returned to the room.

"I want a memento!" I explained.

I pointed my phone at my guys and started taking a video.

"Holy shit, you're filming a porno!" Luke exclaimed.

"I'll take it off my phone and put it on the NAS, but I want some porn for the summer!"

"It's fucking brilliant!" Cody said.

I tried to be a bit creative when filming Luke fuck Cody. I stood back and did some distant shots, then got in close and filmed his cock sliding in and out of that tight hole. My dick started firming up, and I moved around and presented it to Cody. He started sucking, so for a while I did a POV angle of him sucking me, alternating with leaning forward a bit to show Luke's dick fucking him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Luke yelled as he dumped a load into Cody.

As he finished cumming, he rested his body on Cody's back.

I was about to stop the video when Luke said, "I need fucked."

He got up and moved into the sling.

Cody climbed off the bench, his hard dick rubbing his abs. He moved over and started prepping Luke's hole.

I found a place to put my phone where it could get a good shot of the sling. I hit record again, and then moved in behind Cody. I started eating his well-fucked hole, tasting the mixture of Luke and my loads.

"That's it, Cody, get me prepped for a hard fuck!" Luke said.

Finally, Cody got into position and started fucking Luke. I grabbed my phone and started filming. The action was getting me recharged, and my dick was hard. I moved for a close shot, and Luke started stroking my cock.

"Fuck me!" Luke urged.

"This is my hole, and I'm gonna own it!" Cody declared.

"Fuck!" Luke groaned as Cody started slamming into his ass. It was clear Cody'd found Luke's prostate from the way Luke's dick twitched and started leaking pre-cum.

I pulled away to change the angle of the video. Remembering different pornos I'd seen, I lay on the floor and slid on the sling, getting a great shot of Cody's dick working in and out of Luke's ass. After a bit, I stood and then grabbed the box Luke used when he was the fucker at the sling. I stood on it and got a view from behind Cody, looking down at Luke.

"Fuck yeah," Luke said, looking straight at the camera.

I stepped off the box and moved it aside. My dick was hard, Cody's ass was open and wet, and I slid in.

"FUCK!" Cody groaned as I bottomed out. I pulled back a bit, letting Cody do the work. His ass was riding my cock while he fucked Luke.

I extended my arm to my right and let the phone capture the action as best I could.

With my cock in this ass, it didn't take long until Cody shot. I pulled out of his hole as he lay on top of Luke to rest a bit.

When he stood, Luke said, "Phase three, shower."

It was going to be one for the record books!


"I don't want to go," Cody said. His voice hovered near a whine.

"Your folks want you home. Summer sessions weren't an option. It won't be that bad," I said.


"Yes, it will mean a significant change in our relationship. Luke got you a job at the same hotel he worked at last year. Try to get the same shifts and spend as much time as possible together. I'm going to come visit at least once," I said. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!"

"I get it. I will survive. From what Luke said, our days off will be in the middle of the week. I won't be around my folks too much, and they won't be able to drag me to their church!"

I decided not to fret about next summer. With Luke graduating, he wouldn't need to head home, and Cody'd be the odd man out unless he could convince his parents that summer sessions were needed. Maybe an internship or co-op job might be the ticket. I put this aside for now.

"When are you two leaving?"

"Luke told his folks we'd head home Thursday or Friday. That way, exams won't be impacted by packing or anything else."

"Smart. When do you start at the hotel?"

"The following Monday is orientation and paperwork. There's training on Tuesday, but I doubt that will take long."

"Working the front desk with Luke?"

"No, I'm starting in valet parking, but the lady I interviewed with said she'd move me to room service as soon as she could."

"Fancy hotel. I never really talked to Luke about where he worked."

"It's old. Built in the twenties and really, expensive. It's over six hundred a night. It's not like most of the hotels on the beach."

"You should rake in the tips!"

"I hadn't thought about that."

"As polite and handsome as you are, you'll get some good tips. Just be your usual charming self!"

"Thanks for the compliments. I will try hard!"

"No getting hard with the guests," I teased.

Cody gave me a soft punch to the shoulder.


Exam week was an odd combination of building tension and releasing tension. The guys were understandably stressed, trying to ensure they were ready for each exam. Additionally, each of us was understandably stressed about their departure. To make matters worse, my mind was playing "should I" games. Should I be in a relationship with college guys? Should I be in a relationship where guys go home on break? It wasn't helping.

After work, I'd come home and fix dinner, work out, and clean up a bit while the guys studied. Then we'd meet in the den, snuggle up on the couch, and watch television. It really didn't matter what we watched. It was about closeness and storing up all the contact we could for the months ahead.


Monday morning, I emailed Darryl and Phil about a summer get away trip to the beach. A few hours later, my cell phone rang.

"Hey, Phil. What's up."

"Darryl's in, and so am I. What are your thoughts on hotels?"

"I found a few nice places that still have rentals at different points in the summer."

"A house or condo?"

"Mostly houses, I've been checking VRBO and a few other sites. Some with decent ratings that are still available just depends on the week we choose."

"Darryl e-mailed me his free weeks; I'll remove those I can't go, and then you'll have a schedule. Book something nice!"

"Will do."

I emailed Luke and Cody to see what week would be best based on their schedules. I got responses that evening saying that most weekends wouldn't work. Cody would be off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, while Luke would be off on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They were both excited that I was going to visit. It took some doing, but everyone agreed to a trip to the beach the week prior to July 4th, going Sunday to Sunday.


"You're depressed," Phil said over dinner. "They've been gone for two weeks."

"I'm trying. It's hard going home to an empty house and an empty bed. It makes my life feel empty."

"You need to keep your mind off it," he suggested.

"I'm working out more. I'm going to karaoke. I'm spending more of my free hours on landscape projects at home. I'm doing dinner or other things with friends when they are available. What more do you suggest?"

"Okay, you're really trying. Do the three of you keep in touch?"

"Every day. Every night. They are both on the three-to-eleven shift at the hotel. I don't bother them during that time. We do a video chat during their meal break. They both give me a call during their last evening break, which is just before I go to bed. I message them in the morning after I know they should be awake."

"How are they handling it?"

"Okay, I guess. They have each other and see each other almost every day."


"No and yes."

Phil gave me an odd look.

"No, I'm not jealous of anything they get to do with each other. From what I hear, it's just time together. You know – meals, hanging at the beach, seeing each other at work. We all love each other, and that's not changing. Yes, I'm very jealous that they can spend time together and I'm alone."

"Could you work remotely?"

"I hadn't thought of that, but I'm not sure it's an option. Finding a place, costs, and upkeep here."

"Makes sense."

"I see them in twenty-two days. We get seven days together, and then it's fifty-five days till they move back."

Phil burst into laughter.

"Cody texts us how many days are left each morning," I admitted.

"I was thinking you had it on a calendar."

"I do. He and I are a bit alike in that respect."

"Overly horny without them?"

"Again, no and yes."

"That needs a bit of explanation," Phil said.

"Well, I miss the cuddling, the snuggling, the intimacy. We made a couple videos just before the left; those help."

"You made porn?"

"Damn right. Some of the hottest stuff I've ever watched!"

"How'd you do it?"

"The first one was kinda impromptu, and I used my phone. It's amateur, but hot. That got the guys thinking. We used all three phones to film things from different angles, and then after they left, I edited them into a coherent video. It's fucking awesome."

"The boys don't have these on their phones, do they?"

"None of us do. We put them on the NAS and purged them. None of us wanted to take the risk of having someone see them."

"Makes sense."

Phil gave me a few odd looks.


"I was thinking about you recording sex. That seems out of character for you. But you have changed a lot since you left James."

"I've said it before; I'll say it again. I hid a lot of me while I was with James."


"I'm glad we're doing this," Brian said. "And thanks for coming over."

"I'm happy we're competing again. It is easier for me to trek over here after work than for you two to schlep all the way out to my place," I said. "

"We've got food out," Oscar said, pointing to a small spread. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Good hosts," I replied. "Just a diet Coke, thanks."

"Can or glass with ice?"

"If can doesn't bother you, I'd prefer it. Don't like my soda watered down."

Oscar laughed as he grabbed a can and handed it to me. "We're not that pretentious! Did you give any thoughts to what we could perform?"

"I enjoyed doing Don't Let Go last time. How about Too Gone, Too Long?"

"I thought I knew all of En Vogue's big hits," Brian said. "Don't remember that one."

"I love it; hits a good spot with me at the moment. I looked it up, and it only reached thirty-three on the charts. It's from the EV3 album."


"I have the video queued up," I admitted.

"Let me turn on the TV, and you can cast it," Oscar said.

We watched the video a few times.

"Well, Terry and Maxine traded off lead vocals more in this one," Brian commented. "Would you want to divide this up?"

"Have a bass singing lead?" I asked. "I'm fine with being the backup vocalist."

"Why not? Altos sing lead in girl groups," Oscar said.

"Fair enough," I replied.

"Let's listen one more time," Brian said.

We reviewed the song one more time.

"Here's how I see it," Brian said. "Oscar takes the first verse, and we do the backup. Second verse, I think should be me."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Here's where we change things up. You've got a strong voice; you take the bridge that Maxine and Terry did together. It's a power ballad, and you'll nail it."

"Funny to think of the Funky Divas doing a Diane Warren power ballad," I said. "I'm willing to give it a try."

This time Oscar queued up the karaoke music, and we got started. We worked through it for about an hour.

"I think that's going to be a winner," Oscar said.


"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm okay," Cody said, although he sounded a bit down.

"How are things with your folks?"

"Somewhere between eh and meh."

"What's wrong? Are they not happy about something?"

"How many ways can they be unhappy? Let's see. I'm not dating a great girl, so I can settle down once school is done, get married, and then have kids. Oh, and only in that order. No sex before marriage is permitted. I'm working on the weekends. I need to fight to change my schedule, even though weekends are a hotel's busiest time. Of course, I'm missing way too much church. I think dad's still upset that I moved off campus even though my grades improved. I mean, I went from a three point four while living in the dorm to a three point eight while living with you. But I'm missing all the experiences! I'm fucking sick of it."

"Understood. We're going to get through this. I promise you."

"I know. Luke and I were talking about me finding a beard."

"You think you can find someone acceptable to your parents?"

"Sure, she must be roughly my age, white, and willing to be photographed with me. She wouldn't be able to visit, that's sinful. She might have to put up with them visiting once or twice. That's about it. We could run an ad somewhere, I'm sure."

"If you think it will help, I can try to find someone."

"I think it might."

"Anything new going on?

"Nothing since we talked last night. Work, sleep, and time with Luke. We've made friends with a couple of the guys at the hotel, and we hang out with them, but our schedules keep that to a minimum. You?"

"Brian, Oscar, and I are doing Too Gone, Too Long for the competition tomorrow night."

"Not sure I know that one," he admitted.

"En Vogue off their EV3 album. It's a power ballad, and I'm doing the third verse. Watch the video at some point if you can."

"Will do. I need to finish eating and get back to work."

"Only six more days till I get there!"

"I know; I'm stoked. Sleep well. Love you!"

"Love you too!"


"I'm excited," Georgia said.

"Why's that?"

"You haven't sung with Brian and Oscar since last summer, and it was so good," she said. "I'll be honest, I thought the three of you should have won."

"Thanks. We're doing another En Vogue song again," I explained.

"Which one?"

"Too Gone, Too Long. We're pretty psyched about it."

"Hmmm... that's a great one. I look forward to it."

I returned to my seat as Georgia started getting the next contestant registered.

"How are you doing?" Phil asked.

"Better," I admitted. "I spent time with Brian and Oscar getting ready for tonight."

"How are the house projects coming along?" Chris asked.

"On the weekends, I'm a man on a mission. I got another truckload of crap taken to the dump late on Sunday."

"Couldn't you compose it?" Stephen asked.

"Mostly, it's invasives like native rose, pachysandra, or stilt grass. I don't want that mess in my compost. It's not ending up in the landfill, I put it in the county's compost pile. They manage it better than I can, so it shouldn't propagate when someone gets the free compost."

"Gotcha. Do you compost?" Stephen asked.

"I do. I have a leaf compost pile back in the woods."

"I'm confused," he replied.

"No, I don't take the leaves from the woods. I only clean my yard, and there's not much of that. I put the pile in a discreet location. It's not something I want to see from the house. It won't produce huge volumes, but I wanted to have some food for my beds."

"Gotcha," he said.

The lights flashed, signaling the start of karaoke.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to competition night; this is where the quality of our karaoke shines. Tonight, our teams are competing in the theme girl groups. We have only a couple folks signed up to sing that aren't competing," Georgia explained. "They are all happy to go after the competitors so that the judges have a bit more time to figure out a winner. First up tonight, Tanner, Josh, and Campbell are doing Wannabe."

Oscar, Brian, and I were called to the stage after the mid-evening break. We got into position, the music started, and we got into the zone.

"That was great," Phil said as I sat down.


"You do have a great voice," Chris said. "I was impressed how long you held that note."

"My mom taught me how to breathe," I explained.

"Man, did she ever!"

The music for the next group started, and the conversation stopped. At the end of the evening, I went to thank Georgia.

"I think y'all were robbed," she said.

"I guess the judges don't like En Vogue."

"Well, it is their opinion," she replied. "But I think your song was the best."

"Thanks, and as always, thanks for hosting!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. Now we just gotta get a man on that handsome arm of yours."

"That's resolved," I explained.

"Where is he?"

"This is our separate time, for now at least."

"Gotcha. Have a nice night," she said.

"You too!"


"Do you know where they live?" Darryl asked as we headed east on the Virginia Beach Expressway.

"I have their addresses, but I've never looked them up. I know it's south of the Oceania Naval Air Station. Both Luke and Cody's fathers work at the base."

"Where do they work?" Phil asked.

"At the Cavalier Hotel. It is one of the Marriott boutique hotels, very expensive, and very swanky. According to what they told me, it's in the forties blocks."

"Where are we?" Phil asked.

"About twenty blocks south of them and just off Baltic, which puts us four blocks from the beach."

"It appeared to be a nice place, but I was just trying to get the relationship to where your boys are," Phil said.

"I figure they can stop by on their way to work in the early afternoon. If I can stay awake, they can stop by on the way home. Plus, they both get Tuesday and Wednesday off; evidently, Luke traded a coworker. Because their parents will be working, we'll have max time together.

"I think I'll spend most of those two days at the beach!" Darryl said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'm not going to be anywhere near that house!" Phil added.

"We're not THAT loud."

"Don't know; don't want to know."


`We're here.' I sent to Cody and Luke. It was a few minutes of three, and I wondered if they were too far into starting their shift to respond.

First, I received back from Cody, `S_top by on way home'_ then I got `Stay awake!'

`Feel free to wake me up!'

I got a laughing face emoji.

`Enjoy work!'

We got our stuff unpacked and the house opened to take advantage of the nice breeze coming off the ocean.

"Grocery shopping," Phil said.

"I scoped out a few different places."

"As long as it isn't dirty, I'll shop it," Darryl said. "I guess the question is, are we cooking a lot or eating out a lot?"

"I'm thinking breakfast in; lunch and dinner can be either. The place does have a gas grill out back," I replied.

"Then we eat more here and eat well!" Phil said.

We went to a grocery store and stocked up. I'd brought some staples in a box so we wouldn't have to buy them.

When we got back to the place, Darryl asked, "You guys hungry?"

"Getting there," I admitted.

Phil nodded his head.

"Steaks and corn on the grill plus a salad sound good?" Darryl asked.

"Sure, I'll clean the corn," I offered.

The three of us got dinner going, ate, and then cleaned up.

After dinner, Darryl asked, "Phil and I are going for a walk on the beach. Care to join us?"

"I'm going to take a nap."

"Boys coming by late?"

"Yeah. They'll be here a little after eleven."

They left for their walk, and I curled up on my bed for a nap. My phone's chirping woke me up. I looked at the clock; it was five after eleven. I grabbed my phone and read the text messages.

`In 10. Awake?'

`That I am! Well rested!'

I went out onto the porch. Luke's car pulled up a short time later. I didn't get down the front steps before I was tackled! Luke planted a massive kiss on me, then stepped aside as Cody did the same.

"Let's take it inside, guys."

"Damn right!"

We walked inside, and Phil and Darryl started clapping.

"I didn't see you there when I walked outside," I said.

"Just remember you promised not to be too loud!" Darryl said.

"We'll be good," Luke said.

"Yeah, really good!" Cody said with a laugh.

I led my guys to my bedroom as Darryl and Phil laughed.

Within seconds, we were standing at the foot of the bed, kissing. The groupings in the kiss shifted: Luke and me, then Cody and me, then the two of them, then the three of us.

Knowing we didn't have a lot of time, I started unbuttoning my shirt. The guys got the hint and stripped down quickly. Before I could do anything, Cody and Luke were down on their knees, taking turns on my dick. If I live to be one hundred, I don't think I'll get used to having two mouths on my cock at the same time.

"Fuck, that feels good," I moaned.

Things shifted with Cody sucking my cock in earnest and Luke standing and kissing me again.

"Let's move this to the bed," I said.

I lay on my back, and Cody returned to sucking my dick. Luke moved up, and I started sucking his dick.

"You're good," Luke cooed in my ear.

I just redoubled my efforts.

"Time for a change," Luke said.

Cody got up on all fours, and Luke moved in behind him, spreading his cheeks and eating him out. I got behind Luke and started rimming him, getting his hole ready for a good, hard fuck.

After a good bit of time having his ass eaten, Cody exclaimed, "I need fucked, and I need fucked now."

I rolled over on my back, and Cody climbed on. As he started bouncing on my cock, Luke moved around and began sucking on Cody's dripping dick.

"Fuck me," Cody urged. He started bouncing faster and faster.

Eventually, Luke pulled off Cody's dick and said, "I want a turn."

Cody stopped and pulled off my cock.

"On all fours," I said to Luke.

I got behind him and started sliding my dick into his hole. Cody, in turn, moved around and presented his cock to Luke. We had Luke skewered quickly.

Our horniness got the best of us.

I warned, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Me too," Cody said.

Luke's right hand moved, and he started jacking himself.

"Fuck!" Cody said. I assumed he was flooding Luke's mouth.

I buried my cock in Luke's ass, filled it with cum, saying "damn" as I did.

Cody and I disconnected from Luke, and he flipped over onto his back. He was jacking his dick. I leaned forward, swatted away his hand, and took his cock to the base. It took only a moment before his sweet cum filled my mouth.

"That's one for the record books," Cody said.

I looked over at the clock; it was a little after midnight.

"Y'all need to shower and head home, I assume."

They both nodded their heads. They followed me to the bathroom. The small stall wasn't large enough for more than one at a time, so we had to take separate showers. We did use the time to catch up a bit.


I was dragging when I headed to the kitchen the next morning.

"Good morning," Phil said. "Coffee?"


"What time did they leave?"

"About twelve-thirty. Hopefully, they won't get into trouble."

"They are adults, aren't they?"

"Yes, but Cody's dad doesn't treat him like one. He's made it clear that his independence is causing his dad some stress. Were we too loud last night?"

"Not at all," Darryl replied. "Didn't hear a thing." He paused. "Through the ear plugs, the white noise machine and..." then he burst into laughter.

"Good, didn't want to disturb your sleep."

"Plans for the day?" Phil asked?

"Lay on the beach a bit. Cody and Luke will be over after lunch and stay until they have to go to work."

"Late night rendezvous as well?" Darryl asked.

"I doubt it, just the mid-afternoon one. Plus, we get all day Tuesday and Wednesday. Well, not all day, cause Cody has to go home for dinner."

"That control thing from his dad?" Phil asked.

"Yep. While he's living under their roof, he has to follow his rules."

"Got it," Phil replied.

The three of us had a leisurely breakfast and then got ready for the beach. We walked down, found a great spot, and laid out for a while in the morning sun. The rental provided one of those big beach umbrellas, so we used the shade to reduce our time in the sun.

A bit before noon, I sat up and said, "I'm going to head back, get a shower, and have some lunch."

"Lunch sounds good," Darryl agreed.

The three of us gathered our stuff and trekked back to the house. I'd just finished cleaning up the kitchen when my phone chimed.

`Fifteen' Luke's message read.

"The guys will be here in fifteen," I warned Darryl and Phil.

"One thing I will say for you," Darryl said. "You never call them boys."

"I actually do, but I'm very careful where and when," I explained.

They both gave me odd looks.

"I will call them boys to their faces sometimes, but I would call you both boys as well. At work, I might mention the boys that live with me, as tenants, to colleagues. To my friends, they are the guys because I don't want to focus on the age difference, nor do I want my friends thinking about it."

"Makes sense," Darryl admitted.

"I want them treated as equals. Where I'd use boys for anyone, sure."

"You've really thought about this," Darryl said.

"Darn right," I admitted. "My counselor over there has talked me through a number of internal issues where the age difference plays with my mind. I don't need more."

Phil nodded his head.

"What are your plans for this afternoon?" Darryl asked.

"Cuddling, sex, and togetherness," I admitted. "We only get about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. After that they have to go to work."

"Thought of surprising them there?" Darryl asked.

"No. Luke's at the front desk. Cody started as a valet and is now doing room service. As such, couldn't really see them."

"What are you two doing this afternoon?"

"It's supposed to be really hot and humid the rest of the day," Phil explained. "We were thinking of hitting the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center. We'll be back for dinner, then the three of us could walk the beach as things cool down."

"That sounds great."

I heard car doors slam and the guys running onto the porch.

"Afternoon, gentlemen," Darryl said as Luke and Cody entered the house.

"Hey," Cody replied.

They came over and each gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Don't we get hugs?" Phil said.

Cody moved over and hugged first Phil, then Darryl. Luke followed Cody and gave Phil a hug that seemed more like he was humping him.

"Stop that, young man. You'll get me all worked up."

"Just trying to give a good hug," Luke teased.

"I'll take a hug like that," Darryl said.

Cody returned to Darryl and joined Luke. They did a double hug and humped on him for a few moments.

"Okay, I'm fully awake now," Darryl said when they stopped.

It made me feel good to know that Cody and Luke were comfortable enough with Darryl and Phil to tease them a bit.

After disengaging from Darryl, they walked over and stood by me.

"I didn't get that kind of hug," I said.

"You'll get the nekkid hug soon!" Luke replied.

"And with that, we should be going," Phil said.

"Later gentlemen. I'd say be good, but that's a foregone conclusion."


Tuesday morning, I looked out the window and saw the forecast was accurate. The rain was coming down hard. Luke's car pulled into the driveway about fifteen after nine. The guys jumped out and ran for the front door.

"Morning!" Phil said.

"Morning!" Cody replied.

"I know, it's too early," I said to Luke.

"Yeah, we're working on my kinda schedule, and I like to sleep in. But I'll recover!"

"Did you have breakfast?"

"Yep," Luke said.

Cody just nodded his head.

"Plans for the day?" Darryl asked.

"Well, beach time has been washed out," Cody said. "But it's supposed to be nice tomorrow. I don't know. It's not like you're in DC."

"The stuff I had thought of needs nice weather. I mean, there are a couple decent museums in the area. A few historic houses," Luke said.

"We're going to hit the Chrysler Museum," Darryl explained. "Then hit the MacArthur Memorial."

"Nice," I said.

"In fact, we should be going," Phil said. "You three have a good day together."

"We will," Cody said.

We stayed out of their way, got their stuff together, and left.

"They didn't have to leave," Cody said.

"They know, but they have been talking about doing the museums as a rainy-day option since we planned the trip. What would you two like to do?"

"Cuddle," Luke said.

"Yeah!" Cody agreed.

"I don't think that sectional is going to do well for three. Let's go into the bedroom."

I stripped off my shirt but left my shorts on. Cody and Luke followed suit, and the three of us climbed on the bed, me in the middle. Luke put his head on my chest, and Cody matched him. I put my arms around them both.

"Coulter?" Cody asked.

I looked at the clock and realized I'd dozed off.


"I'm getting hungry."

"Did you sleep as well?"

"Yup, I felt safe. I felt loved."

"Damn right, best feeling ever," Luke added.


"Sure! It's a bit early, but why not?" Cody said.

"Let's see what I've got to make."

"We could walk to the beach and get something," Luke suggested.

"Also, an option," I admitted. "What's the weather like?"

The guys climbed off the bed, and I followed suit. We dressed, and I checked out the kitchen.

"I think the beach is the better option," I said.

I grabbed the keys, and we walked out.

"At least the rain stopped," Cody said.

We walked over to Pacific Avenue.

"North or south?" I asked.

"South," Luke replied. "There's a burger place I like down a couple blocks."

"Works for me."

As we ate, I was trying to think of things to do. I checked my phone and confirmed the rain had moved off, but it was supposed to remain cloudy the rest of the day.

"Want to walk the beach a bit? Or the boardwalk? We could play miniature golf. The Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art is close by."

"Golf or walking the beach sounds good," Cody said.

"How about we walk for a while and then go golf if we have time left before we have to head home?" Luke asked.


We walked onto the beach, and Luke pointed us south. The surf was rough as the storm continued to churn things up as it moved east. The three of us walked quite a distance when the beach just stopped.

"I thought this continued down towards North Carolina," I admitted.

"No, that's Rudee Inlet," Luke explained.

"You two live down that way, don't you?" I asked and pointed.

"Yeah, south and a little west of here," Luke replied. "We're east of the Naval Air Station at this point. We live south of it."

"Head back?" Cody asked.


With that, we walked back up the beach and then to the house.

"Summer's going by too slowly," Cody complained.

"Think of it from my perspective," I said.

"I know. I've got Luke around, and you're alone."

"Yep. It does get lonely."

"Jealous?" Luke asked. His tone was more curious than accusatory.

"Phil asked me that recently. I'll answer you the same way I answered him. No and yes. I'm not jealous of you two being together. I don't think it will negatively impact our relationship. I think what we have is stronger than that, and the last few days confirm that. Yes, I'm jealous of the time you get to spend together, but I'm happy you two have each other."

"Oh shit," Cody said.

"What?" I asked.

"Next summer. It will be me alone. Damn. Damn. Damn. I'm fucked," he said. His face looked like he was about to cry.

"Don't go there," I said. "We'll have options. First, we start working on finding you an internship or summer job. Second, we get you involved in something on campus or in summer classes. Finally, we'll figure out some other way to keep you at home."

Cody gave me a weak smile.

"Trust him," Luke said. "We're going to figure it out."

I hugged Cody, and he seemed to be a bit happier. It dawned on me that he realized this for the first time. It shook me a bit how much it seemed to be a huge concern to him. We were going to have to solve this quickly.

We spent the rest of the afternoon snuggled up, talking quietly. We were sitting on the sectional when Phil and Darryl walked in.

"How were the museums?" I asked.

"Very nice," Phil said. "They have one of the largest and most comprehensive glass collections in the world. All sorts of bottles, vases, and other glass items."

"They also have an extensive collection of contemporary art," Darryl said. "Some stuff from Pollock, Rothko, Lichtenstein, and Warhol."

"I'll have to go some time," I said.

"You should," Phil said. "Have either of you been?"

Both Luke and Cody nodded their heads. "Field trips," Cody said. "Lots of field trips."

"Got it; makes sense, it is close and convenient."

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Luke asked.

"Sun's supposed to be out, and it's supposed to be hot. Beach time early, lunch, some porch time, and then dinner and more beach time," Darryl said.

"We should get going," Cody said. "Can't be late for dinner."

"Understood," I said. "See you both in the morning."

We hugged, kissed, and they left.

"Cody seemed droopy," Phil said.

"I wondered if you would catch that," I replied. "He realized that if we can't find some reason for him to stay in NoVa next summer, he's here by himself and totally fucked, as he put it."

"What can you do about it?" Darryl asked.

"We talked about internships, summer jobs, and summer classes. We'll work on figuring something out."

"I'll check what's opening at work," Darryl said.

"That would be great."

"Have you thought about whether you can support him?" Phil asked.

I stood there, stunned.

"I wasn't expecting that from you," I said.

"Coulter, I'll admit I have my concerns. But in my limited interactions with you and them, it is clear they love you and you love them. If you make it to next May, which I think you will, it's a fair question and something you might want to consider."

"You could support him," Darryl said.

"I think it has been in the back of my mind, but I wasn't letting myself go there."

"Let's get dinner started," Phil said. "Then we can take a nice walk on the beach."


"We're meeting the gang for dinner and some fun at the beach tonight," Luke said.

I gave him a funny look.

"That's what I told my folks," Cody said. "You're the gang!"

That caused Phil and Darryl to laugh.

"The five of us could have dinner together," Cody said.

"We don't want to cramp your style," Darryl replied.

"We don't have sex every minute we're together," Luke said, his tone a bit defensive.

"I didn't mean to imply you're a sex maniac," Darryl said. "Just didn't want to get in the way."

"He is a sex maniac," Cody said. "We all are, but we do take breaks!"

That got everyone laughing.

"Join us at the beach?" Darryl asked.

"That would be great," Luke said. "We have our stuff in my car."

With that, we grabbed our things and took the four-block walk down to the beach. It was early enough that we were able to get prime space.

"It's been fun watching all the men," Darryl said. "Especially all the military guys."

"It's not as cruisy as Rehoboth, but there is a bit of it," Phil added.

"How do you tell?" Cody asked.

"Usually it's the eyes," Darryl explained. "But on the beach, the sunglasses block that. You have to notice what they are looking at. Always could be wrong, but some guys are a bit too obvious."

"If I notice any, I'll point them out," Phil offered.

As the sun was over the ocean, the umbrella didn't help with blocking the rays.

"Someone put some lotion on my back?" I asked.

"Me, me, me," Phil said with a laugh.

I felt someone spread the lotion on my back.

"I get to do it," Cody whispered in my ear.

It was about eleven-thirty when we packed up and headed back to the house. The five of us had lunch together, then Phil and Darryl headed out for their afternoon of fun out of the sun.

"What time do you need to head home tonight?" I asked.

"I figure ten-ish is good," Cody said.

"What do you two want to do this afternoon?"

"Well, since I'm a sex maniac, I'm figuring sex," Luke said.

"As I recall, we're all sex maniacs, so I'm good with that," I said. I started pulling off my tank-top as I walked back to the bedroom.

"That was an easy sell," Cody said with a snicker.

"It's the only thing that's going to be easy for the next hour or two! Hard, really fucking hard!" I explained.

Naked, we stood at the end of the bed. I pulled Luke to me and started kissing him. Cody moved in behind Luke and started tweaking his tits. I ran one hand down Luke's back to his butt and the other caressed Cody's chest. Luke pulled his lips away from mine and moved them to my chest. With that, Cody used his height as an advantage and started kissing me with Luke still the filling in the sandwich.

Hands roamed over bodies, and lips either touched or found other parts of bodies to kiss and suck. The eight-inch height difference meant that Luke wasn't at the same level as me and Cody, but we bent down to ensure he was well covered.

Finally, I put my hands on both their heads and gently guided our mouths together. For me, this was the ultimate: three pairs of lips pressing together, three tongues licking each other, and, of course, hands stroking cocks and butts.

Luke turned and faced Cody at a point in our groping and kissing. I let my hands massage his shoulders and then down his back.

"That feels so good," he cooed.

"Massage time," I said. "Luke, face down on the bed."

I grabbed some oil out of my ditty bag and joined Cody.

"I've never done this," Cody warned.

"Follow my lead," I said. "Don't put direct pressure on the spine. Don't get too deep, but keep your strokes firm. Follow my lead."

I poured a little oil on Luke's back and started massaging. Cody watched for a few moments, then mimicked my movements. It wasn't well coordinated, but we started giving Luke a decent four-hand massage.

"I'm gonna fall asleep," Luke said quietly. "This is so relaxing."

"Good," I said softly.

We worked our way down Luke's body. As we finished up his feet, I moved up and straddled his lower back. I used my position to start a deep massage of his shoulders.

"What can I do?" Cody whispered into my ear.

"His glutes or massage his head," I replied.

Cody moved behind me, and my mind pictured him massaging Luke's ass in detail. Finally, it was time to do Luke's front. I lifted off, and Cody followed my lead.

"Flip over," I said.

I was surprised that his dick wasn't hard. I guess we had really relaxed him.

I started with his hand, and Cody followed my lead again. We worked up his arm, down his chest, and, skipping his hardening dick, down his legs. I looked up, and Luke's eyes were closed, even though his dick was hard against his abs.

Cody used his head to point towards Luke's crotch. I nodded and then opened my mouth. Cody got the idea and moved up, taking Luke to the base.

I moved in from below, sucking on Luke's balls.

"Fuck," Luke groaned.

Cody's oily hands rubbed Luke's chest as he gave him one hell of a blow job. I worked up Luke's balls and started licking around the base of Luke's cock. At times, my tongue would meet Cody's near the bottom of Luke's shaft.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Luke muttered.

As Cody's mouth rose up Luke's shaft, I let my lips and tongue follow. I then led Cody's mouth down the shaft.

"I'm..." was all Luke got out. I could watch his cock throb as he shot more and more cum into Cody's mouth.

Cody let Luke's cock slip out of his mouth as the throbbing stopped. He moved toward me and started a deep kiss. I got to share Luke's load from Cody's mouth.

"That was fucking amazing," Luke said as he recovered his energy. "Who's next?"

I looked at Cody, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Lie face down," I said.

He assumed the position, and Luke and I started the massage. It was almost dinner time when Cody and Luke finished their massage of me.

We cleaned up and were preparing dinner when Darryl and Phil got back.

"Good day?" I asked.

"Yes. I finally got to see the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel," Darryl explained. "It's an engineering marvel."

"I've been over it," I explained. "It is impressive."

"What about you three?" Phil asked.

"Don't ask questions for which you don't want answers," Luke warned. "Sex maniacs, remember?"

That got a round of laughter. Dinner was a combination of snarky comments, teasing, and great conversation. After dinner, we joined Darryl and Phil for a walk on the beach.


I poured my coffee the next morning and walked out onto the front porch. I found Phil sitting, watching the world go by.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning, and what's got you so glum?" Phil asked.

"This is great. Time with the guys. But it's going to end, and there will be weeks of being alone."

"And that's the last of it. Isn't it?"

"If we can find a way for Cody to stay next summer, yes. If not, that's another challenge."

"Focus on the positives," Phil said.

"I'm trying. This week has been a big help."

"What's the alternative? Dump them and go back to being single."

"Fuck no. That's not an alternative. How could you ask that?"

"Then there is no alternative. You love them. They love you. You still need to get through the rest of July and all of August, and then they are home with you. I'll draw the obvious comparison for this area."

"What's that?"

"You're a military spouse with your partner on deployment. Actual military spouses can go a year or more without seeing each other."

"You are a good counselor. Did you ever think about becoming one?"

"Hell no. I help my friends. I don't want to delve through the muck that most people would bring."

I just nodded my head as I sipped my coffee.

"I'm glad to help you," Phil offered. "Any time you need to talk, let me know."

"Thanks. You're a good friend."

"What time are the boys showing up today?"

"They'll be over after breakfast," I said.


"Since it's a nice day, time on the beach, time together, maybe a little sex. Then they go to work."

"Speaking of breakfast, what would you like this morning?"

"How about I make omelets?"

"Sounds good."

"Morning," Darryl said as he joined us on the porch. "Going to be a warm day."

"That it is. Hungry?"

"Yep," Darryl replied. "By the way, thanks for setting this up. I'm having a great time!"

"Agreed," Phil said.

I went inside and started working on breakfast. We ate, and I had just finished cleaning up when I heard the car doors closing. Moments later, I was surrounded by love.

"Morning," I said. I leaned down and gave Luke a kiss. I then gave Cody a kiss.

"The one thing I'm missing most is sleeping curled up with the two of you," Luke said quietly.

"Yeah, feeling safe. Feeling warm. Feeling loved," Cody said.

"Just a few more weeks," I said. "My counselor suggested I think of it like a military deployment."

That got a chuckle from them both.

"I'm just counting the days," Cody said. "Love you both."

"Love you both. Want to hit the beach for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure," Luke said.

"You don't sound enthused."

"As long as I'm with the two of you, I'm happy," he explained.

"We could stay here and cuddle," I offered.

"Beach is fine for a while. We can cuddle this afternoon when it's too hot."



Friday morning, I was sitting on the front porch after breakfast when the guys drove up. I stood to hug them.

As Luke wrapped his arms around me, he said, "No beach time."

"Fine with me. What would you like to do?" I asked.

"Cuddle, snuggle, things we can't do on the beach," he explained.

"I'm good with that."

"We're going to hit the beach," Darryl said.

He and Phil went back inside, grabbed their stuff, and headed down the street.

"Snuggle time?" I asked.

"Damn right," Luke replied.

The three of us went into the bedroom and stripped down. As the days had been hot and the nights a bit on the warm side, I had been sleeping without a top sheet. The three of us climbed into the bed and intertwined ourselves. While we might describe ourselves as sex maniacs, the intimacy of snuggling was probably the best.

"Love you," Luke said.

"Love you," Cody replied.

"Love you both, and I cannot fathom where I'd be without you both."

Luke shifted a little and kissed me. Cody lifted and kissed Luke, then me.

We lay there, three bodies in one tightly bonded mass. I was storing this up, knowing I had weeks of missing it.

We stayed this way for quite a while, but I noticed two very hard objects rubbing up against me.

"I think we need some release."

"Fuck yeah!" Luke agreed.

"I need fucked," Cody said.

"So do I," Luke responded.

"We can make that work," I said.

I pulled myself out of the pile and started working on my idea.

"Luke flat on your back," I directed. "Now, Cody, straddle him and then lean into him.

I got behind them both, took Luke's legs into my hands, and pushed them forward.

"Hold these," I said to Cody.

It was quite the picture; Luke's and Cody's asses were lined up, and their dicks were grinding into each other. I got down and started eating Luke's ass.

"That's it, Coulter, get me ready," Luke urged.

I worked back and forth between their tasty asses, getting each of them well prepped. Feeling I had things ready, I put my well lubed cock at Luke's hole and started sliding in.

He groaned, "Oh, FUCK!"

I fucked him for about twenty good strokes, pulled out, and then pushed into Cody.

"Damn," Cody said as I bottomed out.

I fucked Luke for a bit, then shifted to Cody. I kept varying how long, how hard, and everything else my brain could think of.

"I'm gonna shoot," Luke warned. My guess was that having Cody's cock grind into him added a level of stimulation.

I slipped back into his ass and fucked him hard.

"FUCK!" he bellowed.

As Luke's cum seeped between them, Cody started humping him more. Luke's ass stopped clenching my dick, and I shifted back to Cody's ass; redoubling my efforts. It wasn't long before he started moaning.

"I'm gonna..." was all he got out as his body started spasming.

His ass clenched down on my dick and milked it hard as he shot.

"Cumming," I yelped as I shot into Cody's ass.

After I recovered, we pulled apart. Luke started eating my cum out of Cody's ass while Cody licked Luke's abs clean. Not to be left out, I licked Cody's abs clean as well.


Saturday was a repeat of Friday with snuggle time, sex, and more snuggling. Cody was first to clean up after we were done. Luke was in the shower, and I was sitting on the bed watching Cody dress for work.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow," Cody asked.

"We need to be out of here by ten so they can flip the house for the next guests. We're supposed to strip the beds and start laundry for them, which is fair. I guess the owner has a crew that does several houses in the area."

"Oh," his reply was quiet.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Mom and dad leave for church at eight. They aren't happy that I'm not going to service, but I think they understand the impacts of the evening shift on me," he said with a sly smile.

"Want to meet for brunch on our way out of town?"

"Could we?" He was almost bouncing up and down.

"Sure. I already talked to Phil and Darryl about it."

"That would be great!"

"What would be great?" Luke asked. He was standing at the bathroom door drying his hair with a towel.

"Have brunch with us on our way out of town," I said.

"That would be great," he agreed.

After Luke dressed for work, we were sitting in the main room for a few minutes.

"We'll survive," I said.

"I know, it's just rough," Cody said.

"You both look sharp," I commented, deciding to avoid the departure topic.

"Thanks!" Luke said. "It's their dress code."

"Still, you both look sharp."

"We should go," Cody said. He stood and looked a bit droopy.

I stood and gave him a big hug and a kiss. "Love you!" I repeated that with Luke.

"I'll see you both tomorrow," I said.

"Love you," they both said as they walked out to Luke's car.

I sat in the house for a bit. My mood was droopy, like Cody's.

`Where are you two?' I sent.

`Walking back now' Phil responded.


A few minutes later, Darryl and Phil came in.

"Need to air out the gloom," Darryl said.

"I'm not that bad. I hope."

"You look pretty down," Phil said.

"Want to see down? Look at me after brunch tomorrow."

"We're going to distract you as much as we can," Darryl said.



"Got everything?" Darryl asked.

"Yup, I double-checked my room," I replied.

"Would you check mine?" he asked.


I walked back and went through Darryl's room, finding nothing.

"Looks like you got everything."

"Thanks. I'm one of those belt and suspenders kinda guys when it comes to travel. When I go with my team, we check each other's rooms to make sure we don't forget anything."

"Makes sense."

"Where are we meeting the guys for brunch?"

"They recommended a diner that is on the way out from the beach."


We got Phil's car loaded up and headed west. About twenty minutes later, we were walking into the diner.

"Our table should be ready in a moment," Cody said as we joined them.


"What's good here?" Darryl asked.

"I've only had the breakfast foods: pancakes, waffles, French toast, sausage, bacon, and eggs," Cody admitted.

"I'd stick with that list," Luke said. "It's all good, but the rest of the menu can be hit or miss."

We got seated and ordered.

"Has work been profitable?" Darryl asked.

"I'm making seven twenty-five an hour plus tips. I usually clear about a hundred in tips each night," Cody said.

"They aren't paying you waitstaff wages?" Phil asked.

"No. Room service is paid better because we don't always stay busy like the restaurants."


"I make twelve an hour," Luke said. "It's up a dollar from last year."

"Sounds like good money," Darryl said.

"Luke's holding on to a lot of my tips," Cody admitted.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I am required to tithe fifteen percent to the church," Cody explained. "The extra five percent since I'm not able to go each Sunday."

"Gotcha," I replied.

Our food arrived, and the conversation turned to other topics. Unfortunately, once we finished, it was time for us to hit the road. We all walked out to the cars.

I wrapped my arms around Luke and said, "I love you!"

I then did the same to Cody.

"You two take care of each other. Love you both, and I'll see you soon!"

They stood next to each other as Phil drove off. I noticed they were both crying, and so was I.

"We'll help keep you busy," Darryl said.



"What would you like tonight," Georgia asked.

"Kiss on My List by Hall and Oates," I replied.

"That's a different one for you. Whose kiss is on your list? Hmmm? And why haven't I met him?"

"He didn't want to come, but I did offer. He's away at the moment."

"Well, drag him here when he returns!"

"I will try."

I sat at the table.

"How are you holding up?" Chris asked.

"Thirty-two days till they get back."

"When do you start calculating the hours?" Stephen said with a laugh.

"I'm sure Cody has that worked out already. He only sends the daily count. Thirty-two sounds bad enough. I can't imagine what it would sound like in hours or minutes."

"Come over for dinner Sunday night," Chris offered.

"Thanks. That sounds great. What can I bring?"

"How about a small dessert?" Stephen replied.


"What did you pick to sing?" Chris asked.

"Kiss on My List," I explained.

"Looking forward to it," Stephen replied.


"Tomorrow starts the final countdown," Luke said.

"You're coming up on the twenty-seventh, aren't you?"

"No, the twenty-sixth. I convinced mom and dad since we will be moving back into your house instead of the dorms. That leaves us Sunday to get to the bookstore, buy books, etc."

"Woo hoo!"

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen Cody really smile."

"What's wrong? He hasn't mentioned anything when we talk."

"Same shit, different day. Worried about next summer. He's folks keep riding him about every little thing. He's just completely worn out."

"Tell him to stop worrying about next summer, please."

"I have. Without a solution to the problem, he's not going to."

"It's solved."


"The guys and I talked about it. I'm going to support him."


"Fuck his parents. He's not going back after next May. Hell, once they pay for the spring semester, he can tell them to go fly a kite."

"Can I tell him?"


"You are fucking amazing. You know that?"

"I know I'm in fucking love with the two of you!"

"I need to get back to work. Have a great night's sleep. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Next: Chapter 10

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