Dads Gift

By deepak salwan

Published on Nov 9, 2023


Sorry friends, for the delay in posting this chapter, have been very busy in my job, so please understand. I hope you all like this chapter. I would love to have your comments and suggestions at -

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Chapter Eleven

The next morning, Eddie got up late as he had been thinking of his dearest buddy Richard, all night long and it took a long time for him to get to sleep. The thought-process in little Eddie's mind was to such a great extent that he did not know how and when he shot a good amount of load in his pajamas and drifted to sleep, getting up all soiled with his dried cum all over his legs. He was not in the habit of wearing any sort of underwear while sleeping (Most of us don't!); so his pajamas showed a lot of dried cum stains and also, were a but sticky.

As he was about to get out of bed, his adorable buddy came to his room promptly dressed in his uniform, with the morning newspaper and juice. He saw his kiddo (as he always called him, the both of them being more of friends, rather then the master-servant relationship) with a good amount of stains in the front of his pajama bottoms and knew very well what all was the little one up to. Richard just gave little Eddie a naughty smile of his, by which the kid very well understood what all was going on in his best bud's mind.

That day, unlike other days, Eddie's handsome tutor, Michael was to come to the Fleming Mansion at around 11o'clock in the day as he had some other commitments in the day. So, Eddie had to get ready rather early, but he was very late due to the late night he had just thinking about his handsome butler/friend!! Moreover, that very day he had to go with his father for a dinner as well, so he planned to wear, for the first time after his tutor started taking his classes, in formals. The handsome Eddie had decided to wear a white shirt, navy blue coat and trousers and a contrasting red printed silk tie, that would make him look absolutely stunning.

Time passed by, and it was time for the tutor to come to the mansion. Unfortunately, Eddie was a bit late in getting ready. So, at the time Michael came to the mansion, the kid was not yet ready. Michael was served some coffee and cookies while he waited a while in the lounge room. As everyone knew, how friendly and informal Eddie was, so Richard escorted Michael to the kid's room and just at that moment, he received a message from the head-butler of the house, that there was a call for Richard from his house, and so, he left Michael outside the gallery leading to Eddie's room and went back to attend to the call.

Michael knocked at the door for quite sometime, but as there was no response from inside, he opened the door and walked in. as he found no one there, he just went and sat on the couch near the coffee table, waiting for his cute student.

His cute student was still in the shower. Eddie had a habit of wearing clothes in his room and not in the dresser. He always used to come out of the bathroom wrapped in his white towel, and would wear all his clothes in his bedroom, or sometimes, the dresser. But that day, as he had absolutely no idea that his tutor would be waiting outside, in his room for him, he came out wrapped in just a towel as all his clothes were lying in his room and on the bed and not in the dresser.

Little droplets of water trickled down his hair and body, as he came out wrapped in just his white towel around his waist. He was rather surprised to see his adorable tutor in his room, and that too, seeing him in the barest minimum. The look of the tutor made the kid grow hard in the towel, making it well aware and visible. The tutor, too, who continued gazing at his student started to grow hard in handsome formal suit-combination.

The tutor could see the love in his student's eyes, and so, he understood what his kid wanted. He hurriedly ran and bolted the main door of his student's room. The kid was delighted and it glowed on his face. The both of them were having a hard-on and pure love was so clearly visible in their eyes for each other.

Both of them, Michael and Eddie, held hands and allowed the warmth of their hands enter their partners respective bodies. It was just holding hands and gazing continuously at each other. That stage gave way to a long mouth-to-mouth deep passionate session of kissing, getting the both of them further excited and pepped up.

Eddie, the younger one, got really aroused and the undid Michael trousers and began playing with his tutor's manhood through his beautiful jockey's, whereas Michael had pulled off Eddie's towel leaving him naked and had began giving a warm massage to the kid's back getting the little one aroused as well.

Eddie was extremely turned on and couldn't resist but to sit on his knees and remove his tutor's jockeys, and that too, with his teeth, making the entire episode so very erotic and sexy. Michael was sporting a full-length boner by now, and the feeling of it bouncing out when Eddie pulled down Michael's underwear was an awesome scene.

The kid was so excited and turned on, that he couldn't help resist sucking on the beautiful and inviting fully-grown tool of his handsome tutor, Michael. Having blown his butler-buddy and other friend so many times, he was becoming an expert at providing oral pleasure to men, and so he did again. He completely intoxicated his tutor while pleasuring his man-tool, that lead to Michael's entering the "nirvana stage" and ending up shooting thick ropes of never-ending juicy delicious heavenly "cum" juice in the mouth of the cute kid, who digested it all without spilling a drop of the precious liquid. The art of blowing was mastered by the student, which pleased his professor to the limits of infinity.

Having serviced his professor to the best possible way, the student, Eddie deserved an award for that and he got so, in the form of a long deep-mouth kiss from his professor. It was nearly like his professor fucking the young boys' mouth. He kissed him with passion and the hunger of physical love as deeply as he could, getting the sweet taste of his own cum in the boys mouth, now being transferred to his.

The awesome love-making between the student and professor lasted for about forty-five minutes, and now the both of them thought it to be enough, as it was quite some time and they better do what they had met for -- study, as there was a chance of anyone coming down to Eddie's room for serving any refreshment or just asking if they needed anything. They started doing what they actually met -- some studies.

The assigned time for the studies that day came to an end, and before leaving both of them had a parting-farewell session for the day, in their own style. Both the teacher and the student, hugged each other tightly with all the love and affection that they had for each other, followed by a passionate deep smooch on the lips. The teacher, Michael, to let the awesome feeling of parting last long for his lovable kid, gently massaged his cute boy in the groin area giving him a really good hard-on, responded by a sweet smooch by the student to the teacher as well in appreciation. Then the butler, Richard would escort the professor from the mansion till the main gate to see him off.

Having seen off the professor, Richard returned back to Eddie's room as it was his job to be with Eddie always, as he was Eddie's personal butler and in the mansion for Eddie only. Moreover, now they were such close pals and didn't need any excuse to be with each other.

When Richard sat down, Eddie told him everything what happened in his room with the professor that very day, in all detail, without hiding anything at all. Having been such trustworthy and loving friends, neither of them betrayed the other by hiding anything. Richard didn't mind what his cute buddy did, instead he was very happy that his young friend did not hide anything from him and told him each and everything.

The two hugged each other with all the love and smiled happily. Richard was very happy that his friend trusted him and shared with him, all the details of his life and told him everything, however personal it was. They just sat together and spent the rest of the day talking about lots of things that friends talk about.

Later that night, the two dined together and slept together too, as again Eddie's dad was not at home and Richard wanted his friend to be in his room all night. So, he asked the head-butler of the house, that whether he would allow Richard to stay along with him. Knowing very well about their friendship (not the other things they did, of course), the butler of the house gave Richard permission to stay on that night in Eddie's room.

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