
By Daimien Douglas

Published on Dec 9, 2006


Thanks to all who wrote and shared their individual opinions. They are most welcomed and inspiring.

Nick and I had a great time after ditchig the party. We went to his 'great place,' he said he knew of; turned out to be MacDonalds. Although it seemed pretty typical and cliched, it ended up to be fun. Isn't fun how someone can turn a casual everyday activity into something worthwhile?

We listened music on the way there with him tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel while singing. I could've seen the veins in the side of his neck rise and fall as he adjust and change his octaves, which wasn't neither Christina's nor Mariah's, nor good for the fact. I listened and would smile everytime he makes a mistake whether vocally or lyrically. He would glance over at me when this happens.

The time at MacDonalds was occupied with laughing at people (there was a couple ther who, try as they may, couldn't control their brat of a son, to which Nick thanked God he would never go through.), eating and ust enjoying the moment. At about 10:30pm we set sail for my house(he was dropping me off and I planned to keep it that way). He listened more music on the way and it finaly rained- buckets of it.

" Yo, that was fun man for real." I excitedly blurted out as we pulled up infrot of my house.

" You better had..... I went out of my way." he threatened playfully. We sat there for awhile (silence kills me, especial around hot guys). I began tapping me legs to the beat from the speakers.

" So you coming to my game next week right?"

" Yeah" was my absent-minded answer.

" Yeah?" he asked quizzingly.

" O...Uh, I meant 'what game?'"

" Hmmm.... Something's provoking your cognitive ability? he asked while devishly licking his lips.

" Does something, or someone for that matter, wants to provoke my cognitive ability? I leaned into him and narrowed my eyes, focused on him.

" Well...." he was playing with the few straws of hair that fell infront of his face, "...maybe."

" Maybe? Well if there's anyone who wishes to do that can just come right along." he searched over his shoulders to see if there was anyone. At that very moment he closed in and kissed me full on the lips. Without even thinking, plus all of my subtle animal instinct, I plunged into him and held the back of his head. I must've looked desperate,lol. After a few seconds I notced that he retained his calm so I followed suit and slowed down to a more passionate kiss. He withdrew and bit and sucked on my bottom lips , circling my lips with his tongue.

" You're... you're a great kisser." stumbled out of my mouth as I repentfully pulled away to catch my breath. I saw that his eyes were closed and he stayed almost perfectly still. I was about to talk again when he held the sides of my head with both hands and beckoned me towards him. We kissed again. This time with more sensuality to it. However a guy can only hold back for so long. He shoved his tongue deep in my mouth and I in return sucked on it hard. He pulled back and began nibbling on my neck (he later found out that this drives me crazy and would do it whenever i'm upset with him or when he wants to turn me on.) As we kissed I snaked my hands up his shirt and lightly drag my index finger over his hard torso, tickling him in the process. He laughed in my mouth and I advanced to npple play. I was gradually hyping up to my sexual hype so I edged my way over to his seat and sat on his lap. After I settled in he began rubbing my back up and down until he settled in on my ass cheeks groping and squeezing them as we tongue wrestled. This went on for a few minutes and with the windows rolled up and the immense heat between , the temperature rose rapidly and I plunged into a blissful abyss only to me returned to reality when Nick spoke. Calmly yet breatlessly he said:

" O....okay." he swallowed, " lets save this for the game next weekend. I didn't hear a thing as I pecked his chin and jaw-line.

" What?" I asked confused as the words registered themselves to me. I sat back on his legs and gazed at him.

" I have the game actually two weeks from now and I'll like it if you be there."

" Uh... sure. When?" I didn't want it to clash with my track or swim meets.

" Sunday after next. At 5:30pm... U of T playgrounds.

" It's not done yet." ( they're constructing one)

" I know that dim-wit." he laughed, " the current one."

" Asshole" I climbed off his lap and puched him hard on the biceps for being a smart-ass.

" Hit like a girl." he said through clenched teeth.

After asking for the millionth time if I had a good time, he kissed me lightly on the lips as we said our good-byes. I climbed out of the car and trodded up my front steps. Now soked in rain I stood there and waved at him to which he honked his horn in reply. After he left I felt like I was missing a piece, a strage feeling that i've never felt with any of the girls i've dated........

There's more to come, if you wish. I'll definitely install our first time together in the next chapter. Thank you and send your commentaries to blah.blah.blaj666@hotmail.com. God knows what i was thinking when i made that up. Peace

Next: Chapter 5

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