Dakota and Paxton

By benjamin winkler

Published on May 31, 2020


I said at the end of the previous chapter that this would be the last one. I've changed my mind (thanks to a reader's suggestion) so I've decided to add a little more. I hope the timeline is fairly easy to follow. A word of caution: this chapter does have instances of each boy passing gas in close proximity to the other's face but hopefully it's more humorous than gross. One is a set up and one is sort of accidental or at least, without warning. It'll be clear which is which.

As a reminder, young Paxton has injured his ankle and requires crutches. During a visit to his house, Dakota let his young friend have some fun with his bottom before he had his own fun with Paxton's. They've agreed to continue the following day, so long as Paxton remembers to bring the lotion from his clothe's-littered bathroom.

Paxton didn't normally bring anything to set from his house but this time he had promised to bring the bottle of lotion for his rendezvous with Dakota at lunch. However, he couldn't just walk around with something like that without raising questions he didn't want to answer so he had a better idea. He poured the lotion into a water bottle that wasn't see-through and if anyone (like his mother, especially) did ask, he'd just say the doctor said to stay hydrated and/or sometimes it got warm on set. It was a little tricky to hold onto it while still using the crutches but he managed. He set it on a table backstage while he was needed on stage, eagerly anticipating the time he'd use its contents with Dakota at lunch.

Rather than being distracted and causing delays, he performed well with only a few mishaps, which allowed them to quit for lunch on time. Ever the competitor, he challenged Dakota to a race to the dressing room, knowing full well he didn't have a chance. However, his idol humored him and ran in slow motion, making them both burst out in laughter. But, knowing Paxton prided himself on being indepedent inspite of his condition, Dakota didn't offer any help and let the boy eventually meet him in the dressing room.

When he got there, Dakota was already sitting on the couch and groping himself through his skinny jeans. After locking the door behind him, he slowly made his way to the couch on his crutches.

"What took you so long, bud? I've been here for hours already." Then he noticed the water bottle Paxton was trying to carry. "Is that water? That's not what you were supposed to bring, you know? Not if you want any of this, that is!" Dakota had slid himself out of his zipper, teasing Paxton with a semi-erect organ.

"Oh, this isn't water." The boy stated simply. He had leaned his crutches against the couch and was now kneeling in front of Dakota. "Open it and see if you don't believe me. But don't talk to me because I won't be able to answer. Unless, of course, you don't want me to do this...."

He used his hand to remove Dakota's from the swollen appendage and point it towards his idol's belly button. Then he started lapping at it with his tongue from base to tip while he used his hands to unfasten Dakota's pants. Once the clothing was down to the floor and out of the way, he wrapped his mouth around his idol completely and began to bob his head up and down while massaging the sack of marbles and using his index finger to probe beneath it. However, since Dakota was sitting, he was having trouble poking it in as far as he normally did. He was about to pull off and complain when Dakota fixed the situation for him.

Realizing the difficulty Paxton was having, Dakota leaned to his right side, then scooted his hips until his legs joined the rest of his body on the couch. Moments later, Paxton was again between them and attached to his appendage like a nursing baby animal. He drew his legs up to his chest and kept eye contact with the boy as he felt the small finger poke into his forbidden tunnel. When he felt the tip of it find the spot he now knew was called his prostate, he had to compliment his young friend for doing such a good job.

"Oh, Pax, buddy you found it. Keep rubbing right there and you'll soon get your prize."

With no more encouragement needed, young Paxton doubled his efforts with both his finger and his mouth to try to make Dakota deliver the good stuff. Dakota tried in vain to keep the moment from being over too soon but the combination of the fingertip massaging his prostate and the warmth of Paxton's mouth wrapped around his throbbing appendage gave him no choice but to release within moments.

More than happy to gulp down his yummy treat, Paxton enjoyed the sensation of Dakota's organ swelling, then spurting several ropes of warm teenage goo directly down his throat before collecting in his mouth. Every chance he got, he flicked the pee slit with the tip of his tongue, as if he was trying to dig it out of Dakota directly instead of waiting for it to shoot out. Each time he did, his idol called out his nickname 'Pax' in between some other grunts and groans of pleasure. When he had finally milked the organ of all he thought he was going to get out of it, he let it slip from his mouth and gave it a final kiss. But then, he surprised his idol by doing something he'd never done before.

Maintaining the all-important eye contact, he kissed the warm, almost hairless sack of marbles, then used his hand to gently lift them up and out of the way. He stuck out his tongue and flicked it suggestively before using it to lick below the sack but not quite the forbidden tunnel his finger was now familiar with probing. (This area of the body is actually called the perineum, although some refer to it as the 'taint'.) Slightly nervous but also feeling that 'fair is fair' and it was time to return the favor to Dakota, Paxton took a deep breath and teased his idol's pucker with the tip of his tongue. Having just used his finger, he faced little resistance as he pushed in as far as he dared.

Not as bad as I thought it would be, considering this is where his poo comes out! The smell and taste was hard to describe but not entirely unpleasant. A little bit of sweat, perhaps, or musk or something but it didn't really matter to Paxton because it was all Dakota and the young boy was entirely intoxicated by it. He continued his exploration of his idol's most intimate place and couldn't help noticing the organ coming to alive again despite just having a powerful release.

"Pax, buddy, I'd love for you to keep going but what about you? You haven't had your release yet.." Dakota didn't want the boy to stop and was gasping between words but he was also sincere; he really did want his young friend to have a release as well.

"Okay, I just really wanted to at least try that, especially since you did it to me and it felt amazing. Fair is fair, right?" He almost sounded disappointed as he snaked his half naked body up between Dakota's legs to rest on his idol's chest. His little tented briefs made contact with Dakota's body several times, making his excitement no secret, particularly when it rubbed against his idol's half-inflated organ.

"You're right, bud, fair IS fair and now it's your turn so let's get you out of these undies already. Pax junior is ready for some action and I'm ready to play with him." Dakota reached between Paxton's and his own body and slid his hand into the little briefs, then gave the spike he found there a gentle squeeze.

"Okay!" Paxton scooted off the couch and stood up, then slid his briefs down his skinny white legs and off. As he did so, Dakota removed his (and his pants) from his ankles so he would have more freedom with his legs. He was about to climb back onto Dakota but was stopped before he could.

"I got an idea. Go over to that mirror and get on all fours but lower your chest. If I'm right, you should still be able to see me even though I'm behind you."

On the closet door, there was full size mirror to be used to check costumes/hair/make-up etc before going to set. Today, these actors were about to use it for something else entirely.

Paxton eagerly went to the mirror and got on his knees in front of it, then lowered himself until his chest was on the floor; he giggled when he saw how much his bottom stuck up into the air. He really got excited when he saw his idol crawl up behind him pretending to be a stalking tiger.

Dakota then gently took both of Paxton's bare hips into his hands and massaged his young friend's small white globes before prying them apart. He lowered his face and puckered his lips, watching Paxton's expressions in the mirror. Before using his tongue, he let out a breath directly onto the little puckered hole , which made Paxton giggle again.

"That tickles." The boy said, returning Dakota's gaze through the mirror.

"Not as much as this does." Dakota responded, then stuck his tongue out and rolled it before poking into the small entrance as far as he could. Since Paxton was so small, his little bottom only hid the lower half of Dakota's face so they were still able to look into each other's eyes. After a couple minutes, the older boy held up his index finger so that Paxton knew what was coming next, to which he eagerly nodded. Dakota slid it into the warm tight pucker directly underneath his tongue, causing young Paxton to squirm and moan with pleasure.

"Oh, Kota, play with my wiener too! Please!" The young actor practically begged.

On cue, Dakota reached between the boy's legs from behind and took the little spike between thumb and forefinger, then proceeded to jack the organ quickly but gently. With a tongue and finger up inside him and his idol's grip on his appendage, Paxton was in heaven. But suddenly he fell to earth as Dakota withdrew everything at the same time and replaced his hands on the small boy's hips.

Without much warning, Dakota flipped Paxton onto his back and took all of him into his warm mouth, then slid his finger back inside the boy's warm tight tunnel. Now they could see each other without the mirror and Dakota was happy to see the expressions on Paxton's face as he brought the young boy such immense pleasure.

It wasn't long before Paxton was thrusting his hips up as much as he could into Dakota's eager mouth. As a result of this thrusting, his tight pucker clenched Dakota's finger but lucky for the older boy, Paxton's little butt muscles weren't strong enough to cause much damage. However, they did grip the finger right in the sweet spot where the tip was pressed against his little button of a prostate.

After several clenching thrusts, Paxton's entire body seized up as he was in an arc with Dakota still attached to his appendage and sack as though his life depended on it. Finally, the boy collapsed back to the floor, his now limp organ still in Dakota's mouth. His idol nursed on it for a brief minute but then Paxton had to push him away because it was too sensitive. When he had recovered, he spoke.

"Wow, that was sooo cool. Your finger was right on my button prostate thingy and it felt AWESOME!" He lay there spread eagle, his hand sort of scratching at his little hairless sack but avoiding his sensitive limp organ as it recovered. The lower portion of his pale midsection was also exposed, even his cute little innie belly button.

"Later tonight, I'll use Kota junior but for right now, we should probably finish up and get dressed. Oh, and I'll have more of your favorite snack for you then, too." Dakota gently kissed the small organ, then blew on the wet spot, which almost made it grow again. He then stood up and went to where his pants and underwear were on the floor. As he was bending over to pick them up, he felt stiff little fingers trying to pry his butt cheeks apart. He wasn't sure what Paxton wanted but decided there was enough time to find out. Instead of reaching for his clothes, he leaned forward and gripped the armrest of the couch. "Go ahead but make it quick, bud. Lunch is almost over."

He didn't have to turn around to know that Paxton was now on his knees and burying his face in Dakota's crevasse. He felt the smooth warm tongue probing his insides and even though he had just had his release, his organ half-inflated anyway. Then the tongue pulled out of him and licked down his crack to his sack of marbles. He instinctively spread his legs and let young Paxton have fun with all of his nether region.

Paxton certainly took advantage of this new angle, exploring his idol with his tongue and hands from below and between Dakota's legs as the boy spread them even more to satisfy his obvious intentions.

Dakota was definitely enjoying the treatment and his organ was inflating as a result but he knew he would take too long to have another release. He was also worried because even though the sensations in his groin and lower areas were amazing, the feeling in his abdomen was not. However, Paxton showed no signs of stopping anytime soon and so, reluctantly and more than embarrassed, Dakota had no choice.

No doubt it would have made a louder noise if his star pucker were actually closed as it was supposed to be but since Paxton was busy with it, the sound was more of a squeak. Much to Dakota's relief, and surprise, Paxton merely stopped for a brief moment, waved his hand in front of his face, which wrinkled at the smell, and stated, "Phew, that was a stinker." He then continued with both tongue and fingers with what he was doing before.

After a couple more minutes, and very reluctantly, he pulled Paxton out from between his legs and they both got dressed.

"Sorry about that, bud. I guess I should've warned you or something."

"That's okay. Everybody farts. You should smell mine!"

"Yeah I know but your face was right there. And believe me, dude, I HAVE smelled yours."

"So you should know they smell a LOT worse than yours. I didn't mind. Really."

"You sure? I still think I should've warned you."

"That would've been nice but don't worry about it. Just remember, fair is fair. I'll see you later tonight." With that, Paxton was out the door back to the set.

Suddenly, Dakota realized that he would probably have to smell one of Paxton's farts later that evening, up close and personal. Part of him was nervous about the idea but another part of him got a little excited about it. He had to concentrate on something else before returning to set.

Oddly enough, all the trouble Paxton had gone through to get the lotion to the dressing room was for nothing, at least for the time being. However, it would prove useful in the future.

"Oh, you must Dakota! Paxton talks about you ALL the time. Come on in, he's actually in the shower right now but he'll be done in a minute. I don't like the idea of him doing that all by himself but he insisted that he's too old to be helped by his mother anymore and his father's at work still so I don't really have a choice, you know? Anyway, I'm sorry, dear, you can come in and I'll get you some water or a soda. Would you like that?" Paxton's mother was nice but couldn't help being a little over-protective. After all, Paxton would always be her baby, no matter hold he was.

She ushered Dakota into the dining room, where he sat at the table while she retrieved a soda for him from the fridge. He took it from her politely and thanked her, even though he preferred Pepsi over Coco-Cola. Then he listened, only half-interested, to her ramble on about her troubles until he heard the shower water turn off in the other room.

"I guess he's done in the shower now. I hate to ask but would you mind helping him get dressed? I mean, if he lets you. He doesn't want me to, like I said before, but he might let you, seeing as he likes you so much. It'd be doing me a huge favor; I don't want him to get hurt again trying to put on his clothes with that brace and such..." Paxton's mother gently guided Dakota down the hall from the dining room towards Paxton's room, unaware that Dakota already knew the way. She knocked on the bathroom door, directly across the hall from Paxton's bedroom.

"Honey, your friend Dakota is here. Do you mind if he helps you get dressed? I told him I would like him to so you don't get hurt, if that's okay. Is that okay?" She spoke loudly to be sure her son could hear her through the closed door. She was sad her baby was growing up but was learning to respect his privacy in spite of her motherly instincts to protect him.

"Yeah, it's okay. He can come in if he wants." Paxton was used to his mother's long-winded speaking patterns and patiently waited until she was done. He also was smart enough to play it cool so that she wouldn't suspect the two of them were already doing things far more provocative than helping each other get dressed.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone. I'll be in the kitchen making dinner. I'm glad you're here to help, Dakota, it really makes me feel better. You are staying for dinner, aren't you? Of course you, I insist. Hope you like rice and stir-fry. I'll call you when it's ready, okay?" Without waiting for Dakota's response, Paxton's mother hurried off to the kitchen.

Once she was gone, the bathroom door opened and Paxton stood in the entryway with a towel around his small waist and the crutches tucked under his armpits.

"Sorry, I know she can be a little much. But hey! You're here and she just gave us permission to be alone for at least an hour while she makes dinner. So let's go have some fun!" Even though the kitchen was some distance away from them, Paxton lowered his voice when he mentioned having fun. He knew from experience that sometimes sound can travel pretty far through so much open space. (Feel free to imagine a reason why he would know that. Maybe he was caught doing something....)

Dakota politely waited for Paxton to cross the hall into his room before following him, glancing at his small bottom in the tightly wrapped towel; he couldn't help getting that familiar tingle in his groin as he closed the door behind him.

Once they were secure and alone, Paxton felt safe to sit on his bed and let his towel loosen from his waist. One hand instinctively began to fiddle with his appendage while the other reached out towards where Dakota stood a couple feet away.

"Wait, before we start, do you have any more lotion or did you bring it all to set?"

"Oh, I definitely have more. My mom's super cheap so she always buys in bulk. It's on the top of the shelf behind the toilet. You can grab it this time, standing up all that time in the shower kind of wore me out a little. Me and Pax junior will be here waiting for you." Paxton removed the towel from his lap, then shook himself as if he'd just gone pee and giggled.

Dakota smiled at the boy before going to the bathroom (but not really, not like that lol) to retrieve the lotion. He found it just where Paxton had said, in a large bulk bottle on the shelf behind the toilet. This should last us awhile, he thought to himself, then smiled again. He grabbed the cumbersome container and went back to Paxton's room, where the boy was still fiddling with his now erect little organ.

"Thanks for starting without me but I think I'll take it from here, bud. You usually go first but tonight, it's my turn." Dakota knelt in front of Paxton and placed his hands on the creamy white thighs, gently spreading them while their owner leaned back with an expectant grin on his face. He let his fiddling hand go to his side, exposing all of his goods to Dakota's mercy.

Dakota wrapped his mouth around the protruding appendage and began bobbing up and down on it. He could detect a hint of urine from the pee slit as he tickled it with his tongue but that didn't really bother him. In fact, he intentionally flicked the slit again in an attempt to get more. He remembered how good it had felt when Paxton had done it to him so he figured he would return the favor.

When he figured there was no more to get, he began concentrating his efforts on the little ball sack, not yet full of any cum-producing balls. The skin was smooth and tightened up close to Paxton's body and Dakota liked the feeling of bathing it with his tongue.

It was then time to go a little lower. In order to get to the gold, though, Dakota would need a better point of access. He pushed Paxton's legs up to the boy's small smooth chest and had the boy hold them in place. Once they were out of the way, Paxton's tiny pink pucker was now exposed to Dakota's probing, whether it be his finger, tongue, or Kota junior.

Dakota decided to use his tongue and finger first, just to loosen the boy up a little bit. And, although he may not admit it just yet, he liked the boy's body odor that emanated from that particular region. He licked and probed the warm tight hole as far as he dared, causing Paxton to moan and wiggle a little bit. When he had his finger almost all the way in and was using the tip of it to rub Paxton's sweet spot, the boy moaned a little too loud.

Poor Paxton instantly put a hand over his mouth and both boys stopped, frozen in place with fear of Paxton's mother interrupting them. Luckily, Paxton's blankets were nearby and Dakota was still fully dressed so they'd be able to cover him if necessary. When they didn't hear any approaching footsteps after several minutes, Paxton began to laugh, joined soon by Dakota, who had removed his face from Paxton's crotch upon hearing the over excited moan.

Apparently, the risk of getting caught made their adventure even more exciting. On set, there was only a minor chance of getting caught because they were behind a locked door. Here, though, his bedroom door was unlocked because, even though his mother respected his privacy, she was also really protective and so she didn't allow him to lock the door in case he got hurt and she needed to get in.

After they composed themselves from a fit of giggling, they got back to it, Dakota almost instantly finding that sweet spot again. This time, however, Paxton spoke quietly instead of moaning too loudly.

"That's it, Kota, you found it. Just keep rubbing right there for a minute. Ohh, that feels real nice." For some reason, Paxton was unusually subdued as he lay on his back, legs spread on either side of Dakota. It was probable that he had indeed gotten himself a little tired while trying to wash himself and keep his balance with a sore ankle in the shower.

Dakota alternated between servicing the stiff little organ, the tight smooth sack, and the mildly smelly pucker. He was so in the moment that he had forgotten the last thing Paxton had said before leaving him to go back to set after lunch. Later, he realized that Paxton had purposely waited until just the right moment before letting loose a SBD: silent but deadly.

Dakota didn't hear it but he certainly smelled it, seeing as his nose was buried deep in the small boy's crack and his tongue was wedged securely in the warm tight tunnel. Oddly enough, though, Dakota inhaled the fumes and was surprised when his organ became harder than it had ever been before. Now, he knew it was time for the lotion.

He climbed off the bed and stood close to Paxton's hands to allow the boy to undo his pants for him. When his skinny jeans and underwear were down to his ankles, he waddled like a penguin over to where the large bottle of lotion sat on Paxton's desk. He poured a generous amount into his palm and began to lather up his incredibly erect organ. With it leading the way back to the bed and another large dollop in his hand, he scooted to the bed and crawled on his knees and one hand towards Paxton. With his body weight evenly distributed, he was able to massage the generous portion of lotion into Paxton's tight tunnel with one finger at first, but then a second one.

Paxton had his hand over his own mouth but was moaning through it as sensations flowed through his body he could barely describe. He kept eye contact with Dakota as he enjoyed the fingers massaging his sweet spot. His little spike was harder than ever even though both his hands were at his sides.

"I'm ready for Kota junior now. Please, put it in me. I really want him inside me and I know he wants it, too." Paxton was the most calm Dakota had ever seen him and looked absolutely adorable as he lay there half naked and content. His small white legs were still drawn up to his skinny pale chest and his tight pink (partly brown) pucker winked at Dakota.

Not waiting for a more enticing invitation, Dakota walked on his knees until his thighs were in contact with the back of Paxton's. He then lined himself up and leaned forward, teasing the small entrance with the tip before gently applying enough pressure for it to push through the ring of muscle providing resistance.

Paxton sucked in his breath at the intrusion but only felt discomfort rather than actual pain. His body tried to reject the invader but his mind wanted it to happen so he focused on pushing out as if going poo. Lucky for them both, he didn't actually have to go but the effort was rewarded when the head of Dakota's organ slipped past the muscle with a muted popping sound. The moment that happened, the rest of it slid into him until the tip found his sweet spot.

When he could go further, Dakota stopped and patiently waited, getting lost in Paxton's deep brown eyes.

"You okay, bud? That didn't hurt, did it?"

"No, it didn't hurt. I just feel really full, like I have to poo, that's all. But you found my button thingy again. I think Kota junior should tickle it for me."

"Kota junior would be happy to. You ready?"

"You know I am. And so is Pax junior." Paxton nodded down to his small organ, that was still rock hard even without either hand touching it. Still speaking in the quiet calm voice, Paxton made his desire known.

Dakota slowly began to move his hips back until he was almost withdrawn from Paxton's insides, then just as slowly pushed forward again. He did that several times before gradually picking up pace until he had a comfortable steady rhythm.

With all the buildup and the lotion and the almost-being-heard-by-mother excitement, Dakota didn't last long before coating Paxton's insides with his thick white cum. He gave three powerful thrusts, each with their own generous emissions, before almost collapsing on Paxton's chest. Not wanting to crush the boy, though, he fell over to one side onto his back.

"I don't know about you, bud, but that was even better than last time. What do you think?"

"It was pretty awesome all right but you didn't give me my treat. You shot it up my bum instead." Poor Paxton almost sounded sad.

"I can fix that." Dakota quickly scooted off the bed and stood next to it where Paxton's upper body was. He then leaned forward and held himself at the base so that Paxton could lick him clean.

Even though it wasn't direct from the source, the way he preferred it, some was better than none so Paxton eagerly sat up straight and leaned forward, using his small tongue to lick the remnants of cooling cum off of his idol's organ. When he was finished, he again nodded down towards his own appendage, that was still hard from not being attended to.

"It's Pax junior's turn now. He's been waiting patiently for awhile now." Still calm and mostly quiet, there was a sense of authority in Paxton's tone that caught Dakota's attention.

He couldn't help being drawn in by this small boy with a quiet but commanding voice. Also, their hour was almost up and Paxton hadn't had his release yes, despite being very accommodating. After all, fair is fair.

Dakota flipped over onto his stomach and pushed his hips up until his knees were up against his chest; he then patiently waited until Paxton climbed on top of him.

Paxton realized too late that the lotion bottle was on the desk and too far away to be much help right now. However, he knew he wouldn't last long anyway and that some spit would have to do for the time being. He puckered up and dripped some along Dakota's crack before using a finger to poke into his idol's pucker. Knowing he wasn't big enough to go in very far, he didn't spend a lot time with his finger before leaning forward and sliding his organ along the slick crack. With no more than a half dozen frenzied thrusts, Paxton was finished and collapsed on the half-naked Dakota.

Maybe around ten minutes passed before Paxton's mother called from the kitchen that dinner was ready. They were both pretty tired from their exertions but they managed to get dressed and have a nice, albeit quiet, dinner.

I feel as though I'm getting a little repetitive so I think the next chapter will be the last one. It will probably be short, as well. If it goes the way I'm thinking, I hope to have it branch off to another pair of boys from a different TV show, either from Nickelodeon, ABC, or maybe Disney channel.

Next: Chapter 6

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