Damiens Journal

By Damien Seul

Published on Dec 31, 2004


Disclaimer: This story will eventually be about the relationship between two gay teenaged boys. In the beginning there will be limited, if any, sexual scenes. These will depict sexual acts between two consenting teenaged males. While the story contains a base in reality, elements have been added for dramatic purposes. The names have been changed but the events are mostly true. If it is illegal to view such material in your area, please leave now.

Nifty;'Damien's Journal #2'{Damien Seul}( BB real teen2 slow )[2!?]


Finally, I woke up one morning with an idea: Have a New Year's Eve party! It was genius! He'd finally be able to stay all night; and, because it was New Year's eve, maybe my mom could be convinced to let us have a glass of wine, thus reducing his inhibitions about the loss of our friendship after taking it a step up. Only time will tell if it will even be possible, I still want to kiss him at midnight, if he'll let me. I guess I've got until Saturday morning at 12:00 to find out.

DAMIEN'S JOURNAL Written by and copyright held by Damien Seul (2004)

I didn't have to wait until Saturday to find out. The next day, I talked to Aaron and he had decided to cancel on me at the last minute... for the 2nd time for an overnight stay. I'll admit it, I cried again. Autumn told me that she'd call him and chew him out for it but decided to go with her friend to a local cafe. I caught her just as she was leaving and asked why she hadn't invited me. Not waiting for her response, I went back up to my room and tried to sulk.

I say, "Tried to sulk," because it wasn't even 2 minutes later when I heard a tapping at my door. She had come to ask me to go with them to the cafe. Well, the next thing I knew we were half way to the cafe and I was bugging her to call him on her friend's cell phone.

"I'll call him when we get there!" She promised.

Sure enough, we parked and as soon as we did, she picked up the phone and called him. She started to gently scold him, told him that I had cried and apparently made him feel really bad for backing out again. We got inside and she talked for a while before the signal died. I sat next to them on the couch, sipping my mocha and begged her to call him back. Finally, Autumn agreed to call him back.

By now, it was about 15 minutes later. She talked to him for a bit before asking her friend to come with her outside so Aaron could be scolded without me there to hear it. They were gone for about 10 minutes.

She came back and told me, "We're going to go pick him up soon. He wants to hang out because he can't stay the night tomorrow."

It was a bittersweet victory but I guess seeing him tonight would be better than not seeing him at all. After I finished my mocha, we made for his house. While we were waiting in his driveway, we started planning what we would do.

"Let's drive out to that one park!" Autumn suggested, talking about a small roadside part just outside the city. "There's NEVER anyone there."

I agreed and soon after he got in the car, we made a pit-stop at 7-11 for munchies. Then, I drove them out to the park.

We arrived at about 8:30pm. The park, as we guessed, was deserted. The moon cast an eerie glow upon the snow. Parking along the side, I turned off the car, and turned up the music. Sad song after sad song played: "Sorrow," by Bad Religion, "So Pure," by Alanis Morissette, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams," by Green Day, "My December," by Linkin Park, after these was Dashboard Confessional. DC can make almost anyone cry. For an hour and a half we stayed at this park, listened to music, and talked.

Finally, we decided to go out driving again. So, I drove to the exact opposite side of town, into a really beautiful section of forest. Because of bad weather, we couldn't go as far as I'd have liked to go but it was still fun.

Aaron had to be home by 11pm so we drove around for the last 20 minutes or so. When he was finally dropped off, we went straight home. Autumn tried to comfort me before I went to bed but tried unsuccessfully. I was depressed and there was only two ways to cure me of this depression. The first, albeit temporary would be time. The second, and near impossible, would be Aaron's love. Either way, I'll still be depressed for a while.

Well, tomorrow's a new day. This means a new chapter of my journal and a new hope that maybe tomorrow would be different. Maybe it will happen tomorrow. Will it? No, probably not. But, a boy can dream, can't he?


Author's Note: Well, here's chapter 2. As of my submission of chapter 2, chapter 1 hasn't been posted yet. I still look forward to hearing from readers. Please let me know what you thought by e-mailing me at damien_seul@hotmail.com. Feel free to add me to your MSN if you have it!

Next: Chapter 3

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