Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Jul 8, 2013


Hey Guys!! I hope you are enjoying your life. Sorry for the huge delay, I know some of you hate me right now. I don't have editors anymore, I tried to contact them many times throughout the year and got no response. So I'm looking for a new editor! Please email me with comments! Enjoy the chapter, and please tell me what you think. Also if you can, please donate what you can to Nifty, to keep this awesome archive free. Enjoy!

Nice Guys

"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it..."

  • Nicholas Sparks

Alex's POV

"So you promised you'll go with me, remember?" I nodded and smiled to myself. Matt thought I had forgotten about the county fair. I nodded my head.

"Of course I remember, it's like the hundredth time you ask me" He smiled.

"I just want to make sure you don't forget"

"I'm sure it would be hard to" He punched me lightly on the shoulder. I just smiled at him.

"It was fun" He sighed, "I thought it was going to be a little awkward with Drew and her friend, and Rob there too"

"I thought so too, but it turned out great" He nodded to himself

"So I'll see you tomorrow"

"Why? Do we have something planned?" He chuckled and I got out of his truck. He waved and I smiled. I wonder why Matt doesn't have a girlfriend, he is a really nice guy.

"I'm home!" I said loudly when I opened the door. Cole was sleeping on the couch. He had his arms crossed and was quietly snoring. He looked so cute, but I decided to give him a little surprise. I took my headphones -those that are really big and have great sound- and put it on him. He just moved his nose a little, so cute. I looked for some song and put the volume at its highest. The instant the rock song started to beat, he jumped so high throwing the headphones away. Pretty funny to watch. He looked at me and smirked. I sprint off the couch and ran upstairs with him behind me. I was laughing so hard, his face was priceless.

"I got you" He tackled me to the ground and turned me around, capturing my lips with his. I smiled in the kiss. He caressed my cheek and helped me up. I jumped on his back and he jogged downstairs.

"I missed you" He pecked me and I smiled.

"I've missed you too big guy" He put his hands on my waist and sat me on the kitchen counter.

"Let me prepare you something to eat" I smiled and he made a funny try of a sandwich.

"Oh god, it's just a sandwich!" I laughed, his sandwich was all destroyed. How do you destroy a sandwich?

"I'm just hot, not a cook" He said smirking.

"You are right, let me handle this" I winked. I made him a sandwich since I had just ate a while ago.

"So how was it?" He asked.

"Good, I had a great time"

"Great time?" He said emphasizing the word great.

"Yep" I said.

"So great instead of good? Powerful word mister, I hope you missed me" I nodded.

"I did, but you know they only want highschool students to go, you are kind of old" I said jokingly.

"You are right, I mean, kids don't want men around them to interrupt Uno cards and hide and seek games" He smirked.

"Exactly, I mean, you wouldn't have liked how we play hide and seek" I said.

"And how do you play hide and seek?" He asked with curiosity. I smirked to myself.

"It's like a combination of hide and seek and seven minutes in heaven, you make out with the person you hide with until they find you" His eyes went wide.

"Alexander Hayes, who was your partner and where does the bastard lives?" I laughed. I kissed him and we start making out in the kitchen.

"I need you" He bit my neck possessively. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I could feel his erection rising. I bit his lip teasingly and he moaned. 
"It's almost eight, my mom should be here any minute" When I said that, the color drained from his face, he nodded slowly and jumped quickly away from me.

"I...I need to wash my hands!" He walked quickly to the bathroom and closed the door. I went back to the kitchen and washed the dirty dishes that were on the sink. I heard the door opened and some keys.

"I'm home Alexander" I showed my head and said hi. She smiled and walked to me.

"How was your little get together?"

"Really good, actually" She smiled and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Where's your brother?"

"He said he was going to the mall to buy his tux for the wedding, remember it's this weekend" She nodded and smiled.

The bathroom door opened and Cole walked out smiling. Back to his old self. But his face registered horror when he saw my mom. My mother glared at him.

"We will probably go out to grab something to eat, want to come?" I asked her. She shook her head and walked upstairs, without saying another word.

"Weird" I said. He had a sad look. I took his hand on mine and smiled.

"Whatever its going on, don't worry everything will turn out all right" He smiled and squeezed my hand. I have this feeling he doesn't believe me. Like he knows what's going to happen.

Mark's POV

"No, I don't like that color" The old woman glared at me and rolled her eyes.

"Sir, you don't like any color, it should match with the suit" I knew that, but I didn't want a brown one, it's ugly.

"I know, let me just go and check for myself" She nodded angrily and went to the counter to wait. I sighed. I needed to find a tie for the wedding. A friend of mine is marrying this weekend, and I need to look good. Regina didn't want to help me with finding a tie, she doesn't even want to go to the wedding. It will be awkward if I show alone, everyone is expecting to see me with someone. I bet Alex already has a date and I'm just here struggling to find a tie. You might think my friend is crazy for marrying at this age, but he is not a highschool student, he's 22, he was a senior when I was a freshman. I was on the football team that year, so I became really popular with the seniors.

I looked at the ties and shook my head in disapproval. All were ugly.

"Hi there!" I turned around to a finger tapping on my shoulder. Linda, Alex's friend was behind me smiling widely.

"Hey, What's up? " I said. I was still looking for some ties, and she had some bags in her hands.

"Nothing much, just buying some stuff" I nodded. She noticed my trouble and took some ties.

"Seems like you need some help, here" She handed me a couple of ties. "Try this on"

After she dragged me along with her to the mirror, I found myself liking the options she was offering me.

"And you pull this and its done" I blushed at the fact that she had helped me. She was standing close to me, with a smile. I noticed her eyes. They were blue and really beautiful. She has a nice smile. I smiled back. I was staring a little bit too intently on her eyes, but they were simply breathtaking.

"Ummm, thanks, can I invite you to lunch maybe, to compensate your time in being my fashion advicer?" I said in my failed attempt of being charming. She shot me one of those killer smiles.

"Sure, I'm kind of hungry" I took her arm in mine, for fun only. She laughed and we went to a small cafe that was near the mall. What a beautiful girl, and how did she went unnoticed all this time?

Matt's POV

"Wow, look at that! We really should ride that one" I said excitedly. Alex nodded and we lined up behind the crowd. It was a scary ride. The biggest roller coaster on the fair. Alex was silent and I noticed he was nervous.

"Is Alexander Hayes scared?" He shook his head quickly.

"No, I'm not" I smirk. Wow, he's really scared.

"I promise you everything is going to be alright" He smiled at me. I knew I've convinced him. Eventually, we rode the game and he loved it. As always. He knew he would love it, he just needed to ride it. After riding some attractions we walked to a little stand that sold hotdogs. We chatted some about the school and all that was happening. Then we decided to ride the wheel of fortune. He loves the wheel of fortune. He says the view is beautiful.

"It's really beautiful" He said. He is really beautiful, but I'm just too afraid to tell him.

"It looks like if you could count the stars tonight, there's not a lot of them" He smiled at me. Suddenly, the wheel stopped and the booths swung a little bit too harsh. Alex jumped to my side and hugged me so fast I couldn't react. His warmth was so much for me to take. I just wanted to kiss him.

"What happened?" He asked a little frightened.

"It must be stuck, happens a lot, don't worry" I gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled back.

"I hope you are not lying, you know how scared I am about these rides!" I chuckled. He was right about that.

"Really, its going to be alright" I said, "Look how beautiful everything is from here!" He smiled and we admired the view. Lights were everywhere, it was really something. I was dying to kiss Alex, I really wanted to. I was just afraid of his reaction, what if he hates me?

"Matt, this is awesome, thanks for making me come" He turned to me with those big brown eyes of his which I couldn't resist. I was fighting the urge to kiss him. To make him feel what I was feeling. Alex looked so good under the stars, I just needed to find the courage to do it.

"Alex" He looked at me with his big beautiful eyes. They held so much emotions.

"Matt" He said holding his smile. I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my neck. He bit his lip, something he did unconsciously some times.

"I've been wanting to say something...to you" He smiled and nodded. "I'm afraid though"

"Why? Matt we are best friends, there's nothing you could say that will make us stop being friends" I took a deep breath in and sighed.

"How about this?" I leaned in to a confused Alex. His lips on mine were perfect. So warm and they both moved graciously. He kissed me back after a while, putting his hand on my chest while I held his face. Alex was kissing me back, he loves me! I can't believe this!

"Matt! Matt!" I snapped out my trance.

"Yes?" Alex laughed at me, the ride is going again, we are going to get down.

God! I made up all of that. There was no kiss. No spark. No Alex kissing me back. God, I'm such a coward. I nodded slowly and gave him a faint smile. When are you going to get the strength to actually do it Matt.. When?

Drew's POV

I decided to go to Alex's house, to spend some time with him. I needed to make the most out of the time I'm here. I rang the doorbell twice and waited with both of my hands in my pocket. It was a little chill outside so I decided to ring it again.

"Can I help you?" A guy answered the door. I didn't know him at all.

"Sorry, I must be wrong, isn't this the Hayes household?" The guy nodded calmly. "And you are?" I asked.

"I should be asking that, you are the one knocking on the door" I was getting annoyed by this guy.

"I'm looking for Alex" He shot me a curious look.

"And you are?" He asked.

"Drew Cartiano, is he home?" He snorted.

"Oh I know who you are" He said like if he was accusing me of something, "You broke my boyfriend's heart"

"Wait, your what?" He smirked. I wanted to punch him.

"I'm Ryan, Alex's boyfriend" He smirked again. I wanted to punch him harder this time.

"Oh, you are...aren't you tool old for a seventeen year old?" His smirk was gone.

"No, besides, it doesn't concern you" I glared at him.

"Look, I love him..." He interrupted me.

"A lot of guys do, but he is mine, so back off of him" I glared at him again. Who does he think he is?

"He loves me you know, I'm his first and last love, those are never forgotten" He choked out a sarcastic laugh.

"The guy always ends with the good one, and I'm afraid to tell you it's me, so have a good night, and don't get near my boyfriend" He shut the door and I was left fuming. I wanted to kick his ass so bad.

Li's POV

"So there's this wedding and I was wondering if you want to go?" Mark was a great guy. He didn't show the jerk persona like he did in school. He was much more than that. He was funny,sweet,caring, and handsome. I got to know him better and here he is asking me for a date.

"A wedding, so I have to wear a dress?" He nodded smiling.

"I like getting all dress up, so you are a lucky guy" He smiled and kissed my cheek. He moved his head slowly realizing what he did. I smiled slowly. He waved and got in his truck. I smile and got inside my house. I touched my cheek when I reached my bed.

He kissed me.

In the cheek, but that makes him more of a gentleman. I can't believe how I could feel this way. For someone like him.

"Linda, how was your shopping?" My mom asked.

"Great" I smiled.

"Oh my god, tell me his name" I blushed. My mom turned into a teenager when it comes to me dating.

"I don't know if I like him, I met him so much time ago, but just now I saw him differently" She smiled and took my hand.

"Love at first sight sweetie" She said.

"But mom, I know him since I was little"

"But you never looked into his heart did you?" She smiled and squeezed my hand one last time. Leaving me alone with my thoughts. I laid on my bed for the first time hugging my pillow. I thought in all my four years of high school I wouldn't ask myself this question.

Is he thinking of me?

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes. I hope he is, because I am.

Drew's POV

It was now Tuesday, and the rain was falling hard in town. I found myself putting a grey hoodie on and jogging to the nearby cafe. There were very few people in the place, maybe just like two or three tables being served. My hair was wet because some rain got on it somehow so I just shook my head a little. I ordered a coffee and looked for some place to sit where I notice someone reading a book in one of the small tables. I walked to him and smiled.

"Why this doesn't surprise me?" Alex looked at me and smiled. He was reading another unknown book, that he loved. He was wearing glasses a little bit too big for him, which made him look cute.

"Hello Drew" I looked at the other chair and he nodded.

"So why a cute boy like you is all alone in a local cafe with pouring rain outside?" He chuckled.

"I'll omit the cute part, you made it sound like a movie" I smiled again.

He stared at the page of his book for a while, allowing me to stare at him. His eyes were the same beautiful eyes I've seen in the young freshman boy I fell in love with. His lips looked delicious and he was biting his lower lip gently. His face was flawless to me, he was perfect in every way. He was covered in a little too big sweater, which I guess was of his brother because it had the school logo on.

"Quit the staring Cartiano, a picture lasts more" I chuckled and he looked at me.

"You always find how to amaze me Hayes" His cheeks blushed a light pink making him look cuter. I was staring at him, thinking to myself how could I lose such an awesome guy like him.

"I saw a picture the other day," He said, still staring at his book, "Do you remember what we did on Halloween after we stole the little kids' candies" I laughed a little bit too loud because people looked at me. He choke laughing a little bit too.

"Poor house, it looked not awful but beyond it!" I laughed again. He chuckled a little to himself and smiled. "You turned me into a rebel" He grinned.

"And you liked it" He blushed and buried his head into his lap, laughing about the old times when we were together and the world wasn't that hard.

"How's Italy?" He asked.

"Beautiful, but I like it more here" I smiled, hoping he would realize I said that because of him. He did and blushed another time, making my heart melt.

"Anna seems pretty excited about coming here" I chuckled remembering her in the lake, "I would be if I ever go to another country and more if it was across the world" He smiled to the rainy window. I remember him telling me one day he will be traveling around the world, looking for adventures. He wanted to experience, to learn, to open his mind.

"I can take you to Italy, if you want" I said slowly, approaching him in the table.

"If it was just that easy" He chuckled sarcastically to himself and the idea of being in another country, with me.

"You just have to ask" I smiled and as I expected, he turned to look at me. He had a surprise smile on his face, like if he was trying to figure me out. I just stared and gave back a smile. "I mean, if that's what you really want"

"You are a nice guy Drew, I was lucky to be with you once" My smile faded a little, but his remained. I remembered that I lost him. He was all mine and I was all his.

"Not the last, though" I said, hesitating. My gaze went down to the floor. My feet turned really complex to figure out in the moment. But something took me out of my trance, a hand. He caressed my cheek and combed some hairs in front of my ear, brushing them back.

"I love you and I always will, please don't take advantage of that" He smiled and I just wanted to kiss him.

"That means that I have a chance?" I asked hopefully.

"That means what I said" I smiled and pushed him lightly.

"Relax dude, I don't got all muscle like you, I'm still skinny me" He said jokingly but still pushed me back.

"Maybe you should, and just maybe, just maybe I might feel your little kid push one day, just a bit, but still feel it" He opened his mouth like surprise and pushed me harder.

"Still numb, sorry kiddo" I ruffled his hair and he blushed. "I do make you blush a lot" I said laughing.

"No, It's just hot in here" He said.

"Thanks I guess" He pouted his lips and held the serious face until it broke into a grin.

"You are impossible Drew" I laughed and putted my arm around him, feeling the shock I felt every time I did this. It felt so good. Only the two of us, having coffee, being together. Soon maybe. I sighed and smile weakly at him. You are the nice guy, Alex. I hope you love me as much as I do.

Natalie's POV

"So I heard certain Italian hunk came back for little someone" I said teasingly. Alex just blushed fiercely and waved it off.

"Natalie! I'm in love if you haven't notice yet" I rolled my eyes mentally. I was trying so hard to get Alex to just break up with my brother. I can't get the courage to tell him what the asshole won't tell him. I'm just...just afraid he will hate me if I tell him. I've been with him a lot since we met and I've grown to love him as a brother and I would love if he became part of my family, but Ryan is just so immature by doing this. If he had been honest since the beginning maybe this wouldn't have such a sad ending planned.

"Alex, can I ask you something?" He nodded while eating another cookie. God, he loves cookies, he could eat them all day, he is so cute when he eats them though, so no complains. "Why you love my brother?" He seemed a little confused by the question but swallowed his cookie and smiled. 
"Because he is everything I've been looking for" I was afraid he was not done answering, "He's sweet, caring, funny, smart, mature..." He carried on saying all these lovely things about him when I just repeated in my mind 'Asshole, bastard, lier, immature'. God, I love my brother but what he is doing to Alex is so wrong. He shouldn't be playing with someone feelings, I even feel bad for Elizabeth, she is being tricked into my brother loving her when he feels nothing for her. She's not that bad, and I don't really know her but she is just a woman in love.

"His breath smells horrible in the morning just to put that out, you wouldn't like it, it smells like..."Alex's laugh cut me off and he just gave me that smile of his.

"Natalie, it seems like you want me to leave him" Yes!

"Why would you think that?" I said innocently. He just smiled again.

"I don't know, just let me tell you that I love you guys so much to let you go" He hugged me and my stomach twisted. He, such a good and caring person. The guilt took me so hard I had to do something.

"Alex, I think there is something you should know" I said slowly.

"Shoot it Nat" He seemed so happy taking another cookie.

"My brother is lying to.." Someone barged through the door. I jumped a little and looked to the door.

"What's up ladies!" Li exclaimed cheerfully. Ugh bad timing, why this happens to me. Alex smiled and greeted Li also cheerfully. I just smiled and looked back at Alex. I have to do something. Li was wearing fitness clothes similar to mine.

"Are you ready Natalia?! Better buttocks are waiting for us" Li was happier than ever. I remembered her and I having this Yoga class every Thursday. I nodded and we high-five each other. Alex just laughed and picked up his things. He then turned to me seriously.

"You and I have a chat that still needs to be figure out, okay?" I nodded and he smiled. "I'll se you at school on Monday!" He waved cheerfully and walked out of the door.

"Okay, so what's with the pending talk you guys have?" Li asked curiously while laying in my bed. I sighed and sat next to her.

"There is something I must tell him, but I'm afraid he'll hate me" I sighed again and Li rubbed my back.

"You should you know, the sooner the better" I nodded. "It's just something I think he needs to know like now, can I trust you with it?" She looked at me weirdly.

"I guess" I took a deep breath cause this could change everything.

"My brother is cheating on Alex, he is about to get married" Li's face was blank. She stopped moving her feet, twirling her hair. She just stared at me blankly and I quickly replied.

"I've tried to make him tell, but he is so afraid about coming out to my parents and Alex hating him, I just can't bear with telling him, knowing he will hate me after I do" Li kept her blank stare towards my eyes. She was in deep thought. Then, her face became so angry. It was full of anger and hatred. I backed off a little.

"I'm going to kill him" She said quietly, "I'm going to kill him" She said a little bit louder. She got her things and dragged me out of the room. Li rushed down stairs with me behind and we got into her car and she drove fast out the street. I didn't know where she was going, just that she might know where my brother is and it won't be pretty.

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