Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Nov 28, 2011


Write me to hutpanda@hotmail.es ! Tell me If you like it and what would you like to see in the story. Please feedback, it's what keeps me writing. Have a great day! THANKS TO RYAN, WHO EDITED THIS AND PREVIOUS CHAPTERS, YOU ARE AWESOME!!


There was a mistake in last chapter. When Matt had a flashback when he meets Alex in kindergarten its says " My name is Rob" but its Matt, sorry it slipped, Enjoy!

A Taste of Happiness

Alex's POV

Friday finally came and I couldn't be more excited. I knew dinner at Drew's house was at six, but I've been excited since I woke up. I brushed my teeth and put on some jeans and a white t-shirt. I remember that Rob wanted to give me the ride to school, to talk about something. I was still a little mad at him about the fight, but since I forgave Drew, I had to forgive him too. I ate my breakfast when my phone went off and it was a text from Rob saying he was outside. I ran to his car and got in, he looked nice.

"Good morning" he smiled at me. I said the same and he started the engine.

"So you want to talk to me?" He nodded but sat silently. I was getting impatient. I knew it was about our fake relationship.

"Yes, I want you to get away from him" He said and I obviously knew about who he was talking about. I got mad and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah boss and what else?" I asked sarcastically. He stayed silent.

"I want you to stop talking to Matt too" Ok, that was enough.

"Are you kidding me, who do you think you are to tell me that?" I was angry, he fell silent again and I wasn't going to be patient. I could see the school at the end of the road.

"Just listen to me, they are no good for you" He never looked at me. I was more than angry.

"You are helpless, you think you are Mr. Know it all right? Well no! So you can't tell me what to do or who to talk to!" he was about to speak, but I cut him off, "I am ending this ok" He looked at me for the first time and it was a look of pure shock.

"He loves me, he told me" He grip tightened on the steering wheel and his knuckles turned white.

"He is not good for you" He repeated.

"Since when do you care about me?" He stopped the car and stared at me for a few seconds. It felt like the earth had stood still and it was only me and him.

"Since always" He was not looking at me. I was getting impatient. He and this mysterious game he was playing with me. With us.

"Yeah right, show it" He just kept looking at anything but me. I hated it.

"I do care about you" He stared right through my eyes. Like if he could see my insides. What I was feeling and how I was seeing him. He took my hand. "You know I do" I nodded but I looked down.

"He loves me, and he isn't afraid of showing it" I let a tear fall from my eye. He brushed it away with his thumb. I just kept staring at him.

"I..." He was hesitating and moved away from me. His eyes were fixed on the school. I sighed.

"I am sorry Rob, but I am not gonna wait for you to decide how you feel, I need love too" I took a deep breath and left his car and him. Maybe for forever, maybe not. Just destiny will know.

Rob's POV

I resisted the tears that wanted to escape my eyes. I won't lose him, even if that means playing dirty, but they say all's fair in love and war, right? I might even have to lie or get into a big fight, but I was going to get him, because he had stolen my heart.

Drew's POV

As I walked in to school, someone pushed me. I turned to see Roberto with an annoying smirk on his ugly face.

"What's your problem?" I asked pushing him back. He kept smirking and got into the bathroom. I decided to follow him, since I knew this wasn't good. He was looking at the mirror and turned to me when he saw me coming in.

"I told him I love him, and he loves me too" I knew who he was talking about, I didn't believe him. He had a big smirk. There was something about him that told me he was lying.

"How does losing feels eh? Tell me, because I won!" He kept saying things. I needed to talk to Alex. I ran out of the bathroom and to the junior's lockers. I saw him with Li.

"Hey, mind if I steal him for a minute?" Li said bye to Alex and left. He gave me that smile of his that made me love him more with every second.

"So?" He looked so cute, standing there holding his books, but I had to know.

"Is it true, that you love him?" he gave me a confused look and then sighed deeply.

"We are currently..." I hated when he avoided my questions. He said it like it was a lie.

"That's not what I asked" I cut him off and He sighed again and caressed my cheek. I took his hand in mine.

"I do" I kissed him. Right there in the empty hallway. It was real, the kiss and the feeling. He was hesitating at first, but then he surrendered. His hands hugged my neck and I held his waist close to mine. It seemed like the perfect moment, I could stay this way forever.

"It's funny, cause I love you more" He smiled and kissed me again. He was on his toes to reach my lips. I knew right there, That I was tasting heaven and I was sure that I won't let the feelings leave again.

Alex's POV

"Rob, we have to talk" He looked at me and said bye to his soccer teammates. We walked to the bleachers and sat at the top.

"What's up?" He asked.

"We need to end this" He stared at me with no expression on his face. He sighed.

"Why?" He asked in a tone I didn't recognized.

"Cause he loves me that was our plan, besides I don't think Rachel will bother you anymore" He looked at me, "She got herself a boyfriend, more like a slave" He let out a chuckle.

"Why do you love him?" he asked staring at my eyes.

"Why do you love me?" He looked down. His foot was playing with mine, but he stopped when he noticed my foot stop moving.

"I'll never give up" he wore a sad look.

"Don't expect a lot from me, I'm fucked up" He laughed again.

"Baby, the whole world is fucked up" He hugged me. I hugged him back, because I felt that he needed it.

"I can't understand why him? I can give you more than anyone" I stood up. His eyes traveled through my body to my eyes.

"I like to keep it simple, I just want somebody to love and somebody that loves me, no more, just that" I walked away, I knew that I might lose him as a friend, but was love worth losing a friend?

"You know it won't be the same, that you might lose what we had" I heard him saying.

"Did we ever have something, Rob?" He looked down and I left. I needed someone who wasn't afraid of his feelings. I needed someone courageous, because as I had said before, I was fucked up.

Li's POV

"You are stupid Matt, how could you?" Matt was an idiot. He just told me something bad. Why does bad news keep coming like bullets?

"I didn't know, I used..." I was tired of him talking.

"Don't you know that it's not a hundred percent safe, gosh you are stupid" He looked down ashamed. He better be ashamed, because if anyone else finds out, they would kill him.

"Don't tell him" I let a bitter laugh escape my mouth.

"I am not the right person to do that" I walked away, shutting my locker hard.

Alex's POV

"So how did it go?" I was sitting on the grass, between Drew's legs, resting my head on his chest.

"Good, I guess" He kissed my head. I smiled.

"Hey Alex, hey Drew?" Li was surprised, but I gave her the tell-you-later look. She sat down and we talked about school and plans for the weekend.

"So Drew, where are you going to next year?" I realized that she was talking about college. It hit me. He was a senior, I a junior. He will be leaving next year.

"California maybe" Li kept talking about college applications and that stuff. I knew he was leaving, Mark was leaving, and Rob...was leaving too.

"I want to go to Chicago" Li and I both wanted to go to Chicago. It was our plan since we started school together; both graduate here and leave to Chicago, rent an apartment and live the good life.

"We want to" Li smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"Chicago is great" Drew smiled at both of us and continued to play with my hair. He was like a little kid, my little kid.

"Hey guys" some boy I didn't know sat down with us. He was tall and lean. His hair was hazel, just like his eyes and he seemed nice.

"Hey Simon, what's up" Drew said as the guy smiled at all of us.

"Nothing much, just some old creepy teacher gave me the scare of my life!" He was really bubbly, "She was like "Simon come here" and I was like "NO WAY OLD CHICK" and she ran after me! How could she do that when she is like seventy?" I was laughing my ass off. This guy was hilarious, besides he made really goofy faces.

"Wait, you are laughing? At my terrible situation?" He was smiling at me and I kept laughing. I saw someone from the corner of my eye. I turned and it was Rob, he was staring at me. I turned back around.

"I am Alex" I said to Simon. He smiled and nodded.

"Nice to meet someone who thinks my life problems are funny" He said joking and smiled.

"So this guy here got you tight right?" he said pointing to Drew, they were obviously good friends, "don't believe any story he tells about me, except the ones that include me being drunk and waking up in different places of the world, almost every story is about that so..." I kept laughing. He talked funny and he made silly faces when he was talking, so how could I not laugh.

"I think I like you" He said and smiled. "You seem nice, and you think I am funny" Drew was laughing, so was Li.

Mark's POV

"So you let him go" Rob was obviously pissed and disappointed. My brother had ended their fake dating. Yep, I knew about it, I knew it was impossible for him to make the first move and my brother realizing he loves Roberto. I just kept quiet to see how things turned out.

"If you love someone, let..." I cut him off mid sentence.

"That's bullshit, if you love someone you fight for that person, cause if you let them go, you are giving them away to the wrong person" He stared at me.

"He is happy with him" He said in an expressionless tone.

"Cause you let him be, I bet he would be ten times happier with you than with Cartiano, but it's your problem, I love my little brother, and if you are not man enough to fight for him , then you are not human enough to love him" I left the locker rooms just as I heard him hit one locker. He screamed in frustration. Sucks for him and me, because I don't like Cartiano, he isn't trustworthy...

Li's POV

After meeting Simon and leaving the lovebirds alone, I decided to find Matt. He was falling apart, acting so strange. I was getting worried, because Matt was one of my best friends. I saw him talking to some guys near his locker. I knew those guys; they were bad influence for him. The kind of guys who want others to be blamed for their mistakes.

"Matt, we have to talk" He looked at me for a second and turned back to his "friends". I was getting annoyed by all the looks these guys were giving me.

"Matthew!" He turned around and I dragged him to some corner, away from those guys.

"What the fuck Linda!" I threw away whatever he was smoking, because I didn't want to know.

"What the fuck with you Matt, What are you doing with those guys?" He hesitated and scratched his hair nervously.

"They are my friends" I let out a sarcastic laugh. He glared at me, but I knew better, he was lying.

"Matt, we are your friends, Alex and me, even Mark and your brother" He scowled at the mention of the names.

"They all hurt me, they don't know me, and you don't!" It seemed as he was yelling to convince himself rather than to convince me.

"No, you hurt yourself" He looked angry, "You can't blame us for not being okay with what you were doing, you can't blame him for not loving you back" I hit his soft spot. He let a tear run down his face, because he knew I was right.

"I love you, we all do" I hugged him and he melted in my arms. He was like my brother, I couldn't stand seeing him cry. But I did this time, because I need to cry too.

"Has she called?" He nodded his head and by the look of his face I could tell our nightmares had come true.

"It's mine" I gasped and hugged him. I knew he was heartbroken. But mostly scared. And I knew he would need me to be always by his side, so he couldn't fall, not again.

Alex's POV

Our fingers were intertwined. Our lips danced without music, but the passion was there. His touch sends shivers through my whole body. I found myself smiling to the thought of us together.

"What are you thinking?" He asked giving me goose bumps.

"Us" He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I am glad there's an us now" I smiled and kissed him on the lips. "I am glad too" We spend the rest of the day kissing. After school I went home to get ready for dinner with the Cartianos. I was thrilled to go. Drew picked me up and told me to be calm, that they won't bite. I met his aunt, who was really nice and his little brother who was so cute! His name was Noah and his aunt's name was Gloria. She was hilarious; she had this Italian accent, so funny. I loved his family. I found myself that night doing the dishes with his aunt, we were just chatting as Drew and his brother were playing some videogame.

"I am glad he finally found someone like you" she said. I smiled and blushed.

"I am glad I found him" She smiled at me and I could sense a worried tone on her early statement.

"You know he loves you" I nodded, "Please, don't break his heart, I just don't want to see him heartbroken again" I nodded , but I was curious about what she said of him being heartbroken. I never knew about any past relationships he had. I made a mental note to ask him later, but now I was just happy to be here and with them, who seemed like the family I never had. Gloria and I were talking in the kitchen when Drew stepped in.

"Sorry, but I am going to steal him for a while" Gloria smiled and told him he could take me for a while. I said goodbye to her and we walked outside their house. It was already eight o'clock and I needed to be home by nine.

As we were walking he took my hand and I blushed. He wasn't afraid of showing his love in front of people. He wasn't afraid of being sweet in public, he wasn't afraid to show he was in love, he wasn't afraid of being himself.

"I love you" he said randomly, getting another blush out of me. He was playing with my fingers. I felt happy for the first time in a while. Me and him, just walking in a park at night, underneath the stars. It felt...magical.

"I love you too" It might be weird that I loved him already, but it's true. I loved the way he smiled, how he acts like a little kid sometimes, the way his eyes smile, because he could do that. I loved everything about him.

"So California?" Wow, way to go Alex, perfect timing to bring that up!

"Yeah" he said. He was still playing with my fingers and I had to ask him.

"Drew, did you date others? Before me I mean" He turned cold. I knew it might be hard for him to talk, but I needed to know.

"Yes" He was distant. I could feel him.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he smiled and squeezed my hand.

"I will, but not now, the moment is too perfect" and right there he kissed me. The only witnesses were the stars, and I knew there I truly loved him, more than anything in the whole word.

I woke up when my alarm went off. I walked to the bathroom and took a bath. Memories of last night flooded my mind and made me smile. I had never felt this good in my life. I felt like a new person, like nothing could break me. I ate an apple in the kitchen, Mark was coming down.

"Hurry Up and eat something else, that's not real food" I rolled my eyes. He ate three waffles, scrambled eggs and toast each morning. I wasn't a beast like him, I couldn't eat that much.

"So I heard you and Cartiano" he said trying to sound seriously.

"Don't try, I made my mind, he's perfect by the way" I grabbed my backpack and headed to the door since Drew was picking me up.

"But perfect for you?" I ignored his comment, but it was stuck on my mind. Of course he was perfect for me! I got into Drew's car and kissed him. Stupid Mark, Stupid comment!

"I think I can get used to this" I hit him playfully and he laughed. We kissed like a million times in the car. Kissing was like water, we needed it. Maybe I was overreacting but it was true. I became addicted to Drew; he was my personal drug, and also my drug dealer. I saw Rob and smiled. He turned around without nodding or waving and talked to his friends. I knew this might happen; it was a risk that I had to take. Drew kissed me goodbye and left to talk with his senior friends. Li caught up with me.

"Hey there Mr. Busy" I rolled my eyes and she laughed. Maybe she was right. Indeed she was right, I had spent a lot of time with Rob and now with Drew.

"I am sorry; you are my favorite person in the world!" I hugged her so tight she was barely breathing.

"Can't....Breath" I ended the hugged and she made a dramatic sighed. I hit her playfully.

"You love my hugs so don't be a drama queen" She rolled her eyes and we walked to class. I needed to balance my life. Drew, Li, Mark and...Matt. I had forgotten about him. I hadn't seen him in a while. It looked like he vanished. I then realized my life was fucked up, really fucked up.

Rob's POV

"Dude, weren't you dating that guy?" Tyson, some guy from my soccer team was obviously checking Alex out. He wore a curios face.

"Yes" I was getting angry. I had always been attracted to Alex. Since his freshman year.


"Hey Man!" Mark said to me. Summer had ended and it was now time to go back to school. Mark and I were both sophomores this year.

"Hey, where's butters? I haven't seen him since ages!" Mark smirked.

"In the Office, getting his schedule" He kept smirking and it was getting weird. Then I saw a boy coming out of the office. Damn! He was hot. He had some jeans and a t-shirt but looked good!

"Hey dickheads" He said. I knew that it was butters, but I couldn't believe it. When had he grown that tight ass! His face didn't have pimples and instead of his braces, there was a wonderful white smile.

"Hey..." It was the first time I got nervous around a person, he even made blush.

"What's with the weird face?" He laughed and left. I knew right there that I was in love. In love with someone that I never thought I would be. That I never thought he would even catch my eye. Someone that wasn't aware of my feelings, for the first time.

End of the Flashback

He became someone attractive, so attractive. I knew that, because girls started talking about him, even some guys, saying he had a tight ass. He was the thing that was in everyone's mouth, and he didn't even notice. I loved that he was so naïve and innocent. But now he was grown up and he was too good for someone like me.

"I wouldn't have let him go" Tyson got his books and left. He was wrong. Even if he wasn't with me at the moment, I never let him go; I will never let him go. He belongs with me, and I belong with him. I wasn't defeated. I'll never be.

Alex's POV

"Matt!" I saw him walking down the hall. He looked paler than normal and he had bags under his eyes. He looked bad.

"Hey there!" He said tiredly but with a smile.

"Have a minute?" He nodded and we headed to the school`s gardens. It was beautiful sunny day.

"So?" He said smiling at me. I noticed he was still muscled but looked sick. His eyes were almost purplish and his face lost all of its life.

"How are you?" He let out a laugh.

"You brought me out here to ask me that?" I remained serious, and his laugh died in a while.

"Yes Matt, I know I haven't talk to you in ages, and I'm sorry" I hugged him. He seemed surprised but responded by hugging me back. It felt good. Matt was my best friend, and it was great to be talking to him again. "I miss you" I said hugging him tight.

"I miss you too Lex" He smiled and hugged me tighter. He spread warmth, something that not all people could do.

"Hey Guys!" Li was carrying some books and a coffee. I couldn't hold it and hugged her too. We were in a group hug and it felt so good.

"So what where you talking about?" Li looked at Matt and he frowned. Li's looks were deathly.

"That I missed you guys!" I said. Li pinched my cheeks playfully and I hit her in the arm. She faked pain and I laughed. The bell rang loudly.

"Sorry Guys, but it's time for class, see you later!" I ran off. I wanted to see Drew.

Matt's POV

"Have you told him yet?" Li was firing questions at me. She wanted me to tell Lex, but I couldn't, but I knew that he will never look at me the same. For what I had done. For what I had caused.

"No" She groaned.

"The longest, the worst you know right" I nodded and she sighed.

"Matt, he deserves to know, don't you love him!" Li was being harsh on me since I told her what happened. She kept giving me disapproving stares and always told me that I was stupid for not telling Alex. But I didn't want to hurt him, he was too happy now. He didn't need to know, cause he was having a Taste of Happiness, that may be gone if I told him, he deserves happiness all his life, but if I could only give him a while, I would.

"I do, that's why I don't want him to hate me" Li stared at me in disbelief and left angry. I knew she was pissed at me, but she couldn't make me do something I didn't want to do. I wasn't going to take away his happiness; it wasn't for me to take.

Next: Chapter 6

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