Damn Stupid Love

By Hut Panda

Published on Dec 28, 2011


Hey Guys, Well I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, hope all your wishes and dreams come true and that the new year is better than this one. Please enjoy and feedback cause that is what keeps me writing! I made a long chapter, read it's title and you will know what is ahead of you!

Gifts and Surprises

I was surprised. I saw Drew, Li,Matt, Mark ,his girlfriend and a lot of people smiling at me. The house was decorated with balloons and other stuff. They did a great job. I didn't know a lot of the guests that were there, but I was only looking at Drew. He was smiling at me, when he noticed I was looking back, he winked. I blushed. Rob pushed me gently and I was received with hugs and kisses.

"My little boy, So big and handsome you have grown!" Li was hugging me, just like she did in the morning. She made me feel loved and special. I hugged her back. I received hugs from a lot of strangers, but I welcomed them as my dear friends. After some chatting and introductions, Drew squeezed my hand.

"Love, come with me" Drew held my waist and he led me to the backyard. He kept whispering lovely things on my ear and kissing my cheek and neck. I felt loved. The Backyard had some lights on the trees and it looked beautiful. I knew the beautiful decorations and setting was done by Li, obviously with the help of the others.

"I want to give you something" He spun me around and we were face to face, well , more my face to his chest but I was looking to his eyes.

"You don't have to give me anything, I have you, thats a lot for me" He smiled and kissed me. Drew was like a dream come true. He loved me. I never thought that someday, I would be kissing Drew Cartiano, My crush since freshman year, since the first time I saw him.


"Alex!" I snapped out of my trance and looked at Li. She was laughing at me and I glared at her.

"You were drooling at that guy!" I pouted and glared again. She kept laughing and people looked at her weirdly.

"I wasn't" She smiled and giggled.

"Yes you were, and let me tell you he has fine written all over him" I covered her mouth.

"Shut up, he might hear you!" She closed her mouth and smiled at me.

"Why don't you go over there and say hi" I gave her the are-you-crazy look. She rolled her eyes at me.

"I don't even know him!" She rolled her eyes again. We were walking to class, I had Advanced Chemistry and Li had English. She kept telling me to find him and say hi. I mean, she was crazy, I couldn't just go there and say " Hi" that would be stupid, really stupid.

"See you at lunch" I waved at her and we went separate ways. Since it was my first day in this classroom, I decided to sit in the back. There were tables with two stools, So we were going to work in pairs. People filled in the classroom and some stared at me with confused looks. I was a freshman in a AP class, full of seniors,juniors, and a few sophomores. I just smile nervously.

"Hey Class, I am going to pair you up, we'll be working like that for the rest of the semester, ok?" Everyone nodded and she began saying names.

"Smith and Brooks, Salas and Stevens, Cartiano and Hayes..." Oh.My.God, I was paired up with the guy. I knew that since he smiled at me and headed my way. I was nervous. Fucking nervous. He patted my back gently.

"Seems like we are partners, I'm Drew, What's your name?" I found myself in shock. I thought he was going to be a jerk, an arrogant jock, who will take advantage of a small freshman and make him do the work. Instead, he was sweet as a fucking honey jar.

"Hi, I....my name... Alex" I stuttered a little and stuck at some parts, but fine.

"Well, lets get this started, are you with me?" Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be with you and you with me...

"Yes" He smiled and we continued to work. He was an easy person to talk to and had a great personality, I soon developed a crush on him, but told myself the idea that it was only a dream, that will never come true.


"Of course I have to give you something" He kissed my cheek, I was thinking of how lucky I am to have him. He was perfect.

"Okay but I'll repay you" He chuckled and held me by the waist. He took a ring out of his pocket. It was a normal gold ring. It was beautiful. I smiled at him. Inside there was an inscription, 'The Beginning of Forever'. I let a tear rolled down my face.

"I hope this makes you remember me at every moment, and how much I love you" He said in like a sad tone, I didn't understand why, but he seemed kind of sad. "I love you" He kissed me desperately, like if there was no tomorrow. I felt his tears on my cheek and I started to worry.

"What's wrong?" He cried again, but silently, he didn't wanted me to see him cry. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Say it back, please" He begged.

"I love you" He hugged me and I was getting really worried. He kissed my neck and held my waist, he smelled so delicious and his lips caressed my skin. It tickled and made me feel relaxed. I backed away and took his hand.

"What's wrong?" His eyes were red from the tears and he wore a sad smile.

"I..." He hugged me again and whispered on my ear.

"I'm moving" I gasped. I was in shock. I mean, everything was going perfect and all and this had to happen.

"Where?" I managed to get out, but I was speechless and surprised.

"Does it matter?" He said sarcastically. I nodded. He waited a for a few seconds and hugged me again. "Italy, my aunt needs to go back, my grandmother died and they need her for the business, but I'll be back for college, I promise" He was holding me, I was breaking. Why? Why does this had to happen. He stood there for a while, he was holding me and I was holding him. It was worst than I ever thought. Italy was really far, I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. Until he was back for college, if he ever comes back...

"Say something" I was speechless, shocked , and hurt. I ran out of tears after a while.

"I need you, I love you " He kissed my eyes, my nose, my mouth. He acted desperately. I was just numb, standing there. I saw everything black, a sharp pain hit me and then nothing. Peace, just for now.

I woke up, in my bed. It took some time to adjust myself to the sunlight that hit me right in my eyes. I yawned and realized I was trapped. Drew was holding me tightly, I felt warm in his arms. It suddenly hit me. He was leaving. I cried. I guess my cries woke him up because he began whispering on my ear.

"Shhhh, Everything will be alright" I sobbed on his shirt and he kept whispering on my ear.

"When?" It was a faint sound, but he heard me.

"Two weeks" I gulped. Little time left for something meant to last forever.

"Will you miss me?" It sound like a stupid question, but I needed to hear him say it.

"You have no idea" Our hands were intertwined. Only our breaths could be heard. I kissed him. He cried. I held him, he needed me. I needed him too.

"Short time and I love you more than myself" He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"You are worth a billion stars, and you know those can't be taken away, no one can do that" He kissed my eyes, each one which had tears in them, waiting to get out, but I kept fighting them. I needed to be strong for him, and for me. For us.

"I wished I had been with you since I saw you" He took me by surprise. "You didn't notice me, but I liked you since I saw you, on that chemistry class. I knew you were smart, since there were only seniors,juniors, and I was one of the few sophomores. So beautiful, I loved your eyes and smile." He caressed my cheek and smiled. We laughed. So stupid we had liked each other for a long time and didn't say a thing.

"I was afraid, of liking you, first because I consider myself straight and because I never fell for someone as hard as I did for you" He smiled and chuckled at the memory.

"I did stupid things just to see you" he laughed, " I remember to go into the bathroom wherever you go, because I liked seeing you alone. I left all my pencils at home, just to ask you for one and hear your voice" He laughed again.

"They said that you can't never truly fall in love more than once, but every time I saw you, I fell in love again with you harder, and I still do" I let a tear escape, because there were too much to hold. He kissed me again and hugged me. I fell asleep again, this time I didn't saw black and felt pain. I felt true happiness and saw white, cause I felt in heaven.

How does it feel when you are dead? Do you feel anything at all? Do you feel your love ones cry? Do you go straight to heaven or do you stop somewhere? Is there any hell at all? Or is God bad enough to let us go there? I don't believe in it, because I don't think God is that evil to send his sons and daughters somewhere horrible, it makes me think that we are being judge on earth by some people that might go to hell too,if there is one. Like a teacher I had, he told me that I was sin and that I was going to hell. Doesn't he will be there too because of judging me without knowing me. I just hope that I live forever, because I never want to know the answer to that question, no one does.

Li held me tight against her chest, I was able to hear and feel her heartbeats. I just told her the news. She held me tightly, not letting me fall. I was not ready for this.

"When?" She asked.

"Two weeks" We stayed quiet for a while and the only thing that could be heard was my sobbing. She played with my hair, she said it was beautiful. I saw it like any other hair, but she said it was different, good different.

"What am I going to do?" She gave me a confuse look.

"Breath" I gave her a confuse look, she told me to breath again and I did. "Now, breath out" I did and she smiled. "See, you can live without him,it will be hard but you can"I smiled, but I was still sad. I might be able to breath but not live.

"Keep living, it's not over, he'll be back" I nodded, " Life isn't over Alex, show life you are stronger than this, these are the tests that let you see if it is true what you both have" She hugged me tightly.

"I never got to thank you for the birthday party, It was really nice of you" She smiled.

"You deserve more than that" I smiled and hugged her.

"Have you talk to Matt, it seems he is distant from me" She frowned.

"He's having some issues, nothing I can explain, he'll probably tell you later" I could note that her voice was nervous and angry at the same time.

"Do you think he is angry at me?" She shook her head quickly. I caught something she said, it was a faint whisper. 'It will be the other way around'

Rob's POV

I locked my car and went inside. My house was empty. Or that was what I thought.

"What do you want?" Matt was cooking something. More like popcorn.

"Did you heard?" I nodded. Cartiano was leaving. I knew it was kind of selfish , but I was glad.

"Then why are you happy?" I smirked and threw my keys to the counter.

"No more obstacles" He shook his head in disappointment.

"When you love someone, you want to see them happy, never sad...even though it's not you who makes them happy" It seemed like he said it more to himself than to me. Before I could say something , he went upstairs and shut the door closed. I sighed. I can make him happy, I do. He is happy when he is with me, I'll love him more than he needs, so he'll never feel a little alone. I decided to take a nap and rest. I found myself smiling, maybe life was showing me the bright side, it was my turn to show him that I love him.

Drew's POV

I threw my keys to my bed and plopped on it. I screamed in anger. I was frustrated. I was leaving, to Italy to make things worst. I had a great life here, a boyfriend I love and a lot of friends. I was worried about Alex. I don't want him to be sad, or... to fall in love with someone better than me. I had waited so much to be with him, to kiss his lips and hold him.

"How did he take the news?" My aunt was sitting on the edge of the bed and I was angry right now to talk.

"How do you think he did?" It might be rude, and she doesn't has the fault but I was still angry. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, ok? It's just that...I don't want to leave" She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I know you are hurting, I know you love him, but you'll be back, its less than a year, and maybe you can come visit some day" I gave her a sad smile.

"I'm afraid" She rubbed my back gently.

"About what?" I stared at her eyes and I knew she could see my pain. My fear.

"He might fall in love with someone else, I love him too much to go through that" She hugged me tighter.

"He loves you so much" I smiled and nodded. Alex loves me, he told me. There was no sense in being afraid,until I remembered something...Roberto.

Alex's POV

I was in my room listening to music and just doodling on my pad when I heard the door bell ring. I waited for someone to answer but it didn't continue so I assumed Mark had opened the door. After a few minutes I heard a noise. It came from my window. It was a tapping noise or a similar sound. I walked and opened it. It was Matt.

"What are you doing?" He jumped inside my room and smiled.

"Entering with style, what else?" I punched his shoulder playfully and he laughed. He was wearing jeans and a t shirt.

"Aren't you cold?" He shook his head and lied next to me on the bed. He was actually warm, as always. Funny that even in the coldest days he kept himself warm. I noticed that our arms were touching and our legs too. I felt his warmth, and it felt good.

"Happy Birthday" He said in my ear. His husky voice sent shivers through my body. He was smiling.

"Thanks" I replied. He took my hand and put something in it. I looked at it and it was a black necklace with a letter M. I knew the letter was from Matt but it seemed kind of...awkward. It was something I might expect from Drew, but not from him. Anyways it was beautiful.

"It's beautiful" He smiled and I stood up to put it on me.

"Let me help you" I gave him the necklace and he put it around my neck.

"The woman that sold it to me said it was for special people, that marked your life in some way and that you would like to compensate all the time away from them by giving them a small piece of you, to always be with them" It was beautiful. I hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged me back. I lied down again and he cuddled up against me. He was really warm.

"I am sorry" He said sadly.

"Why?" I asked. He hugged me close to him and my face found his chest.

"For not being there for you, all this time I was away from you" He let out a tear.

"No Matt, there's nothing to be sorry about, I love you, you are my best friend, forever and always ok?" He nodded, but there was something sad on his face. I saw sorrow and disappointment.

"I love you too" He hugged me tightly and I could smell his scent. There was something happy about him now. He spread happiness and I could feel it. He was touching my hair. He seemed to like it. For a while we talked about memories of elementary school and middle school. The best years of my life with my two best friends. Believe me or not, Li wasn't my friend, not even close. I hated her stereotype that she showed actually.


I was walking through the school's yard. I loved the flowers and the scents of the plants. It was relaxing and made my stress go away. I heard some sobbing near one of the bushes. I was in 6th grade and had just turned twelve. The sobbing got louder and soon I found Linda, a girl from my english class, on her cheerleader's uniform crying. I didn't like her, she was mean to Matt. She called him four eyes and dork, and I think no one deserves hurt and pain.

"Hey, Are you okay?" She was surprised and jumped a little.

"What do you want?" She went back to sobbing and I kneeled in front of her. I placed a comforting hand on her back. She slowly looked up to me and gave me a sad smile. I smiled back and then we sat on the grass. She told me the reason why she was crying. It seemed that the girls on the cheerleader squad told her she was getting fat and she wasn't pretty enough to be on the team.

"You are really pretty and so thin! How can you believe them?" I was angry at the cheerleaders for being so rude to someone. She smiled and hugged me.

"You are nice after all, can we be...friends?" I nodded and she hugged me again.

"But you have to stop calling my friend Matt names" Her eyes got wide.

"You are friends with four..." I shot her a look and she blushed.

"Sorry, Sorry, Matt, okay seems fair, thanks Alex" I nodded and smiled. I could sense since there that this will be a beautiful friendship. Of course Matt didn't like the idea of us hanging out with her, but since I met her, I mean really know her, she was an amazing friend. Li quit the cheerleader squad and became one of our little group. We were soon the three inseparable best friends. Matt and Li eventually got along, they had a lot in common like music taste.

End of Flashback

Matt was playing with my fingers, just like Drew did. He seemed lost in thought.

"Are you into some trouble Matt? You can count on me" He frowned. He stiffened and remained quiet for a few seconds.

"You shouldn't be worrying about me, I am fine" He kissed my forehead. "I should be leaving , it's getting late" He kissed me again on the forehead and I smiled. He climbed out of my room and his body disappear in the dark night. It felt so good to know that Matt was still here, just like a star. Maybe I don't see him everyday, but I know he's there, for me. I sighed tiredly. I closed my eyes and the moment I hit the pillow I fell asleep. I dreamed about him, again. My prince charming, I didn't see his face, but I heard him whisper. He said 'Follow me'. I followed and we appeared in a forest. He was running too quickly that I wasn't able to reach him, but I knew I would find him, someday.

I woke up with dried tears on my eyes. I looked to my side and there was Drew. His hair was all messy and he was smiling. He was holding my waist tightly and I smiled. He was leaving tomorrow morning. His flight was scheduled early in the morning, which gave us little time and time flew fast when you want it to stop. He yawned and opened his eyes.

"Hello Sleeping beauty" He smiled and kissed me. The kiss had so many emotions in it. I felt the love, the passion, the sadness. Too much for me to handle, on my own. I hugged him tightly and cried. He patted my back and kissed my forehead. I missed him already, and he wasn't gone...yet. We had decided to make the best out of this day, before he was gone. His flight was at six thirty in the morning. We had some breakfast and then went to the park.

"I want to give you something before you go" I said. He kissed me and smiled. I had bought a ring. Like the one he gave me but silver. I took his hand and opened it. The ring had

"Close your eyes" He closed them and I put the ring on his finger. His face gave a confuse expression and he opened his eyes. He looked at the ring and smiled. He hugged me and spun me around. I was laughing and he was smiling. He kissed me so many times that I forgot the number. We headed to his house. The ring had an inscription too. It said 'Yours Completely in Body,Mind and Heart' . He kissed me and then we went back to his house. It was already five in the afternoon and I was going to sleep here. Mark wasn't happy but he let me because, well he didn't let me exactly, but I didn't care. Drew was shirtless, spooning me. I turned around and caressed his face.

"I want you" He said. I nodded.

"Take me. I am yours" And then we kissed. Our kisses were full of passion and desire. He explored my body, and I explored his. I felt his big hands on my legs, running his fingers slowly around them. I moaned his name.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and kissed him again. He took of my shirt and then my pants. In little time we were both in our underwear. His hands were still caressing my legs and back. I moaned with each touch he made. His hands were kind of magical, he knew where to touch, I couldn't help but give in. My moans got louder and he removed my underwear. He looked at me naked and I covered. He chuckled and took my hands in his.

"You are beautiful, don't cover up" I slowly let him touch me. It was a new feeling to me. I moaned again and he removed his own underwear. His dick was really big and thick. I was starting to worry if it was going to get in me. He noticed my worried glances to his member and took my chin in his hand.

"I promise you I'll be gentle" He kissed me. "You trust me, right?" I nodded and he took some lubricant from underneath his pillow and spread it on his dick and on my ass. I frowned at the cold touch of his hand. He kissed me and I was on my back facing him. I felt the tip of his dick poking on my entrance. He was waiting for me to showed him a signal that I was ready. I smiled and nodded. He pushed himself in slowly. When the head entered I felt a sharp pain. I moaned in pain and he stopped. He kissed me and rubbed my chest. I nodded and he pushed more. I felt his lips on my neck, he was biting softly and I moaned. I knew it was going to leave a mark , but I didn't care. I moaned in pleasure when his dick hit something inside me. He was going back and forth with slow movements. I moaned and hugged him to me. We kissed and he moaned in pleasure. I was in heaven. His movements got quicker and after a few seconds he came. He fell on top of me and he was breathing hard.

"I love you" he said and kissed me. We stared at eachother's eyes for a long time. We made love three more times and it always got more magical. Drew had took my virginity. It was my gift to him. Now I knew he loved me in every way possible. I loved him too.

The sun light hit my face and I yawned. Drew was already dressed and checking some stuff on his suitcase. The furniture was still there since they had rented the house. I saw him going from one side of the room to the other. He noticed me staring and walked to me.

"Hello beautiful" He kissed me and I smiled. Last night events flooded my mind and I smiled even more. Until I realized that today, he was leaving. I cried. Tears fell down so fast I couldn't stop them. Drew rushed over to my side and hugged me tight. He told me everything was going to be alright.

"It will go so quick you'll never notice I am gone" He smiled and hugged me again. I sobbed on his shirt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get your shirt all wet" He chuckled.

"No problem, I like everything that is from you" I laughed, that sounded so corny but it was beautiful. Her aunt drove us all to the airport. Matt was picking me up when Drew's flight had left. The trip was silent. Drew was holding me, maybe he thought that I would fall if he let me go. Which I possibly would. I leaned my head on his chest, and I could feel his heartbeats. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Noah was sleeping on my lap. I smiled at the cute little guy. I'll missed him so much too. Gloria just smiled at me from the mirror. I gave her a warm smile. She looked like sorry, her eyes were saying sorry. I looked away, too much for me.

"Flight 3452 to Italy, Boarding will begin in 20 minutes" The voice said. I knew it was time, they had to register their luggage and all that stuff. Gloria looked at me and hugged me. She didn't need to tell me it was time to go. She hugged me tight and I hugged her. Little Noah joined our hug and I let a few tears escaped my eyes. I ruffled his hair and he smiled. They took their suitcases and with a last glance walked through the security gate. Drew stared at me and I jumped into his arms. I didn't care people gave us strange looks. I just hugged him so tight that I was surprised he was still breathing. He was crying too. I had never seen him cry. He always looked two strong, but there comes the time when you have been too strong that its too much to control. He kissed me. I kissed him back and hugged me again.

"Please take care, don't do anything stupid" I laughed even with the tears flooding my eyes. He kissed me again and hugged me. "I love you" He whispered in my ear. I smiled. He kissed my forehead and walked through the door. My heart broke. I saw him disappear and I ran away. I was out, in the parking lot. It was cold. Matt's truck was there. He was staring at me and gave me a sad smile. I walked towards his truck and when I got in, Matt's arms engulfed me. I cried. I let a lot of tears rolled down my face, and I had more. He kept saying things will be alright, but I knew better. He drove me home and I ran to my room. I cried myself to sleep, I knew I had to get used to it, since I will be doing it a lot from now on. I saw black and then nothing.

Matt's POV

"How is him?" I left my keys on the counter and walked to the living room. It hurt my heart, to see him cry. I know life is unfair, but it shouldn't be to the people with a pure heart. Roberto was preparing something to eat.

"Heartbroken" He looked down and I knew he wanted to go to his house. "Leave him alone, he chose him, not m... you" I almost let something slip. He kept his gaze on the ground and then walked up stairs. I slept on the couch. Too much had happened. She had call. I now had a responsibility. I knew she didn't want it, and I had to take it. It was mine after all.

Li's POV

I hated that he left. Not because it hurt me in particular, because It hurt my best friend. Alex was broken. He ate very little. He cried a lot when I go see him, he was a mess. I had to comfort him because I knew the pain he was having. I lived it once. It was just a summer fling, but it hurt. It hurt when I was told I might had AIDS, and he was there for me. I remember how stupid the humans can be, giving the only thing we have for sure. Give it away to somebody that doesn't cares. I remember when I met Alex. I knew him because the girls in the cheerleader squad said he was cute. He was cute, but baby cute. The guy you want to hold and pinched his cheeks. So adorable. I loved him to death. I knew Roberto was in love with him. I was afraid he might take it away from us. So that's why I hated him. He was always so possessive and a dick. I liked Drew way more. He really loves him. He is like a summer breeze in winter to Alex. I knew they were for eachother. He laughed more when he was with him. He smiled more. He was more open. But I also knew that Alex loved Roberto so much. Roberto seemed to care a lot for him and truly loves him, but he can't offered a lot. I mean, he is a selfish bastard, well for me.

"Here's the money" I was with Matt at the park. We were meeting the slut. I hated to see her face, but Matt needed support.

"Just this? , Do you have any how expensive is the appointment?" Matt was nervous. It was a huge thing after all.

"The appointment or the drugs? Look, the money isn't for you, is for him, so if you dare to spend it on your cheap alcohol and drugs, I am going to kick your lame ass, and that face" I pointed to her face, " Will be more fucked up than it already is" I couldn't take It and walked away. She had a surprised look. I can be a bitch when I want to. Matt discussed more things with her and we finally left. I was happy. I hated her, I wished I could just pushed her from a cliff. But it will killed him. So I wouldn't. I just hope he isn't as her.

"Back there you called it him" Matt was smiling.

"I want it to be a him"I smiled back. I had plans. I was going to love him so much.

"Thanks, you know for helping me" I nodded and after a few minutes he start smoking. I hated when he smoked. It was so disgusting.

"You should stop that, it will kill you" He sighed and continued smoking.

"I'm already dead" He threw it away and sighed. I knew he was hurting. His heart might be broken, but not dead. There is always hope for a hopeless person. Believe, I know.

Well A big chapter!! Please tell me what you thought about the making love scene!! I am not good at writing that kind of scenes so I'm sure it was horrible. Please let me know and just let me tell you, this isn't the last time you see Drew, I promise!

Next: Chapter 8

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