Damned Teen Wolf Diaries

By socrazii92

Published on May 4, 2014



PS. Bonnie never had to close the door to the Other Side. So the good ghost have become human again and the rest switched from whatever they were when they died to the opposite supernatural being.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Mystic Falls

(Scott-Teen Wolf-POV)

I cant believe how everything got so messed up within a few weeks. After Jackson got turned into a werewolf, more hunters came into town and exposed us. With Danny and Stiles: Derek, Jackson, and I fled town. The whole way there Danny was creating new identities for us. Must be nice to be a computer whiz....

Me- So where are we going

Derek- I got some college buddies who owns a boarding house in this little town called Mystic Falls. Hopefully they ain't fully occupied

Me- So we wont have our own place

Derek- Not yet. But as soon as I get together some money, i'll work on it

Jackson- Why cant we just use money from our bank accounts

Stiles- They'll be waiting for us to use those so they can find us

Danny- Dude did yall forget about the computer whiz in the back

Derek- What can you do

Danny- Hack into the bank systems and do a few fund transfers into a ghost account

Me- How much you gonna put in the account

Danny- Only a dollar from everybody in the US with a bank account

Stiles- I'd say its a necessary evil

Me- So we're stealing

Danny- No just borrowing a dollar from a million people

Me- So we're stealing

Derek- Scott calm down

Jackson- Yea McCall chill. We need this money

Stiles- What about our names? All of us died in the 2nd Hale House Fire

Derek- Danny

Danny- Already done. From now on we are the Thompson brothers. Our parents died in a house fire

Jackson- I guess that can work

Me- What about the full moon, which just so happens to be tonight

Derek- My friends said they gotta place to chain us up

Stiles- More freaking wolves

Derek- No, they aren't wolves

Me- Then what are they

Derek- Vampires

Danny- Like super strong, super fast, drinks blood vampires

Derek- Among other things

Stiles- Dude vampires and werewolves are like sworn enemys. How the hell are you friends with some

Derek- Lets just say back in college I was playing for the same team as all of you

Jackson- You fucked guys

Danny- That's hot

Me- Why didn't you ever tell us that you were bi

Derek- Well one Stiles would've tried something and I would've killed them

Stiles- Dude I cant help the fact you're hotter than hell on fire

Danny- And then some

Me- Reason number 2

Derek- I dont wanna look weak

Jackson- So since we know, when can I be expecting some ass

Derek- Right now. Which one Danny or Stiles

Stiles- I dont do fucking in cars

Jackson- Ok. (Unzips his pants and whips out his 7 inch piece) Give me head then

Stiles- Only because your dick asked so nicely

Derek- You better not cum on my seat

Jackson- Dont worry bout it, Stiles here is gonna swallow it. Ain't that right

Stiles- (With a mouthful of Jacksons dick) Mmm mm

Me- Not gonna lie, the idea of you taking a dick is hot Derek

Danny- I'll say

Derek- Well too bad. Besides, i've never taken a dick

Danny- No wonder your ass is so tight

Derek- You stare at my ass

Danny- Dude how many times do I have to tell you you're hot. All I want is me and you, in a bed with no rules

Derek- Ok. When we get to the house, I will fuck you're sweet little ass until you're begging for me to stop

Danny- Mmm you promise

I looked back and saw Danny fucking Jackson with a dildo and playing with a fleshlight as Stiles rides Jackson. I was horny but I didn't wanna join....

Derek- You ok

Me- Yes. I just miss my mom. I've never moved to a new place without her

Derek- Sorry man

Me- How much longer til we get to Mystic Falls

Derek- We're already in Mystic Falls

Me- Thought you said we had to go through town square

Derek- Im going the back way

Me- Why

Derek- Because of the live porno in the back

Me- Damn. I wanted to see the town

Derek- Danny. Whats up with those transcripts

Danny- Their finalizing

Me- Transcripts for what

Derek- So yall can go to school

Me- We have to go to school

Derek- Uh yea. What'd you think this was, a vacation

Me- Not a vacation but I didn't think we'd have to go to school

Derek- Well you do

Me- Damn this is gonna suck

In no time we pulled up at the boarding house. We grabbed our stuff and walked to the front door. Before we knocked a really cute guy with dark hair and blue eyes opened the door...

Derek- Damon

Damon- Derek. I though I smelled werewolf cum

Derek- Not me

Damon- Do they know

Derek- Yea

Me- Do we know what

Derek- Vampire. You know

Me- Oh yea

Damon- You must be Scott the dumb and cute one

Me- What

Damon- Stiles the mouthy skinny one, Jackson the cocky jock one, and Danny the hot nerdy one. Derek has told me about all of you

Stiles- And we know little about you besides the fact that you used to love Dereks cock in your ass

Damon- Used to. (Laughs) I still do. Come on in

We went into the the den and sat down...

Damon- So Derek any particular reason why you came here

Derek- Hunters. This is the only place I could think of that they wouldn't find us

Damon- You do know what type of town this is right

Derek- Hidden, peaceful, and quiet

Damon- That was before all the vampires, werewolves, and witches

Stiles- Wow. So is everybody human on halloween

Me- Stiles shut up

Damon- This town has secrets that always puts us in danger

Me- What kind of danger

Damon- The kind that ends up getting people killed

Jackson- Well im outta here anybody with me

Derek- Its not like we're the ones people are gonna come looking for

Damon- Well you never know. But if they are then this is definitely the safest place for you

Danny- Why is that

Damon- Because we have numbers

Me- More vampires

Damon- Well we got vamps, wolves, and a very powerful witch

Stiles- What the hell? Have we seriously moved to halloweentown

Me- Stiles

Stiles- I know. Shutting up

Derek- So where's Stefan

Damon- Either off with Elena his girlfriend, or off with Edward his boyfriend

Me- Awesome

Derek- What's up with the rooms

Damon- Well each of all of you will have to share a room with one bed and bathroom, and the big bad wolf in is going to be with me

Derek- That's cool but what about the place to chain us up

Damon- Oh yea right. We got some cells in the basement with a few chains

Danny- Who do you use them for

Damon- Well we got Tyler, Jacob, and Seth so their should be enough for you all

Stiles- How do you all stay in this house

Damon- Nobody's ever really here

Jackson- So 6 werewolves. How many vampires and witchs

Damon- Umm lemme see Stefan, Edward, Emmett, Elena, Caroline, Alice, and sometimes we get help from outsiders. But we only have one witch or at least only one we can use

Me- What do you mean use

Damon- Well there's another witch or wiccan or warlock or whatever you wanna call him, on his way but his mom told me to keep him out of trouble or she'd burn me to a crisp with a small UAV flashlight

Stiles- That sounds painful

Damon- It is

We got situated in our rooms. I was rooming with Jackson and Danny was with Stiles. While we were putting our clothes in drawers and hanging them up, a different boy walked past then did a double take. He looked like the runt of the group. He was wearing a brown 3 button thermal, black skinny jeans, and black polo boots. He had the whole tall, dark, and hansome thing going on. Except he wasn't that tall. Both me and Jackson snapped our heads toward the door while he stood there, and our hightened sense of smell told us that he was like us...

Hot Guy- Hey im Seth. You must be the new wolves

Me- Yea im Scott and that asshole is Jackson

Jackson- What's up

Seth- You're not gonna deny that

Jackson- Nope. Only because im kind of a dick

Seth- Oh well everybody else is downstairs if you wanna come down meet them

Me- Umm yea sure, we'll be down in a second

Seth- Alright cool (He leaves)

Jackson- He was hot

Me- Yea he was and he had a semi from looking at us

Jackson- So what you think about the move so far

Me- Umm well if everybody looks like him its gonna be cool

We laughed pretty hard at that....

Me- But seriously, I dont know. Its like no matter what we're gonna be fighting and I just dont want to keep fighting

Jackson- Some peace and quiet would be nice

Me- If they ask for my help im not giving it

Jackson- How come

Me- Well one we dont know them, and two im not trying to die. Im only 16, I got a life to live

Jackson- Then what exactly would you be living for

I thought about that for a second. What would I be living for? Allison got herself killed and she was the only person I ever loved. I mean I like messing with all the guys but I dont live for them. What am I sposed to do with an eternal life and nobody to live it with? No real goals or anything. Maybe I should look for somebody to love. But then again, losing Allison was the worst pain ever. Man I hope something or somebody worth holding onto pops up....

(Dorian POV)

Im moving to a new town. I dont know why, I dont know where, I dont even know who with. And even worse, my parents aren't even the ones driving me. My good for nothing aunt Isobel is being paid to drop me off. I actually dont remember getting in the car or packing my stuff or my parents saying goodbye....

Me- Where are you sposed to be taking me

Isobel- I dont know. All they did was give me directions and a name

Me- What name

Isobel- Umm....I cant remember the first name but the last is definitely Lockwood

Me- That's it

Isobel- Yes now sit back and shut up

See what I mean, she ain't shit. I cant wait to get where ever im going, just so I can get away from her. She so strange. But everything's strange, my parents even me. I just dont know. Its like im psychic, I touch something and I can see its past, present, and future or at least it seems that way. Im not doing drugs so I know im not crazy. But something is definitely wrong with me. Like I could be dreaming and they feel so real. One time I got cut in a dream, then when I woke up my shirt had a long cut across the chest. Weird right.

But things get way more weird when it comes to me and my life. One time when I was like 9, my mom said I couldn't get a cookie and put them on top of the refridgerator. I wanted them so bad they just fell off. Then I shook one of my dads friend hand and I got flashes of his thoughts, which ended up giving me a hard on considering he was picturing me naked.

I just dont know whats wrong with me. I've ask my parents and they just tell me about how wild my imagination is. I just feel different than everyone else. Like I didn't fit in or something. At my old school, I was the hot loner that every girl and gay guy flirted with. Even though I was openly gay, girls still flirted with me. I thought about my ex boyfriend all during the ride. His name was Lestant. He was a loner like me. I remember everytime I touched him, i'd get flashes of murder, music, and a beautiful black vampire queen named Akasha. Yes I did say vampire. I know they exist Lestant told me all about them. He said that they were going to kill him. I always dismissed that statement. I dont remember how we ended if we did.

After another excruciating 3 hours, we finally passed up a sign that read "Welcome to Mystic Falls". Never have I ever heard of Mystic Falls. Sounds like a town of witches or something. We rode through town and everything looked so peaceful. Riding past town square, I saw a huge banner that read "Happy Founders Day" and a bunch of people building floats and stuff for a parade.

For odd reason, when we rode past a particular group their heads snapped my direction. They looked at me as if they were scared or something. I locked their gazes and they literally followed me until we turned a corner that put us out of sight. That was really weird.

As we were pulling up to this mansion, we passed 2 shirtless hunks jogging who sprinted after us once we turned into the driveway. Once we reached the front door, a woman was waiting at the door. We got out and I grabbed my suitcases and duffle bag. She ran up and hugged me....

Carol- Dorian I haven't seen you in ages. Im Carol Lockwood, I knew your mom Ana

Isobel- Your husband here

Carol- Im guessing you haven't heard the news, my husband died trying to save a family from a house fire

Isobel- Sorry to hear that. (Hands her an envelope) Here's everything you'll need to get him started in school. All his medical records, and stuff like that are in there. And so is my number if you need anything else. Ciao

And just like that she was gone and the 2 runners approached us. They were a lot hotter than the first time I saw them....

Boy- Who's this

Carol- Tyler, Mason, meet Dorian. He's my sister in laws kid and he's going to be staying with us for a while

Tyler- What's up Dorian (Extends his hand)

As soon as I shooked his hand, I received images of him and Mason double teaming me, then an image of 2 huge wolves. When I shook Masons hand, I saw him smashing Tylers round, tight, meaty ass in the middle of the woods. I guess these 2 didn't just run together. But I cant exactly explain the wolves.

Carol lead me into their huge mansion. I stood there stuck on how big the inside of their house is. As Carol took a call, she told Tyler to show me around. I turned around and he was shifting his gaze up toward my face. I knew he was looking at my ass....

Me- So you gonna show me the rest of the house or what

Tyler- (Gestering toward the stairs) After you

I gave him my flirty smirk and walked passed him making sure my ass was turning out lights with a switch as im walking. I knew he'd watch my ass the whole way up. Its so fun teasing guys with my body. I could feel him eye fucking me. I turned around and caught him shifting his gaze up to my face. Its so funny, I think I seen a little drool on his face. But unfortunately, the stairs dont last foever.

When we reached the top he showed me his moms room, the office, the guest rooms, and finally his room. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be as neat and organized as is was. I can see his football equipment so obviously hes a jock and I just so happened to be actracted to jocks. He had a desk with all his school work on it, and i didn't expect him to be so smart. I was off in my own little world looking through his room. Then I bumped right into him and we both fell on him bed. His crotch was pressed directly to mine and he was just staring directly into my eyes. We stayed like that for a minute.

I really dont know what this is or how it works. But I feel like we have a connection. Like i've met him before. Like i've loved him before. Tyler started moving closer to my face and I could already feel his soft lips on mine until we were interupted by....

Mason- Holy fuck

Tyler jumped up and I sat up. Mason was staring completely wide eyed at us. Tyler was kind of pissed, I could tell the way he was looking at his uncle. Mason wasn't wearing anything but a towel....

Mason- I see you two are getting aquinted

Tyler- Just guving him the house tour

Mason- So it comes cimplete with a tour of your mouth

Tyler- Dude just leave, please

Mason- Alright but Jacob is going to flip when he finds out about this

Me- And who's Jacob

Mason- Tylers boyfriend of 6 months

Tyler- Dude can you please leave

Mason- Alright

Once Mason had left, Tyler leaned in for a kiss and I backed away from him....

Tyler- What the problem

Me- You have a boyfriend. Sorry cuz but I am not that type of guy

Tyler- You were so into it just now though

Me- Yea I was. Im extremely sexual but not with those who are taken

Tyler- And I guess I gotta accept that

Me- Yea you kinda do

Tyler- Then I guess we should get to the final part of the tour

He led me through his bathroom to my room. It had one window leading me on the roof over the porch, a personal bathroom sized walk in closet, a full sized bed, a desk with a keyboard to the smart tv on the wall. Honestly, it was my dream room. Tyler dropping my bags on the floor knocked me out of my trance....

Tyler- You cool with this

Me- Its alright

Tyler- Ok. But dont unpack yet because as soon as I get out of the shower im taking you to the Founders Day Picnic

Me- What's a Founders Day Picnic

Tyler- Its a celebratition of the month our town was founded

Me- You celebrate the month you were founded

Tyler- Yea

Me- Well this town just got a lot lamer

Tyler- Just be ready

Me- I need to shower too

Tyler- We could always shower together

Me- I think i'll just wait

Tyler- Come on. Ok how bout this oral only, jacob himself says oral dont count

Me- I just dont know

All of the sudden he grabbed my shoulders and looks me in the eyes and tells me...

Tyler- You are going to let me do what ever I want to do with you. And after I nutt in you, you will feel the need to do what ever I say

Suddenly, I felt the urge to please Tyler.....

Me- Tyler I think...

Tyler- When we're in private call me Klaus

Me- Klaus I think i'll have that shower now

Tyler- I thought you might say that. Get naked and meet me in the shower

Me- Ok

I feel completely out of control. I was taking off my clothes and I dont know why. Tyler watched me as I stripped. I pulled off my black v-neck then turned around. I arched my back so my ass stood out. Then I kicked off my shoes and socks, and slowly puled down my sweatpants and boxers. I stepped out of them, then turned around to find him already naked with a thick 8in soldier standing at full attention....

Tyler- Nice. An ass like that shouldn't have any problem taking this dick. (Pulls Dorian into a hug and grips him ass) Mmm perfectly round and soft. This is the start of a great relationship

He dragged us both into the shower. Everything was hot and heavy instantly. Klaus was kissing all over my neck while I did the same to him. I felt a finger enter my hole and I moaned instantly. My hole is my most sensitive "spot" and Klauses finger was twisting and turning all over. After awhile he turned me around and bent me over....

Tyler- Sorry love, I was going to rim you but i'd like to get straight to it before my dear uncle Mason returns

Without warning I felt his huge piece slide into my ass, massaging every little spot in my ass. All I could do was moan to the high heavens. The intrusion was soooo long, I didn't expect his dick to feel so fuckin huge. Once his balls rested on my ass he pulled out fast only to put it back in slower. I was in heaven right now. His thrust were making my eyes roll to the back of my head. He sped up and I couldn't contain my whines as much as I tried. With every thrust he hit my spot and sent chills up my spine.....

Tyler- Oh god if I was in my body you'd be begging for me to fuck you harder with my footlong

Me- Oh god. Im begging for you to fuck me harder now

Once I said that, he used his vampire speed to pound into harder. Now I could care less who hears me. I started screaming him name with his every thrust. Unexpectedly he pulled out and spun me around. I attacked his mouth with mine while he picked me up and thrusted up into me. I locked my hands around his neck and my legs around his neck while he fucked me missionary style in the air. He somehow managed to hit the spot with every thrust, sending me into a pleasure frenzy. No matter how hard I tried to hold back I could help but let out a high pitched moan as he went to work. I have never been fucked this good before.

He was going for a solid hour before he yelled....

Tyler- Oh oh oh ugh fuck. Im about to cuuuuuummm

He sent 5 thick ropes of hot cum inside me. Of course his nutt inside me sent 4 shots of cum up on his face without me even touching my dick....

Me- Oh my god. Im so sorry for that

Tyler- Its all good mate. Next time make sure you actually shoot in my mouth

Me- I didn't take you for a swallower

Tyler- Trust me their is alot you dont know about me

Me- Do tell

Tyler- How about we wait until I get my real body back

Me- Which will be

Tyler- Whenever Bonnie is ready

Me- Who's Bonnie

Tyler- Only the most powerful Bennett witch ever born, she just doesn't know it

Me- Witch? Like spells, potions, herbs, and magic

Tyler- More or less

Me- Anything else mystical about Mystic Falls I need to know

Tyler- Their isn't that much time in the world. Stay around long enough and you'll find out everything you want to know

Me- Are you kidding me? After what we just did I'd be crazy not to stick around

He kissed me deeply and we just showered after that. Wow. Day 1 in Halloweentown and im reeling back from sex with a really hot werewolf/vampire hybrid. Maybe Mystic Falls wont be that bad after all...

(Jeremy-Vampire Diaries-POV)

Jacob swore he smelled some new guys in the Salvatore Mansion. I cant wait to see what they looked like. I mean all of my past relationship ended so horribly I figured maybe a change in gender might be in order. I mean i've always liked guys anyway. I cant help the fact im always horny. Then all these hot guys are always around. Come on look: Stefan, Damon, Tyler, Matt, Alaric, Jamie, Kol, Elijah, Klaus, Mason, Jacob, Seth, James, Emmett, and Edward. I'm hard just thinking about them all.

Now im ready to see what the new guys look like. Hopefully we can keep the whole all hot guys thing going. We all chilled in the den while Seth went to go fetch the new guys....

Emmett- Mmm their in heat

Jamie- What

Jacob- Vampires can smell when a person is in heat

Me- A human doesn't go into heat

Edward- You do and we can smell it

Jamie- Well tell me which one is in heat so I can fuck his brains out in the bathroom

Emmett- Do you ever stop

Jamie- Well even as a human I was extremely hormonial so since Bonnie turned into an original its heightend

Me- So you're a walking sex machine

Jamie- Pretty much

Edward- You sound like me when I was a newborn

Emmett- Oh yea. You couldn't get enough of Carlisle and me

James- I was the same way with Laurent until he got with that bitch Irina

Seth- Hey guys they're coming down and trust me when I say they're all hot

Jamie- They door swing to guys

Danny- (From behind Seth) Yep. Hey im Danny

Jamie- Wow Seth you weren't lying

Stiles- (Walking in with the others behind them) Damn please tell all you guys dont live here

Me- No why

Stiles- Because it'll be extremely hard to resist fucking each and everyone of you

Everybody introduced themselves and we decided to have a little welcome party. Emmett went to raid the liquor cabinet and I went to get some cups. While I was reaching for the cups, I felt a hand massage my cock and I turned around to face Stefan....

Me- What are doing

Stefan- Nothing just copping a feel

Me- With me though Stefan. You're with Elena, you know my sister who's now a vampire

Stefan- Actually, she's gone

Me- What do you mean gone

Stefan- While we were out, Katherine paid us a visit and revealed that it was her blood that turned Elena. Then once I called her bluff Katherine made Elena turn her humanity off

Me- What happened then

Stefan- She snapped my neck and I woke up with a text from her saying "Gudbye:-)"

Me- Oh

Stefan- So im looking for a little release (Steps closer and grabs Jeremy by his ass)

Me- Aren't you with Edward too

Stefan- We're fighting. Come on Jer its not like you dont wanna fuck me

Me- Ok go upstairs get naked and put a blindfold on

Stefan- Ooh I always knew you were kinky

And with that Stefan zipped out the room. Then I turned around to find Edward leaning against the fridge....

Edward- No

Me- Come on Edward

Edward- No. I will not go have sex with him

Me- Why not he's your boyfriend

Edward- Yea who choose me second to Elena and im nobodies second choice which is why me and Bella broke up

Me- Look at it like revenge sex. All you gotta do is flip him them fuck him. You are older and stronger then him

Edward- I guess

Then Edward was off. I grabbed the cups and headed back into the den where everybody was already getting comfortable. Damon was sitting on top of Dereks lap, Emmett was flirting with Jackson, Scott and Seth were pretty close and it looked like they were holding hands, Jamie and Danny were feeling each other up, and Styles was on James lap. I could see the bottles on the table and I sat the cups next to them. Damon grabbed the sound system remote and turned on some party music. Matt texted Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Mason, and Alaric as I sat next to him. Damon and Emmett carried in a pool table, and a ping pong table and set up beer pong .

After we all took our welcome shots, Tyler arrived with a very hot new guy and a bunch of people from school. The party was so live. Everybody was just having a great time. Stefan was dancing close to Edward, Damon was sandwiched in between Derek and Mason, Emmett was already making out and dry humping Jackson, Jamie was dancing with the new guy who's name is Dorian, James was really into Styles, Jacob had Tyler twerking on him against the wall, and Seth had Scott wrapped around him teaching him how to shoot pool. Everybody was having a great time even Bonnie and Caroline hooked up with some guys in the same room as their exes. Im just glad everybody was having fun. Me of course girls were asking me to dance but I declined. Matt saw me looking kind of lonely and came up to me....

Matt- Hey Jer, you alright man

Me- Yea dude im fine

Matt- No you aren't man, whats up

Me- Nothing I just keep thinking about Elena, I never thought she'd actually leave me

Matt- You know what can take your mind off it

Me- What

Matt- A really hot loner black guy walking into the party

I turned around to see exactly who Matt was talking about and he was right, this guy was hot. He looked our age, wearing a tight black v-neck and black skinnies, and his tattoo was really cool....

Me- I like his tat

Matt- What are you talking about

Me- His tattoo on his arm

Matt- He doesn't have a tattoo

After Matt said that with such seriousness I knew he had to be supernatural. Now all I have to do is find out who he is. I grabbed a full drink out of somebodys hand and put crushed vervain and wolfsbane in it and walked to the guy....

Me- Welcome to the party, Jeremy

Connor- (Accepting the drink) Connor

Me- Never seen you around here, cause i'd definitely remember that ink on your arm

Connor- Yea I transferred here

Me- Oh where from

Connor- New Orleans, I heard your uh supernatural studies were outstanding up here

Me- Yea its definitely something else

I watched as he chugged his drink. Once he finished he made a face...

Connor- Interesting taste

Me- Yea its a new blend

Connor- Oh

Me- Will you excuse me

I ran up to the bathroom. He's not a vampire or a werewolf, what the fuck is he. I rinsed my face off and once I looked back into the mirror Connor was behind me. He grabbed me by the neck and bent me over the sink....

Connor- See Jeremy I thought we were gonna be friends especially since you could see my mark

Me- Im sorry. I just had to make sure I wasnt seeing things

Connor let me go but he didn't allow me any more room. He place both of his hands on the sink on each side of me, with his crotch pressed against my ass....

Me- Who are you and what do you want with me

Connor- Well Connor is my real name and I really did transfer from New Orleans

Me- What do you want with me

Connor- Well this is a tough pill to swallow but Jeremy you're my potential

Me- What the fuck is a potential

Connor- A potential hunter. Jeremy you're one of us

Me- What kind of hunter

Connor- A supernatural one

Me- Like what

Connor- Vampires Jeremy. We hunt vampires and it just so happens your little town crawling with them

Me- How do you know

Connor- A hunter knows. And this one knows that your sister Elena, Stefan, Damon, Caroline, and Tyler are all vampires. And you Jere bear is gonna help me kill them all

Me- No im not

Connor- Yes you are, well at least after I train you. Be up and ready at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. (Slaps Jeremys ass) See ya tomorrow rookie

With that he left. I was so scared when I looked up at the mirror and seen his face. He looked like he was ready to kill me with no hesitation. But instead he wants to train me. I dont know what to do. I opened the door to be met by Stefan and Edward. They pushed me back into the bathroom and locked the door....

Edward- I heard your thoughts

Stefan- Are you really considering this

Me- Well if I get close to him I can figure out his motives, who sent him, and maybe even change his mind

Edward- Oh my god

Stefan- What

Edward- You like him

Me- No I dont. I just think he's cute

Stefan- Jeremy this guy is dangerous

Edward- Only if you could hear half of the stuff he was thinking when he looked at us

Me- Exactly. That's what I wanna change. Everytime someone with an agenda comes around people die. Honestly, im tired of burying people. So im gonna go to Connor and make a deal with him

Stefan- What's the deal

Me- If he spares you guys, i'll help him kill more vampires

Stefan- Ok but you aren't going in alone. Im sending Jamie with you

Edward- Why Jamie

Me- All he's gonna do is try to fuck Connor

Stefan- Maybe but at least you'll stay safe

Me- But he's a vampire at some point Connor will put us on vervain

Stefan- Bonnie used the same spell Ester used for Alaric, vervain will be virtually useless on him

Me- Ok i'll go with Jamie but how I cant just bring Jamie along like "Hey he wants to learn how to fight too"

Edward- A sob story

Stefan- Yea vampires took everything from him and he just wants revenge

Me- You really think that's gonna work

Stefan- I dont know but even if it dont and Connor tries something Jamie can snap his neck

Me- Ok but for real I dont want him to kill Connor

Edward- He won't

Me- Ok

We left the bathroom and I instantly left the party and walked home. Even though its not safe I dont care, I just wanna be alone. As im walking a trail in the woods I can hear another set of footsteps so I turn around to find nothing. Then as soon as I turn around im met by the gorgeous smile of Kol Mikaelson....

Kol- How's it going Jere-bear

Me- What are you doing here

Kol- Actually I just came to visit my dear old brother and sister but they're nowhere to be found

Me- What makes you think I know

Kol- Oh come on. We both know that when someone comes up missing its usually because of someone on the other team. Now (Grabs Jeremy, slams him, climbs on top of him and hold both of his hands above his head with one hand) where is Niklaus and Rebekah

Me- I dont know. Im telling the truth

Kol- Come on Jere-bear you must know something

Me- Supposedly Alaric killed Klaus while he was desicated and Rebekah was last seen running Elena and Matt off Wickery Bridge

Kol- My brother's dead

Me- Yes

Kol let go of my hands but just sat back on my crotch, which made me extremely hard. I was kind of drunk and him sitting on me brought back memories from when I first met him when Elena sent me away. I could feel Kols soft buns through his pants and I knew Kol could feel his dick getting hard. Kol looked at me and smiled....

Kol- You like me sitting on top of you like this

Me- I mean I like your ass on my dick

Kol- Do you wanna fuck tonight Jeremy

Me- Yea

Kol- Ok. Come on lets go somewhere a little more comfortable

Me- My house is literally right across the street from from the end of this trail

Kol- Well lets go

Kol picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and ran to my house. As soon as we got to the door, I flew out his hands into my house...

Me- Damn that hurt. What happened

Kol- I haven't been invited in

Me- Kol come in and fuck me good

Kol- My pleasure

Me- I sure hope so

Kol came in closed the door, and ripped all of his cloths off. I stared at his thick 9in monster leaking precum....

Kol- What? Its not like you've never seen it before

Me- I haven't. Have I

Kol- Oh right, I compelled you to forget our little encounter at my mothers house

Me- Oh what happened

Kol- Lets just say I had to compell you not to scream

Me- Oh well you wont have to compell me this time. Because im sure I wont scream this time

Kol- Oh OK right there, my friend, where you're wrong

Kol stepped toward me and I dont know what happened because I blacked out.....

(Aiden-Being Human-POV)

I was awaken by my phone ringing. If its waking me up...

Me- (Half sleep) This better be important

Damon- Trust me it is

Me- (Waking up) Damon

Damon- Bingo

Me- Whats so important that you couldn't wait at least another hour

Damon- Because our favorite hunters have return to Mystic Falls

Me- We slaughtered the five their is no way any of them is still alive

Damon- Well they are and I need your help

Me- For what

Damon- Dont you remember the last time we were bumping heads with the Originals and The Five came into town

Me- Yea we whooped their ass

Damon- After losing almost all of our friends

Me- So whats gonna change

Damon- This time we dont have a bunch of regular vampires

Me- What do we have

Damon- Vampires with abilities, bitten werewolves, natural werewolves, an Original, a hybrid, a hunter and 2 of the most powerful witches of this generation

Me- Damn. You really got quite the army

Damon- Yup and if you join it'll be complete

Me- Ok im coming to Mystic Falls and im bringing a few friends

Damon- The more the merrier

Me- See ya in a bit

Damon- Ok i'll not wear underwear

After he hung up I instantly hopped up and got dressed. My boyfriend Lestant walked in the room and hugged me from the back....

Lestant- Good morning my love

Me- Get dressed

Lestant- Where are we going

Me- Mystic Falls. My old flame called me and said a shit storm was heading their way

Lestant- A fight. I love a good battle

Me- So get dressed

Lestant- What if I wanted to go dressed in these

I turned around to find him in a pair of skin tight black fishnet briefs. He turned around and bent over to show the open hole around his pink bussy....

Me- Come on just get dressed. We can fuck when we get there

Lestant- Please baby. I can't travel with a hard on

Me- You got vibrators, use one of those

Lestant- Come on babe I really need some dick

Voice- (Laughs) Oh i've always known you had a thing for guys but I never thought you'd ever be a complete cock slut

We both looked toward the door to see a small black girl with long black hair and green eyes dressed in a black leather jacket, black tights, and black high heeled boots....

Lestant- Akasha. This can't be. I saw you die

Akasha- A true immortal never dies. They simply choose when to re enter the world

Me- What do you mean? Like reincarnation

Akasha- Something like that

Lestant- Akasha your vision of hell on earth will never happen

Akasha- Hell on earth? Who ever said that was why I'm here

Me- So why are you here

Akasha- Because of my son

Lestant- How did you have a son

Akasha- I met a witch while I was playing college. Things happened and I had a child who was taken from me and hid away

Me- But vampires can't reproduce

Akasha- I'm no ordinary vampire. I'm Akasha, Queen of the dammed, mother of all vampires. I have all of the functions of a human but none of their weaknesses and as my child grows it will grow stronger and stronger and he won't be able to control his power and if I don't find him he's gonna kill more people than I ever attempted

Me- So what brings you here

Akasha- Your old flame, Damon, says he has 2 of the most powerful witches of the generation. I have reason to believe that one of them is my son

Me- Okay whatever. Can we just go? Im not trying to be in the woods running at night. During a full moon

Akasha- Who said anything about running

Lestant- Akasha has the ability to fly

Me- Oh do you know where mystic falls is

Akasha- No but if point me in the right direction I can get us there in no time

Lestant- So baby that means you have time to fuck my brains out

Me- OK babe go turn on the shower and wait for me

Lestant- Ok papi

Lestant zipped out of the room leaving Akasha with me....

Akasha- How'd you 2 meet up

Me- I was sent to kill him at his farewell concert. Unlike the previous assassins, I choose to slip in his dressing room and do it quietly. Once his performance was over, he came into his dressing room and stripped away his clothes and I was mesmerized by his body. He smelled my arousal and found me. Instantly, we connected. It was like we found our mates. That night I had the best sex of my life

Akasha- Ha I know what you mean. Now go on. Hurry up, do you thing. Being in Boston brings back really disturbing flashbacks

Me- Gotcha

I ran to the bathroom and found Lestant in the shower legs spread and bent over. His pink bussy winking at me...

Me- Ready for the vanilla choo choo train to enter the strawberry tunnel

Lestant- Mmm yes daddy

I stripped away the rest of my clothes and came right behind him and aim at his hole. Lestant let out a soft girly moan as I began my insertion. His warm wet walls opening for my thick wood felt so good. He let out another moan and his body shuddered as my head massaged his "spot". Then my pelvis softly smashed against his small soft smooth checks. I grinded my dick in and out of his hole feeling his walls glide over my dick.

Sex with Lestant was always great, giving and receiving. He always manage to take you to the highest point of euphoria. I guess when you spend centuries around the world you get to practice a lot tricks. What always gets me is that his hole is so perfect. He can take any size without a single struggle....

Lestant- Mmm yes. Fuck me daddy

Me- Oh my god your ass is the best

Lestant- Better than josh

Me- Way better than josh

Lestant- Oh baby thats my spot

Me- You like when I hit that spot

Lestant- Yes. Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. Kick it into overdrive baby

Me- You asked for it

I slammed him to the floor..

Me- Assume the position bitch

Lestant- Mmm yes sir papi

He got on his hands and knees, then spread his legs, and arches his ass back....

Lestant- Order up

Me- Mmm just a warning

I got down on my knees, aimed, then shot off....

Me- There is your warning

I speed up until I was a full vampire speed. Pounding him extremely hard and extremely fast. Lestants moans were loud and very high pitched. Lestant got to the point of no return quickly and busted his nutt on the shower floor. His walls milked my dick and it felt so good that I couldn't hold on any longer. I came inside his hole and he literally got pushed off my dick by my cumshots. We lay exhausted on the shower floor for a bit before we clean each other off and dry off. Then we stepped out of the shower and got dressed...

Lestant- So what are we when we get here

Me- What do you mean

Lestant- I heard the way he talked to you on the phone. Sounds like unfinished business

Me- We were a couple for a very long time. He came through Boston around 1870. We had a vampire problem and I was sent to deal with it. Once I found him, I couldn't even bare the thought of ripping his heart out

Lestant- Just how you were with me

Me- Yea only he wasnt begging for my cock every 5 minutes

Lestant- Were you begging his

Me- Sometimes

Lestant- Is their a lot of people there

Me- Well he did say that they were gearing up for war against The Five

Lestant- The Five? Who are The Five

Me- Supernatural vampire hunters. Only they can kill a vampire with any weapon they hold in their hands. But if they're killed by a vampire, they haunt them to the point of suicide

Lestant- So why are we going to help them

Me- Damon's my friend

I felt him staring into my soul so i tried to leave the bathroom and he pinned me against the wall...

Lestant- You love him don't you

Me- Their may be some feelings leftover

Lestant- Bullshit. You love him

Me- Maybe I do

Lestant- Look Aiden while we're being honest, me & you are just having fun. I don't do serious relationships. They never work when you're a vampire

Me- Being a vampire helps it last longer

Lestant- Maybe but no matter what, every relationship has an expiration date

Lestant left me to let that marinate. I do still love Damon and I'd do anything for him. Lestant just has this gravitational pull that I can't resist. I guess we'll just have to see how everything plays out once we get there....





Next: Chapter 2

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