Damned Teen Wolf Diaries

By socrazii92

Published on Sep 9, 2014



P.S. I'm sorry I forgot that Bonnie did the other side spell at the end of season four. But whatever the character just aren't dead yet.

Chapter 2: Jere Bear/Eternal Flame

(Jeremy POV)

I gather I'm cuffed to a bed. I'm not too sure about where but I assume it has something to do with the original asshole Kol, especially since my ankles are cuffed to my wrist and I'm completely naked...

Kol- Oh he's awake

Kol crawled in between my legs and I could tell he was naked because I felt his dick rest in between my ass cheeks...

Me- What is this

Kol- Well let's just say that I didn't believe you when you told me that you didn't know anything about my brothers whereabouts

Me- I'm not lying to you

Kol- Then I suggest you give me the name of the person who might know where he is

Me- I don't know. His body went up in flames after Alaric staked him

Kol- So what you're telling me is that my brother was cremated by your history teacher/vampire hunter friend.

Me- Yes

Kol- Well I guess I have a teacher to kill

Me- Actually he's already dead

Kol- Then I guess I have to kill everyone who had something to do with it

Me- No you don't have to kill anyone

Kol- Well what do you suggest Jere Bear

Me- You have me

Kol- Mmm my own little slave

Me- Just don't hurt anybody

Kol- OK. But every time you disobey me somebody dies

Me- I wont

Kol- Good now which one of your little friends has a bigger cock than me

Me- What

Kol- Well while stuffing your cute little bum might feel nice, I actually could go for a stuffing of my own

Me- No just me

Kol- Alright then suit yourself. Who shall I kill first

Me- Alright OK. James. James has a pretty nice size

Kol- Girth or length

Me- He's about 8 long and like thick as a coke bottle

Kol- Mmm. Do you have his number

Me- In my phone

Kol pulled my phone out his pants pocket and dialed up James...

Kol- Yes James. Listen here I have Jeremy and I suggest you come alone if you want to see him alive again. I'll text you the address

James- Who is this

Kol- My name is Kol. The cute original brother

Kol hung up on him and sent him a text. Then he uncuffed me...

Me- What now

Kol- You wrap those pretty little lips around my cock

I wasted no time swallowing his entire length. Kol is like my forbidden fruit. Even though he's on the bad side of everything, I still manage to have fun with him. I guess because we started out as friends. Kol bucked his hips slowly, and i sucked him like my life depended on it. I would suck his head for a bit while i used my tongue to write the alphabet on his head, then I'd suck hard as he went in my mouth and harder with more tongue action as he pulled out. Kol was fucking my mouth so hard neither of us heard the door open...

Kol- You really do give good oral pleasures

James- What the fuck

Kol- James I presume

James- Umm yes. I'm guessing you're Kol

Kol- Yes. Now get rid of the clothes and come on make sure Jere Bear is lubed up enough to take my cock

James- What

Kol- I called you over here for threesome now you can either do as I say or I'll have to compel you

James- Ok

Kol watched James as he peeled off his clothes. James looked both scared and aroused. His huge cock slapped his stomach as he dropped his boxers to the floor....

Kol- Mmm Jere Bear wasn't lying about your cock. How would you like to fuck an original

James- You're gonna let me fuck you

Kol- Yes. But first skip eating him out and just let him blow you with his magical mouth

James- Yes sir

Kol hopped on top of me while James stood right in front my face with his cock slapping me in the face. I hopped right on the job. Bobbing up and down on his dick while Kol sinked into me with ease. I had a vampire cock in each hole and I was loving it. Maybe being slaved to Kol might not be so bad, I LOVE sex but hate relationships. This way I get sex with no emotional connection. Kol fucked me so good I was moaning out his name on James cock. I looked up to catch James reaction but was presented with Kol and James sharing a deep kiss. I turned on my side and Kol grabbed my left foot and pushed it in the air. He was starting to go vampire speed which I was okay with. I was in heaven then James pulled out of my mouth and went behind Kol....

Kol- Wait before yu do that

Kol pulled out of me leaving me to feel empty and still craving more....

Me- Put it back in Kol

Kol- Center of the bed, on your back, legs behind your head, and (Compels Jeremy) no matter how much pain you will not scream

Me- I will not scream

Kol- And you, (Compels James) you won't cum until I say so.

James- I will not cum

Kol- Alrighty then let's fuck

Kol crawled into bed and pushed back into my gapping hole. Then behind him, James had pushed into him and then the fuckfest began. I was moaning deeply as Kol jabbed my prostate with every thrust and Kol was moaning from the big cock in his ass jamming his prostate. Kol was surprised that he was almost ready to cum. But he was about to let up. He vamp sped thrusted into Jeremy causing him to yell out Kols name.....

Me- Oh my god, fuck me Kol. Make me yours

Kol- I plan .

James starts to use his vamp speed and is meeting Kols thrust with an almost thunder like crash. I could tell Kol was almost done by the way he moaned and groaned with each of James thrust...

Kol- Fuck I'm cumming

Kol delivered one more hard thrust and buried himself inside me and shot 5 thick ropes of cum into my tight ass. I swear I felt one of his fum shots push me deeper into the bed. I heard James whimpering with every painful thrust in and out Kol constricting hole...

Kol- Pull out James and dump your load either in Jere Bears mouth or his ass

As James pulled out of Kol, Kol rolled onto his back as James put his dick in my mouth. Once inside my mouth, I swallowed him whole and he shot 4 loads down my throat. He took out his dick and kissed me, scooping cum out of my mouth with his tongue. Once he finished he fell on Kol....

Kol- Now wasn't that fun

Me- Yes

James- Maybe we can switch it up next time, I fuck Jeremy while you fuck me

Kol- That is a splended idea but there is one problem

James- What

Kol- Their won't be a next time for you

And in the blink of an eye Kol rips off James' head and throws his body on the floor then flashes me his evil but really cute smirk. Kol climbs back on top of me....

Me- What was that for

Kol- When I first requested his presence you told me "no". Did you think I was kidding when I said disobeying me will be reward by the death of one of your little fuck buddies

Me- I'm sorry. I won't say anything

Kol- I'm sure. (Compelling Jeremy) You remember me fucking your brains out, becoming my bitch, and leaving. You may be free of this position.

I relaxed on the bed. Kol grabbed my hand, bit into my wrist, dropped blood from his wrist into mine, and let me go...

Me- What was that

Kol- Ask one of your other vamp friends

Kol grabs all of my stuff and gives it to me....

Kol- Shower up and leave

I grabbed my stuff and stood up. Kol slapped my ass and laughed as his cum ran down my leg. I already have to worry about all of the Connor trouble, and now I have to worry about Kol calling for a piece of ass. The only thing keeping me from telling anyone is because I kind of have feelings for him from way back when we first met. If I was to get in another relationship, it would have to be with Kol. He'd have to stop with all the crazy shit but other than that, I really wouldn't have a problem with it....

(Dorian POV)

Oh my god, I can feel the hangover and a body behind me. I rolled over to find Tyler asleep right next to me and considering I could feel the side of his ass on my knee, he's naked.

I wonder what happened last night. I climbed out of bed, naked as well, I stretched and touched my toes and with perfect timing as usual Mason walks in....

Mason- (Distracted by Dorians naked ass bent over) Damn. (Dorian grabs a pillow and cover his dick as he faces him) You're way hotter without clothes

Me- Umm thanks

Mason- You know you met his boyfriend last night right

Me- Umm no. I actually blacked out before the party was over last night but if you could tell me what I did, that would be helpful

Mason- You showed us all how terrible we are at dancing

Me- Nice but I was being sarcastic. Could you umm kind of leave so I can get some clothes on

Mason- Oh yea right. Of course. (Starts to leave) Oh get ready for school. (Leaves)

I stood there for a bit just to make sure he wasn't coming back in the room. Then I felt something wet along my ass cheek and jumped away from it. To see Tyler with a huge grin on his face....

Tyler- Good morning

Me- I thought I told you I don't do guys in relationships

Tyler- You did but once I shed the clothes (He sits up and throws the cover off of himself revealing his hard dick) you just couldn't resist

Me- Well I can now. Come on out of my bed, and to your own room. I gotta get ready for school

Tyler- Dorian, suck my cock

Me- (Getting irratated) Just because you're a hybrid I'm sposed to be scared into doing what you want me to

Tyler- Don't make compel you again

Me- Then I guess you'll have to compel me that way Jacob rips you apart instead of me

Tyler- (Grabs Dorian by the shoulders) You are going to obey my every command

Me- Or not. (Walks away from Tyler and starts going through his dresser)

Tyler- Why can't I compel you

Me- I don't know

Tyler- Wait are you...

Me- Am I a what

Tyler- A witch

Me- No. While that would be cool, the only thing interesting about me is my physical apperence

Tyler- Get dressed we aren't going to school

Me- Where are we going

Tyler- To see a witch about a man

With that he walked out while I watched his meaty cheeks jiggle with each step. I grabbed a pair of red briefs, a black v-neck, and a pair of dark blue skinnies. After throwing that on, grabbed my black vans and headed into Tylers room to find him dressed and on the phone.....

Tyler- I don't . Be there in 10 minutes or will kill someone for every single minute I've been in this body and trust me when I say you don't even know that many people. (Hangs up) Come on

Me- First tell me where we're going

Tyler- To get my body back

Me- How

Tyler- You probably don't remember but one of Tylers friends, Bonnie, is a witch. She put me in this body to save not only her friends but an entire bloodline of vampires. I'd actually like her if she wasn't so damn judgy. Now let's go

I couldn't hope but watch his ass in his tight jeans again as he walked past me. I hope the real Tyler likes to bottom sometimes because his ass is way too delicious and tempting for me. We got into Tylers Mercades and headed out of town.....

Me- So you're a thousand year old hybrid and Mystic Falls is your choice of residency

Tyler- Its my home. No matter where I go, I'll always come back here

Me- So who's party did we go to last night

Tyler- The Salvatore brothers, Stefan & Damon, also known as my favorite vampires

Me- Why are they your favorites

Tyler- I have my reasons

Me- So what are you gonna do once you're back in your old body

Tyler- How many questions do you have exactly

Me- Mysterious body swapped hybrid? Mmm lots of questions

Tyler- Why dont I ask some questions? Like why can't I compel you

Me- I don't know

Tyler- Ok then my next question, why are you not afraid of me

Me- I've never been scared of the supernatural entities I've always known were real

Tyler- Why do I have a feeling that this isn't your first time with a supernatural entity

Me- Because its not. Back home in Boston, my boyfriend was a vampire

Tyler- Really? Does he have a name

Me- Lestant

Tyler- No way

Me- What

Tyler- Nothing. I just find it hard to believe that we've both dated the same vampire

Me- You used to date Lestant

Tyler- Yes. Way back, probably a century ago. I met him at a blood den in Boston. I just couldn't resist him once I saw his cute little ass stuffed into the tightest leather pants and his chiseled frame in his black fishnet shirt. I remember our first year anniversary, we decided to celebrate by flip fucking on each of the 7 wonders of the world

Me- Oh my god. I totally know what you look like

Tyler- How

Me- I walked in on him crying over your picture, he heard you died. Niklaus Mikaelson, that's your real name

Tyler- Yea. Did he ever tell you why we broke up

Me- He said you found him in bed with another vampire on your 2 year anniversary

Tyler- Yep

Me- He told me that he was trying to surprise you with a threesome but the guy was really horny and so was he

Tyler- He broke my heart. But I got over it

Me- It wasnt on purpose. I think you should make up with him

Tyler- I don't revisit old flames, I put them out

With that he stopped the car on the side of the road with another car in front of us...

Me- What are you doing

Tyler- We're here

We got out the car and I followed him into the woods to an old abandoned house. Once we approached the house a girl came outside....

Bonnie- Klaus

Tyler- Bonnie

Bonnie- What is he doing here, I thought we made a deal

Tyler- We did but like always, there is a small problem. Somehow he's able to resist compulsion and I intend to figure out why

Bonnie- Wait are you telling me that I'm missing out on a history exam because a regular guy can resist your compulsion. Wow just when I thought you couldn't be more spoiled

Tyler- Save the judging for later. Can we just get to the body switching

Without a single word she turned on her heels and walked into the house. Tyler grabbed my hand and we followed her through the house and into the basement. In the basement, was a casket, a 5 point star made of salt with a candle on each point, and more candles around the room. Bonnie kneeled in the center of the circle....

Tyler- Stay right here

He steps in front of her behind the candle, closed his eyes, and bowed his head. I watched closely as she closed her eyes and held her hands out facing them up. The candles lit up and she began to chant....

Bonnie- Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Radamis Phasmatos Ex Sonos! Resustamen Ex Veram Vatas! Radamis Phasmatos Ex Sonos

I could see Tylers body begin to shake a little as Bonnie continued to chant the spell. The flames began to rise as she continued but with more feeling. I can't believe I'm witnissing a real witch spell. I got so into it that I began whisper the spell to myself then the flames shot higher, Tylers body fell to the ground, and Bonnie gasped as if she had be hit with something powerful. Then she stopped the spell and looked directly at me....

Me- What

Bonnie- You're a..

Klaus- (Climbing out the casket) Sexy little specimen of a boy. Quite like me

Me- Klaus

Klaus- Yes. God a change of clothes is in order. It seem that the flames burned everything but my undergarments. Bonnie would you mind taking him to school with you while I go to my home to freshen up. Thanks darling

Without waiting for a reply, he vamp sped out of the basement. I turned back to Bonnie to find her standing but still staring at me...

Me- What? Why are you starring at me like that

Bonnie- Who are you, and don't lie

Me- My name Dorian and I just moved her yesterday. Carol Lockwood supposedly knew my mother and I'm living with the Lockwoods

Bonnie- Why are you here

Me- Klaus couldn't compel me so for some odd reason he brought me with him. Is that it

Bonnie- Wait do you really have no idea

Me- About what

Bonnie- That spell should've took longer than it did

Me- Ok

Bonnie- But when you joined in I felt energy and not any normal vibe but a witches' energy

Me- So you're trying to tell me that I'm a witch

Bonnie- Exactly, and that's why he couldn't compel you

Me- No way. I'm not a witch

Bonnie- Yes you are. Have you ever touched someone or something and you get visions or strange feelings

Me- Yea so

Bonnie- Step into the star with me

I do as she says then she grabs both of my hands....

Bonnie- Now close your eyes and focus on someone you'd like to see

Again I followed her instructions...

Bonnie- Now chant with me: Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres

Me- Phasmatos Obscuras, Ex Luces Est Nes Umbres

I focused hard on my mom Ana. Her pitch black hair hanging down her back, her brown eyes, her smooth skin, the lone demple on her right cheek, and her favorite diamond star necklace she never took off....

Ana- Dorian

I opened my eyes to see the room lit up with candles and my mom standing right next to Bonnie...

Me- Mom. What...how can I see you

Ana- Because you want to

Me- What happened? Why am I out here instead of home with you

Ana- Its a long story, but to make it short, one of your nightmares caused our house to go up in flames. Lestant saved youu

Me- Wait that means you're...

Ana- Yes I'm dead and so is your father

I began to cry but she stopped me...

Ana- Dorian I need you to stay strong. Your father and i were witches and so are you. You have more power than you'll ever guess. Bonnie here can help you learn to use it

Me- Mom why

Ana- Every witch here on the other side has asked that question. So you'll know when the time comes. I love you, Dorian

Me- I love you too mom

With that the candles went out. Bonnie was teared up and she gave me a hug and right then and there I could feel that Bonnie was my best friend, I knew that I could trust her. We split...

Bonnie- I guess I could teach you how to wake someone up from an unconcious state of mind

We both looked over at Tyler on the floor. I can't believe I'm a witch. I've always thought witches were like the coolest thing in the supernatural world so for me to be one is like really awesome.

Bonnie- So the basics: Witches get their magic from the spirits of nature so when you do a spell it helps if you channel something. Like an element, the sun, the moon, even another witch. But when you are doing a spell you have to focus on it to make it happen. So you ready

Me- Yep let's give it a shot

Bonnie- Oh and it helps to use your hands to focus a spell. So repeat after me, expergiscimini

Me- Expergiscimini

Instantly, Tyler woke up with a huge gasp of air and started coughing with his eyes almost bulging out of his head...

Bonnie- Wow, that was impressive

Me- Why

Bonnie- Nothing, its just most witches don't get their first spell right like that

Me- Cool

Tyler- (Standing up) Bonnie? What the hell is going on

Bonnie- Tyler, I'm sorry but the only way I could save you and all of our other vampire friends was to remove Klaus from his body and put him inside of yours

Tyler- What

Bonnie- We couldn't kill Klaus without being sure if he sired your vampire bloodline but we knew for sure you were

Tyler- I thought you desicated him

Bonnie- I did but Alaric was hunting Klaus and he knew exactly where he was, so in order to save all of you I took him out of his body and put him inside yours

Tyler- Where is he now

Bonnie- He left

Tyler- And who is he

Bonnie- This is Dorian. He moved into your house yesterday

Tyler- For what

Bonnie- His parents were a friend of your moms. They passed so he's living with you now

Me- Is that going to be a problem

Tyler- Nope. Not at all now can we get out of here, I am starving

Bonnie- Actually, I'm sposed to be helping him with his magic

Tyler- Oh well then I guess I'll see you all later

He zipped out of the room...

Bonnie- You how about some basic levatation

Me- You're the teacher

I cannot believe i'm a witch.....

(Aiden POV)

Akasha dropped us right in the front yards then landed right inbetween us. Me and Lestant glanced at each other, both thinking that she's lying about the kid. We approached The Salvatore Boarding house and Damon opened the door before I could knock, wearing nothing but his robe opened and completly naked.....

Damon- Aiden

Me- Damon. This looks like the same attire i last saw you in

Damon- I remember, we were about to fuck but you had to go back to Boston for some princess. How are things back home

Me- They're fine

Damon- And who's your friends

Me- This is my friend Lestant

Damon- I know you. You used to have a band in London, you guys were hot. Well at least you were

Me- Damon do you ever stop flirting

Damon- These days, no

Me- And this is Akasha

Damon- Oh come on. I recognized a Queen when I see one but the question is, why is she here

Akasha- Perhaps we can discuss that inside

Damon- Ok as long as you don't mind the werewolf smell

We entered the house and he lead use into the den. We sat on a couch together and he poured us all drinks, and sat across from us with his legs open showing off his flacid 6in cock. I swear he's doing this on purpose....

Damon- So how my I be of service, Your Highness

Akasha- Just call me Tasha, seems more modern

Damon- So Tasha, how many I help you

Akasha- Well see back in my college play, I fell for a witch and got knocked up. At birth his coven took my son away from me. So I decided that if I cant have him, I could at least watch over him. Now with his father and step mother dead, I feel that its only right for me to have him. Theirs a possibility that he posses my power, and without proper guidence I'm sure he will cause more damage than I've ever attempted. Now in a coversation between his aunt and step mother, they mentioned Mystic Falls. So now that I'm here I only want my son then I'll be out of your hair

Damon- Akasha, running around masquerading as a college student named Tasha. Ana warned me about you

Akasha- (Standing very angry) NO

All of the sudden I heard multiple voices chanting a spell from outside, and Akasha dropped to her knees screaming holding her head as blood dripped from her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth....

Akasha- Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! No

She waves her hands and a few of the chants turns to screams and cries of pain. I could smell a fire and assumed it was Akashas doing. As the witches stopped she flew out of a window and flew away from Mystic Falls.....

Lestant- What was that

Damon- Akasha supposedly has been trying to get her hands on a pure witch for centuries. They say if she drains the blood of another supernatural being, she inherits their power. So far she's only fed on a witch with 1 human parent and 1 witch parent, giving her the ability to create and minipulate fire and some telekinisis. If she feeds on a witch with 2 witch parents, she's be unstoppable. She'd literally cover every end of the earth with the blood of every living thing. I knew Dorians parents and they made it very clear that they want him to stay out of all this drama

Klaus- (Walking into the den) Too late. He's practicing his magic with Bonnie as we speak

Damon & Lestant- Klaus, I thought you were dead

Klaus- Thank you both for your concerns but know. While you were failing to keep my body safe, I was hitching a ride inside another hybrids conscious

Lestant- Klaus, can we talk

Klaus- Absolutely

Lestant walked out behind Klaus, and I was alone with Damon. He walked over to where I was sitting and climbed on my lap. His cock now rock hard and jabbing at my abs....

Damon- You ready to pick up where we left off

Me- Damon, can you please put some cloths on. I really wanna talk to you about some serious stuff

Damon- Just because you asked

He climbed off of me and walked out of the room. Now I still don't know how to tell him what I want to say. Its Damon so "Damon I still have feelings for you" won't work. Maybe I should see if he feels like we could be something again. Or maybe I should just leave it alone. He looks happy here, I can smell all the guys so he's not lonely. Besides who needs relationships these days. Damon walked in front of me and sat on the table so that we were face to face....

Damon- So what's up

Me- Umm I just wanna say sorry for the way I left you that night. I could've at least called

Damon- Yep you sure should've but its cool I'm over it

Me- So you've never revisited the idea of us being together again

Damon- Come on I said I'm over the way you left

Me- So you would get with me again

Damon- Why are we talking about this

Me- Because Damon I still have feelings for you and when you called me last night I relized that I made a mistake not coming back for you. Now that I'm here, I refuse to make that same mistake twice

Damon- So you want me back

Me- Yes. Damon I wanna give us a second shot

Damon- Aiden, I'm not that same person. Relationships are dead to me. I just have fun. If a person wants to assume we're together I'm ok with that but I'm gonna do what I want

Me- So what exactly does that mean

Damon- Aiden. If you wanna be my boyfriend, go ahead but I won't be yours. I mean come on you left me. I felt alone so I came back here and met a bunch of guys who made me feel good. Now I'm king of the castle

Me- So you would be mines but I have to share

Damon- Not share but if I'm not with you then most likely I'm gonna be with someone else

Me- Fuck that. Damon no. I love you and i won't share you. Nobody else in this house means that like me

Damon- Yea but nobody else in this house broke my heart like you either

Me- But you were just ready to ride me 2 seconds ago

Damon- Because if I'm horny id like to bust my nutt. (Sniffs the air) You smell that

Me- Its Lestants blood

Me and Damon zipped to the door and opened it. Lestants body was laying on the door step with his arms where his legs were, his legs were his arms were, and his heart ripped out of chest laying on the ground right next to his body. I didn't know what happened but I blacked out. I was awaken by Damon. I was only wearing a white t and a pair of basketball shorts. Damon was still dresssed in his grey v-neck, and black jeans. He was stroking my jawline then moved one of his hands under my shirt to caress my abs and my pecs. I opened my eyes to him staring right back at me....

Damon- Hey. You okay

Me- Yea I just had a really bad dream. Lestant was dead

Damon- Yea sorry that really happened. Klaus never got over their break up

Me- Killing him wasn't the thing to do

Damon- Killing someone is always Klaus' first reaction. Your boyfriend should've expected that response.

Me- He wasn't my boyfriend. I told him about how I felt about you and he told me not to give up you. He's the one who advised me to have the conversation with you

Damon- Look Aiden, we're cool but no. A relationship is just not an option for me right now

Me- But...

Damon- No buts. Now we can fool around but as far as us being together just not a good idea right now

Me- Fair enough

It actually cut deep for me to be rejected by Damon. I really did want to get back with him super badly and he doesn't want any part of me. But he called me for help and I won't deny him that because he doesn't want to be with me. Then when this is over with I'll get back to Boston...

Me- So umm what did you call me up here for

Damon- Well everybodys downstairs right now, were bought ta see what type of game plan we can come up with

Me- Well then I guess we should get downstairs

We got up and went downstairs to find the den stocked with supernatural creature. I didn't know anyone here and the way they looked at me they definitely don't know me. I stood next to Damon as he spoke...

Damon- So as we all know theirs never a dull moment in Mystic Falls. Right now here's what we're dealing with; Katherine made Elena turn off her humanity and they skipped town, Klaus is back and probably out to kill everyone in this room, we got a vampire hunter in town whose agenda is still a mystery, and a very pissed off vampire queen trying to drain the new witch or warlock or whatever the hell you want to call him, that's living with the Lockwoods. So any sugguestions

Stefan- Get back Elena, find out what Klaus really wants, Jeremy and Jamie are sposed to gain Connors trust, and stay on the lookout for Akasha

Bonnie- I could locate Elena

Caroline- Good then Ric and I go get her back

Bonnie- And Dorian let me in on a little secret, supposedly Klaus has a little crush on him

Derek- So send in the kid

Damon- His mother threatened to burn me alive with a small UV flashlight if I got him involved in any of our issues

Me- Seems to me like he already is

Bonnie- He was involved once he arrived. Plus, I'm working on his magic with him and he's picking it up pretty easily

Damon- Ok. Tomorrow bring him here so we could have a little chat. Aiden, I need you to call your buddy Josh, tell him to bring Sally, we could use her to keep an eye on a few people

Me- Gotcha

Damon- And everybody else get in where you fit in. Alice if you see anything we need to know

Alice- Got it

Scott- What about us

Damon- I know we'll need the muscle down the line, until them watch out for any of the originals, or Akasha

Mason- Should we kill her on sight

Edward- Killing her will be a billion time harder than it sounds

Damon- Bonnie I need to see what the witches can tell you about Akasha, hopefully they know how to kill her

Me- Josh and Sally are on their way

Edward- Has anybody seen James

The entire room got quiet. Everybody started looking around...

Stefan- Bonnie can you do a locator spell for James, we could really use him

Bonnie- Umm yea, I need a map and something that belongs to him

Edward flashed out of the room then came back with a map and one of his T-shirts then put them on the table...

Bonnie- I'm gonna see rather he's in motion or not. If not then we can go get him

Damon- Emmett, Edward once Bonnie finds him, I want you to go get him and bring him back and keep your eyes open

Edward- Ok

Emmett- Got it

Bonnie- (As everything is ready) Ok: Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras Sequita Saguines Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous

As the witch went on a few of them slipped out of the room while the rest waited for Bonnie to get done. It was nice to see Damon finally taking charge the way he was always meant to. He never used to like being the one everybody looked to, normally he'd just let Stefan play that role until his plan failed then Damon would swoop in and save the day. As Bonnie stopped chanting, the ripped piece of the shirt was centered on one spot...

Bonnie- This can't be right

Damon- What is it

Bonnie- It says he's at the Originals' mansion

Damon- What

Caroline- I thought after Alaric killed Klaus they all left town

Stefan- They did. The last one spotted was Rebekah

Bonnie- Actually the last Original spotted was Klaus

Instantly everybody in the room was frozen. Nobody knew what to say. Nobody knew what to do. It was complete silence and all eyes were on Bonnie...

Stefan- By who

Bonnie- Me Stefan. I saw Klaus today. He got up out of his casket and ran off

Damon- And I'm assuming their was something witchy behind it

Bonnie- Look I'm sorry but it was the only way I could make sure you all would be safe

Caroline- Bonnie, what did you do

Bonnie- I transfered Klaus' spirit from his body to Tylers

Damon- Why the hell would you do that

Bonnie- We couldn't figure out who sired you bloodline in time and I had to make a choice. It was either let Klaus die and probably kill all of you or save Klaus and you. Don't act like you wouldn't have made the same choice

Stefan- Bonnie calm down. We get it. But you should've told us

Bonnie- I didn't wanna risk it. Any of the originals could simply compel the truth out of you while my witchy powers denies them that

Edward- So how do we get James out of there

Emmett- Yea sneaking around the originals mansion just seems pointless they'll find us

Me- I know just the girl for the job

Damon- Sally

Me- Josh said they would be here in the morning

Derek- Now who exactly is Josh and Sally

Me- They're my friends. Josh is a werewolf and Sally is a ghost

Caroline- And how would a ghost be of use to us

Me- She can keep an eye on things that we can't, like Connor, Klaus,

Stefan- For short she'd be really useful

As Stefan said that, Alice was hit with a vision. It looked bad too. Once it was over she looked really alarmed....

Emmett- What

Alice- We might have more promblem on the way

Caroline- Like things aren't already bad

Me- What is it

Edward- Akasha. She's building an army of her own. She already has the La Push wolves geared for war

Derek- More wolves

Alice- That's not all. Rebekah went to the Vultori

Derek- The Vultori

Jamie- Who's the Vultori

Alice- Vampire Elders. Created by the venom release from a bite of the ancient vampire bat. They are basically like the government but for vampires. Rebekah told them that we we're planning to over throw them

Bonnie- That's crazy. Why would they even believe something like that

Emmett- They've never approved of covens growing in numbers

Alice- Not just that but joining with wolves and witches, I know their threatened

Damon- So we kill them too

Edward- Its easier then it sounds

Me- When are they coming

Alice- I don't know. The only thing I could see was Rebekah telling them that we were plotting against them

Caroline- So now what do we do? We have what 8 vampires, 7 wolves, 1 hybrid, 2 vampire hunters, 3 human, and 2 witches. We need way more people

Edward- The Vultori will have to rebuild their army. We have time before they make their way here

Stefan- So then right now we don't have to worry about them. Our main focus should be Connor and why he is here

Jeremy- I was supposed to train with him today but I was a little tied up this morning. Matt was insatiable

Bonnie- So didn't need to hear that

Damon- Bonnie, let's see if we can find Elena. Jamie, Jeremy I need you to find Connor and gain his trust so we can find out why he's here. Alice I want you to focus on the Vultori, try pushing your ability to keep up with their activity. Mason, Derek, and Aiden you guys are rolling with me

Stefan- Where are you going

Damon- I've gotta meeting to attend and I might need a little backup

Bonnie- I'll go talk to Dorian after I leave here

Damon- Great. Make sure he knows all the details

I followed Damon on the way out with the other 2 wolves. It still sucks that he dogged me. I wanted to be with him so badly. Honestly I wish I never messed things up. Oh well life moves on....

(Scott POV)

With all of the craziness goin on back at the house, a few of us decided to step out for a little fun. Danny drove while Jackson took the passenger seat, and Seth sat in the back seat with me. Ever since we met, we've been all in each others faces. Even last night at the party we were joint at the hip. We only danced with each other, after a while we just went to my room and kicked it. The best part was neither of us made a single move, not a kiss, not a grope, not a thing. Obviously that means he's not just out for sex. While I can't wait to feel him fuck my brains out, I much rather get to know him better. I asked Seth where the hang out spot was here and we ended up at the Mystic Grill. Seth said wassup to a really cute blonde dude then we headed over to one of the pool tables....

Jackson- This place is nice

Seth- It ought ta be. Its the only real hangout in town. Unless of course Tyler throws a party or something

Me- Who's Tyler

Seth- Mayors kid. (Whispers in Dannys ear) Hybrid

Danny- Oh. So like how does that work

Seth- He has full control over turning and considering its pretty painful for him, he doesn't turn at all

Matt- (Walking up) You guys need drinks

Jackson- Yea, suprise us

Matt- 4 suprises coming up

As he walked away, we started shooting pool. It was me & Seth aginst Jackson & Danny. Since Seth isn't all that good and neither is Danny so the teams were even. It was a nice game too. Seth was playing better than me and Jackson was hating the fact they were losing so bad. Seeing Jackson like that was funny as hell too. Then once the drinks came we really started having fun. The grill was packed as the band started setting up on stage. Once they started playing, Jackson got pulled to the dance floor then Matt came and snatched up Danny. Now it was just me and Seth. He grabbed me by my hand and lead me to one of the empty tables outside the grill. We sat down and somehow both of us were speechless. I guess that happens when you sitting with a crush you barely know...

Seth- So why'd you guys move here

Me- Our hometown became the werewolf hunting ground

Seth- So why did y'all bring the humans

Me- Well me & Stiles have been bestfriends since like diapers. We've been joint at the hip forever so when I was bitten he was in this mess right with me

Seth- Damn that's wassup

Me- Yea. He's the closest thing to a brother I got

Seth- What about actual family

Me- Its just my mom. She's still in Beacon Hills. I couldn't drag her into all this

Seth- Must be hard to leave her like that

Me- Yea but I'm working on it

Seth- Good. That's good

Me- But enough about my sob story, what about you? Jacob your only sibiling

Seth- Oh no, Jake isn't my brother, well not by blood but he is

Me- I get it

Seth- But I have an older sister though

Me- What's her name

Seth- Leah. She's a real bitch sometimes but I love her

Me- So where is she

Seth- After the war with the Vultori, Jake and I decided to leave with Edward, Emmett, Alice, and James. We all bonded all little too much to stick around the rest

Me- And when you say "bonded"

Seth- Jake had a love triangle with James and Edward, I was screwing around with Emmett

Me- And what about Alice

Seth- She just loves Edward and Emmett way to much to let them go. Her boyfriend Jasper hasn't made his way here yet

Me- Oh so do you still get down with Emmett

Seth- No. Truth be told he has his eyes on your buddy Danny

Me- I bet he's gonna be happy to hear that

Seth- Who wouldn't

Me- So do you talk to anybody

Seth- Not really. I haven't even hooked up with anybody in 4 months. For some reason I just havent been craving sex. So now I'm thinking it might be nice to find somebody I could actually be with

Me- Really, any good prospects

Seth- Well Danny is really hot but my boy Emmett wants him so I'll respect that. Then theirs Jeremy but he can't seem to keep his mind off Matt. Oh and of course, you

There it was. Exactly what I wanted to hear. Seth is extremely attractive, and super sweet. Id be a fool to turn him down. But then I was reminded why I couldn't get attached to anyone as Connor stepped out of the bar. Its dangerous here. One day after being here and we're pulled into even more drama than back home...

Me- Connors here

Seth- (Looks toward the door and sees him) He's not really of our concern. He's a vampire hunter. I mean what could he possibly want with us

Me- Well shouldn't we do something, I mean he is after your friends

Seth- Yea maybe we could. He's strong enough to defend himself against a vampire but werewolves are stronger than vampires

Me- So should we kill him

Seth- No. We still don't know why he's here so knock him out, drag him back to the boarding house, and ask him a few questions

Me- Sounds like a plan.How do we do it

Seth- Wait for him to come outside and grab him

Me- Come on you're making it sound a little too easy

Seth- Or I could call Bonnie, maybe she can knock him out with a spell or something

Me- Now that sounds better

Seth whipped out his phone and while he spoke to Bonnie I kept eyes on Connor through the window. He just sat at the bar with a drink in his hand and scanned the room. Must be looking for a vampire to stake. Then all of a sudden he looked at me without any type of expression. He winked at me then I turned around...

Seth- Ok we'll keep an eye on him (Hangs up)

Me- What'd she say

Seth- She said not to let him out of our sights and if he leaves follow him

Me- He's a hunter. He'd know we're following him

Seth- Which is why I'm gonna follow in my wolf form while you all drive

Me- Shouldn't we get the others

Seth- Does Connor show signs of leaving

Me- No

Seth- Then just text them so they're aware

Me- Ok

After I texted them, Seth and I watched from outside as Danny, Jackson, and Matt were they eyes inside...

Seth- I'm sorry

Me- For what

Seth- Such a bad first date

I was shocked he considered this a date. We came here with Danny & Jackson then this ended up as a mission to capture Connor. I mean I like him but honestly I rather just count this as a guys night out. Seth didn't know what to say and for a moment, he didn't know what to say. As he finally thought of something to say, he was cut off by...

Bonnie- (From behind) Where's Connor

Seth- Still at the bar, paying for his meal

Me- What are we going to do when he comes out

Bonnie- Knock him out, basically

Me- How

Bonnie- I'm a witch remember

Seth- He's going to the bathroom

Me- Don't worry, Danny's right behind

Seth- So how bout you give me a second chance

Me- What are you talking about

Seth- I wanna take you out, on a date, tomorrow night

Bonnie- Wow, is now really the time for this

Seth- As good a time as any, so Scott how about it

Me- Umm, yea sure

Seth was relieved. Me on the other hand, I wasn't expecting him to ask me out so fast. I mean I've only been in town a day, I thought these things time. Oh well I guess I should give Seth a shot. He's cute as hell so id be stupid not to. My phone went off and as I pulled it out I was suprised to see Dannys name...

Me- (Answering) Danny

Danny- Connor knew we were watching him. He climbed out of the bathroom window

Me- Shit. Connor got out the window

We turned around and saw Connor hightailing it to his truck. Danny and Jackson came running out of the grill. Bonnie waved her hand at Connor and he tripped on the ground. Then he slid towards us and as he slid on his back he pulled out his gun, and shot in our direction. Quickly we all hit the ran out of the way as Seth jumped up toward him, his skin & clothes were shredded apart as he phased into a brown and black huge wolf. He landed over Connor and bit his arm and threw him into the windsheild of a car. Connor rolled off of the car without his gun in hand as we all circled him...

Bonnie- (With her hand towards Connor) Evas elabuk estupey

Suddenly Connor began to yell and scream in pain with his hands on his head...

Danny- What are you doing to him

Bonnie- Knocking him out. Evas elabuk estupey

She kept repeating the spell until Connor suddenly stopped moving...

Bonnie- He's out

Jackson- For how long

Bonnie- I don't know. Take him to the Lockwood cellar and lock him up. Damons gonna meet us there

Me- We don't know where that is

Bonnie- Seth does

As she got into her car and pulled off, Seth phased back and he was naked...

Danny- Damn

Jackson- Wow

Me- Mmm

Seth- Danny, can you pop the trunk? I have an extra pair of sweats in there

Yea, now that I've already seen him naked, I'm ready to skip the damn date...


ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES ON NIFTY: Pairings (Chapter 3 in progress), The Sugar Shack (Chapter 2 in progress), Perfect Pitch, and Puppy Love (Chapter 13 coming soon)


Next: Chapter 3

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