Dancing the Horizontal Mambo

By BigNBtm

Published on May 31, 2008


The following story is fictional. I know nothing about Mr. Taylor & Mr. de la Fuente's sex life, nor does this story make any claims or suggestions regarding their true sexual identity.

...but a guy can DREAM can't he????

Now dancing the horizontal mambo: JASON TAYLOR & CRISTIAN DE LA FUENTE

Cristian de la Fuente sat in the emergency room, his arm freezing, wrapped in ice packs. The doctors were all looking at the CT scans for his arm, trying to determine the extent of his injury. The pain meds they had given him were really beginning to kick in as Cristian watched the activity going on around him. Producers from Dancing With The Stars were running around frantically, making phone calls, talking to doctors - everyone seemed to be talking ABOUT him, but no one was talking TO him. Cristian give a little drug-induced giggle.

"I'm the center of a maelstrom, and here I am; Mr. Mellow Yellow."

He laughed again, causing another spasm to rip through his arm. A nurse saw his face and asked if he was doing OK.

"You know," said Cristian, "these pain drugs really haven't stopped the pain; I just don't care about it now." His attempt at a little humor earned him a patronizing smile and a pat on the head. When the nurse turned around, Cristian tried to flip her off, but he couldn't lift his arm. It took him a full 5 seconds or so before he realized he couldn't lift his arm because it was bandaged up and packed down in ice. This tickled him, causing another laugh, and another spasm.

"Yep." Cristian thought. "It's official. I'm WASTED."

Jason Taylor - Miami defensive end and ballroom dancer extraordinaire - glanced around the emergency room, searching for his new best bud.

Cristian and Jason had struck up a friendship at the outset of the new season of DWTS, and had grown extremely close in a matter of weeks. They hung out together every possible moment, and had really become the best of friends. When Cristian had been injured during his first dance, it was Jason who helped him through the pain. It was also Jason who made sure he was comfortable when the paramedics took him to the hospital. It was now Justin who had made a bee-line for the hospital to check on his friend. When Justin finally made eye-contact with Cristian, the Chilean stud gave him a slightly off smile. Jason ran to his side. His first inclination was to scoop him up and give him a big bear hug - their usual greeting. However, when Jason saw how Cristian's arm was bundled up, he thought better of it, and just laid his hand on top of Cristian's.

"Hey there Jashon," Cristian said with huge goofy grin.

"Hey there big man," Jason gave him his most disarming smile, but if Cristian weren't high as a kite, he'd have noticed that his eyes were full of concern instead of their usual sparkle when the two got together. "How is your arm feeling?"

"It hurch like a mother fucker. But they got sho much dope in me, I really couldn't care lesh. But I sure am glad you came, bro." Cristian lovingly caressed Jason's face as he stared into his eyes. Jason gave him his best smile, but a tear of concern escaped his eye, and ran across Cristian's hand. "Oh, dude, don't cry, you're make-up will run," Cristian teased. His face suddenly broke into a horrified mask of concern. "Dude! If anyone from the NFL sees you in make up, you're career will be OVER. PLEASE tell me you're not wearing a dress, too!"

Jason busted out laughing. "You are one wasted little spic, you crazy son of a bitch."

Cristian's concern grew. "Jason, I'm SERIOUS, there are SO many producers here, one of them will see you! You gotta get that eyeliner off! Get in that bathroom right there and wash your face before someone finds out! I don't care, REALLY!!! I think it's kinda sexy, but they'll fry you if you run around wearing make up!"

Jason tried not to laugh in Cristian's face. "Thanks for the concern, man, but I think I can handle it." A wicked thought passed through his mind, then the same look of horror overtook his face. "DUDE! YOU HAVE MAKE UP ON, TOO!"

Cristian gasped. "NO WAY! Man, if anyone finds out I'm gay, my career is over! You gotta help me out!" Cristian scrambled to get up out of bed, but Jason quickly grabbed him and held him down.

"Dude! Dude! Dude! It's OK. You just came from the show! It's OK." Jason wondered where his panic was coming from. Even in his altered state of mind, Cristian should be able to put together the pieces - as fragmented as they might be - of the night. Why would he be so paniced about someone "finding out"? He had make up on all the time for his TV show. What was the big deal? Unless...

Jason looked down a Cristian, his face fraught with worry. The only reason he'd be this concerned is if there really was something to the fact that...not that it mattered to Jason. If anything it actually endeared him in Jason's heart more than ever. Jason even found it kind of...

Wow. Jason shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He had never really thought of another man as sexy. But seeing Cristian lying here in hospital, vulnerable and scared...it struck Jason that he found it rather sexy.

Jason had always enjoyed the male physique. He had always been comfortable with his body, and was able to see the inherent beauty in another guy who worked hard at keeping his body looking its best. He often mentally compared his own muscular physique to others as he had the opportunity to look in the shower room, but never had he really felt any kind of attraction to another man...until now. He was married for chrissake!

All of this passed through Jason's mind in a matter of a couple seconds. He was brought back to the present when Cristian grabbed his hand and squeezed it - hard - and asked again, "What am I gonna do, Jason?!"

Jason smiled at him, and reassured him. "It's OK Cristian. No one will notice. I've got on way more make up than you, and no one's noticed yet. They all think it's just part of the show. If anyone asks, I'll tell them that it's for the show, OK?"

Cristian visibly relaxed. "Oh..good. Thanks Jason. You're such a good friend. You take good care of me. Thank you."

Cristian brought Jason's hand to his lips and gently kissed the back of his hand. He snuggled up to it like a teddy bear and closed his eyes. A moment later, his breathing had fallen into an even pattern, and Jason was able to slip his hand out of his grasp. Afraid Cristian would awaken in a frantic state, Jason pulled up a chair, and let his hand gently stroke the shoulder and upper arm of his friend discreetly.

Jason sat up quickly when a familiar voice called him. One of the producers had found him asleep at Cristian's side.

"Mr. Taylor, the doctor needs to speak to Cristian; we need to wake him."

"Sure," Jason said groggily. The weeks of hard practice and little sleep were starting to catch up with him. He gently shook the shoulder of Cristian and called his name. Cristian turned his head and smiled a rather goofy smile as he lazily pried his eyes open. Jason laughed. "G'mornin' shunshine."

"Hey there. Do you know they gave me some really good shit, dude. You should try it." Jason laughed again.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. The doctor is here to see you.

A young man in a lab coat stood looking at a chart stood at the foot of the bed. Jason looked at him as Cristian attempted to focus on the doctor and his prognosis. He was fairly tall - but still shorter than Jason - blond hair, wide shoulders, narrow hips. The underarmor t-shirt under his lab coat hinted at a rather muscular frame. His black pants were of some type of knit material that clung to his hips and thighs, showing off a build that Jason assumed was toned through biking, ice skating, or some other sport that required very muscular legs. Jason found himself staring at the significant pouch the doctor was sporting, wondering what lie behind it.

Jason suddenly snapped his eyes back to the doctor's face. He couldn't believe what was running through his mind! He focused on the doctor's speech, but found himself wondering about those full lips... "What the hell is happening to me?" Jason thought.

After several failed attempts to focus, Jason finally just lowered his head and closed his eyes. He wanted to hear what the doctor said so he could help Cristian as much as he could - he wanted to be there for his friend.

Jason had apparently gotten his act together at the right time as the doctor explained the nature of his injury. The severe tear in his bicep was going to need surgery. The doctor was not 100% sure, but he thought, at least at first glance, that Cristian could possibly finish the DWTS competition, but he'd have to keep the muscle immobile. He said he could recommend a few surgeons to Cristian, but Jason broke in.

I know some guys who are experts in this area, bud. I'll hook you up. The doctor smiled at Jason with his million watt teeth. "I was hoping you would. Cristian, you are fortunate to have a...friend like Jason in your life. I'll check in on you in a little while when the drugs have had a chance to wear off a bit, you should be able to go home; as long as you have someone to give you a little TLC." With that, the doctor looked straight into Jason's eyes and gave him a wink. "I'll see you in a bit," and he left.

Jason wondered why the doctor had hesitated a the word "friend" and also about the wink. Was he coming on to Jason? Jason put it out of his head quickly so he could focus on Cristian.

"How you doing, buddy?" Jason asked.

"Alright, I guess. Arm hurts like a bitch. Still pretty loopy from the drugs, but a little better."

"That's what you get for trying to out-dance me and get my ass eliminated, you Chilean bastard."

"Now why would I want to get your ass eliminated? If you got eliminated, then I couldn't watch that...oh never mind."

"Oh!" Jason laughed. "So you ADMIT that you like my ass, eh?"

Jason thought Cristian's laugh was a little forced. And was he blushing? It was hard to tell underneath the stage make up.

"Well, it's not a good as mine, but it beats Len's old wrinkled up melons."

They laughed and talked for about an hour before the doctor came back. As soon as he entered the room, Jason tried to excuse himself, but Cristian asked him to stay. "It's OK doc, whatever you need to say, you probablly want to say it in front of Jason, 'cause I'm not entirely sure I'm going to remember it."

The doctor went on to outline the care of Cristian's arm, how he was to wrap it, what to do, what not to do. Jason had heard it all before. He had lost track the number of times he had torn muscles in his football career. None of them required surgery as of yet, but the care was similar.

Instead, Jason watched the doctor as he removed the ice packs from Cristian's arm. They had already alternated between heat and ice several times, but Jason was surprised at the doctor's care and kind bedside manner. He seemed to be taking extra care with Cristian, and Jason really appreciated his attention. It didn't take long for Jason's eyes to begin wandering, though. As he wrapped a series of hot packs around Cristian's biceps, he noticed that the doctor rested Cristian's and right at his bulging crotch. A few times in the process, Cristian jumped slightly as the doctor wrapped his arm, causing Cristian's hand to brush over his bulge. The doctor always seemed to be smiling whenever it happened, as was Cristian. When the wrapping was finished, the young doctor slowly lowered Cristian's arm until it was resting on the bed. Jason was sure that the doctor's pants seemed a little bit...tighter...and

fuller than when he started. But before he could get a good look, the doctor put his hands in the pockets of his lab coat and blocked his view.

"Well, I've got to write up the discharge orders, and you two will be good to go. I'm going to give you a couple prescriptions to get you through the next few days, but you'll need to see a surgeon as soon as possible to determine you availability for your other obligations. Best of luck to both of you," the doctor shook their hands, and walked out of the room. Jason followed him.

"Doctor," Jason called. "Do you really think Cristian could stay in the competition?"

The doctor shook his head. "Between you and me, I doubt it. I certainly wouldn't advise it, but yes, it is possible. As long as he is able to keep it fairly immobile and doesn't use it...for ANY kind of activity mind you...he'll be OK."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, confused at his statement.

"You know...any...strenuous activities..."

"Oh, yeah, we are coming up on the shows where lifts are allowed. That's gonna be tough."

"I was talking about dancing. There are many other...activities...where that could be an issue." Jason stared stupidly at the doctor. "OTHER activities...in the bedroom...where he could further injure his arm."

"OHHHHH." Jason felt a little stupid. "Don't worry doc, he doesn't have a girlfriend." The doctor smiled.

"I know." He gave a quick glance around and leaned in close to Jason. "WhomEVER he might be sharing his bed needs to know." With a wink, the doctor backed away. Jason was shocked at the doctor's inference.

"OH! Well, we're not...I mean..."

"Gotcha. Just...watch the arm. Although the hand still works well." The doctor winked, adjusted his package and turned and walked away. Jason stood dumbfounded at the doctor's obvious suggestion.

"This is some crazy shit." Jason told himself, still reeling from the evening's events. Cristian called to Jason and he immediately jumped back into Cristian's cubicle.

"Can you help me with--" Cristian stopped short when he looked up at Jason. "Dude, you OK?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You look...well...I dunno...flushed?"

"Just a little warm is all." Jason quickly changed the subject. "Dude, you dress slower than my grandpa!"

"Well, don't just stand there, help me get my shit together here!"

Jason and Cristian laughed and joked their way out of the hospital, Cristian leaning heavily on Jason to get him into Jason's car. Jason was fairly quiet on the trip to Cristian's hotel, letting Cristian ramble on about the various nonsensical things that rose to the surface of his altered state. Jason's brain was stuck on the handsome doctor and his remarks. Even more confusing was Jason's own mental wanderings regarding the good doctor and his masculine frame.

As Jason thought about the doctor's actions while wrapping Cristian's arm, he found himself imagining what it would have been like if the doctor would have been without the shirt and pants under the lab coat. Soon, Jason found that his jeans were feeling more than a little restricting in the crotch area.

"Dude! You even listening to me?" Cristian yelled.

"Wha? Yeah man. I'm with ya."

Cristian laughed. "Then why did you just pass my hotel."

Jason's mind raced. "Because...you're gonna stay with me tonight. I don't want you to do anything stupid tonight on those drugs."

"Oh. You don't have to--"

"I know, but I am anyway, so shut up ya doped up wetback and let me drive. If I wanted a backseat driver, I'd have brought my wife along."

"You know that's the second time you've used a racial slur in my direction. I don't think I like that, sir."

"Aw, bite me, ya dum spic."

"Nigga...!" Cristian's tone was playful and menacing. Jason reached out and placed his hand on Cristian's thigh.

"I'm gonna help you through this, man. Let me do this for you. I'm pretty well acquainted with injuries like this."

Cristian placed his hand on top of Jason's.

"I wouldn't want anyone else with me right now. Thanks."

The two rode on in silence; Jason enjoying the warmth of Cristian's leg, and Cristian holding on to Jason's hand. Cristian seemed to drift off, and as he did, his hand pulled Jason's higher up his thigh. By the time they reached the hotel, Jason noticed his hand was inches from Cristian's bulge. Never once, though, did he try to move it until he had to get out of the car.

Next: Chapter 2

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