Danger Games

By benjamin winkler

Published on May 13, 2018


Here's part two. I'm sorry if it seems pretty similar to the first part. As before, I do not know the actual sexual orientation of Jace Norman or Thomas Kuc. I'm also not 100% sure how accurate I am when portraying how TV shows are filmed or how the sets are laid out or the dressing rooms. I've simply tried to make it believable. If you like what you read, let me know. fanofdrama31@gmail.com If you can, please donate to nifty.org.

With every thing that had happened during the lunch hour, Jace and Thomas found it hard to concentrate the rest of the afternoon. Luckily, though, neither of them had many lines this time around. They were still working on the big scene at Double G's concert and, regrettably for Jace, he still had to wear the Egyptian outfit.

I never did get to take a break from wearing this stupid head gear thing, he thought to himself. Of course, having some company for a change was nice. I hope we do stuff like that again. It's a good thing we didn't get caught!

Backstage in his grey plaid suit, Thomas stayed in his assigned area with a tornado of thoughts swirling around in his head. Part of him was denying that anything had actually happened while the other part of him was proud that by some miracle his dream had really come true. The more he thought about it, the more his body began to respond. He instinctively used his right wrist to push it down even though the extras weren't really paying attention to him.

I wonder if he was serious about doing it again, Thomas thought to himself. I sure hope so, that would be amazing! Nah, he was just being nice. There's no way we'll do anything again. Surely that was just a one time thing. He only invited me to join him because I was already there in the hall, bugging him. If I hadn't went to talk to him, nothing would've happened.

Thomas' thoughts went back and forth between whether or not Jace had meant what he had said to him at the end of lunch. He was still debating it in his mind when it was time for him to be ready for his scenes. Luckily, his excitement was no longer inflated.

The concert scene was a complicated one. It involved many back-up dancers and extras in addition to the combined cast of two different shows. As a result, it took a long time to complete. At the end of the day, everyone was happy but tired, glad to have it all over. To celebrate, they threw themselves a party.

Thomas was nervous, though, as people started to leave the party, unsure of what he should do. Jace had mentioned that they should do stuff again but that didn't mean Thomas should go to his dressing room, did it? Thomas still wasn't 100% sure that Jace had been serious. Deciding to play it safe, he reluctantly headed towards his own dressing room at the far end of the lot where the set of his show was located. It was a big lot and as he walked slowly across it, he resigned himself to the fact that the experience he had shared with Jace was nothing more than a fluke. He was so lost in his thoughts, in fact, that he jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned abruptly to face the owner of it and was pleasantly surprised by who he saw.

"Oh, hey, Jace! What's up?" After the intimacy they had shared, Thomas was a little less star struck than he had been earlier.

"Nothing, I just thought maybe we could get together again. What do you think?"

"I'd love to but aren't you tired? I know I am! That concert scene took forever!"

"Yeah, it certainly did but what better way to relieve some stress, am I right? Why do you think I do it everyday during lunch?" Jace winked and hefted himself with his left hand briefly, even though Thomas knew what he was hinting at. To see his idol handle himself so openly, though, made Thomas' groin twitch in anticipation.

"You really do it everyday?!" Thomas said in mild disbelief and admiration.

"Absolutely! Pretty much from my very first day and it's been my habit ever since. I was super nervous for the first couple weeks and it was a great way to calm myself down."

"Wait a minute! You're saying from the time you started as Henry Hart?! But that was like years ago wasn't it?"

"Yep! But hey, I was only 13! You can't tell me you weren't doing the same thing at that age!"

"Yeah, but I wasn't doing it on the set of a TV show!"

"Well, neither was I. I did it in my dressing room.......most of the time." Jace simply winked again and adjusted himself, making more of a show of it than his hefting.

Thomas meant to only glance at Jace's crotch but his eyes lingered there for several moments. His own twitched again and he licked his lips without realizing it.

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" Jace laughed at Thomas and made him blush. "We could go to your dressing room this time, since it's closer. But since you made me miss lunch, you'll have to come up with something for me to eat. I mean, something other than this!" Without any warning, Jace suddenly grabbed Thomas with his left hand and wasn't all that surprised to feel it at half mast. "After all, you owe me and I guess I owe you something in return."

Jace hadn't grabbed him hard or for very long but it definitely got Thomas' attention. The logic made sense. They were in debt to each other so it seemed only fair that each got what he was owed. Thomas' mind was trying to review what he had in his dressing room that would actually make a suitable dinner for the two of them. There wasn't much.

They had started walking again soon after Jace had caught up with Thomas, only stopping momentarily when Jace had grabbed him. With Thomas leading the way, they had made it to his door. There was nothing left to do now except go in and see what happened next.

"I love what you did to the place." Jace joked as he looked around, noticing that Thomas' dressing room was almost identical to his own.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly expecting company....." Thomas confessed as he began to pick-up around the room. Just like his own bedroom at home, his dressing room had random articles of clothing and other things lying around on the floor and the furniture. His face flushed slightly as he quickly grabbed a pair of boxers from the foot of the couch, hoping that Jace hadn't noticed that this particular pair wasn't exactly fresh out of the laundry. He aimed them towards a nearby hamper but was so flustered that they missed by a couple of feet. More flushed than before and feeling Jace's eyes boring into him from behind, he bent over to pick them up and try again.

"If this acting thing doesn't pan out, maybe you should take up basketball." Jace stated calmly. Thomas couldn't see his face but there a smile crawling across it as he tried not to laugh. As he tried to control his face, he let his eyes enjoy the sight of Thomas bent over in front of him. The grey plaid pants of the younger boy's suit fit him well and defined the two round globes pointed at Jace. He had taken a seat on the couch where the boxers had lain and began to grope himself without shame.

Poor Thomas blushed more when he heard Jace's comment but was successful in his second attempt to put his boxers in the hamper. He turned around and was mildly surprised to see Jace openly groping himself, much like the way he had at the beginning of lunch. He stared at Jace's left hand for a moment before looking into Jace's eyes.

"Just trying to get comfortable again?" It had become somewhat of an inside joke, even though they both knew that comfort wasn't really Jace's end goal, at least not this time.

"What can I say, these dumb boxers......" Not breaking eye contact, Jace held himself in his left hand and began moving it back and forth.

"Well, maybe I could help you get more comfortable. After all, you ARE my guest. What kind of host would I be if I didn't make my guest as comfortable as possible?" As he spoke, he walked toward the couch as if in a trance, still looking into Jace's eyes. His groin was responding as well but he kept his hands at his sides.

"Not a very good one, in my opinion. I'd have to drop a star off your review online." Jace smiled simply as he broke eye contact momentarily and glanced down. He then winked when he noticed the bulge in Thomas' pants.

"Well, that's okay because you're the only star I want anyway." Thomas surprised himself with that remark; he wasn't usually so clever or so bold, especially around some one he admired as much as he did Jace. By now, he was standing directly in front of Jace, alternating between staring into his eyes and watching his left hand. At last, his own hand had begun to copy Jace.

"Nice come back! So what are you going to do to make me comfortable, Mr. Host?" Jace spread his legs wide and continued to grope himself through his Egyptian outfit.

"Since your boxers seem to be the problem, I suggest we get rid of them. However, in order to get to them, a few other things will have to come off first." Thomas spoke as if he were a doctor explaining things to a patient. His tone was very professional despite the fact that his breathing was changing because of the situation at hand. (Pun intended)

"Can't argue with that logic. Would you like to do the honor?" Jace removed his left hand and smiled at Thomas expectantly. He knew his arousal was more than obvious and Thomas' wasn't exactly hidden either.

Thomas shyly nodded and fell to his knees without a word. He finally broke eye contact to focus on what he was doing. He slid his hands up Jace's legs from the thighs to the hips until he found the waistband of Jace's leggings. As Jace raised his hips off the couch, Thomas pulled the leggings down to Jace's knees, then completely off as Jace sat again and lifted his legs. He repeated the process for Jace's boxers until they joined the leggings on the floor.

"Much better, thanks. What about you? Should I make you more comfortable?" Jace leaned forward, willing to switch places if Thomas was agreeable.

"Don't worry about me, just yet. I'm the host, remember? I want to make my guest happy, then he can return the favor." As he spoke, Thomas was rubbing Jaces thighs with both hands, gliding them back and forth from his knees all the way to his hips. The movement was certainly having its affect but Jace kept his own hands out of the way.

"You're making me feel bad. When you came to my place, I yelled at you....."

"Maybe so but then you made it all better." Thomas smiled. He began rubbing the insides of Jace's thighs, which made the boy let out a little moan.

"Wow, you have strong hands! Feels good!"

Once again, Thomas couldn't help laughing at the trademark catch phrase.

"Well, I hope this feels good, too!"

Thomas' attempt at Jace's catch phrase made him laugh but then he sucked in his breath as Thomas sucked in his appendage. Same as earlier, it wasn't mind-blowing but he had to respect Thomas for his efforts. Truth be told, it was a little better than before because Thomas seemed to have taken the advice he had been given about avoiding teeth and using more tongue. After groping himself and checking out Thomas' backside, Jace's libido was enough to make up for Thomas' inexperience.

Jace leaned his head back with his legs as spread as possible, his left hand running through Thomas' hair. He felt Thomas' right hand on his left thigh, sliding back and forth across it, even occassionally squeezing it. Thomas' left hand had been doing the same thing at first until it eventually wrapped itself around the base of Jace's appendage. He looked down to see Thomas' head bobbing up and down but then leaned back again and closed his eyes, completely immersed in the sensations he was having.

Thomas was in utter disbelief as he did his best to give Jace pleasure. He knew he probably wasn't doing the best job possible but he was sure he was doing well enough because Jace's moans made that pretty evident. Well, that and the fact that his idol was rock hard in his mouth! Twice in one day! It was beyond any of Thomas' wildest dreams and he had had many that involved him and Jace doing this very sort of thing. He moved his head around in all directions and even grew bold enough to flick Jace's piss slit with the tip of his tongue. He was pleasantly surprised that pre-cum had formed there and eagerly attempted to get more. His efforts were not in vain, especially when Jace started thrusting his hips into his face.

Jace began moaning a little louder when he felt Thomas' tongue invade his piss slit. He hadn't had much of a chance to develop pre-cum last time because it had all happend so fast. Now that they had more time and had moved a little slower, his body had the chance to provide it, even though Thomas' mouth was doing a fine job of keeping him well lubricated. He gently put his other hand on Thomas' head and used both to guide Thomas to where he wanted the focus.

Thomas allowed his head to move in Jace's grasp but had to keep his hand at the base of Jace's appendage to keep himself from being gagged. Maybe if they kept doing this on a regular basis he could get past the gag reflex but that wasn't going to happen today. However, Jace didn't seem to mind as the sexy Egyptian thrust his hips into Thomas' face, soon doing so with more earnest.

"I think I'm going to blast in a second!" Jace suddenly shouted. "Get ready!"

Thomas tried to keep Jace's hips on the couch with his right hand but it was pointless. Jace was in the moment now and there was little to be done to control him. Thomas then relaxed his upper body so that he was able to ride with Jace's movement but kept his mouth attached to him like a young animal on its mother's teat. He was soon rewarded for his valiant efforts when Jace filled his mouth several times with his prize. Much like earlier, Thomas was only able to swallow a portion of it before the remainder landed on his face and hair. He sat back on his haunches and smiled, licking up what he could, while Jace collapsed and let out a heavy sigh.

"Wow, Tom, that was awesome, even better than last time! You must've remembered the suggestions I gave you because you did great!"

Thomas simply blushed. He had begun mildly groping himself through the fabric of his suit pants without realizing it and kept his attention focused on Jace. He couldn't help it; Jace was beautiful.

"I guess it's time for the guest to return the favor." He said simply. He was deflated now but made no move to cover himself as he stood up. He reached forward with his left hand to help pull Thomas to his feet. Once the younger actor was standing, he gently moved Thomas' hand away and replaced it with his own. It was quite similar to what they had done earlier. This time, though, Jace knew he wanted to do much more.

He groped Thomas briefly through the material but then unfastened and unzipped the pants. Once the fly was open, they became loose enough for Jace to slide them and the boxers down Thomas' legs at the same time. This, of course, allowed Thomas to spring to attention and his appendage slapped against his abdomen, making Jace giggle.

"He really is a big fan, isn't he?" Jace had lowered himself to his knees while lowering Thomas' clothes to the floor so now he was facing the 'Thomas Junior' they had made reference to earlier. He smiled up at Thomas and noticed the boy blush in response to his comment.

"Told you. And he's really excited to finally meet you, in case you couldn't tell." Thomas smiled down at Jace. He was about to put his hands on Jace's head but wasn't sure about it since the Egyptian headress was still there.

"Well, I'm happy to meet him, too." Jace stated simply.

He then gently used his left hand to bend it downward while at the same time he raised a little on his knees to meet it. He took his suggestions he had given Thomas earlier into account when he wrapped his mouth around the glory in front of him. Moving his head in all directions, including back and and forth, he also swirled his tongue as much as possible and of course, flicked Thomas' pee slit with the tip of it. He remembered how good it had felt for him so he hoped Thomas liked it as well.

After a few moments of such wonderful sensations, Thomas began to feel weak in the knees. He began moaning and bucking his hips into Jace's mouth. Feeling as though he was about to lose his balance, he had an idea and between his moans, he shared it with Jace.

"I think I should sit down before I fall over."

It was a little tricky but he was then able to back up and sit down on the couch while Jace half-crawled, half walked on his knees to follow him. Jace kept his mouth attached as much as he could, not wanting to lose the connection. Once Thomas was settled onto the couch, he was able to focus more.

Jace copied much of what Thomas had done to him, using his hand at the base but his mouth everywhere else. Of course, since Thomas was uncircumcised, he had more skin to play with and that is exactly what he did, much to Thomas' enjoyment. He flicked the pee slit and was rewarded by the first of Thomas' precum. To his surprise, he actually enjoyed it a great deal and flicked again to get more. Thomas didn't disappoint and let out a moan in response.

If Thomas had liked the handjob Jace had given him earlier, he was in heaven as he had his idol's mouth wrapped around him. He knew he wouldn't last long under these conditions as Jace continued working him over. He was soon bucking his hips into Jace's face while holding the back of his head; somehow the Egyptian headress stayed on, although it was going lopsided. Thomas alternated between looking down at Jace and leaning back with his eyes closed. All to soon, his climax was building and his body began to give signs of it to Jace before he had the chance to tell him vocally.

Knowing the symptoms of pending orgasm, mainly through personal experience, Jace could tell that Thomas was about to reward him for his efforts. He latched on for the ride as Thomas bucked with more energy into his face, holding onto Thomas' hips with both hands. Although he was nervous about the taste of some one else's cum, (he had bashfully tried his own once, deciding it wasn't bad but wasn't great, either) Jace decided to swallow if for no other reason than Thomas had done that for him twice already that day. He thought he was mentally prepared for what was cumming (Pun again haha) so he braced himself when he felt Thomas' body tense under his grip.

It wasn't really the taste but the amount that shot into Jace's mouth that caught him off guard. Thomas' hips bucked sporadically and each time they did, Jace was rewarded with another voluminous amount of warmth down his throat. He tried to swallow it all down but his mouth was being filled quicker than he could so he had no choice but to spit some out. As he did, the source of the prize was spit out as well, making the rest of it paint his face and shoot onto the Egyptian headress.

Thomas finally collapsed, his body eventually relaxing into the couch as he caught his breath. His excitement withdrew into his extra skin but he did nothing to hide it from Jace, who sat back on his haunches to rest as well.

Jace smiled and licked his lips, then used his fingers to swab what was on his face into his mouth. Unlike his own, Thomas' cum seemed almost sweet, which took him by surprise.

"Wow! And I though the hand job you gave earlier was good!" Thomas stated simply now that he had regained composure. "That wasn't your first time, was it?"

"Yeah, everything we've done today has been my first....well with another person that is. I just remembered what I told you and how good it felt so I did the same to you. I'm glad you liked it. I thought it was pretty fun myself. I noticed Thomas Junior liked it, too." Jace reached forward and gave it a little tug, just to see what Thomas would do.

"He did, but you'll notice he went back into his shell now. I think he's had enough fun, at least for right now." Thomas looked down at himself and gently tugged it himself, then he and Jace both giggled.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. It IS getting late and that scene did take a while to get done. Maybe next time we can do something a little different.....? I mean, if you're interested, that is." Jace stood and went to where his leggings and boxers lay on the floor. He began to dress as Thomas stood and pulled his boxers and pants up as well.

"What did you have in mind?" Thomas was definitely curious about the future and more than excited that there would apparently be a 'next time'.

"Meet me at my dressing room for lunch tomorrow and you'll find out. And wear your Kid Danger outfit, we'll match." Jace smiled and winked before heading to the door. "Good night, Tom, good night Tom, Junior." Before finally leaving the room, Jace gave a final glance at Thomas' crotch, realizing that he had just had his mouth right in the middle of it. His groin started to tingle again so he quickly shut the door before he was tempted to spend the night.

As the perfect host, Thomas saw Jace out and was sad when the door finally shut between them. His groin had given a little stir when he saw Jace give it a final glance and even though he had just made a deposit, he almost felt ready to make another one. However, the events of shooting the concert scene and the excitement he had experienced with Jace had drained him of more than just energy so he collapsed on the couch instead. Although he usually stripped to his boxers, he lacked the motivation and was soon out for the night.

Jace was tired, too, and so he collapsed on his couch as well, his left hand slowly groping himself until he fell asleep. He never did take off the Egyptian headress but at some point it fell off during the night.

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