Dangerous Marine

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Aug 27, 2004


DISCLAIMER: This is a rather special story. I wrote it because a very talented artist offered to do illustrations for it. His name is ULF and I hope that sometime you have a chance to see some of his work. It is beautiful, erotic and, in some ways, disturbing but always intriguing. He often depicts Marines, though - as he puts it - Marines who are "rough around the edges". Well...most Marines are usually that! I'm sorry that this story cannot be illustrated on NIFTY but, if you write me, I will send you copies of his illustrations that go with the story. Check the end of the story for where to write.

DANGEROUS MARINE Part 2 - Late Saturday night, Early Sunday morning By RimPig 2004

Kirk continued to pound his cock in and out of my ass while I was tied up to the bed. I don't know where he got the stamina because he was literally squatting behind me, his feet on the bed, his hands on my hips and slamming his cock deep into my ass like a fucking pile-driver! Never had my ass ever been so thoroughly fucked, so thoroughly used! I didn't know if I would be able to sit or walk for a week but I didn't give a fuck! The intense pleasure that he was causing in my shithole was worth it! This was a butt-fuck to end all butt-fucks! Certainly the roughest and the best ( I guess that's kinda redundant?) I had ever had!

Kirk kept at it and soon I knew my balls were going to deliver another shot of my USMC spoonge all over the vinyl cover beneath me. I could tell, though, from the quickening of his butt- slamming that Kirk was not long from cumming either. I'd hoped that we would either cum together or that I would cum before he lost his load in me. I shouldn't have worried. Kirk's an excellent Top and good Tops don't leave their bottoms wanting!

"OHHH!!! FFFUUCCCKKK!!! I'M GONNA BLOW AGAIN!!!" I screamed when I couldn't hold back any longer!


I could feel his huge, thick cock spasming in my hole as I unloaded all over the bed again. I shot and shot and shot but I still didn't shoot as long as Kirk did! That's man's balls were FULL! When I was done shooting, he was still loading my ass with his balljuice! I'd never known a guy to cum so long! I knew there wasn't room up my shit chute for his huge cock AND all that cum and, sure enough, I felt it spurting out of my hole around his cock and drooling down my balls.

I was exhausted after cumming twice in so short a time and I could feel the sweat from Kirk's body dripping down onto mine and figured that perhaps he was as well. This was confirmed when he draped himself over me, covering me with his body and biting the back of my neck and shoulders. He was kneeling now behind me but his cock was still buried in my butt. I had to admit it felt good in there and, wonder of wonders - it was still hard! After all that fucking and cumming gallons up my butt, his cock was a hard as a rail!

Kirk continued to lick, suck and bite the skin on my shoulders and his hand gently stroked my sides. It was surprising to me that someone so rough could be so gentle as well. I lay there, wanting to touch him but my tied hands prevented this. I could feel his breathing begin to slow to normal and I could also feel his cock begin to soften somewhat. Not that it became soft! No! But it was 'softer'.

"I gotta piss. Where do you want it? In your ass or all over ya?" he growled softly in my ear.

"Both!" I growled back.

"You got it!" he chuckled.

He rose back up to a kneeling position and I could feel the warmth and fullness fill my bowels as his bladder let go and he began pissing inside of me. I love that feeling! Loved when a guy gave me a piss enema! Not a lot of guys could do it but I was rapidly realizing that there was probably nothing that Kirk couldn't do!

"When I pull out, you tighten your fuckin' hole and hold it in there!" he ordered.

And I obeyed.

Kirk pulled out of my ass slowly, allowing me to clamp down with my ass muscles. It felt like he continued to piss the whole time he was withdrawing from my butt. I could feel his hot piss hitting my hole and then the cheeks of my butt. I heard and felt him stand up and I was now being drenched in his piss. He was kind of walking the piss-stream up my back, covering me with his hot piss. It slid down my sides and dripped onto the vinyl cover below me, creating a puddle of piss. He continued moving the stream up my body until he was pissing all over my head and it was running down into my face. The skin on my head, mostly bare due to my 'high-and-tight', was wet with his warm piss and he emptied his bladder all over me.

"There! Just what I like! A piss-wet pig!" he growled.

He climbed down off the bed and quickly went to each side, untying my wrists.

"Okay. Get up. Stand on the bed." he ordered.

This was somewhat difficult as my legs were a bit wobbly from the prolonged fucking he'd given me but I complied. He lay down in the puddle of his own piss in the bed and looked up at me.

"Okay. Straddle my hips, pig!" he growled.

I moved to stand over him.

"Now, squat down and let go of your ass." he said.

I squatted down and released my sphincter. He stared intently at my ass as all his piss and cum came pouring out, all over his half-hard cock and balls. His cock didn't stay half-hard for long, however. Less than a third of the piss and cum up my ass came out and he was rock hard again. When no more cum or piss was pouring from my ass he looked up at me.

"Sit on my face, pig!" he said.

I turned around and squatted over his face. He reached up, grabbed my hips and pulled my butt down to his mouth. He then began to lick and suck at my hole, eating out the last of his own piss and cum from my butt. I leaned over and began licking and sucking at his cock, cleaning my assjuices and his piss and cum from it. The taste was incredible! Of course, I loved the taste of my ass on a guy's cock but the addition of his piss and cum were added delights!

He finished sucking my butt and finally pushed me off him and over on my side on the bed, looking at me, grinning.

"Don't want to cum again right now. I need a beer. How about you?" he asked.

"Yeah. I could really use one." I said.

He got off the bed and I got the treat of watching him walk out of the bedroom, those beautiful, strong, muscular buns of his rolling up and down as he walked. That walk of his - so graceful, so manly, so much like a young, proud animal! Which, in so many ways, was exactly what he was. He was back in moments, a beer in each hand. He offered one to me and I drank it gratefully! The prolonged exertion of a long butt-fuck sure made you thirsty!

He lay there on the bed beside me, drinking his beer, looking at me. I was definitely drinking in his body with my eyes as my mouth drank down the beer. There's no way I could ever get tired of looking at it! He was an incredible specimen of male beauty, the likes of which you don't get to see every day. Well...I saw plenty of good looking guys every day in the barracks but none of them really held a candle to Kirk. His muscular development, the long, thick slab of uncut cock- meat - way more than any guy that I saw on any kind of regular basis! His voice pulled me out of my reverie, though.

"You want me to go?" he asked.

I guess he was used to brief encounters - the old four 'F's' - Find 'em, Feel 'em, Fuck 'em, Forget 'em! I knew the drill. But I really didn't want it to be like that - which was strange, because many times I did. I didn't want it to be like that this time. Not with him.

"You don't have to. I was kinda hopin' you'd stay." I said, quietly - not looking at him - afraid I might have said the wrong thing.

I didn't know from his question whether he wanted to leave or not. Maybe he was wanting to end this encounter. Maybe, now that he'd gotten his nut, he was like a lot of guys - vaguely guilty and uncomfortable being around the guy they just fucked.

"Yeah. I'd kinda like that." he said.

I looked up as he said it and this grin had spread across his face. I could tell that I'd said the right thing after all. I grinned back.

"I guess maybe we oughta clean up some and get some sleep, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. It's late." I said, looking over at the clock beside the bed. "Fuck! It's 4 a.m. already!"

I was shocked. I knew we left the bar before 1 a.m. We'd been at it over three hours!

"Come-on. Help me dump this cover." he said getting up off the wet bed.

We grabbed the bed cover by the four corners, making sure the puddle of his piss didn't spill out. We carried it to the bathroom and dumped it down the bathtub. Kirk hung it over the shower curtain rod to dry and then turned to me.

"What say we don't shower or nothin'?" he asked.

"Fine with me!" I grinned.

That meant I got to smell him, and me, all night long! I could deal with that! Fuck! I could deal with that anytime!

"I gotta piss again." he grinned.

"Me, too! The beer and your piss have gone right through my kidneys and wants to come out!" I grinned back.

He reached out and grabbed my hand and, pushing aside the bed cover, pulled me into the shower. I went to get down on my knees but he stopped me.

"We'll piss on each other." he said quietly.

Then he did something that I didn't expect! He pulled me to him and put his arms around me. His mouth found mine again and while he shoved his tongue half way down my throat - he started pissing on me, my body pressed up against his. I let go as well and out piss mingled as it flooded out between us. I hardly noticed, however, locked in the passion of his very expert kiss! For someone who didn't like to kiss - he was really fucking good at it!

When we had emptied all that our bladders were gonna give up, he still held me in his arms, his mouth still locked to mine. My hands were running up his shoulders and to his neck and head. I couldn't keep my hands off him! I loved the feel of his body! The thick muscles, the surprisingly smooth and soft skin. As tough and manly as he was, I almost expected his skin to feel like some kind of flexible armor but, instead, it was like velvet beneath my hands.

When he finally let go of me, he looked at me rather sheepishly. I guess he was somewhat embarrassed at doing the very thing he'd, at first, told me he didn't do. I got the feeling that he usually didn't but that something was happening between us that made him want to. I was all for it! I just wondered what the fuck was going on inside his head about it but decided that whatever it was, it was not my problem.

We remade the bed and, by the time we were ready to get in it, the piss on our bodies was mostly dry. I figured - fuck it! It wouldn't be the first motel sheets that got a little piss on them - especially when I stayed there! Didn't seem to bother Kirk one bit, either.

Sleeping with another guy the first time can be awkward. I mean, we each got our own way of getting comfortable and most guys have a preference for one side of the bed or the other. The protocol usually is, who's ever room it is gets first choice. Me, I like the right side of the bed because I like to sleep on my left side, facing out. This seemed agreeable to Kirk who spooned himself behind me. But he went further than that! Further than I would have expected. He also put his one arm around me, pulling me back into his body so that my butt was pushed into his crotch and my back was pressed to his muscular chest. He also put his other arm under my pillow so that I was basically using the pillow and his upper arm and shoulder to rest my head on. Snuggled together, his soft, warm breath on my neck, we quietly went to sleep.

But not for long.

I later knew that it had only been about two hours because I could see the clock saying almost 6 a.m. when I awoke startled by a groan of such pain that I was instantly jolted awake! Kirk was laying over on his back, tears streaming down his face and his groaning in some kind of anguish! He was still asleep but talking.

"NO! TOMMY, NO! DON'T GO IN THERE! TOMMY!!!" he called out in his sleep.

It was obvious to me that he was in the throws of a pretty bad nightmare. I turned, reached out and began shaking him while I called out to him.

"Kirk! Kirk! Wake up!" I somewhat shouted and he came awake all of a sudden and bolted up in the bed to a sitting position.

He looked around, obviously disoriented and finally looked at me. Tears were still streaming down his face and I reached out and put my arm around his shoulders. He stiffened at this and, at first, I thought he was going to push me away but suddenly he just seemed to collapse and his head fell against my shoulder and he put his arms around me holding me tight against him while he sobbed quietly into my shoulder and neck, hiding his face from me.

My other hand came up and I started stroking his head, not saying a word, just letting him get it out and take his time getting himself together. Now that I was fully awake, I knew what was happening. The thing that most people don't realize sometimes about Jarheads is that we are - despite our reputation - all too human. We are oftentimes asked by our country to go and do things and to see things that no human being should have to see or do. You don't just shake that shit off easily. Some never get over it. There are bars and dope houses everywhere with former Marines drinking or drugging themselves to death over some of the shit that they couldn't handle. There are also too many graves of Marines who couldn't take the memories of combat and took themselves out. But, as a Marine, you just didn't talk about that shit. Not very often, anyway.

And too many guys try to play the macho game and not talk about it at all! This usually led to them cracking up eventually. I didn't know what was the case with Kirk, but I knew that he was hurtin' bad inside, otherwise he'd have never let me hold him and see him like this. I was touched by the trust he was showing me in letting me see it.

Gradually he calmed down and the sobs stopped. That was always an awkward moment with guys. He now had thoroughly fucking embarrassed himself by showing 'weakness' and 'vulnerability' - especially in front of a guy he'd 'Topped'! I knew his first reaction was gonna be to run and I didn't want him to do that! Something told me, he'd been running for a while and really needed to stop. I hoped that maybe he'd be able to do that with me. I didn't know why I felt that way. After all, did I really want to get involved with whatever was fucking him up so bad? I'd wanted sex. I'd wanted his body. Did I really want to deal with him as a human being? Didn't I have enough problems of my own without trying to wrestle with his?

I guess not because when he stiffened and tried to pull away, I just wrapped my arms around him tighter and hung on until he loosened up again and rested against me.

"I'm sorry." I heard his voice, quiet and rough from crying and muffled by having his face pressed into my shoulder.

"Nothin' to be sorry for. Bad dream. You see bad shit, you get bad dreams. Can happen to anybody. Wanna talk about it?" I asked softly.

He was silent for a time.

"No. I don't want to. But I feel like, if I don't, I'm gonna go right outa my skull." he admitted.

"So let's talk." I said.

"Uhh...can I have another beer. My throats all torn up." he asked.

"Sure. Lemme get it." I took my arms from around him and got outa bed.

I walked over the fridge and pulled out a can of Bud for each of us and then walked back to the bed and climbed in. He looked up at me at that point, and I could see the pain and anguish still in his eyes. This guy was carryin' around a real load of shit - whatever it was! I handed him the beer.

"Thanks." he said, looking down again, refusing to meet my eyes.

He did, however, tip the can up and guzzled the entire contents in the matter of seconds.

"No big deal." I said.

"No...I mean for offering to listen." he said, thinking evidently that I had meant the beer.

"Like I said, ain't no big deal. All Marine's are brothers, remember? You don't leave a brother hurtin'." I said. "So what the fuck's up? Who's Tommy?"

He looked up at me, startled.

"Oh, Christ! Was I talkin' about Tommy?" he asked miserably.

"More like shoutin' about him. So who is he?" I asked.

"Not is. Was. He was my best buddy." he said, turning his face away from me.

"Is that 'best buddy' as in friend or something else?" I asked.

He hesitated and then quietly said, "Something else."

Best friend/fuck-buddy/lover...I got the picture.

"So what happened to him?" I asked.

"You sure you want to hear this?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.

"I'm askin', ain't I?" I said.

"Okay...we were in a convoy about ten clicks outa Basra when we hit an ambush and came under heavy mortar fire. There were incoming all around us. The convoy was stalled when the lead truck was blown up and we were scrambling to get out of the trucks and humvees to find cover and to return fire. We tried to call in close air support but we couldn't get anyone on the radio." he said, talking like he was making a report.

I guessed that this was how he had to tell it to keep his emotions in check.

"Anyway, I'm in the back of a truck with my squad and I'm tryin' to get the guys out of the truck and into the ditch by the side of the road for protection. Tommy's was my radio man and had already gotten into the ditch. I thought all my men had gotten out of the vehicle but there had been a shell that had hit nearby and one of the guys was wounded and couldn't get out. Tommy saw him but, from where I was, I couldn't. He ran back to try and help get the guy out. By that time, though, the Iraqi gunners had gotten the convoy in range. I screamed at Tommy not to go back but he was already running towards the truck to get the guy out. That was when the mortar shell hit, blowing the truck up - just as Tommy reached it. After the mortar shell hit, I ran to the bombed out truck. Tommy was laying there. The mortar had blown his legs completely off. He bled out, dying in my arms." Kirk ended, his voice barely above a hoarse whisper.

He hung his head, tears rolling down his face again. I reached over and put my arm across his shoulders and we sat there in silence for a while.

"There was nothing you could have done." I said quietly.

"Yeah. I know. But the trouble is what I did do." he said.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I kinda went crazy. I grabbed up my rifle and I headed out towards the dunes where the mortar shells were coming from. Some of the guys tried to chase after me to stop me but I was too fast for them. The Iraqi's never expected a lone assault. I sneaked around behind them and systematically killed every last one of them. The last one, the commander of the mortar unit, I killed slowly." he said.

"What did you do?" I asked, afraid of what kind of mayhem a fully trained, angry Marine who just watched his lover die in his arms was capable of!

"Let's just put it this way, when he finally died, it was with his genitals in his own mouth." Kirk said and I could still here the anger, the rage, in his voice.

"Man! You must be up for a Silver Star at least - if not a Congressional Medal of Honor!" I said in awe.

He laughed, ruefully, the laugh having a very cynical sound to it.

"Yeah, right! Congressional Medal of Honor my ass! They want to throw me outa the Corps!" he said.

"What the fuck for?!" I exclaimed.

"Seems I'm a fucking disgrace to the Corps for treating an enemy combatant that way! They were talkin' about a 'massacre' and shit like that! They sent me back here six months ago for 'treatment' before they probably try and court martial me!" he said.

"Are they fuckin' nuts?! Court martial you? For what?! Savin' the lives of your men?!" I exclaimed.

"Listen, you don't get it! Even the fucking Corps been infected with the 'Politically Correct' assholes! They're fuckin' dumpin' in their fuckin' BDU's - afraid that one of the fuckin' reporters for CNN is gonna catch wind of this! Not to mention that the commander I killed? He was the son of some big shit on the Iraqi Civil Council! They want to cover that up, too! " he said.

"Shit! So what's gonna happen?" I asked.

"They sent me back here for 'psychological evaluation'! I figure if they let me stay in the Corps, the closest I'm ever going to get to combat or to command of a squad again is behind a quartermaster's desk! I'll spend the rest of my career pushing paper in some out of the way post in the most undesirable place that they can find." he said, miserably.

"Know anything about engines?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. Used to re-build cars when I was a kid. Rebuilt a '73 Trans-Am when I was 17, right before I entered the Corps. My first MOS was workin' on tanks. Why?" he asked.

"I work in the motor pool. I do maintenance on heavy duty engines - tanks, APC's, shit like that. My boss, Colonel Blessing's got some heavy duty pull with the top brass. Bet I could get you on there, if you don't mind gettin' your hands dirty and you want to stay in the Corps doin' something meaningful." I said.

"Don't sound bad at all...why you willin' to do that for me? They got me pegged as some kind of psycho-killer!" he asked.

"Psycho-killers don't cry." I said quietly.

He gave me a hard look, I think tryin' to figure out if that was a 'dig' - which it wasn't and he seemed to calm down after a couple of moments.

"Besides, I ain't been fucked that good that I can ever remember. I'd like to keep you around in hopes of maybe gettin' lucky again sometime." I grinned.

"Fuckin' pig!" he grinned.

I was thrilled having made him smile again.

"Yeah. I guess I am. Is that so bad?" I asked, looking at him seriously.

He looked at me funny and then leaned over and put his arms around me, pulling me to him.

"Nah. There ain't nothin' wrong with bein a pig. Tommy was a pig." he said quietly.

I looked into his dark eyes. There was a look coming from them I hadn't seen before from him. If I didn't know better, I'd almost swear that this hunk of a Marine animal was startin' to have feelin's for me. And it sure the fuck felt like it when his mouth came down on mine in a passionate but gentle kiss. All I know is that somethin' started stirring down deep in my guts and I knew it was way more than horniness. I didn't know what to do, though. I was sure that the last thing Kirk needed was to get involved in a 'relationship'! Fuck! He'd been through enough from the sound of things. Maybe just a friend - a 'fuck-buddy'. He could handle that, maybe. And I could handle that. I figured I could keep my feelings for him in check.

Just goes to show what fool guys are when it comes to feelings!

"Uhh...I take it that you aren't 'involved' with anybody?" Kirk asked me, out of the blue!

"Uhh...no! No I ain't with nobody. Not that I wouldn't want to be, I just ain't found the right guy yet." I said, wonderin' where the fuck this was goin' - as if I didn't know! "How 'bout you?"

"Nah. Not since Tommy. Shit, I ain't had sex since him until tonight. Couldn't bring myself to. But I got so fuckin' horny I couldn't stand it no more. But I never thought I'd find a guy that turned me on as much as Tommy did. Then I saw you." he said quietly. "But I guess there's never gonna be another partner for me. Who'd be crazy enough to want to get mixed up with a fucked up Jarhead like me?"

"Me." I said quietly.

He looked at me in shock.

"You don't mean that." he said.

"The fuck I don't!" I insisted.

"Why? I ain't THAT good a fuck!" he argued.

"The fuck you're not! But that ain't the reason! You just do somethin' to me. Somethin' deep down inside. I like bein' around you. I like bein' in your arms. I like holdin' you in mine. And you sure as fuck ain't hard on the eyes for lookin' at!" I smiled.

He got red in the face and turned away so that I couldn't see his eyes. I reached out and touched his shoulder. He turned back and looked at me. There was such hunger in his eyes, it was almost frightening.

"I never thought that anybody would ever want me again in my life." he said slowly and quietly. "You have no idea how much I want you and need you."

"Yeah, I do. Because when you look at me that way, it just about scares the shit outa me! I get scared that I can't give you all that you need. But, Kirk, I promise you! I'll try! I'll really try!" I said.

"Ain't no more that one man can ask of another man." he said.

Then he pulled me to him and kissed me deeply and passionately. That kissed lasted a long time.

"What happens if I get kicked out of the Corps?" he asked quietly as he pulled his mouth from mine finally.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's just put our energy to gettin' out of this mess. That, and keepin' each other's balls drained." I smiled at him.

"I'm all for that!" he grinned and looked down, drawing my eyes down with his.

He was standing hard and proud and I reached over and gently stroked him.

"Ahh...fuck!" he groaned.

"Got a warm place to put that, if you want?" I grinned.

"Oh, fuck, yeah! Lemme fuck you!" he groaned again.

"Just what I had in mind!" I said, starting to lay down on my stomach.

He stopped me.

"On your back. I want to look at you this time while I fuck you." he said softly.

"You want me to get the ropes?" I said softly, grinning at him.

"Nah. Don't need the flogger either. We can play some other time." he said softly, grinning back.

I lay down and he got between my legs, resting on his elbows above me. I raised my legs and wrapped them around his hips. I could feel his cockhead nudging against my hole as his mouth came down on mine. His tongue shoved into my mouth just as his cock began sliding back into my hole, which was still wet from him fucking me earlier. I groaned into his mouth as I felt his huge slab of man-meat sliding up my chute. Even having had it earlier, it was still an ass-full! Rather than just shoving it all in at once, this time he was slowly working it up my hole, letting me get used to it.

Once he was all the way inside me, he stopped and then began to shift his hips, stirring that big fucker around in my hole - hitting places that hadn't been touched in a long while - if ever! Fuck! This guy knew how to fuck! I raked his back with my finger nails, causing him to shiver and those vibrations went through his cock and into my butt!

"Damn! Your ass is so hot and wet inside!" he groaned, pulling his mouth from mine.

"And your cock is so fuckin' big!" I groaned in answer.

I heard a deep chuckle come from him at this. Little did I know, the fucker had a devilish plan in mind. I should have known something was up when I looked up into his face and saw that glint in his eyes. He started to withdraw, very slowly, from my butt. He got about half his weapon out of my wet sheath and then equally slowly drove back inside. I thought he was concerned that I couldn't take it and was testing to see if my hole was ready to be pounded. But, no! He kept it up, slowly withdrawing and slowly sliding back inside. He was long-dicking me, pulling out until only the head of his cock was in my hole and then sliding the entire length back inside. He was even giving it an extra push when he bottomed out to make sure that all of it was inside me.

This went on forever! Or so it seemed at the time! I couldn't believe his patience! Or his stamina! He was slowly fucking me into oblivion! It was almost torture! I wanted him to speed up and start pounding my ass hard, but he never varied the rhythm. Slowly out - slowly in. Every slow thrust and pull was causing his cock to massage my aching prostate. After about a half an hour, the sensations had built up inside me to such a point that, all of a sudden, without any warning, my cock began to shoot cum out all over my body and his!

"AHHH!!! FUCK!!!" I groaned as I came.

I was looking into his eyes as my orgasm hit. He just grinned down at me and kept pumping slowly in and out of my hole - not changing the tempo, even as I shot my load.

"That's one." he softly murmured.

'One, what?' I thought to myself. Oh! One orgasm. What did that mean? That he was going to keep doing this until I had two? I didn't think my body was capable of another but he kept right on, pumping in and out - same speed, same power. I was amazed at his ability. I'd thought he was an incredible fuck from before. Now, I began to think he was the most accomplished fucker in the USMC!

The fuck went on and on. His mouth coming down on mine every so often to taste me and to let me suck on his tongue as he groaned into my mouth. Things certainly had changed since the bar. This was a man who loved to kiss! This was a man who knew how to kiss - as well as he knew how to fuck! I had to figure he gave me that line about kissing because he didn't want me to know how romantic he really was. Guys are funny that way. They'll let you know how tough they are, how raunchy they are, but they won't let you know how much they are capable of giving you all the emotional stuff that you need from them as well.

I thought I would go out of my mind! He kept fucking, my cock stayed rock hard after cumming and, damned if I didn't feel myself building towards yet another orgasm! This just wasn't possible! Or so I thought! But I thought wrong! Within minutes, I was again unloading volley after volley of cum between us!

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!" I screamed as I left rationality and entered a world where only my ass and his cock existed.

"That's two." he said quietly, that shit-eating grin on his face again!

Oh, fuck! He was fuckin' going to try for three! I couldn't take it! I was just about to tell him to stop when he suddenly changed rhythm for the first time. His thrusts became harder and quicker. He started picking up velocity until he'd reached 'ramming speed'. Now he was fucking me with the same speed and power that he had used on me last night! I could see the grimace on his face as he really worked his hips, slamming into me until I was grunting at every entrance! Sweat began to pour off his body and onto me. I put out my tongue and caught some of the salty moisture as it poured off his face. There wasn't a body fluid of his that I didn't love! The scent of him, the scent of our fucking, the scent of out piss, the scent of my own body all combined into a breathable aphrodisiac! I threw back my head, arching my back and shoving my chest up to his. This changed the angle of his penetration of my shithole so that his cock was slamming up against my prostate. That brought on the tingle in my balls that told me I was, unbelievably, going to cum again! I had never had three orgasms together. Never had three orgasms together from the same fuck!


I was a mindless, rutting animal! No rational, conscious thought existed for me! There was his cock, there was my shithole and there was my cock, shooting cum out of it's piss-slit! That was the whole entire universe at that moment. Then I heard his screams!

"FUCK! FUCKIN' YOUR HOLE! FUCKIN' YOU, BABE!!!" he screamed out as I could feel his cock pumping blast after blast of his USMC spoonge straight up my shit-chute!

My arms were wrapped around him and he collapsed on top of me after the monumental effort he'd expended. He lay there, panting for breath, his face buried next to my neck. As he recovered, I gently stroked his neck and shoulders, letting him know how incredibly fulfilled I felt at that moment. Never had any man ever made love to me that way - or that long. Never had any man ever given me that many orgasms with just his cock. Never had I ever felt more truly wanted and cared about than I did in the arms of this incredible man!

His breathing finally normalized and he slowly rose back up to his elbows, looking down into my face and smiling gently.

"You okay?" he asked quietly.

"By all rights, I ought to be dead! I didn't think you could have that many orgasms right together and live!" I grinned up at him.

He broke into a very proud grin. I knew exactly what the arrogant fucker was thinking!

"Pretty proud of yourself, huh?!" I asked.

"Fuck, yeah!" he insisted. "When was the last time a guy got you off three times in a row, just by fuckin' you?!"

"Never." I said so low I could barely hear it.

"What'd you say? I couldn't hear that!" he grinned.

"Never." I said a little louder.

"What was that? Did you say 'never'?" he continued to have that cocky grin on his face!

"Yes! Fuck you! I said NEVER!!!" shouting right into his face.

He just started to laugh! Really laugh! Hard. His cock, which was still hard and buried in my butt, began to bounce up and down inside of me from his laughter. My hole was pretty raw, however, from such a long fuck and I cried out in pain.

"Ahhh!" I groaned.

He stopped immediately.

"What's the matter." he said, looking down at me with his face full of concern.

"My hole is really sore and when you laugh, you're making your cock bounce around inside me." I said.

"Oh! Sorry!" he said and slowly pulled his still hard cock from my bruised chute. "Is that better?"

"Yeah. For now. Just don't go too far away with that thing. It belongs to me now!" I said.

"Oh, it does, does it? And how do you figure that?" he grinned.

"Well, it's only a fair exchange." I insisted.

"Exchange? For what?" he asked.

"For my ass. You know it belongs to you now. Ain't nobody ever gonna satisfy it like you just did." I grinned.

"I figured I get you with that! Can't do it too often. Gotta be with a guy that I really need and care about." he said softly.

"You tired enough to get some more sleep?" I asked. "I'm completely worn out."

"Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna have any more dreams tonight. Not bad one's anyways. I may dream about you, though." he said, dipping his head down and gently kissing me on the lips.

"That's okay. I'm gonna be feeling that monster of yours up inside me for a week!" I grinned.

He rolled off me and we got back into the same position for sleep again. Me, on my side and him, spooned up behind me, his one arm around me and the other under my head.

"Good night." he whispered in my ear.

"Good night." I murmured, then added. "Oh, I heard that 'babe'."

There was silence for a few moments.

"Sorry. Just slipped out." he murmured contritely.

"It's okay - long as you keep fuckin' me." I chuckled.

"You gotta deal!" he murmured and his arm pulled me even closer as we went to sleep.

My last thoughts were that, from the moment I saw him, I knew that Kirk was one fuckin' dangerous Marine. I just didn't know HOW dangerous! I didn't know that my heart was in danger of falling in love nor my life in danger of changing forever. Yep! One fucking dangerous Marine!


I hope you like the story. Better still I hope it gets you off! I love gettin' guys off! If you did like it, write me at rimpigfl@yahoo.com

As I said in the "Disclaimer" - this story has been illustrated by ULF. If you would like copies of the illustrations, write me - putting the story title in the subject line so I don't think it's SPAM and ask for the illustrations. However, I warn you ahead of time, the files with all the pictures are LARGE ones - even 'zipped'! Do not request them if you have a small e-mail box. They are a total of 7 zipped files totaling 8.96MG!

I have over 50 stories on NIFTY. If you'd like the current list of them, write me and I will be glad to send it to you.

I also have a NOTIFY LIST for readers who want to know when I post new stories. If you want to be on it, just write and tell me and I will add you to the list.

In addition, I have a "blog" (web-log) called "THE PIG TROUGH" of my writings about life and other topics. You can access it at http://www.livejournal.com/users/rimpig/

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Thank you!


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