Dani and Dawn

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Jul 12, 2002


Colleen Thomas MissColly@aol.com 7/09/02

The Storm

Dawn leaned into the tight curve and her hand opened up the throttle on the big bike. The 1100cc V-twin engine roared and sent powerful vibrations through the seat into her already numbed lower body. The big bike could do her better than any vibe she had ever tried if she were in the right mood, but after eight hours on it she was lucky if she could even feel her lower body, much less enjoy it. Dawn added more gas as she came out of the tight curve opening up the engine almost all the way in anticipation of the long straightaway she knew was next. She had driven this stretch of I-95 so many times she knew it better than most people knew their daily commute. Up ahead on her right was a large stand of trees where a highway patrolman usually sat, but it was nearly four in the morning and they were changing shifts. She even had their schedule down pat.

Dawn knew she looked ridiculous on the big machine. She was small framed to begin with and four months in a hospital bed had caused her to drop nearly thirty pounds. This left her at barely one hundred pounds and only her long experience and superbly muscled legs allowed her to control the powerful machine.

She hated hospitals, hated doctors and hated the helpless feeling she always felt when she was in one. She had been forced to undergo one more surgery to completely repair the damage in her brain from an earlier auto accident when the headaches had become too frequent to be ignored. She probably would have toughed it out if it had not been for the gentle prodding of her lover to get it done. She might have been able to resist even that, were it not for Danielle's condition. The quiet redhead's arguments had carried so much more weight since they had returned from the clinic back in March.

She was tired and getting hungry and knew that somewhere up ahead was South of the Border. She would start seeing their profusion of billboards anytime now. The place was a tourist trap, but at least they would have something open where she could grab some coffee and something to eat. She opened the big bike up all the way, feeling the cool night air rush over her. It was invigorating and right now, she needed it. Far behind her to the south the horizon lit ominously with lightning.

The last 40 miles of her trip were the worst. She was off the interstate now and on a two lane state highway. It seemed there was a small town every two miles and they all had one stoplight and it was always red. The three torturous miles she had traveled trapped behind a farm combine and two tractor-trailers had almost undone her. She had never been very patient and going 15mph on the Harley seemed tantamount to sacrilege.

She was so road weary now that she felt like she could just close her eyes and sleep would come instantly, it was dangerous for her to even blink. The barren fields had begun to blend into one long blur of muted browns and grays and she knew she was pushing it. I really ought to pull over and get some sleep, she thought. She glanced over her shoulder at the gathering gloom on the horizon behind her. Dawn knew she was loosing ground steadily.

She was stopped at the inevitable red light in some small town, trying to decide if she could make it when she heard the gull. A gull meant the sea, and the sea meant home, and home meant Dani. She was suddenly sure she could make it, in fact she felt as if she had just started on her tip. When the light changed to green she roared off in a cloud of dust, leaving two farmers at the corner store staring after her.

She wasn't due home today and she knew she was in for a scolding. She had planned on staying in Florida at least three more days. She had been sitting in the hotel room and watching TV when she just up and decided it was time to go home. She called her cousin and said she was leaving. That short conversation floated at the edge of her memory and she drew it in to examine it as the road hummed by beneath her.

"Angela? It's Dawn, I'm going home."

"Now? You just got out of the hospital!"

"Don't care, I'm going."

"Shouldn't you at least wait to see what the storm is going to do?"

"No, I'm leaving right now."

"I have to meet this girl of yours one of these days."

"I'll invite you to the wedding," Dawn said. Angela burst out laughing.

"Invite me? If I am not "best man" I will be pissed."

"Done. Tell everyone I said good bye."

"Will do. Be careful."

"Always am."

The last hill before the gentle down slope to the sea caught her by surprise. Dawn brought the bike to a coasting stop at the top of the hill overlooking the subdivision where she lived. Subdivision was really misleading, with the gates and guards and private security it was more of a private community. She could see her house from here, a small, blue three story building facing the ocean on the very edge of the community. Compared to the other homes in the place it was tiny. Compared to the mansion her ex had demanded she buy, it was a dollhouse. It was also home, and that made it more beautiful than she could comprehend.

Dawn had plenty of money and had put up a fight when Dani chose the small house. She wanted to get something large and nice, but her lover wouldn't budge. She remembered that fight with a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. In the end she had come to love the little place but on that day she would have gladly burned it to the ground. It had been in a very bad state of disrepair. She and Danielle had put so much work into it and the time spent together thinking, talking, planning and working had brought them closer together than she would ever have imagined. She always wondered if Dani had planned it that way.

The house had been a summer cottage for some rich shipping magnate up north originally. Danielle had researched its history thoroughly and was intrigued with it, but all Dawn had seen was a rundown little house with fading paint and a sagging stoop. The first floor had been divided into a kitchen and a great room, with a large stone fireplace and hearth. The second floor had held four small bedrooms and the third floor was a studio like attic. She and Dani had done nearly all the work on it, hiring contractors only to fix the fireplace, the foundation and roof and to install the storm windows.

They had taken out a wall on the second floor the first night after buying the place. Now there was one master and two guest bedrooms on the second floor. It was painted in a light blue color that matched the sea in the mornings and they had built a deck on the front so they could sit out and watch the ocean. The attic was Dani's room, filled with bookshelves, knick-knacks and her roll top desk and computer. Dawn rarely disturbed her when she was up there, respecting her need for a small space of her own. The sun was setting, and as she watched a light appeared in the kitchen shaking her from her memories. Dawn smiled to herself, it felt good to be home.

She eased the bike off the hill and coasted all the way to her driveway. Luckily, the guard at the gate recognized her and opened the gates before she reached them. She wanted to surprise her lover, but there was no way to drive the big Harley quietly if she had to use the gas. She parked and dismounted, stretching her legs before opening the black saddlebags and taking out the gift-wrapped boxes. As always the dead tired, "I could sleep at the drop of a hat" feeling left her to be replaced by a nervous energy. She hated being strung out from the road, but no matter what she tried, she always ended up like this. She walked up the steps and quietly let herself in.

The great room was immaculate and just as she remembered it, the wood floor was polished to a beautiful rich shine and there wasn't a spec of dust anywhere. Dawn crossed the floor quietly and placed the packages in the wingback chair Dani had spent way too much on at the antique store in Richmond.

Dawn loved that chair. It was blue velvet, with rich cherry Queen Anne legs. Dani loved it for it's simple beauty. Dawn loved it because it's purchase represented one of the few times Dani had allowed her to spend extravagantly for something for her. Danielle was a very sensible and practical girl and she was also acutely conscious of the fact that Dawn's last lover had used her for her money. She had not blinked when Dawn dropped forty thousand on the bike, but had raised hell when Dawn got her a new living room set for her birthday.

The chair had caused Dani's eyes to sparkle the moment she saw it. Dawn had not even had to fight the usual fight over spending money on her lover when she snatched the price tag from Dani's hand and went to the old man who ran the shop. Danielle had just smiled and held her hand while Dawn paid for it and made delivery arrangements, not even protesting when the old man had mentioned the price. Remembering that little victory inevitably also reminded her of the night it was delivered. Dani has insisted on christening it properly and that had led to Dawn getting head for over an hour seated in the chair with her legs over the arms. Dawn shook her head and smiled.

Dawn walked carefully to the doorway to the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe. Danielle was standing at the counter with her back to the doorway. Her kettle was on the stove and the old porcelain teapot she loved was set out next to the Scottish tea she favored. She was wearing an old flannel nightshirt with Tigger on it. When Dawn had gone down for her surgery, the nightshirt had swallowed Dani whole, now it barely fit over her tummy. Seven months now? No, eight, Dawn thought. Leaving her alone like that had been hell on Dawn, but Dani had made it clear that she would not be happy unless Dawn was fully recovered. The changes in her lover's body were dramatic and Dawn deeply regretted having missed them.

Danielle moved slowly now each movement seemed deliberate and thought out in advance. She had barely begun to show when Dawn left, now she looked like she was about to pop. There was something about a pregnant woman that had always turned Dawn on. It was a kind of glow that was so intoxicating to the small butch. On Dani it was even more endearing, because the child she was carrying was theirs. Dawn had wanted children so much, while Dani had seemed less enthusiastic. Dawn knew that a major part of Danielle agreeing to try to get pregnant was to please her and that had been the deciding factor in her getting the surgery she had so dreaded. If Dani was willing to do this for her, she had no excuse not to get the surgery to make sure she was around for the child's rearing. Dawn knew it wasn't that Dani didn't want children; it was that she was afraid she wouldn't be a good parent. After more than a year and a half of being together the redhead's self esteem was slowly getting better, but it was a constant battle for Dawn. She had already promised herself she would kill the ex girlfriends who had so trampled the shy woman's self esteem if she ever met them.

Danielle turned to get the milk from the fridge and emitted a startled squeak. Dawn smiled at her but made no effort to move.

"What are you trying to do, scare the life out of me?" she blurted out when she caught her breath.

"Just watching,"

"Well go watch something else," she said. Her words were harsh, but the smile on her face belied them. Dawn crossed the kitchen silently and enfolded the pregnant woman in her arms. Danielle's arms twined around her shoulders in response and their lips met. There was a moment's hesitation, like it was all new again and then Danielle's lips parted and her tongue licked along Dawn's lower lip. Dawn felt a stab of excitement and captured her lover's tongue with her teeth. She sucked it into her mouth and as soon as their lips formed a seal she thrust her own tongue into Dani's warm receptive mouth.

The kiss seemed to last forever, that first one after a long separation always did, she thought. It was as if their mouths and bodies were trying to make up for lost time. This one was different though, in many ways. Dawn was shorter than her lover, even in her riding boots she was two inches short of Dani's five foot six. Now her lover's protruding tummy was in the way as well, forcing her to stand on tiptoe just to kiss. Dawn found it to be more exciting than she remembered and her kiss became more passionate and hungry. When it broke, Dani was flushed and breathing hard. It gave Dawn some hope that all she had heard about pregnant women being hornier than usual was true.

The teakettle was whistling and as Danielle turned to finish making her tea Dawn went to the small wet bar and poured herself a stiff drink. She realized her own breathing was a little ragged and her nipples were protruding. It really has been too long, she thought. Dawn fought the urge to tear the nightshirt off and take Dani right then and there on the kitchen table. The little redhead had been on her mind most of the long trip and she had run through numerous scenarios for her homecoming in her mind. The drink was rough and burned going down. It had been too long for that too, she thought.

Dawn poured herself another and then opened the sliding glass door that opened onto the deck. The sun was sinking into the azure blue of the sea and the surf was pounding. The wind was blowing in, carrying upon it the fresh smell of the ocean. Dawn put her drink down on the patio table and set up two of the reclining chairs then poked her head back into the kitchen.

"Come have your tea out on the deck,"

"You must be on something," Dani retorted.

"What? It's a beautiful evening,"

"I am not going out there like this, besides the hurricane warnings are up. Can't you see the flags?"

"Oh yes you are!" Dawn growled and bounded into the kitchen. She caught a big handful of the nightshirt and began to tug.

"What are you doing?" Dani said, while trying half-heartedly to escape.

"You may not want to come out, but the nightshirt is going to be with me outside, you can either come with it or else," Dawn said playfully. Dani burst out laughing and held up her hands in mock surrender.

"Can I at least get my tea Conan?"

Dawn smiled at the gentle barb and released her hold on the faded nightshirt. She stalked back out to the deck and sat down in a chair, kicking her feet up on the railing. The flags were up and the beach was nearly empty. She was watching a small pleasure boat cutting through the sparkling water when Dani joined her. Dawn watched as Danielle carefully placed her tea on the table and then lowered herself into the chair. She sat carefully, letting her butt rest on the edge of the chair first and then slowly letting herself ease back until her shoulders touched. Her right arm immediately moved across her belly, almost as if she was making sure everything was still all right and then she sighed deeply and relaxed.

They sat there watching the sun slowly sink into the ocean. The wind freshened and the surf pounded harder. Dawn felt the chill in the air even through her leather jacket. From years of living near the ocean she recognized the signs; the storm was blowing in. She had won the race by less than two hours. She turned to see Dani struggling to get out of the deep chair. Dawn was on her feet instantly and took both of Dani's hands in her own and helped the pregnant woman rise. Dawn could see she was shivering and she felt guilty for insisting they sit on the deck.

"Is there still wood in the fire box?"

"I think so."

"Good, I'll build a fire while you try on your gifts."

"Gifts?" Dani asked arching her eyebrow.

"Come see," Dawn said with a smile as she guided her lover into the great room. Danielle's eyes sparkled when she saw the gift wrapped boxes. Dawn had learned a long time ago never to ask if her lover wanted something, just get it and give it to her was the only formula that worked. The little redhead loved gifts, loved getting them and giving them, and while she might argue it was too much to spend on her she always loved them. She picked up the smallest one and fingered the delicate ribbon.

"Go up stairs and open them while I build a fire," Dawn said casually. She tried to hide the excitement in her voice but she could hear it there, an impatient undertone. The best thing about giving gifts of clothing to Dani was that she modeled them. She might never wear them again, but no matter what she always showed Dawn what she looked like in them at least once.

"You shouldn't have," she said, her face taking on that scolding look Dawn found so terribly cute. She always had to fight back a laugh when she saw it.

"Shut up and go open them, woman,"

"I will, but don't think you are getting out of this, I still haven't said anything about you being home early," Dani said as she gathered up her packages and slowly made her way upstairs. Dawn watched her the whole way up frozen in the spot. Her ass was heavier, fuller and more enticing than Dawn could have imagined. She shook her head to clear it and went to the kitchen to get the candles and oil lamps out. In the large pantry she connected the power leads from the gas-powered generator, just in case. She filled her arms with wood and returned to the great room.

Dawn quickly laid a fire and started it with the long matches that they kept on the mantle for the purpose. She went to the kitchen to fix them both a drink and it was then she noticed the breast pump in the drainboard beside the sink. She examined it curiously for a few moments feeling her heartbeat rise in her temples. It's still way to early for that, she thought. Isn't it? Or is it? As she poured the two goblets of wine she regretted not paying more attention to her health classes and pregnant friends. Eight months? It had to be too early. But still. Maybe.

The thought of drawing sweet milk from Dani's breast set her on fire. She looked to the drain board again as her left hand gently rubbed her pussy though her leathers. She could feel the moisture making her boxers damp and uncomfortable. It felt so good she was tempted to just keep on, but she restrained herself. She caught up both goblets and walked back into the great room with them. She had just set them down when she heard Dani at the head of the stairs. She waited impatiently a full minute, but Danielle still did not appear.

"Baby? Lil Bit are you all right?" she called.

"I'm fine but you can't really want to see me in this?"

"You bet yer sweet ass I do!"

"This is payback for the pink cincher isn't it?" the disembodied voice floated down from the landing.

"No! It isn't pay back for anything. You're a sexy woman and I got you sexy things."

"Sexy? I look like an elephant!"

"Quit yer bitching and get down here you goober."

Danielle made her way slowly down the stairs, one hand on the banister for support, the other cradling her tummy. Dawn drank in the sight, feeling her blood begin to boil. The shoes were from France, delicate black four-inch heels with two crisscrossing ankle straps. The stockings were black also, real silk and very sheer, imported from London. The garter belt was extra wide and custom made for a pregnant woman. It was made of a soft stretch satin and colored a very pastel peach with old lace trim. It rode very high on her tummy, and the garters were pulling out the fabric of her panties. These were also made of peach colored stretch satin and cut for an expecting mother. Her heavy breasts were encased in a matching silk bra. Dawn hadn't realized how much they had grown and the "D" cups were literally overflowing. A very sheer white nightie also covered her chest. This had been the hardest to find and Dawn had spent several hours on her laptop after surgery before she located the small Italian designer's site. It was elastic at the top and fitted under the arms leaving her shoulders and neck bare. The front was an inverted "V" that left her tummy bare, but covered her sides, back and arms. Almost all of the other maternity sleepwear she had seen covered the wearer's tummy. Dawn had no intention of obscuring her view of that.

Dawn couldn't take her eyes off her lover she was such a vision, especially the way her tummy was framed by the sheer material. Dawn felt her heart beating in her throat; she could not remember ever being so turned on and at the same time so protective. Danielle reached the foot of the stair and stopped. She was staring at Dawn with a look somewhere between a deer caught in the headlights and a woman surprised in the shower. Rather than tell her how wonderful she looked Dawn picked up the goblets and walked over to her.

"You know I can't drink," Danielle said quietly. She still looked very apprehensive and it suddenly occurred to Dawn that she was ashamed of the way she looked. Dawn struggled to find the right words, the ones that would allay her lover's fears and tell her just how beautiful she was. None would come and eventually she just said, "Go ahead, you haven't touched a drop since two weeks before the tests came back. One lil glass of wine isn't going to hurt,"

Danielle nodded and took the goblet. They stood there a while in silence. Dani seemed nervous and Dawn found herself tongue-tied. Danielle put her goblet down on the decorative half table and said, "Let me go upstairs and put on something decent,"

Dawn caught her hand and pulled her close. She struggled for words, even now after knowing her so long she found Danielle to be too much of a girl sometimes. Dawn didn't think like a girl and sometimes Danielle's thoughts were as alien to her as they would have been to a man. She realized Danielle felt unattractive, as incomprehensible as it was to the small butch.

"Please don't,"

"Dawn, I'm fat as a house, I look..."

"You look beautiful," Dawn said placing a finger on Danielle's lips to silence her. The green eyes looked intently into hers, as if searching for deceit. When they found only love and sincerity her whole demeanor changed. She melted into Dawn's arms, pressing against her and hugging tightly.

Dawn handed her the goblet of wine and they moved to the deep shag carpet in front of the fire. Dawn helped Dani sit and then sat down behind her with her back on the sofa. She reached out and gently pulled the redhead back until Danielle's back was pressed against her chest and abdomen with Dawn's legs almost wrapped around her. Dawn's hands slipped around her lover's sides to rest on her tummy. Danielle snuggled back against her and let her head fall back onto Dawn's shoulder.

The wind was howling now, and the rain pelted the roof and windows, but the fire was warm and crackled merrily. It felt so good to be holding Danielle and to be home again. Dawn felt the nervous energy drain from her to be replaced with a deep contentment. Danielle was warm and soft and smelled like peaches and cream. Dawn inhaled deeply, smelling Dani's shampoo and faintly another scent. She was almost sure it was the scent of her lover's arousal, but she couldn't be sure that wasn't just what she wanted it to be.

The storm intensified outside with thunder booming and lightening flashing. Inside it was warm and cozy and Dawn was caught between savoring the moment and wanting to make love to Danielle so badly it was painful. Dawn let her fingers gently caress Dani's tummy. The skin was soft and warm to her touch and Dani sighed quietly and snuggled back against her. Dawn brushed her lips along the sensitive skin of the redhead's shoulder, which elicited a soft moan. Her hands moved up along the curve of her lover's belly until they encountered the soft silk of her bra. As Dawn's hands cupped the swollen tits her mouth moved along the silken skin to Danielle's neck.

The pregnant woman shivered and grasped both of Dawn's hands in her own. With shocking suddenness a clap of thunder shook the house and the lights dimmed and then failed. A sharper retort announced that the transformer at the small substation that powered the community had blown. Dawn was on her feet before the last of the thunderclap had reverberated into stillness.

"I'll go get the shutters, you better light a few candles," she said. Her voice was thick and husky and she could feel the moistness between her legs acutely now. She hurried into the kitchen to grab the battery powered light from it's charger and then hit the small metal button next to the kitchen window. With a loud metallic clack and thud the storm window locked into place. These shutters consisted of overlapping metal plates, much like a cargo door on a warehouse. They cranked back into a hidden aperture and were held in place by a simple pin. Pressing the small button located in each sill pushed the pin out of its groove and the shutter uncoiled with great force and rapidity. Dawn had insisted on having them installed when the house was nearly finished. She had lived in Florida too long not to know what a strong ocean wind could do to plate glass windows.

She hit the two buttons for the sliding glass door and then hurried back into the great room and up the stairs. Dani was closing the windows in the great room as Dawn ascended the stairs. She skipped the second floor and hurried to the attic where she closed all of the windows in Danielle's study and then returned to the second floor and the four windows in the guest bedrooms. Dawn estimated that the wind was gale force by now and lightning poured across the sky like liquid fire as she hurried down the short hallway. She quickly closed the three shutters in the master bedroom and then glanced over her shoulder.

Seeing the hallway empty she opened the pier cabinet on her side of the bed and opened the bottom drawer. This was where she kept her harness and the various dildos she owned. Dawn deftly lowered her leathers to her knees and pushed her boxers down. With a practiced motion she buckled on her harness. She normally wore it beneath her clothing, but hadn't taken it with her knowing she would be in the hospital most of the time. Besides the obvious lack of need for it most of her family were unaware she was gay and she had not wanted to have to explain that to them on top of the surgery.

It felt good to have it on and she reached automatically for the smaller blue dildo she wore most often with Dani. It was while she was doing this that she noticed the unopened box in the bottom of the pier and paused. She had ordered it during her last episode of what Dani jokingly referred to as penis envy. It had arrived at the house the day she left for the hospital and she hadn't even bothered opening it, she had just tossed it into her pier and forgotten about it.

Dawn took the box out and tore it open. Inside the brown paper wrapping was a second box. This one was long and colored a garish purple with the words Purple Dinosaur printed on it in Day-Glo neon purple. It was obviously a play on the popular children's character, but aside from the humor value Dawn had purchased it for its size. She opened the purple box and pulled the dong out. It was eleven inches long and nearly four around, made out of a translucent purple jelly. It was also significantly heavier than any of her others and drooped under it's own weight. Dawn smiled and attached the heavy dong to her harness and then pulled up her leathers. It felt good to be packing again, she thought as she slipped the smaller blue dildo into her jacket pocket. She just wanted to see Dani's face when she whipped the big one out. She knew her small framed lover would no doubt refuse to let her anywhere near her with the purple dinosaur on so she carried the other down in her pocket. .

Dawn hurried downstairs hoping Dani wouldn't guess what she had been doing up there. Dawn had always loved storms, they made her horny like no aphrodisiac in the world, but now she was grateful to this one for the opportunity to slip on her harness without breaking the mood. When she made it back downstairs Danielle was sitting before the fireplace again, a few candles flickered and the soft light gave her pale skin a golden hue, almost like it was glowing. Dawn tossed her jacket on the sofa and sat back down behind her lover. Her hands slipped back around the pregnant woman's waist to gently caress her swollen tummy. Dawn returned her mouth to the delicate skin of her lover' shoulder and began to kiss, lick and nip her way up towards her jaw. Danielle shuddered violently when Dawn's lips trailed kisses along her neck to the area behind her ear.

Dawn's hands slipped slowly over the redhead's rounded tummy to just below her breasts where she spread her fingers and tenderly squeezed. Danielle's breasts were large and soft, that was one of the many reasons Dawn had found her attractive in the first place, but now they were absolutely huge. Even when she fully spread her fingers she couldn't contain them. Dawn squeezed them again, feeling the soft flesh conform to her hands and then spill between her fingers. Danielle whimpered softly which only served to enflame Dawn's desire even more. Dawn traced the tip of her tongue along Dani's earlobe as her palms found the hardened nipples and gently squeezed. Dani shuddered in her arms as the stimulation began to tell on her. Her breathing became shorter and more ragged and tiny gasps and whimpers escaped her lips. Dawn seized her earlobe between her teeth and bit down sharply producing a gasp of delight. It was then that Dawn became aware of a wetness on her fingertips.

Dawn released her lover's ear lobe and craned her neck to see over Dani's shoulder. Two large darker stains in the peach fabric of her bra covered her nipples. Dani became aware of what Dawn was staring at and flushed a deep red.

"Oh my god," she ejaculated, "I am so embarrassed, Dawn I..."

"When did this start?" Dawn asked, cutting off Dani's apology.

"Three weeks ago," Dani replied sheepishly. Dawn gently squeezed the hard nipples and Dani moaned despite her embarrassment.

"May I taste?"


"Would it bother you if I tried some?"

"No... Of Course... Oh Dawn!" she blurted out and twisted her body to hug Dawn tightly. Dawn was shocked to notice tears streaming down her lover's cheeks.

"Shhh, hush baby," she whispered and stroked Dani's thick auburn tresses.

"I've been so lonely, and I have wanted you so badly, but then I got so big and I was afraid you wouldn't want to touch me and..." she sobbed.

"Shhhh. I think you're sexy lil bit, as sexy as you have ever been. I am so sorry I left you alone to worry, I should have realized, but I am here now, I love you and I can't wait to get you naked and fuck your brains out,"

"Oh god I have been dying for your touch."

Dawn had her arms around her lover and deftly unclasped the beautiful bra. She felt Dani's breasts spill out against her own. She then reached down and caught the pregnant woman's legs and twisted her around until Danielle sat between her legs with her own over Dawn's thighs and pointed toward the sofa. Now that they were face-to-face Dawn caught the front of the bra and tugged it off Dani's shoulders and down her arms. In the soft light she now got her first look at her lover's body in over four months.

In the light her pale skin seemed golden, touched by fire. Dawn's hands moved up along her hips and then gently over her bulging tummy. Her skin was so soft; it glided under the butch's hands like raw silk. Dani's breasts were much larger and fuller and rested on her tummy now rather than standing out from her chest. The nipples and aureoles were no longer a pinkish red but a darker brown color that contrasted amazingly with her pale skin. Even in the weak light Dawn could make out the tiny network of veins beneath her skin and the traces of moisture on her nipples. Dawn felt desire coiling in the pit of her stomach, twisting into a tight knot that was centered in her aching pussy.

Dawn gently forced her hands under the heavy breasts and began to softly knead them. She was entranced by them, their weight, their texture, their ripeness all served to fan her desire to a fever pitch. She leaned forward and kissed the bottom of Danielle's chin as her fingers slowly circled the heavy orbs, allowing only her fingertips to make contact. Dani groaned and Dawn felt her lover's nails gently grazing her arms. Dawn's fingertips continued their gentle circuit, slowly working inwards as her lips rained kisses on Dani's neck and shoulders. The redhead's moans became louder and were punctuated with the little whimpers that Dawn so loved. By the time her fingers were grazing the aureoles Dani was uttering a string of incoherent syllables and animal sounds. The grunts and groans signaled she was near orgasm and Dawn reveled in the feeling of power that gave her. She delighted in making Dani come, making her feel so good she couldn't keep silent, and the fact she was almost there just from having her breasts stroked and neck licked really made it special for Dawn.

Dani's nipples and breasts had always been sensitive but now they seemed even more so and Dawn deliberately delayed touching her nipples. She continued the lazy circles just outside the aureoles and intensified her licking and tonguing of the redhead's throat. The pregnant woman's fingers dug into her back and then reflexively clenched. Dawn bit down on her throat, not hard enough to draw blood but harder than she ever had before.

A long screeching scream burst from the pregnant woman's lips and she arched her back as her orgasm overtook her. Through the shuddering orgasm and it's many after shocks Dawn's hands never ceased to squeeze and knead those wondrous tits. She felt herself drawn to them, like a moth to the flame and she licked her lips in anticipation.

When she had calmed some and was breathing more normally Dani kissed Dawn's cheek. Dawn smiled and then trailed kisses down the slope of the pregnant woman's chest towards her nipples. Dawn covered one with her mouth and gently sucked it in. It was hard and rubbery and she scraped her tongue over it, but nothing happened. Dawn grunted and pressed her face deeper into the soft pillow of Dani's breast, taking more in until she felt her lips close behind the hard nub. Sucking hard she gently bit down on the nipple and Danielle groaned. Dawn felt her mouth filling with her love's sweet milk. She had never tasted breast milk before and had no idea what to expect. The sweet fluid tasted nothing like the milk she had in her morning coffee, it was sweeter and thicker and it was infinitely better. Dawn began to suckle like a child, pulling hard at the nipple until her mouth filled and then swallowing, only to pull again. Dani was moaning and her hand was inside her new panties, rubbing herself as she watched Dawn suckle. With her free hand she gently caressed Dawn's cheek

This went on until Dawn could pull no more from the hard nipple and without conscious thought she moved to the other. Something deep in her chest demanded that she had to have more. The taste was incredible, but more than that it was just knowing she was sucking life giving milk from the breast that would soon nourish their child that left her nearly fainting with arousal. The overwhelming sensations left her on the verge of madness. The raw eroticism of the act was juxtaposed with the loving, caring, protective feelings for her mate in a wild panoply that left her body throbbing and her heart feeling like it would burst through her rib cage. Dani's moaning and cooing added to the need building in the pit of her stomach. With a shuddering wail the pregnant woman climaxed again and she collapsed against Dawn.

With Danielle's orgasm the arousal level inside of Dawn peaked, crystallizing all the emotions into a burning need centered in her soaking pussy. That need was clear and unequivocal; she had no choice but to heed it. She had to take this enchanting woman right now. There could be no more holding back. The urge was primal, and if she had been asked she could not have explained it any more than a rutting buck could explain his need or a mother bear could explain her ferocious defense of her cubs. It was as elemental as the storm that raged outside.

Dawn disengaged herself and pulled the cushions off the sofa, making a small pedestal of them on the rug. Dani was still having after shocks as Dawn pulled her to a sitting position and then rolled her over on all fours.

"What?" she asked, still having trouble controlling her breathing. Dawn did not respond, her need was in control, driving her forward with an almost frantic urgency. She shifted the redhead's hips slightly so that her tummy was resting on the cushions and the majority of her weight was on her hands and knees. Dani's full breasts swayed gently as dawn tugged and pushed on the cushions. Once satisfied that her lover's tummy was fully supported Dawn nearly ripped her leathers down, pulling the large dildo out and knee walking between Dani's legs. She flipped up the gauzy nightie and gently stroked Dani's ass with one hand and the dildo with the other.

"What are you up to?" Dani said with a giggle that died on her lips when she looked over her shoulder and saw Dawn stroking the purple monster.

"Now wait a minute!" she began to protest as Dawn released the dildo and peeled the peach panties off of her lover's up thrust derriere. Dawn only forced them down far enough to expose the swollen pink lips of Dani's soaked pussy. She held her lover's hip with one hand to steady herself and with the other guided the drooping purple head of her dildo to Dani's entrance.

"Dawn, I don't think... Ohhhh!.. No fair," she moaned as Dawn stroked the head up and down her wet slit. Dawn continued to rub the head along her lips until it glistened in the weak light. She guided it to her lover's entrance and felt Dani tense up under her hands.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked, even to her own ear her voice sounded husky and thick with lust.

Danielle looked over her shoulder again and the concern melted into a bemused smile. "One of these days you and I are going to have to talk about this penis envy thing before you come at me with a tree trunk or something," she said with a giggle.

"Bull," Dawn grunted, "you forget, I saw you with that monstrosity you got as a gag gift."

"My curiosity always gets the better of me in the end," Dani sighed and laughed.

"No, tonight I am going to get you in the end, if you will just hold still," Dawn said smiling.

Dani turned her head back and relaxed, "I have been dying for you baby," she said in a voice so soft Dawn could barely make out the words over the storms incessant howl.

"I am sorry, my love, sorry for being gone so long," Dawn said gently stroking her back, "I will make it up to you."

"You already have; it's just so good to have you home,"

"I haven't yet, but I will," Dawn said as she pressed her hips forward and the head of her dildo forced itself past the outer ring of muscles. A long exhalation was Dani's only response. Dawn pressed forward again and the dildo bent downwards allowing her hips to smack into Dani's behind. Dawn growled in frustration, but Danielle burst out laughing.

"You know maybe you do need to worry about how big you are baby, I barely felt that at all," she said through gales of laughter. Dawn felt herself flush with anger, but hearing Dani's gentle laughter removed the sting from it and she smiled. Dawn heard no derision in the laughter of her lover, only happy amusement.

Dawn pulled back and grasped the dong in her hand, while holding Dani's hip with the other, she eased forward, feeling the blunt head press into the redhead's tight passage. The laughter died in an abrupt gasp. Dawn forced more of the jelly dildo in; slowly sliding her hand back to keep it rigid, when a little over half was in Dani began to whimper.

"Still think I need more?"

"N..No, that's too much for comfort,"

Dawn shot her hips forward in a sharp thrust that sent another two inches of the purple monster into Dani's gaping pussy. The redhead groaned and Dawn smiled. Now she would get the little vixen back, she thought.

"You sure babe?" she said. Before Dani could respond, Dawn drove more in with a strong thrust.

"I should have used a bigger one on you when I had the chance, you witch," Dani said through clenched teeth.

"Speaking of which, I still owe you," Dawn said grasping the redhead's hips firmly and sinking more of the dildo into her dripping snatch.


"Are you all right?" Dawn blurted out.

"I'm fine, just take it easy for a bit, that things big,"

Dawn leaned over her back and let her hands slide down to the two swollen breasts hanging from Dani's thin chest. She gently kneaded them and licked Dani's neck. When the redhead woman shivered she whispered "you don't really want me to take it easy do you?"

"Mmm, no, not really," Dani said in a small voice.

"What do you want?"

"You know."

"Tell me."

"I want you to ravish me my prince."

Dawn pushed her self back up and firmly gripped Dani's hips. She rocked back a bit and then forward not even moving the dildo at first. She slowly gained momentum, working her hips in a circular motion as she dragged the dildo from Dani's tight tunnel and then forced it back in. After a while it became slippery with the pregnant woman's juices and began to slide in and out easily almost effortlessly. Dawn began to draw it out farther, until she was driving into her lover with long deep strokes. She loved watching the ripples in Dani's firm ass as she smacked into it. She also loved the sounds of the dildo sliding in and out and the muffled moans and groans of her lover.

Dawn loved using the strapon on Dani. She reveled in the feeling of control and the way she could drive the little femme to stronger and stronger orgasms. Nothing got her off like hearing Danielle screaming out her name as she came. It had been over four months and Dawn was determined to really do it right tonight. She gritted her teeth and took an even firmer hold on Dani's hips. From the smooth in out motion Dawn switched to a lunging, driving thrust and withdrawal. This motion was one she could keep up all night because it was mostly in her hips and thighs. She knew this rhythm drove Dani to the brink fast. The driving from the lower angle forced the bottom of the dildo to scrape along her clit with each thrust.

Dani's gasps and moans quickly rose to a cacophony of inarticulate syllables, moans and cries which ended in a feral scream as Dawn felt her lover's inner muscles contract around the dildo.

"That's it baby, cum for me. Cum for daddy," Dawn coaxed as she continued to fuck the pregnant woman. Dawn continued to pump in and out as her lover's bottom became unglued before her eyes bouncing and thrusting back on the purple dildo. As much as she hated to she had to slow her pace because she was afraid of Dani hurting herself.

Danielle slowly came down from her climax and Dawn withdrew the big dildo. She unbuckled her harness and went to the bathroom to get the big bottle of lotion and a towel. She returned and helped Dani onto her back and then tenderly cleaned the redhead's pussy. She longed to use her mouth but that could wait, they had forever. She then squirted a generous amount of lotion into her palm and slowly worked it into her lover's breasts and tummy, paying special attention to her nipples. Danielle sighed and murmured declarations of her love in a voice so soft that Dawn couldn't make out all the words. Even with the storm dying, it's wail and moan were sufficient to drown out the pregnant woman's voice.

By the time Dawn was satisfied that she had gotten all of her lover's body the storm had abated to a gentle rain. Mirroring their passions it had passed from warning signs, building to a powerful force of nature and passing way with a wail and howl to a soft contemplative whisper. Dawn stripped off her clothes and curled up next to Dani. They fell into a deep sleep together with Dawn's arm draped protectively over Dani's tummy. The rain continued to fall, the surf continued to pound, and the fire continued to burn. Inside the quiet little house another force of nature held the others at bay. Rare and wondrous, this force was the love between two souls and it would prove time and again to be stronger than any of the others.


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