Daniels Magic

By Eric Rangel

Published on Apr 26, 2006


Legal Disclaimer:

I do not know or claim to know Daniel Radcliffe and I don't mean to imply any knowledge of his personal live or sexual preferences. This is FICTION and nothing more. If your under 18 or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state or province, or don't like to read fan-fictions about same sex romances then DO NOT read this story.

The author retains all rights to this story, and should not be published without authorization.


First of all, I want to declare something: this is my first story, so be merciful with me, specially in the grammar and spelling matters (I'm not a native speaker), and also there something important to be said: THIS IS NOT A SEX-IN-THE-FIRST-LINE STORY, this is a story of romance and love, there will be some hot action, you can bet, but after all it's only a part, not the core, of this story. If this isn't what you're looking for, I'm sorry, but you can come back when you are in a romantic mood. Now, that that's out of the way let's begin.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Eric A. Rangel I'm from Mexico City, I'm 26 years old and this is my story, well, our story. I'm the Foreign Business Director of one of the biggest companies in Mexico. One day in the past year my boss called me to his office, this wasn't a strange thing, but this time I felt that I'll be something different than usual, -Come in- I heard my boss said as I knocked at the door- Sit down Eric, I have something very important to say to you- I sat and nodded at his firsts words -You know very well that we have some important transactions in South America, and you also know that we have investments projects in Colombia- With that I know where he was heading to, I'm gonna be asked to travel to Bogota, Colombia's capital city. -So, I'm gonna give you a very important mission: you're going to represent the Company and lead the final investors meeting over there- So I wasn't wrong, I was going to Bogota -Sir, let me tell you that this is a huge opportunity and I thank you for it, and be sure I won't disappoint you, but I have a concern about the securi...- -I knew that you will say that,- he interrupted me -you'll be well protected, I have already hired a small pack of bodyguards to take care of you day and night over there, I checked the names myself.- I have no excuses left, so I accepted the mission and that night I was packing my things I couldn't sleep very well because I was thinking of the adventure coming ahead, and believe me, not even in my wildest dreams I could foresaw the upcoming events.

The next morning I took the plane and the moment I went out the airport doors a huge man walked into me and presented himself: -Good Afternoon Mr. Rangel, my name is Marco Zavala, I'm the leader of your security personal in this trip, don't doubt to ask anything you need, sir- -Nice to meet you Marco, - I said to him as we started walking -I want a 24 hours vigilance even at the hotel, I want a couple of your guys be at any time guarding my room, maybe I'm being paranoid, but I don't wanna have nasty surprises.- He accepted my request and coordinate the guards as we walked out of the airport to the parking lot where two cars were waiting us. -You'll travel in the first car sir, with two of my men, the rest of us will be traveling in the other car following yours.- I accepted and climbed in the back seat of the front car, we went to my hotel and I relaxed the rest of the noon, I was very tired for the long flight. Time to time I heard the conversation of the guards outside my door and I felt secure enough to sleep until next morning.

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning and took a shower, I knew that the next three days will be long and hard-work ones, I wasn't wrong. For the next days I went to several meetings, business meals, even night receptions, always protected by my Company security personal; fortunately the businesses were moving very smoothly and I was sure I wasn't going to have any trouble completing my tasks.

By the end of third day I was starting to be VERY tired to have somebody always watching me and analyzing what I was doing, this was a down side of the protection that I didn't foresaw. When we're moving out of the last reception I said to Marco: -I wanna drive- He looked at me and ordered to the driver to give me the keys. The driver was sitting by my side guiding me all the way back to the hotel, we arrived and I parked the car in the usual place, and before anyone could do anything I walked to the elevators and said -Good night!-. I didn't returned the car keys to the driver, this was a part of my plan, I was tired of being monitored all the week and I had decided that I was going to spend the last night in Colombia by my own.

I took a shower and changed to a more urban outfit, then I waited at the door until I heard that the men were very silent, I opened the door and saw that the guards were asleep sat on chairs near the elevator. I realized that if I go to the elevator they'll notice that I was running away, then I saw that the service ladders are just in the opposite side of the corridor. I went one floor down and then used the elevator to get to the parking level. Fortunately nobody was near the cars, so I got into the one that I had just drove and went out of the hotel!.

I felt like a fugitive, and in one way I was one, I tried to remember the streets and the way to go back to the hotel, but I was so enthusiastic that very soon I was lost. I have no idea where I was, and surely it wasn't one of the best neighborhoods of the city.

I was stopped in a red light when I saw a small group of men running between the cars and quick-checking every car, they were looking for someone, I was scared to death, then I saw that the man checking my car was carrying a gun, so I pushed the accelerator full throttle and was flying the hell out of there!. When they noticed my car running away they started chasing me with a van that was parked near there. I was bitterly regretted that I left my bodyguards, I started to drive frenetically and suddenly I realized that I had lost them. My heart was jumping in my throat; I had seen enough of Bogota all I wanted was to get back to my hotel.

Trying to get out of that maze of streets I did a closed turn and then I saw a boy sat in the dark, with his head between his knees, when he saw my car lights, he twisted a little; there was something strange there: he didn't look like a local boy. To this day I can't explain this but something called me to climb down my car and go to see if he was all right. I left the car engine running and crossed the street, I looked around to see if nobody was near, but the streets looked deserted. When I was by his side I put my hand in his shoulder at the time that ask him, "¿Estas bien?" (are you ok?), when he felt my hand he jumped apart and screamed very loud yelling: - No!!!!!!, get out!, leave me alone!!!-

I saw that his blue eyes where filled with fear, the very same fear that I felt when I ran away from the guys back there. I realized that something was wrong there, he had answered me in English!, and he looked vaguely familiar, I kneeled and said to him: - Please, calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you, please, tell me what happened to you-

I can see that his face was with some scars and he has dry blood on his thin lips, I continued talking to him: - What's your name boy, what are you doing here, alone? - He stared at me, like if he was trying to get into my soul, to see if he can trust me, when I saw that I just smiled to him, and with this he threw himself into my arms, crying out loud: - Please, get me out of here; I beg you, take me out!!!-

I was so touched by this that I take him in my arms and carry him to my car and softly sit him in the front seat. I returned to the driver's door and drove until we found my hotel. When we arrived I realized that my bodyguards surely had noticed my absence so, when I have parked the car I give a look at him, and asked: -Don't worry, you're safe now, do you wanna make a phone call? He answered me: -Yes, thank you so much- -Ok, let's go to the lobby to use the phone...- -No, I don't want that anybody see me, Could I use your room's phone? - -Sure thing boy, come, let's go up-

I guided him through the parking lot and into the elevator, and I repeated the trick to get out but in reverse: I climbed to one floor down my room and use the stairs to climb the last floor, it worked perfectly. When we entered to my room I could see that he was very hurt and walked painfully, he got the phone, dialed a very long number and waited at the speaker, he hung up, and tried again, same thing. Then he turned looking at me with those amazing blue eyes filled with tears, and tell me: -Nobody answers me, I just wanna get out of this hell!!!-

I came down to him and gave him a big hug, he putted his arms around me and pressed very hard, I just stayed there holding him until he calmed down, -What happened to you bud? - Between sobs and with his hand drying his tears answered me -I was kidnapped, I came here to make promotion to my new film and when I was going to an interview a lot of people blocked the street, killed my driver, got me out of the car hit me on the head and I fell unconscious... -

MY NEW FILM??? My god,,,, now I know why he looks so familiar, he was Daniel Radcliffe!!! Harry Potter star!!!, I couldn't believe this, he was telling me the story -...they get me in a very dark room, feeding me only with water and some bread, suddenly, after 10 days, one young member of the gang came to me and told me that he was a fan of my movies, he set me free and climbed me in a van, we got out of there and he told me to run, before they capture me again, I was running until I fell and hit my face on the floor, I just sat when you arrived... - -I supposed, that you were calling you parents, in London, aren't you? - -Yes, but nobody ans,,, Wait a sec,,, HOW DO YOU KNOW MY PARENTS LIVE IN LONDON???- he said with an increasing alarm tone in his voice, while he was walking away from me. -Hey, calm down, I just recognized you, you're Daniel Radcliffe, right? - He nodded very slowly, and fear became to fade from his eyes as he begin to understand - that's how I know where do you live, I mean, ALL world knows that!, or am I wrong?- I said this smiling a bit, he begin to relax again while he sat in the bed and he smiled back to me, - And don't worry 'bout your parents bud, I think they're coming this way, I think that they are very worried about you, why don't you call the polic... -

I haven't finished the word when he screamed: -NO!!!, I don't speak Spanish but I'm sure that some of the guys that kidnapped me were cops, I figured the word out, - and he pronounced "policia" (policeman in Spanish).

-Ok, there's another way: We can call the UK embassy and they will guard you until your parents arrive- -No, because if I go to the embassy this will be a media show, you don't have any idea of how cruel the press could be, I don't want anybody to know about this- -Well, I'm sure that your parents are coming this way, but you don't want to go to the police, or anybody else and I go back to my country tomorrow's morning! - With this, his eyes begin to fill again, every time this happened I felt my heart will broke just there, he sprang out of the bed and came to me, pleading: -Please, don't leave me here, PLEASE, take me with you!!!-

I couldn't think a negative answer with his beautiful eyes staring at me with a light of hope, and I said to him, -don't worry we'll get out of here, you're a minor, you're not supposed to travel without your parents if you don't have their signed authorization and of course you don't have your passport. Honestly I don't know how but you'll be in the plane with me, ok?. Don't worry, you'll be all right- finally, I got a big smile from him and another big hug, I hold him while I was rubbing his back, and stroking his hair, he was pressed against my chest sobbing and mumbling -thank you, thank you... -

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well that was just the first (introductory) chapter of this story, I will appreciate your comments on danielsmagic@gmail.com tell me what do you think of the story, and what you didn't like of it. Every week I'll post the next chapter, I can assure you that the next chapter will be plagued with emotion, excitement and of course, romance. Keep readin'! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 2

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