
By Art Fex

Published on Nov 23, 2002


If you are under eighteen please leave now. The following story contains male/male sex so if you are likely to be offended leave now.

Comments welcome at....ayedee@tiscali.co.uk

DANNY.......part 3.

I don't think I have mentioned before that since I gave up the sea I have worked as a freelance Interior Designer and through word of mouth managed to make enough to pay my bills, without digging into my capital.

I was working steadily when Tessa (Dannys Mum) arrived on Monday morning

"Thank you for bringing Danny home on Saturday, he was full of it when he came home, he seems thrilled to have you as a friend" said Tessa.

"I'm glad he regards me as a friend, I feel he is the younger brother I never had, I enjoy his company and he is full of life" I told her

"He is certainly livelier since meeting you, constantly chattering and not shutting himself away on his own like he did, you must make sure he doesn't take advantage of you with the computer etc. it makes his life a lot easier, I only wish we could get him one, make sure he doesn't get in your way"

"I promise" I said holding my hands up and laughing, "as soon as he gets in the way I will throw him out, I'm sorry you have an extra bed to do this morning" I made a mental note to be sure to mess up the spare bed whenever Danny stayed, from then on we made love in the spare room and slept in our room, and made love of course.

Just as Tessa was leaving I said, "I often go to the cinema, it's not much fun going on your own, do you think Danny would like to go"

I'm sure he would, do you want me to ask him" she answered.

"No that's OK, I feel certain he will want to use the computer before the end of the week, I will ask him then, I think Friday would be best as he doesn't have college the next morning"

Danny rang late Tuesday afternoon, I was pretty certain it would be him and as I picked up the phone I said "Hello sunshine, yes before you ask, the PC is free and you can use it"

"How did you know it was me" he asked.

"Because you are causing my phone to overheat and you are breathing heavy, see you in ten minutes, Oh by the way tell Mum you will have supper here, that is if you want to"

"You bet I do, are we having the usual starter" he asked.

"No, I am saving that for sweet" I told him

"Super, see you in five" Danny said with a little laugh...and he was...letting himself in.

The radio was on in the kitchen so I didn't hear him come in, the first I knew was a pair of arms hugging me and a voice whispered, "I've missed you and I love you" before he kissed me on the back of the neck. It was almost like an electric shock as he touched me, I can't explain why, nobody had ever done this to me before.

I twisted round to face him and we kissed, a long lingering kiss full of passion, it was incredible that a young person like Danny could express such warmth. I could feel his very hard cock pressing against me but he made no attempt to touch me and I didn't touch him.

I pushed him away saying, "Come on, work before play, get on with your project and if you are very very good I might allow you to make love to me later, I will get supper"

"OK then, did you notice I didn't touch your dick; I wanted to but I don't need to, just being with you is all I need" Danny said as he turned away.

"That's OK then, we won't bother with sex" I said with a little smile.

"Adrian you wouldn't do that to me, would you" Danny said with a rather forlorn look.

"You know I couldn't, I want you just as much as you want me, but later" Danny went off to the computer and I got supper started then sat down with a book.. I had noticed that when Danny used the PC he did work constantly and I wondered how well he did with his college work, it was almost 45 minutes before I heard the printer working.

"Are you finished now" I asked

"Just about, I just have to check everything" he replied.

"Right I will finish off supper" I said as I went to the kitchen A few minutes later I returned to see him still sitting there avidly reading the screen, as I got closer I realised he was on the net reading a story on Nifty with a glorious column of man meat in his hand, it looked even bigger than before.

"I thought you were saving that for me, I'm sure you are getting bigger"

"I think you are right, it must be because I'm not playing with it any longer, I'm using it properly to give my boyfriend and me so much pleasure, I just hope I never hurt you" Danny said.

"You will never hurt me intentionally, no matter how big you get I will still want you inside me giving me your love, this gorgeous thing gives me feelings I have never known before" I said.

"This thing does the same to me" he said squeezing my cock, "Right from the time I knew I was gay I knew that the time would come when I would have a cock in my bum, and I was scared. In fact I was scared right up to the time you entered me, I desparately wanted you but I was so nervous that it would hurt, but as soon as your head pushed through my hole I felt fulfilled and when you pulled out I felt empty"

"You are a beautiful young man and I love you so much, come on let's have supper before it's ruined

After we had eaten we sat together on the couch just necking but with two very pronounced bulges in our jeans, "Do you want to have sex" I asked.

"Not unless you do, I want sex to be something special not just a routine, but we haven't had pudding yet, I would like that before I go home"

"I'm so glad, that will keep me going until the weekend, what are you doing on Friday?" I asked him.

"Nothing that I know of, I was hoping that I could see you" replied Danny

"Would you like to go to a movie and then have a meal somewhere, of course by that time it will probably be to late to go home so you will have to use the guest room"

"That's what I like about you" said my lover, "You have everything worked out in advance so that Mum and Dad don't get suspicious, you really are the best, I will tell Mum."

Mum already knows, I thought it might be best if I asked her first so that everything appears above board so to speak," I then told him about my conversation with Tessa, "Do you mind"

"Of course not I certainly don't want to worry them, I have already decided to tell them I'm gay, I'm going to do it in two weeks time when I have my birthday, I'm not going to mention us unless they ask, but I think they will be OK with it, they are so pleased that we are good friends" said Danny "By the way, why did you call me sunshine on the phone"

"Because you are my ray of sunshine, you have brought happiness into my life. Do you want pudding now"

We slowly undressed each other, it didn't take long as I discovered that like me he was only wearing a tracksuit, with no underwear. We were as eager as each other and in no time we were on the couch devouring each other, Danny was so gentle unlike so many guys, he slowly took all of me right into his throat with no trouble as his fingers pushed into my bum. With the girth of his weapon I certainly had my mouth full and his tip was somewhere near my Adams Apple, my fingers were exploring the nicest and tightest male hole that I had ever touched, I was looking ahead to Friday when we shared our bed and I filled his belly with my love juice. For ten minutes or more we sucked lovingly on our love sticks alternating with sucking two very full ball sacks. The first time Danny had sucked me I had felt it every time my head entered his throat but now it entered so easily as his lips slid up and down from my pee slit at the tip to my pubic hair at the base.. I was building to a wonderful climax and somehow I knew that we would go over the brink together and two minutes later we did and pumped what seemed like gallons of spunk into each other.

"Bloody hell Danny have you got a tankful of that stuff, that was the best sweet course I've ever had"

"Me too" said Danny with a sigh, "I haven't cum since we were together on Saturday, I wanted you to have it all, after all you are my lover"

"All great minds think alike, I have played with my dick all the time but saved myself for you, will you hold me tight for a little while before you go home"

Danny left quite early with a loving kiss and a promise to be here early on Friday. When Tessa arrived on Wednesday morning she said, "I'm pleased you sent Danny home early, you mustn't let him take advantage of your kindness, I shall have to think about paying you for his meals"

"Don't be silly, he is no trouble at all, he was using the PC and I was reading...(well for part of the time), I usually have a meal after the cinema would it be OK if Danny comes as well"

"Of course he can if he wants to although I can't imagine him saying no, but you must let him pay his share I don't want him having a free ride"

"It won't be free ride, he is paying his share by keeping me company, why doesn't he stay over and I can take him to rugby on Saturday, I usually watch a match somewhere and now I know Danny I will have someone to support. He tells me he has a birthday in a couple of weeks, what do you usually do for birthdays"

"Nothing very much, we always exchange gifts of course and sometimes I cook a special meal, but that's all"

"Can I make a suggestion, why don't all three of you come here and I will cook a meal for the four of us"

"You can't do that, you're my employer"

"But you are also my friends, I want to and I won't take no for an answer" I said.

At last I got my way and Tessa accepted, I asked her not to tell Danny, just to say they were taking him for a meal for his birthday, but not where, after Tessa had left I wondered whether Danny would keep his word of telling them he was gay on his birthday.

Next: Chapter 4

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