Danny and Sam

By Danny Fitz

Published on Jul 28, 2012


Danny and Sam – Part 1

All the usual disclaimers apply. "Sam"s name has been changed to protect his identity.

Copyright to Danny Fitzwilliam 2012.

Please contact me with your feedback, and although this is pretty much exactly real life, I'm welcome to your suggestions, even if I don't incorporate them in the end. This will be a multi-part story.

Thanks, Danny


I first met Sam on an open day at the University of Central London. I was already at the university, in my first year studying French and Business. I had volunteered to help out at the open day, and had been assigned to guiding potential students around the campus, mostly to show them the university accommodation. As I led the last tour group of the day into my own hall of residence, and had just finished talking about the kitchen facilities (boring I know!), I felt a hand on my arm. I turned, expecting another dull parent asking me some ridiculous question about microwaves or some crap like that, but instead found the cutest guy I had ever seen, smiling sweetly. "Hey, Danny, I'm Sam... erm... I was just wondering what the bedroom facilities are like?" he said, and winked suggestively.

You've got to be kidding, I thought to myself. How forward can a guy be?!

I laughed. "Give me a minute, I'll be showing the whole group my room right now", I replied. And that was that. Or so I thought.

As the group filed out of my room, marking the end of the tour, I sighed, pleased to have finished my last long trek around the massive campus area. I closed the door and was turning around to go to my desk to get on with my latest essay, and before I even knew what hit me, I felt a soft pair of lips pressing hard against my own. I quickly realised that Sam must have hidden in the little alcove in the corner of my room between the wardrobe and the wall. He pushed me against the door, his hands moving all over my back, his body pressed hard against mine as we kissed.

"STOP!" I shouted suddenly, pushing him away from me, feeling doubly guilty, both from the hurt look on his delicious little face, and from the fact that I knew that what I was doing was wrong. He was only just starting to consider applying to university, that made him what, sixteen? Maybe 17 at most? I was 19, and even though the age gap wasn't massive, I still felt guilty. What can I say, I'm a careful guy!

I sat down on my bed, and took Sam's hand, pulling him down to sit next to me. "Look, Sam", I said. "I can't do this. You're not even necessarily going to come to uni here, and I've only just met you. I appreciate your interest, and don't get me wrong, you're a stunning guy, but I just can't right now. Here, this is my mobile number, we can keep in touch." I wrote my number on a sticky note off my desk, and pressed the paper into his hand. I kissed him on the cheek, and led him out of my room. The whole thing had lasted maybe two minutes, and the whole time he hadn't said a thing. For a guy that had only just met me, he looked heartbroken.

It took a whole two months before I got a call from Sam. I admired his courage after I'd blown him off so quickly last time. It was now the summer holidays, and only three weeks remained before the application deadline. I had no idea who was calling at first, as he'd never given me his number.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone.

A tentative reply followed, "Is this Danny?" Sam said in almost a whisper.

"Yes, Sam, it is," I answered. "I had been hoping you'd call. I feel like such a dick for how I turned you down so quickly when we met, before I even got to know you. Hell, I don't even know your last name."

"It's okay", he said, already sounding more confident. "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up or something? I get you don't want to have a relationship or anything like that, but I'd love for us to be friends. I don't know what it was, but when you gave us that tour around the campus, I just came to like you instantly. I was drawn to you in a way I couldn't imagine before."

"I'd love that," I replied.

We arranged to meet up in the city centre of Manchester, where we both happened to live. I was sitting at a table in a small coffee shop when Sam walked in. I was blown away by how he looked. I'd barely had time to even look at him when we last met, and could only really remember that I thought he was really cute.

Seeing him again, cute was an understatement. He wore a tight black t-shirt, with a light pattern decorating the left side. It perfectly showed off his slim figure. He clearly wasn't really muscled, but just really slim and delicate. His hair, a light blond sandy colour, suited him perfectly. It was short at the back and sides, but a little longer on the top, with a nice little fringe dropping onto his forehead. He'd clearly been on holiday recently, with a nice tan on his cute face and smooth arms. He was wearing tight blue skinny jeans, and narrow black pumps. I'd love to say that his tight jeans showed off an impressive bulge and a perfect ass, and I'm sure they did, but I didn't notice. I was just absolutely blown away by his gorgeous face. My lack of self-control embarrasses me, but I became rock hard instantly. I knew straight away that I wanted him, regardless of any age difference or anything else that could get in the way.

He smiled as he saw me, a big grin showing obvious joy (I almost fainted there and then) and walked over to the table. I stood up and we hugged, and I loved the feel of his hands pulling me towards him. He smelled delicious, and we embraced for what felt like an age, savouring the contact between us. I felt what Sam later told me he had felt when we met – love at first sight.

We ordered coffees, and talked for hours. I know I probably sound kind of shallow for only going for him for his looks, but rest assured we quickly got to know each other much better. We found we had a lot in common, particularly music, and got on really well.

After a long while, Sam asked me if I wanted to go for a walk or check out some of the shops nearby in the massive shopping centre.

"Frankly, Sam," I replied, "I don't."

A look of shock and worry passed over his face. I could see him frantically running over everything he had said or done since he arrived, trying to work out what he had done wrong. I smiled, taking hold of his hand in mine.

"Don't be silly. I just thought, if you want, we could go back to mine."

Sorry if this is a bit slow. I originally intended it to be pretty fast paced, but having looked back over what happened between me and Sam, I wanted to give a bit more detail and let you know everything that went on between us. I promise the next one will be a lot faster paced, longer and have more fun stuff in it!


Next: Chapter 2

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