Danny in the Dorm

By lukex

Published on Oct 10, 2023


Danny in the Dorm Part 5

Note: This story contains some light bondage and authoritarian themes. If you are not interested in that, read no further. Sorry for the delay in putting out this chapter; hope you like it.


The amount of cock I was sucking pretty much tripled after that. After Marc had found out I was Danny's personal cocksucker, and then had come down with his roommate Greg to get blow jobs, they made it a regular thing. So now not only was I sucking Danny regularly, but I was also servicing Marc and Greg whenever they wanted it. And they wanted it a lot. Even Adam, who was still shy and awkward around me, would sometimes hang around expectantly, waiting to get a blow job. Except he would wait around for me to suggest it or make a move; he never asked for it, like the others did. (Not that they asked, really; they just took what they wanted.)

It was a little hard to believe that in less than 24 hours I had gone from having an "arrangement" with my roommate to becoming the dorm cocksucker for 4 guys. It made me a little uneasy, because I could see that things could really get out of control and lots more people could find out. But it also made me tremendously excited, because all four of them were totally hot studs, and the best thing I could imagine was being able to suck their cocks. I didn't care that none of them were interested in me (or could care less about me, really) -- I just loved having my mouth used by them.

Marc or Greg would call down to my room when they wanted to be blown, and I would come right up. They shared a room on the fourth floor, while Danny and I lived on the first. Sometimes they would both be there, other times just one of them. I think they were really close friends who hung out a lot.

It's hard to say who I was more attracted to. They were both very good-looking with hard, athletic bodies. Marc was definitely the more dominant of the two, and he would usually be the one to direct the action if I was sucking both of them at the same time. And, of course, as hunky as they were, they still couldn't compare with Danny, who held a special place in my heart (and my throat) as my favorite stud to suck.

The experience that had expanded my circle of studs had been the most sexually intense I'd had. In less than twenty-four hours, I had given eight blow jobs: Greg once, Adam and Marc twice each, and Danny three times. It was unlike anything I'd experienced previously. And when I thought about it, I just wanted to do it more and more and again and again.

I didn't have to worry. Because they would provide more than enough opportunities. For the next week, I was averaging at least two suck sessions a day, sometimes more.

In the upcoming weeks, Danny developed an interest in playing games and placing bets, where the stakes involved sexual favors. We played ping pong in the student union a lot, to kill time when we didn't feel like studying. And we were both pretty good, but, truth be told, he was better. He would almost always win. But not always.

One day, we were playing and after a few minutes, just after he scored a solid point off me with a hard shot that just nicked the remote edge of the tabletop, he said, "Hey, Luke, what do you say we make this game a little more interesting?"

"Okay," I responded, ever the agreeable one where matters related to Danny were concerned. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's place a little wager on the outcome."

I grimaced. Danny came from a family with money (which just figured, of course, that he would be not just fortunate but excessively fortunate) and I most certainly did not. He always had extra cash for whatever, and I, despite working a part-time job, was just getting by. "I don't really have any cash to bet."

He nodded. "Well, we don't have to bet money. We can bet something else."

I'm not entirely sure why, but hearing him say that, with a vaguely suggestive look on his face, made my cock jump. "What did you have in mind?"

"How about this? If I win, you do my laundry this weekend."

I made a face. That was hardly what I had in mind.

"And, in the very unlikely event that you win, you get to suck my cock."

"Ha," I said, with a snort. "That sounds like a win-win for you, buddy. No dice."

"Come on, like you don't love it when I let you blow me. You're probably getting hard just thinking about it right now, aren't you, cocksucker?" He smiled at me, a divinely wicked smile.

He sure did know how to play me. Cause I was getting hard, and once he started talking like that, that was guaranteed to get me even harder. But I worried about this sucker bet, and that it might tip the balance of our admittedly unusual relationship. I completely surrendered to him in every sexual way, but that was it. And I didn't like the idea that he might try to swing things around so that I became his servant in any other way.

"Still, I blow you anyway, without a bet, so there's nothing in it for me. And you get your laundry done if you win."

"Alright, I'll sweeten the pot, you win and I'll take off my shirt while I stuff my dick down your throat."

That was genuinely worth playing for, because I craved just being able to see Danny's absolutely perfect chest, and he was stingy about showing it to me (mostly to torture me, I'm sure).

"Okay, deal."

Danny laughed and smiled. "All right! Prepare to lose!"

And, of course, I did. 21-13. Not even close.

As we walked back to the dorm, he threw his arm around my shoulders and said to me quietly, "Don't feel bad, laundry boy. I don't have too many clothes to wash. And if you do a good job, I'll let you blow me when you're done." He threw his head back and laughed, gently pushing my shoulder with a comradely shove.

He needled me the next day as I bundled his clothes with my own and made for the laundry room. But since it was early the room wasn't crowded and he really didn't have too many clothes to wash, so I got enough machines to do his and mine simultaneously and it didn't really add much time to the process at all.

When I returned to the room, he was just finishing dressing for the gym. "Ah, perfect, clean clothes from my maid. Toss me a pair of socks, will you?"

I reached into the laundry bag and pulled out a pair of white gym socks. "Here," I said, lobbing them at him.

He sat on his bed and pulled them on. "You had breakfast yet?"


"Well why you don't drop to your knees and I'll feed you some morning cock?"

And without hesitation I knelt before him just as he stood up from the bed. He pulled down his gym shorts and underwear and pulled out his dick and balls. I started licking his cock and all around his crotch.

"Good faggot," he said. "Get me hard."

I pulled his soft penis in my mouth and began to suck it while I reached up and played with his balls. In very short order, his cock grew to its beautifully firm state, filling my mouth.

He placed both hands on my head and began to thrust in and out steadily. I looked up at him; he was gazing down on me with an expression that suggested intent and control. His loose T-shirt was hanging off his wide, firm pecs, mostly shielding the majestic beauty of that chest. I reached up with both hands under his shirt and started to push it up, exposing the flat panel of his stomach.

He released my head and grabbed both my hands and pulled them down sharply. "Uh-uh, faggot, no way. You lost the bet, remember? You keep your hands off and just blow me, cocksucker."

And with that Danny began a steady face-fucking, holding my head in a tight vise-like grip, thrusting his cock deep into my throat and out again so that the head was just past my lips and then back down. He fucked me like that for about another 5 minutes and then with a sudden moan pushed himself even further into me and imprisoned my face hard against his crotch while he unloaded at least seven shots of hot cum that went straight down my throat.

When he was done, he withdrew his dick and wiped it on my face until it was dry, squeezing the last bit of cum out and wiping it in my hair. Then he pushed me away and pulled up his shorts.

"Well done, cocksucker." He stepped into his sneakers. "I'm going to the gym. Wanna get breakfast when i get back?"

I smiled. "Sure."

"Okay, see ya." And off he went.

Later that same afternoon, Adam came by the room while Danny was out. I'm not sure he ever got over the big night when he discovered me in the hallway with a faceload of cum. Adam was still shy and awkward about the whole thing but every now and then he would show up in the room, ostensibly to hang out but if Danny wasn't around he would eventually let it be known that I could blow him if I wanted. He never asked for it or suggested it or anything, but there was a particular way he would stand around that I grew to understand meant he was open to it.

And that's what happened that afternoon. He was standing around, bouncing a tennis ball off the wall while we made small talk. Him standing in the center of the room, me sitting back on my bed watching him. After about 10 minutes of him giving me furtive looks and pacing around, I got down off the bed, caught the tennis ball in mid-air, walked over and undid his pants. He stood, silently, not saying anything. I pulled down his jeans, got on my knees and blew him.

He liked it, of course, but he was very quiet and passive. After he blew a load (mostly in my mouth, but a little on my face and T-shirt), he pulled up his jeans and walked out, mumbling a half-hearted "See ya."

Marc was a different story. He was bold and brash and demanding. He would come by at all hours and make no effort to pretend it was for any other reason. Here's a typical episode:

I'm in my room, talking to a friend on the phone. There's a knock on the door.

"Hang on," I say into the phone and call out, "Yeah?"

The door opens and in walks Marc. He is wearing well-worn jeans that hang off his narrow waist and profile his crotch, practically forcing you to look there, and a sleeveless T-shirt that reveals the broad muscular ridges of his shoulders and his rock hard arms.

"Hey, homo, I'm here to get blown," he says, without a second thought.

I hold up a finger in a way that suggests "wait a minute" as I tell my friend on the phone that I'll call him back later. But Marc isn't waiting; he moves across the room and unsnaps his jeans. I'm just hanging up the phone as he arrives before me and starts grinding his crotch in my face.

"Take it out and suck me."

Which I do. I lavish attention on his stiff meat and his low-hanging balls, alternating between sucking his dick and jerking it while I lick his balls. The entire time, he's instructing me, telling me when to lick his balls or to lick his dick or to suck just the head or to take it all the way down or to suck his balls or to rub his whole package in my face or swallow him deep, as he calls me cocksucker, faggot, queer, homo, dicklover.

When he's getting close, he reaches down and pulls my hands off him and positions my head at the best angle for him and starts pistoning his cock in and out. He places one hand on the top of my head and the other under my chin to give himself maximum control of me and just fucks away. I feel him start to cum, but he keeps thrusting, so that I feel a shot hose the back of my throat and then the next one lands on my tongue and then his dick pushes through the cum gathering in my mouth to deliver another load directly to my stomach. After about 5 or 6 shots, he pulls out, and some of the cum that's collected in my mouth dribbles down my chin and onto my shirt. He bangs his dick against my face a few times for good measure and then pulls up his pants and walks out without a word.

So that was Marc. And his roommate Greg was pretty similar.

Sometimes they would call down to my room and "invite" me to come up to their room on the fourth floor to give them blow jobs. And most of the time, I would go. (I was a student, after all, so sometimes I would put school before cock and stay in and study. But not often.)

Danny and I played quite a bit of ping pong over the next few weeks. We both liked it as a way to take a break from school. And pretty much now we always played for something.

There were a few more bets where the bet was I would do some kind of chore for Danny if he won (laundry, getting him things from the convenience store, etc.) and I would get to do something a little extra for me in our sex games if I won (see him totally naked, get to request that he let me blow him once whenever I wanted to, etc.) Truth be told, the benefits to me were pretty small, but I was still having fun.

And even though he won a lot, he didn't always win. Once I won when the prize was getting to towel him off after his shower and then blow him while he was naked. (You can bet he was extremely dry after I finished toweling him off. But because he got off on withholding and making me want him, he made sure my bare hands never touched him the whole time.)

It was a couple of weeks later when I ran into him outside our dorm, both of us on our way back from classes. "Hey, Luke" he said. "Got a lot of studying to do tonight?"

"Yeah. I got a calc exam coming up."

"Wanna get in a game before we start?" and he shot me that devilish grin.

"Sure," I said, and we turned and headed for the student union.

"What should we play for today?" he asked, I think more to himself than to me. He pretty much came up with all the wagers.

He had won the last four times in a row, and so I'd been doing his laundry and making his bed and tidying up his half of the room for about two weeks. I wasn't really interested in that going on any further, and to my surprise he had a different idea.

"Tell you what," he said, "since you've been on such a losing streak maybe I'll throw you a bone this time." He smiled, pleased at himself for his pun. "If you win, I'll give you a "Give a blow job free" card"--this was his shorthand for saying I'd get to blow him at a time of my choosing, and he couldn't refuse--"but if I win, I get an hour of your time as my sex toy tonight."

This was unusual. He had never suggested sex as the prize if HE won. "Sounds good," I said.

"Great. But it's my hour, got it? Whatever I say, you do."

I paused. And then nodded.

We had to wait a few minutes for a table, and then started playing. It was pretty close for while, and then he pulled ahead. But when he was only a few points from victory I started to come back, and scored 6 points in a row.

It was 18-18. Danny was serving. I thought I might take him this time. He got the next three points in a row, and just like that, it was over.

"Too bad, cocksucker," he said. He picked up his book bag and started to head off. "I'm going to go study. I'll take my hour tonight at 11:00. See you then."

At a few minutes before 11, he came in. I was doing some reading, when I wasn't wondering how I'd be spending that hour. (Which was most of the time.) It had kept me semi-hard most of the night.

"Hey, faggot, you ready to service me for an hour?" Danny said as he sat down and pulled off his running shoes and socks.

"Yes," I replied.

He reached into his book bag and took out a book. Then he pulled off his jeans and underwear and sat on the edge of his bed. I was mystified.

"Okay, it's 11:00. Let's start the clock. Get down on the floor."

I got down on the floor near his feet.

"Good. Now I want you to lick my balls for an hour. That's it."

I just looked up at him, not sure how to respond to what struck me as a curious request. "And don't screw up, or we restart the clock, got it?" I nodded. Danny looked down at me and when I didn't do or say anything for a moment, he said, "well, what the fuck are you waiting for, faggot, lick my balls."

And so I moved in closer and began to lick Danny's balls. They were large and luscious and I always liked licking and sucking them. The way he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs spread wide I could get in and all around. They smelled and tasted great, clean and smelling of a jock stud, with just the faintest touch of cock-sweat.

I licked all around his ball sac, switching from one to another. His dick had grown hard up above me, and he started reading his book. I pulled one of his balls into my mouth and began sucking on it.

Danny lifted up suddenly. "No, faggot. I said lick, not suck. You may lick my balls only. Understand?"

"Yes," I said.

"Okay, resume. And don't mess up again."

And so I just kept licking his balls. After about 10 or 15 minutes of this, my tongue started to get tired, and I took a short break, nuzzling his balls with my nose.

Again, Danny lifted up and this time reached down and pulled my head back to look up at him.

"You stopped," he said.

"Just for a second."

"I don't fucking care how long it is. I said lick my balls. Okay, well, you screwed up so we restart the clock." He checked his watch. "It's 11:15, which means now you lick until 12:15. Now get to it."

Resigned to my fate, I dropped back under him and resumed my ball-licking.

And this time I took no breaks. His dick got hard, and I could see it bouncing in the air above my head while I licked below it. Every couple of minutes Danny would grab his cock and give it a yank or two. After a while, I could see a drop of pre-cum glistening on the end of it. Every now and then it would bang against my forehead. And I desperately wanted to have that dick in my mouth. Needed to have it there. At least to touch it with my tongue, to taste it. Incapable of resisting, I licked up from the fleshy part between his nuts and kept going up the underside of his hard, delicious dick.

"No, no, no" Danny said, pulling his crotch up and out of my tongue's reach. "Balls only. I said balls only. Well, we have to restart the clock. Let's see, it's 11:40. So you can now lick my balls until 12:40."

I despaired. I don't think I was capable of another whole hour of it. "Danny," I started to say but trailed off.

He didn't even bother to say it. He knew I would do it. And so he sat back down, and I reached under his crotch with my tongue, and licked at his fucking stud balls.

I wondered how I would get the big load that was no doubt churning in those orbs I lavished so much attention on. In the mouth, on the face, down the throat, on my tongue? I'm sure he had some great plan.

The next hour passed incredibly slowly. Eventually, the numbness in my tongue and jaw stopped even bothering me. The only thing I could comprehend was that Danny's beautiful hard dick was inches away from my face, and I couldn't touch it. It was torture. And it made my own balls ache from the burning desire to unload myself.

Finally, finally, Danny stood up. "12:40. Time's up."

He stood there, with his hard dick hanging out in front of him, and so I moved it to grab it. He stepped back at once. "No way, queer. That's it. You licked my balls for an hour. And that's it."

I was flabbergasted, and not thinking clearly. Could that really be it? How could he not need to come?

Danny was pulling up his underwear. "And no jerking off for you either, got it?"

I stood, flexed my jaw. It ached. Without a word, I started to head out.

"Where are you going?" Danny demanded.

"I gotta take a piss," I said, and walked out. There was no one around. In the bathroom, I stopped before the mirror and looked at my tongue. Surprisingly, it looked normal. The door opened and Danny walked in, wearing just his underwear.

I headed for a stall. And then he grabbed my shoulder. "I thought you had to take a piss. Where you goin'?" he demanded, and pointed to the urinal.

So I stood at the urinal and emptied my bladder. What the fuck? It was only after I was walking back to the room that I realized that he was stopping me from going into the stall and jerking off. When I got back to the room I stripped to my underwear, flicked off the light, and got in bed. There was no way I could survive not cumming after all that. Danny was going to brush his teeth, and I knew it would only take me a few seconds, so I grabbed my dick and started jerking furiously.

But the door flew open and on came the light. I rolled to my side, but not before Danny saw the tent in the sheet at my crotch. I lay there, looking at the wall, hoping he would just let it go so I could masturbate after he fell asleep.

It was not to be. After a very short while, Danny climbed up on bed. I reached up to fend him off, but that only made it even easier for him to grab my hands and pull them tight above my head. He pressed my wrists down into the mattress behind my head with one hand, and using his weight to hold me down, I felt him wrap a soft fabric around my wrists. He was big and fast and clever and strong, and even if I'd wanted to stop him (which I didn't) I couldn't have. In a matter of seconds he had bound my wrists together and then tied me to the bed post, stretching my arms tight. He must have grabbed a couple of ties out of the closet before he climbed on top of me.

He pulled off me and yanked off the sheet, and then sat on my legs, which he proceeded to bind together and to the bed with another tie.

Then he stood and looked down at me, stretched tight and unable to move. And with a huge boner. "Don't need to see that," he said as he draped the sheet over me. Then he reached down and pulled off his underwear. "You need to learn how to follow directions better. I told you to lick my balls for an hour, but you kept messing up. Then I tell you not to jerk off, and I come in here and you've got a hard-on. Let's see if you can manage to follow a simple direction. I want you to lick my balls for another half-hour. Got it?"

Danny climbed on the bad and straddled my chest. There is no way I could take that. But I looked up at him, peering down at me intently, his muscled torso rising above me, covered by just a thin T-shirt. And when I did I knew I would do what he wanted. "Stick out your tongue, faggot," Danny said. I did. And he dropped his ballsac right onto it.

I licked away at his balls as the minutes ticked by slowly. By this point my dick was so hard it was close to bursting. Danny's cock floated in the air over my face, but he was careful to keep it a few inches above me so it didn't make contact.

After a while he said, "Nice job, ball-licker. You did it this time." I was in a bit of a daze at that point and didn't realize how much time had passed. It could have been a half-hour or 10 hours or 5 minutes. The pull of the rope on my arms and legs was strong and just lying there under Danny and his crotch had kept me mesmerized and almost in a trance.

"I'm going to give you a treat, faggot," Danny said. "Just keep licking those big balls." He started vigorously jerking his cock.

After a few minutes of this, his breathing started to get heavy and then his cock started to erupt. Cum flew from its tip. passing over my face in great spurts. He pulled his balls away from my mouth and shot several more shots, these hitting me in the hair and forehead. After about 7 or 8 shots he still had a couple more, that had less velocity and hit me on the forehead or my upper cheek just below my eye. Then Danny pulled his cock tight, dragging out the last bit of cum. He shook his dick hard to get it off, and it landed in a strand across my face.

"Whew!" Danny said, sitting back on my chest. "Hey, it's been a while since you slept with a load of my cum on your face, huh?" I nodded. "Well, I'm gonna let you do it tonight." He peered over my head and behind me. "Although it looks like most of that jism went over your head and into your hair. Well, here, just so you know it's there." And he used his still slightly hard cock to pick up some cum from my forehead, and wiped it just on my upper lip. Then he picked up another drop and pushed it into my nose with the tip of his dick.

Immediately my nostrils filled with the strong unmistakeable scent of his fresh cum. If I had not been tied, I would have been unable to stop myself from grabbing my cock and jerking myself like mad. I had to come, no matter the consequences.

But Danny just climbed up off the bed and smiled a wicked grin. "Good night, cumboy," he said, as he turned out the light and climbed into his own bed.

I was sitting alone in my room a few days later when the phone rang. It was Marc.

"Hey," he said. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Listening to some music"

"You hungry?"

"No, I had lunch a little while ago?"

Marc laughed. "Not that kind of hungry, cocksucker. You know what I mean."

"Oh, right. yeah, sure I am."

"Then get up here, will ya? I wanna blow a load before I start studying."

I made my way up to his room. He was alone, lounging on his bed, a book open in front of him. He was wearing a jeans and a gray short sleeve shirt made out of some kind of stretch material, and it clung to his hard, muscular chest, profiling his wide shoulders and firm pecs. He looked delicious.

"Hey, homo," Marc said. "I don't feel like studying, I'm too horny."

"Well, I can take care of that," I said.

He tossed the book to the side and clasped his hands behind his head, which pulled his shirt up slightly and exposed a thin band of his hard stomach. I just stood for a minute, savoring the beautiful view and feeling my cock get stiff. He laughed a little, watching me lose myself in the look of him. Then he said, "eat it."

I hunkered down on the bed and moved my face into his crotch. I rubbed my face against the denim of his jeans, thinking about the hard hunk of meat that lay underneath. My hands moved up his torso and I slipped my fingers under his shirt and began to caress his abs and move up to his pecs. I rubbed all over his studly chest while sliding my face against his hardening crotch. After a minute or so, I looked up at him and smiled, murmuring, "I love your body."

"Oh, yeah?" he said, grabbing my wrists hard and moving my hands to his belt. "Who the fuck cares, you stupid faggot? Shut up and blow me."

I undid his jeans and slid them and his underwear down slightly, and then swallowed his dick. This time, he mostly lay back passively while I blew him. After several minutes of my sucking on him, he reached down and placed his big hand against my forehead. Then he pushed hard, forcing me off his dick. He pulled back his right leg and placed his foot against my shoulder. Then he pushed hard again, saying "Get on the floor."

My body jerked back and I fell down onto the floor. Marc stood, his cock hanging out of his opened jeans. "Get up on your knees, cocksucker, so I can fuck your faggot face." I got up on my knees and Marc immediately began a swift face-fuck. This went on for several minutes. He took hold of his cock with one hand and started jerking it, while he placed the other hand on the back of my head. He would pull my head into his crotch with one hand, while the other hand yanked on his dick and kept banging against my face as he pushed his dick into my mouth.

"Suck it, homo, yeah, suck it," he said. Until finally he stopped pulling my head and grabbed a fistful of hair instead, holding my head steady while with his other hand he started jerking off furiously, and then dumping a giant load of my cum in his face. He shot 4 or 5 big spurts, followed by a couple of weaker shots. When he was done, I had cum all over both cheeks, across my nose and on my forehead. I could feel it dripping down my face.

Marc sat back down on the bed. I started to get up but he held up his hand. "No, stay on your knees. I may want another blow job." I waited patiently. Marc looked over at me. "You like having cum on your face?"

I nodded.

"Let me see you eat some." I opened my mouth and reached out with my tongue, pulling in some of the cum that was lingering on my upper lip. "You like the way my cum tasted, faggot?"

"Yes," I said. "Your cum tastes great."

"Of course it does," he said. Then the phone rang. "Don't move," Marc said as he reached for the phone. "Hello? Hey, what's up? Yeah, he is here. Came by looking to suck some dick. I just blew a load all over his cocksucker face." Marc laughed as he looked at me. Then, laughing harder into the phone: "yeah, that'd be great. I'll send him down." He hung up.

"That was Danny," he said to me. "He said he wants to see how you look with a load of my cum on your face. Go down there now and show it to him."

I shook my head. "I'm not going out like this."

"Yes, you are, faggot, if Danny and I say you are. Or Danny said you can sleep in the hall tonight."

"I don't care, it's the middle of the day. Someone will see me."

"So what? Just do it. Danny'll be pissed if you don't. Plus he said if you do, he'll give you a present."

I didn't know what that meant, but I believed it. And presents from Danny could definitely take a very desirable form. It was the middle of the day, most people were at class, so I figured what the hell. I stood.

"See ya, faggot," Marc said.

I opened the door just a crack and looked around. The hall was empty. Luckily, Marc and Greg's room was right next to the stairs, so if I made it down the stairs with no one seeing me, I could probably get to the room okay. I took off.

The stairwell was empty, and I flew down those stairs. At the first floor, I opened the door gingerly, but again no one was there. So down the hall I went to our room, at the end. The door was locked, and I sweated nervously as I extracted my keys from my pocket and unlocked it. But in the end, I made it.

Danny was sitting at his desk. "Hey, cumface. Let's see."

I walked over to him and he inspected my face. "Lot of cum you got there, faggot. Want some more?"

"Yes, please," I said.

Danny stood and I didn't move. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him. "What about my present?" I asked him.

"What present?"

"Marc said you would give me a present if I did it," I said, uncertainly.

"Ha! Marc made that up. And, anyway, a faceload of cum is your present," he answered.

I felt cheated, but got down on the floor and blew him anyway. It was a nice blowjob, and at the end he did dump a nice big juicy load of cum on me.


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