
By itsaslave slave 640

Published on Aug 15, 2012


Danvers Part Three - written with the kind encouragement of Matthew Kernowski itsaslave@hotmail.com with acknowledgements to Matthew Kernowski (mattie2316@yahoo.com)

Matthew Kernowski is telling the story of a 'slave to the lash' from the point ofview of the slave Matthew who was just nineteen years old when he was soldat the slave market. However this slave has been fascinated by Ed Danvers who purchasedMatthew to join the forty odd slave on the huge ranch that was, at least fornow, under His management. So how does the same story looks from the point of view of Ed Danvers.

Danvers had purchased Matthew and had him chained next to Ben, an experienced slave, behind the wagon for six mile journey to His ranch.

Before they left, Danvers had come up and stood close behind Matthew. craning His head over Matthew's shoulder so that the rough bristles from His unshaven chin rubbed against the smooth bare flesh of Matthew's shoulder. Danvers, thinking of the $5,300 that He had just paid for Matthew, whispered, "You'd better be worth every cent, boy!"

With that said, Danvers and his two henchmen climbed up onto the wagon and started out with the two slaves in tow.

From experience, Danvers knew that this six mile journey would be a start to the process of breaking Matthew in - the sun beating down on his naked body already basted with goosefat from the preparations for the auction and the road's rocky surface making those tender feet raw and painful.

It had been some years since He had picked Ben up from the chosen rendezvous and brought him back to the ranch in the same way beside the experienced slave whom Ben replaced and who was therefore to be crucified. Ben's feet had been toughened over the intervening years and the hardened skin protected his feet from the punishment that Matthew was now suffering and that Ben had suffered too on His first day.

As instructed by Danvers, Ben then opened a conversation. "It gets easier," Ben assured him. Matthew was astonished Ben had spoken to him but imagined that Danvers or his men wouldn't be able to hear them over the sound of the horses' hooves. As Danvers expected, Matthew seized the opportunity to introduce himself once again.


"I'm Ben," he replied - knowing only too well the trepidation Matthew was feeling right now - there was little he could do to reassure him about the beatings he would receive but he did warn him to prepare for anything, suggesting that Danvers could be very unpredictable especially when it came to new slaves.

Ben knew that Danvers might stop the wagon halfway through the journey home to have a little fun with his newly acquired slave. This usually involved raping and whipping the new boy. Ben was certain that, before this day was over, Matthew would be getting fucked in the arse by Danvers as He took physical possession of His new slave.

"Do the whippings ever get easier?" Matthew asked. Ben thought about this for a moment before he replied. "Only when the Master gets himself a new slave. The whippings never get any easier but they do become less frequent." Ben knew that Danvers required him to be completely honest with Matthew, and not to try and sugar-coat the situation when asked a direct question.

Danvers imagined that Matthew would ask about the metalwork that Ben was wearing and He was right. After the next half mile or so, Matthew broke the silence. "That ring through your cock, does it hurt?"

"It did when it was first fitted three years ago but the soreness doesn't last for very long... Three... maybe four days."

"It looks really uncomfortable."

"You soon get used to it."

"Can it be removed?" Matthew asked curiously.

"Short of cutting your dick off, no."

"And what about the cage?"

"Sometimes it's removed for sexual intercourse with the Master but other than that it's a permanent fixture."

Danvers might have been surprised by the impudence of the next question: "Are slaves ever allowed to have sex with each other?"

"Dear God, no. Such acts are punishable by death."


"One time, two slaves found a way to remove their chastity devices and engage in sexual activity. They were soon discovered and the Master immediately ordered their execution by way of molten lead poured over their genitals and into their anuses."

Danvers had made an exception for these two slaves from the usual crucifixion - interslave sexual activity had - in His view - desecrated them in terms of a proper sacrifice and the members that they had deployed, as well as the holes that each had penetrated, needed very special attention - the molten lead applied to each of the four areas made the point very graphically.

Allowing an experienced slave like Ben to tell Matthew such things was a good deterrent and the new slave was visibly shaken on hearing this, but Ben - conscious of Danvers' encouragement and of the possibility of either or both being interrogated about their conversation - continued anyway.

"That's when they started making us wear these." Ben said, pointing down toward a solid steel band around the shaft of his cock. Matthew hadn't really noticed it before because the chastity cage partially obstructed his view of Ben's manhood.

"What is it?" Matthew enquired.

"It's what they call a Kali's Teeth Bracelet that has internal sharp metal spikes which basically stop the wearer from becoming aroused and getting an erection."

"And all slaves are fitted with one of those?"

"Yes, you'll be fitted with the same chastity devices."

Danvers could imagine that Matthew was looking at Ben's body, at the scars and at the metal work and wondering what life was going to be like as His latest property. He had invested in a range of Kali's teeth bracelets and He could decide just how small the space would be through which the slave's cock must fit without the spikes beginning to press on and then into the cock. He might start Matthew on a generous fit but Ben was about to discover a much tighter one. Tonight, Danvers had already decided, Ben would have a tight bracelets close to his body round his cock and sac and a very tight one round his cock to ensure that any attempt at erection on his last night before crucifixion would drive his condemned cock into the spikes.

Danvers also thought of the scars on Ben's body and the tales that they told of his years under the lash. Thinking of Ben drove His thoughts back through the years in which He had whipped so many men, back to that very first time and the first man that He had whipped and scourged before seeing him crucified. Danvers thought of the painful progress - that first man had had no time for scars to form as they had on Ben's body - the whole cycle had been too rapid from decision to death.

On the remainder of the journey, Matthew would also be studying the scars on Ben's body, the patina of those years of His whippings and sometimes of His use of a cruel scourge.

It wasn't surprising that Matthew asked, "Does the punishment ever stop?"

"I won't lie to you, Matt, for the first year you'll experience some of the most intense tortures ever. Sometimes as a disciplinary measure, other times purely for the Master's pleasure."

"So, in a year's time my body will be as scarred as yours?"


Again it wasn't surprising that fear showed on Matthew's face. Ben attempted to offer him a little reassurance.

"The thing you need to do is emotionally disassociate yourself from your body."

"Your body belongs to Danvers, it's his property to do with whatever he desires. You are merely the spirit that carries that body around. Remember, the Master can beat your body but He cannot break your spirit... unless you let Him."

"But when does all this being a slave thing end?"

"It doesn't."

"But I've heard stories that slaves are only good for three or four years. Surely you must be near the end of your time as a slave?"

"I am. At the end of the month my life as a slave will be over."

"But I thought you said..." Matthew interrupted.

"Then I'll be crucified." Ben continued - after all Danvers had encouraged him to tell it how it was going to be and to leave Matthew under no illusions as to the new slave's longer term fate being the same as Ben's now short term fate.

Both Danvers and Ben knew in graphic detail what preparation for and actual crucifixion meant at the ranch - slaves were always there to witness a crucifixion and Danvers had been presiding at every one since His very first time.

Once a slave's time had come it was quite usual for Danvers' henchmen to be allowed pretty free rein with the condemned slave through the night before a crucifixion. And, on his last night, Ben would be in the henchmen's hands and raping him would be but one of the activities as they ostensibly guarded him and kept him fit for the following day's activities.

Danvers knew that Ben had learnt to accept the fact that he was a slave and that what lay ahead was inevitable. What Danvers was wrestling with was His own future, His own fate, His own atoning sacrifice.

Danvers thought of His henchmen. In the hours that followed, they would be raping Ben in almost every way imaginable. They knew that, so far as Danvers was concerned, it was open season for any slave due to be crucified the following day. They could do practically whatever they liked to him just so long as the condemned slave was left in a fit and conscious state to feel each part of the preparation and then to feel what it is like to be crucified. Most slaves didn't even try to put up a fight, Danvers expected that Ben, like the well trained slave that he was, would just let them do what they felt they had to do - offering it up as his penultimate sacrifice.

Danvers thought of the ritual preparations and wondered how much Ben was telling Matthew.

It was traditional for a slave's nipples, navel and testicular cords to be burnt through using four pairs of pincers heated to red heat and then applied in turn to each nipple, to the navel and then around the slave's ball sac - cooking his balls and severing his cords so that he would die a eunuch.

Apart from the cross, there was a rectangular wooden frame and, for the preparatory phase, the slave was spread eagled before the audience of slaves and henchmen in that frame ready for the red hot steel and then the scourge.

The condemned slave not only felt the heat burning his slave body but smelt the smoke rising from the burning flesh.

Once a slave had suffered those brandings, Danvers would use a scourge even more severe than His regular flesh-stripper, this one had been custom made so that each and every piece of metal and bone had been sharpened to a crude point, ensuring the whip would cut deep into the victim's flesh. Fish hook-type barbs had also been fashioned along the edges of the bone and metal so, just like the original version of the flesh-stripper, it would snag onto the skin of the recipient.

Of course, short of killing the slave before his crucifixion, Danvers had no hesitation in knocking the wind out of a slave and in tearing huge gashes across the body that now had so little time to be of use. Danvers also had no hesitation in going for a slave's burnt groin and attacking the balls as they died.

If one of the barbs caught a slave's sac - and they often did - He might rip off part of the slave's sac and expose one or even both balls to further attacks. Danvers could be as vicious with the scourge as He could be but He did want each slave conscious for a proper crucifixion. The last thing He wanted at this stage wanted was for a slave to die prematurely on the cross through blood loss.

itsaslave@hotmail.com with acknowledgements to Matthew Kernowski(mattie2316@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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