Dared to Kiss My Straight Friend

By Bennett Tan

Published on Jun 27, 2021


I was Dared to Kiss my Straight Friend - Part 3

Connor tried to act as if nothing changed, as if nothing happened but I could see in his eyes that he was really uncomfortable. I was every bit as uncomfortable as he was because I didn't expect the repercussions of what I did, and seeing him force himself to act normal around me broke my heart.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to stay as far away as I could from Connor. I also considered apologizing for doing what I did, but judging from his reactions, I knew that he didn't want to talk about it. At least not for now.

He asked me if I wanted to stay the night and to me, it seemed as if he just offered for courtesy and that he didn't really want me to stay over tonight. I wanted to give him space, and I didn't trust myself enough to spend one more second around him without bursting into tears so I politely declined and made up an excuse about having to go home to take care of something.

He opened his mouth but no words came out.

He was bent on walking me home, but I insisted that he didn't have to.

My chest felt too heavy to carry. I was depressed and I didn't have the energy to act otherwise so when Matias and Dean spotted me going inside the house, I didn't even bother looking at them. I trudged the steps towards my room as I closed the door behind me.

Everything felt so heavy. I crashed down on my bed while memories of what I did flashed in my mind. I did something so intimate with Connor, but the image of his uncomfortable, almost apprehensive face wouldn't escape my mind. I took advantage of his horniness and I released all of my inhibitions when I found out that he didn't hook up with Claire. Today, I crossed a line that I'll never be able to undo, and it might have cost me the friendship I treasured the most.

I let the warm and heavy tears fall from my eyes making their way to the bed.

Waking up, I felt even worse than I did when I cried myself to sleep. Connor hasn't left any messages. He would usually send stuff he found funny and I really needed that right now because I was going crazy thinking about him and what his thoughts were.

I sat on the edge of the bed looking ahead into the distance for a few seconds in an attempt to compose myself. I went downstairs after washing up and brushing my teeth and I saw Matias and Dean eating breakfast. I Joined them.

They told me to prepare for a game this afternoon because a few of their friends from another town visited for a game. Connor's probably gonna be there and I'm definitely not yet prepared to face him, so I didn't even have to consider.

"Hmm... sounds fun, but I kinda want to stay home all day today.", I casually said as I sipped on my morning coffee. They subtly looked at each other and decided not to pry any further.

I spent the next few hours keeping myself busy, trying to distract myself from looking at my phone every single minute to see if Connor's name would appear. I felt like crying. I really fucked up and he's probably so disgusted at me right now.

I was downcast the whole day. I regretted everything I ever did and I resented myself for doing it in the first place. If only I could turn back time, I would've stopped myself from giving in to my flesh and maybe I wouldn't be having this problem.

My dad was supposed to leave for work later tonight. He actually worked in another town where he stayed in a small apartment for the weekdays. He would leave on Sunday evenings and go back on Friday afternoons. It was tiring and depressing living alone, and I felt sorry that my Dad had to do it on a weekly basis.

I asked and begged him to let me come and stay with him for the week. I wanted to escape the scene for a few days to take a breather, but I also wanted to spend some time with my Dad.

He was skeptical at first because I never showed any interest in his work in the past but he eventually agreed when I told him that I just wanted to spend some time with him. I packed all the essential stuff and we went on our way later that night.

As we passed an arch indicating that we were leaving the town, I checked my phone for the last time. Aside from a few messages from my old friends back home, there weren't any other messages. I decided to deactivate my social media for the rest of my stay so that I didn't get distracted and depressed like I wasn't already.

Just like that, I disappeared for 4 whole days without any communication. My dad wasn't home during the day so I just sort of wandered around and kept myself busy, but whenever I was idle in the apartment, my mind would drift off to Connor and then I'd feel all depressed again.

I had fun though. My dad would always take me out to dinner and show me some fun places to pass time. I also made sure to buy a present for Dean because his birthday was coming up real soon.

We went home that Friday, and the house was pretty quiet when we arrived as the lights from the porch were already off. My mom welcomed us and prepared a scrumptious dinner for the both of us, then she told me that Matias and Dean were expecting me to follow them to the beach where Dean was celebrating his birthday with his close friends.

I lounged on the couch for a few minutes after dinner and I decided to reactivate my social media again. Sure enough, I was bombarded with countless messages from Dean and Matias. They were kind of mad when I didn't let them know about my little excursion, but the more recent messages were just about the birthday and how they wouldn't forgive me if I didn't come.

There were also a few messages from my friends, but the most recent one caught my eye and tugged at my heartstrings.

I had 5 unread messages from Connor.

Sunday, 3:37 PM:

"Hey, wru?"

Wednesday, 5:12 PM:

"When r u coming back Reigny"

he sent a photo of him smiling with our friends in the background. He looked so handsome, and I really missed him so much.

Friday, 8:55 AM:

"Hey. I miss you, buddy. When are you going home?"

Friday, 4:01 PM:

"Tell me you're coming to Dean's bday celeb ;("

I felt all warm and relieved from his sweet messages. I missed him dearly and I couldn't wait to see him so I packed my swimming clothes and I went on ahead.

As I reached the rocky entrance, I saw the light from the huts in the distance. As I approached them, Dean spotted me and everyone ran to me and tackled me down to the white sand. I felt giddy that they all missed me and I missed them all too.

I met Connor's eyes as he shoved everyone to make his way to me. He flashed a wide smile before grabbing me by my back and locking me in a tight bear hug. My face was buried in his chest and his addicting scent wafted in my nose, reminding me about everything that I tried to escape from. Fuck it. I mentally accepted that moving on would be impossible and that I'm just gonna have to learn how to live with these feelings somehow.

The night was really fun. We ate so much food, played some stupid games, and some of them were singing in the Karaoke, and of course, there were liquors too.

Connor was looking at me the entire time, and I could see that he really wanted to talk to me but I wasn't ready for confrontation yet so I sandwiched myself between Dean and Matias, slinging both my arms around them and using them as an excuse.

Eventually, they stripped into their swimming shorts to go for a night swim. There was an air-conditioned room at the far end of the beach where they stowed their valuables. We rented it for the night, and I stealthily ran there to change my clothes and to deposit my bag.

I was about to head back when the door swung open and Connor materialized in front of me with nothing on but his board shorts. I froze in my spot and my heart skipped a beat. He just stood there with a smile, and I already felt like I was afloat. I missed him so fucking much.

"Hey, Connor!", I said enthusiastically. He didn't respond. The silence was getting a bit awkward so I tried to head back to the others but he was blocking the door.

"You disappear for a week and all I get is a hey? Come here!", he said, pretending to be mad.

He hugged me tight and I sort of just surrendered myself to the hug, feeling as if all my strength was being sapped out of my body as we lingered in the position. The soothing feeling of his warm embrace triggered flashes of memories about what I did in my mind, and I felt as if I really had to talk to him about everything. My breathing became heavier by the second, eventually turning into sobs that I couldn't control.

He pulled away.

"Hey... Why are you crying?", he asked, concern evident in his deep hazelnut eyes.

"I'm sorry, Connor... I didn't mean to do any of that. I'm so fucking sorry!", I blurted out in between gasps of air as I kept apologizing.

He ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Why are you apologizing?", he asked.

I looked at him, confused by his reaction.

"It's not a big deal, Reign.", he tried to reassure me as he rubbed my back.

I was mad. I was annoyed that he didn't get mad and that he kept being the sweet and kind guy I always knew him to be. It didn't feel good. I wanted him to tell me what he really felt and I was just super frustrated that I managed to shove him away.

"Not a big deal? I sucked your fucking dick, Connor! That's not something guy friends ever do! Hit me. Punch me! Do whatever you have to do, but don't give me pity. I don't want you to act unbothered when I know that you're disgusted at me...", I said before my eyes ran like a faucet left unclosed. I wiped all the tears away, but Connor just stood there wearing the same stoic face he always sported.

After letting me recover from my sobs, he spoke.

"Hey...", he wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me to himself as he continued rubbing my back to console me. I hated him for that. He was able to melt all my anger with just a simple touch.

He pulled away a little, just enough so that our eyes met as I looked up at him.

"I'm really not mad, you know. Not even a little. I wish I was, so you'd feel better but I'm really not.", he said.

"Why? I don't understand.", I asked.

He searched for answers, obviously unsure about what to say.

"I don't know. I just didn't mind. In fact..." he paused and looked away. For a split second, I was sure that he was blushing.

"Nothing.", he dismissed. Our eyes meet once again and he smirked.

We laughed together. I felt better, believing everything he said. Maybe he was just really cool like that, and I was kind of beating myself up for no reason. We caught up and I was once again happy that everything went back to normal.

We eventually joined the others in the waters. We horsed around playfully while the others tried to play volleyball on the shallow level in the beach.

After a while, Connor subtly dragged me farther and farther away from the others by the shore, and I tugged him when the water level reached just a little above my navel.

He went back to me and we just kind of floated and looked at the stars. He wanted me to talk about how I spent my week. Nothing really exciting happened but I could feel that he really wanted to hear it.

As I was still talking, he casually swam behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. I stopped talking but he urged me to continue. My naked back was in direct contact with his chest and I was now out of focus.

I stopped talking after a while and we just kind of let ourselves get swept by the waves back and forth staying in that position. He rested his chin on my shoulder, and his scruffy aftershave beard tickled me slightly.

"Damn bud. I missed you.", he whispered. His breath tickled the side of my neck enough to make the hairs on my body rise.

"I missed you too, Connor.", I replied. He snuggled his nose in the crook of my neck and we were just there in silence for a while.

"I can't stop thinking about... you know.", he suddenly said.

I was confused and aroused at the same time. I have a vague idea of what he means but I wanted to make sure.

"About what?", I asked.

"You know... you sucking me off... like a pro.", he said. He laughed heartily which made me melt in his arms and my knees wobble.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know what came ov-"

"I want to fuck you...", he whispered, interrupting my apology.

To say that I was stunned doesn't even describe half of what I felt hearing him say that out of the blue. An inexplicable heat emanated from my stomach and spread throughout my body. I don't know if I heard him right or if my mind was just playing some sick game with me.

"That's not funny, Connor.", I said.

He laughed anyway.

"Sorry... Forget I said that.", he said. I could feel his bulge hitting my ass over and over as we were swept by the waves. I instinctually tried pressing it against his crotch subtly along with the waves, making his bulge lodge in the crevice of my butt.

His hug tightened. He started prodding his hard-on against my backside, eventually sliding his length up and down between it. I couldn't stifle the soft moans that came out of my mouth, urging him to start humping my back sensually at first, until his thrusts became firmer by the second. He moaned softly against the side of my neck.

My brain refused to process what was happening. I've been bracing myself over the past week for when he might be indifferent towards me out of disgust but here he was behind me, humping my back as if his life depended on it.

I looked over at my friends still playing by the shore, oblivious of what was happening.

Connor started planting soft and sensual kisses on my nape.

"Connor...", I called out, making it sound like a moan from my arousal.

"You like that?", he asked in a low baritone.

"Why are you doing this?", I asked.

"Hmm..." he kept trailing kisses along the side of my neck, working his way upwards until he reached my jaw.

He cupped my cheek and forced me to face him. Our eyes meet for a second, and I could see an amorous and almost feral look in his eyes.

"I don't know..."He kept looking at my lips, compelling me to bite it out of instinct.

He slowly leaned down until his lips were gently pressed against mine. It was magical. His soft, gentle, and wet lips lingered on mine for a while, making me feel like I was afloat.

He trapped my lower lip between his wet and plump ones, sucking and biting as he glided his tongue aggressively across the outline.

The kiss got deeper and more desperate when he prodded his tongue in my mouth. It swirled around mine for a while and then he playfully bit my lower lip while slowly pulling away, never once letting go of my eyes.

My heart was beating like crazy.

"Damn it.", he said as he continued lapping on my lips, kissing me harder and hungrier than ever. I was in ecstasy. My knees wobbled as I placed my hand on top of his.

"C-Connor -- haahh... you don't have to do this.", I said, short of breath.

He ignored me and got back to showering me with fleeting kisses on the side of my neck as he continued grinding his crotch against my backside. We've been away for too long and I was beginning to get worried that our friends might be too suspicious of us now, so I told him that we should head back.

Connor wasn't listening to me at all.

"Connor we have to go back. They'll notice.", I said.



He crashed his lips against mine, silencing my protests.

"I'll let you -- I'll let you fuck me if we go back.", I said, looking away from embarrassment. His eyes grew wide for a second.

"Seriously?" he asked.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, having second thoughts about what the hell I just said. I eventually nodded, and just like that, he was dragging me back to shore in quick and wide strides.

We went back quietly to the room and gathered our stuff. I took to the bathroom to shower and wash off the salty seawater on my body, and Connor kept on knocking on the door asking if he could join me.

His desperation made me laugh and horny at the same time, but I knew better than to fool around where we can easily be caught.

He took a brisk shower after I was finished with mine. He kept trying to undo my shorts but I told him that we couldn't do it here. We headed back to the hut and saw Matias and Dean eating and talking with everyone.

My hands were on my tummy, trying to fake a stomach ache as I approached, and telling them that I had to go home. Matias offered to walk me home, but Connor interjected and told everyone that he'll take care of me.

They boys were pretty bummed about it, but when we were about to leave, my eyes met Matias's and he wore a devilish grin as if he knew what we were really up to. I looked away as I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

Connor practically dragged me to his house as fast as he could, and as we were entering his house, my heart rampaged in anticipation of what was going to happen.

He closed the door to his room and gently pressed my back against it, his hand caressing my chest as his other one cupped the back of my head and pulled me towards him. He was hungry, and I was still in disbelief that this was all happening.

He cupped my butt with both of his hands as he lifted me off the ground and into the air. His bulge prodded my asshole and I couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips. He smirked.

He walked towards the bed and he threw me in it on my back, towering in front of me and looking at me like a predator to a prey. He swiftly stripped his shirt off and his chiseled body glistened in the moonlight. His eyes looked foreign, it was as if he's a different person from the goofy one I always knew.

He slowly crawled on top of me and my chest was uncontrollably heaving from anticipation. His face hovered inches above mine. He looked so incredibly handsome that my chest began to physically hurt. I am so fucking in love with this man.

The way he looked at me made my legs shake. I thanked the heavens that I was laying down, because I'd definitely collapse if I was standing.

"Are you sure about this, Connor?", I asked.

He silenced me by pressing his thumb against my lips. He traced the outline of my lips with it then he penetrated my mouth, forcing me to suck his finger sensually while maintaining eye contact.

His eyes were colonised with animalistic lust as he stared me down enough to scare the living shit out of anyone. If I wasn't as horned up as I was now, I'd probably be scared.

He captured my lips aggressively. He suckled and bit it a little harder than necessary, and I was afraid that it would bruise but it just furthered my lust. He dragged his lips along the length of my neck, sucking and biting at every stop.

His body was squeezing me against the bed, and I could feel his throbbing dick poking my leg and begging for attention.

He pulled away and stood back up. He began undoing the strings of his board shorts, pulling it down and revealing his beautiful massive cock, pointing angrily to the ceiling. I'll never not be amazed by the beautiful sight.

I bit my lip and he smirked when our eyes met.

"Like what you're seeing?", he teased. I nodded submissively.

He grabbed the waistband of my shorts, skillfully stripping it down and letting it drop to my ankles. He bent down to kiss me gently before he grabbed the back of my knees and pushed it towards my shoulders, bending me in half and exposing my asshole to the cold atmosphere.

I was startled and I gasped when I felt Connor's wet and slick tongue swirled around the circumference of my entrance. He was gentle at first but he became more and more aggressive until I felt him penetrate me.

His skilled tongue probed my ass as deep as he could, stretching the walls with fervor as my nerves drove me crazy from the wild sensation.

He was so absorbed with eating me out that he kept moaning into me and the vibration of his grunts added to the sensation in my ass.

After a while, he reached for something on the night stand that looked like lube and he started coating my ass and his finger with it. He penetrated me with one finger, holding my eyes and smirking at my arousal.

He started fucking me with his finger. The lube eased its penetration.

As he noticed that I had adjusted, he added another finger. It was only when he added the third one when I felt the expanding pressure, especially since he would spread his fingers wide when he was completely inside me. It was uncomfortable to say the least.

After a while, the discomfort slowly turned into pleasure. I bit my lip to suppress the lewd sounds that kept escaping my mouth.

"Fuck... I can't wait anymore.", he said with impatience as he began to coat his dick with lube.

He climbed on the bed on his knees. He pulled two pillows from beside the headboard and he piled them together and lifted my back to elevate my ass better.

I felt the tip of his dick circling around my entrance, sloppily rubbing it up and down, and I couldn't stop moaning. I looked at Connor. Our eyes met. He looked at me passionately as I felt an intense pressure coming from my ass. He started penetrating me until his whole head made it inside.

I winced in pain. I felt like his thickness was too much for my tight ass.

"Sorry... I'll be gentler.", he reassured.

He bent down and hovered over me, propping both of his forearms beside my head as his eyes shifted from one of mine to the other. He started sliding his cock deeper very slowly, stretching the walls of my flesh beyond what it can take, but he was somehow able to alleviate the pain by showering me with his healing kisses.

It was painful beyond words. I eventually felt the soft tufts of his pubes tickle my balls as he was finally all the way in.

"You're a champ.", he encouraged, as his thick dick was now lodged in the deepest parts of my ass.

We made out for a while, and he was kind enough to let me get used to accommodating his massive dick in my ass before I nudged him and gave him the signal to move.

"Connor.", I called.

"Yeah?", he answered.

"Fuck me... please.", I begged. He swallowed visibly and I felt his dick throb wildly inside me.

"Hey, stop that...", he laughed.

"Connor please! I want you to destroy me so fucking bad...", I continued to beg, biting my lip to let him know how turned on I am.

Almost immediately, his expression changed and he started pulling his dick out until only about half of him was in. He slowly plowed his way back in until he was once again balls deep inside me.

I reflexively grabbed his back and inadvertently clawed through his skin when he hit a spot in my ass that instantly made me erupt loads of cum onto my stomach.

I was a moaning mess.

Connor started slow-fucking me, pushing me to the brink of insanity as he kept on hitting that same spot every time he shoved his thick member all the way inside of me. His eyes were closed and he was letting out the sexiest grunts and moans that were music to my ears.

He started picking up the pace of his thrusts. I grabbed the back of his neck with both of my hands as I pulled his face towards mine, locking our lips in a sensual kiss as he continued plowing my ass in deep and steady motions.

I was extremely sensitive down there and I could practically feel every ridge and every vein of his dick as he aggressively fucked me. He kept on speeding up until he was fucking me as fast as humanly possible, hitting my prostate and making me unload yet another batch of cum onto my stomach.

Our eyes connected, and he held it passionately as he continued fucking me like a machine.

"Connor, I..." I wanted to say the words so bad but I didn't want to freak him out. Tears fell from my eyes. He wiped them away with his gentle fingers.

"Shhh, I know...", he whispered as he leaned down, sealing my mouth with a kiss.

"Fuuuck!!", he exclaimed as his moans started to sound deeper and longer. It almost sounded like a growl.

He buried his face on the side of my neck, sucking and biting on the skin hard.

"Haaahh.. Reign-- I'm cumming!", he whispered.

After one last deep thrust, I felt his dickhead enlarge inside me and I was enveloped with the feeling of warmth when he shot ropes and ropes of his cum inside me. He would pull out slightly and rapidly torpedo back inside as he shot thick spurts of his manly juice that coated me.

His load was so ample and powerful that I felt some of it dripping down the bed even as he was still completely inside me.

He kept his still-hard dick lodged in my me as he collapsed on top of me, panting from exhaustion, and tickling my neck from his hard breaths.

It was everything I imagined. It was perfect. I was so at peace that I felt myself get lulled to sleep by his warmth.

Next: Chapter 4

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